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Comece uma Semana Gratuita de Pornhub Premiumإستهدي بالله يا بنتي وقومي إقلعي :D Well, I'm ManWhore! was born in USA then my parents sent me to egypt which is their hometown because I'm openmind and that's bad thing for them, SEX is just like air and water or food, we need it to taste the greatest joy that our body can feel, YES I live in dumb country but I still can get it, Making Love with Wild or Tied Girl is one of great things in this life, Sex is not the only thing I think about though, I love kissing too.. lol, no seriously I love other stuff like movies, watching it or making it, I love music too specially relaxing music when Yoga or loud music when having fun or dancing like idiot, I have feelings too and I get in love, I get sad and depressed, I need hug more than sex sometimes, I'm trying to be the best I can be, and I care of my body and health, I adore my long hair.. it's okay to text me for friendship or something, people are not just sex tools!
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