GETTING BLACKED: First Encounter With A BBC (part1


I was sitting in a chair off to the side watching the action, wearing only an off white pair of string bikini panties, but I was wearing more clothes than anyone else in the room. There were two women on the couch in the middle of the room, with five men gathered around them, all trying to garner the ladies’ affections. Everybody was completely naked. I’m not even sure why I was there, that type of cluster fuck isn’t really to my taste. That’s why I was sitting by myself and still wearing underpants, even though they were a very skimpy pair and didn’t cover much.

As I watched, I saw Harold Price emerge from the group. A large well-built black man, his nude figure was quite impressive, but as he stepped back from the couch, it wasn’t his build alone that caught my attention, it was his erection. Easily nine or ten inches in length, it jutted stiffly out, looking like the bowsprit on a sail boat with his heavy balls slung below it in his scrotum like some sort or phallic inspired figurehead. I couldn’t help but notice all the other big dicks on the couch seemed to have to stroke or squeeze their cocks when they weren’t being attended to by one of the two women, almost as if they couldn’t maintain an erection without some physical stimulation. But Harold stood, looking almost with distain at the group, naked, completely untroubled by his hard-on, looking like a true Alpha male. Then he looked over in my direction and began walking towards me. The Alpha male had spotted me.

As he approached, I was fascinated with his cock as it swayed slightly back and forth with every step he took. It was a hypnotic thing of beauty and I couldn’t take my eyes off it. I felt my stomach tighten in anticipation with every move it made as he grew nearer. I wondered to myself what he would say when he got to me, or what I would say for that matter. I envisioned either a “hey do you want play with my cock” or a pseudo-sympathetic “what’s the matter, baby, you nervous or something” type of line. I should have known better. Stopping in front of me, he held out his hand and spoke softly.

“Come along, little angel, it’s your time.”

He was neither asking nor demanding, just stating a simple fact in typical Alpha male fashion. I took his hand and stood up, unable to refuse. He slid his hands around my waist, then down into my panties. Grabbing my ass cheeks he pulled me against him, trapping his huge cock between us. Feeling his hard-on pressed against me, I leaned back slightly, looking down my body. I could see the mahogany brown head of his cock looking back up at me like some kind of beautiful one eyed brown snake. Weak in the knees, I felt I would melt there on the spot.

No man has ever turned me on so much by doing so little. After all, all he did was walk across the room with his erection pointing the way, grab me by the ass, and press his penis against my belly. If I was that hot already, I couldn’t imagine what it would be like once we got down to business. One thing was for sure, I was in a hurry to find out.
Putting my arms around his neck, I pulled him down for a kiss. I gave him a quick peck, then concentrated on his lower lip, sucking it between my own lips. I stroked it with the tip of my tongue. Then, pressing our lips together, I slowly slid my tongue into his mouth. I was hoping he would take it as a sign that I was his for the taking. It occurred to me that he really didn’t require a sign, he had made it plain by his manner that he was going to take me, but I wanted him to know how much I wanted him, needed him to fuck me. I wanted to be his woman, even if it was just for the moment or for the long haul. I pulled him against my even tighter as we stayed lip-locked in a deep soul penetrating kiss.

I woke up with my face buried in my pillow. I sat up, startled; it had all been a dream. I cursed my luck for having awakened before he fucked me. I tried to go back to sleep, hoping I could return to where we’d been interrupted and then let my Alpha male finish the job he’d started on me. But that sort of thing never works, after about fifteen minutes I gave up and rolled over on my back. Staring at the dark ceiling of my bedroom, I felt cheated.

Now there was a reason I might have had an erotic dream about Harold Price. He worked in the same office as I did. He was tall and athletic with a confident demeanor. Walking through the office in a self-assured manner, he flirted with all the women shamelessly with a warm mischievous smile. He was about ten years younger than me. I was in my thirties at the time and found the age difference exciting; it’s nice to think younger men might find you attractive. And yes, there were rumors of him having a large cock.

I don’t know where those stories came from or if anyone ever confirmed them. Perhaps one of the girls had a fling with him or the guys saw it in the Men’s Room, or if it was just a case of someone believing in the stereotype that said all black men are hung like bulls. But those rumors were the inspiration for my very arousing dream and a growing infatuation with Harold Price. After that every time I saw him walking casually through the office, I remembered my nocturnal vision of him walking naked with that large proud erection standing tall. If he happened to come my way, I could see that cock in my mind’s eye and imagine my Alpha male was coming to take me. I could often feel my pussy getting wet in anticipation. I finally decided something had to give before I ended up in a frenzy of sexual frustration. I had to get it out of my system.

The problem was just how to go about it. I didn’t want to just go up and offer myself up to him. That could prove to be rather debasing, not to mention out-right embarrassing, if he turned me down. I liked to think I was attractive enough that he would jump at the opportunity to have his way with me, but the age difference kept coming into my mind. It was possible he would think of me as just some pathetic old broad. As horny as I was, I didn’t want to look pitiful.

Then something occurred to me and it was remarkably simple; every Friday night the company bowlers got together to play at the local lanes. I knew from the talk around the office that Harold usually played and there was a fair amount of drinking that went on. This seemed like fertile ground for an ice breaking. At best, my big dicked Alpha male would pick up where my dream had left off and screw me silly and at worst, I spend a night socializing with my friends from work. It really did seem like a no lose proposition. So, the first Friday after I’d made my decision, I took a cab to the bowling alley prepared to strut my stuff to see if anyone would take the bait and hoping it would be Harold.

I went in and took a seat behind the lanes where our office teams were playing. Several did notice me sitting there and commented on it. Mostly they asked what I was doing there. I told them I’d heard so much about these Friday night get togethers that I thought I’d drop in and see for myself what goes on. That seemed to satisfy everyone’s curiosity. Once they were into their final frames, I got up and went into the lounge. Slowly, in small groups, as they finished their games they began filing in. A lot of the men came over to talk with me, including, much to my relief, Harold.

I made sure when I was talking to him to again smile a lot, occasionally licking my lips, and to keep my eyes locked on his. I’m not sure if he picked up on my signals or whether he simply never passed up an opportunity to flirt with any woman that acted friendly towards him, but he slid onto the chair next to me. Oddly, my little scheme was working, but I was growing nervous. We started out just exchanging pleasantries with both of us laughing just a little too much at each other’s light hearted remarks. I knew this was going somewhere but was beginning to wonder if this was really something I wanted to do; I was having second thoughts. He finally asked the obvious question; what brought me there that night. I told him the same thing I’d told all the others, that I was curious about what went on here every Friday night. Almost without thinking, I asked him the same question.

“Now it’s your turn. What brings you here every Friday night?”

“The games; you know, to knock down a few pins and knock back a few drinks. Just looking for some fun.”

I was still in a flirtatious mood and that line was too much of a set up for me to pass up, “Fun, huh; knock down a few pins, knock back some drinks, and maybe knock off a little piece of something else too, is that what you had in mind?”

“Oh ho, baby girl’s got a playful streak in her! Best be careful angel baby, somebody’s liable to take you seriously.”

There was something about this man who was ten years my junior calling me “baby girl” that did something to me. All doubts disappeared in an instant, that simple phrase had turned me on big time. I was his if he wanted me, because I sure as hell wanted him, big cock and all.

“Are you really sure you want me to be careful?” I asked coyly.

“Oh, baby girl, I don’t know if you realize where this could lead.”

“Oh, baby girl has a pretty good idea where it could go. Would you like to get out of here and go somewhere where we could talk about it?”

“That’s one hell of an idea,” he said, looking around. “We don’t want to be topic of the office gossip from now on, so we have to leave discretely somehow.”

“No problem,” I said finishing my drink. “I’m going to go to the ladies room. From there I’ll sneak out the side door. Meet me out front in about, say ten minutes. How’s that work?”

“Sounds like you’ve done this before, angel baby.”

I got up and winked at him before heading for the Rest Room. When he called me “angel baby”, it reminded me that in my dream he’d called me “little angel” and I felt a shudder go through my body. I was getting nervous again, but it was an exciting kind of nervous. It seemed like my dream was coming true and it was electrifying.

I stopped by the vending machines on my way to the ladies room, just to kill some time. He was supposed to wait ten minutes before leaving and that’s a long time to sit in the bathroom. I had to pee, but for ten minutes? I didn’t think so. So I spent a few minutes perusing the wares. I did buy some breath mints, figuring they could come in handy. Then I went into the ladies room, peed, washed up, then touched up my makeup. Lastly, I freshened up my perfume and put a drop or two on the inside of my thighs. Hoping that would do some good.

Finally I gave up and, leaving the restroom, headed for the side door of the lanes where I could slip out unnoticed. Once outside, I walked around to the front of the building and stood alongside the door waiting for Harold. The minutes seemed to crawl as I waited. Somewhere in the back of my mind I was afraid I’d be stood up. I had no reason the think this, but everything seemed to have gone so well for me that I thought something had to go wrong. But I had no reason to worry, after a few minutes, one of the glass doors opened and Harold stepped out.

“I couldn’t see you from inside,” he said. “I thought for a second you’d changed your mind.”
“No, I just thought being off to the side would be less conspicuous.” I didn’t feel it was necessary to tell him I had thought he was the one who’d changed their mind.

We walked across the parking lot to his car and he was the perfect gentleman, opening the door for me. Once we were both in, he started the engine and turned to me.

“Any ideas where we should go?”

“Yes,” I said staring straight ahead, “I was thinking your place would be nice.”

“Damn, little lady, you don’t mess around with the preliminaries, do you? You get right down to cases.”

“If you’d rather not …”

“No, no; I didn’t say that. I like someone who knows what they want and goes for it. It’s just that I really never expected anything like this from you, you never seemed like the type.”

“The type, and what type is that?”

“Oh, don’t be like that, you know what I mean. You always seemed so reserved. I guess it like that old saying about still waters running deep, baby girl. It seems like you’ve got a lot going on under the surface. You just took me by surprise.”

We pulled out of the parking lot in silence. I don’t know what he was feeling, but I was in some kind of weird turmoil. I was nervous and anxious, excited to be off on a sexual adventure, but I was also scared. I felt at that time that there was still some sort of taboo about interracial sex and I was about to cross it. When we stopped at a red light he looked over at me.

“Tell me something, baby girl, just to satisfy my curiosity. What brought you here tonight? I mean are you doing this to see if all those rumors about black men are true?”

I wasn’t sure where he was going with this or how to answer, so I felt I’d have to go with the truth. “To be honest with you, I don’t know. Those sexual stereotypes may have something to do with it, but not entirely. But even if that were the only reason, would it matter?”

“Nooo ma’am, I just wanted to know what I was getting into. That’s all.”

“Well think of this. Even if that were all I was interested in, you’re not the only black man I know, you’re not even the only black man in the office, and yet here I am with you.”

“Oh, I do like that answer, baby girl. No more questions from me.”

“Well, now it’s my turn to ask the same question. Are you with me just because I’m white? Is it something like you’re trying to rack up another blonde pubic scalp on your lance?”

“You asked the same question and I have about the same answer. I’m not sure. I am attracted to white girls, always have been, but I don’t know why. All I can say is some guys like big breasts, some long legs, others big booties. Some prefer short hair and others like it long. I’m turned on by light creamy flesh. Maybe it’s because they always seemed unattainable, so when I find one who’s into it, I get an extra thrill from them. All I know is, I do get that extra thrill.”

“Well, I’ll do my best to provide it,” I said with uncharacteristic boldness, feeling there was no point in being coy, we both knew what we were going to do. I didn’t mention about the erotic dream he’d starred in. That would be my little secret.

“I think we should stop this talk,” he said. “I’m having a hard time keeping my mind on my driving.”

I couldn’t help giggling, but other than that, I kept quiet the rest of the way. Neither of us said a word when we pulling into the parking lot of his apartment building. Since Harold was usually pretty glib and talkative, I could only feel that his silence meant that he could sense how uncomfortable I was at this point and didn’t want to say anything that might spook me into changing my mind. He needn’t have worried, I had crossed the line of no return back at the bowling alley and I wasn’t going to back out now. Any uneasiness or hesitancy I was experiencing now was just adding to my sense of adventure. You must understand, I hadn’t been divorced very long and the idea of going out and picking up a man for sex wasn’t something I was used to doing.
Opublikowano przez patsygirl
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Amiable6969 4 mies. temu
Its going to be a goody! Amy x
cocksucker868 5 mies. temu
I like how this is beginning! 
blue_kiss 6 mies. temu
roadrunner1959 6 mies. temu
So far so good
Tammi4U 6 mies. temu
Love this women’s perspective. 
XXterminate 8 mies. temu
Very hot story 
erzika34 11 mies. temu
very nice
escalade2020 11 mies. temu
do patsygirl : I do :smile:
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escalade2020 11 mies. temu
Very well said. I will keep on reading the next sections. Was he the first guy you had sex after your divorce?
Mrstevela 1 rok temu
Nicely written! It's often difficult to put experiences like this into words, but you are doing it well. Looking forward to part 2, especially since it's written from a females point of view.
patsygirl Wydawca 1 rok temu
do eastendboy112 : I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed doing it. :grinning:
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eastendboy112 1 rok temu
I love the way you tell the story, I will enjoy reading more