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As Long as it is BIG, all is fine

I never hid the fact that I like big dicks. My Italian american cousins always spoke loudly  and publicly about how they loved large breasted women and no one ever complained. However, the mere mention of a liking big cocks and suddenly people become defensive and insecure. I shall never not like big dicks. As long as its big, all is fine. 
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Summer 2023

No Men ! I have not forgotten you. I just have not had any free time to visit this site. I hope you are all well and that you are all having fun. Have a good weekend ahead and an even better summer 2023 ! Have fun and stay safe. ciao, Nicky 🙂
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Holiday season is here !

I hope you men are all well and having fun. On this end? I have been too busy to report in. Not much has changed. The global crises and the pandemic continue. There was some easing here in New York but it did not last long. More restrictions will be on the way. The last two public sex clubs in the city are closed and it is unlikely that they will reopen anytime soon. The world of glory holes, bathrouses, and sex parties has been horribly erased. One wonders, when does this nightmare end??? Hopefully soon. Have a good weekend ahead.. ciao ! Nicky 
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October 2021

It is the same hell, just a different day. I hope you are all well and having fun here on the HUB. On my end? I am trying to emerge from this endless pandemic and return to the land of the living. It has been a process. As for SEX CAPADES? I have none to report. I hope you men have been having fun. Be well, be happy, and stay safe.. 
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2 jaren geleden
You too man stay safe and stay hard
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Sept 2021

I hope you men are all well and that you had a nice summer. My summer was dismal. Nothing good to report. No fun, No action. No cock ! It has been awful and the bad weather did not help either. But, Summer is ending and a new season approaches. I hope everyone has a good autumn 2021..
Now, I overheard this line and it maked me giggle. The fey bottom said, " Honey, if the cock is not at least 9 inches, by law I have to throw it back into the sea. Only a 9 inchers gets nme though the night"  I did giggle hearing it.. Have a good weekend men !! 
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August 2021

It seems as if another summer is RUINED by bad weather and the endless pandemic. I hope you men are well and having as much fun as possible. On my end? The nightmare just conitinues and continues.. No dick. No action. Nothing fun to report. Thankfully, Porn hub is here to distract me from the ills of the world... Thank you for your messages and words of encouragement. And thank you always, Porn hub.  Have a good remainder of the day and week.. 🙂
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Summer 2021-- tbus far

Men, I hope that you are all well and having a better summer than I am. Not only is has there been  HUGE DICK DROUGHT in my life due to the ongoing pandemic and other global issues, but, the summer here in NY has been very stormy, hot, and humid and filled with too many challenges to list. Again, I hope that you are all having a better time. Thus far, Summer, my beloved summer is a bust.. 
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2021- the hell continues...

I hope you men are all as well as can be considering the global circumstances. On this end? New York is HELL in winter and a triple hell during times of pandemic. All the venues remain closed and there are so few options for having fun, No sex clubs, No sex parties. No fun at all. I hope you men are having a better time than i am.. When does this nightmare end???  
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Happy New Year? One wonders? I returned here to find some of my favorite channels and videos deleted? And, my profile altered?  Perhaps there was an update I was not made aware of? In any event, I wish you all a good year ahead.. Hopefully, it shall be better than the last one. Have a good and productive remainder of the week.
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Happy New year to one and all. I hope that 2021 brings you all endless joy, good heath, and boundless prosperity and all the sex you could possibly desire ! Saluti a tutti !! 
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Totally ADDICTED TO BBC- Words can never fully describe my extreme attraction to big black cocks. It is really overwhelming. Unfortunately, there is none around where I live. I hope you men are all find. I am just checking in on you all. Have a good and productive week ahead.. 🙂
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3 jaren geleden
i’m addicted too
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What a terrible summer... DICKLESS during the Pandemic summer..
I hope you men are fine and that you had a good summer. Mine was ruined by the pandemic. No dick. NO DICK.. NO DICK.. Just non stop problems.. Hopefully this nightmare shall end soon..
In the meantime, stay safe and have fun. Have as good a Labor day weekend as possible.. 🙂
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BDF Part two

Black dick fever rages on and on...I still have not found any dick around here. BUT, I joined an app and hopefully, that will help.. There used to be a cruise ground nearby.. BUT, due to the pandemic, it has been either dead or patrolled.. Hopefully, the app will help.. The BBC drought has been severe... 
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BDF -What is the cure>

BDF = Black dick fever. Lately, my craving for BBC is stronger than ever ! BUT, where I am located there is none around. Is there a sex club for BBC addicted white bottoms? If so, I must join it. 
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not into and do not need them, but, these Jack of spades videos are GREAT !! 
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" No hands, please"

No matter how BIG,THICK, OR LONG the cock is a TRUE COCKSUCKER never uses his hands to MILK a man ! Lips, teeth, tongue and THROAT are the tools of a GOOD COCK WORSHIPING COCKSUCKER. Remember that.. No hands needed... JUST THROAT THE COCK !! 🙂  Have as good a weekend as possible men.. Suck a cock, save the world !!
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4 jaren geleden
I believe that ANYTHING that gives the man pleasure is allowed ! I was just commenting on the fact that the cocksucker in the video relied TOO MUCH upon his hands rather than his mouth to orally please his man. Remember the aim of it all is to give our MEN pleasure !! 🙂 I hope you are well and having fun here on Pornhub. Have a good and productive day at work.. ciao, Nicky 🙂
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4 jaren geleden
Is it allowed to tickle the balls with the hand? Sometimes i also like to put the hands on the ass cheeks so i can push the cock deep guiding the movement
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Did Nacho Vidal make a Gay porn? I can not find it? I love his cock and would love to see it in ACTION in a man on man film. 
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Two months of lock down

Men, I hope you are all well and doing as well as one can during a global pandemic and economic crisis. I remain outside of the city and missing it more and more each day.  I have No SEX-CAPADES to share here.. There was a COCK DROUGHT before the lock down which has only gotten worse.. I no longer recall what a rock hard cock feels like in my mouth or arse !! I need cock !! 🙂
Have as good a day as possible. And, stay safe.. 
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The cock drought continues..

Is it because it is winter? Or is there a scarcity of cock around here? I wonder? I have not had any cock in am beginning to forget what it is like to be topped.. I must remedy this !! :] Have a good day ahead, men !! Have fun and stay safe !! 
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2020... ebbs and flows.. a new year and a new decade unfold

                                I have returned to NYC after the holiday break. I hope everyone is well and that you all had a lovely holiday season. I wish you all endless happiness, good health, and boundless prosperity in 2020 and beyond ! Oh, yes, and lots of cock, ass, and hungry holes to fill !! Happy New Year, men !!
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Gay guy into HUGE dicks. It is my fixation, gigantic cock !!

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