Cuckold test

Danny drained the remnants of his beer from the bottle, his eyes and thoughts on the attractive blonde stood at the beach bar a few yards away. A sudden breeze opened her wrap around skirt briefly allowing him to get a flash of tanned thigh and panties. There were others sat around tables as the evening sunset began to take hold but no one else seemed to notice the sudden flash of naked flesh.

The barman who was serving her didn’t get a look either; it was difficult from his vantage point anyway. Danny had no doubt though that he would have liked to have seen what he had seen; he knew the look of lust when he saw it. He had seen that look when they first arrived three days ago and he had seen his eyes light up every time they had paid a visit to the bar which lay a few hundred yards from their apartment, It was clear to him that the Jamaican bar owner had the hots for Claire, his wife.

They were talking about him though. Every now and then they would look across at him. Danny began to feel a little disconcerted as well as curious. He knew Claire well; they had been together for ten years now, eight of which as man and wife; they also had two c***dren together, so he knew that the look on her face was serious. Still, he sat there watching them talking; waiting patiently for her to return with their drinks.

It was almost ten minutes later when she moved away from the bar and her admirer and came back to the table. “You were deep in conversation there?” Danny said as she sat down.

She ignored his question. “You know when you booked this holiday how did you actually find this place?” She asked him.

“I told you.” He replied. “On the internet.”

“I know but where?” She asked him again.

Danny shrugged his shoulders. “I just googled adult holidays.”


“Yes as in adults only.” He replied. “Why?”

“Adult as in adult?” She asked.

“Adult as in no c***dren.” He told her. “That’s what we wanted after last year’s disaster in Orlando.”

She knew what he meant. Last year they had ended up in a families resort full of hyperactive k**s and it had ruined their intended rest and relation break. Though they had c***dren of their own and enjoyed holidaying with them there were times when they needed quality time together

“But did they say anything else about the resort here?” She asked him.

He shrugged his shoulders again as he took a swig of beer. “I didn’t bother going into much detail. It was a last minute deal.” He replied. “We always fancied Jamaica anyway so I just booked it. Why, don’t you like it here?”

Claire leant forward and spoke quietly. “Do you notice anything about the place?”

Danny looked around him quickly. “Yes, no k**s.”

“Look closer.” She told him.

Danny looked around again. The two closest tables to them each had two white couples with a black male sat with them. There were two more tables with a lone white male; there were a couple more tables with white women sat with black males and then there was a large crowd around three tables put together. The crowd consisted of six white females with six black males.

He shrugged his shoulders. “Looks pretty normal to me.”

Just as he finished speaking a white woman and a black male appeared from the direction of the apartments walking hand in hand. They brushed past them as they sat down at one of the tables that had a lone white male sat at it. The man had a smile on his face as he stood up and gave the woman a kiss. “Have a good time darling?” They heard him say.

The woman said something that they could not hear clearly and then she said more loudly “How about getting Ezra and me a drink.”

Danny looked at Claire. The penny was beginning to drop. Claire leant forward “Joe was telling me that this resort is a haven for cuckolds” She said quietly.

“Cuckolds?” Danny asked, trying to be as quiet as Claire.

“Married women come here for a break without their husbands and some husband like to accompany their wives and allow them to sample the local males!”

The blood drained from Danny’s face. “ you know that?” He asked her.

“I told you.” She replied. “Joe told me.”

“He......he....he doesn’t think we are like that does he?” Danny asked.

“Well, he did ask if you are a cuckold but I soon put him right on that.” She answered. “He would like to cuckold you though!”

“He can bugger off!” Danny snapped back.

Claire smiled and leant forward to give him a reassuring kiss. “But you do like to fantasise about me with another man.” She said softly.

“’s just....” He started to say. “You’re not saying that you want to are you?”

Claire smiled. “Well................if the opportunity arose!”

Danny had no chance to respond because Joe suddenly appeared with a tray of drinks. “On the house.” He said as he put the tray down.

Joe held out his hand “I am Joe and you must be Danny.” He said before pulling up a chair.

Danny began to feel uneasy as he sat down between him and Claire. “That’s me done for the night now.” He said as he sipped on his drink.

The three people from a table behind got up and walked passed them; the white woman and the black male held hands and the white male followed on behind. The black male spoke to Joe as he walked passed and Joe said “Have a nice time my friend.”

Danny looked at the white male following them; he wore shorts that had a prominent bulge in the front. “There goes one happy cuckold.” Joe commented.

Danny felt uncomfortable. He knew that Joe wanted to cuckold him and he also knew that Claire would do it if given the chance. “Maybe he isn’t happy.” He said.

Joe laughed “Did you not see his stiffy?” He said. “A cuckold will always have a stiffy when his wife or girlfriend is with another man.”

“Have you cuckolded many men Joe?” Claire asked.

Danny was shocked that she would ask such a question.

“Yes.” He responded looking at Danny.

Danny looked away.

“What do you get out of it apart from the obvious?” Claire asked him.

“It’s a combination of things.” He said as he sipped his drink.”But like my friend just then, I do get a buzz in that situation, taking the wife away to pleasure her and having her husband as an onlooker with a stiffy.”

“He did look excited.” Claire commented. “Do they always get that excited?”

Joe smiled. “You bet.” He replied. “It’s the first sign that they enjoy being cuckolded. We always call it the cuckold test.”

“The cuckold test?” Claire asked.

“Well if you are with a couple for the first time and you are paying the wife some attention and the husband gets a stiffy then you know that he is up for it. He’s a cuckold.” Joe explained.

Danny was feeling more uncomfortable now as he sensed Joe gazing down at his crotch.

“So if the husband gets a stiffy in that situation then he must enjoy being cuckolded?” Claire asked him.

Joe nodded. “Well put it this way. If that guy we just saw didn’t want it to happen he would be dragging him off her. He wouldn’t be following on behind with a stiffy would he?”

“I guess not.” Claire replied looking at Danny. “You’re very quiet Darling!”

“Maybe Danny’s afraid that he would pass the cuckold test!” Joe said with a smile.

Danny gave a nervous laugh.”I doubt it.” He said.

“So you are up for taking it then?” Joe asked him.

“I doubt if Claire would even want me to take that test, whatever such a test would involve.” Danny replied.

“Yes, how would you test him?” She asked.

“Let’s go back to your apartment and I will show you.” Joe relied.

For a few moments Claire and Danny just looked at each other. Danny knew that he should end it there and then but there was something about Claire’s interest that intrigued him. Yes, it was true that sometimes in moments of fantasy he would think about her with another man. There was an occasion a couple of years back when some guy had hit on her in a hotel they were staying at. She had gone down to the bar ahead of him and a guy approached her and started to chat her up. He was quite an attractive guy and was quite blatant in his interest in her. The guy looked quite disappointed when he appeared on the scene. Whether she had been teasing or not; she had told him that if she had been single she would have gone off with him. Her confession excited him and it put some extra vigour into their fucking that night.

“You willing to take the test?” Joe asked him directly.

Danny made no effort to respond.

“I am up for it if Danny is.” Claire said.

Danny felt a hint of sexually excitement come over him. “Okay then.” He found himself saying.

A few minutes later and with their drinks downed the three of them headed off to the apartment. Danny made a point of grabbing Claire’s left hand as they walked away; there was no way that he was going to walk on behind them. However, Joe reached for her other hand and Claire found herself walking with two men. “Hmm this is nice being taken home by two men.” She said.

Danny said nothing throughout the short journey to their apartment. He was in a state of nervous excitement and confusion. One part of him wanted to see Joe just disappear and leave them alone but there was another part that found excitement in seeing him holding on to his wife’s hand. Claire on the other hand seemed quite cool about the situation.

When they got back to the apartment Claire opened a bottle of white wine and they all nervously stood in the kitchen quietly drinking. It was Claire who spoke first “So what is this test then?”

Joe put his glass down. “Have you got a dressing gown sash or maybe we can use Danny’s belt.” He said looking down at Danny’s waist.

“Use the belt.” Claire said.

“We also need a chair taking into the lounge.” Joe said.

“Want to bring one in darling?” Claire said as she led the way.

Danny had already figured out that some kind of restraining was going to be involved and it came as little surprise when he was asked to sit down on the chair that was placed in the centre of the room. “Would you like to undo his belt Claire?” Joe asked her.

Danny meekly sat down and allowed Claire to unbuckle his belt and withdraw it. As she handed it to Joe he moved behind the chair and asked Danny to put his hands through the bars at the back of the chair. Again Danny meekly surrendered himself and moments later his hands were firmly secure to the chair.

“Would you take down his pants Claire please?” Joe asked as he stood up.

Neither of them said anything as she pulled his trousers and his boxers down around his ankles. Danny felt vulnerable and very nervous as he sat there with the two of them standing there looking down at him.

Suddenly Joe put his arm around Claire “Now then Danny.” He started to say as he gave her a hug. “Claire and I are going to do some making out and if you get a stiffy from watching us then I am gonna take that as a ‘yes’ to fuck your wife.”

Danny’s jaw dropped.

Joe hugged her again “That okay with you?” He said to her.

“Yes, but we fuck upstairs not down here.” She told him.

Claire’s language shocked Danny. “And if I remain like this you will stop?” Danny asked him.

“Yes.” Joe replied.

“How long do I get though?” Danny asked.

“I reckon you will have a stiffy within five minutes but I will give you thirty.” Joe told him.

“I won’t.” Danny told him defiantly.

Joe pulled away from Claire and leant over Danny, resting his hands on the arm of the chairs. “By the time I get to your wife’s pussy you will not only be stiff but you will also be dribbling cum.” Joe told him.

Danny shifted awkwardly in his seat as Joe stepped back to be greeted by a kiss from Claire. It shocked him to see her kiss another man; not just any old kiss but a long passionate kiss. She was smaller than Joe and so she had to reach up and wrap her hands around the back of his neck to pull him down to her height. The kiss lasted a few minutes and then Claire broke away and moved back to the settee.

Joe joined her and they quickly got back into an embracing kiss. Once again Claire kissed him with passion; running her hands through his long dreadlocks before running a hand down his muscular arm and resting on his thigh. Danny breathed in heavily as he saw her hand resting on his thigh. Joe responded by resting his hand on her waist. For a few moments they continued to kiss with passion and then she glanced over to Danny. Her focus though was not on his face but on his groin.

Danny glanced down. His cock was still flaccid lying snugly between his closed thighs but he was afraid. The horror of watching her kiss another man was wearing off now and he could feel stirrings; sensual stirrings. He feared those stirrings would make his cock stiffen and he knew that once that happened they would fuck; of that he no doubt.

“Am I allowed to touch?” She asked as she turned her attention back to Joe.

“Joe smiled. “Feel free to do what you like.” He told her. “Whatever you think will give him a stiffy.”

Danny felt those stirrings again. He watched as her hand moved across his lap and rested on his bulge. He closed his eyes to try and shut himself off but Claire spoke. “Do you have a big one?” She asked.

Danny’s eyes opened in horror.

“See for yourself.” Joe said as he stood up.

Joe was simply dressed in a long t-shirt and a pair of knee length shorts. Danny watched as Claire’s hand went up to the belt buckle. He didn’t think that she would do it; he didn’t think that she even had it in her to do such a thing; after all she knew hardly anything about the man but she unbuckled his belt strap and loosened the waistband of his shorts.

As she tugged on them she glanced across at Danny. Once again her focus was not on his face but on his cock. Her eyes remained focused on his cock as she pulled Joe’s shorts slowly down over his thighs. Danny managed to hold on to his thoughts as he desperately tried to keep himself from getting caught up in the erotic spectacle. “You’re very big.” He heard her say to Joe.

Danny found it impossible to keep himself from looking up; found it impossible from looking at his wife holding another man’s cock in her hand. Her white hand looked so small against the huge thick black cock; so small it could barely wrap itself around it. Danny could feel himself starting to stir now; he knew that was starting to lose the battle.

He tried his best to focus his thoughts elsewhere but Claire was making it more and more difficult. “Can I suck you?” He heard her say.

He watched Joe’s large brown hand rest on his blonde headed wife’s shoulder. “Babe you can do whatever you want with my cock.”

As her lips folded around the bulbous tip of Joe’s cock she turned and looked across at Danny. This time she looked him in the eye; she was taunting him; she was teasing him; she was seeing his cock slowly starting to lift itself off his thighs. Danny closed his eyes; he wanted to put other thoughts inside his head; any thoughts; anything but the thought of his wife sucking another man’s cock. It was becoming a hopeless battle.

He opened his eyes again only to see Joe’s hands fondling Claire’s breasts through her thin top. He watched him take her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers to arouse her. He knew just how sensitive her nipples were; he knew just how aroused she became when he did that. He felt his penis stiffening again. Danny closed his eyes.

The rustling of clothes drew his attention back to them and he opened his eyes to see Claire standing and Joe pulling her top over her head. It had hardly had time to hit the floor before he had unhooked her bra. Danny watched Joe lower his face to her breasts and he just managed to close his eyes before the first kisses were released. He could hear them; he could hear the sound of lips against flesh and he could also hear the sounds of soft moans; Claire’s soft moans of ecstasy.

He heard the rustling of clothes again and found himself unable stop his eyes from opening. It was Joe kneeling on the floor now; it was Joe’s hands dealing with a belt buckle now; Claire’s skirt belt buckle to be precise. He watched her skirt slide gracefully down her thighs to the floor to leave her standing there in just a pair of white panties. Joe’s large dark skinned hands reached up to the waistband of them just as Danny felt something cold dripping onto his thighs. He looked down; his cock was stiff and leaking precum. The battle was lost.

Danny let out a groan; a groan of despair that brought their attention to him. Claire stepped out of her panties, bent down to pick them up, and took hold of Joe’s cock to lead him across the room to where he was seated. Claire said nothing as she stooped down and kissed him gently on the lips. She looked him in the eyes and after dropping her panties in his lap she led Joe by the cock to the door.

Danny groaned as he watched them leave the room. He heard them climb the wooden stairs up to the bedroom and then heard the noise of the bed springs. For a few moments there was only silence coming from upstairs but then he heard soft moans coming from Claire. The increasing volume of her moans and the sound of the rhythmic bedspring movements told him that they were fucking.

He glanced down at his groin. His erect cock had Claire’s panties dangling from it and they served to help soak up his cum. He tugged on his hands; he wanted to free them; he wanted to masturbate, Danny was desperate for relief but he could do nothing except listen. Listen to sounds coming from upstairs; the sounds of the creaking bedsprings; the sound of the headboard hitting the wall; the sounds of sex the sounds of his wife having sex with another man.

Then there were the cries and moans. Claire was screaming now; screaming out obscenities; screaming out in passion. He could hear her crying out about Joe’s big cock; hear her crying out about how good it was; hear her telling him, begging him even to fill her. He could also hear Joe. Joe too was vocal; groaning and grunting in his poundings; telling her that he was coming; telling her he was going to fill her pussy. Those final screams and groans were almost deafening and then there was silence.

The silence was almost as deafening as the screams had been. It lasted for what seemed like ages and then he heard Joe’s voice. He couldn’t make out what he was saying but he could picture him lying on top of her, talking while still deep inside her. He could also hear the sounds of the rhythmic bedspring movements again. Joe was fucking her again.

Danny cursed under his breath; Joe was fucking his wife again; showing off his prowess; showing off his virility. He had never fucked her so quickly in succession; he wasn’t capable. He cursed again. Claire was starting her screaming again; he had never heard her so vocal during sex; never known her to enjoy sex like this before. But Danny wasn’t Joe; Danny didn’t have a huge thick cock like Joe; Danny didn’t have the sexual appetite that Joe had, Danny couldn’t please his wife like Joe could. Danny cursed him again.

He wanted to drown out their sounds; wanted to put his fingers in his ears to drown out the screams and obscenities flowing from Claire as she neared another climax. He also wanted to cum; he wanted to masturbate; he wanted to take hold of his cock and stroke it to the rhythm of Joe’s pounding. He wanted to release his cum alongside Joe. That was impossible of course. He was bound; tied to a chair; unable to touch himself; unable to free himself; unable to enjoy the pleasures that Joe was experiencing.

He could hear Joe coming; he could hear Joe screaming that he was coming; he could hear him warn his wife that he was about to fill her and he could hear Claire screaming “Yesssssssssssssssssssssssss”

The silence lasted longer this time. At one stage he thought they had fallen sleep but then he heard the sound of the bedsprings moving; they were disengaging. He could hear their voices; talking softly; talking slowly. He heard Claire giggle; he also heard them kiss and then he heard the sound of feet hitting the floor.

He was afraid now; he could hear them coming down the stairs. What would happen next? What would they say? What would he say?

He looked up at them as they entered the room naked; hand in hand and naked. His eyes fell to Joe’s groin. His cock was still half erect; glistening and wet; half erect and covered with his wife’s juices as well as his own cum. Claire smiled and bent down to kiss him. “Okay darling?” She asked.

He gave a faint smile. He was so pleased to see her; he wanted to kiss her properly; he wanted to take her in his arms; he wanted to love her. She reached for his cock and lifted her panties from it. There was an embarrassing pool of cum around the base of his cock. “You’re excited then?” She asked him.

He said nothing, what could he say.

Joe was stood by her side with his arm around her waist and all he could do was stare down at Joe’s cock. “Did you like listening to our fucking?” She asked his as she wrapped the panties around his cock.

Danny groaned.

“You know that you are a cuckold now don’t you?” She told him as she started to move her hand up and down his shaft.

He groaned again.

“Joe has cuckolded you. You do know that don’t you?” She taunted as her hand movements quickened.

“Yesssssssssssss.” Danny replied.

“You don’t mind if he fucks me regularly on this holiday do you?” She taunted again.

“Nooooooooooooo.” He groaned.

“Tell him darling.” She said. “Tell him he can fuck me whenever he wants.” She taunted as her hand movements brought him closer to coming.

Danny groaned.

“Tell him darling. Tell him.” She said. “Tell him that I am his to fuck as he pleases.”

Danny groaned then cried out as he started to cum. Claire pumped his cock harder and he screamed out again. “There’s a good boy.” She told him as his cum gushed out and spilled over her panties.

As she wiped up the last drops of his cum he noticed a trickle of cum running down the inside her thighs. That was Joe’s cum. While he had only cum on his wife’s damp panties, Joe had had the luxury of coming inside a nice tight warm pussy; his wife’s nice tight warm pussy.

Joe was quick to notice it too. Breaking away from Claire he went behind the chair and untied Danny. “A good cuck always go down on his wife and cleans her up after she has been fucked by another man.” Danny told him.

Danny had never done anything like that before; he had never even had the inclination too. He had wiped her pussy with tissue afterwards but he never cleaned up with his tongue before. Just like his cuckolding though he was being led to do things; led to places that he didn’t really want to go. Claire sat back on the settee with legs apart and Joe led Danny to the edge of the settee and made him kneel.

“That’s it darling.” She said taking him by the head. “You clean me up. Clean up all Joe’s lovely cum.”

Danny poked out his tongue and tentatively touched her cum covered pussy lips. It was thick, creamy and salty. Claire’s hand pulled his face tightly against her. His cheeks became covered in the sticky remnants as he delved deeper inside her with his eager tongue. As well as cleaning her up though he realised that he was also arousing Claire; her fingers dug into scalp and she started gyrating her groin into his face. He could also hear her cries of ecstasy.

He wasn’t the only one aroused either; glancing to his side he saw Joe standing there stroking his cock as he watched them. It was fully erect again and it looked menacing and threatening. Claire had also noticed his arousal and reached out to hold his cock. “Fuck me again please Joe.” He heard her say.

She pushed Danny away; his services were dispensed with; she wanted cock now. He thought that maybe he would take her upstairs again but no, he took her on the settee. He made her kneel on the settee with face down and then climbed up behind her. With one leg on the floor and the other on the settee he pushed his cock deep inside her and began to fuck her violently.

Danny stood back watching him take her; watching him pound her ferociously from behind, He also watched him treat her roughly. Joe pulled at her hair with one hand and slapped her thigh hard with the other. He shouted at her to move her ass; calling her a whore in the process. Danny had never used rough treatment like this on her.

He watched her thigh get redder and redder and he heard Claire scream louder and louder but she wasn’t in pain. Claire was loving every thrust of Joe’s cock; loving every hard slap on her thigh; loving every tug of her hair and loving every name he called her. Suddenly the slapping stopped and the hair pulling ceased as Joe used his hands to grip her thighs instead. Claire’s screams became almost deafening as he pounded her without mercy until he came again.

Danny stood back and looked on in awe as they collapsed on the settee together. He had never seen anything like it in his life.

It was over an hour later when Claire stepped out the bath after a long soak. He helped her to dry herself before she slipped into bed beside him. Danny wanted her; he was horny; he wanted to make love to her but he knew that Claire was in no fit state to fuck again that night as she cuddled up in his arms and closed her eyes.

Late, next afternoon as they sat down at the beach bar for a relaxing drink, Joe emerged from the bar and came over to them. He acknowledged Danny before bending down and giving Claire a kiss on the lips. He whispered something in her ear and she got up and took his hand. Danny watched them walk away towards the apartments. He felt his cock stiffen. Once again he had passed the cuckold test.

Suddenly he felt someone’s presence next to him. “Mind if I join you?” A voice said. “My name is Warner.”

Danny took hold of the outstretched hand and shook it. “Danny.” He said.

“My wife’s away getting what yours is about to get.” Warner said as he sat down.

Danny looked at the man’s crotch; another stiffy; another fellow male who had passed the test!
Gepubliceerd door asinglecuckold
3 jaar geleden
Gelieve of om commentaar te geven.
roker100 2 maanden geleden
or two for her
roker100 2 maanden geleden
very hot. I guess the next story should be about gang bang with Claire
jojosmallone 4 maanden geleden
i pass the cuckold test every time
alibodge 8 maanden geleden
Urpansy 10 maanden geleden
What does it mean if u get a stiffy when she says"if the opportunity arose"?
lonesomecuckold 1 jaar geleden
Love being degraded and humiliated by another man in front of my wife.
twolookingforfn2 1 jaar geleden
Hot story made me hard 
Bobgoo2 1 jaar geleden
I'll admit watching my with her lovers excites me... but my favorite part is when i am allowed to eat their loads from her pussy when they finish🔥🔥❗️
dwayne369 1 jaar geleden
AND then comes the full BIG BLACK COCK cuckold experience... her getting knocked up with a black baby!!!
dwayne369 1 jaar geleden
Not sure if this was a real cuckold event or fantasy made up by hubby... 
If it was real... congratulations!!!
Now wait until see your wife taken by several BIG BLACK COCKS at the same time possibly ending with a BIG BLACK COCK in her mouth pussy and ass!!!
Ukchris56 1 jaar geleden
aan asinglecuckold : Id love to come and join you both,thats always been a big fantasy of mine dm me sometime please.
Antwoorden Bekijk oorspronkelijke reactie
smutlvr 1 jaar geleden
Hot Story ! Love when the Wife and Bull takes charge !
StickyGear 1 jaar geleden
aan asinglecuckold : Im pretty sure there are lots of cuckolds in scotland and even more that wont admit to it
Antwoorden Bekijk oorspronkelijke reactie
asinglecuckold Uitgever 1 jaar geleden
yes very much actually
Naughtynev69 2 jaar geleden
Love it.
Plonk123 2 jaar geleden
I love this story. 🥰💦
asinglecuckold Uitgever 2 jaar geleden
aan dogginglovers : look hard enough some people make their fantasy reality
Antwoorden Bekijk oorspronkelijke reactie
dogginglovers 2 jaar geleden
aan asinglecuckold : Wow, thought these stories were just fantasy, didnt think they existed
Antwoorden Bekijk oorspronkelijke reactie
asinglecuckold Uitgever 2 jaar geleden
aan dogginglovers : hedonism Jamaica apparently 
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dogginglovers 2 jaar geleden
Love the story, wonder if theres such places in reality
Cigarman56 2 jaar geleden
Bravo! Brings back great memories!
asinglecuckold Uitgever 2 jaar geleden
aan 405david : your most welcome, and thanks
Antwoorden Bekijk oorspronkelijke reactie
405david 2 jaar geleden
Very well written and crafted, this story flows seamlessly from an interesting start through to an exciting ending...for the characters and for the reader. I've enjoyed reading it and being educated about the world of cuckolding...thanls for posting it :smile:
asinglecuckold Uitgever 2 jaar geleden
aan Jolly-Barra : thankyou, it is isnt it? always happy to talk to a local ( i say local i mean less than a plane ticket to america /Australia  local , ive came across several cucks and cuckold couples in curious about the reasons,and the reason it isnt similar here in scotland ...say hi would love to chat...needs must as the devil drives x
Antwoorden Bekijk oorspronkelijke reactie
Jolly-Barra 2 jaar geleden
Wounderful story 
asinglecuckold Uitgever 2 jaar geleden
aan handyman225 : thanks do love that
Antwoorden Bekijk oorspronkelijke reactie
handyman225 2 jaar geleden
That is fantastic 
cuckedhub 3 jaar geleden
oh wowww. That is one of the most erotic stories here and so plausibly real...
robert_33324 3 jaar geleden
Cuckold for 30 years here
ilovethemhorny 3 jaar geleden
Super story….