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Front Royal, United States
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1. No irl photo of you as your profile picture! [Meaning face, cock, body, etc]
2. No hitting on me, or my lil brother!.. I-I'll only let you hit on my brother if I like you enough..! d-don't you dare make me jealous..!
3. Me and my brother do RP, but for me its usually with SUPER close friends only.
4. Do not ask for pictures of me or my brother! I'm only okay with showing my face when we're really good friends, and if I can trust you.
5. Don't send me dick pics, for the love of God.
6. Do not ask me for my Snapchat, , or any of that stuff please!
"How did you and your brother start out?"
Back when we were younger [Not gonna give specific ages here ;3] a school friend showed me porn on their laptop for the first time. I was obsessed with it and REALLY wanted to try out the stuff I saw in the videos, and well I obviously didn't want to try it out on a stranger. The only boy I knew and could trust was my little brother John. So one day while he was asleep, I went into his room and just began touching him, sucking his cock because I wanted to do it so badly! He had no idea what I was doing once he woke up, he tried to push me off, but I kept going anyway~ I still do this to him till this very day!
"Do you wanna RP?"
I only RP with REALLY close friends, so in-order for me to be comfortable enough to RP with you, we just gotta get to know eachother and become good friends ^^
"Why don't you reply back to my Pornhub messages?"
Either I am caught up with talking to multiple people at once, or you make me uncomfortable in some ways. I am not trying to say that to offend anybody, but if you read my rules you would know what makes me uncomfortable! So please, just follow the rules if you wanna be friends with me..
"Can I see pics of you and your little brother?"
I am not comfortable with sending photos or videos of me and/or my brother to anybody, unless they're best friends.
"Wanna see a picture of me?"
No, I do not. I've had so many people ask me if I wanted to see what they looked like, why? In all honesty I truly do not care what you look like, it isn't going to make me like you more, if anything it comes off as a weird gesture. I am not actively looking for a partner or anything because I have my brother!
"Wanna see my dick?"
Not in the slightest, I even hate seeing other guy's cocks through their profile pictures, ugh, even just in general! I only want to see my brothers cock and thats it!
"Whats your little brothers Pornhub account?"
Surprisingly I get a lot of people asking me this, which I didn't expect. You can find him here: Be nice to him, hes SUPER shy! :3
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4 jaren geleden
still questioning wtf i just read
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4 jaren geleden
wtf did i just read
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "4 year old account"
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "3 year old account"
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "2 year old account"
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I have to make another FUCKING account because I keep getting shadowblocked on here!!! UGH I swear to God if this happens on this new account I am gonna go crazy.. The new account is
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3 jaren geleden
Hey remember me? We used to talk alot before you got deleted. If you dont remember I could dm you.
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "Miss/Mister Popularity"
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IM SHADOW BLOCKED AGAIN!!! I AM SO PISSED!!! This means my messages are gonna act all glitchy again, I am so so SO sorry guys!! Blame Pornhub for this!!
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X Videos

So I made an X Videos account as well, if anybody wants to add me there, feel free to do so haha. For some reason Pornhub blocks the links to the profile, but my profile is SisterKenzie
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Idk if I will yet or not but I MIGHT go on a hiatus from Pornhub for a long time. If I don't log-on for more than a week, I am probably not gonna be back for a LONG long time, since I'll be on hiatus. Im super SUPER sorry guys! When/if I come back I'll explain everything.
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "The Scribe"
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Aaaaaaand just like that, Pornhub seems dead again -.-
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Does anybody here have access to the for reasons? xD
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3 jaren geleden
I know a way lol
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "The Porn Buff "
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "The Gatherer"
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heeft geabonneerd op 1 gebruikers
heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "The Hand Held"
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heeft een nieuwe prestatie ontgrendeld: "The Freshman"
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Is it me, or has Pornhub been quite dead for the past few days?
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geabonneerd op 1 pornosterren
heeft geabonneerd op 1 gebruikers

[PLEASE READ PINNED POST!!!] Hello!!! Welcome to my profile! I was previously on Pornhub before, but my account got multiple times -.- but now I am back again!! If you're new here, theres one thing you need to know about me... I LOVE sucking my little brothers cock, alright? I don't want any other guys hitting on me, I ONLY love my brother >:c okay? We can talk and be friends, but thats it!! As for girls, you better not be trying to hit on my brother!! If you're friends with me AND my brother, then well.. Maybe we can talk..~ And yes, this is my second account, ugh.

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