How I started masturbating. Part One

I was about 4/5 when first discovered masturbation. I would lean over the corner of a bed or sofa arm at first and just rub my crotch against the edge fully clothed after a few minutes I would get a nice feeling in my tummy and between my legs, obviously at that age I had no idea what I was having was an orgasm. I loved it so started doing it all the time progressing to sinks, stairs and even the toilet seat just rubbing myself against something until I felt the tingling. I was caught a few times by my parents and told I was very naughty and dirty but continued so they started to spank me when they caught me. When I was still really young it would just be a few hard spanks on my bottom it never stopped me.

I have an older sister who was also very horny from a young age and she started to watch me when I was humping my bed, she told me it would feel even nicer if I took down my panties and rubbed my naked pussy against the bed I was too shy to do it then but later that night I pulled them down and humped my bed naked I came so much faster that I started doing it naked everywhere including in my grans front room on the sofa arm. Of course she caught me and told my father who was furious by then I was about 6 he bent me over the sofa arm id just been humping and took his belt off whipping my naked bottom in front of my gran. I’d seen him belt spanking my sister but that was the first time he did it to me. I stopped humping naked after that for about a month but I still did it clothed.
Opublikowano przez bur100
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i bet he actually enjoyed seeing you do it
Es ist natürlich das Beste für ein Mädchen, wenn es schon mit vier oder fünf Jahren mit regelmässiger Masturbation beginnt. Dann hat es, wenn ihre gleichaltrigen Freundinnen Jahre später auch zu wichsen beginnen, schon einige Tausend tolle Orgasmen erlebt. Und wenn das Girl dann noch in der ersten Klasse die ersten Spanking-Erfahrungen macht, ist es bestens vorbereitet, um später den Jungs und Männern ein gutes sexuelles Spielzeug zu sein.
Bare bums spanking is painful of course ... 
but did your red-hot butt also turn you on ... 
despite or thanks to the terrible humiliation ?
Can’t stop it if you have the itch however much they spank you
Loved climbing up poles etc always got me rock hard
Thank you for posting that.....very exciting
Is there a part 2, or 3?
Odpowiedz like mutualy masturbating with you :smile:
Doesn't sound like much fun.  They should only have been concerned if you left a wet trail.
thats so hot
Hmmmm nice, my wife has a spank fetish.......that I know dates back to an early age also.
perhaps that's why you like being spanked -because you associate it with an orgasm and being caught
This Grandpa would have loved watching you naked hump everything
do 4johndeere : Ich bin auch der Meinung, dass Eltern ihren Kindern das Masturbieren beibringen sollten, und zwar wo früh wie möglich. Denn jedes Jahr, in dem Kinder nicht masturbieren und Orgasmen geniessen können, ist ein verlorenes Jahr.
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they should have taught you how to do it properly
do bur100 : Very lucky whoever gets to feel and taste that horny moist pussy, Stay Safe and Moist.
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do luv-clams : I probably did it most days and yes still very horny and moist.
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do dwaterman : When I was very young I didn’t really get wet, I would say about 9/10 when I’d progressed to using my fingers that I started tasting myself.
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Wow, you pussy was itching so much when you were that young, how often you used to masturbate after you learn the pleasure you felt anytime you rubbed your clitoris? I hope you are still horny, Thank You for sharing,Stay moist.
Nice story, what was the first time you tasted yourself? 