Sleep-over with you

There is a very good reason why I am staying overnight at your house, in your bed with you, both of us wearing just our knickers and t-shirt: I had another glass of wine and can't drive home; my car has broken down; you invited me over for dinner and we chatted until late...

It is dark outside and - snuggled under your duvet, so close in the half-light - we talk and laugh until somehow our conversation turns (as it has before) to masturbation: what we think about, how we do it, what feels good. Our words tempt each other...

Initially, we're passing it off as a joke but it's not long before we're touching ourselves, slowly and shyly at first, but our bodies are responding to the excitement of what we are about to do. We both know we shouldn't be doing this, but my attraction to you has always been too strong to ignore.

I watch as you stroke your fingers over the top of your knickers... then the bulge of your hand easing downwards beneath fabric. I imagine the heat you are feeling. I wonder how wet you are. Looking up at your face, I see your expression change to one I have only imagined before: desire. I feel a rush of wetness between my legs and, with you watching, I move my knickers to one side and slide my finger down over my clit, to the wetness between my legs and up again, circling my fingers. It feels so good to touch myself like this as I watch you doing the same, our soft moans combining, growing louder...

I have to see you naked.

I'm afraid of breaking this spell, but somehow I ask you to take your clothes off. I can't believe it when you agree but, with a smile, I remember the adventurous, often unpredictable side of your personality which I've always been so attracted to.

There's the urgent pull and slide of cotton over smooth skin before we're both completely undressed, our upper bodies turned towards each other. The fall of your breasts towards mine, the soft curve and the darker pink of your nipples, is almost too much to resist. And as your eyes meet mine and then travel down the length of my body, I know you're thinking the same. God I want to reach out and touch you - but I can't, I shouldn't.

I want you so much.

I gaze into your enticing eyes - dark green, glittering in the low light - and, as always, you are magnetic, charged. It would be so easy, feel so natural, to lean towards you and touch my lips to yours.

I force myself to look away and, as I move my fingers a little faster and harder over my clit, I watch you touching yourself, sliding your fingers into yourself and back up, arching your back in pleasure. What a feeling to see you like this, naked in every way - I could watch you like this forever.

We keep playing with ourselves until I'm consumed by the soaring crescendo between my legs: raw, unstoppable, spiralling up through my limbs and taking me over. My body feels beyond my control now as I instinctively push forward slightly into you and our nipples touch. The feeling of your skin against mine, so warm and alluring, is electric - the tipping point - and suddenly I'm coming, coming and jolting against you, crying out in pleasure. Your eyes upon me as I climax is like sharing a secret, laying myself bare. Becoming yours.

For a second, I take my hand away and you see how wet I am; sticky come between fingers. Impulsively, (I've always loved this about you: the sudden energy of your body in contrast to your stillness and calm) you reach down with your other hand and pull my fingers to your lips. I've just come but the touch of our hands, our fingers together, is the most erotic feeling and new tingles run down the length of my body. I watch in ecstasy as you lick my fingers, tasting my come as you touch yourself harder and faster. You're right, you do look hot when you're flushed!

I can feel the growing tension in your body and, awestruck, I take in every little detail: the provocative motion of you, the heat of your tongue on my skin, your rising noises as you get closer and closer... Can this really be happening? Then you're lacing your fingers into mine, squeezing my syrupy hand tightly as you come, sublime release, your muscles shaking as if a current is passing through you. Did I seriously think I could watch you orgasm and resist touching you?

I want you more than I've ever wanted anyone.

As your cries turn back into muffled moans, I watch your touches slow and my desire takes over. I know I shouldn't, but I'm powerless to stop myself as I take your hand and bring it to my mouth.

I have to taste you.

Our sticky fingers push and intertwine as we lie on our sides now, facing each other - palm to palm - and I lick the salty sweet come from your hands.

Now, there is the inevitable touch of our tongues between fingers and that is all it takes...

Our tongues find each other - as they always would - slowly at first, just the tips, licking and circling. I think of how many times I've come imagining how it would feel to kiss you and the anticipation of kissing you properly sends dizzy waves of desire through my body.

The moment our lips meet tilts the world on its axis. We wriggle towards each other, the length of our naked bodies pushing together, fitting perfectly; constellations align.

We kiss tentatively at first, but as we become aware of our wetness against each other's thighs, the push of our breasts together, our kisses become deeper and even more passionate. Sharp inhalations of breath. Longing, pitched-high sighs. I marvel as the sparks which have flown between us turn to fire and I let my whole body melt into yours. You feel so warm and I fall into the seductive feeling of you, quickening against your body as we start to explore each other with our hands.

We pause and our eyes meet, unspoken yearning, and I feel the core of my being reach out to meet yours. I brush your dark hair across your forehead and trace the contours of your face, your ears, your neck. Running the tips of my fingers from the palm of your hand up your arm, I can see where your beautiful freckled skin, darker in summer, turns pale as I reach your shoulders and caress down... impossibly soft. Whenever I touch a sensitive or ticklish part of you, you smile and squirm closer into me. I'm not sure I've ever felt this happy.

We lie like this for long time, working each other up into a frenzy of desire. As our kisses become more intense, I can't help gripping you a little harder: your waist, the curve of your buttocks, the soft skin on the back of your thighs which I pull towards me. Could I ever be close enough to you?

Rubbing myself against the softness of your thighs, I'm so incredibly turned on and so wet for you; it is so tempting to stay like this in your arms and come again against you.

But what I want more is to touch you, to really touch you and taste you: this has always been my greatest fantasy. I haven't done this with another woman before and, all of a sudden, I'm self-conscious. But, in the same moment, I realise that I've always felt so comfortable with you - being with you feels so easy, so right - and this overrides my hesitation.

Rolling you onto your back, I kiss your face, down your neck, the dips and curves of your body - breathing in the intoxicating scent of your hair, your skin - until my mouth finds your nipple. I circle my tongue and can't believe the sensation of your pink skin stiffening just slightly as I lick you here. Braver now, I touch your other breast, rubbing my palm over your nipple and feeling the weight of your breasts in my hands as I stroke and massage you.

The noises you're making are such a turn on and you rise up towards my body; I can feel you aching for my fingers between your legs and I think suddenly that I know exactly how this feels. For the first time, I'm having sex with someone whose body is like mine, the same familiar pleasure points and urges, but different and unique - exciting and mysterious - like re-discovering lost treasure.

So I resist the urge to place my fingers between your legs just yet and I kiss and lick down your tummy, your belly button, until I'm tracing a line through the wet tangle of your pubic hair to the sensitive skin running down to the button of your clit.

You are moaning more than ever now and thrusting up towards my mouth - but I look up into your eyes, teasing smiles as I pull away and spread your legs open with the palms of my hands.

Kneeling between your legs, I stroke my fingers from your feet up the length of your leg and tenderly kiss the soft white skin of your inner thigh. I move closer and closer to the enticing warmth and wetness between your legs and I'm so excited at what I'm about to do that I can feel myself throbbing in anticipation. But first, I want to see you, to really look at you and this amazing part of your body which I've imagined for so long.

Slowly, I stroke just one finger from your clit downwards, gently touching the folds of your lips, either side, the wetness in between...

You're beautiful.

Now I do the same with my tongue before sliding it inside you, pushing into you. You feel so hot, so wet, and the sharp taste of you overwhelms me with desire. I slide both my hands under your buttocks and pull you hard towards my mouth, sinking my face in your wetness, my tongue exploring every little bit of you. I don't mean to be this rough - you make me lose all control - and I force myself to slow down, remembering how and where I watched you touch yourself. I copy this, listening to the incredible sounds you make as I find just the right points, create just the right sensations. At times, you tell me exactly how you want me. Just there. Harder. A little faster. To know how you like this makes me feel giddy with elation.

I get lost between your legs. Time stands still until I'm licking just your clit, sometimes sucking gently, and matching my rhythm to the grind of your hips beneath me.

For the first time, I slide my fingers inside you and fuck you slowly as I lick you. Discovering this other world, the warm wet pink of you, is irresistible. I could never have imagined how phenomenal this part of you would feel.

We're at sea now, the two of us rocked by the waves, the taste of salt on our tongues. We're miles from shore and there is nothing but the steady motion of our bodies. Nothing but the wetness of our desire for one another.

With my other hand, I push up gently on the skin above your clitoris, fully exposing the most sensitive part of your body and, as I lick you with the length of my tongue, you are almost screaming with pleasure, pushing up against me as I anchor you down. My fingers are deeper inside you now and I hold them here, beckoning you towards me, occasionally vibrating them, and I can imagine the absolute intensity of feeling I'm creating between your legs.

I can feel you're so close now and I'm overwhelmed with the wonder of this new feeling: the walls of your vagina - dark, fleshy, exquisite - contracting around me as you grip your fingers in my hair and pull me into you.

For a short while, you're quieter than before: the calm before the storm. Caught between oceans. Then you're crying out, tempest-tossed, bucking and writhing up into me as I ride the waves of your orgasm with my fingers and tongue.

I look up for a moment and drink in the image of your breasts, your closed eyes, your face taken over with rapture.

I'm amazed by you.

As you come down, I slide my wet fingers from you and your hand reaches to meet mine, our fingers entwining again at top of your thigh. With your other hand, you're stroking my hair as I move my tongue, my lips on your clit, kissing you passionately - I could spend forever here between your legs.

For a time, I've forgotten about my own desire but now, as you pull me back up to you, I become aware of my overwhelming urge to come again. My clit is so sensitive that it feels as if one touch would make me orgasm, but still I wrap my legs around you and push myself against the flesh of your tummy. I'm so wet from going down on you that I can feel it dripping between my thighs - but I don't feel at all self-conscious as I make your stomach slick with my juices. I couldn't stop now if I tried.

Wiping your come from around my mouth, our lips meet again and immediately we're kissing deeply, our tongues dancing together as you taste yourself. I'm moaning and grinding against you, so close, but you pull away and smile at me, stilling my hips with your hands. I love how your smile lights up your eyes, how your features soften when you look at me, and I feel my chest swell with a feeling I'm scared to admit. Exhilarating shivers at your whispered breaths in my ear: you want to make me come.

On top of me now, I'm in ecstasy with the wonderful pressure of your breasts, your stomach, the friction of your pubic hair, your cunt against mine. Your lips and tongue explore my body as I explored yours and I rise up desperately as you kiss and lick my nipples and your hair tickles my skin. The anticipation is delicious.

You know exactly how and where to touch me and, for the first time, I feel your fingers slide between my legs. Hungry for your touch, I thrust my hips up to meet you. You moan as you feel how wet I am. At this moment, I'd give anything to feel you inside me, to be filled with your fingers, but you slide them back up to my clit, taking my breath away. I'm so wet that your fingers slip away and you bring your hand back up to my breasts, making them moist and sticky. Artist's hands, delicate firm strokes, paint me into existence. Heaven is here with you.

I stroke my fingers through your hair and try to push you down on me but, as usual, you won't be rushed - another thing I love about you: your stubborn insistence with things on your own terms. Your mouth on my stomach, my thighs, and finally - finally - between my legs is so hot and wet that my whole body feels alight. The flickers of your tongue, first on my clit and then inside me, are fire and the heat consumes me.

I know I will come in seconds if you carry on but I want the intimacy of your kisses. I want to look into your eyes as you bring me to orgasm. I pull you back up to me and this time you don't resist - you know what I want - as our tongues collide again and your fingers touch every bit of my clit, my lips, until you slide them deep inside me for the first time. The way you touch me is intuitive and I think: no one has ever fucked me like this before. I don't think I've ever felt this turned on as eventually you just concentrate the movement of your fingers on my clit.

I find it harder to come like this but we can both feel that you've nearly taken me there. I cry out in disbelief as your fingers find the most sensitive part of me, that white hot sting of absolute intensity which I only feel when I'm the most aroused. My words come breathless between kisses. Oh yes. Yes. There. Just there. Please don't stop. Don't stop. Don't stop...

You push a little harder, the steady rhythm of your fingers pulling me out of time and I picture electric, buzzing blackness. How do you know exactly where to touch me? Grasping the back of your neck, I pull you into me, crying out and kissing you harder. Slowly, and then all at once, this inferno you've kindled blazes up through my body as I come, incandescent, and everything is you. All you. Always you. Smoldering eyes. Deep interlacing of tongues. My legs clamping around your hand as I lose all control, my inner thighs shuddering with the intensity of my orgasm.

Eventually, your fingers slow and stroke me as you kiss me. You don't stop... and I don't ever want you to stop. Trembling, my body merges back into yours.

We kiss and kiss: bee-stung lips, the push of bare skin. Still your fingers are circling between my legs, moving down between my lips and covering me in come; I wonder if my orgasm ever ended. I can't let you stop now and, losing all my inhibitions, I put my hand on top of yours, feeling the wetness of your fingers and pushing them back inside me. I touch my own fingers to my clit and immediately the fire is reignited as you push your fingers deeper inside me, fucking me, the palm of your hand guiding my fingers as I rub myself.

Within seconds I'm coming again, hard and fast, filling the room with my screams; I don't know where one orgasm ends and the other begins. I can't believe what a turn on it is to masturbate with you like this, our fingers tacky and touching between my legs, our bodies both hot and slick with sweat, tingling all over in the glowing embers of our orgasms.

You slide your fingers out of me and I turn on my side, wrapping my legs back in between yours and we find the good feeling against each other's thighs again. In between the meeting of our lips I tell you no one has ever made me come like that before...

No one has ever made me feel quite like you do.

I feel sleepy and content now, but you kiss me harder and even more passionately. I can feel the oily wetness between your legs spreading across my thigh as you grind against me. With a new surge of arousal, I realise you're turned on enough to come against me like this and, exhilarated, I kiss you harder and faster. I wonder how we will ever stop wanting each other. You are a craving which, once fulfilled, rises up again with a more urgent intensity and, for a moment, I think I might never sleep again.

My hands are under your buttocks now, feeling the incredible cadence of you moving rhythmically back and forth against me. Still facing each other, I kiss down your neck as you lean your head back, your sexy noises echoing around us, driving me crazy; I never knew sex could sound like this.

You wriggle up further, your leg wrapped around my waist, your clit pushed against the place where my thigh meets my stomach. Instinctively, I suck your nipple into the wetness of my mouth, my hands stroking all over you, an animal passion taking over. I reach around you, gripping you below your buttocks and you moan louder; there is something kinky about touching you like this, from behind, and we both feel it. Greedily, I find the soft flesh of your lips, caress the tight skin just beneath your vulva before pushing the tips of my fingers into you as far as I can reach. We embrace and move like this, our bodies becoming one, all heat and sweat and wetness, until you come again, almost infinite as you pulse against me.

I hold you in my arms and kiss your chest tenderly as your body slows and you eventually slide back down me until our mouths meet again - slowly, sleepily now - and we stroke our hands down each other's backs. Is this how it feels to make love?

We pull the duvet back over us and I nestle into you. Beyond your bedroom walls all the world is asleep, but you have awakened something inside me and I flow with a new life. Little pieces of destiny slot into place. To talk, to laugh with you - the familiar feeling of contentment that comes when you are near me - keeps the darkness at bay.

Our eyes are open now, and for the first time I gaze into your eyes without the need to look away to hide the depth of my feelings for you. Our chests pushed together, I can feel that your heart is keeping time with mine.

Between kisses, the words which have stuck in my throat for so long come tumbling out: I tell you that I count the weeks, the days, the hours until I see you again. I invent excuses to message you... and I try not to message you. My body flutters with the anticipation of seeing you - your beautiful smile - hearing the sound of your voice. I thrive on learning all the little details which make you who you are. When I'm with you, the response of my body to yours is like nothing I've felt before: tantalising tingles, the catching of my breath, the thrumming of my heart. When I leave you, I feel like I'm walking on static, galvanised by the energy of you. When I'm alone, I imagine my fingers are your fingers and I breathe your name into the early-morning light of my bedroom...

I told myself I would give in to temptation just this once - but lying here with you like this, I know I'll never be able to resist you, my fantasy woman. Girl of my dreams.

Our foreheads together, our bodies wrapped around each other, I feel myself falling...

And I think about all the different ways I could wake you up in the morning.
Gepubliceerd door Lulu_2000
6 maanden geleden
Gelieve of om commentaar te geven.
Super Sensual ! THX !
Your best story ever -- You are amazingly sensuous and I would love to experience what you write about -- True love xxx 
WOW :smile: so sensual and exciting :smile: the best story I have read 
Honestly, that's one of the best stories I've ever read on here. This one is going in my favourites :grinning:
aan Female_body : Her or you?
Antwoorden Bekijk oorspronkelijke reactie Verbergen
This is very good. How would you like to wake up with her?
Ravishing, Exquisite Tale, Thanks SO Much. Dripping With Lustful Envy. Stay Frosty, Peace.
Truly delicious, Lucy!...nothing worth bothering about...left to the imagination, eh?  Obvious save! Thanx xxxx 
aan michael_love : 🪰🪰🪰🪰
Antwoorden Bekijk oorspronkelijke reactie Verbergen
Fabulous writing
This is sooo good. Its times like these i wish i was a fly on the wall. 👍 
aan Lulu_2000 : Yes. . . :heart:
Antwoorden Bekijk oorspronkelijke reactie Verbergen
aan boxerdog822 : Thankx 
Antwoorden Bekijk oorspronkelijke reactie Verbergen
aan SeaStories1983 : You get the vibes, to want to see her naked, to hold and touch. To do all the 5h8ngs that she wanted to do
Antwoorden Bekijk oorspronkelijke reactie Verbergen
Superb fantastic work X
You nice taste in writing story
We have missed your writing as you capture that languid sense of place outside of the constraints which an evening would normally entail with exquisite touches throughout! 
Oh, this is exquisite. The ambiguity at the beginning of this lovely gem as to why the narrator relates that she really "shouldn't" so all this just makes the voyage of discovery between the two dear friends becoming lovers all the more poignant. But it doesn't really matter what the reasons are for her hesitancy. . . just that the two of them let go and fall into sweet release. 

I continue to be amazed at some of the well written erotica on this site, and how much of it that is lesbian in its focus still arouses this dirty old would be seadog. But that doesn't matter either. I love the atmosphere and emotional resonance and sensual abandon of it all. And this is particularly lovely. Thank you. 