State of Amature Porn & half assed effort

Fresh Rant..April 2018. THE STATE OF UPLOADED AMATURE PORN TODAY. This will piss people off, but I don’t care. I am here for my own pleasure and Xhamster does not give a fuck about you or I. .. It’s cool to post a amature vid, I love it. It’s great to see amature porn, but it’s the god damn commenters who have no clue and I will respond accordingly NOW to rectify it. WATCH OUT STUPID FUCKS WHO HAVE NO CLUE.. I WILL ROAST YOU AND DONT GIVE A FUCK Stupid cunts like Judge Sappho.. for example who troll and post non stop negative comments rather than being appreciative of the porn... why t… Lees meer

Geplaatst door Articwilderbeast 6 jaar geleden 1

7 Into Snowy

Geplaatst door Articwilderbeast 6 jaar geleden

Carol Connors

This is so I can go to all the movies archived in her name. What beautiful woman meer

Geplaatst door Articwilderbeast 6 jaar geleden 2