So where too next?

So XHamster has been a good site, Lots of good folks. Ease of use. Tons of great materiel. Decent messenger But I guess nothing lasts forever. Seems like it's days are numbered. First it was Yahoo.......then Twitter and now XHamster. I dont upload a ton of stuff but I do enjoy sharing what I can and cant do that anymore it seems. So the question becomes where too next? Where is everyone else going?… Lees meer

Geplaatst door xnyer2000 3 jaar geleden 12

Broken by the Whip

I wanted to tell you a story I think you will find interesting. This is a true story. Down here they have an annual event called to BDSM ball. It is run by two local groups and we always used to go. About 10 or 12 years ago they got a big sponsorship from a local erotic clothing chain that also sells clothes to the "Goth" crowd. So the ball slowly began seeing more and more goth girls showing up to give them a chance to prance around in public wearing the "Uniform"....that being a black thong.......two pieces of electrical tape in an "X" across each nipple and a pair of either gothy boots or C… Lees meer

Geplaatst door xnyer2000 5 jaar geleden 6

Do you want or need to be exposed?

As some of you know I created a website/blog for a woman named Linda. It was and is quite successful. At the time a few years ago I had to give up exposing women like Linda (and several others) due to personal and professional time restraints. Now that I am semi-retired and soon to be fully retired I once again have the time. I have been quietly looking for a woman to expose and thought perhaps I had found one......but Alas as all too often happens after a little investigation it turned out to be someone who was trying to get revenge.......I think......on this woman. So it is back to square… Lees meer

Geplaatst door xnyer2000 5 jaar geleden 3

Endorphins and SubSpace

The Endorphin Levels in BDSM Terry on October 10, 2014 — BDSM Disclaimer: The author is not a medical doctor, though this information has been checked with a doctor and two nurses who are in the BDSM scene. Frisky Business Boutique assumes no responsibility for people who use this information or for the effects that may arise from the application of the information presented in this article. Although everyone into the BDSM scene has heard of endorphins, very few people really understand what they are, how they work, what the “endorphin high” is all about, and how one can correctly indu… Lees meer

Geplaatst door xnyer2000 7 jaar geleden 2

Tim and Sandy

It's been a while. Things are busy this time of year. I wanted to tell you about Tim....Sir Catt. Prior to Tim coming into our lives we had only played with others a few times......We were just getting started. Tim came into our lives just after we move to Texas in 2000. Prior to that we had lived in the California Bay Area (Santa Cruz) and the total of our public D/s lives had been a couple of trips to "Off Folsom" (At that time "Breeders" were not welcome to the Folsom Street fair so the D/s Community started Off Folsom....they have since combined and all are welcome at Folsom Street) b… Lees meer

Geplaatst door xnyer2000 8 jaar geleden 8

To find whore Linda's blog

It will not let me post the URL properly on my profile. Lets try here. If after whorestail. you type blogspot. They make this really hard.… Lees meer

Geplaatst door xnyer2000 8 jaar geleden 5