Sarah's First Black Cock

My wife and I had a great relationship, sex was fabulous and we often experimented with various toys, light bondage, and other occasional fetishes. I had bought her a huge dildo to add to our toy drawer a few years back, I can remember her unwrapping the parcel and marvelling at the size of her first black toy.

“Oh my god!” she exclaimed, her voice tinged with excitement, “it’s huge, I can’t even fit my hand around the shaft!” The dildo, modelled on BAM, was massive - 13 inches in length with a girth of well over 8. “I can’t believe this is modelled on a real guy!” she laughed.

So started her love of all things big and, more accurately, black. It took us several weeks using it gently before her tight white pussy finally opened up enough for the head to slip between her lips, her guttural grunts and moans of pleasure were a delight to my ears as it stretched her, filling her like she had never experienced before. Her cries of pleasure, when she came with him buried deep inside, were memorable, driving me to the edge of a climax just from playing with her and watching the big black shaft being eagerly devoured by her slurping wet hole.

Enough of the past, the present saw us sat on a Caribbean beach, under a palm leaf parasol seated at a round bar table on tall stools. We were both dressed for the beach, Sarah wearing a new blue bikini that she had bought. If truth be told I thought it was a bit too small, the scant material did little to hide her full breasts and her nipples were visible through the material. The bottom was a side-tied thong design with the smallest triangle of fabric covering her modesty; it was a good job she was smoothly shaven otherwise plenty of bush would have been on the show! She did get plenty of admiring glances, which excited me somewhat although I refrained from mentioning it.

She wandered off to get a drink from the bar, for both of us. She seemed to be gone for ages, but that was probably because I was thirsty. She returned with our drinks and suggested we head inside the bar, as it was cooler.

It was a classic beach bar. Open fronted to a view of the bright blue ocean and white sand, round bar tables, and stools. Brightly decorated with tropical garlands, other smiling guests and locals fill the air with a general murmur of conversation. I headed to the toilet and left Sarah with our drinks. Making my way back to the table I could see she was talking to a handsome black man; she was smiling and laughing at whatever was being said.

“Hi babe, this is Elijah, he works at the water sports centre."

As he stood up to shake my hand offered in greeting, I couldn’t help but notice her sliding her hand across his crotch as she put it back on the table.

We chatted about meaningless things for a while, he was pleasant and well-spoken, a local to the island, and had worked in the tourist industry from when he left school. I would have placed him in his late thirties, so a decade younger than my wife and I. Eventually, he mentioned what I had been hoping for, but not dared to ask.

“Your wife has asked me back to your room for…” he left the thought in the air, unconfirmed “… I wanted to make sure you were okay with that too.”

“Of course,” I said, struggling to stop my voice trembling with the excitement building inside me of what might be about to happen “What Sarah wants is fine with me.”

The three of us finished our drinks and headed out of the bar, our eyes blinking to adjust to the brilliant sun as we walked across the top of the beach back to our room in the hotel. It wasn’t far, we always booked hotels that fronted directly onto beaches if we could. The front of our room looked out across the beach, framing the classic Caribbean scenery.

I opened the door with some difficulty, the welling excitement inside me making my hands clammy. Sarah confirmed afterward that she had felt the same building fervor as I.

“Are you sure about this babe?” Sarah asked, “I am so excited but won’t go through with anything you’re not happy about."

“You know you have a free pass to enjoy yourself on this holiday,” I replied “or any time for that matter, I just want you to be happy, to experience things, to make the most of your life and bring pleasure to mine too."

Mike removed his shirt to that permissive statement, his fit black torso was impressive. Sarah ran her hands over his shoulders and across his chest, fingers tracing the outline of his pecs. She knelt in front of him, dragging her hands across his muscular six-pack and down until they found the waistband of his swim shorts where she paused and looked at me, smiling and biting her lip playfully, her eyes dancing with the anticipation of what she was about to do.

I smiled back, my cock getting harder with the first drops of precum beginning to well up as I felt myself getting hotter and more excited.

Sarah traced one hand along the outline of his cock that had started to wake up but was nowhere near erect at this point, she paused at the head and ran her nails back up his shaft before leaning forward and kissing him through the material. She worked her kisses from his head to the base of his shaft near his waistband. He grunted, eyes shut in pleasure as she continued to kiss and stroke his growing member through the tightening material.

She started to edge his shorts down, exposing the very top of his shaft being held almost vertically down by the waistband. He was clean-shaven, just as Sarah preferred and his smooth black skin glistened in the sunlight streaming into our room. She kissed the base of his shaft and gradually moved the shorts lower, kissing each new inch passionately as it was revealed.

I was transfixed, there is no other word for it, my cock was harder than I can ever remember. I took my trunks off and sat back, gently playing with my stiffness.

Sarah continued to slowly remove his shorts, her kisses making his cock harder and harder. He looked huge, the outline of his growing passion pressing against the material and snaking down from where my wife was kissing his shaft as she slowly revealed him. The material reached the head of his penis, catching against the engorged flesh of his head and refusing to slide without more determined pulling, which my wife was happy to apply.

His huge member bounced into view. A sight that took my wife’s breath away, her eyes wide and lips forming the words ‘wow’ as she admired his full erection. I wasn’t going to measure him but I would have guessed at least 10 inches and a magnificent girth. He was impressive, I had to admit.

She gently stroked his throbbing hard-on from the base of his shaft to his uncut head, his lighter glans peeking out from his receding black foreskin. She puckered her lips and kissed the tip of his cock, it bounced as it flexed with her touch and he let out a pleasure-filled grunt. Then, gently, she took his head into her mouth, he let out moans of pleasure as she thrust her tongue under his foreskin and swirled it around his glans and frenulum, sucking slightly at the same time. This was something I knew she was just so good at, such a mind-blowing feeling and I knew, didn’t need to imagine, the pleasure he was getting.

By this time I was jerking off and filled with excitement at the private interracial show my wife was giving me.

Sarah withdrew his cock and pushed it up with her right hand. Using her left hand on his thigh as balance she kissed down the underside of his shaft then started jerking him off as she worked his balls, sucking each one and pulling back with her head until they popped out of her mouth with an audible sound.

She continued with this hard hand action until he grunted and she quickly moved back to his cock, this time taking at least half the massive member in her mouth, gagging and coughing as he plundered her throat.

He was beginning to move his hips and thrust towards her eager mouth as she gobbled his cock like a woman possessed. It was amazing to watch.

After what seemed far too short a time he began to convulse in the throes of an orgasm. She took him out of her mouth and continued to work her hand hard on his shaft, pulling his foreskin fast back and forward across his glans.

“Uh, gonna cum girl. Wanna see you swallow my jizz.”

Sarah opened her mouth, tongue out, anticipating the salty load from his balls. She'd always swallowed, mine at least, but I was breathing heavily and nearing the ******* of an orgasm myself and I so wanted to just shoot my cum watching this amazing scene.

His groans became more guttural, closer together, then he unleashed his cum, shooting big ropes deep into her eager mouth, some decorating her face. She continued squeezing him, working his shaft until he had shot his load, leaning her head back to keep every drop she could in her mouth.

She looked at me and showed me her open mouth, flooded with his sperm that she played with using her tongue, gargling to form cum bubbles. Her eyes were bright and lustful, enjoying his plentiful seed then she swallowed, a loud gulp and audible sound of satisfaction, followed by her licking her lips and then sucking his head to ensure she had every bit his balls had offered her.

I couldn’t hold it and shot my load all over myself; my only wish, looking back, was that I had filmed it to enjoy over and over again.

Elijah pulled up his shorts and put on his shirt. We exchanged looks that felt almost awkward but I only admired the experience he had just gifted my wife.

“Thanks fella… Sarah deserved to experience your… erm… prowess and it was amazing.” There was a pause, “If you ever want to take her white virginity or maybe give her the benefit of more than one… black cock… with some of your friends, I am sure she would enjoy that." Another pause, “We are here for another ten days, so it’d be great to make her fantasies a reality before we leave."

He took my outstretched hand of friendship and as I opened the door turned back.

“Thanks, Sarah, that was incredible and…" he turned to me "Yeah I’d like to see her again, with or without a group or maybe both.”

With a glint in his eye and a smile on his face. My wife just licked her lips seductively and muttered, possibly loudly enough for those on the beach outside to hear.

“Bring them all, I want more black… cocks and cum. I loved it. I’m hungry for it. I want as many as I can get.”

Never thought of my wife as a cum slut but, if she is or will become, I could not be more proud of her, or indeed, in love with her.

Lining Them Up
Only a few hours had passed since my wife’s first experience of a big black cock and it seemed to have had a different effect on us individually.

I couldn’t stop running over the images in my mind, every time and every event recalled made me stiffen immediately. I had found it exhilarating, a real rush. Watching Sarah pleasuring another man so expertly and with such enthusiasm made it even hotter, she got into the act and was horny for more - she had even said as much. The words she said to Elijah as he left,

“I want more black cocks and cum.”

were music to my ears! Would she become my very own Queen of Spades? I hoped so. The thought made my heart race and sent a warm flush through my body. I loved her so much, my wife was amazing.

Sarah had been quiet since. I had to find out why, I didn’t want her to place any negativity in what she had done with Elijah… life was for living and experiences, if you don’t take the opportunities when they occurred, they could be lost forever. Was that selfish on my part? I hoped not. I hoped she would get as much out of her freedom as I did.

“Are you okay babe?” I enquired.

“Yeah.” It was a forlorn response.

“What’s up? Please tell me, you know you can talk to me about anything.”

“Well. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for what I did. I’m sorry to have pleasured another man. I’m sorry that I wanted it. I’m sorry that you witnessed it. I’m sorry that I enjoyed it and most of all…” she stuttered, her voice breaking up, “I’m so, so sorry that I want more. I’m sorry that I am a slut.” She burst into tears that rolled like a waterfall down her pretty face. I hugged her close, kissing the top of her head and reveling in the scent of her perfume. I was welling up myself.

“Babe you have nothing. Nothing. Not a single tiny detail. To be sorry for. Honestly. And you are most certainly NOT a slut!”

One thing I had never understood was how a man who had lots of partners was termed a stud, with positive overtones. While a woman who enjoyed sex was termed a slut, a negative. Why? If she enjoyed herself and wanted to have a good time, why the hell not? Good on the girls, I say. If I was a woman, I’d be out there I can tell you!

She gulped down air and sniffled, her face wet from crying.


“There are no buts.” I insisted, “What you did was an amazing, intense thing. If truth be told we both wanted it, I know you were curious to experience a real black man and I was to the same extent, if not more. Watching you got me hornier than I can say.”

“Really? You think that?”

“Yes. Absolutely. I love you and I want you to be happy, to feel satisfied…”

“But I am more than satisfied to be your wife.”

“I know.”

I smiled at her, her upturned face gazing at me, our eyes locked together.

“And you are all I ever wanted. And still do want. And will want for the rest of my days!”

“I love you, Jon.”

She kissed me passionately, her tongue in my mouth and I reciprocated.

“And you know I love you too. What happened was part of our life, an element of our sexual side. It shouldn’t be repressed or it could just eat away at us. And I wouldn’t want that. I always want us to be open and honest.”

“Me too.” she agreed.

I was pleased we had cleared the air. Sarah seemed to be back to her normally bright and breezy demeanor. We chatted and laughed as we enjoyed a walk along the beach, paddling along the edge of the surf and stupidly kicking water over each other before we needed to get ready and head out for dinner.

We had booked at the on-site Jamaican restaurant for our food and we were both looking forward to it immensely.

“You think I should wear this dress?” Came Sarah’s voice from the bedroom.

“Hang on, coming!” I got up and went to answer her question.

She was the same height as me, 5’ 10, and had a curvy but superbly sexy body. She was a mother to our two wonderful ********, although they were both away from home these days, one working and the other in her last year of a University course. Sarah’s breasts were big, with soft fawn-colored areola and decent nipples. Did I say her nipples were big too? I digress.

“Wow” was all that I could say. “You look beautiful! And that dress is stunning.”

It was a black evening dress, long but with a revealing plunging neckline giving a good view of her sexy ample breasts and a split from ankle to the top of her thigh on her left leg.

“I think you may need to wear a thong with that dress otherwise people will get a glimpse of your panties with that split up the side!” I laughed.

“Hahahaha… already thought of that!” And she pulled the dress up slightly to show the black lace thong she was wearing. Good god she was so sexy. I considered myself such a lucky man to be standing here in front of her.

“Won’t be long… I do hope you’re going to smarten up too!”

“Of course dear, will get onto it right away!”

I saluted, as if to a commanding officer, which made her laugh. A beautiful sound.

A while later we stepped out into the sunshine, although thankfully the temperature was dropping as the sun dipped towards the horizon and we could take deep breaths of the cooler evening air, cleansing our lungs.

We held hands as we walked along the pathway to the restaurant and were welcomed by the door staff, and then shown to our table. My wife was getting plenty of admiring glances and she smiled at one lady who complimented her on her outfit.

“Thanks, I just felt like getting more formally dressed tonight.”

We sat down and perused the menu. A waiter came up to our table.

“Evening, my name is Demarco. I will be serving you tonight. Can I get you some drinks while you are deciding what to eat?”

“Yes please Damarco.” I replied, “My wife would like a large Pinot Grigio and I would like a pint of…” I studied the menu, always preferring to have a local beer, “Red Stripe, thank you.”

Damarco left and went to get our drinks. We sat and chatted. Sarah was enthused about how much she loved the hotel, our room, and the views. But most of all the weather. It was a big change from the rainy old United Kingdom!
She recounted how we had spent some time swimming that day and she’d laughed raucously when I saw a much larger **** than I was used to and couldn’t get out of the water fast enough!

“Your drinks.”

“Thanks Damarco.”

He took out his pad and noted our order for food, Sarah had decided on Ackee and Saltfish while wanting something spicier, and I had plumped for Jerk Chicken.

The food was amazing! Beautifully presented and it looked as good as it tasted. We had chosen well, it seemed.

Damarco cleared our plates and we offered our compliments to the chef. Fantastic food. He brought back menus.

“Would you care for a dessert?”

“Thanks, we will think. Could we have another wine and beer please, same as before?” I asked.

“Sure thing, Pinot and Red Stripe wasn’t it?”

“It was, thank you.”

A few minutes later he returned with our drinks.

“Will come back in a few minutes, give you both a chance to decide on dessert.”

We sat in silence for a few minutes, the tropical nighttime sounds of chirruping crickets and tree frogs a symphony for our thoughts. Sarah laughed.

“You know what?”

“No… are you going to elaborate?”

“This has been the weirdest day. I can’t believe what happened earlier. But… although I felt so bad, your loving support helped me feel so much better about myself. I love you. So much. You are my rock and to know I have you as my husband makes me the luckiest woman in the world. That’s such a great feeling to have.”

“Weird yes. But good?”

“Well… I did have… fun. I just don’t want it to affect our relationship.”

“And why should it? I trust you and I hope you trust me.”

“Of course I do.” She laughed.

“So… allowing you to experience something you were curious about. As we both were… are I mean, will not affect our relationship. Not in a bad way, it can only enhance our marriage.”

“I’m so lucky to have you as my husband.” she smiled.

“And I to have you as my wife.”

Our eyes met and we leaned across the table to kiss each other lightly. We held hands and gazed into each other’s eyes.

“Sorry to interrupt guys.”

Damarco had returned.

“Would you like a dessert?”

“I don’t think so, thank you,” I replied. “The food was lovely and we are both full.”

“No worries,” he said, taking the menus away.

We finished up our drinks. Damarco came to take our glasses.

“Anything else?”

“No thank you, I don’t think so,” I confirmed.

“You sure?”

He then said something that got both of our pulses racing.

“Was talking to my bro Elijah earlier. He said your wife is interested in sampling local… delicacies, is that right?”

“Well, she is here, you can ask her,” I replied, breathing getting uncontrollably faster. I wanted to hear her arrange any… activities. I could hardly hear my thoughts over my racing heart and struggled to control my breathing.

“Sarah, mind if I call you that?”

“No, that’s fine.” she smiled, “It’s my name, after all.”

“Yeah, I like to be on first-name terms. I’m off work in an hour, how about I call by your room and…” It was a well-timed pause, charging the atmosphere which was already electric. “Let you sample a fulfilling delicacy I keep for white women? You have left space for it by not having dessert and I wouldn’t want you to go hungry.”

He smiled, staring intensely into my wife’s eyes.

Sarah was going red, she was getting hotter, emotionally and sexually.

“That… would… be…” She looked at him and licked her lips seductively, as much to moisten them as to infer that she wanted to fuck him, “Fantastic. I… I mean we… will look forward to that.”

We gave him our room number, 69. A great number, we laughed when we were given it as we both enjoyed that particular position!

Leaving the restaurant we sauntered back towards our room, stopping in the bar for a drink to relieve our dry mouths and calm our racing hearts.

“Fuck, what did I just agree to?” Sarah blurted out.

“Sounds like you might be getting your second black cock of the day.” I smiled sweetly at her.

“But what must they think of us? A wife who is so hungry for black cock she will accept any possible chance she gets? A husband who lets her?”

“I’m sure they don’t think badly of us. I hear that interracial sex for white wives is quite the trend these days.”

“And…” she let the thought linger.

“And I am fine with it. As I said earlier, I want you to be happy, to experience things other women will only fantasize about. And don’t forget that I enjoyed your… liaison… with Elijah earlier as much as you did. I see no reason why any others will be different.”

“If you are sure babe. I love you so much.”

She leaned into me and kissed me passionately.

We headed back from the bar to our room and settled in. I pulled in some shorts and a clean t-shirt while Sarah went for something with a little more potential to enhance things, if or when Damarco dropped by - a pair of black silk French knickers and a matching camisole top. To be fair she normally wore lingerie like this to bed, but maybe not for other men!

We flicked on the television and were watching the news when there was a tap on the door.

I got up to answer. It was Damarco, so I invited him in.

He gazed at Sarah in her sexy black outfit.

“You are one hot bitch, look at them tiddies, barely being kept in your top… haha… why don’t you get them out and I can prepare my local delicacy?”

Sarah turned around and removed her top, stretching her arms up to pull it over her head, her ample tits swinging freely with rock-hard nipples that gave away her rising excitement.

When she turned away Damarco didn’t waste any time, pulling off his t-shirt to reveal a ripped torso. He pushed down his shorts and kicked them off, moving up behind my wife and reaching around to grab her tits. His cock started to stiffen as he kissed her neck and fondled her, at which she uttered gentle moans of pleasure.

She felt him in the small of her back and reached a hand around, finding his cock and stroking it, feeling its length and girth.

“Mmmm… is this delicacy big, black and hard?” She questioned.

“Sure is. Do you like chocolate? You will be all over it if you do.” Damarco laughed.

As she turned around Damarco grabbed her and with one hand squeezing her right breast, kissed her deeply, his erection prodding at her pussy through the satin knickers she was wearing.

As he released her she couldn’t wait to see the treat in store for her and she went down on her knees in front of him. Her eyes widened, her pupils dilated. Another black cock, just as long and thick as Elijah’s but circumcised. She gulped and licked her lips.

“Fuck, are all you black guys equipped with such fantastic cocks?”

He laughed again.

“You hungry girl? Why don’t you see what it tastes like?”

There was an almost crazy lust in her eyes as she grabbed the shaft of his cock and leaned forward, the glans of his cock disappearing into her mouth as she wrapped her lips around the end.

“Oh god girl, you love your black cock. Those lips of yours feel good. Keep at it, take as much of my length as you can.”

Sarah gagged as he thrust forward and at least half his ten inches disappeared into her mouth and down her throat. She spat on the shaft of his cock in relief as he pulled back out but almost instantly it was back down her throat again.

She pulled on his balls, one in each hand.

“That’s it bitch, work those balls. Plenty of white gold in there for you to enjoy.”

The door clicked shut. I jumped. I had forgotten to close it. God knows who had walked past and witnessed Sarah blowing Damarco’s huge cock. Only then did I make out Elijah standing there in the shadows. He was already stark bollock naked and sporting a huge hard-on.

“Yo. Demarco. Make room bro, let’s give this girl the overdose of black cock she is begging for!”

His voice startled Sarah, she had been so intent on Damarco’s huge weapon, that she hadn’t noticed Elijah come in either.

He stood on the opposite side of Sarah to Damarco. I wondered what she would do but I needn’t of worried. With the sight of two huge black erections, she didn’t know which to suck first…

She plunged her mouth onto Elijah’s cock and worked Damarco with her left hand.

“You learning quick girl.” Elijah complemented my wife. “That mouth was made for black cock.” He glanced at me, a huge smile on his face.

She alternately kissed and sucked the two cocks in front of her. Squeezing their balls and stroking their shafts with hands that couldn’t keep themselves off, even if she tried.

This time I had the sense to get my phone out and not just my cock. I took an endless number of photos as she expertly went between each cock, kissing and sucking their balls before taking each one deeply into her throat, coughing and spluttering on occasion as they thrust their hips into her face and went deeper each time.

“Where did you learn to deep throat bitch?” This seemed to be Damarco’s way of addressing my wife, although she didn’t seem to care, their cocks were all-consuming. “I’m gonna face fuck you good and cum down your throat!”

His dirty talk was making my cock dribble in excitement and was getting Sarah into a sexual frenzy.

They both stepped back with left my gorgeous wife dripping with sweat and a good amount of precum dangling from her chin. She was fucking gorgeous. I would have given anything to kiss her right now, but…

“Stand up girl,” Elijah commanded. “I wanna see this pretty white pussy!”

Sarah stood up and he knelt in front of her, pulling off her knickers. He examined her pussy, parting her lips and making her moan by sticking two fingers into her.

“Fuck that’s so good. Fuck, soooo good!” she panted.

“This shaved white pussy is so wet, she hungry for black cock girl?”

“Oh god yes. Bury that big black length in me. Plunge him in balls deep. Take my white virginity, fuck me good.”

“Steady on girl. I can feel that white pussy is tight, you have never been stretched by no black cock before, so I take it slowly… to start!”

They motioned for her to go to the bedroom. I followed with such a hard on they could have put a leash on it and led me there.

She got onto the bed on all fours, giving Elijah full access to her dripping wet slit. He stuck his fingers back inside her, three this time… then pulled them out and put all three in his mouth.”

“Fucking white pussy tastes good girl. You ready?”


He moved into position behind her and nuzzled her pussy with the head of his cock.

“Uh!” she moaned.

At this point, Damarco moved in front of her.

“Don’t forget my cock bitch. I told you I’m gonna face fuck you and cum down your throat. Let’s get to it. My cock needs sucking!”

He slapped Sarah’s face with his cock several times before thrusting it into her mouth.


Difficult to say words with five inches of thick black cock in your throat.

Elijah entered her pussy. She pulled Damarco out of her mouth.

“Oh, oh god… fuck me, fuck me, fuck that’s big. Fuck me with that big black cock. Fill my pussy with it, stretch me. Fucking stretch me!”

Elijah wasted no time and was soon rhythmically pounding her pussy into submission. Her body was convulsing from balls deep thrusts in her pussy and simultaneously gagging on the black meat being unceremoniously shoved up to six inches down her throat by Damarco.

I don’t think that she’d ever been with two guys before, never mind getting spit roasted by two huge powerful black bulls with massive cocks. I couldn’t help but think… DP on the first day she’d been properly blacked… where would things lead from here?

I had cum in my pants just filming things. And knew I’d do the same watching this back. Over and over and over again. I smiled to myself. This was awesome. For both of us.

“Fuck I’m gonna cum bitch.” Damarco was going to shoot first it seemed. “You swallow all that jizz like a good home, I don’t wanna see none go to waste. Needs to be down that throat and in your white belly, bitch.”

He arched his back and, grabbing the back of my wife’s head, thrust his cock in as deep as he could before starting to pump his load straight into her throat. I could see the visible inches of his shaft twitching, his balls rising and contracting as he delivered spurt after spurt. I could hear her swallowing it down, gulping hungrily. Fuck, she was so good at this; how she was managing with six inches of girthy black cock down her throat was astounding. Better than any porno I had ever watched.

I had my hand down my pants and, slippery with cum removed it to pull off my shorts. My average, but small compared to the black cocks fucking my wife, dick was hard again. This was just… incredible.

Damarco pulled his cock out of her throat and Sarah gasped for breath. Some cum ****** from his glans and she instinctively grabbed his shaft and licked his head clean, gently sucking to get any residual cum out and into her seemingly insatiable mouth. That was the second load of black cum she had swallowed today. How much would she gobble down before our holiday was done? Loads I hoped, no pun intended.

“Yo bitch you got the taste for black cum now?” Damarco smiled, pleased with himself. “You is one fucking hot head giving hoe. I am glad that my jizz quenched your thirst bitch and I got plenty more left before your hungry mouth leaves here. Don’t you worry ‘bout that? You be swallowing a shit load more of that local delicacy!”

Damarco seemed delighted with my wife’s abilities and willingness to please.

Elijah was almost ready to give my wife her second load of the evening. Her pussy slurped as he incessantly rammed his glistening pole in and pulled it back out, her lips gripping his shaft and being pulled out before being pushed back in with every thrust.

“Shlop, shlop, shlop, shlop” her wet cunt was telling me that it was having the time of its life. I loved the sound, it had always mesmerized me. Rhythmic, erotic, arousing.

It was an intoxicating scene and I had long ropes of viscous cum and precum hanging from my glans.

“You enjoyin’ watchin’ yo wife getting fucked good?” Damarco addressed me.

“Fuck yes Damarco, it’s so fucking hot to watch her being pleasured by two huge black cocks.”

“She a good hoe man, a real pro with the mouth,” he added.

“Her sweet white pussy is tight and wet, just what my black cock needed.” gasped Elijah, his breathing faster and indicating he was about to cum too.

“Fuck me, fuck my pussy. FUCK MY PUSSY.” screamed my wife. “I want your cum. I want it bad. Cum in me. Cum in me. Give me all that sperm! Oh fuck I’m cumming!”

She let out a shrill scream as she came.

“Oh, my fucking god!”

Her body convulsed and pussy tightened around Elijah’s shaft and with perfect timing, his cock twitched and balls convulsed. I swear I could see his urethra pulsing on the underside of his shaft as he delivered his load, first class, deep inside her hungry hole.

“Fuck girl, that white pussy milked me good.”

He withdrew and my wife collapsed on the bed, panting.

“Best fuck we’ve had in years bitch. My balls couldn’t be any emptier, hope your tummy loves my cummy bitch.” Damarco laughed, not with any lingering undertones.

“Yeah girl, from blowing to fucking you are boonoonoonoos,” added Elijah.

They turned to me.

“You one lucky man. Your bitch one hoe hot for black dick.” I don’t think I need to clarify who said that.

Laughing they left us to ourselves. I let them out and locked the door, wishing them good night.

Turning the lights off I went back to the bedroom and my sated wife. She was still led on her side in the same position as where she had collapsed, exhausted when Elijah had shot his load deep inside her.

“Honey, did you enjoy watching me take two black cocks?”

“More than you can imagine! You were so fucking hot, I came without touching myself. And my cock was hard again in no time!”

“Now they’ve gone would you do something for me?”

My heart raced, and my vision was almost blurry with the anticipation of what my wife would ask.

“Will you kiss me? I need to feel your lips on mine.”


I crawled onto the bed above her and leaned down to kiss her, she returned it feverishly, tonguing my mouth. She was always passionate and we were like teenagers on a first date, hungrily eating each other.

Did it matter that she had just been face fucked by a ten-inch black cock? No. Did it matter that I could taste his cum on her lips and in her mouth? No. It was so erotic. I could feel my cock stiffening again.

“Mmmmm. Thanks babe. I needed that…” she whispered and continued in the same hushed tones, so light I had to concentrate to hear her words. “… could you taste the cock that throated me?”


“And you’re not mad?”

“No, it was fucking amazing.”

She moved around underneath me and made herself more comfortable, raising her head on the pillows and parted her legs to reveal her plundered pussy. Wet around her mound from the right royal seeing to she had received, her lips glistened from her moist juices and it was a sight for sore eyes. Beautiful.

“Will you go down on me?” she asked sweetly.

I had eaten my cum from her pussy before but never anyone else’s, let alone a hung black bull that I hardly knew.


“It tastes good babe… their cum I mean. And you know how tasty my pussy is.”

“I do, yes.”

I loved giving her head… but…

“So…” she asked quizzically.

I didn’t answer, decision made; I couldn’t refuse her, it would be letting her down and I wasn’t one for doing that. I planted one more passionate kiss on her lips and sucked her nipples, cupping and squeezing her breasts as I moved down her body.

Parting her thighs wider she bent her legs and lifted her hips slightly to make her pretty pussy stare at me. She moved her knees outward and I grabbed her hips to give me the ability to push my face hard into her sweet muskiness.

I licked my lips and watched as the first trace of Elijah’s cum became visible between her inner lips as her pussy relaxed.

Without wasting any more time I pressed my face onto her wetness and thrust my tongue in her beautiful pussy. Tasting her heavily scented juices before a massive hit of Elijah’s cum, salty and slightly bitter but not what I would call unpleasant.

She squeezed her vaginal walls to push out his sperm, it flooded my mouth and I swallowed mouthfuls as she fed me his load. Licking and sucking I made sure I ate every drop she pushed out, flicking my tongue across her clitoris occasionally.

She was moaning like a banshee. Pulling my head into her pussy with her hands, so tight I was gasping for breath. She arched her back and came again.

“Eat me, babe, eat my pussy. Stick that fucking tongue in me. Get all that black cum out and swallow every drop!”

“Mmm… uh, huh… mmmm.”

I couldn’t believe how much I was enjoying this. Eating his cum and my wife’s pussy juices was a heady mix and something I wanted again, I knew that right now.

“On your back,” Sarah commanded.

She straddled me and positioned her pussy over my mouth.

“Open wide. I can feel more of Elijah’s jizz sliding out, it’s nearly there.”

I did as she asked. Just in time to catch the sperm, which left a hanging trail as it left her pussy and plopped directly into my mouth.

I lifted my head, following the rope of cum until I was close enough to stick my tongue back in her pussy, slurping up the treat it was relinquishing. Tracing my tongue around her lips, clitoris, and then the top of the thighs, I made sure she was clean. I kissed her clitoris as if signing off.

“Fuck babe that was good. Those big black cocks filled me at both ends and you were… attentive and… cleaned me so sweetly. I love you so much.”

She swung her leg over and got up, leaning down and kissing me passionately once again.

We cleaned up in the shower, the warm water cascading over us from the overhead spray. Sarah smiled at me and we kissed under the warm, cleansing water, my hands gently soaping her shoulders, back, and breasts. I knelt and washed her tenderly across her bottom and around between her legs, carefully running my fingers across the lips of her beautiful pussy, using the side of my hand to make her fresh and clean. I finished soaping down her legs and, turning on the handheld spray, washed off the day's activities.

She reciprocated and I let out a satisfying moan as she soaped my cock and balls. She kissed the end of my cock before showering me off and standing up to passionately kiss me once again.

Towelling ourselves dry we both felt good and ready for the next days of our holiday. It was turning out to be far more exhilarating than we had thought it would.

Sleep came quickly once we were tucked up in bed and cuddling her from behind, I held her close. I loved her so much…

Roll on tomorrow. My cock started to… not now I thought before I dozed off and into some erotic dreams.
Previous page: Sarah's First Black Cock
Gepubliceerd door 0817maganda
3 maanden geleden
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Lucky girl! Nothing better than black dick.
ooooh YES  I want to cum so bad and hard  any volunteers ???