MuyLinda is gone. I am angry... soneone needs to

Went on this morning to find that one of my dear friends was gone. People come and go here, and retire their accounts. At first I was saddened that she did not say good bye. Saw that she posted some blogs this morning but I could not read them.

Later I read from another dear friend JerseyBean that MuyLinda was gone and someone accused her of being a spammer. After reading this I became angry and irrate that someone so malicious could do this to her. I don't know why it was done but if you don't like a comment or a post or whatever, block the person or write a blog yourself don't be malicious and hurt someone just to get your jollies.

Let's just get along, we all come here for enjoyment and escape, NO ONE should have to put up with any form of bullying or intimidation here...

I am so angry...someone needs to be punished!!
Opublikowano przez slutsmaster1
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Someone does need severe punishment
I know this is three months old. But I could not agree with you more. All it takes is one click to block someone. They can't message you, they can't post on your wall. Setting safely from behind a computer can cause people to be malicious and evil. They say and do shit they never do in real life. Sometimes with the bickering and fighting. I feel like this is high school. LOL But yeah I am just rambling now. People suck!
I am sorry, and angry too! I lost few very good friends from here just like you, and was hurt when they go retired without any "goodbye" word...
I again tried to leave private message to Linda
all her private messages to me have gone
and where there used to be her comments
there now is only written in Red

Sorry, that was SPAM. You may delete this contact
I am sorry for your loss. My condolences.

I wholeheartedly agree with your comments above. This is a place for enjoyment, excape and a chance to meet like minded people. Those who abuse this site should stick to craigslist or the like.

I hope your day gets better.