Str8 Married Man turned gay by stud in gym sauna

I married a few years out of college to a girl I met there. Last year I attended a conference in Chicago. I was staying in a nice hotel that had privileges to the adjoining fitness center. In between sessions, I headed over and lifted some weights before taking in the men's only sauna. I had only been in there for a few minutes before three guys came in and sat down on the benches. As the wooden benches were extremely hot, I noticed one guy sat over in the corner on his towel while the two older gentlemen just sat down with their towels around their waist. About ten minutes later, the two old… Przeczytaj więcej

Opublikował użytkownik uclajock 2 lata/lat temu 132

Guide to Anal Orgasms

Since I still get asked a lot on how to do it, I’ll try to sum it up quickly for you guys :) DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and I realize that not everybody is built the same. What works for me does not necessarily have to work for you. I also realize that there’s a difference between milking your prostate and having an anal orgasm. Short explanation: Milking feels nice and ends with ejaculation while an anal orgasm explodes inside your body and doesn’t always mean you eject semen. STEP 1 Chastity. You don’t need a device to lock your penis away (even though I think it’s fucking… Przeczytaj więcej

Opublikował użytkownik Sborrillaz 7 lata/lat temu 240

Final part of my crossdressing story

I think this is the last part of my yawnfest.Its funny how the first twenty years has three parts and the next thirty years just one lol.There really is nothing to grow old for. Anyway Im 57 in a couple of months,and its fun sometimes to look back on some of the daft things Ive done.You never regret them,its always the things you didnt you that you regret. Where did we leave off....oh yeah,had just finished it with M,my first girly boyfriend.It wasnt easy,heartbreaking actually,it couldve been so much more,it couldve been everything I had ever wanted,and him too. Oh well. Ofcourse I chucked al… Przeczytaj więcej

Opublikował użytkownik julia135 2 lata/lat temu 12

Have you ever?

Have You Ever? A Questionnaire for the Gurls... Here are my results for this "poll" : 1. Have you gone out in public dressed completely? Yes 2. Have you sucked dick? Yes 3. Have you sucked black cock? Yes 4. Have you kissed a man? Yes 5. Have you tasted a mans cum? Yes 6. Have you swallowed a mans cum? Yes 7. Have you sucked 2 cocks or more than 1 at one time? Yes 8. Have you been fucked by a man while dressed? Yes 9. Have you been fucked bareback by a man? Yes 10. Has a man ever fucked you and cum inside you? Yes 11. Have you been fucked by more than one man at a time? No 12. Were you roast… Przeczytaj więcej

Opublikował użytkownik JemC 3 lata/lat temu 27

Fetish shop fantasies - mannequin 1

Suzy dimmed the lights and glanced around the shop one last time before leaving for the day. With the covid restrictions finally easing, it had been a busy day; customers were purchasing gear for upcoming fetish parties; but now, as the lights went down, all of the latex tops, skirts, dresses, and leggings were clean and hanging neatly once again. The catsuits hung limply at the back of the shop, but they still seemed to hold something of the form of the one or two customers who had tried them on. The shiny fetish boots reflected points of light. The display heads, each encased in rubber hood… Przeczytaj więcej

Opublikował użytkownik latexdesires 3 lata/lat temu 3

Tv chav abused

After drinking numerous bottles of WKD blue at home i (khloe) was feeling Confident. I was wearing my shortest denim micro skirt, a bright pink thong, white fishnet sockings, white high heel ankle boots, bright pink bra, old white vest top far too much slutty make up and my peroxide blonde hair was sc****d back in a pony tail. No denying it I looked like a chav, a council estate slut. Deciding i fancied more to drink I pushed a crumpled up note into my bra along with my cheap fags in the other side and pulled on my adidas tracksuit top. With a deep breath i stepped out of my council fla… Przeczytaj więcej

Opublikował użytkownik Subtvnicola 6 lata/lat temu 8

Bois Weekend Fun (Friday Night) Part 1 of 3

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Opublikował użytkownik hornyman74 3 lata/lat temu

Bois Weekend Fun (Saturday) Part 2 of 3

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Opublikował użytkownik hornyman74 2 lata/lat temu