My August Gangbang

(The following was originally written to another woman on this site who was interested in visiting an adult theater. I wrote most of this in the form of several PMs to her. I had written so much that I just decided to make it all into a blog. I've added a bit since then. Keep in mind that this is not a story. This blog is a detailed and true account of what I experienced at an adult theater. For the sake of clarity I included events which occurred over several different occasions to this particular adult theater and I have changed a few minor details to make the narrative flow easier. Yet because I originally wrote this to inform another user as to what to expect if she herself visited a theater, the blog is entirely accurate and truthful to the spirit of what I experienced. If you want more details of what an adult theater is like, please feel free to PM regarding it. Lots of interesting things happen in those places to a girl to say the least!)

I guess I should begin by stating that I had known about this particular theater for a number of years. The place is in San Diego and was close to where I had worked. I went about a month prior to the actual gang bang to see how things operated. I didn’t do anything on this occasion, I just observed what kind of people were there, how they acted toward one another, what, if any, protocol they seemed to be following, that sort of thing. I also, of course, made sure the place was relatively clean.

I figured I would be safe on account of three things. First, this theater always had women on duty at the front desk (I asked). This made me feel like the place wasn’t hostile toward women even if much of its business depended upon the objectification of us. Second, I noticed the men going into the theater were always very shy around me. When I entered the theater for the first (and second) time, almost all of them were downright scared of me. In fact, most of them were actually very courteous. Whatever the reason for that was, I didn’t feel there was even the remotest chance of this crowd trying to **** me. Lastly, Friday was made “couples night” and, according to the clerk, many women just came alone on Fridays while a male clerk or security guard accompanied them. So I wasn’t the only one with the whole gangbang fantasy, and this place was indeed a decent place.

I had intended to primarily have anal sex while in this place. That may sound weird, but, at the time, I really didn’t want a bunch of men I didn’t know entering me vaginally. For some reason that felt distasteful. I could be penetrated anally but not vaginally. I have some theories as to why I felt this way, but it’s just how I felt. Two men eventually did enter me vaginally, but that was after I got completely out of control.

The night began after I had thoroughly prepped myself. I essentially starved myself the day before so I wouldn’t have to leave the place in the middle of everything. That took considerable amount of time, but it was worth it. I’m very experienced with anal sex, so I knew my body and was well aware of when I would be clean and when I would not. This night I was good. Armed with two boxes of condoms (god that sounds so bad!), a bottle of hand sanitizer, a wash clothe, a bottle of water, and some pepper spray in my purse, I entered the store. The clerk on duty was female and must have saw my hands shaking when I got my ticket. She gave me a funny look and asked me if I was sure I wanted to do it. I just nodded yes and went in.

The first thing I was hit by was how safe and at peace I felt when the door of theater shut. It was completely dark and all I could hear was moaning from the four movies they were playing. Yet even though I was there alone, I felt I could finally be myself. I couldn’t articulate what that “being myself” was, but I felt I could finally, after all the years of repressing it, I could do it here.

Unlike the previous times I had gone (on my little scouting missions to the adult theater), this time I was there to actually be fucked, so I was wearing heels and a black cocktail dress. The guys could hear the clacks of my heels so I could just sort of “feel” the place get tense as I turned the first corner. There was a guy standing along the wall who quickly zipped up as I came around. I walked past him and turned the corner into the first theater (there were two connected).

When I entered, everyone sort of froze. I won’t lie, this sort of did give me a bit of “a head trip” as you said. Though I was about to be the one to be fucked, I felt completely in control at the time. There were no good places to sit and I didn’t like the movies playing, so I proceeded to the next theater.

In the next theater, there was one decent seat next to the wall. For me, it was important to have a wall seat so I could both keep an eye on who was coming in and out, and be safe on at least one side. I didn’t like that in this particular seat people could observe me from behind, but the seats were tall enough that someone would actually have to hover over me to really get their hands on me. If I needed to, I could have escaped by hopping over the front seat. Also, before sitting down I found it important to use the light on my phone to check the seat. Though the place was rather clean, you could still smell cum and I really didn’t wish to sit in any. For me, this smell was both really gross and the source of arousal. This theater was a place of pure lust, and I liked it.

Again, as I said, most of the guys in there actually seemed terrified by my presence. “Oh my god it’s a real woman! We can’t let her know we’re having gay sex!” hahaha. Seriously, that’s what it was. I think they were ashamed of being there. Still, they were all definitely interested in me... I could see guys coming in to sneak a peak at what I was doing, but most of them allowed me to make the first move. Many of them would sit two seats across from me and would glance over every once in awhile. Others peered over the seats in front. Others stood along the wall to watch. Some would ask why I was there and if I wanted any “help” or “service” or many other euphemisms for help with masturbation. They were mostly polite (with one exception that I won’t get into here). Some even seemed to actually be protective over me. It was strange. Anyway, I was in there for about two hours before I worked up the nerve to actually do anything with anyone.

With everyone watching, it was hard for me to even begin touching myself. For awhile I sat there with my legs crossed. I was reluctant to do anything because I thought this might be a signal for some men that I was ready. In fact it sorta was. Every time I moved, there would be a shift in the room. It was a bit creepy at first. So I did everything rather slowly. After uncrossing my legs, I allowed some time to pass before pulling up my dress. After I pulled up my dress, I allowed some time to pass before touching myself. So on and so forth.

After about two hours, one guy asked if he could sit next to me. I said I didn’t mind, but that I wasn’t going to do anything (uh huh). He said that was fine and that he just wanted to get a closer look (uh huh again.) He asked me if I minded if he pulled his cock out. Again, I said I didn’t mind, but that I wasn’t going to do anything. Now it’s super dark in these places, but I could see this guy was of decent size with the few glances I stole, something that certainly was NOT true for many of these guys. Anyway, he began making chit chat with me and I began to feel comfortable. We talked about the movie playing, our sexual experiences, and a lot of other non-sexual stuff. He was kind of a smooth talker and I’m glad. I’m not sure if I would have been able to work up the nerve to do anything had he not broken the ice.

The guy finally asked me if he could touch me. I said yes and he proceeded to touch my breasts. He was a bit rougher than I really like, but whatever. He asked if he could finger me. With a smile, I gave him my hand sanitizer. I think he knew my answer. It was totally weird at first, but after awhile I got used to him exploring my body. He was considerate, but definitely didn’t have my pleasure in my mind. He was sort of selfish in that regard, but I didn’t expect otherwise. I consented to him fingering my ass, eating me out, and then licking my ass (I don’t know who would do that to a total stranger, but this guy did lol!)

As he was doing all of this, I could see his huge cock throbbing. That’s what I wanted. I didn’t so much want to be felt up and “explored” as much as I wanted to, how should I put this... I was more there to be a slut, not to really have guys poking and prodding me with their fingers. That still feels too intrusive to me somehow. There’s a distinction there, but I haven’t been able to really understand it.

Anyway, he said he was nine inches and I totally believe him. I had been touching him for a while, and I finally asked if I could suck it. Of course he said yes. I got on my knees between his legs, and god it felt so good to be on my knees; that more than anything felt good that night. If felt so good to submit and to look up through between this guy's legs, huge cock in hand, the first of the night. So I began to suck him off. He was very very thick, and it hurt by jaw to fully get my mouth around him. This, too, felt good for reasons I can now identify with being submissive. He asked me if I would deep throat him, but that is something I just don’t like to do. Finally he asked if he could fuck me. I said yes. It was sort of funny, but I had gotten a condom out of my purse, opened it, and gave it to the guy to put on. He said "Ah, come on." I took this to mean I was supposed to know that I was supposed to put the damned thing on, like it was common knowledge or something. Shaking off some embarrassment, I put it in my mouth and unrolled in on that way. I vividly remember him saying "Good girl," which I both liked and disliked at the time. Anyway, sucked him off again for lubrication, and let him enter me. I had mentioned to him earlier that I was only doing anal. As you can imagine he didn’t really have a problem with that.

He was surprisingly courteous when entering me and seemed experienced. We began with him sitting down and me facing the screen and away from him. He told me he didn't want me to miss any of the movie. He never ordered me to do anything, but he was very insistent. I slowly lowered myself onto him. I was still pretty nervous and, therefor, tense, so it was a slow affair. I don’t know how experienced you are with anal, but it’s really sort of a delicate process at first. He wrapped one arm around me and took my hand in the other. I don’t know why, but this actually struck me as kind of sweet. It indicated that even though I was the one about to be fucked, he still had my welfare in mind. He didn’t wish it to hurt anymore than I did. So I just leaned back, and after a little maneuvering, he was completely in me and we were ready to go.

As we began going at it, a crowd started to form. Nobody would touch me without permission at this point, maybe because they didn’t know if I was with this guy or whatever. So we just fucked as they watched. I’m seriously not making this up, but I really lucked out on the first guy. Not only was he huge, but he had some sort of dysfunction where he had trouble ejaculating. This means we had sex for what must have been about an hour. this enabled me to get comfortable with having sex in public. Had I not met him, I’m not sure I would have allowed the other guys in me. This guy never did cum. I felt sort of bad for him, but I certainly did have fun : )

After he was done, we were both out of breath. He thanked me and then left. I sat in his seat to regain my breath, but there was already a line of men wanting to know if they could have a similar treat. I motioned for one of the guys to sit down and proceeded to stroke him off. Eventually that led to sucking him off. Things basically went just like in the first guy's case, minus his stamina, except I then began to suck the next few guys off after they came. This was strange at first. Semen just has a nasty texture to begin with in my opinion, so to gobble down some guy’s cum who I barely know was kind of a challenge. Honestly I had to force myself to do it and I wasn’t really able to enjoy it at first. It was more like a chore. My goal in this adventure was to get messy and to be slutty, so I made myself do it despite the ick factor.

I did three guys in that fashion, but something didn’t feel right. I went there to be fucked, to be on bottom, not to be on top like I was doing. It took a lot of swallowing my pride to offer myself up to someone while fully prostrated but that’s what I did next. I found a guy that was to my liking and took him over to the end of one of the seats. I should say that there were lots of guys that I turned down because they were too gross or just not to my liking. Some guys I just gave blowjobs to, while others just got handjobs. Others didn’t get anything. At first I felt bad for turning them away but, you know, if you’re a guy going to look for sex in public, you should probably bathe and shave, just saying.

So the next guy began to fuck me while I was bent over the seat. None of the guys were like the first one, but this guy was decent. Again, he entered pretty slowly until we found a nice pace. When he (and most of the guys) really got going, he began to feel less shy. He grabbed me and it was a little awkward at first because he kept losing his rhythem, but I began to feel like I was his plaything, just what I wanted. When he came I immediately took his condom off and sucked him off... later in the night I actually emptied one of the condoms into my mouth, something for which I still feel rather ashamed. The next several guys continued on in this fashion and we went on for what must have been two hours. While we were at it, some of the guys tried to get me to suck their cocks. I have trouble multitasking in this regard, so I turned the first few guys away. Later in the night I accepted two guys at once.

Alright, so I suppose I had been in the place for at least five hours when I decided to take a long break. I sat down in my seat next to the wall, drank some water, and regained my baring. For that entire time I couldn’t really enjoy myself. I was still in shock that I was actually doing this. So as I sat down I watched the movie in front of me and decided to masturbate. I was, at this point, rather sticky on various points of my body. I never washed off any part of my body except of my hands during my time there. Anyway, when it fully hit me what I was doing I became ecstatic. The first couple of orgasms that I gave myself were amazing! They were the kind that make you feel like someone hit a nerve in your brain and you can’t help but to yell out... and I’m usually quiet during sex. And they were the kind of orgasms that just keep carrying into one another. I masturbated until I was exhausted. I would have kept going if I had had the energy for it.

So I was about eight guys/six or seven hours in, totally exhausted, sticky, ass throbbing, hungry, thirsty, and my mind was beginning to shut down on me. But all of this made me that much more horny. The fact that I was all of these things, that I was feeling like I had been used and abused, just made me that much hornier. Also did I mention that I really have been diagnosed as “hypersexual?” In addition to all of this, I didn’t feel like I could leave the theater and come back in. In my condition it was going to be rather embarrassing just walking out of there, much less coming back in. I knew if I wanted any more I would have to just rest there. So after I masturbated I just sat back for awhile in my little spot and watched the movie. I actually began to doze off for awhile but always woke up with a short startled scream. I felt safe, but not that safe.

I rested for well over two hours in this way. As I did, I kept telling myself that on the next movie scene I would either leave, or begin having sex again. Eventually a really good scene came on (a gangbang no less lol. Not even k**ding) and I got up, stretched out a bit, and found another guy. Many guys were still hanging out hoping I would do something again, and many of them had their cocks out. I found a nice one, sucked him off, and we began again. By now I was accepting two guys at once (one in anally and one orally) so within this next round I had a couple of guys cum onto my face, hair and neck. The guys that made it into my mouth I just spit out, so I had lots and lots of cum oozing down even onto my breasts. This is what I came for: to be used by a lot of men, but I’m still surprised that I went this far.

Again, this went on for another hour or so before I had to take a break. I lost track of how many guys fucked me, but I want to say it was about five. It wasn’t constant, but almost. When I took another break, the janitor came in to wash the floors and bleach everything. My mind was pretty much gone by this point, I should have probably left, but I couldn’t get myself to leave. All of us were moved from one theater to the other, and then back again. Nobody felt okay to do anything while he was there, so we waited. When he left, I felt a little more refreshed. I began to masturbate some more when we were interrupted again, this time by the clerk doing a ticket check. This was really embarrassing because I had gotten a twenty-four hour ticket and I had been there for at least ten hours. When the clerk (a male clerk) checked my ticket I was really embarrassed, but he eventually left and the place slowly began to get going again.

My ass began to really throb right about now, and I wasn’t sure I wanted anymore, so I began just sucking guys off. The problem was guys kept trying to finger both my ass and pussy and some of them had been touching other parts of me. Earlier in the night I had been extremely careful not to allow anyone with cum on their hands to penetrate me with their fingers, and I was careful to make sure there was no cum on a guy's cock either. I had began using lube instead of sucking guys off to lubricate their cocks (with condom on) like I had done earlier; my mouth was full of cum so it wouldn't have been safe. But now I was getting a bit careless and was not only having difficulty keeping track of everything, but I was beginning to lose my will to be safe. Essentially, therefore, what started off as relatively safe sex began to unravel, and after over ten hours in with nothing to eat or sleep for the previous two days, I let my guard down.

I think this was the biggest thing I regret from the night/day. It’s one thing to be a slut for a night, but it’s a whole other issue to be an unsafe one. I was and still am disgusted with my lack of self control and disrespect for my own welfare. A gangbang is not necessarily the safest thing even if perfect, but to allow men to penetrate me with their fingers who had cum on their hands was downright scary. I got really paranoid after that and got tested. Luckily I didn’t catch anything.

Anyway, I was apparently in there for another eight hours (eighteen total) though I can’t fully account for the rest of the time. It’s sort of a blur after the ticket check. I didn’t necessarily fuck a lot of guys in that time. What kept happening was I would take a break, doze off for a minute here and there while watching the movie, I would masturbate like before with very, super good orgasms, turn guys away, and wait for a good scene to come on. My mind really did begin to break down at this point: I was becoming rather paranoid; sound was becoming a little distorted; time wasn’t quite clear. It really was quite dangerous and I don’t recommend staying that long. I was manic at the time, too, so staying there for as long as I did was partially driven by this.

After awhile I just sort became trapped there. It’s hard to explain, but I sort of got caught in a cycle: I wanted to leave but wanted to do so on a good note. I would wait for one last good fuck, wait a little to regain my stamina, begin to want that good fuck again, and begin to wait again.

This account is far longer than I set I had anticipated, so I’ll just try to make the rest brief. The only next highlight that I can think of came toward the end of this entire adventure. About an hour or so before I left one of the guys was holding me up and he was sitting down. Another guy showed up and, without my permission, entered my vagina. At first I was stunned. I was stunned because, first, I hadn’t really noticed him get that close to me and, second, because he was not wearing any protection. Had this been earlier in the night I might have knocked him out for doing so, or least gotten him out me, however at this point I was just too tired and horny to stop him. It was like being on the edge of a really good orgasm and knowing you should stop; very difficult to do. So I allowed both of them to continue fucking me. The guy in my vagina came inside me, something I regret deeply, and then another guy entered and came in me too, something I regret even more. I had already crossed so many lines this night that crossing one more, and then another, and another, just became the norm.

And therein lies the danger of doing something like this. Just by participating in a gangbang you are crossing a line. You will cross many throughout the experience. If you have a ravenous appetite for sex and/or desire to completely submit, there really isn’t any good stopping point for which lines you cross and which you don’t, or at least that was how it was for me. When I allowed those last two men to penetrate me, I allowed them to do so under the mindset that I had already broken all my limits anyway, why not one more? The fact that it was dangerous just added to the excitement at this point. As crazy as it sounds, the fact that they were unprotected made me more aroused than anything.

After these two guys had came in me, I finally did begin to urge myself to go. I rested a bit more and finally decided to leave. Leaving a place like this is a bit more involved than you might expect. First off, as you might imagine, walking was actually kind of difficult, not just because my ass hurt (and that’s so embarrassing to write) but also because I hadn’t really been moving my legs adequately. They, along with my back and neck, were very stiff. I had to stretch and shake my limbs, all in front of a crowd of men hoping I'd give them more. I went into the front corner to do this. Next, I had to make sure I was somewhat decent before exiting. Both my body and dress were covered in cum, as well as my legs and shoes. I used my hand sanitizer to get as much off as possible, but it was still all over me... that stuff hard to get off. I had became obsessed with my breath, too, because of how many guys I had sucked off and because I was starving at this point.

So, I spent awhile composing myself to try to act normal when exiting. In my head, I was trying to plan out just how to get out to my car in the quickest way possible. The thing is, I was absolutely dying to pee at this point, and, I won't lie, I think I did here and there while in that place. But I knew I needed to get to the bathroom first thing after exiting the theater. I needed to rinse off anyway. I stood next to the exit while some nasty guy kept motioning to me to suck him off, but by now all the guys were beginning to make me sick. The whole thrill was beginning to wear off. After working up the nerve to push open the door leading to the connected adult store, I sort of stumbled into the, now, blinding light of day. All I remember is the clerks looking at me, I think to make sure I was okay. I mumbled something about needing to go to the bathroom and they directed me to it. When I got in, my appearance shocked me in the mirror: Ten years older, bags under my eyes, dehydrated, somewhat emaciated, and absolutely no color in my face with raggity hair. I chose not to look for long so I could keep it together enough to get to my car. I rinsed off a little, used some mouth wash, and after some more hesitation, left the bathroom and out to my car.

The sun hadn’t set yet and the sunlight really hurt my eyes. The fact that the first thing I saw and heard when I left the store were the sounds of the Marine Corps Recruit Depot directly across the street made my heart drop. It was a reminder of just how far I had fallen. I put my head down, tried not to look at anything, and just made my way to my car. When I got there, my mind was so gone that I barely knew how to get in or even start it. I was kind of panicky at this point and over-started the ignition so it squeaked really loud. Again, I tried to compose myself, put on some music, told myself I did nothing wrong, and blasted the air conditioner.

Despite all of my efforts, I will say that I was certainly not a safe driver after all of that. I could still hear the sounds of theater around me: the buzzing of the door, the moans from the movies, the moans from the guys; everything. So I tended to misjudge traffic sounds and hear these things instead. As strange as it may sound, I also could still feel those guys fucking me while driving. I was hypervigilant. Basically all of the sensations that I experienced in that theater just would not stop emanating in my mind and I was paranoid as hell. My judgement was very poor; in fact I was already on the freeway before I realized I had forgotten to put my glasses back on.

It was now Saturday evening and there was a lot of traffic in the area. I contemplated getting a hotel room because I had driven the two hour drive from my place in Los Angeles. I ultimately decided against it. I was getting more and more disgusted with myself the longer I was away from the place and I just wanted to get home, get washed up, and crawl into bed for a year or two. I get really turned on when I think about this, though at the time I was disgusted, but while driving, the smell of cum was extremely strong. Though I had cleaned my face off in the bathroom before I left the theater, it was still on my breasts, in my hair, on my dress: everywhere. It also began to leak out of my vagina... I have mixed feelings about this now, but at the time it was happening I was horrified. I didn't plan on having anyone in there, let alone feel their disgusting shit seep our of me.

This is difficult for many to understand, but to feel mens' semen, from who I didn't even know, leak out of my vagina was just so very depressing. I know I made myself out to be a huge slut this night, but I didn't want them in there. As twisted as it sounds, allowing guys into my ass was acceptable, but not into my vagina; that was sacred and I had reserved the experience for someone I loved, or at least respected. This violated me in a way I didn't set out to be violated. I just felt sick. So I found a nice spot in the La Jolla area (a superb of San Diego) which overlooked the beach and which was fairly secluded and parked.

After I parked I immediately started to cry, hard. I was overwhelmed by everything, including having had no sleep and nothing to eat for two days. When I felt that cum seeping out of me I felt “heartbroken” somehow for having let myself down. True, I went there to experience a sense of violation, but this was too much. I began thinking of everything that had happened to me in recent years through this one lens of being a slut and it just cast such a dreary light that I became instantly depressed. I felt more alone now than ever. I felt like something was wrong with me, like I was unworthy of help or love or anything after that. I wanted to feel used and objectified and ravished, and I got all of those things, but I was unprepared for this feeling of complete revulsion with myself. I felt like driving off that cliff honestly.

Anyway, after having five or six major cries I began to regain my composure. Still very tired and wreaking of cum, lube, sweat, stale perfume, and every thing else, I waited for traffic going north to die down a little bit more and finally got on the road for the two-hour trip back home.

Once I made it back, I immediately began to cry again. My kitty hadn’t seen me in days but I didn’t feel I could touch her without contaminating her somehow. The grossest part is that she began licking the bottom of my heels after I took them off (not even k**ding).. Awful! Don't blame her, it's just something they do. I just wanted to scoop her up, give her a huge hug, and say hello, but I felt too dirty. I went to take a shower and caught my reflection in the mirror and wasn’t prepared for that either. Like at the theater, having stayed up for so long, I looked ten years older. My hair was all ragged, I had bags under my eyes, my complexion was very pale. I was disgusted with myself again and looked away.

After taking a very nice, very thorough shower, I made myself a bubble bath with some bath oils. I also lit a few candles, as I couldn’t get the stench of that place out of my nose. I later found out that the lube I had been using throughout the night really gets stuck in your nose for like a day or two afterwards, but I didn’t know that at the time and it just seemed like a couldn’t wash the theater smell off of me. Anyway I fell right to sleep in the bath, and eventually got into bed, where I fell into one of the blackest, dreamless, sleeps I’ve ever had. I didn’t wake up until about four p.m the next day, where I just grabbed something to eat, and then slept again for about another twelve hours. I had exhausted myself.


For anyone who is curious, below is the Youtube channel for the adult store in which the theater is located. As you might be able to tell, the place isn't a hole in the wall by any means. It's much like the Hustler chain in the sense that they are actually oriented toward female customers in many ways. Aside from the theater and the movie section, more of the store is actually dedicated to adult toys, along with a huge section for lingerie, clothing, and shoes. If you look at their "Fashion Show Ladies in Love" video, those are some of the female clerks they have working there, including the one who I mention in my story.

It's actually a pretty nice store, very safe, with a very friendly staff. I still harbor a little grudge toward one of their managers for an incident that occurred in 2009, but I don't think he is there anymore. Overall they are all very nice and nonjudgmental.

So, that's where it all went down lol. It isn't such a bad place. Honestly, a part of me wants to do it all again and I have not ruled it out, though I definitely would be more careful and would not stay for nearly as long. Looking back almost a year after, I guess I am still coming to terms with the entire thing. But it is only as degrading as I, myself, make it. I'm still the warm, competent, compassionate, capable person that I was before doing the gangbang... but I am a warm, competent, compassionate, capable person who just happens to like getting fucked by a bunch of people sometimes : )

It's really no more than that.


The following movie was actually playing in the theater at the time. It ran at least three times and I feel I know the movie by heart. I watched it while I rested, sometimes while I got fucked.... all of it. I did NOT like the choking stuff... at all, nor did many of the guys. That seeemed to turn them off. But just the memories that flood in from seeing this: WOW!


One more thing. The following clip is taken from the Marine Corps Recruiting Depot in San diego which is directly across the street from the theater. The yelling is almost constant at the Depot and clearly heard from across the street. Nearly every time I walked out of that theater I could hear what you see in the clip. A few times I even left as either Reveille was playing, or even Taps. Either way, going from that theater out to where I could hear that culture which I had just left was always sort of a shock. It always served to contrast my previous life with the one I had just entered.

Opublikowano przez lilith10
12 lata/lat temu
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HardMario 6 lata/lat temu
This is so well-written. On the one hand, it's poignant and wistful--a meditation on the nature of sexuality itself. On the other hand, it's so atmospheric, so electric with pent-up lust, that I can't read it without getting furiously aroused. Thank you for sharing this, lilith.
lilith10 Wydawca 7 lata/lat temu
do LittleMissLipService : Wow. Well thank you. I just try to tell the tale as I felt it at the time. I'm happy that you can benefit.
Odpowiedz Pokaż pierwotny komentarz
LittleMissLipService 9 lata/lat temu
Your articulation of this event: the anticipation, realization and then the descent into panic, shame and regret is staggering.....
I have noticed that your best writing has a truly mesmeric quality.
The outer fringes draw us in to the inescapable gravity well that you create, and we happily (?) stay for the whole journey.
randi-parkwood 11 lata/lat temu
I would love to meet you. Incredible writing. I can so relate. Much love~Randi
n2oral 11 lata/lat temu
Great account! Thanks for the travelogue..
Compelling, honest, witty, and somewhat saddening account of that day.
It's a real shame that you felt quite out of control towards the end, but as you say, boundaries eventually get crossed and blurred to such a point that it can be immensely overwhelming; sometimes in an empowering way, but it can also be negative too.
I hope that should you be attempting something like this again, you approach it with a far more solid mindset and manage to retain a modicum of control over proceedings too on your own terms.

Whatever you do though, have fun. No fun = no point. :smile:
pjny21 11 lata/lat temu
Wonderfully written account. The self-reflection is very honest, like a well-written affidavit.

cathy_slut_lancs 11 lata/lat temu
My ideal thing to do myself - gorgeous writing!
lilith10 Wydawca 11 lata/lat temu
Well they both involve a great deal of chaffing xD

TOO true!!!!
slicker 11 lata/lat temu
Well written! One is really taken along for the ride with you. Some people do iron mans, others do gang bangs. It feels like they are similar to me now:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
taz66 11 lata/lat temu
excellent read, I will be back for more
me10000 11 lata/lat temu
That was a fucking hot account, very well told. I know the theater, never imagined I could participate in a gangbang there :smile:
NoFakesZone 11 lata/lat temu
Wow Lilith,

your story is super HOT!

I am comming with you next time.... :smile:

Kisses from your friend


DCMDVA 12 lata/lat temu
I enjoyed reading about your experience. One thing that surprised me is that you went alone. I don't think most women would have the courage to do that. Perhaps you didn't have a male friend that you trusted enough to tell him about your desire to do this and to have him escort you. Personally, I think that's a better way to go. Not only do you have someone else to look out for you, but afterwards you have someone who has shared the experience with you. I look forward to reading more of your posts.
lilith10 Wydawca 12 lata/lat temu
I know. I can't remember where I saw it, but recently I saw a website or something using the word multitasking to describe "dp." They totally stole that from me!
jayskay 12 lata/lat temu
To coin a term that you used, a whole new definition of 'multitasking'. Got a kick out of that line.
faust77 12 lata/lat temu
interesting read and to read your view/aspect very deep and profound.
Wow! Thanks a lot for sharing that! Insanely sexy and personal... love it and into my favs!

windshadow 12 lata/lat temu
Wow very good. Should submit this to Penthouse forum or something.

As far as your kitty, she was just trying to make you feel better. Pets just know what your emotions are and act accordingly (normally)
naughtybicycle 12 lata/lat temu
layered and rich.
nxtyme 12 lata/lat temu
one of the best stories my favs !
qknd 12 lata/lat temu
you are an amazing storyteller and writer
I loved the story
thank you for sharing it with me
you are so fantastic....
:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ~~~
9inofshmo 12 lata/lat temu
that was an INCREDIBLE story omg thank u so much for sharing!
mezee 12 lata/lat temu
We dont have theaters like that around here, pity!I like the videos of the movie theaters it would be a turnon to be there fucking a complete stranger and waiting in line with a bunch of other guys waiting to fuck a woman.But I would hope she is enjoying it too.
wildrick 12 lata/lat temu
Thank you for sharing that experience. You write very well and as others have commented it did become more chilling towards the end. An honest and open and at times very moving account.
MorePeter 12 lata/lat temu

The story starts as a description of a great adventure. But then chills start running down my spine. Things go from bad to worse and nobody, not the least you, can do anything to stop. I think it's like pleasure maiden says, subspace. It is something that can become very dangerous to a sub if not handle very carefully.

You commented you have done it again but not as long. I think you should keep an eye out on yourself. Make sure you stay sane when you do it again. Better would be to have a trustworthy Dom at your side. He can keep guys away when you can't anymore.

And one probably even more important is the fact he can take you home. You were in no state to drive. That is up to him. He could carry you to the car. Hug you and comfort you. He would be the one showering you when you get home. He takes care of your kitty and make sure she eats that is meant for kitties.

I don't expect you to find such a Dom anytime soon, but I really urge you to take care and prevent from getting pushed into such state again.

crazyboutsex 12 lata/lat temu
Thanks for yet another amazing adventure of yours,Lilith10. Summertime urge? And you say you went back there a few more times after that... But you're right:after a couple of hours in there,one tends to let go of one's limits. Hope you're good now. Take care!
lilith10 Wydawca 12 lata/lat temu
I really wish I would have met you sooner. It was a good experience overall, however. I needed to fill the urge somehow. Next time I will be more constructive about it.
jacobofsky 12 lata/lat temu
Loved reading it. Very well written my Beloved Capi! :wink:
jb11 12 lata/lat temu
good post