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monikaaaam is a peice of he stole all my vidoes and posted them publicly  because of this i have to remove alot of people becuase i dont know who he is i will be uploading all over but i will not be giving him any content i am very annoyed at how you guys steal other speoples then expect good thigns ot happen or come back to you.. you complain that their are no good ppl out there and then you steal ppeoles .. oh well ill just start over ty for all the great people who upload but i will not be of for others gains  im really dissapointed and frustrated... =[
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I will aslo be uploading some public videos from some of my subscriber / freeloaders who don't upload aswell
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5 jaren geleden
I got vids if you wanna add
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xFeet4mee My uploader friends

 i will be uploading a lot of vids for you guys make sure you also upload your private vids and custom vids do not keep them for yourself [ speaking to my friends I have accepted ] cant wait to share some more great videos with you guys WHO ARE UPLOADING... I only keep people who upload thx and I really appreciate you taking the time to upload enjoy I will be uploading later today xoxo 
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You guys are the foot fetish community not uploading

I Really don't get it.. you had your account for on pornhub uploaded 40 to 50 videos and you think you are an uploader? yet you have watched 4k to 6k videos you are the problem as well you don't upload enough.. friend requesting me at 50 boring videos.. we aren't stupid.. I bought all 130+ vdieos I have uploaded im not sharing my videos with stingy people.. you got 5 gig of foot fetish videos on your pc that you wont share than you expect me too? not happening show the content or im not showing you mine that simple
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5 jaren geleden
I don't give a fk if videos are 480p if they are good ppl have 40 vids and they upload the most boring shit ever they just want ot have 50 or 40 to get in the good collections nobody tries anymore
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5 jaren geleden
Better 50 hd videos than 300 on 480p or 360p...better 50 videos more 10 min ... the quality is more important than the quantity
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Lazy uploaders are getting kicked nothing personal

you don't upload im kicking you nothing personal start uploading your collection you can get an add again andi don't mean 1 video per month.
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its Getting annoying

its getting Annoying stop putting content in Privates we have all seen from other tube sites its not gonna get you an Add... and 30 to 40 vids in private isn't gonna cut it... I have over 100+ private videos all content I bought.. take your hand off your dick for 2 seconds and upload content for others to share or else don't expect an add from me.. to much masterbating not enough sharing.. it takes 2 seconds to upload videos YOU KNOW you have that nobody has seen and share in private or public to your pare or don't ask any1 to add you so you can just fap to their collection...
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5 jaren geleden
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new one... if they dont you dont lol

When they say Oh I don't have time to upload vids!!! but accept my friends request!!!. say this.. Damn!! I don't even have Time to accept your Friend Request!! I Totally understand what you mean bro...!! lol
  • 4
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all i here is gimmie gimmie gimmie.. put up or shutup lol

Niggas always asking for but never upload anything smh lol
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Getting bored..

Cmon man someone upload some exclusive .. these same footworship vids we already have seen 1000 times are getting boring... where are the Exclusive webcams you guys are hiding bring them out stop keeping them for yourselves.. I keep buying videos for you guys and im not seeing anything in return im going to stop posting for now until I see something good.. I cant be the only one with exclusive this is redicuilis..
  • 4
8 jaren geleden
Its ok im finna start people shit if i add u and u dont accept my request im hackin yo shit videos and all and im addin everybody i domt see no big deal its just videos
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8 jaren geleden
no you are poor retard lookin for free sh*t nobody fks with you because you are what we call a leecher  a bum... everything doesn't cost money you idiot... you can make your own content... but idiots like you just search all day with your dick in your hand looking to jack off never saying to thank you to the very ppl upload content for your ungly ass.. so don't tellm e how you are sick in tired of ppl basiclyl providing content for your lazy poor ass be a contributer and stop being a leeching bum...!! Peace
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8 jaren geleden
Not everyone has extra cash to throw on fucking porn videos. There's so much free shit out there. Stop complaining. You sound like a fucking . Spread the love to those who aren't as fortunate. I see new videos everyday. You obviously aren't looking hard enough.
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8 jaren geleden
DITTO I am about to remove all my friends and start from scratch.
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Deleting Friends.. If you dont Post any vids you are gone..

Every vid I have uploaded I pay for.. if you cant simply upload good fkin content.. no point in being your friend... FOR THOSE WHO ARE UPLOADING TY SO MUCH FOR TAKING THE TIME TO POST WE APPRECIATE YOU... I HAVE UPLOADED 3 GOOD Footjob vids... To show my Appreciation... LEARN TO SHARE TO BE A FKIN PORN HOARDER.. and stop reposting garbage already on the internet in Private videos its annoying.. =)
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KEEP UPLOADING!!!! Stop Sending me ADDS with no GOOD CONTENT...

is it really that hard to upload new that currentlyl is coming out im sick and tire dof seeing all these old ass foodjobs from like years ago that look like you guys have had for fkin years.. its already out...!!! BUY SOME NEW on CLIP 4 SALE OR leave me the fk alone.. is really getting annoying.. IVE BOUGHT ALL MY VIDEOS!!! and I WANT TO SHARE BUT YOU ARE GONNA DO YOUR PART IF YOU WANT MY VIDEOS... Treat others the way YOU WANT TO BE TREATED... is that so fkin hard to do??? apparently it is... I have over 80 PRIVATE VIDEOS.... how many you got?
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8 jaren geleden
I  kno right? its kinda frustrating and yes I likea ll footjob vids just as long as they are good ones just tired off these old close up homeade footjob vids where you cant even see the girls face.. and the vids are old as shit... seems like most ppl who are on porn hub have no moneiy to buy anything
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8 jaren geleden
Lemme know if u like fj cumblast vids so that i up them and and u afterwards . I know i don't have as many videos as u do but at Least I have better videos than most others
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8 jaren geleden
I hate when people try to add you and there private videos are like 1 or 2 min long like wtf get out of here with that
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8 jaren geleden
I feel you
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looking for Webcam feet and footjob uploads

if you guys are uploading your webcam sole and footjob collections message me that's what I am lookin for must have more that 15 uploads please thx
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only post sh*t that is rare.. or there really is no point in posting the same footjob vid you stole

Use your own MATERIAL YOU BOUGHT off a website or CLIP4SALE! cmon man when are ppl going to start uploading the good .. tired of seeing the same footjob vids that are already all over the internet.. boring!! feel like the only one recently putting in any REAL effort.. =*(
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8 jaren geleden
It's won200 bro accept me
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8 jaren geleden
Feel the same way
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8 jaren geleden
If u accept my request u will get to see these rare vids as well. Believe me i have a lot of epic vids i don't know why i can't upload anymore vids i get an error at the end
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36 Friends have been removed why? 3 months or longer only uploading 1 vid no leechers

if you are on like everyday subscribing to other peoples channels and favoriting watching other peoples vids and you don't have the decency to upload atelast a couple vids a week you cannot be friends with me... treat how you want to be treated.. enough said.. and for those who have been uploading who are my friends thank you I really really appreciate it... we all do in the foot fetish pub community lets keep it going =)
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Attention... just saying how it is... if it offends you.. than you are sensitive.. want my vids put

I will be Deleting inactive Friends not uploading.... starting Tomorrow.. some of you guys haven't uploaded in months... im not in to leechers.. for those who want a Friends Request and have been denied you either have the same copied videos... or.. like only 6 private videos.. im lookin for friends who upload a lot and rare videos as you can see I have over 60 videos im lookin for the same type of people if you are not that type of person please don't friend request me... thx
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Giogiovi Thanks for the 8 video uploads =)

Special thanks to GioGIovi for uploading 8 videos we appreciate your custom and different vids bro
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WARNING..... Do Not friend BlackEverything

He Will Friend you and Defriend you immediately after seeing your Videos and will Propably take your videos and upload him for himself for his own private... You have Been warned... have a great day.. =) =)
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My Friends

I haven't been uploading as much as I use to... People that I am Friends with Please upload more.. I Just uploaded another 7 or 8 foot job vids it will up to watch shortly thx!!! =)
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Thank you for Uploading great footjob videos friends..

Thank you for those who have been uploading this week and in general we really appreciate you uploading great and new content that you payed for on the sites you chose keep bringing great solejob / footjob vids.. ill do my part as well =)
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9 jaren geleden
girls are not emotional at all and no one is mad just doing you a favor but i half to say you neglected the biggest issue which is validating what i originally said
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9 jaren geleden
if you don't care stop caring by writing me lol... you sound stupid.. my channel sucks? than get off my channel lol... my videos suck or already posted? than why are you even talking to me? lol what are you angry about.... you are more emotional than a girl..
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9 jaren geleden
fuck yo weak ass channel nobody cares what you half to say and the videos you paid either suck or already on the site fuck boy
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9 jaren geleden
obviously you care what I have to say... so do me a favor stfu and get off my channel hater... if you don't like what I do keep it moving my rules for my videos that I Payed for... you want videos go fkin buy your own bye
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9 jaren geleden
stop with these fake ass thank yous's its pathetic to kiss ass on a porn site
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9 jaren geleden
x4feet4mee i saw your comment on a video and you are so full of shit why in the hell does it matter if you post vidz on a time table aint nobody getting paid for this shit stop takin this so serious.  You dont add people with videos and unfriend people claiming they dont upload videos thats bullshit it sounds like me you stealing videos and about dislike your comment fuck boy you can check my resume i havent been on long and i got videos up and i know a leecher when i see one leecher 
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attention those who aren't uploading and its been over a month since you last uploading or longer anything  I will be removing you From my friendslist.. This is a trade Friendship... not a Xfeet4mee give a way.. please upload aswell... I want to see videos too thank you. and Thank you to my Friends who do Upload it is much appreciated..
  • 3


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