Virginal Pictures

It was the last straw. MaryAnne’s boyfriend John had come home drunk again. When he arrived home, he tried unsuccessfully to coax her into having sex. Fed up with being treated like a whore MaryAnne hastily packed her bag and went out into the heavy rain, just wanting to get away from him.

It was getting dark as she walked; angry and in tears she had no idea where she was going - just away, away from John. As she walked she quickly lost track of time and had no idea how far she had walked, only that it was now getting dark; it was still raining and there seemed to be little traffic. She stopped for a moment to consider her position and began to wonder if she had been a little bit hasty as she appeared to be in the middle of nowhere, with no shelter. She was beginning to get really concerned when the lights of car illuminated her. It passed by, but then braked and stopped, reversing back to her. She saw that it was a new Land Rover and only contained the driver.

The passenger door was pushed open and a female voice said, 'You look like you can use a lift'. As it was her only option, MaryAnne quickly grabbed her bag and climbed into the front passenger seat, mumbling her thanks. She looked round and saw that the driver was a slim, friendly looking woman in her late thirties with short red hair and an engaging smile. MaryAnne noticed that she was wearing tight blue jeans and an expensive looking pale blue blouse.

“Hi, I'm Jennifer” said the driver, “you look as if you need tp dry out, you are absolutely soaked. What are you doing out in this weather?” MaryAnne gave her the basic details of her predicament, nearly bursting into tears whist telling her story. Jennifer said, “I'll tell you what, you can stay at my place tonight, I have a spare room. We will get your clothes dried and get you fixed up with something to eat.”

In her exhausted state, this was the best news MaryAnne and heard and she thanked Jennifer profusely.

After15 minutes driving Jennifer pulled up at a set of electric gates leading to a large, detached house. On the journey they had easily made small talk and Jennifer stated that she was returning from her work as a modelling manager in a nearby town. Parking the car, the pair dashed through the rain to the front door. On opening it Clare walked into a large tastefully decorated hallway, tiled and dominated by a large chandelier.

“Welcome to my humble abode” laughed Jennifer and then, “follow me, I'll show you the guest room.” Going up the stairs, Jennifer gave a running commentary, “I bought this place about 4 years ago and am just getting things the way I want them. This is the master bedroom on the right and here on the left is the guest bedroom.” Leading the way Jennifer opened the door into a large tastefully decorated room, larger than any bedroom MaryAnne had ever seen, with a king-sized bed and deep pile carpet. Jennifer opened a door into a shower room which was larger than most of the rooms in MaryAnne's flat. Tiled from floor to ceiling, the room contained a large walk-in shower, toilet, wash hand basin and a large mirror.

In the mirror, MaryAnne was horrified to see her bedraggled state with her long brown hair plastered to her head. She then realized that she was shivering despite the heat of the house. Jennifer said, “Quick, get out of those wet things, I'll get them in the wash for you.” And she left the shower room. MaryAnne immediately began to strip off, throwing her top on the floor and undoing her soaking jeans which clung stubbornly to her thighs as she attempted to step out of them.

Reaching behind she undid her bra dropping it on the pile of sodden clothes on the floor. MaryAnne's breasts - her best attribute she always thought, swung free as she struggled with her jeans. Size 36 B with pink nipples pointing upwards, they had drawn admiration from many of her schoolfriends growing up. As she stepped out of her jeans, Jennifer arrived back in the shower room with a large striped towel, pyjamas and a white fluffy bathrobe.

MaryAnne hooked her thumbs in her panties and quickly stepped out of them, throwing them with the other clothes. As she did so she caught sight of Jennifer staring intently at the curls of her trimmed bush and her pubic mound. As she stood up she caught Jennifer's eye, and flustered at being caught looking, Jennifer swept up the wet clothes and told MaryAnne that there was plenty of hot water and to take as long as she wanted. She then said that she would get the clothes into the wash and that MaryAnne should come to the kitchen when she was ready for something hot to eat.

Dismissing the notion that Jennifer had been staring at her, MaryAnne turned on the shower, luxuriating in the steaming hot jets of water. She spent an age in the shower and paid special attention to thoroughly cleaning her pussy and ass.

Finally, clean and warm, MaryAnne stepped out of the shower, toweling herself dry, before putting on the pyjamas and then the fluffy bathrobe. Stepping into the bedroom in search of a hairbrush, she became aware of a large painting on the wall opposite the bed which she had missed when entering the room. It was of a naked young woman reclining on a bed with tossed bedclothes. She had long blond hair and a dreamy look on her face. She had small breasts with pert nipples and had one leg drawn up. This drew MaryAnne's attention to her shaven pussy which was painted in great detail, with the lips slightly parted and on closer inspection MaryAnne saw that they were definitely glistening, suggesting that sex had just taken place.

Although all her previous sexual experiences had been with men, MaryAnne found herself intrigued and mildly aroused by the painting.

Descending the stairs, MaryAnne easily found the large country kitchen where Jennifer was busy at the stove. A table was set for two with linen napkins, wine glasses and lit by two candles. Turning round, Jennifer smiled and said, “I bet you feel much better now! Just about ready, I hope pasta with bolognaise is ok?” Nodding her assent, MaryAnne was ushered to a seat where a plate of steaming pasta, sauce and garlic bread was set in front of her. “Red or white?” enquired Jennifer. “White is fine for me” MaryAnne replied. Pouring two large glasses, Jennifer sat and they began to eat. “Tell me about yourself then” Jennifer began, and MaryAnne found herself telling this engaging older woman all about her early life and about school and university.

As she sipped the wine, MaryAnne became more relaxed and both women chatted freely. MaryAnne learned that Jennifer had divorced ten years before and managed a successful modelling agency providing models to major fashion publications.

The meal finished, MaryAnne helped clear the plates away and Jennifer pointed to an adjoining room where a sofa was drawn up in front of a blazing open fire. As she sat on the sofa, MaryAnne was glad to be inside as she saw that the rain was still beating off the windows.

After a short delay, Jennifer joined her, having quickly changed into silky pyjama trousers and top covered by an expensive looking gown. Jennifer refilled their glasses and MaryAnne was somewhat surprised when Jennifer sat beside her on the sofa, with both women resting their feet on the footstool in front of the fire, instead of Jennifer taking the large reclining chair opposite.
The women chatted easily with Jennifer offering that she had been in no long-term relationships since her divorce, stating that “her marriage was a mistake and that she was a free spirit”.

With the heat of the fire and the wine, MaryAnne began to feel tired and a little woozy. When Jennifer came back with the wine to refill her glass, she was aware that the older woman had moved closer to her, a fact that MaryAnne was becoming more comfortable with in the easy company. Soon, MaryAnne felt Jennifer's hand slip under her hair and begin to lightly stroke the back of her neck. This to MaryAnne was heaven and she made no attempt to move away.

Jennifer continued to softly stroke circles on the back of MaryAnne's neck and the younger woman began to feel herself drifting. Turning towards Jennifer to concentrate on something she had said, she saw the older woman's longing look as she moved forward and kissed MaryAnne tenderly on the lips. MaryAnne made no attempt to move away, and she felt the tip of Jennifer's tongue gently force its way between her lips. She opened her mouth slightly and met Jennifer's tongue with her own, gently at first and then with more urgency as Jennifer pulled her head closer.

They continued with a long lingering kiss for some time before MaryAnne felt Jennifer unbutton her pyjama top and felt her hand slide inside her robe and begin to gently massage her right breast. MaryAnne's thoughts were racing at what was happening, but when Jennifer reached her nipple, it was standing erect and aching to be caressed. Jennifer continued to slowly stroke MaryAnnes's breast and on moving to her left nipple, MaryAnne realised that her pussy was beginning to juice. Jennifer finally broke off the lingering kiss, but only to unbutton MaryAnne’s pyjama jacket completely, move her head down and take MaryAnne's right nipple in her mouth. MaryAnne moaned softly as the older woman massaged her breast while rolling the nipple with her tongue and gently biting it.
All MaryAnne could do as Jennifer moved between breasts was gently stroke the older woman's back and neck, although she could feel that her pussy oozing through the pyjama trousers and onto the pristine bathrobe. Lifting her head and interrupting her caresses, Jennifer stood. MaryAnne could see her erect nipples pushing against her flimsy pyjama top. Jennifer reached out her hand. “Come” she said, and MaryAnne took her hand and followed as Jennifer led the way across the hall and up the stairs, turning into the master bedroom. As they ascended the stairs, MaryAnne noted that although slim, Jennifer had a curvaceous behind. She couldn’t wait for what lay ahead.

The master bedroom was tastefully decorated with a huge bed covered in a crisp white cotton duvet. MaryAnne could also see a huge shower room and what appeared to be a dressing room off to one side. Jennifer guided MaryAnne gently onto the bed. “I've never done anything like this before,” began MaryAnne, however Jennifer reassured her, “Don't worry, I'll guide you, it will be wonderful.”

Jennifer pushed her back on the bed and joined her lying side by side. They began kissing, gently at first and then with increasing urgency. The bathrobe and pyjama jacket had fallen open giving Jennifer access to explore MaryAnne's body. Her hands resumed caressing her breasts, kneading them and occasionally pinching the nipples, sending shivers of pleasure to MaryAnne's core. Jennifer broke off their kiss and began to gently kiss MaryAnne's neck and earlobes before moving her head down to take first one and then the other eager nipple in her mouth.

As she paid attention to MaryAnne's breasts, Jennifer slid a hand lower and inside the waistband of MaryAnne’s pyjama trousers, tracing circles lightly on her navel and gently brushing the top of her pubic hair. In the midst of her pleasure, MaryAnne thought subconsciously that she should have had her triangle trimmed, but it hadn't seemed important until now. Jennifer's slim manicured fingers toyed with her pubes and then brushed the length of her lips.

MaryAnne had lost her virginity at sixteen and had had a number of boyfriends since then. In her experience they all wanted the same thing, a grope and maybe a quick and unsatisfying fingering, a quick blowjob, and then to stick their cock in as quickly as possible. There never appeared to be any thought for her pleasure. With Jennifer, MaryAnne knew that she was wetter than she had ever been before and felt sure that if Jennifer continued that she was sure to come. MaryAnne lifted her bottom to allow Jennifer to pull off the pyjama bottoms, the crotch of which was soaked with her juices.

Sensing her mounting excitement, Jennifer ran her finger the length of MaryAnne's soaking slit until she gently flicked her clitoris. Gently, Jennifer’s finger teased MaryAnne’s pussy. It was a sensation that MaryAnne had never experienced, and she could feel a very different orgasm building. Jennifer’s finger began to gently tease her clit, pressing it down, working it in a circle and then flicking it. “Can you come for me?” Just the question sent MaryAnne into her building climax. She let her hips ride against Jennifer’s finger and the moan announcing her orgasm began. A low breathless moan, then Jennifer slipped a finger inside MaryAnne’s pussy. This was enough to push MaryAnne over the edge. Her legs clamped around Jennifer’s hand holding it as her pussy spasmed and oozed her come. She came with a small soft scream.

“Wow” exclaimed Jennifer, “Somebody needed that!” MaryAnne sighed with contentment and opened her legs to grant Jennifer better access. The older woman inserted two fingers with ease and began to slowly move them in and out, using her thumb to massage her clitoris. It was Jennifer’s gentleness that was so erotic. Pleasing her was all that mattered to Jennifer at the moment. MaryAnne could feel the pleasure mounting again when Jennifer suddenly stopped and sat up. She pulled her pyjama top over her head to reveal two small but perfectly formed breasts, with erect nipples pointing straight ahead.

Laughing, Jennifer pulled her pyjama bottoms off in one quick movement, revealing a nearly completely shaved pussy, with a little strip of pubic hair reaching up two inches from the top of her slit. MaryAnne saw that it was the same red color Jennifer’s hair. With satisfaction, MaryAnne could see that Jennifer's slit was glistening and that her lips were beginning to open.

Pushing MaryAnne's knees up and out, which exposed MaryAnne’s pink core, Jennifer began to lightly kiss from each knee to the top of her thigh and back again, while slowly sliding a finger in and out of MaryAnne's pussy. MaryAnne felt the finger being withdrawn and replaced with what she knew was Jennifer's tongue. Expertly, the older woman licked MaryAnne's pussy along her lips, occasionally flicking her clitoris and pushing her tongue into her opening as far as it would go. MaryAnne could feel her orgasm mounting again. She felt Jennifer’s fingers pull up on the hood of her clit, exposing it to Jennifer’s mouth. MaryAnne gasped as Jennifer’s mouth locked onto her clit and sucked it between her teeth, lightly biting it each time. She felt two fingers enter her, curl up to find her button and she grasped Jennifer's head as Jennifer skillfully brought her to climax for a second time.

As MaryAnne’s body relaxed, she marveled at how wonderful sex with Jennifer felt. Never before had a guy pleasured her so. She shivered in erotic joy.

“Are you ready to do me?” asked Jennifer as MaryAnne lay in complete contentment, nodding in assent as Jennifer moved up the bed, put her knees astride MaryAnne's head and leaned forward against the headboard. She lowered her pussy towards MaryAnne's face. This was the first time that MaryAnne had seen another woman's pussy at close quarters. She could see the glistening slightly parted lips clearly. Jennifer’s pussy juices had begun to seep down her thighs. MaryAnne licked the juice from Jennifer’s thighs, finding her first taste pleasantly sweet. MaryAnne took a deep breath as she tentatively pushed her tongue towards Jennifer’s pussy. She heard Jennifer gasp as her tongue slid the length of the older woman's slit, parting her lips as she did so.

Doing the same as Jennifer had done to her, she licked the swollen lips and let her tongue tease Jennifer’s opening. Her fingers opened Jennifer’s hood smiled as Jennifer's clitoris emerged from its hood and sat proudly waiting for her. MaryAnne flicked her tongue over the swollen nub and she heard Jennifer's breath quicken and sensed the older woman's body tense. Placing both hands on Jennifer's buttocks she pulled Jennifer's pussy closer and stuck her tongue as far as she could into her. As MaryAnne fucked Jennifer with her tongue, she felt Jennifer’s legs begin to twitch. Jennifer ground her pussy onto MaryAnne's face as her orgasm tore through her. Jennifer collapsed back onto her bed. “For someone who has never done that, you are a natural” said Jennifer, pleasing MaryAnne immensely. They embraced, once again kissing passionately, and tasting each other's pussy juices.

Jennifer slid down the bed and slid one leg under MaryAnne's. She placed the other over the same leg and with legs intertwined moved upwards until their pussies touched. MaryAnne gasped at how sensuous it was to feel another woman's pussy against her own. They began to move against each other causing MaryAnne jolts of pleasure when pressure came on her clitoris. This position gave MaryAnne the opportunity to massage Jennifer's small breasts, squeezing and gently nipping the nipples, causing Jennifer to groan with pleasure.

Breaking their intimate embrace, Jennifer lifted MaryAnne's legs and pushed them back over her head. Jennifer moved forward supporting MaryAnne's back and spread her ass cheeks. MaryAnne felt Jennifer's tongue run the length of her slit and then begin to pay attention to her puckered rosebud. MaryAnne shivered through waves of pleasure as Jennifer inserted three fingers into her pussy and the tip of her tongue into the younger girl's anus. Jennifer slowly finger-fucked MaryAnne as her tongue penetrated her anus. The combination of having her pussy fingered and the new experience of having her ass explored pushed MaryAnne over the edge and she orgasmed again, moaning loudly.

Jennifer let MaryAnne's legs gently back onto the bed and kissed the younger woman deeply. “I haven't finished yet” Jennifer said and got up from the bed and disappeared into the dressing room. MaryAnne lay in a dreamlike state, a hand straying to her pussy which was sopping wet to her touch. She smiled to herself at the thought of what this wonderful woman was doing to her.

A minute or two later Jennifer emerged from the dressing room and MaryAnne's eyes opened wide at the outsized strap-on dildo rising up from Jennifer's groin. Jennifer came forward and knelt on the bed beside MaryAnne, who could see that the flesh-colored plastic dildo was anatomically correct in every detail with a large glans and thick veins running its length. It was its size though that alarmed MaryAnne. It was fully nine inches in length with an impressive girth. None of the cocks MaryAnne had experienced had been anywhere near this size. “I'll never take that” exclaimed MaryAnne, “it will kill me.” “No it won't” said Jennifer, “We'll take it easy and you will be surprised” she said reassuringly.

MaryAnne reached out and circled the shaft with her hand finding that her thumb and fingers would not meet. On Jennifer's command she bent her head, taking the massive glans in her mouth with difficulty due to its size and lubricating it and the shaft with her saliva. When it was fully lubricated, Jennifer positioned MaryAnne on her back and slid a pillow under her bottom to raise her pussy. MaryAnne opened her legs as wide as she could as Jennifer maneuvered between her outspread thighs. Taking the shaft in her right hand, Jennifer leant forward and slowly inserted the massive glans between the lips of MaryAnne's waiting pussy.

Slowly Jennifer pushed forward as MaryAnne took the massive shaft inch by inch, Jennifer watching intently for any sign of discomfort on the girl’s face. To MaryAnne's surprise, although she was being stretched wider and deeper than she had ever been before, she found that she was able to accommodate the full length of the dildo. At last, the full nine inches were deep within her and Jennifer leant forward their breasts touching, to give her a long satisfying kiss. MaryAnne hooked her legs round the older woman's back as Jennifer began to slowly fuck her.

This was the best sex ever, mused MaryAnne as she stared at Jennifer's face looking intently down at her as she moved her hips back and forward driving the dildo deep into MaryAnne’s pussy. Reaching up she massaged and caressed Jennifer's breasts, and raising her head took each of the erect nipples in turn into her mouth, alternately sucking and gently biting them. Teasingly, Jennifer slowly withdrew the dildo to the lips of MaryAnne's sex each time before slowly pushing the full length deep into MaryAnne. Each such thrust met with a soft moan of arousal from MaryAnne. After several minutes of slow, languid fucking, Jennifer leaned forward and kissed MaryAnne deeply and then whispered, “On your knees.”

As the dildo was slowly withdrawn, MaryAnne turned and knelt on the bed. Resting on her elbows, she pushed her bottom out and reaching behind pulled her bottom cheeks wide. Glancing round she saw the look of delight on the older woman's face.
Jennifer immediately pushed her face between the cheeks licking MaryAnne's pussy and again penetrated her pussy and anus with her tongue. MaryAnne moaned in delight at Jennifer's fervent attention and wiggled her hips to facilitate Jennifer's eager tongue. Resuming her position, MaryAnne rested on her elbows as Jennifer dribbled some lube onto MaryAnne’s crack and let it run down between MaryAnne’s labia. After a moment, Jennifer pressed the bulbous head of the dildo against the lips of MaryAnne's pussy and mounted her from behind. As she felt the head push past her lips, MaryAnne pushed back hard, taking the full length of the dildo in one movement and emitting a gasp at the feeling. Jennifer was caught slightly off guard, but recovered quickly, grabbing MaryAnne by the hips and began driving the dildo in and out, more swiftly now.

MaryAnne groaned with pleasure each time she received the full length of the dildo and she loved the feel of Jennifer's thighs striking her bottom. Jennifer fucked MaryAnne rapidly for around a minute, the excitement of both women rising with each stroke. As she tired, Jennifer reached round and with her finger and thumb found MaryAnne's engorged clitoris and began to stroke it in rhythm with the thrusts of the dildo. MaryAnne could only moan with each stroke, the dildo filled her pussy and she could feel her orgasm build with the friction from the dildo. “Oh god, don’t stop” she gasped. Jennifer again withdrew the dildo to MaryAnne’s pussy lips and then slid back in as she diddled MaryAnne’s clit. Then a few rapid strokes caused a long guttural moan from MaryAnne. Jennifer could see MaryAnne’s come oozing from around the dildo, so she knew the young girl was close. “Can you come for me?” Just this question brought the young woman to an earth-shattering climax. “Oh god, yes!” MaryAnne moaned out loud as the waves of pleasure passed over her. Slick with perspiration, MaryAnne rested her head on the pillow in front of her, sated and breathing deeply.

She was aware that Jennifer, also exhausted was leaning over her back with the dildo still deeply embedded in MaryAnne's pussy.
Jennifer planted a number of soft kisses on the back of MaryAnne's neck and slowly withdrew the dildo, which exited MaryAnne's sex with a soft “pop”, breaking the sexually charged silence and making both women laugh. As MaryAnne turned around on the bed she saw Jennifer undoing the straps fastening the dildo in place. MaryAnne helped her and threw the dildo to one side and then pushed Jennifer back on the bed. She pushed Jennifer's legs wide apart and buried her head between her thighs. MaryAnne discovered to her surprise that Jennifer's clitoris, stimulated by the base of the dildo was protruding from between the lips of her sex. Jennifer's pussy was oozing come making it easy for MaryAnne to insert her fingers into Jennifer. One finger, then two; Jennifer began to moan. MaryAnne than slipped a third finger inside Jennifer while sucking her engorged clitoris into mouth and slowly caressed it with her tongue. Jennifer squirmed with pleasure as MaryAnne continued to finger her and MaryAnne knew that Jennifer was approaching her climax as she grabbed MaryAnne's head forcing it tighter against her pussy.

Jennifer came with a long moan and MaryAnne's hand was covered in her juices. Withdrawing her fingers, MaryAnne sat in front of Jennifer and slowly and deliberately licked each finger clean. Jennifer pulled the younger woman down beside her and they spent some time kissing and caressing each other. After a few minutes when neither spoke, MaryAnne asked, “Where did you learn to do such wonderful things?” Jennifer laughed and replied, “I've picked up some things over the years. In the modelling business there are plenty of keen young women who don't want to get into relationships with boys which might hinder their career. It's never a problem to find a willing girl to fuck.” She said raising an eyebrow for effect.

“You know all about my first time,” said MaryAnne, "Tell me about yours".

Jennifer raised herself on one elbow and began by telling MaryAnne that she had always been attracted to girls. She explained that she was shy and introverted and had no real close friends to confide in. Nothing had happened until she was eighteeen and went on holiday to Spain with her parents and another couple. Both couples had holidayed together for many years and took a villa for two weeks each summer. John and Amanda had no ********, but seemed to enjoy the company. Jennifer recalled how she always thought that Amanda was very glamourous compared to her own mother and great fun to be with. She always paid Jennifer lots of attention which she believed was due to her having no ******** of her own.

Jennifer went on to explain that an all day trip by boat was planned to an island which her brothers were really excited about. Jennifer could think of nothing worse and pleaded with her parents to be left behind by the pool. Eventually they agreed, but the next morning it was announced that Amanda was feeling ill. Jennifer didn't want to see her brothers disappointed and volunteered to look after Amanda.

After they left, Jennifer looked in on Amanda who appeared to be sleeping and then, changing into her bikini, took a book and went and lay on one of the loungers by the pool. She had only been there about an hour when she heard a scraping noise and on looking up as Amanda pulled a lounger over towards her own. “Feeling better?” enquired Jennifer. “Much better,” replied Amanda, Actually I never was that bad” she said with a mischievous smile and stretched herself out on the lounger. Jennifer recounted how Amanda was in her late thirties, with short dark hair. She had a very shapely body with small firm breasts and a flat stomach. Amanda was wearing a white bikini tied with string at the sides and as she opened her legs slightly, Jennifer could see the outline of her sex.

Both women lay silently soaking up the hot sun for a while until Jennifer asked Amanda to put some oil on her. She lay on her stomach and undid her bikini top as Amanda liberally applied sun cream to her back and thighs, paying attention to the inside of her thighs up to her buttocks. As she turned over, Jennifer's unfastened top swung free giving Amanda full view of her small breasts. Amanda asked Jennifer to do the same for her, which she did, enjoying the feel of the smooth skin as she liberally applied the cream. As Jennifer rubbed the cream into her thighs she began to feel aroused and couldn't resist brushing a hand lightly across Amanda's buttocks as she moved to her lower back. As Amanda turned over, Amanda’s nipples were erect, pushing against the flimsy material of her bikini top.

“Any boyfriends yet”, inquired Amanda as they lay down again. Jennifer replied in the negative and stated that there was plenty of time for that. “Any girlfriends then?” asked Amanda, a slight smile playing at the corners of her mouth. Jennifer felt herself redden and avoiding eye contact managed to mumble “no, not yet.” They continued small talk for a few minutes. In the hot sun and feeling thirsty, Jennifer headed into the villa through the patio doors to get drinks. She went to the fridge and lifted two ice cold bottles of water. She set them down to get two glasses when she felt a light touch on her shoulder. Amanda had followed her into the kitchen. Amanda put both hands on her arms and leaning forward kissed her softly on the lips. Jennifer did nothing at first but as Amanda persisted, Jennifer responded and felt Amanda's tongue gently push open her lips. Jennifer met Amanda's tongue with hers, feeling weak at the knees with excitement. Amanda maneuvered Jennifer against the wall, continuing the kiss and slid a hand inside her bikini bottoms and cupped her pussy. Jennifer nearly fainted with delight at what was happening as Amanda began to massage her pussy, which was rapidly becoming wet.

Amanda inserted the tip of her index finger into Jennifer's pussy and slowly moved it in and out. “Lovely and tight” she murmured before withdrawing her hand and leading Jennifer out of the kitchen and across the hallway to Jennifer's room. Once inside, Amanda drew the curtains and embraced Jennifer once more, inserting her tongue deep into Jennifer's willing mouth, at the same time reaching behind her and undoing her bikini top which fell to the floor. She took each small breast in turn in her hand, massaging it and squeezing the nipples which were now fully erect. Amanda gently pushed Jennifer back onto the bed and slowly peeled her bikini bottoms off. Jennifer moaned softly, realizing she was now naked. Standing, Amanda undid her top baring her breasts. Jennifer noticed that they were firm and taut and topped with large brown nipples which stood erect. Stepping out of her bikini bottoms, Amanda's pussy was covered with a thatch of dark curls with pink lips protruding beneath.

As the story was recounted, MaryAnne felt herself becoming aroused again and was glad when Jennifer's fingers, which had continued outlining circles on her breasts and stomach, moved downwards through her pubic hair and began to toy with her pussy. She opened her legs slightly to facilitate Jennifer's access.

Jennifer continued her story by describing how Amanda knelt in front of her and without speaking bent her legs at the knees spreading them wide. Amanda then climbed on top of Jennifer and began to kiss her deeply, her tongue exploring the inside of the girl's mouth. As she did so, she pressed her groin into Jennifer's, who, with mounting excitement eagerly responded. Jennifer could feel their clits against each other which sent shivers of excitement through her. After a short time Amanda broke the kiss and slid down the bed kissing and sucking on Jennifer's nipples. Sliding further down, she cupped Jennifer's buttocks in her hands and kissed the inside of her thighs. By this time Jennifer was oozing juices and she gasped as Amanda's tongue made contact with her pussy. Amanda’s fingers spread her lips and slowly licked up and down her slit, then, pointing her tongue, she gently inserted it into Jennifer's pussy. A sudden wave of pleasure burst over Jennifer and she came with a small cry of satisfaction.

Lifting her head, Jennifer could see Amanda smiling, her mouth slick from Jennifer's juices. Amanda then inserted a finger into Jennifer as Jennifer lifted her legs and bent them at the knee to assist Amanda's explorations. Soon a second finger joined the first and Amanda slowly began to finger her. Amanda inserted three fingers and Jennifer felt her pussy being stretched wide, but the feeling was exquisite. She groaned loudly as the older woman fingered her, feeling the waves of pleasure build to another amazing orgasm. Amanda then lay back on the bed and reached for Jennifer who moved on top hugging and kissing her.

She slowly began to explore Amanda's perfect body, firstly paying attention to each breast, kissing all around the breast before taking an erect nipple in her mouth, gently biting it with her teeth which made Amanda moan softly. After spending some time on each breast, Jennifer slid further down the bed, planting small kisses as she went. Amanda opened her legs wide and Jennifer took time to gaze intently at her first pussy, the pink lips framed by the tight black curls were parted slightly and were glistening.

Jennifer kissed the inside of each thigh, catching the natural aroma of Amanda's sex and then leaning forward, tentatively touched her tongue to the pink lips. Amanda moaned as Jennifer ran her tongue up and down the lips and gasped as the inexperienced Jennifer found her clitoris. “Yes, Yes, keep doing that”, Amanda pleaded and as Jennifer obliged, Amanda grabbed her by the head and raised her thighs pushing her pussy to meet Sara's tongue. Jennifer easily found a rhythm with her tongue and brought Amanda to a shuddering climax.

Intrigued and excited by the story, MaryAnne was aware of Jennifer slowly fingering her as the tale was recounted. Jennifer had three fingers inserted deep in MaryAnne's well lubricated pussy. By cupping her thumb close to her palm and rotating her hand Jennifer found that she could finger MaryAnne’s clit as she fingered her. MaryAnne moaned with pleasure as Jennifer slowly and carefully fingered her. When Jennifer leaned forward and teased her clitoris with her tongue, it was too much for MaryAnne who came again with a long moan.

Completely sated, MaryAnne lay back on the bed with one leg bent at the knee and toyed with her pubic hair with her left hand. Drifting, she was vaguely aware of Jennifer leaving the bed. A sudden flash brought MaryAnne quickly to her senses and she saw Jennifer standing at the foot of the bed, camera in hand. "I have a good friend who can paint the most lifelike pictures from my photos," she said.
Gepubliceerd door bianca44
4 maanden geleden
Gelieve of om commentaar te geven.
aan funpics70 : mmmmmm  yessss  i  could 
Antwoorden Bekijk oorspronkelijke reactie Verbergen
WOW  you  certainly know how to tell a story  -  that was so erotic and sensual  -  i loved it and was aroused all the time i was reading it -  thank you  for giving so much pleasure 
sublime shame you wont add have a great day
excellent recollection of sex with women lovely arousing read
For some reason, your lesbian cliterature gives this cis guy a boner!
Very HOT story!!!!!!!!
it was so erotic you could visualise everything happening 
I adore your careful pacing and drawing in little details to raise our own pleasure in time with your characters.
Mmmm wow this is a fantastic and seriously sexy tale xx
A really great post, hope there is more to cum.  Thanks Bianca
So hot
As always, excellent story. I can hear a chapter two!
Sapphic Erotica at her finest ! An exciting story inside another exciting story !!!!  Simple amazing !