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Boyfriended Now

So I have been really quiet on this site. Reason for that is that I have recently acquired a boyfriend. He is really fucking rad and stuff and the sex is great and obviously on tap because of the whole relationshippy-vibe so that's cool.
I gave him head for the first time last night. Pretty rad when someone says you're so good it was worth the wait. Felt fucking awesome.
Other than that, no news really.
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Horny as fuck

It's a strange feeling when you realise that not only do you not have a boyfriend currently, but that you're horny as fuck and currently there are no eligible half-decent-looking men in your town. So no.
I went out. That's what we do right? Ignore washing and work and simply head out to town for wine and the search for something to fuck. To my favourite bar. I sat there, bored as , drinking wine, having a smoke and chilling with my wenches when I decide that maybe I should just have sex with a friend of mine named Colin.
Unfortunately he was and distracted by the heavy metal bands playing so that was a no-go and besides, I don't like working too hard to get someone into bed with me, they need to want it.
Then there was this guy named James who had sleeve tattoos and was kinda decent looking but after the metal there was some trance playing and since he did not want to stand still I decided that it wasn't worth all the effort.
So then I went home because why stay there?
I was a little wine- and I got into bed and put on some porn and then I decided that if no man was going to help me, fuck that, I'll fucking help myself.
Running hands from mouth to tits and over my panties.
She was getting pounded real good on my laptop screen and I felt myself slipping a hand into my panties and touching myself in ways only I know how.
Fingers deep in my cunt.
Useless fucking whore.
Are you going to come for me baby?
Getting onto my knees, pulling my nightie down to expose my rock-hard nipples, so turned on I could walk to the next door neighbour's door, knock and mainly say: "Hey mister, nice shoes, wanna fuck?"
I kneel and toy with myself, smashing my fingers hard and deep into myself
I really need to buy a vibrator
Lucky for me I am quite good with my hands
It was fun and I can make myself come quite successfully but
oh my holy jesus having a real man is just so much better
  • 11
9 jaren geleden
Naughty girl!
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So tonight me and my previously mentioned ex are attempting to fuck on film... should be fun
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Sex with an ex

So I've loved this one man passionately for the greater part of . From the moment I first saw him, I knew that I had to have him. Unfortunately he had a girlfriend but as we soon realised, both of us just wanted to have each other. Not even in a I-want-to-date-you way. We just wanted to fuck. We flirted, I sent him a text that ended with 'I'll let you fuck me like a stallion fucks a shetland pony'. We had a ragingly passionate love affair. We texted, we met, we fucked and I went back to my university residence and he went back home to his girlfriend.
Then he broke up with her and we dated for six months, a stormy relationship and eventually I broke it off and he moved away.
We didn't speak for a really long time. I felt like I had lost a part of me.
Then he texted me and we decided that it was necessary for a visit. So I threw a party and he was going to come. In more ways than one.
He arrived on my doorstep and there was a lot of hugging and 'its so good to see you again!'
Then he hugged me and hopped me onto his hips. I leaned down to kiss him and instantly the fire was re-ignited. He threw me on the bed, so hard I bounced a little. Stretching the full length of his slender tattooed body across mine. It was insistent. It was rough. Desperately clawing at clothes, yanking down panties and underwear and insistent, all-consuming, enveloping kissing and touching. He stroked the length of my body, shoved his fingers into my waiting pussy, licked my nipples and tongued my clit and eventually, fucking at last, pushing himself roughly inside me with such hot intensity that it made me gasp. It was something we'd both wanted, both been waiting for. We were all over each other, it was hot and beautiful and amazing.
He flipped me over and slid a hand between my legs as he pulled on my necklace, the chain choking me, cutting into my flesh, stopping my breathing and enhancing all pleasure.
All I had wanted was to have sex with this man again and he delivered, so much more than I expected.
  • 2

Love ponies. Heavy into sex. What else is there really

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