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desbloqueou um novo feito: "The Virgin"
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I am felling very hot today

Some days is more than others, some days I feel I could have sex with 100 men...Dunno what's inside my head..mm
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9 anos atrás
I'm in bama too
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First time..

I was at home ready for eric to pick me up, we were going to school game and then maybe out to eat or something. we had been together now for a year 2 months. I have been dreamning about how our first time was going to be. As i got into his car sat down and gave him a long passionate kiss on the lips, he asked "what was that for" with a smile, i said i love you and im ready, he asked "ready for what?" i sat back smiled and said you know teasingly our first time. His eyes glowed with happiness, but then suddenly it went to a slight frown i aske dwhat was wrong he said well it's going to be my first time too, and im nervous, i said me too with a smile. Suddenly we we're off to the game and didn't talk about on the ride there, we sat down on the benches and after it was over hopped back into his car.
As we we're driving off i noticed we weren't going into town or back to my house, he was driving off somewhere outside the county. I looked around and it was the way to the lake where his parents have a camper at the camp grounds, and it was early winter so no one ever goes there this time of the year. I asked why are we here when we got there, he replied,"i been ready for a lo0ng time now but i wasn't sure if you were" i gave him a long kiss, we got out of the car, found our way to his camper.

he got the key from under the mat, took my hand and started to pull me in the cold room, we kept bumping into things, he opened the door to his parents room, i asked "in here" he said why not smileing, i counldn't resist my clit was already throbbing! we were both really nervous and pulled me to him and started to undo my bra, his hands we're warm and my breast started to get hard. he said you feel so good, i slowly took my hand to his pants. unzipped them and took my hand to his thick hard cock, i said smiling wow im glad your my first your cock is perfect, he smiled and got even harder! it didn't take long to get warm, next he unzipped my pants and teased my cunt he and smiled, saying you feel great ALL over that made me want him even more. We were both naked then he lied me on the bed and nibbled on my nipples, i started playing with his cock, stroking it. He tease me cunt next thing i know im wet and ready for his hard thick cock to enter me! Aww..with heavy moans
he was so thick it was hard, i was tight but he was gentle and fingered me a little to get it wide enough, finally it made it in it felt great i felt the sensational burn down there it was great, we didn't care about protection i was already on the pill months before so it was somewhat safe, it didn't matter, i couldn't take it anymore and begged him to fuck me, i moaned for him. he entered me and i was im amazement!, i felt all tingly in my flesh head to toes,my head was spinning, getting hot and breathing hard. He moaned my name and said i love you and i started screaming fuck me harder he did as i said and he came to orgasm and cummed in he... his eyes were all happy and they sorta rolled back. it was great! He rolled off me and breathing hard he daid that was great and im glad im your first. i said i love you too and thx, i felt wet underneath me it was virgin and i smile dwhne i looke at him again. Next i got on top of and made my way down to to his cock and to
ok it and licked it and i got him all hard again he was moaning for it, then he cummed in my mouth it was great! warm cum down my throat i was scared though all the other girls say it was nasty, they were wrong it was overwhelming! he said oak y my turn i want to give you pleasure, he pulled my up and smiled and teased my breast more and made his way down even before he got down there it felt as if i was dripping, i think i was, he slowing played with my clit and ate me out omg! it was even better then having his cock in me i left this feeling all through my skin again except even more electrifyingi didnt know what i t was but i then i realized i had come to climax, orgasam i cummed all over his face and his liked it all of it he rubbed his face all in my cunt and licked and ate all of me! when he got trhough he made his way back up and looked at me and aske dif he licked it, i said it was great. all of a sudden we heard a vibrating sound it was his mom! he answered and his
mom was asking where he was it was after 11 the game was over a good 2 hours ago!, he said he lost track of time and said he would be home soon. His mom , don't come home meet us at the campgrounds! our eyes widened, our night of romance was over! so we thougt. He asked his mom how far she was from the camp she said 5 minutes. Omg we had 5 mintues to get out of there, he hung up and we rushed to get our things, i slipped on my pantts not worrying about underwear, just grabbed them and in my purse, eric on the other hand looked for new sheets fot the bed, we took the ones off and fixed the bed, we made sure we didn't leave nothing behind. We jumped in the car and sped out of there. We drove around the roads for a while and then made our way to the camp. When we got there his mom asked why i was still wiht him and he said well u said to come straight here, he asked if it was okay if i stayed the night, no one was home at my house, and my parents thought he had already
dropped me off at my friends to spend the night so i had all my things in a duffle bag in his car. She was fine with it he had to on the floor though. we were both nervouse and held hands for the longest time ever. She went to her room, and looked around, she screams! omg we're dead, we run in there ask whats wrong and there was a spider we laughed and ran out of there. As his mom was asleep we got up in the nice cool night and went to the forest and to the docks, no one is there we looked around and set our things, in the forest near the edge of the river, we sat there looking into the moon and again, we started where we left. i got onto him and unipped him he was already hard, i took ly pants off, it was clod but we didn't mind at all we wrapped a blanket around my waist to keep us warm, he followed my lead. i was literally screaming his name , up and down up and down riding him, omg it felt better then the first time, he kissed my breasts, iran my hands through
his long dirty blonde hair. i begged him harder, he rolls on top of me again gently he goes back and fourth then faster and faster,he's screaming my name i don't care if anyone hears us, it's perfect everything is. when we finally had enough we got dressd and made our way abck. We open the door and his mom was waiting there for us, she aske where we went he told her out ont he lake looking into hte moon, she looked at me she didn't ask anymore questions. We made our way to the room and we both get in bed and play with each other, we didn't get any thay night, he fingered me and i stroked his cock how could we! we woke up with his mom staring at us she woke us up eric shirtless, thank goodness i wasn't! she had a stern face toldus to wake up and asked for him to go eoth her outside to talk, he did, she found out later what we had done, she never said anything to me about it, i was glad, but that first time im never going to forget ever!

When ha had gotten back in he said next time we go on th boat with a smil
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1 ano atrás
Fuck babe wish I would have seen this before now
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hi boys, i can't answer pm, too many!
add me
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Hi !

Hallo everyone! i am new!
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8 anos atrás
I'm new also
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Hallo boys, just here to chat and show my videos and pictures. :D I just signed up here! So please let me understand first how this website works, it’s a mess! Excuse me if I don’t reply quickly to your messages but there are so many pm in my mail everyday so I need time to answer everyone..! I am getting mad!.9 Alternatively If you want to chat with me I have a profile here lovelovesex.net, but please don’t stuff my mail with many pm messages, I only answer to whom get me ..horny!:) ** Just joking..*_* !!! Anyway I am here to chat, meet (according to where you live) and sometimes c2c, I don’t like old men and fisting/strange things! Sometimes I use msn messenger but I can’t write my id here or I’ll be covered of requests, just add me on lovelovesex.net and we’ll chat, the rest will come! Bye:/? UPDATE: I made a fb account, Giulia Stirch

Última sessão:
9 anos atrás
Estado de Relacionamento:
"United States"
Interesses e hobbies:
thegirlsdiary.com sometimes here add me
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Soul, r&b
Livros favoritos:
The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkein, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, To A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Cloudstreet by Tim Winton
Vistas de perfil:
26 190
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