Looking for a man

I really want a Dom man to have fun and possible relationship I will be such a tease for you xx and a very compliant and tend to all your needs… Przeczytaj więcej

Opublikował użytkownik Christinebell 2 lata/lat temu 1

True edit of my life

True edit of my life My first encounter was in my early teens I had broken my wrist while playing football , we was away from home for the weekend stopping in a guest house , because of my injury I was given my own room, After the hospital a man I will call Mr B leading the group took me into the bathroom to help me wash, He stripped me down while the bath was running and helped me sit down he washed the mud off my legs his hand running up my inner thighs He then asked me to stand up, he started washing my back with a flannel over my bum cheeks and down the back of my legs he then dropped… Przeczytaj więcej

Opublikował użytkownik Christinebell 2 lata/lat temu 3

About me

I have been dressing since my early teens Today i try to live my life as a female, I wear knickers every day, during the winter months I always wear tights ,I use tampons regularly. My toes are always painted, I'm completely smooth except for a Brazilian, I only use feminine deodorants y favourite perfume is scandal My dress size is 16, When I get home I make up and dress which has me feel so relaxed and happy. I was before the lockdown going to events for cross dressers and looking to come out fully , I have been out at night dressed but now looking to go out day time, I have arranged… Przeczytaj więcej

Opublikował użytkownik Christinebell 4 lata/lat temu 7