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New rules for meetups

1. To meet up for anything please dm me here and I’ll give you my Snapchat(you must have that or we can’t meet)
2. Also if we use any condoms for sex please use the one I give you
3. Never ask for my phone number (I refuse to give it out)
4. You must be clean
5. Don’t ask for anything doing anal or bjs please I have reasons for why I’m not doing it currently
6. Must be respectful towards me and my fiancé
7. If we’re going to meet up you must understand that I don’t drive and don’t always have money to do a lot of things
8. Please respect my preferences for (positions and sexuality) I’m bisexual and demisexual
9. Lastly don’t try kissing me that’s a no unless you’re my love
10. Definitely no threesomes or anything like that
11. Must be local to my area
12. Please don’t ghost me after a meet up
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1 ano atrás
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2 anos atrás
Any questions dm me
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "3 year old account"
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "The Junior"
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desbloqueou um novo feito: "2 year old account"
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I’m slowly coming back here but things are getting really busy right now currently I’m getting ready for vacation/holiday next week so I may be a bit slow to replying back to messages so be patient with me
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Hey all my followers

I’m planning on doing meet ups for sex any guys who want to do meet up must bring protection for us to fuck and everyone else must be ok with recording us having sex and you have to visit me in my location for sex if you want to go to a hotel you have to pay for it and I’m not asking for money but if you want to give me some a little tip it’s optional must be willing to use my toys on my pussy try to make me squirt hard
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2 anos atrás
I’m thinking about doing some meet ups soon
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3 anos atrás
Also I’m not available for two weeks I’ll be busy for the next few days
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3 anos atrás
I’ll post when I’m able to start a meet up with anyone
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I’m gonna be on this profile more
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Hi everyone

I’m just checking things here how are you doing I have been away for a while for my own reasons I’m slowly coming back here still
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I’m leaving for a while

Took my pictures away
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3 anos atrás
It’s not really worth it anymore because my stuff is gone for good I’m leaving for a long time
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3 anos atrás
Nooo 😕
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I seriously need to get myself in check again especially after recent problems I have caused . I hate myself for taking it out on you I shouldn’t be doing it I’m sorry
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Snuggle bug this is just for you

I know I haven’t been here a lot lately but I haven’t been in the best mood lately I just don’t feel happy anymore I just want to feel like myself again I feel so alone I just want to be cuddled with my snuggle bug. I know that you’re getting worried about me I just want to focus on us and doing stuff with you I was feeling really annoyed earlier I know we’re just doing our little game thing but honestly I don’t like it anymore because I just shut down emotionally even more look my birthday is coming up and I don’t know what I’m gonna do now I don’t if I want to even celebrate it currently I’m not expecting anything from anyone if anything I just want you and that’s it I can’t stand being here without you.
No more asking about that new account I don’t care about it currently and honestly I don’t know if I want to be on ph anymore because I can’t trust people
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3 anos atrás
My family that truly understands me
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3 anos atrás
I’m a emotional wreck because I’m worried about my mom because I don’t know if she’s ever going to come home from the hospital I don’t want to lose her I still need her she’s the main reason why I don’t want to leave this place (not my aunts apartment) I don’t want to leave her know that she’s not doing good she’s the only parent involved in my life aunt has been trying to keep her away from me for a long time because she think she was unfit to raise me my mom is the one in m
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Hey snuggle bug...

I was gonna post a hint for you but after last night I feel like it’s not a good idea to at this time. I feel really bad about earlier it’s my fault you got mad at me. I shouldn’t have done that I just feel like I’m bothering people when I ask anyone to play a game that’s why I haven’t been asking you especially lately maybe it doesn’t feel as special for me when you don’t play with me and I don’t want to force you so maybe I should just give you a whole day alone I feel like now I’m a horrible person maybe we need some space I’m still on edge from a few days ago
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3 anos atrás
And yes this is a vent post
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3 anos atrás
That’s all I have to say right now
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3 anos atrás
Honestly I still feel like I’m gonna lose you because everything that I have done now even in the past especially with what happened this week already
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3 anos atrás
And on a serious note we need to work on our relationship as a whole not just the our sexual part of it and it’s making me feel like I don’t want it anymore
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3 anos atrás
And Let know if you read this whole thing
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3 anos atrás
And don’t bring up asking me if I’m going to be on this site for a long while because right now I don’t care about posting anything here at least for a while
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3 anos atrás
Also if we have a fight or something like that don’t tell your friends that hurts me I only let certain close friends know things like that because I trust them so yes you lost a little of my trust for that reason because babe what if you tell the wrong friend and they start talking to me saying that idk like I shouldn’t have sex with random people and yes that has been said to me that’s the real reason why I decided to stop those meet ups in the first place
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3 anos atrás
I still feel it’s my fault
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3 anos atrás
I’m not gonna play anything for a few days I think it’s for the best
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Hey everyone

I’m sorry I haven’t been here for a while I’m going to try posting some stuff in the next few days I have to take care of my mental health first because I have worried two people closest to me
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Just a little note I guess...

I just feel so unmotivated a lot lately and I don’t know why. I feel like I lost all motivation for art and I feel like I might have lost interest in sex I just don’t know why I’m like this I feel comfortable with myself I feel like you all hate me I’m considering leaving this place for good I don’t feel safe online lately. People just want to use me for sex and I don’t like it anymore it’s a touchy subject for me I just wish I would have waited for the right person I will always regret it it was horrible I can’t handle it mentally now All I want is my snuggle bug I just need to be cuddled for once I want this whole year over with so bad I want to get out of this stupid apartment also I just wish that stalker would leave me the fuck alone for once he just using me for pictures and videos I don’t want it and they want me to cheat on my snuggle bug I will never do that
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3 anos atrás
Sorry I was just getting my emotions out
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Ok Just another note from me I guess

Honestly babe I was gonna gave you a little hint again but I dont think I feel like I should right now Im sure youre reading this and wondering why Im not giving you a new hint. Well theres a reason for it. Tbh if I have to ask you if I can send pictures to people and you should do the same thing. know I have done it without asking in the past but from what I seen yesterday kinda upset me yes I know it was a few months ago but still it hurt me seeing it honestly I only send my pics to you and jet and no one else. Yes I desperate to have sex again but I only want it with you ok and yes maybe jet but only if your ok with it first
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3 anos atrás
Ill probably be when you finally read this also I just had to get this off my chest so I can better
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3 anos atrás
I just want to be by your side so bad idk how much longer I can wait for you and I to be together I just want to be held close but I have to wait until were able to meet I need snuggles from my snuggle bug I love you ❤ well Im gonna try to
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Just another note from me

I just wanted to say I love my Snuggle bug so much maybe I should just give you a little hint it’s something that has been in my room for a while now
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3 anos atrás
Also one friend knows what it is😉try to figure it out snuggle bug
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Just another little note from me

Lol yea I can’t wait until you find out what I have planned for you my snuggle bug maybe I should give you a little hint also I never said it was a naughty thing but lol
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3 anos atrás
Also maybe I should snuggle my teddy bear more while I 😂and now Im not being naughty with it lol or am I 😉 Im just just kidding around my snuggle bug 😋 I just love teasing you babe
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Just a little note from me

Hey sorry I haven’t been online lately
I just wanted to focus on my mental health and I doing alright right now I’m slowly getting back to being on here and I decided not to have sex with my fans/followers on here because I want to wait for my snuggle bug who means the whole world to me lol
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3 anos atrás
😉I’m sure you’re probably checking this account for me thanks for making sure I’m being safe with anyone I chat with here 😘 also I have something planned for you lol I’m sure you know already 😆 I know I’m such tease especially to you babe ☺️ so yeah I don’t mind being your blue marshmallow 😉
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3 anos atrás
I’m sure I’ll definitely pin you after we finally get to see each other maybe some other things to 😘 I love you so much *giggles* I can’t wait for that day but anyway I do have something just for you I’m not telling just yet it’s for you to find out 😊yea I know I’m being a tease again but I only do it because I love you too much ❤️❤️
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