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Welp, due to some utterly atrocious decisions Pornhub has made this year, leading up to the final nail in the coffin, Pornhub is now dead. 

To an extent, I cannot blame them for this final ultimatum they've made, considering that people would upload heinous on here, but now we ALL suffer for their actions.

All of our favorite videos are now gone, and the last ones left are verified official channels, whom btw, 80% are just cut down versions of PAID videos. Fuck that, I came to Pornhub for FREE porn, not to get teased into paying for s**t. 

I'm not going to waste my time to try to figure out how to upload videos on here again, no one will, except for the desperate, and even then, you will still be restricted if you upload animated and hentai content like I did, due to their heavily enforced TOS. 

I see no real future for Pornhub at this point if it stays like this, so it's time to move over to XVids, Hanime, NHentai, etc. 

Fuck you Pornhub. 

You can find all my videos on XVids now. I'm giving the full link here: 

https://www.x!videos.com/profiles/goldenitro#_tabVideos (Remove the "!" from the Link)

I pray the same thing won't happen to that site as well. I will link to other sites I upload to as I make more accounts.
  • 0
3 anos atrás
(2) ... Apparently... And while I do enjoy vanilla content, I also like a little extra spice, and that's why I enjoy hentai and fantasy stuff a little more. But that's being limited right now. So, there's still some of it here, but we won't find much new ones anymore. I MIGHT try to get Verified in the future. But that's only IF it becomes worth my time.
  • 0
3 anos atrás
Let it be known, that I am exaggerating in this post. While there at least are still good channels that are verified with their videos still up, I do not think it's worth the effort for me to get verified. Most likely any video I try to upload will be rejected anyway, because of no clear lines drawn with their TOS. And it's not because any of my content was "" (Otherwise, how tf would they have approved of them???), but because they care so much about imaginary characters and their rights
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "2 year old account"
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "iFap"
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Support the Developers!

So I'm just putting up a post, as a reminder that I'm making videos showcasing hentai games/animations that aren't created by me. I am currently and exclusively doing this for free under my own volition. After all, I wouldn't feel comfortable making money off of other people's work (Unless they want me to). 
So anyway, to get to the point. If you like a game that I have made a video with (The Art, Animations, etc.), I HIGHLY encourage you to check out the Artists/Developers and support them if you want to by buying the game you like from them. Because without them, that's just less Fap material for you and me, and we should be thankful they put in the effort to make them! You don't have to support them, of course, but it would be nice if you did!
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Another Note: Stage 1 of Magical Angel Fairy Heart was removed 🙂))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) For no real Reason.
  • 2
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Alright guys, I'm linking to the "other site" that way you can see all of the other videos that you've been missing from me (Blame PH)
https://www.x!videos.com/profiles/goldenitro#_tabVideos,videos-new (Remove the "!" from the link)
I'll still try to upload any video that I can to PH still, but it's just much less reliable right now due to their inconsistency. Also yes, all the titles there are completely different and weird, don't ask. Enjoy!
  • 2
3 anos atrás
(2) ...and BDSM. The things listed, does not mean that I won't take the Suggestion/Request, only that I'm less likely to do it. (For example, games that PRIMARILY center around BDSM or Yuri, isn't my taste, so I probably wouldn't do it, but there can be exceptions). But again, it's good to shoot your shot regardless, I encourage it, even if it includes traps.
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3 anos atrás
In most cases, I may consider Game Suggestions/Requests, but since I'm really uploading freely, it's entirely dependent on me and my time. So yeah, I'm ok with Game Suggestions, but whether I will do it or not in the near or far future is not guaranteed. But I do encourage it, because I just might do it.But for future reference for you and others, I will be less likely to do Suggestions of Games that include: Yuri/Female on Female (Futa is an exception), Watersports Fetish, Fart Fetish, and
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3 anos atrás
Made an account to ask. Do you take game suggestions?
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I come back to randomly see that PH decided to remove the stage 2 boss video for Magical Angel Fairy Heart. For reason: ... Yeah sure. Oh fucking k, as if the video wasn't already approved and was up for a month already. I don't think I need to explain how unfunny of a joke this is at this point. I can only assume some asshole reported the vid because it's not their taste, either that or PH is just overstepping , but either way, fuck Pornhub. Very close to being done with this site. 
Here's what makes this make zero sense. Pixels don't need to give consent, doesn't fucking matter. That's also the only video that got slapped (at the time of posting this), wtf? I fucking hate the inconsistency, I'd rather get my whole channel deleted than deal with their bullshit and trying to wrap my head around it. Fucking 'ell.
Rant Over. Might link to my so you can see ALL the videos. But not now...
  • 4
3 anos atrás
There are heaps of anime nc or video game nc videos on here. Ridiculous that they’re targeting yours. Yeah if you got an account on that other site I’d love to see what you got on it
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3 anos atrás
Sorry your going through this hope things will eventually fix for u
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I used to upload Hentai and Furry Content and Gameplay. Due to some bad apples uploading heinous sh*t on Pornhub, they decided to pull the ultimatum and delete all content uploaded by unverified channels, including me. There's still some good channels left, check my subscriptions. Otherwise Pornhub is dead to me now.

I got Fucked by Pornhub
Última sessão:
1 mês atrás
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Cidade natal:
"United States"
Fuck you Pornhub
Fuck you Pornhub
Fuck you Pornhub
Interesses e hobbies:
Video Games, Furries, Anime/Hentai, Art, etc.
Filmes e programas de TV favoritos:
I got fucked by Pornhub
Música favorita:
It didn't feel good.
Livros favoritos:
At least I archive my videos.
Gosto de:
Girls, Furries, Femboys (Like, I mean... Serious femboys, look, sound, act like girls, Mmm), Stockings/Lingerie (HELL YES), Cosplay, Clothed Sex (Naked's not bad tho).
Não gosto de:
Piss, Shat, Fart (Like seriously, what the fuck? Why?), Fisting, Excessive piercings (Especially on the genitals, makes me cringe). Getting fucked by Pornhub.
Vistas de perfil:
24 634
Vídeos vistos:
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