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I love black cock.
Jesus fucking christ I love black cock.
That is all...........
  • 7
9 anos atrás
Its not black but im sure it wont disappoint
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The Answers!

Alright boys and girls (: Here are all my answers to your questions! Sorry I haven't been on a lot, I've been quite busy with some drama in life. Oh well. Here they . What and where will your next tat be? I'm not sure! I've been so busy I haven't even been thinking about myself lately! 2. What percentage of profiles on Pornhub do you think are fake? Probably a very high percent! I'm not sure though. 3. What would your last meal be? Honestly, I'd have to say a pimento cheeseburger, my favorite guilty pleasure haha. 4. Dogs or cats? Both! Dogs for having fun, cats for just relaxing. 5. Are your glasses for sight or a fashion? Fashion of courseeee (: I have contacts however that I usually wear if I'm not too lazy! 1. what was the maximum of time (days) that you didn't washed you? Maximum of two days I'd say, I'm not sure! 2. what are your feelings/thoughts when you smell your own body odors like the smell of your sweat, your farts or your ? I really don't smell them very often haha, no idea! 3. did you ever let you lick your pussy by a dog or a cat or did you ever been fucked by an animal? Nooo! Ew! That's terrible! 4. would you like to try one of the practices in question 3 in future? Never ever never ever!!!! 5. ever the pee of your partner and/or would you do it in future? Noo... I'm pretty open to most things, but I think that's nasty! 1. how far can you go down on a dick during a blowjob? You'd be surprised (: 2. how long can you have intense sex? Hours! Like literally. 3. will you ever skype with someone (namely me)? Possibly if I ever get my damn webcam back! Haha 4. do you actually have fun on this site? I do! I really enjoy it. 5. if yes^ then what do you do to have fun? Watch porn!!!! And I also talk to people. I like having real conversations though! Not just about sex and stuff. 1. favorite position? Hmmm, I love doggie style, but I also like being in control! Not sure, I love it all (: 2. where do you like be cummed on? Well, I like to swallow the cum, even after being cummed on, so I'd say my tits! I also like feeling it on my face though, and I quite enjoy it inside. 3. do you like giving bjs? I dooo, I really like it a lot. Being able to please people without getting any physical pleasure is fun for me. I feel in control, and I just love it. 4. how often do you masterbate? Not very often, max of probably once or twice a week. 5. craziest sexual experience? Hahaha..... gangbang on top of a roof with 3 black guys! Lord have mercy... 1. Your video is so hot and sexy. Do you have plans for more? I do eventually! I've been busy, we'll see! 2. Do you like sex in public If so where is the riskiest place you have fucked? I love it! It's crazy. I did it in a bus station once haha. 3. Have you read the sexy story on my blog and what did you think of it? I have not read it! I'll read it in a little (: 4. How many times can you orgasm when making out? I've never had an orgasm while making out. 5. During foreplay would you sit on my face and let me tongue your clit till you cum? Hell yes I would! Oo, maybe you're the man I need tonight.. 1)would you cook me breakfast if i cook you dinner? Of course I would sweetie! 2)If you could be granted 3 wishes, what would they be, and why? That's a tough one! I'd, of course, wish for all the money I could ever need! I'd ask for a nice husband.. who wouldn't cheat on me.. who would love me.. and who would fuck the helllll out of me whenever I wanted. Anddddd I would want to be able to maintain a perfect body without any work! Why? Enough money so I wouldn't have to worry about stuff. A nice husband.. for obvious reasons. And I like having a fit body and stuff, but I hate having to maintain it! I'm the worst at that question haha. 3)Why do you think you are so beautiful? I honestly don't think I'm "so" beautiful! I've always been complimented and stuff throughout my life and well I just have a somewhat good amount of self-confidence! 4)Which are physical features you often get complimented on? Tattoos, eyes, and hair! 5)If you wrote a journal entry about our conversation, what would it say? I would never write a journal entry haha, so it'd say nothing! #truth 1. Do you like to play with your ass? You have the option to ask five questions and you only ask this one?! No, I don't like to play with it! Howeverrrrr, I don't mind taking it in the ass. what is the biggest dick you have ever put in your ass? I didn't get the chance to measure, and I don't think it all got in there, but I'd say around 7-8 inches! Hurt like a bitch. what is the most you have done with another girl? I've eaten out, madeout, and done a bit, just a bit, of strap-on stuff with other girls. It's kinda fun! And I've had threesomes and stuff like that with other girls. would you take more than one dick in your pussy or ass? I would take one in the ass and one in the pussy (and I have done that multiple times), I'm not sure about multiple in one whole though! That might be interesting. how many guys have you fucked? I have no idea. Too many I'd say! would you fuck me? Wellll, you have a nice cock! That's for sure. I don't know! Maybe (: 1) Would you swallow, have anal sex on a first date? I would swallow, I don't know about anal though! 2)What is the strangest think you've fucked yourself with? Probably a sharpie... haha... oh lord. 3)Would you fuck my ass with a strap on? Eh, not really into that! 4)Have you ever been gang banged, if so how many? I have! Just three guys. 5)Do you fantasise about being ? Nooo I do not. 1. do you have skype? I do! 2. will you ask me 5 questions? Possiblyyy, I don't really like asking questions though! 3. would you make a request pic/vid? Maybe maybe! 4. what do you like more vids or pics? Pictures probably. 5. how many times a week do you masturbate? Max of twice a week! What color are you toes? My toenails? They're not painted. Shaved? Of course, dear (: Where do you like a man to cum? Face or tits! Lick or be licked? A little of bothhhh! Can we meet? We'll see! 1.What makes you the horniest? That's hard to answer! I guess it all depends on the mood I'm in. 2.Do you like sucking cocks? I do (: 3.Which of my pics do u like the most? I like a lot of them... mmm... 4.do you want to sexy chat sometime? I'd love to. 5.how did you get so damn sexy? Awwww haha (: When u plan on maybe posting another one of those sexxy video clips dancing? When I get a webcam! Have you ever made any of your own amature sex videos with a chic or a guy? I have not. Who likes oral sex more man or women? Probably men! Not sure though. Who gives better oral to women, Men or women? Women definitly! Would you post a new video with a sexy strip tease? If I get a webcam hell yeah I will! 1) Do you masturbate sometimes? Yes! 2) Would you have sex with me? Maybe, you never know! 3) when did you lose your virginity? When I was 12.... ha. 4) Do you want to have a sexy chat with me? Sure (: 5) What's the best sex you have ever had? That's something I just don't know! have u ever had sex with anyone u meet online? No! do u want to have sex with someone online? It could happen, maybe! could u answer mine blog too? Possibly. when last time u had sex or touch urself? A week or two ago. what ur fav sex position? Probably doggie style! Ever been with a black guy? Many times (: ever been with more then one person at once? Yes! What turns you on the most? Unsure! Lots of things can get me going (: What is your favorite tattoo? Probably the one on my thigh! If you could have sex with anyone on earth who would it be? I'd say Bradley Cooper hahaha. do you think you are sexy? Eh, sometimes! would you have sex with me? Maybe! do you like cybersex? Not my favorite. whats your favorite sex position? Doggie! do you think i can make you cum? I'd love to see you try (: 1. What is the craziest thing you ever done sexually? Scroll up some I've answered this! 2. What turns you on the most? Answered this one as well. 3. How did you get so smoking hot?! Hahaha
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Question Time!

Alright, boys and girls 🙂! You can ask me up to 5 questions, and no matter how crazy, inappropriate, or random, I promise I will answer them 100% truthfully!
Please don't be shy!
  • 1
9 anos atrás
would you fuck me?
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I. Love. Tributes!

Soo, if you make one post it on my wall, do not message me! They turn me on soooo fucking much.
Love you all, bye (:
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