This is information that MUST be known for the sake of knowing what you are talking to when you are talk to me.

AGE 46

SEXUAL BACKGROUND/HISTORY/EXPERIANCE 22 plus years spent in the adult industry. Previous jobs include phone sex operator, adult movie actress,stripper, short,a professional dirty tart.

Has extensive knowledge and experiance of many sexual arts and techniques. Can easily and naturally adjust,understand and be open minded to the needs and wants of any partner. Has studied the art of karma sutra, light to wild sensual techniques and teachings,bdsm and is constantly on the lookout for more knowledge to widen my database

SEXUAL CLASSIFICATION intellectual sexual. Nerd with a sex drive. Subject will NOT get turned on if any cheap,easy,fast,boring,run of the mill,uninspired techniques are used to try to turn her on. You want this one you actually have to put some thought into it and be patient.

THINGS TO WATCH OUT FOR Subject is HIGHLY intelligent and experianced. Will not put up with bullshit,lies or dishonesty. If any of those three things surfaces at ANY time during interaction subject will turn her back and not bother with you again. During the 22 plus years in the adult industry subject has talked to and interacted with thousands and thousands of people and so can easily pinpoint different types and their wants and needs. Subject is also passionate about psychology and has experiance with noticing patterns,behavioral traits, tells for when a person is lying or hiding something, noticing patterns regarding a persons true intentions for being around a person place or thing. In let her around you for 5 minutes and she will read you and your life like a book and know what you are up to. She is all about the minute details and will pick up on them like no ones cant hide everything...and if its there to see she will see it.

FAVORITE POETS/WRITERS charles bukowski.

THINGS THAT ABSOLUTELY TURN HER OFF guys sending dick pics. She gets into the whole person not just a part. Guys talking dirty without asking her if she wants to talk dirty. Anyone who treats her like a blowup doll or getting into bed with her with the attitude they have to race as fast as they can to the orgasm or it will get away. Liars. People who pretend to be something they arent. Guys who immediately brag about the size of their manhood as if shes never seen one before. ANYONE who comes to her saying they want to be a "friend" and then minutes or seconds later start talking dirty...file that under "wolf in sheeps clothing, passing a fake- ass olive leaf " behavior aka dishonest. Stupidity. Drama. Weakness. Any guy that comes up to her and says "its been so long since i have gotten laid". Your lack of sex life is not her problem and its lame to broadcast your business like that.Behavior or a lifestyle that lacks passion and fire. Rudeness. Bad hygiene. Subject shaves off 3/4 of her body hair everyday so theres no excuse why you as a man cant handle a little grooming and cleanliness. Bragging about supposed sexual skills and stamina and then not being able to back it up will guarantee you her wrath and getting kicked out the door in a hurry. Anyone who gets in bed with her and is quiet or non responsive. Subject is passionate and HATES quiet corpse lovers.

TURN ONS. Those who understand that shes a person and not a body part. Those who acknowledge and tip their hat to her intelligence,maturity,experiance,and willingness to explore and experiance full sensual pleasure on every level both with clothes on and off. Those who believe in and practice the art of seduction and taking their time and building the anticipation patiently as to fully be engulfed in true powerful pleasure. Those that understand that the the brightest most heated fires start with the smallest embers that are slowly tended to and patiently observed and fed. Honesty. Being forthright and forward with true intention. Intelligence. Blunt honesty. Subject once took a lover for many weeks just because he was honest with his intentions with her and said what he wanted..he didnt fill her ears with bullshit. She appreciated that and found it admirable. His reward for being honest were many nights of pleasure. Those who take care of their bodies and minds and are always in hot pursuit of anything healthy that would benefit themselves inside and out. Intelligent debate and conversation. Has a love for bdsm play BUT ONLY WITH THOSE SHE KNOWS AND TRUSTS AND THEY KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING!!!!! leather...the smell and feel of it. Water. Sex in cars. Thigh high boots. Those who are so skilled at the art of sensual suggestion that they can get her fired up without even touching her. Those who know how to kiss properly. Those that know how and when to talk dirty in bed and when to shut up and fuck her brains out. Independance. Strength. Someone who is on the ball and going after their dreams and passions and doesnt need a woman to do all their thinking or positions her in their lives to carry the weight of their lives on her shoulders.

ADMIRABLE TRAITS Subject has MANY admirable traits. Honesty as much for herself as she has for and to others. Loyalty like no ones business.If you are in the circle of friends she will ride and die with you and go to the ground defending you. 3 am phone calls for whatever? Shes there for you. Devotion. Passionate. Does not live to impress others or make stupid duck faces for even stupider selfies on facebook or instagram. Creative. Lives simply and honestly. Not the party all night and look like a hot mess half the time party girl. Into yoga and mediation and ALWAYS learning something of interest. Has a deep passionate interest in spoken poetry and encourages others to express/be themselves at all times. Does not judge others or their lifestyles or life choices. Will always encourage you to go after your dreams. Care and compassion are paramount. Always ready to help others. Will never lie to you. Will tell you the truth even if it hurts you for truth will always set you free. Likes to laugh and always willing to share or create smiles with others. Believes in TRUE long lasting friendships and cheats. Understands that anything worth a damn takes time and for that there is no shortcut. Not into d**gs or alcohol..stays away from ANYONE who lives an out of control drama loaded lifestyle.

RELATIONSHIP STATUS alone and NOT looking. Working on improving oneself to be happy and healthy so that she can be a benefit to anyone who comes in contact with her. Busy with her life and passions. Busy still cleaning up the mess that other past relationships and marriages have left behind.

OPEN TO THE FOLLOWING...TRUE friendships and honest people. Conversations. Inspiration. Getting to know and understand others. Being around those who arent simply just "parked" around her waiting for a weak moment for her to buckle so they can fuck her. Anything honest and true.


There is a reason i wrote all of the above. It wasnt because im on the lookout for prince charming. Its because i want people to be aware of who i am and what i am before they contact me online or otherwise.

Like the fellow i dealt with yesterday...who i absolutely decimated with a few TRUTH BOMBS tossed in his yard and im sure blushed 20 shades of embarassed once he read my email.

He wrote me a email on xhamster saying this...

I am a older guy, what age are you? Do you think you could do a guy like me

I went to his profile and took a look at the few pics he had posted..and IMMEDIATELY called bullshit. The handle he had chosen was MRMONEYBAGS and he had on his profile he was looking for someone to spoil and pamper. The three pics i saw were one clear as crystal pic of a black bentley,one crystal clear pic of a gorgeaus multi million dollar mansion..and two pics of of his cock and the pic was fuzzy as hell and the other of him dressed in a sloppy discount rack suit....RED FLAGS! RED FLAGS EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!! There were no comments from anyone else on his profile which pointed to him hiding something.

Remember that part of my resume where i notice details? Yeah...noticed them here..and i grabbed a few TRUTH BOMBS,put them in the email back and when he opened it they exploded all over him...with these words...

what could i do with a guy like you? How about nothin...considering you sir are a fraud. What? didnt you think that i as a woman wouldnt look at your profile and see all kinds of red flags for bullshit all over the place? Guess what//i did...lets comments from other people which means you are hiding something are putting out the image that you are mr moneybags but lets get real ...the pic of the car and the house are ones you stole off the internet.thats not your house or car...and if you ARE mr moneybags well...looks AWFULLY freakin funny that the pics of "your" house and car are nice and clear but the pic of YOU is fuzzy and it was done on a cheap ass webcam...what happened there mr i got money? You forget about that detail? What? You didnt think women would pick up on that? That you are obviously lying? Well..i did..and im not impressed..not by you or your lies or your unoriginal fuzzy naked pic ( SOOOOOOO no other guy has done that before....yawn) Why dont you just be your self and stop acting like you are someone you arent...lies chase the pussy away not bring it to you...just saying..

I know my truth bombs got him because when i went back to his profile he took the pics of the mansion and the bentley off his profile and the part saying he wanted to spoil and pamper someone.

and THIS,folks,is what ladies like me have to deal with online..the liars,the frauds,the people who put on airs about themselves that make me disgusted when i catch them (and they are easy to catch..stupidity never thinks to disguise itself). I am for the REAL,THE HONEST,THE TRUE,THE NO BULLSHIT. Being yourself will get you furthur with me then not being yourself.Sometimes people like to pretend being someone else because their lives are unhappy and thats fine so long as you dont step in front of me doing that. I have no time for fakes of any kind.

So...with that said...i ask respectfully that any and all stupid derpy behavior...any and all fakeness and lies be kept far away from me. Im too old for that shit. Too old and FAR too snarky and stupid shit just gets on my nerve. Come to me as you are and let that be enough. No lies. No pretentious airs. Just bring yourself or dont come at all

im out.
Diterbitkan oleh WOWgirlsarah111
7 tahun lalu
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pnrog007 7 tahun lalu
Hi I'm nic I've read your blog there are lots of fraudsters on here