Missed Opportunity or Wishful Thinking?

Thought I would share this memory of mine from a few years ago. My first ever job was working in a supermarket - stacking shelves, working the till etc. Throughout my time there, I would develop camaraderie with some regular customers. Just friendly smiles and hellos, nothing more. There was one particular couple that would often visit. A middle aged, married couple. She was in her 50s, frumpy, and quite plain looking. He too was in his 50s (most likely older than her), silver haired, stocky and chunky. But the one thing I would always notice about him, was that he would wear various black… Przeczytaj więcej

Opublikował użytkownik Mr_Leather_Jackoff 2 lata/lat temu 17

Why leather jackets?

Honestly, I don't really know when my fetish for leather jackets began. I'm not sure if I'd even call it a fetish as I'm not into any other leather clothing. Just the jackets. I recall being very young and noticing men when they would wear a leather jacket. Not in a sexual or attractive way, but more in admiring how cool they look. If they weren't wearing a jacket, I more than likely wouldn't notice them. And i guess over the years my desire for leather jackets has grown. I definitely have my favourite styles of leather jacket: the classic biker look (something Arnie wore in Terminator 2) and… Przeczytaj więcej

Opublikował użytkownik Mr_Leather_Jackoff 3 lata/lat temu 8