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The Wetflix Journal (Entry #5: Wetflix Cancelled)

Due to Pornhub's new bullshit policy, all of my videos and pictures are now gone. They took it all down without warning. I never thought that the site that I supported and loved, would fuck me over like this. And I know I'm not the only one who has been effected by this. But due to me losing all of my content (that means all my PMV's), it looks like this is the end of the road everybody. I'd like to thank each and every one of you for the of support you've shown me. All the likes, all the comments, adding my videos to your playlists, everything. This is Wetflix. Signing off.
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The Wetflix Journal (Entry #4: Storylines Revisited)

What is going on in my brand new pmv THE HEART? Pornstarboy and the stripper that the last Man in Black in PUSSY MONSTER have went to the planet Ethia. Ethia is the home planet of the Sextraterrestrials. Not only does Pornstarboy use his powers to destroy the entire planet, he also gets ahold of The Heart of Lust. The Heart of Lust will give him the power of the Sex Gods. The stripper got crushed by the debris of the planet. With all the Sextraterrestrials now dead, Pornstarboy left his human form while driving his car off a cliff and took a new form in the Cosmos. Stay tuned for the final installment!
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The Wetflix Journal (Entry #3: DMCA Returns)

This is just a heads up that another one of my PMVs has been taken down because of DMCA. It was A VERY WETFLIX CHRISTMAS (one of my Christmas PMVs). So I'm sorry for any of you who enjoyed that video but it's gone forever now.
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The Wetflix Journal (Entry #2: Storylines)

SPOILER ALERT! If you haven't watched PUSSY MONSTER, do not read this! If you have, than you now know that my IN THE NIGHT pmv is in the same universe as my I FEEL IT CUMMING pmv, and the other sequel pmv's that came after I FEEL IT CUMMING (PORNSTARBOY, TELL YOUR FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS). A lot was being said in PUSSY MONSTER, so I feel like I needed to come on here and explain.
The strippers at the Men in Black's secret base, ended up all of the Men in Black there (IN THE NIGHT). But one got away. That Man in Black, tried to Pornstarboy (who has been hunting down the Sextraterrestrials). But one of the strippers, shot down the last Man in Black, and now her and Pornstarboy are working together to track down the Sextraterrestrials and them. The end is near. Stay tuned.
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The Wetflix Journal (Entry #1)

My PMV "Fancy" was removed for some DMCA reason? It's happened before with other PMV's of mine. So if a PMV of mine ever disappears, just now that I never deleted the video or videos. It was just due to this DMCA reason that came out of nowhere.
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