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desbloqueou um novo feito: "The Scribe"
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "The Duke"
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "The Squire"
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buh bye

well it's time to move on.
those who have my msn and/or yahoo.. message me XXX susann will leave the building.

done with the drama..done with the loosing my job for ppl only to get chewed on and spit out.

have a nice day.
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4 anos atrás
Never forget those moments, back in the days when MSN is taking over everything. later now, have a nice day.
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now for something new!!!!


have a nice day 😜
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ok am off to bed.. leave em if you got em ^^
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well that sucks...i also keep haveing 1 message in my inbox...i went thrue all of em..and still 1 message in box.. it's driving me nuts.
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is anyone els having problems with there inboxes??
i have 1 message in there..and yet i can seem to find who pmed me that 1 thing.. cause i go thrue all my pm's..and i see now new messages....PH...are you sick??
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i am a huge fan of stories.
fantasy..realety..sexual ones macigal ones..tale of folklore and saga's.

i collect them even and right now i have about 500 difrent one's.
my fav's are all about avalon.for those who know what that is.lol.

but one story aways stood my by.
i heard this one a long long time ago..and it's the reason why we all look for something...atleast it is to me.

souls :

in the beginning there was eden,call it utopia...heaven..or anything you want.
but eden is all that and so much more.

everyone was happy..fullfilled by who they were and what they could do.
there were schollars..artists and all scores of life as we know it today.

the supreme beeing saw tho..that in all there happyness they lacked something. they lacked the passion he wanted for them so much.

on the night of the full moon when all were asleep,he devided every soul in 2.right in the middle.
both parts as one were complete..but devided..restless.because what the one half had to much of.. the other lacked and vice versa.

from that day forth...every soul..is looking for the other part of itself.

i kept it really short.the real story has 250 pages.
but in basis that is what the story is about.
and to me.. is a very viable explination of why we so badly want to belong to someone els...to be complete.
why sometimes you can instandly like someone..or even know them...or hate them.
where is the other part of you?
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ok going to bed.. leave em if you got em.. on the wall or in pm...we all know how it works ^^
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wel i am off to bed ^^
leave me a message.. or pm me ^^
you know the dril.
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nite nite all.. leave me a message.or a juicy pm ^^
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the hub reborn

the reason i am going to say this is because of starseeker's blog..but more importandly..the reactions to her blog.

i may only been here 5 monthes.and yes i been away a little.
but the things she sees.i see 2 and i know a lot of ppl who are actiave on here see it 2.

new ppl acting weird..no respect.all rules..this is all at the cost of the reson why we all came here.

to have fun!! ok ok and to watch insane amounts of that wich we all loce.. porn.
but seriously..what can we do about it?

look for a difrent playground?
make more rules?
try to be more tolerant?
i just don't know.

but i do know that if all the actieve ppl on here.. that know eachother..form 1 big group.we can sure as hell find a way to return the fun we all had/have on here.

and a personal note to starseeker: you always seem to have a kind word a listening ear..a smile for someone.
thank you for beeing an inspirational person.
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i am off to be ppl. muah.. bye bye
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opening lines

hello to all.

today..something new !!

i get maybe between 10 to 15 adds a day. ( yay for me)
of those adds..id i actually add 1 or 2 ppl it's a lot.

well..thats what i wanted to talk about.
what lines do you use..to get someone to add you?

i get lines like hey baby.
hey sweety..hey sexy...
wanna my msn=....you look hot add me!!
or plain simple nothing at all.
when i want to befriend someone.i leave a little message.nothing long.. just a simple hello..lets be friends really..its like a handshake in real.

so..tell me what lines u get the most..wich one is your fav one...and so on..i am eager to learn ^^

and just for the record.. saying things like hey baby..or hey sweety... just want me to shout at you..NO i am not your sweety..NO i am not your baby..NO i do not want your penis...yes i want to hurt you pretty darn bad right now.have a nice day ^^
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hello to all ^^

yes yes i am back...well less away then i have been.
first of all lemme say thanks to the ppl that kept messaging me ^^ i really apriciate it.

i been going thrue some rought times... yes yes.. don't worrie.. not gonna go into detail with it..or go all emo.although.....hhmm nah.

but i areth back now.

sooooo i figure i'll rant on a bit.
hhmm what i been thinking about recently..and been noticing.. just how many tv commersials are with woman..or about woman...that have the figure of a model.

now i know.. sales are higher with a model then with just a girl off the street.but..c'mon.
barely dressed huge titted blond woman....yeah like i would buy a house or a car from someone who replaced her brain with 2 floatation devices...

it's really mindboggeling tho.
woman are conditioned into believing we need to look like a model to be succesfull have the life we want...or even get the right guy/girl...just by looking like a model.
wich in this day and age is XXX when you add all the obesitas counts from all over the world..60% of the entire world population is overweight.

now ofcours..apearances do matter..and you just can't help being atrackted to that one XXX of looks.we all know that.. were all adults.
i got asked... who would you talk to..and who would you turn down if you were in a bar..and a nerd walkes up to you.. and a male model walks up to you. yes i said the male model would prob have the upperhand..

but in time.looks fade.. and personalety stay's.
the mindboggeling part is...why do we woman have the indoctrinated idea.. we have to look like barbie...to get noticed..or beeing made to believe the world is a better place if you look like that?

be real.. if the whole world was in actuallety a beer commercial...filled with XXX sports and hot girls..don't you think those girls would go with the hot guy's instead of the guy looking like a sack of salt...

also..this goes for all men 2.. yes yes..even they are now conforming to what the media makes belive all woman want.. a 6 pack...bronzed body.
ok it's one thing to keep your body in shape.. we all should.
but why in the name of all thats holy..should we all turn into copies of what the media makes us believe we all want?

whats next? divorces because hey babe.. you lost that thight body of yours.. and the beerlady there has it.so bye bye...or sorry hun.. but that guy there has better hair then you..it's been fun bye bye.
is that really where we are headding?

the one thing that makes internet ideal to meet ppl.is that it is like sitting across from someone.. with your eye's closed.
you have to XXX to know eachother for who you are.

in the end.. we all don't want to be judged.why? easy..we'll all come up XXX simply..no one is perfect...but we are perfeckt for someone out there.she/he may not be perfect..or have the best body..or the best personalety.but there perfect XXX they are themselfs.

well thats it for today..happy reading.
and if your made it this far.. wow.. my compliments.

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openminded flirty sexual cheery.i think those describe me best. please please please guy,s atleast have a pic in your profile..and not a completly blank one.i took the time to fill in my basic info..i am sure u can pull yourself away from yourself long enough to fill it in :P if i sound kinda Bitchy..then thats you problem :P

Última sessão:
14 anos atrás
Estado de Relacionamento:
Rapazes e Moças
Cidade natal:
planner for securety agency
Interesses e hobbies:
anything intresting thats worth my time. ok GUY'S. aparently it's needed on here to tell you that 1 a "cock" pic is not a pic i was refering to.if i want to see that i am sure i could ask in a manner we would both enjoy. 2 i take the time to write a little something when i add someone so please..show you put some thought into adding me. 3yes you prob guessed it by now, i am kinda high maintenance..why?? cause i am worth it. and to the right ppl i am as easy as eating pie ^^
Música favorita:
anything rock metal goth blues and jazz.
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24 102
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