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TheGapeGatsby berijdt een massieve drakenlul

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  • Michael vegas
  • Gaping
  • Fisting
  • Gape
  • Straight male anal
  • Peghim
  • Mancunt
  • Extreme anal
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  • Thegapegatsby
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2 jaren geleden
He used to do gay porn and has indirectly admitted to doing stuff off camera with guys and supposedly semi embraces being seen as “queer”. It’s apparent he won’t really do anything on camera with a guy again (besides getting fisted once) because he’s scared of being perceived as “gay” and scared of his hetero work being limited. But he also wants a bit of male affirmation and queer coin.
3 jaren geleden
That gape is fucking beautiful! And I’m loving the body hair and tash 🤤
3 jaren geleden
I find his vids kinda hot. It is strange how he’s willing to do this and get fisted by guys/trans women but won’t suck a dick on camera or allow a guy to fuck him on camera. And he doesn’t admit to any queerness or being into guys in any way. It just shows how homophobia/male insecurities/gay panic still dominate. Everyone has their own sexuality, and the gender/romantic/sexual/affection/emotion/relationship spectrum is varied. If there’s 1 business to own that it’s sex work.
1 jaar geleden
He might just not wanna fuck guys like that even in his personal life. I'm pansexual myself and what I see is someone yeah, who's a bit fluid; but it's almost like deep gape anal is a sexuality in and of itself to him, so when it comes to whoever's gonna gape him right - he'll go for it. He doesn't necessarily feel like he's being held back from doing gay porn; we don't know what goes on in his head!
2 jaren geleden
The world would just be a much better and freer place if people (especially guys) weren’t so caught up in identities, ego, sociology and could just live truthfully. It’s always been apparent that Michael is a hyper-sexual queer with contends with some fluidity and contradictions (like many dudes in porn, even in straight porn). But he’s another guy who got caught up in ego, attention, hetero validation and wanting to make sure he wasn’t perceived as “gay”.
3 jaren geleden
I want my small hands inside you Michael, woof..
3 jaren geleden
Lastly, there’s nothing wrong with “complications” and being upfront about your dimensions, struggles, journey. It may not be “sexy”, but it’s better than to be someone who hides behind identities and sexual behaviors. So many people want to hide behind “straight” or “gay” or “bi” for the sake of ego or for their lives, careers and sociology to be easier, instead of just being honest and free.
3 jaren geleden
dude let him live, its the internet we're all hiding behind "identities" stop worrying about someone else's sexuality, its weird
1 jaar geleden
You're the best, Michael. Keep on showing us your true freaky self! Love it!
1 jaar geleden
after you dragon-ed yourself I would love to suck on your hole !
1 jaar geleden
Michael looks like my first lover when I was in the navy a total top so when I watch Michael I imagine that it’s my ex finally getting what he deserves and enjoying it! Basically…you’re hot!
2 jaren geleden
I will do just like you said.. open my hole for you... as you would for me.. I will show you my deep wide hole!
2 jaren geleden
I LOVE HOW YOU FUCK YOUR HOLE! I could lick it up for you!

Afspeellijsten met TheGapeGatsby Berijdt Een Massieve Drakenlul

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