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Thank you to all my popperbator bros who viewed, liked and commented on my first trainer, Bro Time Vol 1 - Cum Loving Cocksuckers!  It's been four months since I posted and I never expected it to get 70K views.  I poured my heart into it and spent countless hours putting it together and learning a lot about digital editing for the first time.  I plan to put that to use on a new video soon.
There are a lot of great trainers out there, and a lot of not so great trainers too. I tried to establish some principles for my own trainer video that I thought would make for a great experience.
1. Get the music right:  Don't drown out the original porn audio, we want to hear those moans.  Choose music that is not distracting, this means minimal vocals, mimimal melody.   The music should get you in the zone and keep driving you toward that edge. No drastic changes from one song to another.
2. Clear, specific, simple instructions.  I created a little animated countdown timer for hits and holds.  Don't tell the bator to "hit", then that instruction disappears and seconds later "hold" -- the bator has already exhaled.  That kind of thing sucks.  Having a reliable visual cue like a timer takes the burden of figuring out what to do off the bator and allows him to relax and focus on the bate.
3. Continuity.  Weave some continuity so your video isn't just a constant barrage of new guys and clips.  In Bro Time Volume 1, I did this buy breaking the video into 7 or 8 minute phases.  Each phase introduces several new porn scenes, and cycles through those scenes for the duration of the phase until those dudes sperm and we move on to a new phase with new dudes.  When you're deep in the zone, it's nice to see familiar dudes cycle back onto your screen.
4. pace.  The video should keep a fairly consistent pace.  I like nice long hits with a hold, and about a minute or so between hits.  And that's what you get in my video, but it may be intense for some.  The main thing is consistency, so your bator doesn't have to worry about what's coming next or when the next hit will happen.  He can stay entirely in the moment.
Personally, I like gooner talk and bator babble, and I love bating with bros in person, watching porn and each other together and commenting on the porn and encouraging each other, etc.  So I added a lot of animated text comments to the video to stand in for that experience in some ways and provide another form of stimulation.  Gooner talk and bator babble.  I'm sure this isn't for everyone.  But for me, it's added stimulation.  I keep the text short and simple so it hopefully doesn't pull you out of the experience.
I would love to hear your thoughts on what makes a good trainer.  Or what makes a bad one.  Let's elevate the artform together, bros.
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Let's elevate the artform together.

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