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Comece uma Semana Gratuita de Pornhub PremiumIn Life it is imperative to separate confidence and Arrogance. To me, Confidence is a true individual power that comes from knowing yourself, acting in the moment, making mistakes but growing, living fearless, only to fall hard but get back up again with new found determination and conviction. The later reeks of fear, insecurities, judgement, ridicule, selfishness, weakness and transparency, creating a false 'you'. One life, one opportunity to be optimistic . So, use your alone time to connect with 'you'. My eyes see that many, band together to form a 'majority" led by Arrogance and some unfortunately admire it and then become it... well it isn't real. Do not be swayed, bullied or pressured into losing yourself for nothing. Follow your instincts, surround yourself with kindness, truth and real passionate confidence. this is real power, this is life -Jesse LEE
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