Wife in a bar

At one time or another, just about everyone's heard a joke that starts; "A man walks into a bar...". Well, the bar in question was my local drinking hole, but it was certainly no man that walked in!

She was beautiful; of course. She was sexy; certainly. She turned all heads in the bar; absolutely. She was married and waiting for her husband; almost without a doubt!

She had the same effect on my little group of friends as she did on the rest of the bar patrons; I watched her with a smile, Pertti watched her with a growing excitement and Pekka watched her with a look of undeniable lust! The tight patterned dress clung to her lean frame and the knee length white leather boots partially obscured flesh coloured stockings. She had short, blonde hair and her sultry features looked very much Scandinavian in their familiarity.

After a few moments, the rest of the bar returned to their drinks and conversation as the woman settled herself up onto a high bar stool and ordered a drink. Pekka and Pertti hardly seemed able to take their eyes off her as she crossed her long legs and sipped casually at the tall drink. We all watched her as her eyes flitted around the room taking in the gloomy surroundings. At first she seemed to be looking for somebody, but then as her gaze settled on our table and she smiled seductively in our direction.
"I got to say something to her" whispered Pekka, the most forward of our trio. "Look, she's smiling at us!"

Pekka wasted no time and rose to approach the bar. His manner was easy and comfortable as he chatted to the woman just out of our earshot.

"What do you think he's saying?" Pertti said to me in an excited whisper.

I smiled back at my friend. "Who knows! But Pekka can talk just about anyone into doing just about anything!"

Pertti and I lapsed back into an eerie silence while we tried not to stare too avidly at our third friend and the sexy blonde. Pekka was in full flow; talking freely and gazing into the deep brown eyes of the woman. His hand was on the bar, a mere fraction from her arm, and I saw her react like a bolt of electricity had passed through her when his fingers made brief contact with her hand. Pekka sensed her reaction also, and obviously took it as a good sign. He chatted on with a smile and a laugh and it only took another few minutes of gentle persuasion before another chair was pulled up at our table and we were joined by the vision of beauty. I could smell a familiar scent of perfume as she settled across from me and I smiled a welcome at her.

Paula introduced herself to us all with a grin. Now she was so close I could see that her dress was really tight and clung to her body like paint. It was difficult to keep my eyes from wandering to her firm small breasts as they swelled underneath the stretched fabric, looking larger than they really are, and as she extended her long legs out under the table I could hear the leather of her boots squeak.

Again, Pekka led the conversation, continuing where he had left off at the bar. He asked Paula lots of questions - some quite personal - but she answered them all with an easy manner and a sexy smile.
"So, are you married then, Paula?" Pekka suddenly asked.

The woman's lips curled into a wicked grin. She nodded silently.
"Does your husband know you dress like that and go into bars by yourself?"
"Dress like what?" Paula answered with mock innocence.
"Come on, Paula! You know what I mean! The tight dress; the white boots. You're dressed for sex! Tell me if I'm wrong!"
Again, Paula looked down demurely and glanced up at as all through long eye lashes. Her eyes smouldered; baking us with their incessent heat.

"You're not wrong, Pekka." she replied quietly. "And, yes, my husband does know. It's what he wants!"
That seemed like enough for Pekka, and Pertti was certainly getting more than a little excited. Pekka's suggestion to go on to a club was quickly accepted by Paula and all four of us finished our drinks and headed out into the warm evening air.
As we all rounded the rear of the bar, Paula was walking in front of us. Her ass swayed seductively under the short skirt of her dress and I could feel a pressing erection deep in my pants.

"Hey, Paula?" Pekka called out. In a second the woman had stopped and turned to face us. "How about showing us a little sample of what's under that dress?"

"I thought you'd never ask!" She replied with a sexy smile, "you know, I've been told my tits are nice, would you like to see them?"
I had to assume that it was a rhetorical question - there didn't seem much need to answer!
Slowly, Paula peeled down the top of her dress as we all stood in front of her and watched in slack-jawed fasination. Two perfectly proportioned B-sized, or even slightly smaller but still so beautiful orbs fell into view and Paula gently massaged them with her fingers, her nipples clearly hardening and sticking up pointedly.

"Ok, that's enough!" she suddenly said, pulling the top back up with a devilish grin.
"I hope you're not just some little tease?" cried Pekka. The disappointment in his voice was obvious.
Paula walked slowly over towards him, her eyes never leaving his face.
"You think I'm a tease, do you? Let me show you how I can tease!"

As she neared Pekka, Paula quickly dropped to her knees in front of him and pulled down his running shorts. Pertti and I continued to gape as she pulled out his thick, erect cock and slowly licked the tip.
Pekka groaned and spread his legs open a little further giving Paula better access to his cock and balls. She took advantage immediately and Pertti and I heard our friend gasp out loud as the sexy small blonde opened her mouth and sucked his balls deep inside, rolling her tongue lovingly over the sensitive flesh.

"Damn, but she knows how to give head!" Pekka gasped. "You guys want to get a little of this?"
Immediately, Pertti began to shimmy down his own shorts and make a bee-line for the couple. I stayed put.
"I'm a happily married man!" I said

"So what?" replied Pekka, "you going to miss out on some of this?"
I smiled. "Maybe later!"

Pertti and I looked on while Paula continued to fellate our friend, Pekka. Pertti worked the head of his exposed cock in his hand, timing his pulls with Paula everytime her head bobbed downwards and took Pekka's cock deeper into her mouth.
"Shit she looks hot," he gasped as he masturbated, "let's see those tits again, baby!"
Without stopping for a second, Paula quickly pulled the straps of her top down again and bared her glorious compact breasts once more. Her hands cupped the small globes and hardened nipples as she continued to suck and lick feverishly on Pekka's cock.
Finally she came up for air. She held her tits tight in her hands. Massaging the swelling nipples she gazed upwards deep into Pekka's eyes.

"You like to lick these, baby?" she cooed, "you want to lick my hot titties?"
Again, I can only assume that the question was rhetorical! With a broad smile on his face, Pekka leaned forward took one of Paula’s hard nipples in his mouth. Paula’s hands caught his manhood and, rubbing his shaft lovingly a few times, she continued to enjoy Pekka’s loving, tender licking of her breasts and nipples.

Pekka gasped out loudly as her fingers wrapped around his organ and he humped forward once or twice.
"Jeez, this is hot, guys!" Pekka cried as he fucked his rigid tool into Paula's small hand and licked her breasts, "she really has a nice tender touch around my tool! And such lovely small titties as well... nipples so eager for my tongue. What more could a man ask for!"
"I know what I'm asking for!" said Pertti suddenly as he approached Paula, "soft lips around my tool! Here, honey, suck on this!"
And with one movement, Paula had her mouth full of Pertti's cock while Pekka continued to fuck her small hands and lick her breasts. As they both had their cocks worked so delightfully, I looked on as both men grasped the hem of the woman's dress and hauled it upwards.

"Damn!" cried Pertti as he shoved his hand between her legs, "No panties and such a hairy wet cunt! You really did come looking for this didn't you, bitch!!

Paula, with her mouth still full of Pertti's cock was in no position to comment. Her words simply came out as a muffled groan as Pertti roughly pushed two fingers between her now exposed sex, massaging Paula’s quite large, protruding pussy lips.
Leaving her continuing to massage her own breasts, Pekka pulled his cock from Paula's reach and presented it to her face. Now with two hard and throbbing cocks being rammed towards her mouth, Paula took turns in sucking my two friends off. Pekka showed almost unbelievable restraint but the less experienced Pertti had already started to moan deeply in his throat.
"Oh shit! I think I'm gonna cum, man!" he cried as he stuffed his cock deep into Paula's throat, Paula’s nose touching the hair in his underbelly.

Sensing his impending climax, Paula concentrated her attention on Pertti's solid organ. Whilst her hand kept Pekka's interest at a peak, she slid my other friends cock right to the back of her throat. I could see the outline of his swollen glans as it passed into her windpipe and from the lustful sexpression on Pertti's face, I could see that he was about to blow his load.

I was right. With a gasp of satisfaction my young friend rammed his tool as deep as he could and howled at the moon! Paula tried as best she could, gulping and swallowing as much of his thick sperm as she could but, inevitably, the overflow quickly began to ooze from the corners of her mouth and drip obscenely down over her chin to spatter onto her abused breasts.

With a groan, Pertti finally pulled his cock free of the woman's mouth and throat. He still looked semi-hard as his shaft appeared inch by inch from between her lips and Paula gasped in a huge lungful of air as he eventually flopped free of her oral orifice.
Paula's legs were still well spread and Pertti's fingers were still buried in her wide open cunt. These digits were quickly joined by Pekka's lips as he lay the sexy woman out on the grimy concrete ground and pushed his head between her legs.

"Oh God, yes!!" Paula cried as she raised her hips to allow Pekka's tongue better access. "Suck my dirty hairy cunt! Lick me! Fuck me with your tongue!"
Pekka did just that as Pertti lowered his aim and started to use his fingers at her rear entrance. Paula went wild as she felt the digits spear her ass and bucked her hips up onto Pekka's face so hard he was having trouble keeping his lips attached to her visibly stiff clitoris. A couple more minutes of this simultaneous front and rear assault was sufficient to put the lovely Paula over the edge and she suddenly began to shake uncontrollably.

"Look man!" cried Pertti as he thrust two fingers deep into her butt. "She's cumming. The bitch is cumming really hard!"
Pekka moaned into Paula's juicy pussy as his face flooded with her juice.
"She tastes really fucking good too, he said as he finally came up for air. "And she sure likes to get something shoved in her ass! I think it's time she got fucked and fucked good!"

"Oh yes!" Paula blurted out as she was literally dragged to her feet. "Fuck me good baby! Fuck me right up my tight little asshole!
"My pleasure, baby!" said Pekka as he ripped open a condom packet and quickly rolled the contents over his solid cock. He indicated an electricity pole that was close. "I'm gonna fuck you right up against that post!"
Paula didn't protest for a moment as she was dragged bodily by Pekka towards the pole. Her hands braced herself as she faced it and she spread her long, sexy legs.

"Bend over properly, slut, as I ram you ass!" Pekka cried in a gutteral voice. He seemed excited beyond words and nothing was going to get in the way of him butt-fucking this beautiful woman.

Again, Paula obeyed his instruction without the slightest complaint or sign of inhibition. Right out there in the alley behind the bar she pulled her own ass open with both hands and bent over to accommodate Pekka’s large tool.
Pekka spat on his hand and smiled as he looked at Paula's exposed butt she was spreading open with both hands. Her dress was right up around her waist and stained with the grime and dirt from the ground. We could all see now that her stockings were really hose, but the type that left her whole ass and hairy pussy exposed. They looked so familiar to me and my straining cock leapt in my pants.

Pekka lubed his condom covered dick with his hand, after getting some of Paula’s freely flowing pussy juice in it, and leaned forward, pressing the tip against Paula's impossibly tight rear entrance. She groaned as she felt the initial penetration, the groan turning into a high-pitched wail of painful lust as Pekka pushed harder. And then suddenly, with an audible pop, he was passed her anal muscle and inside her. I watched as her tight, star-shaped hole relaxed and widened to accommodate her assailant's size. Both were groaning deeply now and I was aware of Pertti out of the corner of my eye as he masturbated his long thick cock back to full attention.
For several more minutes, Pekka ass-fucked Paula up against the electricity pole while I watched and Pertti jerked his dick. Paula was now on all fours speading her ass for Pekka’s anal assault, her face on the dirty ground, making small guttural noises on each push of the large cock in her ass. I counted at least two orgasms for Paula, and as she clenched her muscles from the second climax, I could see the tale-tale look of impending release on Pekka's face.

“Take my cock in your mouth, you dirty slut”, Pertti ordered and moved to be in front of Paula, who lifter her head from the ground. She gulped Pertti’s humongous cock in her throat in one go, without any support with her hands – supporting herself with just her knees, Pekka’s connecting cock in her asshole and Pertti’s ramrod deep in her throat. “OMG you look hot, slut”, Pertti commented as I saw Paula’s makeup starting to smear from his rapid fucking of her face and throat. I am quite sure I was able to see Pertti’s cock move back and forth in her throat as he skull fucked Paula’s mouth with deep strokes and full force.

I took my mobile phone from my pocket and started to take pictures of the carnal trio copulating on the ground. Both of my friends were going at full force in Paula’s holes, deep and hard, and she was making small noice that was hardly to be heard over the slapping sound of the hard fucking. “Smile, slut”, I directed and immediately Paula granted me a wide smile, momentarily extracting Pertti’s rock hard cock from her throat. “Thanks! I will put this on the net so that everyone can see how you take cock”, I said. “Maybe a small video would be nice, too. Your neighbours would see how deep you can take a big dick in your small ass.”

“Why don’t you lie down, Pertti. I want Paula to ride your big cock like the slut she is”, I directed. Pekka pulled his cock from Paula’s ass and I was that her asshole remained open, gaping... I could have put three or four or my fingers easily in. She lowered herself slowly on Pertti, who was lying down on the street. “Oh wow... you are going in my ass”, Paula commented, as Pertti directed his considerably sized cock into he gaping asshole. I kept taking pictures with my mobile, capturing Paula’s smile and Pertti’s eager feelings when he felt his cock slowly pushing in the blonde’s asshole.

Paula started to rise up and down, still spreading her ass. I took some really magnificent photos of her plum and sporty asshole accepting the big cock. Pekka was jerking his hard huge cock and watching the spectacle beside me. “I have an idea for this slut”, he said. He pushed Paula tenderly closer to Pertti and positioned himself behind Paula, who was spreading her ass for us to see and Pertti to use. I understood his idea just a moment too late and started to say “Hey Pekka, I don’t think she can...”, but I was late. Pekka managed to position his almost foot-long cock close to Pertti and nudged it slowly into Paula’s ass... at the same time Pertti was moving in there. Paula did not show any bigger reaction, if anything I think she tried to spread her bottom wider with her hands while lying on top of Pertti.

Pekka managed to wedge his tool beside Pertti and with small pushes he was gradually fully inside Paula’s small ass. They started to move back and forth in the same rhythm, and I heard familiar sounds emanating from Paula’s mouth, signalling the she is again nearing an orgasm. “Oh my God, that looks so slutty my dear”, I commented when both men increased their pace of fucking Paula’s ass. “Only a true slut can do double anal”, I added. This made Paula glance at me briefly, with a hint of smile and maybe a nod, hard to tell. She seemed very determined and pushed back when men pushed their tools in her arse at an increasing pace.
"Why don't you both shoot on her face?" I said suddenly, breaking my previous silence. "That would look so fucking cool!"
Pekka and Pertti smiled to each other obviously impressed with my suggestion but continued to pummel back and forth in Paula’s asshole with their significantly large cocks. “First we enjoy this slut’s ass properly”, Pekka who was ramming Paula from behind commented.

They continued what seemed a long time but was perhaps just five minutes or soe before pulling Paula into a squatting position between them, both of them standing with big cocks rock-hard, ready to burst.
"You sure you don't want some of this?" Said Pekka, obvioulsy confused at my restraint.
I shook my head again and smiled. I knew that my time would come soon enough.
Pekka and Pertti shrugged as they looked down at Paula. Her mouth was open in a willing display of lust. She looked ready and waiting to accept their gifts.

Both men started jerking their cocks furiously. It was obvious that Pekka would be the first to cum as Pertti had already shot one load into Paula's mouth earlier, but they were still very close. Pekka groaned deeply as his hand flew up and down his slick shaft and Paula's face seemed to illuminate as the cum started to fly from his tip. Her tongue lashed lovingly over his twitching cock head and her face accepted his full blast just as Pertti shot his load from her other side. I took tens of photos of the glorious blasts of semen landing on top of Paula’s face and in her sweet smiling mouth.

In a matter of a few seconds both men had covered Paula with thick, creamy seed. Her face was coated and her hair matted with the viscous liquid, but she seemed one happy lady.

As my two friends stepped away, Paula and I smiled at each other. She and I both knew what was coming - we had played this game many times before. Pekka and Pertti looked at me as I unzipped my fly and hauled out my very hard cock, the confusion evident on both their faces.

"What's the matter, guys?" I asked matter-of-factly, "You never seen a guy fuck his own wife before?"

My wife, Paula and I smiled at each other as I pushed my cock between her cum stained lips. I sighed deeply as I felt for myself the warm confines of her mouth and throat as they enveloped the head of my cock.

Nothing better, I thought to my self, nothing better that sticking your cock into your wife's mouth. Especially when it's full of your friends' cum! It took me perhaps just a couple of minutes of my wife’s exquisite and expertly trained handling and I cummed what seemed a litre of sperm on top of others’ loads. “Thank you my darling, I love you”, Paula smiled and I smiled back. Both Pekka and Pertti were looking this with their mouths half-open before turning to smile too.

“Why don’t you call some of your friends over to my place. I’ll give you and address. The evening is still early and I am sure my sweet wife would not mind some additional and fresh hard cock before we call it a night”, I commented. Both Pekka and Pertti pulled their phones from pockets and started messaging and dialling...
Gepubliceerd door ppa77_01
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I need a friend with a wife like that! 