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I'm considering showing my pussy and tits
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Can someone please entertain me?
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4 anos atrás
Hmu im horny
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Has anyone ever cum to my pictures and if so which ones?
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4 anos atrás
I'm jerking off to them right now I'll tell you when I cum srxy
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4 anos atrás
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Anyone want to roleplay with me?
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4 anos atrás
You are hot i lick you all you need
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Degradation is hot when done right please don't call me a fat pig over and over again till I want to die, that's just being an asshole. Also yes I'm retarded for all you people wondering, so like that's something too. Call me a little whore, big tired slut. Boobs and sex life are on the table so is my pussy if you so choose. Just please don't be overly cruel in some areas (weight, mental health, health in general, ect). So um yeah that's all I want to say on that, I'm emotionally fucked right now so sorry if this is weird and rambling.
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Spice up my quarantine please
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I'm bored
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4 anos atrás
Same, we should chat
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4 anos atrás
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If you want a specific video picture or whatever send me a message or comment, if you can send money for it that's great too but not necessary.
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4 anos atrás
Hit me up
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Just a rant

So, I'm a touch upset. I decided to hookup with a dom, enjoyed it, decided to keep talking to him, there was some serious chemistry there and I liked him. Then out of nowhere he asks me for five hundred dollars, for his car. I'm half this guy's age and a part timer. I don't have five hundred dollars for myself let alone anyone else, but I'm a sucker. I didn't really think people found me attractive and he validated me, and made me feel sexy. But I still protested because that's a lot of money for me. He begged and I finally caved and told him I'd try to find the money. I lied to people for this guy trying to get the money, then decided that was an awful way to go about it, so I told those people the truth and apologized. I never took a cent from anyone. Because of that situation though, I ended up in a bad situation I will probably never talk about. Anyway, he promises to give me back the money, two weeks, a month, just two more weeks, soon. And it's been about six months and I haven't seen a dime. So he's been asking to hookup again for the past couple of months, but deflects every time I ask him about the money, everytime I confronted him about it I got a response about how I would get it back soon but he didn't have it right now. He lives a decent distance away from me and I seriously can't afford the gas to go there, so hooking up costs me about twenty dollars in gas money. I don't have the money for that, I tell him and he tells me to come anyway over and over again. I feel stupid because I wanted to hookup again really bad but I was always either working or broke or both. So he tells me to come over today, I can't cause my parents have the cars. So we plan for later and to meet up half way, except that's not good enough for him suddenly and I need to go all the way to his place. I.Am.Broke. I can't afford the extra gas, I can hardly afford to get to the meeting place and back. So he's like "we never meet up I'm going to find myself a new slut" like he had been holding out for me or something, which I know isn't true. I decide to tell him why I don't ever make it to his place to hookup, and wowie wow it's all a joke to him. Being a dom does not give you the right to take someone's money, and expect someone's body. I really thought this guy was one of the good ones too. I held our first meeting in really high regards because he was one of the only people I've seen that made an effort to make me comfortable first.
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Something mysterious and sexy.
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