How it started... I dare you!

I found a couple adult, "Girly" magazines in a file cabinet. My heart raced as I quickly, eagerly flipped through the pages. Beautiful, nude women and then there, about 3/4ths through, a girl and a guy. She was on her knees, looking longingly at the sexy, flaccid cock just inches away. I could feel myself stir as my eyes were drawn to the guy's manhood. I don't know why, I could not explain the feelings it gave me. Was it her lustful look? Was it her looking submissive before him? Was it something deeper? My eyes took it all in, forever, I think, changing me. The last photo became burned in my memory. It was a close up of a hard cock, cum oozing from it's tip, and the girl's cum covered lips. It was so beautiful, sensual and erotic. I could not get enough. I could not get enough of the photos and the erotic stories in those pages. I didn't know how or why making that cock cum made her look so sexy, happy and satisfied. But, I sure began to wonder.

I became so secretly curious. Subconsciouly, I think I was always on the lookout for an opportuntity to explore those hidden lusts and desires that had welled up from seeing the photos. Cock seemed so alluring, so forbidden and yet, so appealing. A friend of mine wanted to spend the night, we were in middle school. Right around the time when a young boy's urges and curiousities hit their peak. I could not sleep knowing the opportunity to live out a fantasy was so close by. Just on the floor, on the other side of the room, a boy's lusty cock possibly waited for me to make the first move.

I heard him stir, I pretended to be asleep. I didn't want him to know that I was just laying there lusting. To my surprise, he was standing next to my bed. "Are you ok," I asked. "The floor is uncomfortable, move over, ok." His voice seemed to crack, he seemed almost out of breath. Was he thinking the same thing I was? I felt a strange tingle feeling wash over me as I slid over. I had to hide my erection. I had been stroking myself, thinking about his cock, but I couldn't let him know. He got in bed next to me and under the covers. We layed there silent for what seemed like forever. I don't even think I took a breath. I was filled with such nervous excitment. He turned and layed on his side. In the fetal position, I felt him squirm and move back until his ass lightly brushed against me. My eyes felt as wide as saucers. My cock strained against my pajamas. He turned once more, now on his back again and I felt his hand come to rest against my thigh. I know I had to be breathing heavy, but tried to hide it. He seemed restless and preoccupied, he also seemed to be out of breath.The room was filled and thick with an unseen kind of tension.

Then, he spoke. "Do you ever think about sex?" It felt like my head just exploded! "Yes, all the time," I told him quickly, before the moment was snatched away. "Me, too," he said, just as quickly. We layed there again, in silence. A minute seemed like an hour. Maybe we both were trying to build up the courage to make a move. Did he have the same unspoken, taboo feelings that I had? I mind, my body seemed to ache for attention. Yet, I craved to touch, to have my mouth on him, on his cock, any cock, even more so. Laying there, next to each other, there in the dark, with a shakey voice, he spoke again. He said how much he would like to have someone suck his cock, as if he had read my mind. I told him how much I would love that, too. As if in a dream, my mind raced and my urges boiled over. I couldn't even think straight, if he was thinking what I was thinking, his lust had to be boiling over, too. "Well, I will of you will. Just enough to know what it feels like." I could not believe I said it. I could not believe the words came out of my mouth, but I had to try. I just had to try. I wanted to do it so badly, but felt I had to pretend, otherwise. I was on pins and needles waiting for him to speak. "I will to," he said softly, "but you have to go first." Then, as if a game, as if I could not refuse, he said, "I dare you!"

I turned onto my side, nervous but incredibly excitied. I struggled to hide it. I wanted this so much but could not let on. He could not know, I thought. It just wasn't done back then. Or at least, that was what I thought. Even in the dark, my eager eyes could make out his semi erect cock as he pulled down on the front of his pajama's waistband. My heart was pounding out of my chest. I could hear it in my ears, I wondered if he could hear it, too. That beautiful state between soft and hard, still being able to feel it become erect and grow in my eager, young mouth. I could feel my eyes roll back at that first taste. I immediately knew what that girl in the magazine knew. It was a rush unlike any other, pure passion, pure bliss. His cock felt so good, just so right. I did not know why, but it just was the biggest thrill and it just felt so very right. In the quiet of my room, there were heart beats and the sounds of sucking cock. I had to try not to moan, I nad to try to be quiet. When his breathing quickened, without thinking, so did my mouth on his cock. Up and down, silently willing his cum out. Silently, willing it into my mouth. Feeling him shake was one of the most incredible experiences. I would know the thrill that girl felt. Would I love it as much?

I didn't stop sucking his cock. At that moment, I didn't care what he might think of me afterwards. I wanted it, I had to know. Mmmm, that warm rush as his body shook. The strange, yet addictive flavor, I became intoxicated by it. His cum spilled out as it filled my mouth. Whether I meant to or not, I swallowed some of it. It truly seemed intoxicating. I layed back afterwards, not really sure if I cared if he went down on me or not. Not really sure if I cared what he might be thinking of me. Wonderfully, without a word, I felt his hand caressing my precum soaked cock through my pajamas. In silence, I pulled them down and felt his amazing, warm, wet mouth. He sucked my cock, and cupped my tight balls. His finger tips stroking them. Was it passion? Was it a loving passion? Was it horny lust? Could he know the urges and desires that I felt, also? Wonderfully, erotically, sensually, he brought me to orgasm as I had him. I came in his mouth, too.
Gepubliceerd door PaulMayer00
28 dagen geleden
Gelieve of om commentaar te geven.
every one of your stories is a gem
It just feels right!
It IS alluring, forbidden and appealing!
know what u mean Paul