Masturbation questionnaire

Pinched from elsewhere...

1. When did you start masturbating?
... At age of ...

2. How did you discover it?
... With best friend, during an overnight stay ...

3. How did you do it when you first started, and is it the same way you do it now?
... Rubbing hand on the whole shaft and head, still today with some variations ...

4. How often do you masturbate?
... 4-5 times a week ...

5. How long do you usually masturbate for?
... Could be 10' to more than hours ... depends on so much factors...

6. When did you last masturbate?
... Just now! ...

7. When do you usually masturbate?
... Nothing are set in stones, just when I desire ...

8. Where do you usually masturbate?
... Everywhere I found myself comfortable to do so ... ;D

9. Which hand do you masturbate with?
... Mine, yours, ... any other idea? ...

10. What do you cum on? (chest, belly, hand etc.)
... Belly, chest, hands, feet, etc, ...

11. Have you ever tasted your own cum?
... Hell yes! ...

12. Have you ever cum in your own mouth?
... Of course, who never did it? ...

13. Do you edge, aka "play stop and go" - masturbating to the edge of orgasm)?
... Times to times, better when it is with a partner ...

14. How long did your longest masturbating session take?
... Don't know, never did a time check ...

15. What was your most memorable masturbation session?
... Too long to explain ...

16. Have you ever had multiple orgasms while masturbating?
... Yes ...

17. Do you use lubrication?
... Sometimes ...

18. Have you ever been caught masturbating?
... Yes ...

19. If yes, by whom?
... Friends, Wife ...

20. Have you ever masturbated with a person of the opposite sex?
... Yes ...

21. Have you ever masturbated with a person of the same sex?
... Yes ...

22. Do you use anal play while masturbating?
... Sometimes, and more and more as time go ...

23. Have you ever had an anally-related orgasm?
... Yes ... please!!!!

24. What are the most times you masturbated on a single day?
... 4 times in a day ...

25. What's the most unusual place you have masturbated?
... Where should I start the list? ...

What about you?? ;P
Opublikowano przez gael67
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