Hot night in Bangkok

Many years ago I was a young soldier on a pass in SE Asia. I arrived in Bangkok and was walking Pig Alley stopping for drinks in a few bars where the dancers were topless and circulated the bar between sets offering sex for hire> I was not very experienced but saw this very young looking girl with tiny tits and long nipples approaching me. She was very petit ans when she asked me to go upstairs I could not resist. We were making out on a narrow bed and I had kissed her and was aroused as my hands swept over her smooth skin. I was sliding down kissing her neck and chest and homed in on those incredible nipples. Her breathing became rapid and I kept sliding down licking her navel and rubbing my chin on the beginning of her smooth belly. I started to peel down her panties when out popped a smooth slim 4 inch cock. I was so turned on at that time that I jest slid her cock into my mouth ands started sucking it. She spun around and started sucking my cock and I began playing with her boy pussy. She came in my mouth And I spit it out onto her rosebud as lube and then slid my cock home. She was so tight and it felt so good burying my cock deep inside her. After I cam she sucked my cock clean and I left happy and satisfied even though I had no bi tendencies but had sucked a cock.
Publicado por phillymark
há 3 anos
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Very nice story made my cock get hard.
This is a fantasy of mine......
I have a somewhat similar SE Asia story myself..... a soldier looking to get his rocks off....
Nice surprise ?