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Seattle, United States
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "7 year old account"
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Heading to Singapore next month (mid-September), don't suppose anybody there wants to meet up for a phoro or video shoot? Or (REALLY wild idea) come with me? Let me know!
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "6 year old account"
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "5 year old account"
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "The Prophet"
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "iFap"
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I don't know who ends up actually reading these, but on the off chance it happens, here goes:
I'm planning a trip to Yellowstone in the late summer/early fall, which means I will at some point pass through eastern Washington, Idaho, and parts of Montana on the way to and from. Anyone, anywhere along that route, who is interested in working with me on a photo or video shoot (specifically with me BEHIND the camera, but if you insist on disappointing dad-bod sex, I suppose we can work something out), please let me know; I have a little time on either end of the trip to stop off for a few hours for a fun session. Those of you thinking of getting into adult entertainment, if you have specific themes or requests, let me know and we can discuss how I might be able to help. 
Please message me ASAP if interested, so I can plan ahead; the closer to August or September we get, the less likely I will be able to accommodate you. 
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This weekend is (mostly) open for shooting!

This weekend only, I have time during the day Saturday [or late in the evening, after a gig I've got scheduled] and all day Sunday, if anybody needs a cameraman for a photo or video shoot. Whatever you want to show me is fine by me: I'm just the guy behind the camera. Depending on what we shoot and what we agree on, this might be completely free to you; either way, you get a disk with all proofs. Let me know if interested and we can discuss details!  Seattle area only, sorry.
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Thinking of doing some travel around the Northwest this spring or summer -- where should I go? Is there anyone out there who wants me and my camera to stop by for a visit? Please let me know, so I can plan ahead!
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Anybody up and about in the Seattle area? I'm awake and bored.
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Some time free at the end of the month to film!

Aug 30-31, possibly morning of Sept. 1, I have time free if anyone in the Seattle area needs a cameraman to help produce photo or video content to post or sell on websites like this, or just for your own entertainment. Very discrete, non-judgmental; whatever you've got to show me, I'll shoot. I will not be involved in anything in front of the camera -- I'm just there to operate the gear. If interested, please let me know ASAP; I've got other stuff planned those days as well, and the longer you wait, the less I'll be able to move those things around. 
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "2 year old account"
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Have cameras, will travel (within reason)

Anyone in the greater Seattle area need a photographer/videographer for anything [and I mean ANYTHING]? I have some time coming up in the last half of October, if you want my help filming or photographing anything, either for online use or just for your own entertainment. Very discrete, if you value privacy, or I can help if you're thinking of selling your work and aren't sure how to get started. Let me know if interested, and we can discuss details! Could possibly travel outside the Seattle area with some notice, but we'd have to talk about it well ahead of time so I can escape the day job to do this.
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5 jaren geleden
Not yet; I think I'm running into a catch-22 of needing samples of my work to show people I'm legit, but not being able to produce any because no one will shoot with someone who doesn't have samples. I have a few ideas, if you'd like to chat about it; shoot me a message.
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "1 year old account "
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "The Two Thumbs Up"
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Psst... I'm free at the end of March

Wife's away at the end of March, so I have the whole house to myself to shoot in, if anybody's interested in shooting a scene for me. As always, I'm strictly behind the camera, so solo scenes or couples are what I'm looking to do. I don't have much money, so this would probably be a strictly profit-sharing venture if we sell this online. Let me know if interested, and we can discuss details!
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "Miss/Mister Popularity"
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "Launching your Brand"
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "The Mugshot"
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "The Sophomore"
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Just here for fun videos. Hobbyist photographer and travel enthusiast , available for photo or video shoots if anybody needs help producing content for their Pornhub or OnlyFans account, or just for your own entertainment. Let me know if interested, and I'll see if I can help!

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6 dagen geleden
Geïnteresseerd In:
"United States"
Interesses en hobby's:
Photography, cooking, travel
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2 401
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