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Luxury Girl
Luxury Girl

Luxury Girl

Ranga modelki/modela 361 | 891M Wyświetleń | 1M Subskrybentów
Hi You! My name is Kristina and I'm an amateur porn star. I reside in Estonia, but I also travel around the world. I spend a lot of my time on different hobbies: casual reading, sports racing, playing the piano, or paragliding. I also love nightlife and would never miss a good party. But my biggest passion is Sex. The Sex. My mind and body are always craving for it. But I guess You could tell that already from my body of work ;) I'm incredibly grateful to all my followers for their comments, likes, and private messages. It's so nice to see that people enjoy my work so much they go out of their way to express it to me. And sometimes I get more of them that I can physically handle. And that's the only reason, I haven't answered some of those. One way to fix it is to click "Become a Fan" and subscribe to my Fan Club. Then I can guarantee that You would get a reply from me. And I'll be glad to hear your suggestions and advice for the video.
Informacje: Hi You! My name is Kristina and I'm an amateur porn star. I reside in Estonia, but I also travel around the world. I spend a lot of my time on different hobbies: casual reading, sports racing, playing the piano, or paragliding. I also love nightlife and would never miss a good party. But my biggest passion is Sex. The Sex. My mind and body are always craving for it. But I guess You could tell that already from my body of work ;) I'm incredibly grateful to all my followers for their comments, likes, and private messages. It's so nice to see that people enjoy my work so much they go out of their way to express it to me. And sometimes I get more of them that I can physically handle. And that's the only reason, I haven't answered some of those. One way to fix it is to click "Become a Fan" and subscribe to my Fan Club. Then I can guarantee that You would get a reply from me. And I'll be glad to hear your suggestions and advice for the video.
Płeć: Kobieta
Wzrost: 5' 7" (170cm)
Waga: 124lbs. (56kg)
Rasa: White
Kolor włosów: Brunette
Sztuczne cycki: Nie
Tatuaże: No
Kolczyki (piercing): No
Status związku: Wolny/a
Zainteresowany/a: Kolesiami i laskami
Miasto: PornHub World
Miasto oraz kraj: Tallinn, Estonia
Zainteresowania i hobby: Sport race, literature, paragliding
Co mnie kręci: Men in suits, expensive cars, smell of a cigar
Wyświetlenia profilu: 228 584 709
Liczba wyświetleń: 891 877 393
Obejrzanych filmów: 1 593
Non-Consensual Content Policy<\/a> or\n Child Sexual Abuse Material Policy<\/a>. If you believe a user's profile violates these policies or is\n otherwise inappropriate, you can use the flagging feature to have the user's profile reviewed by Pornhub staff.","next":""},{"key":"terms violation","value":"User's content infringes my rights, or other legal concern","popup":"We are committed to protecting our community and the users of our platform. We have a zero-tolerance\n policy toward uploads that violate our Non-Consensual Content Policy<\/a>. If you believe this user's\n content invades your privacy, violates our non-consensual content policy, or is illegal, please use the flagging feature to have\n the user's content reviewed by Pornhub staff.","next":""},{"key":"underage","value":"User's content potentially features a minor","popup":"We are committed to user safety and have a zero-tolerance policy toward content that violates our\n Child Sexual Abuse Material Policy<\/a>. If you believe this user's content is in violation of this policy,\n please use the flagging feature to have the user's content reviewed by Pornhub staff.","next":""},{"key":"content","value":"User's content is otherwise inappropriate or objectionable"},{"key":"comments","value":"User is posting inappropriate or objectionable comments"},{"key":"spammer","value":"User is spamming"}]" flag-for="user" submit-url="https://pl.pornhub.com/user/flag?id=601386161&token=MTcxNjAyMTA2NNVYSkcq152c0IgVKlinkL1HkO1nKmQgZSik1pRtkF7oKcyzS44jcGvm7UJI30ecMmVYmd5J_sl54UIGF-6f6a8." item-id="601386161">
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