Coach's Wife

The coach woke with a pounding head and terrible taste in his mouth. Morning sunlight streamed through the raised awning windows as he groggily glanced down at his watch and did a double-take, "Oh shit, ten-fucking-thirty?" He rose from the basement couch and unsteadily got to his feet. He looked around at the mess of red solo cups that lay s**ttered around the room and on his beer covered ping pong table, "Son of a bitch, I have to get that shit cleaned off before it ruins the surface." Then his pounding head reminded him that before he did anything else, he needed to get some Tylenol, "How can those damn college k**s drink so much, and why the fuck did I try to keep up with them?" An image of Frank the Tank from the movie Old School flashed in his mind as he thought back to his behavior from the previous night. Justin made one last disgusted perusal of his filthy basement before he embarked on the herculean effort of ascending the stairs.

The college diving coach made a bee-line for the kitchen after reaching the top. The upstairs looked better than the basement, but as he moved into the kitchen, the familiar s**tter of red cups and beer scent rekindled his senses. The large bottle of Patron that he'd pulled out early the previous night, while not empty, had been significantly dented. He filled a clean glass with water and chugged it down before even reaching for the Tylenol bottle. Justin popped two big pills and washed them down. He stood motionless for a moment as he fought the urge to hurl right back into the sink, "What was I thinking, I'm getting too old for this shit?"

As he stood with his back against the counter he noticed the large car key filled jar that sat on his counter, "At least I did something right last night!" He picked it up and moved to the front door. Justin opened the door wearily and placed the jar down next to the mat outside where he had told his team they could pick up their keys in the morning, "Thank God I got that out before anyone arrived...I don't need any of them seeing me like this!"

Justin closed the door behind him and immediately his thoughts turned to Abbie, "Shit, I don't even remember saying good night to her!" He walked towards their bedroom with thoughts of crawling in bed next to her and sleeping away his hangover. Hopefully at some point, he would get to do more than sleep next to her. The door was open slightly; he pushed his way in quietly.

What he saw took his breath away.

The room was dimly lit, but not so much that he couldn't make out his gorgeous wife lying completely naked in a fetal position on their bed. The sheets and blankets were pulled completely back and resting messily on the floor at the base. He thought, "That's odd, she never sleeps naked and she certainly doesn't do so with the sheets pulled back." As he moved slowly towards the bed, his eyes were suddenly drawn to the TV across the room. The sound was muted, but on the 52" screen, the video image of a large black man pounding aggressively into a thin, large-breasted blonde girl shone brightly. He recognized the video as one that he'd purchased in one of his attempts to tempt his wife into kinky sex.

Justin immediately felt a stirring in his loins, "I recognize that video, I've tried to get Abbie to watch it together...never with much success! Oh my God...was she actually watching porn on her own? Was she masturbating to it?"

Before he could process that exciting thought more deeply, he heard the toilet flush in his master bathroom.

Justin froze, trying to make sense of what he'd just heard. Before he could formulate any additional thoughts, the bathroom door swung open and out walked Nick Thomas. The muscle-covered black man was naked except for his Hornet Speedo. The obscene bulge that Justin had seen hundreds of times looked bigger than he could ever remember.

Justin Dawson realized immediately, this was a moment he would never forget.

His diving protégé moved in his direction as a million thoughts now crossed the coach's mind, "Oh my God, did that hung son of a bitch fuck my wife last night?" As Nick approached, Justin welled with anger, fully expecting the black man to guiltily grovel and apologize for what had undoubtedly transpired in this room the previous night. But instead, Nick got a little grin on his face as he walked up and quietly asked, "How are you feeling this morning coach? You were pretty lit last night!"

"How am I feeling? How the fuck do you think I'm feeling? What THE FUCK happened in here last night NICK?" The coach demanded angrily, trying his best to keep his voice down.

The smile disappeared from Nick's face as they both glanced over at Abbie's sexy naked body. He looked back at his coach and said, "Perhaps we should talk about it in the other room."

"GOOD IDEA!" Justin spat, as the realization suddenly occurred to him that another man currently stood in his bedroom while his gorgeous naked wife lay exposed on the bed.

As they moved towards the living room, the ridiculousness of Justin's previous thought re-crossed his mind, "Why do I care that he sees her naked now, he must have been IN that bed with her all night!" He pulled the door closed behind him as they exited into the living room. The young husband turned back around and jealously observed the physical specimen that confidently strode away from him. Somehow the physique that he'd seen thousands of times in the same Speedo looked more impressive than ever before.

As Nick approached the couch, he turned back in Justin's direction, "So you are upset about this coach?"

Justin's eyes nearly bugged out of his head and his nostrils flared; it took all of his self-control to keep from taking a swing at the star diver, "Of course I'm upset, it's pretty obvious what happened in that room last night! How could you ask me that?"

"She said you wouldn't be," Nick stated matter-of-factly.

"She who?...Abbie? She said WHAAATTT?" Justin questioned incredulously, again trying to keep from yelling.

"Your wife said it was a fantasy of yours for her to fu...uh...make another dude!"

Nick's statement hit Justin like a freight train, there were so many hidden components to the remark. First off, it confirmed that Nick had in fact had sex his wife the previous night. Secondly, according to the man standing in front of him, his wife suggested he would be okay with it and in fact it was a fantasy of his. Lastly, Nick's callous delivery made it sound like it wasn't a big deal.

"So you aren't denying that you and my...uh...wife, did it?"

"C'mon coach, it's kind of obvious, I just gave her what she wanted!"

"Oh don't bullshit me Nick, I've seen the way you look at her, are you trying to tell me this was all her idea?"

"No coach, I've always wanted know, but I never would have done it without consent! But last night your wife wanted it bad, and she said you'd be fine with it, so I gave it to her!"

Justin couldn't help but glance down at the huge bulge in Nick's suit as he contemplated what the black man had just said, "Jesus...he gave her THAT thing!"

"I can't discuss this with you while you stand here practically naked, put your clothes back on Nick!"

The black man turned and retrieved his tee-shirt from the couch and slipped it over his muscle covered physique, "Coach, my shorts the other room."

"Oh of course they are," Justin replied snidely, "Anything else? How about your...uh...underwear?"

"I wasn't wearing any."

Justin looked at him shockingly and asked without thinking, "Do you always wear your swim Speedo under your shorts?"

"This thing? Fuck no, it's uncomfortable as hell on my...junk! It was in my backpack last night, but Ab...uh...your wife insisted I wear it into the bedroom...some kind of fantasy or something. I wasn't going to tell that horny bit...I mean Coach Abbie, no! I only put it back on this morning, cuz I was still...uh..."

"Still what?" Justin asked in an irritated tone.

"Leaking know?"

Justin looked at him incredulously, "So you two did it again this morning?"

Nick hesitatingly looked at his coach before he spoke, "We did it a lot...I tried to sleep a little know..."

"No I don't know, what am I supposed to know Nick?"

"Well you know Justin, Coach Abbie is pretty...what's that word...insatiable? She didn't want to stop, you're a lucky man coach, I haven't known many who like to suck it that much!"

"My Abbie?...INSATIABLE?...A COCKSUCKER?...I can rarely get her to suck my dick..." The dumbfounded coach thought to himself as he tried to process what he'd just been told by his wife's black lover.

Justin gathered himself, "Oh, is that so?" The coach rhetorically asked, as a vision of his naked wife slutishly sucking Nick's huge black cock appeared in his mind.

The previously heated conversation had now taken a more subtle tone.

It shouldn't have's given the sensitive nature of the topic, but the black man now realized why...a noticeable tent had formed inside the front of his coach's khakis. Nick immediately suspected this was confirmation of what Abbie had told him about Justin's fantasy of wanting her to fuck a black man, "So coach, should I go in and get my shorts?"

The question seemed to snap Justin out of his momentary trance, " I think you've spent enough time in our bedroom already, I'll go get them, do you know where they are?"

"Somewhere near the footboard, that's where she begged me to strip for her."

Justin didn't respond, he only looked at his diving protégé with a disbelieving look, "My conservative wife begging another man to strip for her in our bedroom?"

"Near the footboard huh, anything else in there?"

"No, my flip-flops are here on the floor."

Justin eyed him again before turning and walking towards his bedroom. He quietly opened the door and peeked inside. For whatever reason, the smell of sex permeated his senses more this time around. His wife still lay naked in the same position, more light filtered in through the partially covered windows. Justin felt relieved to find Nick's shorts quickly. He was surprised he hadn't seen them the first time around, but his eyes were then drawn again to the interracial porn flick that was still playing silently and realized it along with his wife's naked body was probably the reason he hadn't noticed anything else on his first visit.

As he turned back towards the door, he glanced at his nude wife still sleeping soundly; Abbie looked stunningly hot. Seeing her sleeping peacefully and knowing what had transpired in his bedroom, had his cock not already been rock-hard before, it felt like steel now. Before he turned away, he noticed a couple of open packs of condoms, several wrappers, and a bottle of baby oil on his night stand next to the bed, "At least they used protection..."

As he reentered the living room, Nick stood looking at his phone dressed only in his tee-shirt and Speedo. He looked up at Justin, "Ah that was fast, they must have been where I said."

"Yes, right at the base of my bed where you dropped them before having sex with my wife!" The dive coach answered mean-spiritedly.

Nick could still see the tent in his coach's shorts and wondered if he was in fact pissed, or actually aroused, "Coach, as I said before, I wouldn't have done it if she didn't say it would be okay with you!"

"Well she was wrong..." Justin responded, this time with a lot less conviction in his voice.

Nick knew Abbie would never have done it unless she truly felt her husband was okay with it. Now hearing his former coach's unconvincing denial and seeing the hard-on in his pants, it was all but confirmed, "Well then coach, I am sincerely sorry, but I think you and your wife have a lot to talk about. I'm going to get my keys and go."

"Yeah, I think that would be a good idea!"

"Hey do you mind if I change out of these nut-huggers before I do?"

Justin looked at him irritatingly, "No, do whatever you want, your car keys should be in the jar on the porch."

"Sounds good Coach," Nick said before he turned and dropped his Speedo to his ankles. His muscle covered black ass flashed back at his former coach. The flabbergasted coach noticed what appeared to be fingernail impressions on both cheeks of Nick's ass. The black man stepped out of the swimsuit and bent to pull his shorts over his right foot. As he did so, his enormous balls swayed heavily back and bounced against the inside of his muscular thighs.

"Holy shit, they look like a pair of black lemons..." The coach thought to himself. Then he noticed the massive plump head of the black man's cock hanging down beyond his dangling ebony nut sack, "Jesus..."

"I didn't realize you were going to change right here!" Justin complained frustratingly.

"Nick glanced back over his shoulder as he stood buttoning his shorts, "Oh sorry about that coach, I guess I didn't think you would care."

"I think it's time you left Nick."

"Sure coach, I'll grab my keys off the porch. We'll see you around."

As he turned towards the door, Justin spoke, "Hey Nick,"

The diver turned, "Yeah coach?"

"Um...thanks for at least using protection."

"Yeah about that..." Nick hesitated, before finishing his response, "'re welcome coach." He said sheepishly before he exited out the front door.

Justin stood motionless for several seconds before he heard Nick's engine start up. He glanced through the window as his Mustang sped away. "You're welcome?...You're welcome?, what the hell?, I can't believe I just thanked him for using a rubber when he fucked my wife!"

But the coach's cock was still rock-hard in his pants.


2 ½ years previously

Abbie Dawson and her husband Justin sat in their office reviewing video tape of potential new recruits. As Division II college diving coaches at a relatively small state school in California, they were limited to a handful of scholarships each year. That, combined with the fact there were lots more desirable schools in the state, made the process of replenishing their team all the more difficult. In spite of the challenges, the couple always looked forward to this process, fully understanding there was no room for misplaced resources; they had to make sure they thoroughly scouted the best prospective candidates. This was their chance to replenish the ranks of young athletes who had made Sacramento State University a D2 diving powerhouse for well over a decade.

Justin and Abbie had now coached the men and women's diving teams at Sac State for the past 3 years, making the fall of 2017 the third time the Dawson's had gone through the recruiting process. They came to the school as a package deal following their senior year at the University of California at Santa Barbara. The two had both been team captains and state diving champions during their junior and senior seasons at UCSB.

Having already completed the process for the women's team, the couple was now down to their final scholarship decision for the men. The Dawson's had narrowed their choice to two athletes, Jimmy Yu and Nick Thomas. For the two young coaches, this decision was quite different from any they'd made in the past, as these two recruits could not have been more dissimilar, each bringing a unique skill set to the equation. They again reviewed each dive video submitted by the two athletes.

Jimmy Yu was an accomplished high school diver who Justin and Abbie felt could help their team over his 4-year career at Sac State, but he was a slender k** who would need some time to fill-out and realize his full potential. They were both pretty certain Jimmy wouldn't bring much to the team in his freshman season.

Thomas on the other hand, was unlike any athlete they had ever recruited. Muscular and tall, he was the antithesis of many of the athletes currently on their team. Unlike Yu, Thomas was a junior college transfer who had performed quite well on club teams and the occasional JuCo meets he participated in.

The recruiting visits between the two athletes also could not have been more divergent. Jimmy attended with his Asian parents; the well-dressed Yu family was extremely respectful and polite. Abbie and Justin took Jimmy as a shy, reserved k** who only talked when he was asked a question. Jimmy's dad did most of the talking.

Nick Thomas attended with only his attractive single mother and while she was quite pleasant, both Abbie and Justin were a little put off by Nick's seemingly cocky and potentially aloof personality. But in spite of his questionable attitude, there was something charismatic about him. Justin and Abbie both picked-up on it.

Nick was also one of the most distinct looking individuals that either of them had ever seen. From the dive tapes, they were already familiar with his impressive muscular physique, but now sitting across the table from him, his facial appearance was unmistakable. His medium skin was a Beyonce shade of brown, his high cheek bones, full lips, and sparkling white teeth gave him a male model appearance. But his most unique facial feature were his mesmerizing light-shaded hazel colored eyes that looked out of place on a black man. They reminded Justin of those on former Green Bay Packers receiver Randall Cobb. To Abbie, they just looked kind of hot.

Still, they weren't sure about him...


Nick Thomas didn't feel the same way about them. On the ride back to Stockton, his mom asked him what he thought of his potential new coaches. "I think they're just what I need. The dude seems pretty capable technically. And the wife...well...she'll make me look forward to going to the pool everyday!" He joked.

"You dumbshit, you better not let that thing in your pants fuck this up. I agree she is very pretty, but don't you dare try and get in her pants; I shouldn't need to remind you this is the best chance you're going to get to leverage your special skills into something better!"

"I was planning on using my special skills mom!" He smiled mischievously and glanced down at his crotch.

Angie Thomas looked back at her son with a glare of concern, "Don't forget you've been down this path before and it didn't end well the last time!"

"I'm just k**ding mom, trust me, I know this is a great opportunity, I'm not going to fuck it up!" He assured her, well-aware she had a right to question his motives. It had been a similar circumstance his senior year in high school when Nick hooked up with his young new math teacher and the pair were caught fucking on her desk after school. The pretty blonde teacher got fired and was eventually divorced by her husband as a result of the incident. The only thing that kept her from going to jail, was the DA could not prove that the two of them had ever fucked before Nick turned 18. It was a big story in the Stockton papers and it was also the final strike in leading to Nick Thomas's expulsion from high school.

And while Nick was sincere in reassuring his mom he wouldn't jeopardize this opportunity the same way, he didn't share with her that he'd picked-up on a very small glint of intrigue from the hot-looking dive coach.


Following the interviews, Justin and Abbie's first inclination was to gravitate to the safer of the two choices; Jimmy Yu would be a better cultural fit and easier k** to coach. They would also have him for the full 4 years. However, at the end of the day, this decision wasn't all about that. The tape didn't lie. While Yu possessed the better technical acumen, the power and athleticism of Thomas' style was undeniably impressive. Perhaps it was that physical dominance, but somehow despite their concerns about his attitude, they both believed he could be an athlete unlike any they'd ever coached.

"I'm not sure I've seen a diver do the things this k** is capable of," Justin gushed as he replayed the tape of some of Thomas' powerful 3 meter springboard dives. I think with a few refinements, we could have him pushing for the medal stand in no time."

"I can see the potential too honey, but do you really think he will take to our coaching? I didn't like his attitude at the interview, he came across as cocky!" Abbie reminded.

"I agree, but don't forget he is still young, he's never had a father figure in his life, I think I can get through to him."

"I wouldn't call him young, he's going to be 21 in September, I'm just nervous about him, we've never had one like him before Justin!" Abbie responded again, concern still in her voice.

"I know babe, but there is just something about him, I know you felt it too. In spite of his cockiness, he just seems to have that it factor. If we play our cards right, I think we could be looking at a future diving superstar."

"Yeah, either that or we will have made the biggest mistake of our coaching careers; Jimmy would be a lot less risky."

"Abbie, we already have a really good team full of Jimmy's, I think Nick could bring a certain confidence and potential leadership to our group that could be just what the team needs. Remember, while our Junior and Senior male divers are talented, none of them have much in the way of leadership skills, especially Tommy."

Justin was referring to senior state diving champion Tommy Wilson who was the unquestioned superior diver on the men's team, despite a personality that left something to be desired.

"Yeah, it's too bad we don't have anyone like Amber on the guy's team, but I'm not sure we should assume Nick could take on any kind of leadership role, I'm still worried about him causing more problems with team chemistry than solving any. Let's go through his bio again," Abbie suggested, " he was raised by his single mom in a gang-filled neighborhood of Stockton; dad wasn't ever in the picture?"

"No, when I talked to her at the interview, she said she works two jobs to support the family as his father was never involved in his upbringing."

"I know this doesn't matter, but the dad must have been black?" Abbie asked.

"I didn't ask her, but I think that's pretty obvious. She's very fare skinned and the k** obviously is not. Why do you ask?"

"I don't know, we just don't see too many colored k**s in this sport."

"Well, as I mentioned before, his mom was a state diving champion herself at UOP, so naturally she introduced her son to the sport she knew best. Most of his friends were undoubtedly playing football or basketball while Nick took up dive. She told me she thought this sport would be his best avenue to a college scholarship. Smart lady. Unfortunately for her, the plan nearly failed when Nick basically flunked out of high school. He was kicked off the team two months before he was expelled. If it weren't for the JC route, he would probably be flipping burgers at Mickey D's."

"Or a lot worse. So again I ask, why are we considering him for one of our few precious spots? Jimmy would be a lot safer pick!"

"Safer yes, but look at the power and athleticism," Justin gushed again as he replayed the tape. The young coach was well aware of the true circumstances leading to Nick Thomas' expulsion from his high school team, but he saw real potential in this k** and knew his wife would never sign-off if she knew the actual reason for his expulsion; so he conveniently neglected to tell her about the sordid details regarding Nick's relationship with the young white teacher and why he was kicked out of school.

"What about the tattoos? Do you think judges will hold those against him? This is a pretty conservative sport Justin." Abbie reminded.

Her husband looked again at the exotic artwork that covered most of Nick's impressive torso, "I don't think they are anymore likely to hold those against him than the color of his skin, which who knows, might be an advantage."

"I hope you're right honey..." Abbie was not a fan of tattoos or body piercings, the latter of which were not evidenced on Nick's muscular body, but the former were prevalent. To her, tattoos looked like human body graffiti, especially the type that covered Nick's torso, lots of small unidentifiable images blending together to look like obscure modern art gone wrong. She purposefully ignored his body art, besides, her eyes were focused on something else...

What neither of them commented on, but both hadn't failed to notice, was the obscenely large bulge in the front of Nick Thomas' Speedo swimsuit. As Justin and Abbie did their very best to focus on his diving technique, both were inexplicably drawn to the massive lump between his legs.

"No wonder he's so cocky, if I was sporting a package like that, I would be too!" Justin thought to himself.

"OMG...what's in there?" Was all Abbie wondered?

The young wife snapped out of her trance when her husband spoke again, "Okay it's the moment of truth. You know the drill; we've done this before when we've been on the fence between two recruits. Both of us will take two pieces of paper in our hand, one with Jimmy's name and one with Nick's. Remove the name of the person you do not want to offer the scholarship to. We will then open our hands at the same time. If we pick the same person, that will be our binding decision, if not, we will give it more debate. Are you ready?"

"I guess so," Abbie replied, "I wish we could take them both."

"Me too, but that can't happen," Justin reminded as he handed her both pieces of paper. They turned their backs to one another, Justin quickly dropped Jimmy's name to the floor behind him.

Abbie took several seconds longer to make her decision. Her heart beat fast as she thought about the strange way Nick had looked at her during the interview on campus. It was subtle glare that she hadn't shared with her husband, but now as she turned back towards Justin with only one piece of paper in her hand, butterflies filled her stomach. The couple faced each other and opened their palms...NICK THOMAS was the name on both pieces of paper. A certain rush of adrenaline gushed through Justin's veins...a gush of something else rushed between the legs of his beautiful wife.

The coaching couple stared into each other's eyes, somehow suspecting this decision would lead them down a path that they hadn't explored before, "I hope we made the right decision." Abbie breathed nervously.

"Somehow, I know we did!" Her husband responded assuredly with a big smile on his face.

There was no way the couple could have known that the decision they just made would eventually change their lives forever.

Justin looked at his watch, "Now that that's done, what'd ya say we get drunk and have little fun?"

Abbie giggled and replied, "What do you have in mind Mr. Dawson?"

"I was thinking about that sexy red babydoll and those velvet handcuffs I bought last month!"

Abbie laughed, "No I was asking what you wanted to drink." She then bit her bottom lip and smiled mischievously, "But if you play your cards right, I might slip into something a little"

"Hot Damn! And the cuffs?"

"Not gonna happen pervert," she laughed, "I'm not a slut, I'm your wife!"

"I wouldn't mind if you acted a little sluttier once in a while," Justin said with a big grin on his face as he moved around behind her and slipped his arms through hers.

"Oh, is this where you ask me to watch one of your horny porn movies again?" She asked playfully.

"Yes, I was just getting to that," Justin whispered in her ear as his hands continued forward and cupped his wife's big tits.

Abbie giggled again, "You know how I feel about those dirty movies, go pour us a cocktail and quit while you're ahead!"

They had Thai food delivered and spent the next couple of hours drinking Justin's famous Moscow Mule's. After they'd each put away several and were feeling no pain, Justin turned to Abbie, "Hey, I'm really fired-up about our decision to give Nick the scholarship. I really think that k** has some untapped potential."

"Yeah, I do to, but I'm just nervous about him. I hope he doesn't come in here all cocky and challenge our authority. The last thing we need is him undermining our credibility with the rest of the team."

Justin got a sly smile on his face, "Say, speaking of cocky, you didn't happen to notice the bulge in the front of his Speedo?"

Abbie's mouth went dry before she responded untruthfully, "No, I didn't, should I have?"

"Oh c'mon, don't mess with me, there is no way you could have missed it!" Justin teased.

Abbie stammered momentarily as the image of Nick's huge bulge re-entered her mind, "Jeez Justin, I've seen thousands of guys in Speedo's since I started diving in high school, I can't say I pay attention to one versus another." She lied.

"Oh, good answer babe..." Justin said sarcastically as her denial only raised his suspicion about whether she'd been checking out their newest recruit's package. He let the subject go for now as they were both feeling pretty looped and he had other things on his mind.

In spite of her denial, Abbie was still aroused from watching Nick's dive videos. She looked at Justin naughtily, "Hey, I'm going to head into our room, why don't you come join me in fifteen minutes."

"Fifteen minutes, why so long?" He whined.

"Good things come to those who wait!"


College diving coach Justin Dawson moved around in a mindless stupor as he processed what Nick Thomas, his protégé, had just told him about the wild sex he and the Justin's wife had had the previous night. Finally after several long minutes following Nick's departure, the confused coach headed back into his own master bedroom. Something was pulling him to have another look around...perhaps to validate in his mind exactly what took place between his gorgeous wife and her black lover.

His cock remained hard in his pants.

As he re-entered the room, Abbie still hadn't moved; she remained out like a light. It was now 11:30 a.m. and the formerly dimly lit room, while still shadowy, appeared subtly brighter than before. Justin stared at her nude body, still struggling to believe what Nick had confessed about what the two of them had done in their marital bed. Justin determined the porn video that still shone on the flat screen TV must have been on a replay loop as he recognized the same hot interracial couple that he'd seen fucking before. He spotted the remote on his nightstand next to a pair of condom boxes; the distracted coach moved in that direction to retrieve it.

As he walked around to his side of the bed, he suddenly felt a sticky substance squish between his toes. He looked down to see a used pile of oversized condoms lying haphazardly on the hardwood floor. The contents of each had oozed out and formed a milky pool of goo which his toes now rested in. The puddle had already partially enveloped one his slippers as it lay resting next to the bed.

Now in addition to the gross feeling between his toes, Justin couldn't believe his eyes, the pool was incomprehensively large, "Is that all cum? And OMG, they fucked three times? We rarely do it more than once..."

The three wrinkled condoms looked absolutely enormous as they lay soaked in the filthy puddle.

Despite his feelings of disgust, Justin peered over at the two condom boxes and numerous open plastic-wrap packages on his nightstand. The first three-pack box was familiar; it looked like the Trojan brand stash that he kept in his nightstand drawer. He could see one unwrapped rubber remaining in that box. Justin didn't recognize the brand on the larger box: BIGFOOT XXX MAGNUM PLUS. That box was empty. Strangely, there were also a couple of open condoms laying between the s**ttered wrappers still on the nightstand. As he looked at them more closely, his heart suddenly thrust into his throat, both prophylactics were in pieces. "Jesus," he said to himself quietly, "Did they rip?"

Justin instinctively turned and looked at his wife's tight little round ass. Her puffy pussy lips sat framed by the deep cleft of her perfectly bubbled butt cheeks; her lips were swollen, reddened and splayed open. He did his best to focus in the limited light, "No fucking can't be!" Justin leaned further to get a closer look; as he did so, he put his hand down to balance himself. Immediately his open palm and fingers were engulfed in wetness; the bed sheets were soaked. He overcame the temptation to pull away, instead he leaned in closer.

Unfortunately for Justin Dawson, his eyes had not deceived him, a thick milky substance coated and oozed from his wife's vaginal lips and down one of her ass cheeks. A large pool had formed on the sheets beneath it. The diving coach immediately realized what he was looking at..."Jesus, to think I actually thanked that son of bitch for using protection!"

Although he struggled to pull his gaze from her sex-filled pussy, Justin took a moment to observe the rest of his wife's spectacular body in the dim light. He was able to make out large red hand prints on both of her ass cheeks and at least two hickeys on her neck. As he strained his head forward he also saw several red marks around her areolas and what appeared to be a dried white flaky substance on her chin, neck and tits, "Did Abbie let that son of a bitch do anything he wanted?"

His cock remained as hard as he could ever remember.

Finally the coach moved slowly off the bed and pulled the flat sheet from the pile on the floor and carefully covered her naked body. He gently tugged on the d****s to more adequately darken the room before he quietly exited while pulling the door closed behind him.

Justin limped into the kitchen trying not to allow his sticky toes to make contact with the floor along the way. Once he cleaned Nick's spooge from his foot, he resolved himself to the dutifully task of cleaning up the previous night's mess.

And while he moved as if in a fog, the Tylenol had now done its job and his head was no longer pulsing from pain...only anxiety and arousal. His big head wasn't the only one pulsing from arousal, the hard-on in his pants hadn't subsided; it was as if he'd taken one of his...Oh my God!...he suddenly thought to himself as he collected another set of red solo cups, exposing his own bottle of Viagra as he did so. It lay on the counter with the top off. He pondered the thought, "Son of a bitch...they used that too?"

After mindlessly finishing the kitchen, he went downstairs and cleaned up the basement. The place was a mess, but he was thankful the spilled beer hadn't left any permanent stains on his ping-pong table. As he cleaned, countless images of Nick's huge black cock fucking Abbie's brains out entered his mind. Visualizing the young muscle-covered man's black skin against Abbie's smooth tanned slender body was one of the most erotic images he could imagine.

And the words Nick had said before he departed, resonated over and over in Justin's mind..."But last night your wife wanted it bad, and she said you'd be okay with it, so I gave it to her!"..."Your wife insisted I wear my Speedo into the bedroom...some kind of fantasy or something. I wasn't going to tell that horny bit...I mean Coach Abbie, no!"..."Coach Abbie is pretty...what's that word...insatiable? She didn't want to stop, you're a lucky man coach; I haven't known many who like to suck it that much!"

"Your wife is a horny bitch? She wanted it bad? Insatiable? I haven't known many who like to suck it that much...?" Justin stood in the basement replaying those comments in his mind, "Could that really be MY ABBIE he was talking about?"

Finally once he was done downstairs he again quietly went back up and entered his bedroom. He studied the shape of his wife's body under the covers, it didn't appear that Abbie had moved much, but the pillows behind her had, and now a pair of velvet handcuffs dangling from the headboard were exposed. Justin recognized them immediately; he'd bought them a few years earlier as an anniversary gift. Unfortunately, Abbie had never let him put them on her, she said they weren't the kind of thing married couples should use.

"Apparently she had no problem busting them out the first time she fucked her black bull!"

The coach walked into his closet and slipped on some shorts, a tee-shirt, and his Golden State Warriors 2018 Championship cap. Justin then went into the bathroom and applied deodorant and brushed his teeth. The foul taste in his mouth finally subsided. He stared into the mirror at his bloodshot eyes and actually felt his age for one of the first times he could ever remember.

He walked quietly back towards the door. He studied his sleeping wife one final time before heading out.

As he drove downtown he tried to envision what it must have actually been like in their bedroom the previous night. He reached down and stroked his cock through his shorts, "I can't believe she did it, knowing I was only downstairs...wasn't she worried I would walk in, especially when they fucked again this morning?"

Justin parked and entered the d**g store hoping not to run into his softball teammate Chuck Zeller again. The pharmacist had assisted Justin and Abbie on a recent visit when they'd gone looking for pregnancy aids. Justin now wandered aimlessly in the same store for a couple of minutes before an older woman came up and asked, "Can I help you find something?"

"Yeah...uh...I'm looking for those morning-after pills."

She looked at him a little surprised, "Follow me sir, we rarely get men in here looking for those, most of the time it's panicked young girls. I have to say that I'm very impressed that you are the one taking responsibility for your little 'mishap'."

Justin nodded as they walked together down the next aisle. But in spite of her earlier compliment, the woman still couldn't help from lecturing him, "Just remember these pills aren't foolproof and they don't do anything to protect against STD's! Condoms are still the safest form of protection!"

Justin nodded again, "Yeah we had a little accident."

At that moment the woman noticed his wedding ring, "Oh I didn't realize you're married, have you guys thought about just going on the pill?"

"It's complicated..." Justin replied, ready for the conversation to be over.

"Okay, here we are, good luck!" The woman said as she pointed to the pills before heading towards the back of the store.

Justin perused the labels before picking out the most expensive brand, "Hopefully that means they work the best!"

As he neared the front of the cashier line, suddenly his softball buddy Chuck approached and sent the young girl working the register on her break. Chuck immediately noticed Justin standing behind the customer who was currently at the register, "Hey buddy, how'd those things we pulled together last time work for you?"

"Perhaps too good Chuck," Justin replied before tossing the morning after pills on the conveyor.

The pharmacist thanked the customer in front of him before looking down at Justin's merchandise, "Wow, I didn't expect to see you buying these, I guess you changed your mind mid-stream?" The softball shortstop joked as he scanned them through the machine.

"Yeah, we got a little cold feet, it's a heavier commitment than we realized."

"Just keep in mind these things aren't foolproof, you might just get what you set out to accomplish in the first place buddy!"

"God I hope not..." Justin thought to himself before he responded back to his teammate, "Yeah I know Chuck." He collected his stuff and walked absently towards the door.

"Hey what time do we play Thursday?" Chuck called out from behind.

"I don't know man, check the website!" Justin responded without even looking back over his shoulder. Softball was the last thing on his mind at the moment.

"That was weird..." Chuck thought as he watched his typically talkative friend exit through the double doors.

Justin's anxiety grew as he neared his house. He expected Abbie to be up and knew they'd soon have one of the toughest conversations of their lives. He wasn't sure how either of them would respond once the subject was broached. Justin knew they both had plenty of culpability in this, but that fact didn't make it any easier. His thoughts returned to the images in his mind of Nick's huge cock pistoning in and out of Abbie's little pussy while her big gorgeous tits jiggled in the full sexy circles that he loved so much, "Now another man has enjoyed that vision!" He reached down and stroked his hard cock again through his shorts.

Justin had to wait in the car for a couple of minutes without thinking about his wife's interracial tryst in an attempt to shrink his hard-on. When he finally entered, he was surprised to see the door to their bedroom still closed. Abbie was always an early riser, even on the weekends. It was now nearly 1:00 p.m.

Justin quietly opened the bedroom door, she was still fast asleep but had rolled onto her back and the sheet had slid down to just above her nipples. Her amazing cleavage looked fucking sexy, even as she lay on her back. Justin stared at her angelic face and could swear her full lips had an ever so discernable satisfied smile on them. He then noticed more of the pasty white residue on her neck and chest than he'd been able to see in her previous position, "Is that cum?" He asked himself incredulously before he noticed large clumps of her hair matted together against the white background of her oversized pillow, "Jesus, it has to be!"

The hot water from the shower felt really good pouring over his conflicted head. On one hand he still couldn't believe that Abbie had actually done it, "My wife fucked Nick Thomas...Nick and that huge black cock! Damn...she actually fucked him!" He knew he should feel betrayed and upset, but he didn't. No, the emotion that kept coming to him was disappointment. But strangely it wasn't a feeling of disappointment about what had happened, but rather one of not having been there to experience it, "What's wrong with me, my wife just got fucked by a black bull and all I can think about is what it must have been like in that room!"

Justin reached down and stroked his rock-hard soap-covered cock. He tried to visualize Nick's huge cock knifing into Abbie's little pussy time and time again. He stroked feverishly as he imagined the sounds of pleasure that undoubtedly escaped her beautiful mouth as she writhed in ecstasy. He pictured the cum-filled massive condoms spilling on the floor next to his bed and when Justin thought about the soaked wet sheets and how many times his wife must have orgasmed, he couldn't hold out any longer, his own load shot from his cock and splattered against the shower tile.

At that moment Abbie walked in wearing her robe. She witnessed her husband masturbating and his ejaculation through the clear glass shower doors just as she entered, "Oh my God Justin, what are you doing?" She practically screamed out loud.

"Jesus honey, have you ever heard of knocking?" Justin yelled back as he quickly pulled his hand away, exposing his hard-on.

"I have to use the toilet really bad, please hurry." Abbie pleaded as she pulled the door back closed. Had she not just caught him beating off, she would have simply sat down on the toilet next to the shower, but that was extremely awkward now.

"I'll be out in a minute," he yelled as she exited. He stroked the final remnants from his quickly softening dick. Justin quickly washed the soap from his hair and soaped his genitals one final time before turning off the water, "She's the one who fucks around, and I'm the one caught in the embarrassing situation, how fucked up is this?"

Justin dried himself quickly and slipped on his robe. He momentarily looked for his slippers but quickly remembered they were soaked in his wife's lover's cum. As he exited the bathroom, Abbie pushed past him in a near blur to reach the toilet. In her haste, she neglected to close the door all the way. Justin quickly heard the loudest gush of pee he'd ever heard exit from his wife. It seemed to go on forever as Justin thought about the other bodily fluids that were undoubtedly mixed with those being flushed out at the moment.

The coach sat down in the loveseat on the adjacent wall to his side of the bed. He could see Nick's large cum puddle and the used condoms wallowing in it from this vantage point. He still couldn't believe what he was looking at; the pool looked like it had expanded since he first stepped in it.

Suddenly he heard the toilet flush and moments later Abbie stepped nervously out of the bathroom.

"Aren't you going to wash your hands? You know what they say, cleanliness is next to Godliness." Justin said mean-spiritedly as he glanced over at the cum puddle next to their bed.

Abbie's eyes followed his to the sex mess before returning back to him, "Obviously we need to talk Justin..." She spoke just above a whisper as tears formed in her eyes.

"Yeah I think that's probably a good idea!" Justin responded condescendingly as he again noticed the large clumps of matted hair framing her face.

"Do you mind if I take a shower and make myself a little more presentable first?"

"No not at all, you've already spent most of the day and night in this room, what's another hour?"

She looked at him with hurt in her eyes.


Ninety minutes later Abbie emerged from their bedroom looking much more bright-eyed and refreshed than Justin expected.

He had moved to the outside covered lanai and was sitting, sipping a Racer-5 IPA, "Hair of the dog," he thought to himself while staring absently at his phone. Abbie grabbed a large glass of ice water and made her way out to join him. She sat down straight across on the matching outdoor loveseat. Her thick dark hair bound tightly in a large braid and slung over her shoulder and across her left tit. He figured out quickly she was wearing her hair like that in an attempt to obscure one of the hickeys near her neck. The one on the other side was exposed, but it was obvious she'd used a lot of cover-up to try and disguise it.

"That took a while..." He said dryly.

"Yeah, I cleaned up more than just myself," She answered back with an apologetic yet hopeful expression.

"It was quite a mess," Justin said matter-of-factly.

"Yeah it was..." Abbie replied, her eyes down, seemingly searching for more words with which to respond.

"...And the room was dirty too!" Justin cracked.

Abbie looked up to see a small grin on his face. "Fuck you asshole!" she responded with straight face. She then took the opportunity to fire back, "I would have been out sooner if I hadn't had to clean up the shower walls too!"

"...touché!" He muttered.

They both laughed nervously before Abbie stopped and asked in a hesitant tone, "So you know what happened...?"

"...yeah, I have a pretty good idea."

"Are you mad?"

"I don't really know how I feel at the moment..."

"Do you know who?"

"Yeah, he was still here when I emerged from the basement this morning."

"So you talked to him?"

Justin nodded.

"What did he say?"

"Not much, aside from the fact that you two were up most of the night. You sleeping past 1 p.m. more or less confirmed that!"

Justin could see tears forming in Abbie's big eyes. "I'm so sorry Justin. I'm not really sure what to say. I guess I was confused by all the things you'd said to me over the past couple of years. I never expected to actually do any of the things that you teased me about, but last night...I was was him...I couldn't help it. Before I knew what was happening, we were in our bedroom. After that I couldn't stop."

"Couldn't stop or didn't want to stop?"

"I don't know, isn't it kind of the same thing?"

"You weren't worried about me walking in on you?"

"Of course I was, but I thought about all those things you said, and I wondered if it wasn't what you really wanted anyway. Then after a little while..."

"After a little while what Abbie?"

"...I just got lost in the feeling."

"You mean because of him?"

"I don't want you to be mad Justin..."

"I'm not going to be mad Abbie, tell me!" Justin responded more emphatically.

"Yes because of him. Maybe it was because of all the times I had..." she dropped her eyes and struggled with her words.

"Maybe it was because of all the what times Abbie?" Justin asked, knowing what she might say, but wanting to hear her say it.

"All the times I'd seen him...seen the know, in his Speedo." She finally admitted.

"Tell me Abbie what you'd seen so many times in his Speedo."

"Justin, please don't make me do this..."

"Say it honey...say it for me!"

She looked at him incredulously, "The huge bulge Justin, I've looked at it so many times over the past couple of years!"

Justin's assurance swelled as his wife finally admitted what he'd suspected for so long, "I know you have Ab. And now you've done more than just look at it. How was it?"

"Justin, let's not go don't really want me to..."

"Yes I do Abbie, I want you to tell me about your night with him...with it!" He demanded as he cut her off.

"Jeez can't be serious?"


Finally, after the past couple of years of encouragement and now hearing his pleas and watching him move forward on his seat in anticipation, she decided it was time, "Oh God honey, where do I even was such a wild night; I can't believe it actually happened..."

"Tell me about when you first saw it; I want to know what was going through your mind baby."

Abbie hesitated several seconds before she looked him in the eyes, "Oh God Justin, it was so much bigger than I could have ever imagined. When it came out, I almost died."

"He said you asked him to strip for you."

"He told you that, I guess you talked more than you said?"

"Yeah, he told me a few things, but I want you to fill in the blanks Abbie. Tell me all about your night...and morning."

She looked at him embarrassingly before taking a long drink from her glass and finally opening up, "God Justin, it started after that crazy game of beer pong. I had gone back upstairs and Nick and some of the others were doing Patron shots in the kitchen. They talked me into doing several with them. Eventually people started leaving and before I knew it, Nick and I were the only one's upstairs. I felt uncomfortable being alone with him, so I said I wanted to see what was going on downstairs. He followed me down and again I was a little shocked that everyone had left. You were passed out on the couch with a red cup still in your hand. I tried to wake you, but you wouldn't move, so I took the cup and covered you with a blanket and we went back upstairs."

She continued, "I thought Nick would leave, but instead he grabbed another beer and proceeded to tell me how happy he'd been to be on our team the past couple of years and how much he appreciated what you and I taught him during that time. He said he was now looking forward to working alongside me in the Exercise Sciences Department and as an assistant coach for us on the team."

"Yeah, I bet that is what he was looking most forward too..." Justin replied sarcastically.

Abbie rolled her eyes at her husband's response, "I told him we were looking forward to working with him too. But then he surprised me when he asked what I was most looking forward to about working with him again at the pool. I started to say something about his impact on the younger k**s when he stopped me and asked what I was really most excited about. I said I didn't understand his question, then he looked me in the eye and asked if I wasn't really most anticipating seeing him in his Speedo again next year. His question caught me off guard and I stammered before he said that he'd seen me look at it hundreds of times over the past couple of years. I guess he didn't believe me when I started to tell him he must be mistaken. He interrupted me and asked if Coach Justin knew that I stared at his bulge that much."

"He asked you that? "

"Justin I don't know what came over me at that moment, but I blurted out that you would be okay with it if I did! He got kind of a cocky grin on his face before he asked if we were into swinging. I said absolutely not. He then asked, "But he's okay if you check out another guy's package all the time?"

Abbie continued, "I stammered again before I nervously responded, 'I don't look at it all the time, but I think so...' He again got a big grin on his face before he told me to go sit on the couch while he used the restroom."

"He left the room at that moment? After asking if you liked looking at his junk?"

"I know, I thought it was weird too, but a minute later he came out dressed only in his tee-shirt and Hornet Speedo. He walked right up in front of me removed his shirt and tossed it aside. I looked up at his muscle covered chest and rippled stomach before my eyes lowered down to the bulge in front of my face. He said, 'Now you can look at it all you want!' Justin, I couldn't believe how it looked so close to me; every inch of the fabric was stretched so tight I thought it was going to burst. My mouth was watering; I bit my lower lip and looked up in his eyes, we both knew that I...I wanted it."

"Shit Abbie! Did you touch it?"

"I wanted to, but he told me to go into our bedroom, take off my clothes, and wait for him on the bed."

"Jesus Abbie...did you do it? Did you go?" Her husband asked excitedly, pants swelling.

"I couldn't help it Justin...yes, I would have done anything for it at that moment! When he came in a few minutes later I was up on the bed dressed in that little pink baby doll. You know the one you loved so much?"

"Uh-huh, you look great in that sexy thing Ab! But why did you say loved...I still love it?"

Abbie got an apologetic look on her face, "I'm sorry got kind of torn...well really torn. Nick got a little too excited at one point and the thin little straps got ripped off."

"Oh my God Abbie..." Justin muttered as he tried to envision the scene as the muscular black man tore the sexy lingerie off of his wife's stunning body.

"I was waiting up on the bed when he entered the room. Justin, I was trembling...I couldn't believe how hot he'd gotten me! When he came in I saw his muscular chest and the dark color of his skin; it gave me the weirdest sense of fear mixed with excitement. Even his tattoos were turning me on. I was actually disappointed that he'd put his shorts back on. But when he asked if I wanted him to strip for me, I nearly begged him...'YES PLEASE NICK!' I said without even thinking about what I was saying."

"Fuck Abbie, that doesn't sound like you..."

"I know honey, but I wasn't thinking straight. Maybe because I was so drunk or maybe because I had repressed those feelings for so long, but I couldn't help it. I anxiously moved down to bottom of the bed and got up on my knees."

"Damn Abbie, I can only imagine how good you must have looked at that moment!"

"I think he thought so. He eyed my body before he moved slowly forward until he was right in front of me like he was doing one of his stripper shows. He teased me with the buttons on his shorts before asking me what I wanted."

"I told him I wanted those shorts!"

"He grinned and responded, 'Good things come to those who wait bitch!'"

"He actually said that? He used that word?"

"Justin, I feel so bad saying it now, but it turned me on when he talked to me like that; I told him I couldn't wait any longer! I practically begged him to take them off again."

"Damn Abbie, I'm trying to picture it..."

"It was hot honey. Nick laughed and said, 'I can tell that by the look in your eyes!' He proceeded to slowly unbutton his shorts before dropping them to the floor."

"What did you do Ab?"

"I watched so excitedly before gasping out loud and moving closer to it."

"Did you touch it this time?" Justin asked with heavy breath.

"I tried to, but he pushed my hands away. He moved forward and told me to kiss it instead."

"Oh my God Ab, it sounds like a fucking porn flick!"

"I was so nervous Justin, I licked my lips before I slowly leaned forward and kissed it through his suit. As soon as my lips came in contact, I felt an energy that made my body tingle all over. I was breathing so hard. That's when I noticed the intoxicating masculine scent...I hope you don't mind me saying this honey, but I had never experienced anything like it. For the first time ever in my life, I felt like I would die if I didn't have sex!"

"Jesus Abbie..."

"I know Justin, I couldn't help it. I moved back in and started running my lips along it, I could feel the heat coming off through his suit."

"Did you take it out?" Her husband asked in a high-pitched voice.

"No, I tried, but when I started to reach up, he pushed my hands away again. He told me to keep kissing and licking it. Justin, it was such a surreal experience, I felt like I was in a dream. I did what he said and before long it started getting harder and bigger."

"You mean you were on your knees, on our bed, dressed in that hot babydoll with your boobs hanging out, kissing along his shaft and he wasn't already rock-hard?" Justin asked incredulously.

"No...I mean yes, I was surprised too! But then he put his hands in my hair and moved my head along it. It didn't take long after that, it grew so fast, his suit stretched as much as it could before it all sprang free. I practically jumped when it exploded out."

"Fuck big was it?"

His wife looked at him with wide eyes, "...Oh my God Justin, I couldn't believe it...SO BIG...and it had these thick, rough veins all the way down it. He held my head in his hands, not letting me move; I think after the past couple of years, he wanted me to see it up close. I was breathing so hard, the scent was so strong I could practically taste it. I stared at every incredible inch for what felt like 10 minutes. It was so dark and thick and powerful looking. But in spite of its threatening looked so fucking beautiful. I had to have it!"

She continued, "Finally after sensing my anxiousness, he let me move my head forward and this time I kissed along it without the suit being in the way. The heat and electricity I'd felt before was nothing compared to what it was like when his dark skin finally touched my lips. I was so nervous Justin. After I kissed and licked it tentatively, he told me to stick my tongue out further, as I did so, he let go of my head and grabbed a hold of himself. He brought the huge head to right in front of my mouth and told me to stick out my tongue and taste the little bit of fluid at the tip. I did what he wanted and wiggled my tongue around the big hole at the top before he grunted and rubbed it more forcefully around my tongue and lips. God Justin, I can't tell you how much I wanted to have it inside me at that moment!"

"In your mouth or...uh...?"

"...Both I guess, I don't really know, I was so turned-on but really nervous about whether I would be able to handle it. He then asked me if I liked giving head. I didn't hesitate, I nodded excitedly, so he brought it to my lips and said 'Show me!'"

"Damn Abbie, since when do you get excited about sucking dick?"

"Everything was crazy Justin. I opened up as wide as I could and he pushed it between my lips. My mouth was stretched out so much! But even though it was so full, I found I could still use my tongue underneath. He told me to keep doing that whenever the head was in my mouth and from that point on, he showed me how to please him...Justin it felt so strange that I had coached him for the last two years and now he was teaching me what to do. You know I haven't done it much for you over the years, I felt so embarrassed at first, but before long he said I was doing better."

"He taught you how to suck his cock?"

"...yes, I guess you could say that. He said he thought I would have been better at it to begin with, but I did what he said and after a while he started breathing more heavily and getting more excited. He started squeezing my boobs and playing with my nipples. He then pulled me down until I was sitting on the edge of the bed; he was now standing between my legs."

"He told me you really loved sucking it Ab...more than just about anyone he's ever had!"

"I don't know what came over me Justin, the more I did it, the more I wanted to do it more! I didn't want to stop!"

"But you've never been that into it? What changed?" Justin asked in amazement.

"Don't be mad, but there was something about it...I guess you would say...masculinity, but I couldn't help myself!"

"Did you taste him...did you swallow?"

"...yes...more than once. One time he did it in my mouth, the other times I cleaned him up after."

"You mean after the condom came off?"

"Each time he told me to do it afterwards; he said he didn't want any of it to go to waste! But the reality was, he didn't have to convince me. I couldn't believe it Justin, but I wanted to do it..."

"Jesus Ab, I can't believe what you're saying right now. I can't believe you actually did that. Did you use your hands too, what were they doing the whole time?"

"Once it got all wet, I used them both to grip and stroke it over and over. My fingers couldn't even wrap all the way around it, but he really liked when I licked and kissed it while I stroked him. He also had me play with his balls a lot..."

"Oh my God Abbie, I saw them when he changed out of his Speedo before he left, they're huge!" The coach gushed.

"...I know...I couldn't believe it Justin! I could practically hold one in each hand. As I played with them, he went back to squeezing my boobs."

" hard?"

"No...well yes...kind of...harder than you ever do, but I was surprised how much I liked it. His hands are so big, they felt really good whatever he was doing...then he told me to show them to him!"

"He told you it was an order? Did you do it?"

The apologetic look now reappeared on her face, "Actually no...I could tell how excited he was getting...obviously I was too, but I decided to tease him first."

"Tease him? What'd you do?"

"I looked at him with a naughty grin and told him my husband is the only one allowed to see them."

"You really said that babe? At that moment?" Justin asked incredulously.

"Yeah, unfortunately it might not have been the best idea...moments later the babydoll got ripped."

"Oh my God, what happened?"

"Nick said that my tits belonged to him now! And when I playfully denied him again that's when he reached out and yanked down hard on my top and the straps both snapped..."

"Oh shit Abbie, did you get pissed?"

"It surprised me so much Justin, I think I screamed out loud. His eyes got really big when he saw them, but before I could react, he squeezed them and told me how good they felt. Then he pushed his thing between my boobs and told me to hold them around it. I reached down and did what he was so hard and thick at that point, but I was able to still wrap them around it pretty good. He told me to spit down between them so there would be know...slipperiness. Justin, I can't tell you how excited I got watching it slide in and out. Seeing the contrast between the big black head and my soft white skin was such a turn-on. He started moving faster and I took him back in my mouth. Before long I could feel his balls slapping against my breasts while the tip was far back in my mouth."

"You mean he was thrusting all the way past your tits to your face?"

"No, I was sucking on it while he was sliding it between my boobs Justin!"

"Are you fucking k**ding me Abbie? How is that possible? How long was it?"

"I told you it was big...and really long. I didn't even have to hardly tilt my head. We did it like that for a long time. It got so wet and I guess you would say sloppy. He held my hands on my boobs and made me squeeze my nipples. I could tell he really liked it so he kept doing it faster and faster and then I heard him groan really loud. I pulled back as I thought I had hurt him or something and then all the sudden it happened..."

"What Abbie? He came, didn't he?"

"Jesus baby...YES he came...and he came...! Some went in my mouth, but most of it went on my face, my hair and all over my boobs. There was so much, I didn't even know what to do."

"Oh my God, that was the dry flaky stuff I saw this morning, wasn't it?"

"Yes...well some of it...there was more later." She answered, somewhat embarrassed. "Oh shit Justin, that reminds me, I need to go to the d**g store!"

"Why honey?" He asked, knowing she had likely just remembered about the unprotected sex.

"Justin, don't hate me...I tried to be so careful, but he...I mean we...had kind of had an accident..."


"No...I mean...not really...they broke Justin."

"The rubbers broke, like more than one of them? How is that fucking possible?"

"Oh honey, it was this morning...his big ones were...uh...all gone. We tried to use yours...I mean the ones we keep in your nightstand, but each time I tried to stretch them know...they ripped."

"Wait, are you telling me they broke before you even had sex?"

"...yes...yes honey, they didn't finally we ended up doing it without anything. But I swear, I made him promise to pull out!"

"You couldn't just abstain? Hadn't you done it enough?"

Abbie just looked at him with blank stare.

After not getting a response, he continued, "But if he agreed to pull out...why do we need to go to the d**g store?"

"Oh God Justin, I'm so sorry. Once we got started again...we...I mean I...couldn't stop. He was going to pull out, but I held him in and told him it..."

"You told him to cum in you without protection Abbie, what the fuck were you thinking?"

"I hope you don't hate me just felt so good, I couldn't stop. I didn't want it to stop. I actually wanted to feel it shoot into me. I was having...what do they call it...reoccurring orgasms?"

" were having multiple orgasms?"

She nodded her head, "...yes Justin, and when I felt it spurt into me, I had the biggest one yet!"

"Jesus Abbie, but he could have...might have...knocked you up. Where are you in your cycle?"

"I'm not sure Justin, you know how irregular mine is, and that's why we need to go to the d**g store!" His suddenly worried wife replied with a panicked look on her face.

Justin dropped his head into his hands for affect as he contemplated how he would respond next. His wife didn't know it, but his cock was rock hard and he'd already come to grips with the fact that her black lover had implanted his potent seed deep in her fertile womb. Finally he spoke, "Abbie would it surprise you if I told you I already made a trip to the d**g store?"


"This morning when I came into the room, I saw Nick's stuff leaking between your legs, so while you were still passed out, I went down and picked up some of these morning-after pills." He said with a slight grin as he opened his hand and showed them to her.

"You son of a bitch! You made me go through all that, and you already knew?"

"Don't start blaming me for this Abbie, you didn't have to fuck him without protection. I might have some culpability in driving you to do it, but I would have expected you to have enough self-control to not take that kind of risk! If we're lucky enough that he didn't get you pregnant, what if he has an STD or something? We both know that cock of his has enjoyed a lot of pussy before yours!"

Abbie began to cry. "Fuck you Justin! I'll admit I could have been more careful, but don't lecture me about how we came to this point, you all but told me to fuck him. We both know that things like this could happen once we crossed that line!"

Justin moved forward and wrapped his arms around her, "You're right honey, I think we both could have exercised better judgment. Here, take one of these."

She swallowed the pill and washed it down with her water.

"So where do we go from here?" Justin asked, a more understanding tone in his voice.

"I don't know. I think we need some time to think all this over."

Justin nodded. He decided this wasn't the time to probe her for the details of their actual mating, but as he subtly brushed his stiff cock, he fully intended to soon.


2 years earlier


"It's open, come on in." Abbie shouted out.

"Hey coach, are you busy? I have something I need to talk to you about." Nick Thomas asked as he entered her office.

"Oh hi Nick, my door is always open, how are you getting along with your new classes and life here at Sac State?"

"Oh pretty good I guess, except I'm still having trouble with my electronics, but I have an appointment on Friday with the IT folks here on campus. I'm hoping they can figure out what's going on with my devices. I still can't get on the school email system," he responded, sounding less sure of himself than she'd witnessed previously. Suddenly she felt bad for questioning his attitude in the past; this new transfer student from the other side of the tracks seemed to have all the same vulnerabilities as the rest of the new students on campus.

"Sorry to hear that Nick, hopefully you get it resolved quickly. I've found the IT support staff at the school to be really helpful in the past. But did you say there was something you needed my help with?"

"I wanted to start off by apologizing for my approach at last week's meeting. I have a tendency to be a little over-confident at times and I probably should have toned it down a little my first time around the team." Nick said, saying what he knew she wanted to hear, but not at all what he believed.

The contrite admission was exactly what Abbie needed from the team's newest member, "As Justin said the other night Nick, your confidence is one of the things that drew us to you, but you'll learn there is a time and place for everything. I'm glad to hear you realized it might have come off a little strong for the situation, but acknowledging that is the first step in gaining the respect of your new teammates. You'll have plenty of opportunities to do that and hopefully this experience will help you moving forward," the beautiful coach replied with a supportive smile.

"You bet coach, I just wanted to let you guys know I have thought a lot about it. Say, do you mind if we close the door, the thing I really came to talk to you about is kind of personal." Nick asked, feigning nervousness.

"Sure let me get it," Abbie replied as she rose to close it. Nick checked out her hot ass as she did so.

A strange sense of nervousness coursed through Abbie as she found herself alone with him for the first time. She had forgotten how handsomely unique-looking Nick was with his mesmerizing hazel eyes impossible to ignore. Of course, his muscle covered physique, accentuated by his form fitting black workout shirt and shorts hadn't escaped her attention either. She was glad to see he had ditched the gangbanger garb that he'd worn to the meeting, "I hope your problem is nothing too serious Nick. Do you want me to include Justin, I can probably get him on the phone in his office?"

"No, I don't think that's necessary coach, it's really more embarrassing than anything else." Nick's voice tailed off as he purposefully lowered his eyes away from her gaze for affect.

In spite of his earlier cockiness, Abbie thought Nick's uneasy demeanor at the moment was kind of adorable. He was nearly 21, but she reasoned this was likely the first time in his life that he'd been away from his mother and figured he just needed a woman's opinion, whatever it was, "Oh, I'm sure it can't be too big a deal Nick, you'd be amazed at some of this things I have helped other athletes with over the past few years," she replied with a comforting laugh.

"Well I guess you could say it isn't really a big deal...but in actuality, the size is the problem."

"I'm confused Nick, what's actually the big problem?"

"Oh God, this is so awkward, I don't think it was a good idea that I came to talk to you about it..." He admitted sheepishly as he suddenly turned for the door.

"Wait Nick, don't leave. Whatever it is, please let me help!"

He slowly turned back in her direction, "Are you sure coach?"

"Yes, absolutely Nick, I'd really like to help if I can." She urged genuinely from her chair as she looked up at him.

Nick noticed as his gorgeous coach subtly glanced at his crotch which was positioned directly in front of her face before he finally spoke, "Okay, you know that apparel company information you circulated at the meeting?"

"MVP Sports? Yeah sure, they do a great job, Justin and I have used them since we came to Sac State, and UCSB has used their stuff for years."

"Well, they have not been too accommodating in helping with my...uh...issue."

"Oh wow Nick, that's the first I've heard of them having less than stellar service! What's the deal?"

"Well coach, I can't say they have bad service, but it's more a matter of their inability to solve my...challenge."

"I'm so sorry Nick, but that seems pretty weird, what's going on?"

"This is the embarrassing part Coach..." Nick said awkwardly as he looked down again.

"Nick, I can't help you if you don't tell me what the problem is." She responded empathetically with a smile.

"Well coach, you see I've kind of had this problem since I was like 13...I can't find swim suits...well specifically Speedo's, that I into."

"How can that be Nick, they make them in every size from 26 to 56, I would imagine. Your waist easily fits in that range."

"No coach, the waist size isn't the see, they don't fit me in the...uh...front!"

Suddenly it registered with Abbie what Nick was communicating to her. Her gaze u*********sly dropped to the large lump in his shorts directly in front of her face. She was transfixed on it for several seconds before she realized Nick was still talking...

" Abbie?"

"Yes Nick, I...I...uh..."

"Do you understand what I'm telling you coach? I'm kind know...different...down there, and none of the standard suits would you say it...hold me. Does that make sense?"

Abbie found herself suddenly wishful that Nick had brought this problem to Justin instead of herself, "Uh no...I mean yes Nick...I guess that is a problem. Did...did you ask if they had any suggestions...alternative design styles or something?" She stammered, saying the first thing that came to her mind.

"Yeah I did coach, they make a version called "enhanced", but in the past those have never worked for me."

She looked at him nervously, hopeful she wouldn't have to ask the reason why the enhanced designs hadn't work for him either. After an uncomfortably long silence she finally did, "What's wrong with the enhanced designs Nick?"

"Coach, they don't fit either! I just received my Hornet Speedo shipment of enhanced suits yesterday and I tried them on, it wasn't a...uh...good situation."

He noticed her eyes get noticeably larger before he continued, "In high school and community college my mom had a friend who would sew extra material into my suits to accommodate know...genials."

"I think you meant genitals Nick." Abbie corrected, still appearing dumbstruck by the topic.

"Oh yeah, genitals coach, I always get those words mixed up," he lied. He certainly knew the difference; he just wanted to hear her say the word. He continued, "Anyway, my mom's friend retired and moved to Florida last spring. I've tried to contact several other seamstresses locally," he lied again, "but I haven't had any luck finding anyone who could or would do it. I'm starting to get very concerned as I know I am supposed to wear the new gear to practice on the 20th, and today's already the 15th."

A million thoughts were now going through Abbie's mind as she pictured Nick's incredible Speedo bulge from his audition dive tapes. She wasn't thinking rationally as she spoke, "Yes, we do want everyone to be in uniform for that first practice on the 20th, is there any way you can wear the enhanced suits until we can come up with a permanent solution?"

"I'm afraid not coach," Nick responded, glad that his sexy coach had suggested that 'we need to come up with a solution'. He continued, "That first time I hit the water, I'm pretty sure practice will get X-rated in a hurry! I doubt you and coach Justin want that do you?"

An audible gasp escaped her lips before she spoke nervously, " I don't think we want that. I mean I know we don't want that." Nick picked up on her startled response, but didn't show any reaction. Butterflies were forming in Abbie's stomach as she had no idea what to say to him next. She bought herself some time by offering to make some calls to see if she could help find someone to help with his problem.

Nick thanked her enthusiastically. He gave her his cell number and asked her to text him if she had any luck finding someone to help.

As he walked out of her office, the muscled black man smiled to himself, he had just made his big problem Coach Abbie's big problem.

There was no one who Nick Thomas wanted more than his new married coach to be burdened with his big problem...


After he departed, Abbie took a moment to calm her frayed emotions. She breathed heavily before she moved down the hall on her way to the ladies room. Once inside, she was surprised at how flush her face looked in the large mirror, "OMG, I wonder if he noticed how embarrassed I looked?" Abbie splashed some cold water on her face and suddenly realized her nipples were hurting from pressing against her bra. She adjusted her shirt before entering the stall. She pulled her pants down and immediately noticed a damp spot on her panties, "What's wrong with me, why did I get wet from that conversation?" The pretty coach relieved herself before making her way back to her office.

Abbie contemplated how to best handle the situation. She debated reaching out to Justin, but ultimately decided she would hold off on doing that for now. She pulled out her phone and Yelped Sacramento seamstresses and a long list came up. She perused the list before she found a Vietnamese store that claimed they specialized in solving the most unique alteration needs. They had a 4.5 rating, one of the highest on the page. She dialed the number and an older sounding woman answered in broken English. Abbie immediately thought to herself how difficult it would be to explain to this woman what she was trying to accomplish.

"Hi, your ad on Yelp says you specialize in unique alterations, I have a strange request, I hope you can help me..."

"Yes, you have strange quest? We hep you!"

"I'm not quite sure how to explain this, but I'll try...I need to get some swim suits...specifically Speedo swim suits altered to accommodate someone who has a...uh...large...bulge in the front."

"Hee hee," the old woman giggled into the phone before she responded, "How big is thing?"

"Well, I really don't know...I just know the...uh...bulge is quite large..."

The woman giggled again, "Is largeness due to bamboo or stones?"

"What? Oh...I don't really know, both I would guess. It's pretty, uh, well...really big." Abbie stammered after figuring out what the woman was asking. "Does it matter?"

"Do you have picture?"

"NO, OF COURSE I DON'T HAVE A PICTURE! It's one of my athletes; I'm a dive coach at Sac State."

"Weh, need picture or acture sampah arong with meashments."

"MEASUREMENTS? You mean like the length and...uh...girth?"

"Hee hee" the old woman laughed again, "No, no...not meashments of man bits, need waist size and meashment around rargest part."

"Wait, I'm still confused, did you say largest part?"

"Meashment around rear and biggest...what you cah it? Budge?"


"Yes budge!"

"So you need a measurement around his butt and where it...uh...protrudes in the front?"

"Yes protrudes. I yike word. Hee hee."

Abbie felt more embarrassed than she had at any part of the conversation, finally she answered absently, "Okay, I'll see what I can do. How long will this take to do?"

"Depends how yong take to get materiah...and I guess how much protrudes" the old woman giggled again.

"But you think you can do it?"

"We do anything, get me picture or sampah, meashments, have done quickwy!"

"He will have multiple suits for you to do."

"No probrem, we make temprate, rest easy..."

"Okay, I will have him send you information right away. Thank you!"

"You wecome...we take care of your big probrem yady! Hee hee."

Abbie hung up the phone feeling a small sense of satisfaction mixed with embarrassment that she had found such a quick solution for Nick's problem. Suddenly the image of his bulge from the dive tapes entered her mind again, "How in the world did I get in the middle of this?"

As Abbie sat thinking about Nick in his stretched Speedo, she began to wonder for the first time if she would have the will power to divert her eyes from looking at him in his suit every day? She thought back to how many times she'd seen male coaches stare at her tits since high school and hoped that being a woman would somehow give her the strength and professionalism to control herself, "I should be able to do it, I don't walk around all horny 24/7 like most men do..."

And while she was correct in rationalizing that she wasn't in heat all the time, her panties were damp at the moment...Nonetheless, she picked up her phone and texted Nick that she may have found a solution to his problem and asked that he contact her.

One minute later she got a response from him, "That's great news coach, I'm just outside the building hangin out, I'll come back up if it's okay?"

"Sure Nick, I'll be here," She texted back before adjusting her shirt again. Her hard nipples were still pressing roughly against her bra.

Five minutes later he entered her office, "Coach, thank you so much for your help. I can't believe you found someone so fast, I must have called ten places!" He lied.

"Yeah, amazingly it was the first place I called. I found them on Yelp." She smiled. "They said they specialize in unique requests."

"Hmm, I'm surprised this is such a unique request, I can't be the only guy with this problem, but I'm so glad you found someone who could handle it," Nick said with a straight face.

Abbie thought to herself, "You're the only guy that I'm aware of with this 'problem' in all my years of being in competitive dive or swimming!" She fought back her embarrassment and replied, "Okay, so they said they need the following from you for a quote: a sample of one of your current suits to use as a template, or a picture of you in your current suit with measurements."

"Measurements? Like of my junk?" Nick asked incredulously with a big laugh.

"No," she responded nervously, "I asked the same question. No they..."

Before she could finish, he interrupted, "You asked that too? Damn, that would be really embarrassing, having to measure it and shit!" He laughed.

Abbie got an uncomfortable look on her face, "No Nick, they need a waist measurement around your rear and where it...uh...protrudes...the most in the front."

"Protrudes, what does that mean?" He asked, obviously knowing what the word meant, but seizing the opportunity to have her explain it further.

She looked at him in astonishment, but kept a straight face as she didn't want to make him feel stupid, "Where it...uh...sticks out the most."

"Bingo," he thought to himself, "I now have her talking about it!"

He answered, "Okay coach that makes sense, I should have known what that meant. That shouldn't be too hard to come up with; I think a girl in my apartment building has one of those soft measuring tapes." He thought for a moment of asking if Abbie had one and if she would help in taking his measurements, but he figured he'd already taken this far enough and didn't want to make her too suspicious, plus he didn't actually have any of his Speedo's with him.

"I don't have a car to take them a sample, where should I text the picture and measurement information too?"

"Oh darn...I didn't get a cell number or email address. Let me call them again and get it. She re-dialed the number and hit the speaker button, after several rings the old woman's voice came on a recorded response, "Thank you for cahing Angie's Arterations..." Abbie and Nick smiled at each other. "...We not here right now but we sorve your arteration probrems! Leave message or emair us at [email protected]."

Abbie hit the off button and both of them laughed at the cute recording.

"Coach, thanks for taking time out of your schedule to help me with this, I know you must be really busy with school just getting going and fall practice starting up."

"No probrem Nick!" Abbie joked and they both laughed. "No seriously, glad I could help. Good luck!"

Nick then asked, "So assuming the quote is reasonable, I would then have to take them a sample of one of my existing suits and all my Hornet ones? Did they say how long it would take?"

"She said very quickwy..." They both laughed again. Nick thought to himself that in addition to his new coach being hot as hell, she was pretty fun to be around too. He hadn't really seen this side of her at the recruiting interview or the orientation meeting.

"Sounds great, could you write their address down for me."

"Oh sure", as she reached for a post-it note Abbie suddenly realized their shop was located in Citrus Heights, "Jeez Nick, I didn't realize they are just down the street from Justin and I."

Suddenly a devious thought occurred to him, "Wow, small world coach. Say do you know if there is a muni bus that runs up there from down here?"

"Yeah I think there is, but you taking a bus all the way up there just to drop that stuff off seems kind of silly...why don't I drop it off for you on my way home, if you want."

"Cha-ching!" Nick thought to himself again, "Coach, I can't ask you to do that, you've already done too much already. I can take the bus, it's no big deal."

"Nick, I drive right by there, I really don't mind."

"Thank you so much coach, that's a really nice gesture! I doubt there are too many coaches at this school that would do so much for one of their athletes, especially one that hasn't even taken a single dive yet!"

"Well you owe me one!" She giggled. "Come out to fall practice and show everyone that form that made you one of our top recruits this year!"

"You bet I will coach! How late will you be here today, I don't have class this afternoon and I could run back to my apartment and get the sample suit and my Hornet Speedo's."

"I'll be here till 4, but don't you want to wait for the quote first?"

"Nah, I'm going to try and get the girls upstairs from me to help with the measurements and then email them over to the seamstress with the photo as soon as I get back. I'll tell them it's urgent and hopefully they can get back to me quickwy!" He joked and they both laughed again.

"Sounds like a plan!" Abbie smiled and showed him out the door.

As she stood, Nick caught a glimpse of one of her nipples pressing firmly against her tank top underneath her open outer layer. Based on her earlier diverted response to his Speedo problem and now seeing her seemingly aroused tit, Nick suspected the first step in his devious plan had accomplished its objective. He felt his cock swell as he concluded his gorgeous 27-year-old dive coach might actually be an achievable conquest.

But as good as things had gone already, Nick Thomas wasn't quite done leveraging the Speedo problem.

On his way back to his apartment, Nick texted Tess Lewis; the cute blonde from Santa Cruz lived two floors above him, but she'd already spent several nights at his place. Nick had nailed the horny senior economics major the first weekend in his new apartment and now she was basically his little fuck slut, "Hey watcha doin?"

"Nothing...just hanging out."

"You feel like having a little fun?"


"Now. I'm on my way back to my apartment. The door's open, go down there and climb into bed. I got something big and black that wants something pink and wet!"

"You're such a dick, I can't believe you think you can just text me in the middle of the day and ask me to meet you for sex!"

"I ain't asking, I'm telling! And bring that measuring tape thing you used to measure my cock with last week!"

"Fuck you asshole!"

Nick laughed when he read her final response, "She'll be there..." He said to himself as he hurried along the shade covered, tree-lined street in the Sacramento heat. He was sweating profusely when he got back to his apartment. He opened the door and immediately inhaled the scent of Tess's perfume; he smiled widely as he was correct in assuming the horny blonde would be waiting for him. Nick was already half-naked by the time he entered his room. The hottie was already in his bed...she wasn't wearing anything.

"I thought you told me to fuck off!" He said as he unbuttoned his shorts and let them fall to the floor.

Tess got a hungry smile on her face as she stared at the outline of his huge cock beneath his boxer briefs, "Yes, I did say fuck you, but what I meant to say was fuck me!" She giggled as she kicked off the covers and revealed her rocking naked body with her runner's legs spread wide, "You know I want that big fucking black cock all the time!"

Nick pulled down the band of his tight briefs and flopped out his heavy log, "You mean this, crawl over and come get some of it slut," he ordered as he moved towards the bed.

Within seconds her lips were engulfed around the fat head as her hands took turns squeezing his huge balls and stroking the unfathomable length that wasn't already in her mouth.

"That's it bitch, you know you need that black stick...suck it like I taught ya...uh-huh...that's it now! Ain't no white beach boys in Santa Cruz giving you that kind of shit is there?"

The hot little blonde only grunted and shook her head as she hungrily sucked his cock like her life depended on it.

He continued, "No slut, that right there is some grade-A valley-raised Stockton nigger dick! Suck that shit! Get it all good and wet!"

He pulled his cock from between her lips and slapped it heavily around her pretty face. She tried to follow it with her fluttering tongue, but his fat dick was still only partially hard, contributing to its teasing evasiveness and causing her spit to splatter from her forehead to her chin. Nick smeared it around before pushing it roughly back into her welcoming mouth. He wrapped his hands around her head and steadily pulled her mouth down his shaft.

Only two weeks earlier Tess Lewis had been simply a dome diva, but he'd since taught her how to relax her gullet and take him down her heavenly throat. Now a quart of blood flowed to his huge cock as it had sunk past the 6 inch mark and her tongue and warm wet throat coaxed maximum hardness from his magnificence, "Play with my balls...take one in each hand...uh-huh...yeah just like that slut!"

She sucked him deep for the next several minutes before she pulled it out with her saliva dripping from it, "Fuck me Nick, I want it so bad!"

"Get on your hands and knees bitch!" He grunted. Nick played it up, he'd learned that the little Santa Cruz hottie got off on the dirty talk.

She quickly rolled over onto all fours and wiggled her hot bubble ass in front of him as she looked back over her shoulder and swung her thick blonde hair to the side, "Don't make me beg Nicky, my little pussy is so wet for you!"

He gripped his dick and smeared the oversized head around her ass and pussy lips, "You want this shit slut?"

"God yes baby! Please put it in, I want it so bad!"

Nick brought the head to her puffy pink lips and pressed firmly. The head popped inside as Tess moaned loudly. Over the next twenty minutes the petite blonde climaxed three times as his big balls bounced off her sated clit and his cock took up residence in places never discovered by other guys before him. She collapsed on the bed completely spent following the best orgasm she could remember.

As she lay there covered in sweat and gasping for breath, she looked back over her shoulder, "Jesus, how did you not cum?"

"I wasn't ready yet, I need you to do something for me first..."

"First? First before what? What are you talking about, you just practically fucked my brains out?"

Nick's semi-hard cock popped from her soaked pussy lips as he scooted off the bed.

"Where are you going?" She asked while staring at his log as it flopped heavily from side to side, shiny from her juices. Nick didn't answer. He moved across the room and reached into his dive bag. He pulled out one of his practice Speedos and slipped it on.

"Why the fuck are you putting that on? Are you leaving or something?"

"No, I need you to take a picture of me in it." He said as he stretched the front of the suit over his swollen cock while pulling it on.

Her eyes got huge as she noticed how obscenely big he looked in the little suit, "A picture? Now? Are we even done having didn't even cum?" She asked, confused by the whole situation.

"No, I'm gonna get my nut in a minute when you suck me off, but I want my balls full for the picture!"

"Your balls full? I don't get it. Why now?"

"Don't fucking worry about it, I'll explain later, just get your phone and that measuring tape thing. I also need you to take a couple of measurements." She questioningly climbed off the bed and pulled her cell phone and garment tape from her purse. Meanwhile Nick dropped to the floor and started pumping out push-ups at a pace she'd never seen before.

"What is this picture for anyway?"

He didn't answer as he pushed past the 50 mark on his way to 100. When he was done, he stood and Tess immediately noticed how his chest and arms looked suddenly pumped up, even from their usual impressiveness. She watched as the black stud grabbed his now limp cock and big balls through suit and massaged them against the fabric. He looked down to confirm that some of their combined wetness seeped through the thin material.

"What are you doing?" She asked, now even more confused than before.

"Need to get my scent on it!"

"Your scent? On the Speedo, what the hell for...and I think you meant our scent?"

"Just get your phone ready, I want the pictures taken while I'm still yoked up. Okay, take the first one from the front, get my whole body in it." She did as he instructed. He then turned to the side, "Okay, take one from this angle." She did that as well.

"Let me see..."

She handed him her phone; he admired how good his muscled body and his huge bulge looked in both shots, "Okay, send those to me and then wrap that tape around my waist." Again she did as he requested. She sent the two photos to his phone before wrapping the measuring tape around his rigid six-pack abs, "Thirty-two inches," she announced.

"Yeah that sounds about right. Okay now wrap that thing around my ass and measure it in the front around where my cock sits."

"Why would someone need that measurement?"

He looked at her irritatingly. She got the hint and took the measurement, "Forty-six inches."

"Okay good," he said as he peeled the suit back over his cock and down his hips. As it dropped to the floor, he stepped forward and held his cock out in front of her face. Nick knew it would be a little tight getting back to campus before 4:00 p.m., but he had his priorities, he was going to get his nut first, "Suck that big cock baby!"

Twenty five minutes later he dialed the number from his cell phone.

"Hi, this is Abbie," his coach answered cheerily.

"Oh hi coach, it's Nick Thomas, are you busy?"

"Hey Nick, long time no talk!" She joked and they both laughed.

"Yeah, I spent the last couple of hours trading services with a girl from my apartment building. I gave her some intense personal training in exchange for her help with the measurement stuff...that's what I'm calling about. I hate to be a pain in the butt, but remember how I told you I was still trying to get my computer and email working. Well, I didn't think about it when we talked earlier, but I don't have a means to email those photos to the alteration shop. I called over there to see if I could get a cell number to text them, but there was no answer again. I hate to wait another day, so I was hoping I could text them to you and have you email them for me?"

Abbie hesitated momentarily, "Your friend couldn't email them for you?"

Nick hadn't expected that question, causing him to stutter, " she couldn't, she is...uh...having the same IT problems I am."

"Hmm...sounds like the school needs to get their IT act together, but yeah I guess I could do it for you." Abbie replied apprehensively.

"Oh thanks coach, sorry to be such a pain in your butt, but I really appreciate your help!" Nick said as he envisioned his cock pressed up roughly against his coach's tight bubble ass.

"Yeah, hopefully you can get everything resolved with your computer. I don't mind helping you out, but I can't make a habit of doing things like this..."

"Yes, I understand completely. Thanks again. I'll text the pics and then I'll leave soon to bring my suits over for you to take to the place."

"Okay, I'll see you in a bit." She answered, this time with a little less friendliness in her tone.

"Shit I hope I didn't take it one step too far, but I bet she won't be able to resist looking at those photos before she sends them!" Nick said to himself as he typed the text message to his coach, "Coach Abbie, attached are the two photos. Also can you pass along the following measurements: Waist = 32 inches; Largest point = 46 inches."

Minutes later, Nick Thomas walked onto campus with two bags in his backpack. One contained all of his new Hornet swimsuits, the other was a Ziplock with the "sample" suit inside. It would take him about 15 minutes to walk all the way across campus over to the Exercise Sciences department offices.

Meanwhile, Abbie Dawson's phone pinged. She looked down to see a text message from Nick Thomas. See suddenly felt butterflies in her belly as she clicked on the message. "46 INCHES..." was the first thing that jumped out as she read it. Then as she scrolled down to the images, she suddenly felt a tightness in her throat; both pictures showed Nick dressed in only his Speedo swimsuit. Abbie immediately noticed how buffed he looked in both shots. She comparatively recalled the dive audition videos and was surprised as to how much more muscular he appeared now, six months later. She forwarded the message to her email.

The email message popped up in her Outlook. Again with nervous anticipation she clicked on it and now much larger images popped up on her desktop screen. She resisted the urge to inspect them more closely, instead forwarding the email to the alteration shop with some detail about whose pictures they were and confirming she would be bringing the sample and the suits in need of alterations by the shop before it closed.

Abbie went back to her lesson plan preparations. She tried her best to concentrate on her work, but as the minutes ticked by, her mind kept wandering back to the images sitting only a click away. She checked her watch and tried to reconcile when she had spoken to Nick on the phone, "He couldn't possibly be here for another 10 minutes even if he left immediately..."

She returned to her Outlook and took a deep breath as she clicked on the email message.

Five minutes later, Nick walked quietly down the hallway towards the open door to Abbie Dawson's office. He approached from the hinged side. Through the crack between the jamb and the door, he could see a partial view of the back of Coach Abbie's shoulder and her computer monitor.

What he saw on her screen surprised even him.

A zoomed in image of his Speedo swimsuit filled her entire screen. He then heard her mutter quietly, "Jesus..."

Nick stood perfectly still and glanced down the hallway to make sure no one was coming. He watched in silence as his coach kept the blown-up image on her monitor for several seconds before she toggled back to the full-size image of him from the front. She then clicked on the other picture, moments later the zoom function engaged again and the focus was aimed at his Speedo bulge from the side view. Nick listened proudly as he heard her whisper breathlessly, " big..."

Nick could not have hoped for a better development, but decided not to push it any further at this point. He slowly backed away and moved twenty feet back from the direction he had come. He held his phone to his ear, moved back in the direction of his coach's office and spoke loudly, "Yeah I just heard about that, pretty fucking great huh? Hey man I gotta go, I have a meeting with my coach...okay bro, I'll catch up with you later!" His final words spoken just as he neared Abbie's door. "Knock, knock," he called out as he knuckled her open door.

"C'mon in..."

His coach was still sitting in her office chair with a lesson plan on her screen as Nick turned the corner. She smiled up at him, her face flushed, "I got your text and emailed it to the alteration shop. I saw the measurements; I assume the pictures were the ones the Asian woman asked for?"

"Oh I'm glad you just forwarded them, I felt very embarrassed sending them through my coach, sorry again for having to involve you in all of this." Nick lied. "I know you have much more important things to do than mess around with my stupid pictures!"

"They didn't look...uh...I mean...I'm sure they aren't stupid Nick, hopefully they will provide the seamstress with all she needs to alter your suits."

Nick picked up on her faux pas.

Realizing it herself and hoping to minimize her gaffe, she pointed to his backpack, "Do you have your Hornet suits in there?"

He lowered the pack from his shoulder and pulled out two bags, "Yeah coach, these are the five Hornet suits that need alterations. Also, I included one of my existing suits if she wants to use it as a...what do they call it?"

"A template?" Abbie chimed with a smile.

"Yeah, a template."

"Are you going to call the shop with a credit card?" His coach asked.

"Oh damn, I don't have a credit card. My mom says those things are evil. Do you think I can Venmo her? Either that..." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a huge wad of bills, "...or I could pay with cash."

Abbie's eyes got really big, "Do you always carry that much cash around?"

"...Oh this, shit no I don't usually have this much on me, but it was a good payout week and I haven't made it to the bank yet."

Abbie looked at him questioningly, "Nick, please don't forget that Coach Justin and I have strict rules about cursing and I don't think it's real safe having that much cash in your pocket, you should get to the bank right away. I'll ask the alteration shop if they take Venmo when I drop off the suits." She looked at her watch, "I better get going if I'm going to get there before 5:00 p.m."

"Sorry about the cursing coach, I'll do my best to not do that shi...oops." He grinned apologetically, "I better get out of here before I say something else stupid. Thanks again for doing this coach!"

"No worries, just make us proud this year Nick," she replied with a smile.

"I will coach, don't worry about that! You can count on it!"

His confidence was undeniable.

After he left, she collected her things and reached for Nick's bags. The larger one containing the Hornet suits rested on top, but as she picked it up, the smaller bag fell to the floor. She reached down to grab it, but as she did so, she quickly noticed something odd about it; there was condensation inside the bag, "That's weird, it must have still been damp when he put it in the bag. I should let it dry out before I drop it off," she said to herself as she opened the Ziplock. She was immediately struck by the aroma that wafted from the bag. At first she thought it was just a masculine smell, but as she inhaled again, the scent clearly contained another scent, "Is that a woman's vagina? OMG it smells like sex!"

Abbie quickly closed the bag, "What the hell was he thinking, bringing a dirty suit to use as a sample...especially one that smells like sex!" She disgustingly stuffed both bags into her purse and hurried out of her office. A million thoughts were going through her mind as she hurried out to her car. It was pushing 100 degrees outside and a light sheen of sweat covered her face as she tossed her purse on the passenger seat and turned the air conditioner on high. Suddenly a thought occurred to her, "That's going to be really awkward handing off that damp suit...oh God, I don't want to open that bag again...shit."

Moments later she hesitantly pulled out the small bag, delicately removed Nick's Speedo and tossed it up on the passenger side dashboard. An overwhelming pungent aroma of sex quickly mixed with the hot air in the car. Abbie shook her head, "What the hell were Justin and I thinking in giving him that final scholarship...this guy is trouble! And what was with the huge roll of bills? College students don't have that kind of money, is he selling d**gs or something? What did he mean by 'It was a good payout week?'"

She debated calling Justin, but decided against it. She still hadn't decided whether she would even tell him about this whole swimsuit escapade and besides she was already committed to making the drop-off at the alterations shop. She couldn't see any value in involving him at this point.

As she drove, the smell of sex grew stronger in her car. Abbie's mind began to wander; images of what she'd seen on her computer monitor began filling her mind, "He said he was going to get a girl from his apartment to take the photos and measure his "junk". Is that her scent on his suit? Did they have sex this afternoon? How many times did that horny bitch cum on his big black beautiful co...? Jesus Abbie, what the hell are you thinking about?" She scolded herself, but not before briefly rubbing her hand between her legs.

She tried to take her mind off of the afternoon's events by concentrating on her lesson plans, but the overwhelming smell of sex kept bringing her back to thoughts of him, "I wonder if he noticed that stupid slip-up I made about looking at his pictures, God I hope not!"

Abbie finally pulled into the parking lot of the alteration shop. She didn't know why, but she felt a strange sense of embarrassment as she packaged Nick's Speedo back into the bag and went inside. A small Asian woman who appeared exactly as Abbie had pictured her shuffled to the counter, "How can I hep you young yady?"

Abbie's face flushed, "Um...I'm the one who called you before about the swimsuit alterations..."

"Oh, you the yady with big probrem! Hee hee..."

"It's not my probrem...I mean problem," Abbie said flustered, "As I said before, he is one of the athletes on my team. Did you get my email with the measurements and pictures?"

"Yes...46 inch bery big budge...nice pictures...had to look twice! Hee hee..." The old Vietnamese woman admitted with a naughty gleam in her eye as she waved her hand near her face to suggest the photos had made her hot, "But no need meashments or pictures if have sampah, does fit him?"

Abbie's face blushed red again, "Does it fit him? I guess saw the pictures. I don't think he would have given me a sample that didn' you didn't even need the measurements and pictures after all?"

"No no, sampah work...let see." The little Asian woman replied as she reached for the bags in Abbie's hands.

Abbie noticed a small amount of condensation still on the inside of the sample bag. She held her breath as the old woman raised and studied both bags, "This sampah?"

Abbie gulped and nodded.

The cute lady opened the bag and immediately frowned sourly, "...eeh stinky...we wash!"

"...Yeah...he...uh...didn't clean it...I don't think." Jenna admitted uncomfortably.

"You both have nooky-nooky before he try on?"

"No, of course not! Like I told you, this isn't my husband's suit!" Abbie suddenly felt like she was getting the third degree from a Vietnamese Doctor Ruth.

The old woman held it up and observed all the added material, obviously concluding that whoever wore it had quite the package, "Too bad for you...not husband! Hee hee! Fifteen dahyers each, we have ready day after morrow..."

Abbie cringed from initial comment, but then responded with a forced smile, "Oh, that's wonderful you can get them done so soon! Do you take Venmo?"

"No, only Visa, MasterCard, and cash!"

"Oh shit...I'll have to pay for it and have him pay me back," Abbie muttered under her breath.

"What you say?"

"Oh nothing, I'll pick them up in a couple of days. Thank you!"

"You wecome, glad we hep with your BIG PROBREM...Hee hee!"

Abbie gave her one final thankful yet irritated gaze before she walked out of the store.


Back in Nick Thomas' apartment, Tess Lewis pulled his big black cock from her mouth, "So is she hot?"

"Fuck Yeah! Really Hot!" He answered before pushing the dark purple head back between her lips.

She sucked it enthusiastically before yanking it out again and licking excitedly around the head with her talented tongue, "But she's married right? Isn't her husband the other coach?"

This time he guided her mouth to his huge swollen nuts, "Yes, they are a coaching pair. He's cool, but I just get this vibe that they're into swinging or something. She seems pretty naïve, but I get this nervous sense from her that she's intrigued by a black man...yeah suck on em' like the other one...uh-huh. And when I say a black man, I am referring to the man whose big black balls you are sucking right now slut!"

Between sloppy kisses of his ebony nut sack Tess breathed, "If she's smart, she'll convince her husband to let her have this amazing cock and cum-filled nuts! I still can't believe you got her involved in your Speedo shit show!"

"You got that right!" He laughed. "That bitch got her first close up view of my package in it today."

Tess ran her wet tongue all along his fat cock and nibbled and sucked the fleshy skin just beneath his dark dome before she spoke, "So the pics were really up on her computer screen and zoomed in on your junk?"

"Yeah, and I heard her gasp at how big that shit was. I bet that horny bitch hasn't stopped looking at those photos since!" Nick laughed as he removed Tess' lips from his cock and pulled her on top of him as he lay back on the bed, "Come ride this fucker slut!"

"You bet I will!" She smiled excitedly as she mounted his huge cock and gloriously impaled herself, "Oh God...fuck that feels good...I could never get tired of your awesome cock Nick!"

The diver grinned knowingly, she wasn't the first woman who had muttered those words to him. Perhaps it was the blonde hair and perky tits, but Tess reminded him of a slightly younger version of Faith Nichols, the married high-school math teacher that he'd fucked so thoroughly his senior year before they got caught having anal sex on her desk late one afternoon.

He squeezed her perky tits, "So say I get inside my coaches pants one of these days, you think you'd be up for a threesome at some point?"

Tess' hands roamed over his muscled chest as she slowly moved up and down on his fat cock, "Uhn...Jeez...God Nick, you think you can not only get her to break her wedding vows, but to also want to do a three-way? Uhn...yeah...oh...fuck, but if she's as hot as you said, of course I'd be up for fucking her with you!"

"I don't know if she'd be into it, but I sure would like to see her eat your pussy while I pounded her doggy! Actually now that I think about it, I'd like to see you two in a sixty-nine while I fucked you hard from behind and when I get ready to nut, I'd pull it out and spew all over her gorgeous face and big fucking tits!"

"Oh God Nick...that does sound good! Uhn...fuck...oh...yeah...Is she really that hot? Big rack?"

"Fuck yeah, D-cups I'm guessing...I bet she'd love to have your fucking lips around her big nipples. I saw one of those things pressing against her shirt today after she was looking at my junk."

"Ummm, sounds good Nicky. Now I'm going to be rooting for you to seduce that bitch too! I just don't want the husband in the room when we fuck her! That would be fuckin weird..." She said with a laugh before she grunted contentedly and kissed him along his upper chest.

"I knew I could count on you Tess!" Nick laughed before he reached around and smacked her ass. "But that's an adventure for another day, right now you need to ride this cock like the slut you are!"


Fall 2017

"Well, one fall practice in the books," Justin said as he raised his beer glass and toasted it with Abbie's.

"Yeah, hopefully the rest go more smoothly than the first one," his gorgeous wife replied as she returned the gesture with a cute grin.

Justin laughed. "Yeah it was brutal when Nick Thomas basically belly-flopped on that first dive. I thought Tommy and his buddies were going to lose it. I have to give Nick credit for keeping his cool when Tommy made that snide remark about belly flops not scoring very well at state finals!"

"I know, but I did notice the death stare Nick gave Tommy afterwards!"

"Yeah I'm really glad that didn't escalate, probably due to Amber's admonishment of her boyfriend. I couldn't hear exactly what she was saying, but it was very apparent she was laying into him about making the belly flop comment. And Nick doesn't strike me as the type who would take too kindly to being made fun of like that. It's not like he is some freshman diver who might just chalk it up to young guy hazing."

"You're right about that, he's basically the same age as Tommy and the other upper class guys. Good thing the rest of his practice went better than that first dive!"

"Yeah, he really showed off some of his superior physical gifts after that. I can't wait for us to start working more with him one on one. The raw talent is there, I think it's really just up to us to bring it out. Did you see the height he got on his spring dives?"

"Yes, how could I miss it? I think he actually got higher than Tommy, but he really needs some help with his mechanics."

"Yeah I agree. Hey speaking of help, what was with that comment he made regarding your help with his problem last week?" Justin asked.

Abbie had hoped her husband hadn't picked up on the passing thank you Nick had made to her regarding his Speedo alterations. "Oh that," she responded trying not to make it sound like a big deal, "Yeah, he came to me about a problem with his Speedo order and I helped him get it resolved. I didn't tell you about it? I must have forgotten."

Justin looked at his gorgeous wife suspiciously, "No I don't recall you saying anything about it, what was the deal?"

Butterflies formed in her stomach, "Oh that's weird, I thought I did," Abbie lied, "Anyway it really wasn't a big deal, he just needed some alteration help." She held her breath hoping he wouldn't probe further.

She wouldn't be so lucky. Sensing something intriguing, Justin asked, "Alteration help with Speedo's? I've never heard of that before, what gives?"

Now wishing she had told him about it previously, Abbie took a swig from her beer hoping to come up with a reasonable explanation, "Uh, I guess when his Speedo order arrived, they didn't fit right..."

Sensing his wife wasn't telling him everything she knew and hoping this conversation would lead to a more provocative outcome, he probed further, "Didn't fit right, those things are usually just small, medium, and large. This isn't his first time diving, I'm sure he must know what size fits him?"

"Yeah...uh...I think the problem wasn't in the waist size..." Abbie answered before nervously taking another drink from her beer.

A light bulb went on and Justin now had a very good idea what they were talking about. His cock began to stiffen in his pants as he thought to himself, "I don't think it's a coincidence he brought this 'problem' to Abbie not me..." He put his wife on the spot and asked with a straight face, "I'm still confused, if it wasn't the waist, what else could it have been?"

Abbie cringed, not believing she was having this conversation with her husband and he wasn't already comprehending what they were talking about, " understanding it had to do with how they fit in"

Suddenly Justin allowed a knowing realization to form on his face, "Oh my God, he had to get his Speedo's altered to accommodate his junk?"

The beautiful coach subtly nodded her head, "Yeah I guess that was it."

"Holy shit! Was he wearing one of those altered suits today?"

"I don't know, I assume so," she lied. She didn't want to tell him, but she had picked up Nick's altered suits at the seamstress the previous afternoon on her way home from work. The young diver had stopped by her office earlier in the afternoon to collect them.

"Well I don't know if it was altered or not, but he sure stood out from the crowd at practice!" Justin laughed.

That fact hadn't been lost on Abbie as at one point, she actually thought Nick saw her checking out the lump in his trunks at practice. She wasn't the only one, coincidently she had overheard a couple of the older girls giggling and commenting on the size of Nick's huge bulge as he stood on the three meter board visualizing one of his dives.

"OMG, look at the six-pack on that new guy!" Gina Peterson gushed.

"Fuck the six-pack, check out the size of his package. I'm gonna look a lot more forward to practice this year!" Senior Christina Chin joked and they both laughed.

In response to Justin's previous statement Abbie now asked, "What do you mean," not wanting to make it obvious she knew exactly what he was talking about.

"C'mon Ab, everyone was talking about it. Say what you want, but the dude's got some serious junk under the hood!"

Abbie rolled her eyes with a nervous smile, "Justin..."

"Wait Ab, getting back to the Speedo thing, why did he bring his problem to you? His mom is only 40 miles away."

She cleared her throat, "Yeah...he said his mom had a friend that altered his suits in the past, but she moved this past year. I guess he came to me because I'm a woman, he probably thought I could best help him find a seamstress, which I did."

"Hmm, that had to have been a little awkward?" Justin asked with a suspicious tone in his voice.

Abbie did her best to downplay the question with a straight face, "Not really, I just connected him with a place I found on Yelp, I stayed out of the details..." She lied.

"Oh...okay..." Justin responded, suspecting she wasn't telling him everything. He then thought to himself, "This guy obviously has huge nuts, but pulling Abbie into this shitshow was a pretty ballsy thing to do, especially with me in the mix. He clearly has an ulterior motive!" His thoughts turned to the story about Nick getting expelled for fucking his married high school math teacher and knowing there was a precedent for his current actions.

To Abbie's relief, it appeared Justin was going to let the subject drop, but to be sure, she pushed the conversation in another direction, "You know there was something about this situation that really did concern me honey. When he was in my office, at one point he pulled a huge roll of bills from his backpack! It didn't look like something a college student would normally have."

"Oh is that right?" Justin asked, surprise in his voice.

"Yeah, I only saw it for a minute, but it was a huge wad."

Although it was a potentially concerning development, Justin still had to fight the temptation to joke about his wife mentioning Nick and a huge wad of anything, finally he replied, "I suppose there are plenty of viable explanations, but it does seem odd."

"Yeah honey, I sure hope he isn't selling d**gs or something!"

"I don't think we should jump to conclusions, but we certainly need to keep our eyes open. I'll be so disappointed if he blows this opportunity by doing something as stupid as selling d**gs."


Two months later

"Oh come on Abbie, you've really never been to a male dancer show before?" Her friend Sydney asked.

"No, it's not my kind of thing, but I'll go along if it's what Brie wants to do for her birthday."

"Shit girl, you don't know what you've been missing. All that muscle covered hotness, practically naked, thrusting and grinding right in front of you or better yet, touching you if you're lucky, it's intoxicating...not to mention the aroma of all that testosterone. And all those guys are hung; I'm getting wet just thinking about it!"

"Oh come on Syd..." Abbie laughed " I heard they are all gay anyway."

"They're not all gay Abbie. I've heard lots of stories of women hooking up with guys after the shows...and besides I don't care if they're gay are or not, I like looking and feeling them up, just imagining doing it with one of those guys is enough to get me off."

"Jeez Syd, you sound kind of hard-up!" Abbie giggled.

"Hey, all I know is Danny doesn't resemble any of them with his clothes off. But I have to admit, that aside from flirting and having fun at the show, I doubt I'd actually have the guts to hook up if the opportunity presented itself, but I sure like thinking about it. Having the image of all that cock and the memory of feeling up some of it will be enough to get me through until the next time I go back," Abbie's co-worker responded with her own laugh and a naughty smile on her face.

"You're scaring me Syd," Abbie joked. "So since I've never been to one before, are all these shows the same? I've heard of Chippendale's and Thunder from Down Under, but Masked Masculinity sounds sooo Sacramento. Is it as cheesy as the name implies?"

Sydney laughed, "Yeah I thought so too, until I saw it last spring. Those other shows have nothing on this one; the only difference is these guys all wear famous dude masks...actors, athletes, musicians etc. I know it sounds kind of weird, but once you see it, you won't feel that way; probably because you won't be looking at their masks anyway! I think having their true identities hidden, gives them more confidence to let their hair...and everything else down. I might be wrong, but I also can't help but wonder if they get more hot guys to strip, knowing no one will know who they really are."

"They're really that hot?"

"Oh my God, you have no idea Abbie! I promise you will leave there wanting to go home and tear Justin's clothes off."

Abbie giggled, "Okay, I'll take your word for it, but I'm still skeptical..."

"Trust me girl, you'll love it!"


The following week

"Yeah honey, remember I told you a few weeks ago that Anna and Sydney invited me to go with them for Brie's birthday to that male dancer show downtown this weekend. I feel silly even thinking about it, but it's how she wants to celebrate and I don't want to be the buzz kill."

"Baby, you ought to go and have a good time, I bet you'll have fun. I heard the ladies at those shows get a lot wilder and get away with a lot more than guys do at strip clubs. I saw somewhere that touching and groping is more condoned than at men's shows, seems kind of backward if you ask me. But knowing what I know about Brie and some of your other friends, I bet they'll get really into it - you ought to do the same Ab. You know I won't mind if you cop a feel or two along the way!"

"Yeah right Justin, you know I would never do that, I find the whole thing kind of weird...grown women throwing themselves at cheesy dancers, most of whom are probably gay anyway!"

"Who gives a shit if they're gay, they're out there to show off their goods and if you want to have a little fun groping man meat, you know I'm okay with it!"

She gave him a disgusted look, "Justin, why would you possibly want me to feel-up another guy?"

"Baby, you know I love you more than anything in this world...but I've always fantasized about seeing your beautiful body being pleasured by a truly endowed man. So why should I care if you grope one?"

"Oh, here we go with this creepy topic again, I can't imagine you would actually be able to handle it if I brought home one of those dancers. I bet you would freak out and have a meltdown!"

"Only from arousal!"

"Oh bullshit Justin, I don't buy that for a second," Abbie responded before deciding to test him. "You mean if I brought home some muscle covered hunk and took him in our room and had sex with him, you wouldn't have a problem with it?"

"I don't think long as I got to watch." Her husband replied with a guilty grin.

Abbie stared at him incredulously, "C'mon babe, if I walked in with a stranger, both of us hot and excited from making out in his car, and I took him into the kitchen and made us both a cocktail and then I hopped up on the counter and he moved between my legs until I could feel his massive bulge against me, you would just sit on the couch and let it happen?"

"Depends on what happened next." Justin replied excitedly, hoping it would spur her on to tell him more of the story.

Abbie, still trying to make sense of her husband's disturbing fetish, decided to play along, "He would bring his lips to mine and we'd start back up where we left off in his car. His tongue would slip into my mouth and I would moan and wetly suck on it, all the while he'd be grinding himself between my legs. I wouldn't be able to control my excitement at his size and hardness as my hands would reach around and pull his rock-hard butt closer to me."

"Jesus Abbie, then what?"

She rolled her eyes before continuing, "His big hands would reach up and squeeze my boobs through my shirt. He'd groan his approval and tell me he can't wait to taste them. My nipples would be so hard they'd start to hurt from pressing against my bra. Sensing my discomfort, he would say, "Let's fix your problem baby, get this shirt off!"

She continued, "Something about his directness turns me on so much that I immediately start to sexily unbutton it for him. He moves away, takes a big swig from his drink, and watches as I strip for him. I see his eyes grow as he sees my lacy bra appear and he nods his approval when I finally get my shirt undone and it parts, exposing my breasts to him. He loves the way they look over my flat tummy - he tells me to show them to him!"

"Fuck, what am I doing while this is all going on?"

"I have no idea, I'm only focused on him as he removes his own shirt and the sight of his muscle covered chest and huge arms makes me gasp out loud. I reach down and slowly unclasp my bra and he cockily smiles his approval as I slowly spread it and show him what he wants to see!"

"Son of a...fuck Abbie, this is too much. My dick is so hard right now!"

"Not as hard as his as he moves back close and tells me to touch him. My hands can't get to his pants fast enough as I excitedly rub between his legs. I think back to how big he felt when I groped him while he danced on stage, but now he is rock hard and his size is...well...captivating! One of my hands cups his huge testicles while the other rubs along his penis until I find the head about halfway down his thigh. I breathe into his ear and tell him I love how big he is and ask what he wants me to do next."

"What does he ask you to do honey? And please use dirtier sex words to describe it!" Justin replies, excitement building in his voice.

Abbie again studied her husband incredulously, she couldn't believe he was really getting into this. However, as awkward as it felt to describe the encounter, she had to admit it was turning her on too. She continued, "He doesn't ask me anything...he tells me...he tells me to climb off the counter, get down on my knees and suck his big!"

"Oh my God Ab, do you do it? Do you suck that huge thing?"

"Of course I do! By then I'm so horny Justin - I can't wait to please him!"

"Damn honey, since when are you so submissive and into giving head?"

"At this point, all I want is his dick and I'll do anything for it. I'm now completely topless, and as I jump down from the counter, I can tell he likes the way my tits jiggle and bounce as I kneel for him. From my knees I kiss along the outline of his cock through his pants while my hands rub along his rock hard abs and up to his chest. I can feel the wetness in my panties as I reach for his belt; I excitedly get it and his pants undone and pull them down to his ankles. When I look back up, my mouth is only inches from the most beautiful dick I've ever seen in my life!"

"Oh my God big is he?"

"Huge...way bigger than yours. It's indescribable...long and thick and so hard! I try to wrap my hands around it, but my fingers can't even touch. The heat coming off nearly burns my palms until he tells me to get it wet. I lower my lips above the head and let my spit ooze onto it. I slide my hand up and cup my saliva and palm the slippery head. But I realize quickly, the heat and size are too much, so I spit on it again. This time I keep hold of it and run my wet tongue slowly from the sensitive flesh just below the head all the way down the underside to his huge balls. He nods and tells me to do it again as he takes my hair in his hands and guides my mouth along it."

Justin had never heard his wife talk this way, he didn't even know she could, but he fucking loved it and didn't want her to stop, "Jesus Abbie, how does he taste?"

"Like a man should...musky and masculine. I inhale his scent and my nipples get harder than they've ever been. I can feel my wetness soaking the inside of my thighs. I can't wait any longer to take him in my mouth. He groans and grips my head firmly as I swirl my tongue around and around."

"This is so good Ab, does giving him head turn you on?"

"Of course it does, but you watching starts to creep him out. After a while, he pulls my lips from his cock and leads me to our bedroom. He closes the door behind us and tells me to get on the bed."

"I don't get to watch?"

"I tell him my husband wants to watch us, but he says he can come in later, he doesn't want you getting in the way."

"Getting in the way...fuck that guy!"

"He says your husband can listen to us fuck through the door. He says to let him use his imagination to envision how good I'm fucking you when I make you moan and scream out loud!"

"That's fucked up Ab, of course I want to watch...but if I can't, tell me what happens after the door closes?" Justin asks, basically accepting the new rules.

She rolls her eyes and laughs, "You snap out of this crazy fantasy and finally realize how messed-up it is that you get aroused thinking about your wife having sex with another man!" Abbie says exasperatingly. "Maybe I shouldn't go to this show - you'll be too disappointed when I come home alone!"

"Shit Abbie, you can't stop now! It's just a fun fantasy. C'mon, tell me what happens after the door closes."

Abbie looked at him incredulously, but she couldn't deny that making up the story sparked something erotically intoxicating in her as well. After a brief moment of indecision, a naughty look came to her face before biting her lower lip. She moved close to him and let her tongue slip from between her lips as she moaned in his ear, "Let's go in our room and I'll tell you the rest!"

Justin was blown away that his conservative wife was actually playing along with this naughty game.

Once inside, Abbie crawled up on the bed, "Since he isn't here, you get to play his part! Aside from not know..." she teased as she looked down at his dick. She didn't need to say anything more, they both knew she was referring to his average size, "...Do you think you can handle it?" She asked with a giggle and a playful smirk.

Justin momentarily cringed at Abbie's playful jab, "I'll do my best, what should I do?"

"Stand there next to the bed and do what I tell you! Are you ready?"

He nodded excitedly.

"When we get in the room I ask him again if my husband can watch, he tells me it's either going to happen with the door closed or not at all. Of course, I don't push it anymore as I'm so hot by then, that I can't possibly let him go without feeling him inside me. I climb up on our bed like this, lift by butt off the mattress and slide my jeans down to my knees."

Justin watched excitedly as his sexy wife's g-string and smooth thighs came into view.

"He grabs my ankles and lifts them up near his shoulders. I gasp out loud as he maneuvers me close to him while he remains standing next to the bed with his six-pack abs flexed and huge cock sticking out."

Justin was beginning to understand how this game was supposed to work. He aggressively reached down and grabbed Abbie's ankles and pulled them up near his shoulders. They both glanced down at his rock hard 6" cock before he looked back at her impishly and shrugged his shoulders.

Abbie got a cute, "It'll have to do" smile on her face. She continued, "He pulls my pants from my ankles one leg at a time and tosses them aside. I'm now nearly upside down as my head and neck are the only things touching the bed and my panties are the only thing concealing my body. He tells me to touch myself between my legs to get it ready for his size."

"Jesus Abbie, this is so good!" Justin groans as he fulfills the male-stripper's role while using every ounce of strength to pull her up to him.

"I reach up and sexily slip my hand inside my panties and immediately feel how wet and slippery I am, all the while he watches my fingers moving around while holding my feet against his shoulders."

Justin's eyes got huge as Abbie slipped her hand inside her panties and played with her clit directly in front of him.

"Finally he tells me to keep touching myself as he reaches out with one hand and yanks my panties to my knees. I gasp out loud before he leans forward, inhales my scent and grunts, "Yeah, get that pussy all wet for me bitch and reach back with your other hand and stroke my big cock!"

"He actually says that? He calls you a bitch?" Justin asks excitedly as he tries to remember the last time he heard her use the words "bitch or pussy".

Abbie nodded and then helped her aroused husband do his part as he didn't have the strength to hold her up with one arm, but nevertheless, moments later he had his nose buried in her damp panties as he felt her reach out and grip his dick. He moaned out loud, "Fuck Abbie, that feels so good! I love this."

"Don't talk unless I tell you," she scolds with a cute smile, "I whimper in arousal when my fingers come in contact with his hardness again. It's so thick Justin I can't believe it. Then he asks me if I'm ready to get fucked hard in my marital bed. I simply nod nervously. He tells me to tell him I'm ready for his huge cock and to say it loud enough for your husband to hear it from outside the door. I hesitate momentarily before I shout urgently, "Please give me your huge beautiful cock and make me scream so my husband knows it's better than anything I've ever felt before!"

Justin stared at his wife, not believing the words coming out of her mouth. He wondered if the porn videos they'd now watched on a few occasions were having more of an effect on her than she'd previously admitted.

Abbie continued as the two of them were now nearly breathless, "He laughs and then lowers my ankles enough so that my butt comes to rest against his hardness. He slides me roughly forward and back across it and I can feel my juices dripping on it. It doesn't take long before I can feel my own wetness slide across my butt as his now slippery manhood lubricates me from behind. It feels so good..."

Justin, sensing the challenge, did his best to play his part, but there wasn't a whole lot of dick to slide her butt across. Still Abbie was wet enough he could feel her pussy juice soaking his shaft.

"Ab, I want us to do this role play thing a lot more often. I'm so turned on right now!"

His wife smiled a wicked smile, but didn't respond to his request, "He asks me how I want it and I tell him from behind."

"Oh my God Abbie, we rarely do it doggie, what the fuck?"

"Shut up and play your part," she rebukes with a devious smile, "He rolls me over and I get up on all fours for him. He reaches out and grabs my hips and pulls me back before I feel his rough hand slide up my back and push down on my neck until my face is buried in our comforter. I whimper loudly and he knows I can't wait! He makes me beg as he slides the huge head up and down my dripping lips. Finally Justin... I beg him to fuck me!"

"Oh God, without protection Ab?"

"I tell him I'm not on the pill and he has to pull out before he cums. But he doesn't say anything as he keeps rubbing it up and down my slit until I beg him to put it in!"

Justin couldn't remember ever being more aroused than he was at this moment as he watched in awe as his beautiful wife dropped her head against their mattress and wiggled her hot bubble ass against his dick. They both moaned together.

Abbie had clearly done her part in acting out this incredible fantasy; it was time for Justin to assume his role as studly male stripper. He grabbed his wife's incredible ass and shoved himself inside her dripping sex. Unfortunately her stunning performance, compromising body position, and dripping pussy were too much for her "male stripper" husband. Justin felt his balls tighten and before he could pull out to extend their passion, he exploded.

They collapsed together in a semi-frustrated fit of laughter. "Oh my God Abbie, I'm sorry I came so fast, but I've never been more turned on in all the year's we've been married."

She giggled from beneath him and teased, "I guess I will have to bring home a real stripper if I want to have satisfying powerful sex!"

Justin laughed, but wasn't quite sure how to respond, "Would you really do that?"

"Of course not Justin! I just wanted to prove to you how silly this whole idea really is. I don't want or need male strippers or other well-endowed men, you are my husband and I love everything about you...and everything about our life." She responded, but for the first time Justin sensed she might be holding something back.

Nonetheless he responded, "But you were so convincing, I've never heard or seen you act like that babe. I loved it Ab!"

"That was just acting honey...but maybe on your birthday or other special occasions I can act a little sluttier for you!" She giggled.

He rolled off and moved up close to her. He kissed her wetly, "C'mon Ab, that was so hot, you seemed like you enjoyed it too. Promise me you'll indulge me more often!"

She kissed him back and smiled, "I will admit, it was kind of fun. I will try to be a little more playful, but if I tell you I am uncomfortable or don't want to do something, you have to respect my wishes. Deal?"

"Yes, deal honey!"

"Okay then," she asked naughtily as she maneuvered her smooth leg over his, "Is that stripper ready for me to get on top?"

"Yes he is baby, yes he is!"


Several weeks later

Justin walked in and dropped his backpack on the high-backed stool and kissed Abbie on the lips while she prepared dinner. He went to the fridge and pulled out a Pliny the Elder Double IPA. Taylor Swift's early country tunes twanged from the Wifi speakers.

"How did the session go with Nick?" Abbie asked.

"Shit babe, I can't believe the progress he is making. Ever since we cleaned up his mechanics and started showing him videos, he just continues to get better and better. I'm really starting to think when the spring season starts, he is going to give Tommy a run for his money!"

"Yeah it's really hard to believe how much progress he has made in and out of the pool. I was so worried given his background about him fitting in the rest of the team, but his teammates really seem to be drawn to him. So much so that I think the men's team captain vote could be really close, we both know Tommy doesn't appeal to everyone, I think the younger guys especially will be in support of Nick. Remember last week when Tommy was gone on that business class trip, how the attitude at practice was so much better?"

"Yeah, well it started off on the right foot when Nick replaced Tommy's blasé Maroon 5 and Five for Fighting playlist with that hip-hop stuff! I can't say I like that rap crap very much, but these college k**s all love it! That practice had more energy than any we've had this fall!"

"I know, it was really funny to see all the skinny Asian freshman and sophomore boys on the edge of the pool dancing with Nick to that stuff. I felt a little bad allowing it to go on with every other word being a curse word, but it was too cute to stop." Abbie laughed.

"Yeah, in spite of our rules, I don't really care what they listen to as long as they practice like that. I've never experienced a better, more upbeat session from top to bottom...for both the boys and the girls!"

"Speaking of girls, did you notice that even Amber seemed more relaxed that day?" Abbie asked. "I haven't spoken to her about it, but it seems like things between her and Tommy have been pretty rocky lately."

"Well why wouldn't they? He is so possessive all the time!"

"You're lucky you weren't like that at UCSB Justin Dawson, I wouldn't have gone for that crap!" Abbie cautioned playfully with a flirty smile.

"C'mon honey, you know I've never been the jealous type...even back in those days when every guy on the pool deck was checking you out in your suit!" He responded with a playful grin as he set his beer down and walked up behind and pulled her hips against him.

"Oh shut up Justin, that never happened!" Abbie bantered over her shoulder with a guilty giggle.

"Bullshit...they all told me as much!" He reached up with both hands and squeezed her firm D-cups with both hands, "Your tits should have been banned from the deck, none of the guys could concentrate when you were bouncing on the springboard!"

"Stop it Justin!" She begged with another cute smile, "Why are all guys such pervs anyway?"

"We are just wired that way, all guys love big tits, it's a known fact!" He joked as he gave them a final squeeze and pulled away. "But getting back to your question, yeah Tommy seems to be getting worse all the time. Do you think it has anything to do with Nick?"

"You mean regarding Amber?"

"No, well I don't think just seems like Tommy isn't dealing well with all the attention Nick gets. All the guys seem to dig the dude and the girls...well you tell me...they seem pretty into him too!"

Immediately Abbie's thoughts turned to a situation she observed in the girl's locker room just the week before. She had heard through girl chatter that senior diver Christina Chin and Nick had had gone out a couple of times recently. Christina was a really cute Asian girl with a rocket body who next to Amber was considered the best female diver on the team and runner-up as hottest also. It hadn't surprised Abbie when she heard Christina and Nick had gone out.

As Abbie passed behind Christina and a small group of girls huddled in the locker room, she overheard the Asian girl enthusiastically exclaim, "Oh my God, you wouldn't believe it if I told you, but it was like the best night ever. He stayed over until five in the morning and we were in bed like the whole time! I'm so glad my roommate was at her boyfriend's cuz I was so loud! He's like amazing..." was the last thing Abbie heard as she passed, resisting the temptation to stop and awkwardly eavesdrop. She entered her office and looked back out through the windows at the circle just as Christina's face turned completely red and a big smile formed on it. Abbie could no longer hear what she was saying but she was pretty sure she could read her lips, "Fucking Huge..." were the words formed by Christina's lips as the pretty Asian girl held her hands up about a foot apart.

Immediately, the rest of the girl's eyes, including Amber's who was also part of the group, got huge as they covered their mouths in an attempt to conceal their astonishment. One of them asked a question and Christina nodded quickly with a guilty smile before they all busted out laughing.

At the time, Abbie remembered thinking that Christina must have been describing the length of Nick's erection, but she assumed the Asian girl couldn't possibly be correct in demonstrating its size. Nevertheless she felt her panties dampening as she wished she had heard exactly what Christina told her friends.


She suddenly heard Justin's voice.

"Abbie, I asked you a question..."

"...Oh, yeah I think they are okay with him...but I haven't heard any of them say anything specific." She answered absently.

Justin could tell his wife's mind was elsewhere, "I thought you told me you heard he was going out with Christina?"

"Yeah, yeah I did hear a rumor about that, but I don't know if it's true." She answered, now reengaged in the conversation but not sounding very convincing.

Justin stared at her skeptically before he spoke, "Well regardless about that, I've seen with my own eyes that most of the girls on the team seem kind of captivated by him. Wouldn't you agree?"

"I don't know if captivated is the right word, but I must admit, he is a lot more popular with everyone than I expected. Remember when I was concerned he might mess up team chemistry, I was obviously wrong about that!"

"Yeah he has fit in way better than we could have imagined. I'm still a little concerned about that roll of money you saw in his possession back at the start of the semester, but he hasn't done anything to suggest he is selling d**gs or anything like that, unless he is living some kind of double life..." Justin said with a nervous laugh.


Ironically, Abbie wasn't the only one who had been eavesdropping recently. Earlier that afternoon before their individual lesson, Nick Thomas happened to be walking by when he overheard Justin say to assistant swim coach Ted Riley, "Hey Ted, so we are set for Saturday night. Abbie and her girlfriends are going out to that male review show downtown...Masculine Meat or whatever it's called. Bring your favorite beer, a deck of cards, and a stogie. We'll start at 8:00 p.m. Buy-in is $50."

Nick's ears perked up and he stopped to listen from behind the adjacent lockers.

"Sounds good, I've been itching to get the fuck out of the house. My wife's been so bitchy lately. A night drinking and playing cards sounds like a lot of fun. So what is this show Abbie and her friends are going to?" Coach Ted asked interestedly.

"Hell if I know, it's like a Chippendale's kind of thing I think. Like I said it's called Masculine something...Anyway, it'll be good for her, she needs to get out and do more shit with her friends."

Nick immediately thought to himself that the coaches didn't practice what they preached when it came to profanity.

"It doesn't bother you your wife will be checking out a bunch of buffed dudes strutting around in banana hammocks?" Ted asked.

Nick listened closely for Justin's answer.

Justin laughed, "No, I don't think Abbie will get too crazy, she's a lot more on the conservative side than most of her desperate married friends. I think she thinks the whole thing is kind of cheesy anyway, she's only going because it's her friend Brie's birthday...besides I've heard most of those dudes are gay anyway!"

Deviously Nick thought, "Cheesy ain't gonna be the word she uses to describe it when it's over...and btw coach, if I didn't have dibs, all those so called 'gay' dudes would be trying to get in Coach Abbie's pants!"

"I don't know Justin, I had a buddy whose girlfriend went to Vegas on a girls weekend and ended up getting tag-teamed by a couple of male strippers after one of those shows! In spite of her bitchiness, I damn sure wouldn't let Sarah go to one, she already has a wandering eye...she might just be the one getting tag-teamed if I did!" Ted joked uncomfortably.

"Like I said, I trust Abbie...and besides, if she gets horned-up looking and perhaps feeling-up some of that big cock, hopefully she'll come home and take it out on me!" The two laughed out loud.

Nick picked up on the fact Justin seemed indifferent about Abbie going to the show. He also made a mental note of the name "Brie" and walked away thinking, "I think you can count on it coach!"


Sydney's text message said she would pick Abbie up at 5:30 p.m. and take her over to Brie's house for the pre-party. When Syd arrived, she was thrilled to see that Abbie dressed for the occasion, "Damn girl, I know it's Brie's birthday, but she's going to have trouble getting all those hot guys to pay attention to her, you look fucking hot! I love the boots."

Abbie was wearing a sleeveless button up that was fastened one connection lower than she typically wore, exposing a lot of cleavage, a short khaki jean skirt and cowgirl-style boots that accentuated her lithe tanned legs.

"You think? You look pretty cute yourself Syd!"

"This is the least amount of clothes Danny would let me leave the house in!" Her friend joked and they both laughed. "I hope you're in the mood to party...this is gonna be so fun Ab. I plan on getting really drunk tonight, you better too!"

"Justin and I don't have anything to do tomorrow; I might let my hair down a little..." Abbie bit her bottom lip before giggling with a mischievous grin.

"Yeah bitch! That's what I want to hear!" They both laughed again.

When they arrived, the rest of the women were already there, as was Brie's husband Dave. He was walking around topping off everyone's champagne and encouraging the women to drink up and enjoy themselves at the show. Abbie thought it was a little strange that he was completely okay with his wife choosing to do this for her birthday and to be so encouraging to her friends as well, but then she remembered that Justin had had no objections to her attending either, so maybe it wasn't that weird after all.

Dave topped Abbie's glass off for the second time and then headed back to the kitchen for another bottle. Abbie sipped the sparkling wine, the bubbles immediately tickling her nose. She always found it interesting how couples came to be together, especially those who didn't exactly match from a physical appearance perspective. While Dave seemed like the nicest guy in the world, Abbie wasn't real sure what Brie saw in him physically. She thought maybe he could have been more attractive earlier in life, but clearly now in his mid-30's he wasn't much to look at. Abbie figured he had to be at least 7-10 years older than Brie, on the shorter side, and clearly the past several years had been noticeably hard on his hairline. In addition, unlike his lithe wife, who Abbie knew to be a workout freak, Dave was definitely carrying around about twenty extra lb's.

Abbie had met Brie through Anna and Sydney at a friend's jewelry party the previous year. It was immediately apparent to her why the three of them hung around together. To say they were wild and crazy, would be doing a disservice to the phrase. They all liked to party, and for the most part, their husband's gave them plenty of freedom to have their fun.

But unlike Anna and Syd, both of whom were probably 6 out of 10's, Brie was quite the looker. She had long blonde hair, a gorgeous face, highlighted by deep green eyes, high cheek bones, and full sexy-shaped lips. On top of her beautiful looks, she had a body that could give Abbie's a run for its money. Her tits weren't quite as big, but still possessed C-cup fullness, appearing especially hot on her narrow shouldered frame. Her thin torso and flat tummy also contributed to the accentuation of her sweet round globes.

And while Abbie was always quite proud of her own ass, she wondered if it looked as good as Brie's (it did, but she couldn't see it from the angle she observed Brie's now). The blonde wife's butt had a perfect rounded bubble shape with inflated halves sandwiching a deep cleft crevice. It looked especially good in the short skirt she was fashioning on this night. And unlike Abbie's cute cowgirl boots, Brie was sporting a pair of 4" Stiletto style fuck-me heels, really showing off her well-toned legs.

"How about a round of shots ladies?" Dave shouted as he exited the kitchen carrying a tray of Don Julio tequila shot glasses. All the ladies cheered and gushed to Brie about how great her husband was. Once everyone was fully armed, Anna raised her glass and toasted with a naughty smile, "Here's to the birthday girl, hopefully the A-team of masked meat can handle us tonight. I gotta purse full of bills that ain't coming home with me, hope you ladies do too!"

Everyone laughed, cheered, and powered down their shots.

"Okay ladies, my buddy Chuck is going to be here in a few minutes to pick me up for a fishing trip up in the Sierras, so you are all in charge of making sure the birthday girl has a great time and that she makes it home safely! She can get as drunk as she wants and sleep the whole day away tomorrow!" Dave announced before he gave Brie a big hug and a kiss and all the girls cheered again and assured him his wife was in good hands.

She wouldn't end up in the same hands she was in now...


Nick Thomas headed into his manager's office, "Hey Bill what's up?"

"Hey BDN, how's it hanging?" His boss replied in a smiling response, referring to him in his well apt nickname...the acronym was short for Big Dick Nick.

"Low boss...hangin' low!" Nick joked and they both laughed.

"What can I do you for BDN?"

"Hey, there is a birthday party coming to the show tonight, I want to make sure they get a table right in the front."

"Anything for my best new performer, but you know they don't have to sit anywhere near the stage to still get a good view of that fuckin' Cobra in your g-string!" His boss joked.

"Yeah...yeah...that snake's been making you lots of money and you don't have to call me new anymore, I've been here like five months now Bill!"

"Damn Straight! You don't think I know that...but if I was a chick, I'd still let you fuck me with that thing just to thank you for gracing our stage with it. But, you aren't doing so bad for yourself either BDN, I see that wad of bills and some of the babes you walk out of here with!"

"You got that right boss!"

"So what's the deal with this birthday group? Some girls you know?"

"I know one of them pretty good and a couple of others teach at State. I just checked with Johnny, he said they are registered as a party of six under the birthday chick's name...Brie I think it is. Can we put them at table one in the front?"

"For you, we can do anything Nick! You trying to sneak that snake into some cave in particular?"

Nick laughed, "Shit, he doesn't really sneak anywhere, but yeah he's got his big eye on one of em'."

"Shit, you put on your usual performance and you'll have them so worked up, you'll probably fuck all six of them! But before you do that, make sure you get them all hot and bothered so they drink lots of the house's booze!"

Nick patted about halfway down his thigh, "You can count on that boss!" He walked out of Bill's office and headed over to the main bar. Lead bartender Harley James was winding down a conversation with one of his female servers. He turned as Nick strolled up, a big smile came across the bartender's face, "BDN, you ready to make lots of panties wet tonight?"

"That's the plan Harley. Hey, there is a group that's going to be sitting at table one, I want to make sure they get really fucked up." He pulled out a $100 bill and tossed it on the bar, "Can you make sure they drink doubles all night, unless they order doubles, then make em' triples!"

"Haha BDN, consider it done...but keep your fucking money! You've been making this whole staff a lot of dough since you started showing off that monster, I got you covered bro!" Harley said as he handed the C-note back to Nick. "I'll let the staff know...table one's gonna get hammered tonight!"

"Dude, thanks!" Nick responded before they slapped skin.


Two hours later the club filled quickly with lots and lots of ones...fat ones...drunk ones...young ones...old ones...and lots and lots of horny ones. Friday and Saturday nights were always the most raucous crowds...

Brie's birthday crew was ushered to the table directly in the middle of the room nearest the stage, "Damn you girls know how to spoil a bitch on her b-day!" Brie exclaimed drunkenly as they arrived at their seats. Anna and Sydney looked at each other with surprised expressions; neither had requested or paid for any kind of upgraded seating.

They wouldn't be sitting for long.

In the dressing room, Nick popped a pair of dark brown contact lenses into his eyes. Usually his mesmerizing hazel eyes were one of his most distinguishing features (...well not his most distinguishing feature), but on this night he didn't want his eyes giving away his identity. He was already concerned that his body art might, but he hoped that all eyes, one pair in particular, would be focused on what was beneath his g-string as opposed to what was outside of it.

Within minutes, a buffed young server wearing only skin tight stretch shorts and a bow tie delivered a tray full of shots to table one, "Welcome to Masked Masculinity ladies, my name is Brandon, I understand we are celebrating a birthday here tonight. These drinks are on the house in celebration of the birthday girl, which one of you is Brie?"

The married blonde raised her hand and giggled embarrassingly to all of her friends.

The server got a big grin on his face, "These 21-year-old birthday girls are looking younger all the time, are you sure they checked your ID at the door?"

The comment was obviously a commonly used line at this show, but it was delivered to perfection. Brie's eyes got wide as a huge smile appeared on her face while the others all clapped and teased.

"Oh shut up, of course they checked my ID, but they were surprised that I was actually turning 23!" She joked.

Again, her semi-drunk friends laughed and screamed, the young wife had actually just turned 27.

"Wow, your husband let you come here tonight, looking like that! He must be a confident guy!" Brandon shouted as he purposefully eyed Brie from head to toe. She immediately blushed as the rest of the girls cheered and whooped.

With a guilty look in his eye, the young hunk feigned, "Oh shit, it looks like they gave me seven shots and there are only six of you, damn, I guess I'll have to do one with you ladies!" After distributing the shots he removed the last one from his tray and bent his arm at the elbow, accentuating his huge bicep, "Okay birthday girl, come over here and interlock arms, we're going to do this one together!" Again all the girls screamed and yelled as Brie interlocked arms with the young stud. The contrast between his thick muscle covered limb and Brie's lean sculpted one really jumped out at Abbie. She suddenly began to wonder if this show would be as cheesy as she feared. Based on first impressions, if all the guys were anything like Brandon, Masked Masculinity was going to be anything but...

The rest of the ladies toasted their shots as Brie and the hunky server bottomed their glasses with intertwined arms. Cheers followed as he wrapped his big arms around and hugged her tightly. After they separated, he took a round of drink orders and strode confidently back to the bar. They all stared at his rock-hard ass as he walked away. "Fuck, I hope he is part of the show!" Brie exclaimed excitedly.

When Brandon returned to the bar, Nick who had watched the initial interaction pulled him aside, "Keep those drinks flowing to table one dude!"

"10-4 BDN, that birthday chick is fucking hot. And there is another brunette in the group who might be even better...sweet fuckin' rack on that cowgirl bitch!"

Nick handed him a little vile, "Yeah the brunette's the one I'm doggin', but I didn't expect any of the rest to be so hot too! Make sure you sprinkle a little of this into the cocktails for the two of them, the birthday girl and the brunette." Nick instructed with a dirty gleam in his eye.

Brandon smiled, "Both of're an a****l BDN. I want deets later dude!"

Loud music blared while the girls downed their cocktails in anticipation of the show. Even Abbie, who had unenthusiastically attended initially, could now feel eagerness coursing through her. She had had a handful of drinks at Brie's and now the shot and a Tito's & Tonic quickly had her loosened up. The cocktail seemed very much on the strong side, but she was having so much fun, she didn't really think twice about it. Brandon brought one more round before the show started.

Finally the lights dimmed and a loud roar sounded out. The announcer's voice boomed from the speakers, "Are you ladies ready for some fun? Get READY cuz here come the men of MASKED MASCULINITY!"

Suddenly bright lights circled the stage as twelve well-oiled dancers emerged from behind the curtains. Another loud roar sounded. Each of the muscle-covered specimens was dressed in ripped jeans and tight tee-shirts. They danced in a surprisingly well-choreographed number that had all the women buzzing instantly. But in spite of their testosterone infused physiques, the rapt patrons were immediately drawn to the incredibly lifelike images of their facial masks. Dancing in front of them were yoked up versions of Ben Affleck, Tom Brady, Dwayne Johnson, George Clooney, Justin Timberlake, Nick Jonas and Brad Pitt among other famous men from the entertainment, sports, and music industries.

The energy in the room was palpable, and just as the first number reached a crescendo, a thirteenth dancer busted out from behind the curtains. Immediately an equal number of cheers and boos erupted as a very buffed version of The Donald himself, bad hair and all, now bumped and grinded his way to the middle of the stage. It didn't take long however, after getting over the initial shock and then watching the talented stud tear the shirt from his ripped body, that even the staunchest of liberal, tree-hugging babes was cheering him on wildly.

Nick watched from behind the edge of the curtain as the girls at table one were soon pressed up against the stage yelling and screaming as boisterously as any in the room. His coach's big tits jiggled enticingly as she danced and bounced with the other ladies against the stage. He could feel blood flowing to his cock as it always did before he performed; tonight he was more aroused than ever.

The first set played out with Nick's fellow dancers employing and disposing firemen, police officers, and construction worker's costumes as they worked the aroused crowd into frenzy. And finally when the emcee announced that the final act of the first set was about to take the stage, he implored, "Give it up ladies for one of the show's newest and BIGGEST attractions, Michael B. Jordan!"

Nick Thomas stormed the stage in only his obscenely stretched g-string and facial mask. The crowd went absolutely wild as screams and gasps rang out from every corner of the room as horny women, young and old, zeroed in on the newest performer's muscled physique and impressive package.

Nick's fellow dancers tore the remaining clothes from their bodies and joined the black stud in only their skin tight g-strings. Another loud cheer rang out from the crowd. By now, no one in the audience paid much attention to the masks on their faces, their focus was clearly on other more important things. The final act of the first set came to a rousing conclusion with Nick perched conspicuously above the mesmerized women of table one.

Not long after the stage cleared, Brandon arrived with another round of cocktails. As he passed them around, he heard one of the ladies (who turned out to be Anna), "Did you guys see the bulge on that last black dancer, it looked like it could explode out of there at any second!"

"Yeah, I had to do a double take to make sure it wasn't some sort of costume trick, but it sure didn't look like it. That guy is hung!" Sydney gushed.

"No, that was no costume trick ladies, BDN is one of our newest performers and he's quite popular as you might imagine!" Brandon interrupted with a big grin on his face.

"BDN? I thought his stage name was Michael B. Jordan?" Brie asked excitedly.

"It is, but BDN is what we all call him when he's not performing!"

"What does it stand for?"

"Sorry baby, I can't tell you, it's just a nickname we have for him!" He teased.

"Brandon, c'mon, inquiry minds want to know!" Brie begged cutely.

"Sorry, I'm sworn to secrecy! Drink up ladies!" Brandon teased as he observed that the birthday girl and hot brunette's nipples were both poking prominently against their shirts.

They all complained with pouty expressions and flirty grins as the young hunk hurried back to the bar.

"Well, I just hope BDN dances near us for the next part of the show; I wanna see that yummy package up close! I can't wait to part with my birthday money in his fucking g-string!" The married blonde shouted as she raised her glass with a huge smile.

They all toasted her excitedly, realizing she was already very drunk.

"Anyone else getting as buzzed as me from these cocktails?" Brie's friend Jenna asked the group. "If I didn't know better, I'd think they were all doubles!"

"Yeah, I thought it was just me. I'm getting hammered!" Brie announced giddily. "But they sure are going down easy and are making me really horny!"

"Oh, you think it's the drinks making you that way Miss Birthday Girl?" Anna questioned playfully to her drunk friend.

"Yes it's the drinks bitch!" Brie feigned seriously. Then a huge smile appeared on her face, "...And all this big fucking cock!"

The group erupted in laughter again.

Abbie was a jumble of emotions. While she was surprised at how good the show had been to this point, she couldn't believe how messed up she was feeling already and was glad to hear the other girls were feeling it too.

What she didn't know was that the other women were only drunk. Abbie and the birthday girl were not only feeling the effects of the booze, but the altering impact from the d**gs was beginning to have an effect as well. The two of them were feeling unusually hot and flushed; their nipples were hardening and their pussies were beginning to drip.


Nick approached as Brandon walked backstage, "How's it going at table one dude?"

"They're getting really fucked-up...they are especially interested in you man...that fucking bulge made quite an impression! When I mentioned that we call you BDN, they were begging me to tell them what it stood for."

"Dude, you didn't..."

"C'mon bro, you know I wouldn't do that! Anyway, the d**gs seem to be doing their job, the birthday blonde and the hot brunette's nipples are like fucking stones! Are you going to try and nail em' both tonight?"

"I hadn't gotten that far yet, but thanks for the reconnaissance brotha!" Nick beamed as he slapped Brandon some skin. "Keep the drinks flowing, I owe you one for tonight my man!"


The masked dancers stormed the stage in only g-strings as the second act kicked off. Loud roars erupted from the patrons as the announcer's voice boomed from the rocking sound system, "Okay ladies, appetizers are done, are you ready for the main course?"

Again loud cheers and screams rang out. Nick Thomas bolted for the middle of the stage to the delight of the ladies at table one. His oiled muscular physique was proportioned to perfection. Large chest muscles, flanked by vein-popping biceps and a ripped six-pack torso quickly had their mouths watering in awe. Again, none of them seemed to notice his handsome mask, his body was too delicious to ignore.

Abbie found herself admiring Michael B. Jordan's tat-covered chest and stomach. She'd always viewed tattoos as something only losers spoiled their bodies with, but at this moment they looked incredibly sexy on this buffed dancer's body. Suddenly her thoughts turned to Nick Thomas. Abbie had stealthily admired his Speedo clad physique countless times over these past months, but she had always found a way to ignore his body art, now she wished she hadn't. Something about it on this dancer was arousing her now.

Unexpectedly, a scary possibility occurred to her..."This dancer's hot body and his tattoos look a lot like Nick's...and the huge bulge in his it couldn't be...could it?" She absently looked up at his face looking for confirmation but was denied by the Michael B. Jordan mask, but still something seemed off. She couldn't place it at first, but then she finally figured it out, this dancer had the deepest brown eyes, almost black. It couldn't be Nick, his mesmerizing green eyes were far too recognizable.

Abbie breathed a sigh of relief.

From behind the mask, Nick stared down at his sexy dive coach. She looked particularly hot tonight as he too observed her big hard nipples poking through her shirt. Abbie's face wore a hungry look he'd never seen before. He watched as an inquisitive gaze appeared in her bloodshot eyes; he suspected this was the moment she was checking out the color of his own eyes through his mask. Suddenly a gesture showing relief for her apparent concerns regarding his identity now shown on her gorgeous face as she smiled and took a big gulp from her cocktail.

He was pretty certain the colored contacts had achieved their purpose.

Suddenly the emcee's voice boomed again, "Now you all get to show your appreciation for the Masked Men of Masculinity by tipping them as they dance at your tables. We encourage you to slip rewards inside the sides of their briefs, but please respect our dancers by not touching them inappropriately."

Anna glanced at Abbie excitedly, "Fat fucking chance of that dude!" They both laughed.

Nick made his way to table one, positioned himself in front of Brie, and did a particularly erotic bump and grind with his huge bulge only 18 inches in front of her pretty face. The other girls all watched and cheered as Brie mesmerizingly stared at his crotch. Nick could see the same bloodshot appearance in her gaze that Abbie wore on hers, no doubt a result of the d**gs he'd had dumped in their drinks.

Suddenly as he glanced in Abbie's direction, he felt his g-string being stretched and the birthday chick's fingers slipping a $10 bill into them. He looked down in time to see her hand slide to the side and cup one of his huge balls as her bleary eyes opened widely in recognition of what she'd just touched. She turned and looked at her friends as her hands came to her surprised face; a loud cheer of excitement and approval rang out from the group.

Nick made a mock admonishment in her direction while smiling from ear to ear behind his mask. Over the next half-hour he danced exclusively for the ladies at table one...each dance getting a little raunchier with each bill being slipped into his g-string less appropriately than the previous one. Even Abbie, who had started off the most conservative of the group, had nervously groped a handful of Nick's big cock on the previous dance.

Unlike most of the rest of the dancer's, Nick had an uncanny ability to resist getting stiff (probably as a result of the amount of blood required) as horny women groped and stroked his goods. But when his gorgeous dive coach, who he'd fantasized about so frequently over the past year, gripped his shlong, it was all he could do to keep from getting rock hard.

When the song ended the announcer's voice rang out, "Are we having any fun yet? Do we have any ladies celebrating special occasions tonight?"

Women from a dozen tables yelled, screamed and waived their arms including a huge outpouring from table one. "I see we have lots of reasons to party tonight, our dancers are making their way into the crowd, welcome them to the party tables!" Nick and another dancer meandered around flirtatiously until they made their way back to table one. The black masked dancer reached out to Brie and pulled her out of her chair. His g-string clad colleague did the same with Abbie. Brie followed Nick without resistance; Abbie had to be coaxed and playfully dragged. The muscle covered dancers pulled the two beautiful women up on the stage. They were joined there by a dozen other women from around the room.

"Everybody give it up for the special occasion party girls!"

The crowd cheered as the muscle-bound dancers grooved provocatively around each of the now seated women on stage. Over the next fifteen minutes the male strippers lap-danced for the mostly inebriated group of horny women.

The ladies from table one were far and away the most fucked up women on stage due to the pre-party, the countless cocktails and especially the d**gs that had been slipped into their drinks. They were also the two hottest.

Nick and the other dancer switched back and forth between Brie and Abbie. Brie was handsy from the outset, but Abbie surprisingly wasn't far behind. As the third song came to an end Nick danced suggestively with his huge bulge directly in front of Abbie's hungry face. She didn't hesitate to slip several bunched up bills into the top of his g-string with an aroused gaze in her eyes. Her fingers slipped from the top of his shorts down across his swollen cock to his massive balls. Nick was doing everything in his power to keep from getting a raging hard on as Abbie squeezed his nuts while her mouth opened in disbelief at the incomprehensible size of Nick's package.

As the song finally ended Nick and Abbie made eye contact through his mask. She gasped out loud, "You are fucking unbelievable!"

Nick just nodded down at her.

His dive coach's face wore the most flushed of aroused looks...and her big nipples were practically poking through her shirt. Finally Nick pulled away and Abbie's suddenly empty hand fell disappointedly into her lap. Nick moved back over in Brie's direction and whispered something in her ear. Her eyes got really big and a wide smile appeared on her face before she nodded excitedly. Abbie noticed the exchange but was too hammered to think anything of it.

The lights came on and ushers helped the women from the stage as the dancers disappeared behind the curtains. Brie and Abbie landed on wobbly legs as they stepped down from the final step. As they did so, they were mobbed by the rest of their group...teasing and wanting details.

As they filed their way out of the crowded room Brie leaned over to her friend Jenna and told her she was going to catch a ride with Anna, Sydney and Abbie. When they reached the main foyer, the two groups hugged and said their goodbye's before Jenna and Stephanie said they were going to use the bathroom before they took off. Brie walked outside with Anna, Syd, and Abbie before she stopped and said, "Hey I'm going to catch a ride with those guys, they both live in Natomas near me and you guys all live up in Citrus Heights and Orangevale."

Anna and Sydney asked if she was sure and made her swear she would text them if for some reason she couldn't find them when she went back inside. "Do you want us to wait until you do?" Anna asked as their Uber pulled up.

"No, I'll find them when they come out, but I promise I will call you if I can't!" She claimed through slurred words. Anna and Syd looked at each other, slightly concerned that their drunk friend might not find the other girls, meanwhile they looked over in Abbie's direction but quickly realized she wasn't going to be much help, finally they decided that even in her current condition, Brie was probably fine. They jumped in the Uber and headed home.

Backstage, Brandon approached Nick as he changed into his jeans and pulled on a tee-shirt, "Wow, I saw those two babes from table one up on the stage grabbing your junk, they were both really fucked-up!"

"Yeah, thanks for priming the pump tonight B!"

"You hooking up?"

Nick looked at him with an obvious expression on his face, "C'mon man, what do you think?"


"Nah, just the blonde. I gotta be a little stealthier with the other one."

"They're both fucking hot dude, but you can't go wrong with that blonde! Give her one for me bro!"

"Count on it brotha!" Nick said nonchalantly as he slapped skin with his white friend.

Brie wandered back inside the lobby and hung out over near one of the walls, waiting for Jenna and Stephanie to leave. She kept her head down when they emerged from the bathroom and watched as they headed outside and jumped into an Uber.

"Excuse me sweetie, we are closing up, we need everyone out of the lobby in the next three minutes," Brie turned to see a large black security guard standing next to her.

"I'm...uh...meeting of," Brie answered in a slurred response.

The guard got a knowing smile on his face, "Okay honey, do you know his name?"

"I don't know his real name, but he wore the Michael B. Jordan mask tonight!"

"Ah...BDN...yeah let me see if I can find him for you." His grin got bigger as he glanced down at her wedding ring and subtly shook his head.

"Why does everyone here call him BDN?" She asked, sounding more intoxicated with every statement out of her mouth.

"You'll find out honey..." the black security guard chuckled as he walked back into the theatre.


Meanwhile, in the Uber car back home, Anna and Sydney laughed loudly as they looked over at their passed-out friend. Abbie sat in the back seat in a semi-fetal position with her head against the door and the top several buttons of her sleeveless shirt unbuttoned, impressive cleavage shown out the top.

"Have you ever seen her act like that?" Sydney asked Anna jokingly.

"Fuck no, and I've never seen her get this drunk either!"

"I know huh...I thought she was going to pull that black stripper's g-string off and suck his dick right on that stage!"

"Yeah I know!" Anna laughed, "It's good the show ended when it did or she might have! Damn her nipples are still hard, I thought they were going to pop through her shirt at some point!"

Twenty minutes later Abbie woke from her slumber just as the Uber pulled up at her and Justin's house. Sydney and Anna walked her up to the front door and made sure she got inside before returning to the car. "Damn, she was really fucked up!" Anna laughed.

"At least she has tomorrow to sleep it off before she needs to be at school on Monday..."


Abbie stumbled through the front room of the house on her way to the kitchen. She filled a large glass of ice water and downed a couple of Tylenol's. She sat at the kitchen table and removed her cowgirl boots. Her drunken thoughts immediately returned to Michael B. Jordan and how big he felt when she groped his cock on the stage, "Shit, I know what they say about black men, but OMG he was huge!"

Abbie rose and found her balance before stumbling into her bedroom. Justin awoke when she tripped over the chair in their room and nearly fell headfirst to the floor. She caught herself before going to the ground. Justin flipped on his nightstand light and immediately recognized that his wife was really fucked up, "Damn Ab, did you guys have a little to drink tonight?"

"Yeah a little," she slurred, "But the stripper I brought home is out in the kitchen and I need to go out there and suck his big cock!"

The both laughed together before Abbie practically fell on the bed. She drunkenly crawled over to his side, "I'm just k**ding about the stripper honey, but how about if I suck your dick instead?"

Any other night of the year Justin would have jumped at that offer, but right now his gorgeous wife was having trouble keeping her head up as she tried to unbutton her top. "Damn, these buttons shrunk since earlier tonight," she slurred frustratingly.

"I'll tell you what honey, why don't you lay back and I'll take off your clothes, it looks to be a big task for you right now!"

"You just want to get me naked...but that's okay I'm in the mood to fuck..."

Justin had to keep from laughing as he couldn't recall ever seeing her this drunk. He was quite sure she wouldn't remember any of this in the morning. She was in and out of coherency as he released the buttons on her top and flipped it open. He was immediately taken the hardness of her big nipples, they literally looked like they were going to pop through her bra. It seemed like a strange sight given the fact she was in Lala land.

Justin then unbuttoned her skirt and pulled it down her legs and tossed it aside. What he observed next really through him for a loop. The entire front section of Abbie's panties was soaking wet. "Damn, that show must have really made an impact on her." His own cock began to harden in his boxers.

Justin knew he should just leave her alone and let her sleep off the alcohol, but he decided to probe for a little information while she was basically defenseless, "So Ab the show must have been really good?"

"Yeah honey," she answered semi-coherently with her eyes closed, "The dancer's were really good..."

"Did you get a chance to tip any of them?"

"Oh yeah...a lot! I got to put a lot was really nice..." She answered her words nearly inaudible.

"You put a lot inside where honey?" Justin asked, loving that she was basically unaware of who she was talking too.

"In their g-string things...I stuck it right in there and touched stuff was really nice..."

Again Justin had to bite his lip to keep from laughing, "That was very good of you Ab, what kind of stuff did you...uh...touch?"

"You big black cocks and was nice..." She slurred, still with her eyes closed.

Up until this point nothing she said surprised him much, but the last comment nearly made him fall off the bed, "Wait Ab, you touched a black guy's junk?"

"Not just any guy...Michael B. Jordan' was nice..."

"You touched Michael B. Jordan's junk Abbie?"

"No, I touched his cock and balls...they were very big...and very nice..."

Justin couldn't believe the words that just escaped his wife's mouth. He wasn't sure she had any idea what she was saying, but it sure sounded real enough. "When you say you touched his cock and balls, did you mean your hand brushed over them?"

"No, I held them in my much as I could was really nice..."

"Where did you hold them in your hand honey?"

"On the stage...everyone was was nice and fun..."

Justin decided to try another line of questioning, "Why did your panties get so wet and nipples get so hard?"

"From touching him...I'm really tired honey..."

Just before Justin heard her begin to lightly snore, she mumbled " was really nice..."

Lots of exciting thoughts now raced through Justin's mind, "Did she really stroke some black dude's big cock? What else did she do? Whatever happened at the show sure turned her on..."

Justin decided he wouldn't question her too aggressively in the morning, but instead he would wait to see if she brought up any of the details she incoherently shared with him tonight. As he turned off the light he reached into his shorts and stroked his cock as he replayed his wife's drunken admissions in his head.


Brie waited nervously despite her drunkenness, asking herself what in the world she was still doing there. She had never been unfaithful to her husband, and although their sex life had deteriorated to a point of no return, was she really ready to embark on something this crazy? A black man for God sakes? Not just any black man, but a muscle and tattoo covered stud with a bulge in his g-string that defied belief... wait, who was she k**ding, this was not just a large lump in his g-string, but rather a long thick cock and a massive set of balls that she'd groped repeatedly over the past two hours. She felt her nipples harden again and wetness seep between her legs...

Suddenly the image of Michael B. Jordan popped into her mind..."Oh My God...I don't even know what he looks like...What if he is horribly ugly with bad teeth? How did I agree to meet him without even knowing what he looks like"...suddenly her anxiety level peaked as she tried to think of the best way out of the situation...

Then Nick Thomas emerged from behind the theatre doors and all of those thoughts immediately disappeared...quickly replaced by "I'm gonna fuck my first black man tonight!"

Nick strode confidently up to her and said, "Hey, I'm glad you waited around, I know a good place to get a night cap!"

Brie thought to herself she probably didn't need any more to drink, but agreed readily. Nick dialed up an Uber and before long they were holding cocktails at a loud rave club downtown. Lots of people acknowledged the black man as he led the hot blonde wife through the standing room only nightclub. In spite of her condition, Brie felt conscientious about her wedding ring. She subtly slid it around so the big diamond was facing the palm side, making it less conspicuous.

"You must come here a lot, everyone knows you!" Brie shouted above the loud music once they were seated at a corner table out of the main flow of people; his handsome face and mesmerizing hazel eyes capturing her attention immediately.

"Yeah, some of the guys like to come here after the shows, I tag along occasionally." He said with a mendacious grin. Just then two really hot 22-year-old brunettes in the tightest, shortest dresses, both with big tits, sauntered by and cooed flirtatiously, "Hi Nick!"

"You tag along occasionally?" Brie teased, trying desperately not to slur her words.

Nick laughed guiltily, "Okay, maybe it's a bit more often than that, I'm Nick by the way!"

"Brie," she said with a big smile. "Hey, I have to admit I didn't notice your very unique looking eyes through your mask earlier!"

"That's cuz you weren't looking at my eyes!" He responded cockily as he glanced downward towards his crotch.


Two hours later the blonde wife was down on her knees on her kitchen floor sucking the biggest blackest cock she could imagine.

"Yeah baby, you got a nice mouth, suck that shit!" Nick grunted as he reached down, grabbed the base of his tight tee-shirt and pulled it over his head. He tossed it aside, lowered his hand and pulled her long hair aside so he could watch her work.

Brie glanced up with big bloodshot eyes and his huge cock stretching her mouth; she used her free hand to admire his muscle and tattoo covered torso.

At the same time he brought his other hand to the back of her head and pulled, "Take it deeper baby, you know you want to!"

Brie was able to take another inch between her widespread lips but gagged when the fat tip pressed against her tonsils. He pulled the oversized knob back into her mouth before pressing forward again. He did it three or four times before she pushed against his thighs until his cock plopped from her puffy lips. She gripped his slippery shaft with both hands as a long saliva and pre-cum strand stretched from her mouth to the large hole at the top of his ebony pole. The blonde wife stroked it mesmerizingly as she spread the wetness from the portion that had been in her mouth down the full length of his manhood. Brie was blown away by his thickness as her little fingers couldn't even stretch around him, "Oh my's big," she gasped breathlessly, still trying to replace the air in her lungs that had been blocked by his cock moments before, "I never thought I would ever touch something so powerful..." she spoke absently as she stroked him more hurriedly.

"Lick my balls!"

Brie found herself aroused by his directness, in all her years of marriage, her husband had never directed her during sex. Now here she was obediently following the directions of a black man at least five years her junior while on her knees on her own kitchen floor. She held Nick's long cock against his belly button with one hand as she lowered her other and cupped his dark black leathery sack. Amazed at its weight, she gasped, "How can they be so big...I never knew...jeez...oh God they're so hot!" The young wife slurred as she lowered her face and stuck out her tongue while immediately inhaling his overwhelming masculine scent.

"Yeah, suck on them too bitch...uh-huh...just like that. You like that shit?"

Brie nodded her head enthusiastically, never remembering ever having sucked on her husband's middling balls before. She took turns attempting to suck them in and out of her pretty mouth, trying to imagine how much cum each of them must produce, "Is that okay...?" She asked as she let the lower one pop from between her lips again.

"Mmm-hmm. It'll take you some time to get used to the size, but trust me you'll never have anything better!"

The drunken wife groaned in agreement as she stroked his long cock with her small hand as her lips kissed and licked his heavy nuts.

"What'd think baby? Taste good? Better than your husband's?"

"Oh my God yes!"

"Bigger?" He teased, obviously already knowing the answer.

"You have no idea! It's so amazing...I want you in my mouth all night long!"

A smile formed on Nick's face as he directed her wet lips back to the engorged head and pushed it inside. She enthusiastically sucked the dark stick for several minutes before he finally pulled her to her feet. He leaned down and kissed her as he did on the dance floor at the rave club. She pushed her tongue in his mouth as she reached down and gripped his cock yet again.

They kissed for nearly a minute before he pulled away, "Take off the shirt!"

The young wife, still wanting to please him, took a step back and began unbuttoning her shirt seductively. He looked on approvingly as his cock hung menacingly between them. When she got the final button undone, she slowly slipped it from her narrow shoulders and let it fall to the floor. Brie's perky C-cups sat firmly over her flat tummy in a small lacy black bra. Her big rock-hard nipples pressed impressively against the shear fabric of the skimpy top.

"Nice..." was all Nick said before he then told her to lose the skirt.

She looked back at him with a mildly surprised gaze on her face, "Damn he's cocky..." Moments later, as if she wasn't even controlling them, she found her fingers unbuttoning it for him.

When it too dropped to the floor, Nick chimed, "Yeah, I like that shit!" He eyed her from head to her high-heeled clad toes. "Turn around!"

Brie looked at him flirtatiously before slowly spinning around and flashing her tight g-string exposed ass. "Fuck yeah baby!" He exclaimed. "That's a sweet little married ass you got there bitch!"

She giggled over her shoulder and wiggled it for him.

Moments later she felt herself being scooped off the floor, "Where the fuck is the bedroom in this place?"

Startled by his aggressive move, she shrieked loudly before wrapping her hand around his neck and pulling his mouth down to hers. After kissing him wetly, she pulled away and giggled, "I bet you have lots of experience finding your way into master bedrooms, see if you can find it on your own!"

He laughed loudly. One minute later he threw her down on the big California king. She landed on her hands and knees. Just as she peered back over her shoulder, she felt thick fingers sliding into her g-string and pulling it aside. She gasped loudly when a long tongue made contact with her swollen pussy lips.

"Oh God that feels good..." Brie moaned as the black man's long tongue licked her pussy from behind. Moments later her knees nearly buckled as he pressed it against her dripping asshole..."Fuh...Jesus...don't stop!" She squealed.

Brie's eyes closed tightly as mews and breathy gasps escaped her lips. She had known for a long time that sex with her husband wasn't satisfying, but she had rationalized that at least he was adequate with his mouth. At this moment, she realized that theory was bullshit as Nick's talented tongue quickly had her whimpering and gasping for more, "Oh God...yes...I love it...please don't stop...ohh...ohh...yes...uhn...your tongue feels sooo good!"

Nick brought the horny wife to the edge several times before he finally subsided. As he lifted his head, he pridefully admired the wet mess that covered her pussy and up and down the crack of her ass. The confident black man moved forward and pushed her knees further apart as he took up residence between them. He reached for his cock and playfully slapped it around between her legs.

"Oh you have something?" Brie whined.

Nick knew he had her worked up to the point that he could have forced the issue and she would likely have accepted him without protection, but he reached for his pants, pulled out several rubbers and tossed them on the bed sheets next to them. Nick admired the young wife's sweet little bubble ass and fat pussy lips as he sheathed himself. He had learned that while fucking college girls was fun, nothing was quite like pounding the shit out of young married babes. He already knew this cock rocket was sure to not disappoint.

Nick hadn't known exactly what his ultimate plan with Abbie was when the night started. Surely he wanted to fuck his hot coach, but he wasn't ready to risk his college career in the process. He hoped tonight would advance the process towards ultimately making it her decision to pursue the bulge in his suit. What he hadn't expected was she would arrive with another hot married bitch that actually gave her a run for her money. As it turned out, his loosely organized plan could not have gone any better as he uncovered more of Coach Abbie's stealthily-guarded sexual desires, while still getting in the pants of her hot married friend.

Now that blonde bitch was without pants and on her hands and knees breathlessly waiting to be taken by him on her own bed. Nick rubbed the fat head of his cock up and down the crack of her ass and across her hungry pussy lips.

She whined again, "Jesus that feels amazing, please put it in...but go slow..."

"You ever been with a black man?"

"No...I'm're much bigger than anyone I've...OHHH...OH MY GOD...uhn...umph!"

She stopped speaking mid-sentence when the head of Nick's fat cock sunk past her splayed lips.


"Relax baby...let your pussy enjoy it! This black cock right here is going to make you forget all about your nervousness. Before long, you'll never want it to stop!"

"Ohhhh...I already don't want it to..." Brie moaned, amazed that a 21-year-old already knew that she was his for the taking.

An experienced smile formed on Nick's face as he worked inch after inch inside her, " are really tight girl, I assume you don't have any k**s!"

"No...uhn...uhn...we've talked about it, but...Oh Shit!...uhn...uhn...God you're so deep..."

Nick was glad to get the topic back to fucking as he shoved his cock in and out of her. This married bitch was really wet, but she still felt tighter than just about any pussy he'd been in for a long time. He always told these married bitches how tight they were to make them think about how much bigger he was than the men they slept with every night.

Nick's cock was still only slightly more than halfway in as he held her hips and worked into a steady pace. The room was soon filled with Brie's breathy moans and grunts along with the wet sounds of her now dripping pussy. The bedsprings creaked in a timely symphony with the headboard as it banged against the wall. The young wife gripped the bed sheets tightly as her head rested against her husband's pillow.

Nick pounded away.

"Ohhh...ohhh...please don't stop. Your big cock feels so good in me...uhn...uhn..."

"You got a really nice pussy. Do you want to cum on this big cock?"

"Oh God yes! I've never felt anything like it! You're going to make me cum so fast! Please don't stop...uhn...uhn..."

"Don't worry baby, I'm just getting started! You cum all over this big black cock now and then you can relax for a long night of fucking!" Nick bragged between clenched teeth before he spanked her hard on the ass.

"Ohhhh fuh...yes...don't stop! So much're giving me so much wonderful cock!" The young wife was in heaven as his thick veiny dick sc****d and scratched along every sensitive inch of her dripping pussy. She could feel an orgasm building inside her unlike anything she had felt before, "Oh Nick, ffffffuck me! You're going to make me cum so fast!"

"That's it bitch, cum on that big nigger dick!"

"Ohhhh God...I'm going to...pllleeeasse keep doing it! Ohhhh it feels sooo good...don't stop!...Uhn...uhn...uhn!"

Nick spanked the hot wife one final time before railing deeper into her than he had any point.

The sexy blonde wife squealed in blissful decadence before her entire body shook and the first wave of her climax creamed all over him. Nick kept pounding away. Brie urgently begged him to keep going as she quickly realized she was experiencing multiple orgasms for the first time in her life, "Oh my God, I think you're going to make me cum again!"

A big smile formed on Nick's face as he recognized the telltale signs of multiples, "Yeah baby, get all that cum out! This big cock loves being bathed in married pussy juice!"

"Ohhh...ohhh...yes...I'm going again...please don't stop!"

Nick extended her cum spree for an incredible couple of minutes before he felt tingling in his massive balls, "Get your cum now bitch cuz my nuts are ready to explode!"

"Ohhh yes...make me cum again when you do!"

The black man grunted loudly and his entire body tensed as his massive balls contracted and hastily tested the limits of the oversized rubber. He sprayed blast after blast of his thick paste into the sheathing. Peering over her shoulder and seeing the satisfied look on his face and feeling his cock expand and harden to its powerful rutted limits was enough to send her down the heavenly path one final time, "Yes Nick fuuuucccckkkk mmmmeeee!" She wailed before her long hair flew from side to side as she experienced yet another massive cum.

The two of them collapsed together in a sweat soaked embrace.

After they caught their breath, Brie planted multiple kisses around Nick's neck and side of his face before she whispered in his ear, "My husband's not coming home until Monday, I want you to stay till he does!"

"Are you sure that isn't the booze talking?" Nick replied with cocky smile on his face.

"Maybe a little, but I'm still going to want to m***** this body after it wears off," she admitted as she ran her hand across his muscle covered chest.

"How long's that gonna take, you're pretty fucked up girl!"

"Fuck you!" She spat and they both busted out laughing.

"So did you like the show?" He asked, already knowing the answer.

"What do you think?"

"What was your favorite part?"

"Leaving with you afterwards!" She teased as she reached down and gripped his fat heavy cock.

"What was yours?"

"Same, but I also liked when you and your friend were up on the stage grabbing my dick..."

"Abbie? Yeah I'm not sure why she was up there, she wasn't celebrating anything!"

"Can you keep a secret?"

Brie nodded.

"Well Dirk, the guy that took her up there is always looking for a hot piece of ass to fuck after the show, I guess he was into your friend!"

Brie laughed, "Obviously Abbie is really hot, but I think he would have had a better chance with just about anyone else in the group."

"Oh yeah, why is that?"

"She's just not as wild as the rest of us. Conservative is probably the best way I could describe her."

"She didn't seem too conservative tonight, she looked every bit as drunk as the birthday girl, and I can tell you from firsthand knowledge, she wasn't any less aggressive when it came to fondling the goods if you know what I mean!"

Brie laughed, "Yeah, I've never seen her like the way she was tonight. Maybe your friend could have hooked up with her if he really tried. Why do you ask," she questioned cutely as she stroked his cock.

"Hey, you asked why she was up on stage and I just answered the question..." Nick answered, the look on his face clearly not hiding his interest.

"You wanted to take her home yourself didn't you! I admit she is really hot, but you didn't do so bad for yourself asshole!" She joked.

"You bet I didn't!" He growled as he leaned forward and took one of her hardening nipples in his mouth before pulling away, "But she did have some big fucking tits!"

Brie playfully slapped his chest at his nerve to mention Abbie's tits while he was sucking on hers. The comment obviously didn't bother her however as few women had nicer natural tits than Brie's C-cups, and she knew it. Still, it opened up the door for further play, "Actually she does have amazing tits, you would love em'!"

"How do you know, are you guys more than just friends?" Nick asked, blood immediately flowing to his cock.

"You wish stud! No, a bunch of us girls went up to my cabin last year and I happened to walk in when she was coming out of the shower!" Brie could quickly tell the voyeur talk about Abbie was arousing Nick. "Yeah, they are pretty spectacular...similar in shape to mine, but bigger! I think like D-cups."

Nick could feel his cock hardening further as Brie was confirming exactly what he suspected about Abbie's large breasts, "You seem pretty enamored with sure you and your friend never do more than ogle each other's tits from a distance?"

"No, but why don't you fuck me again and tell me what you'd like to do with both of us in a threesome!" Brie teased as she climbed up on top of him.


Late the following night, Nick slipped on his clothes as Brie lay in her master bed with a frothy mess between her legs. They'd run out of rubbers in the early afternoon and she just decided to fuck it as she was pretty confident she was in the safe part of her cycle.

"Why don't you stay overnight, my husband doesn't back until tomorrow afternoon and I don't have to work!" Brie whined.

"Sorry baby, I have class in the morning and to be honest my dick kind of hurts."

"C'mon back to bed and I'll make it feel better," she responded as she licked her lips suggestively.

"Nah, I can't. But baby, that was some really great sex, I'm glad you came to the show!"

"When am I going to see you again?" She asked expectantly.

"I told you, I ain't into domestic love triangles and shit! I know too many dudes that have done that shit and they all say it ain't worth it. Let's just appreciate the great fucking we did this weekend have that as a memory!"

"Oh c'mon Nick, I told you I was already thinking about separating from my husband due to our pathetic sex life, we could do it at your place until I get things worked out with the separation."

"After you get it worked out, give me a call. Leave a message at the club and I'll call you back!"

"C'mon Nicky, just give me your number - I promise I won't call until after the separation."

"Let me ask you sweetie, is it just the bad sex that makes you want to leave your husband?"

"Yes, he's a great guy, but I've suppressed my desires for way to long. Fucking you this weekend has confirmed to me that I'm not going to do it anymore..."

"Have you ever thought about joining a sex club?"

"A sex club? I don't know what you are talking about."

"There's lots of em' around. You could join one with your husband and get the best out of both worlds. You can get all the great sex you want and he can either do it to or just watch you get off! Guys that like to watch their wives or girlfriends have sex with other men are called cuckolds, maybe your husband could be one."

"You aren't serious, there are people who do that?"

"Oh c'mon Brie, this is the 21st century. Sex clubs are all over the fucking place!"

"How do you know so much about them?"

"Cuz I belong to one, it's called the Bull Pen!"

"Bull pen? What does the name mean?"

"Bulls are the nickname that hung black dudes are known by. The Bull Pen is a place where white couples can come and hook up with bulls. The wives or girlfriends have sex with the hung studs and the husband's or boyfriend's watch or participate."

"And you're one of these bulls?"

"Yeah, I got invited into the club last year when I moved up here from Stockton. I had a buddy in it and he know...knew I would fit in."

"Do you get paid?"

"Nah, it's not like that. It's just a place where some brotha's can have some fun while getting off all those married couples. It's a win/win."

"So if I could convince my husband to join this Bull Pen, you and I could have regular sex?"

"Yeah, you guys have to sign paperwork agreeing to the arrangement and protecting the bulls from lawsuits and jealous husband's and shit. But I can't promise you I can always be available, I have lots of other regulars who tie up my schedule, but that's what makes the pen so good! You can choose any bull, and I assure you you won't leave unhappy!"

"But I could start off requesting you if I wanted to?"

"Yeah, but trust me you won't for long!"

"If I can talk my husband into it, how do we join?"

"Call me at the club and I'll get you all the details!" Nick said as he leaned down and kissed her one final time before walking out.

Brie lay on top of her bed with Nick's cum oozing out of her well-fucked pussy. The past 24 hours had been as unbelievable as any she could remember. The non-stop sex had been beyond her wildest dreams. The black stud had fucked her in every position in every room in her house including the kitchen table. They only really stopped long enough to eat, but even that wasn't important to her as she'd swallowed a couple of his huge loads and cleaned up after him on several other occasions when the rubber came off.

Meanwhile she had experienced sexual Nirvana as Nick ripped more orgasms from her sex starved body than her husband did in several years. She knew immediately this was something she wanted to experience again and again. As she lay here now, she had already resolved herself to the idea that if Dave wanted to stay together, he was going to have to agree to join the Bull Pen...


The following week

6:30 A.M.

As Abbie swam towards the near wall of the pool, she noticed a large pair of dark colored legs dangling in the water ahead. She was on lap number one-hundred ninety eight of her usual three-day-a-week two-hundred lap routine. The nearer she got, the more she suspected the muscle covered legs belonged to Nick Thomas. She contemplated weather to simply touch the wall and continue with her final two laps or to do the more social thing and acknowledge his presence, assuming it was him.

As she came to the end, she reached up, gripped the coping and popped her head up to acknowledge the man sitting on the edge of the pool in the lane next to her. As she did so, she found herself starring up into the smiling face of her and Justin's black diving protégé.

"Don't stop on my behalf, you seem to have quite a pace going coach!"

"Actually, I only have two laps to go, I'm going to finish if you don't mind." She answered in a friendly response before she turned and headed back in the other direction.

Nick eyed her intently. She rarely wore her suit to the pool on practice days and he'd never seen her in it this close-up. Like most guys, he believed that one-piece dive suits weren't particularly flattering on women, but his coach had the kind of body that made anything look good. As she free-styled away from him, he ogled her lithe figure highlighted by a superbly shaped ass and long sinewy legs that showed incredible definition for a 27-year-old. It was obvious she did this regularly.

Abbie, on the other hand, suddenly had countless thoughts going through her mind as she contemplated why Nick was at the pool at this hour of the day. She rarely saw anyone here this early in the morning and certainly never any college students. Strangely, she felt her body getting the familiar tingling sensation she had experienced when being around him alone before. Unexpectedly, her mind wondered to what suit he was wearing. She'd only peaked up for a moment and hadn't noticed whether he was sporting a Speedo or not. After touching the far wall and heading back in his direction, she still couldn't tell, his legs were only in the water up to his muscle bound thighs. She felt herself getting more anxious as she approached.

Finally she reached the wall and popped her head up. She was breathing heavy, but not like most people who had just finished swimming two-hundred laps. She pulled her goggles from her eyes and flashed a friendly smile in his direction as pool water spilled from her face.

"You're up early Nick, I didn't know college students ever got up before nine..." She joked.

"Yeah, I can't say I've always made it up at this hour in the past, but I'm quickly realizing my course load almost demands it. I figured I'd come down here and swim a few laps and get my blood flowing."

The blood-flow comment somehow caused Abbie to glance at Nick's suit confirming he wore one of his Hornet Speedo's. Nick noticed her gaze and slowly spread his legs as he spoke, "Is this something you do regularly, you don't even look like you're breathing hard?" He asked, already knowing the answer but feigning ignorance. Christina Chin had told him Abbie swam at the Sac State pool at 6:00 a.m. three days a week.

"Yeah, I come out a couple of days a week to get my blood flowing too!" She responded in a friendly response.

Nick then threw her for a loop when he said with a laugh, "Wow, that's great, at first I thought you might have just come out here to work off your hangover from the other night!"

The comment caught her totally by surprise and didn't immediately register, "Hangover, what do you mean?" She asked, still in a friendly light-hearted response.

"Oh, when I saw you at the show the other night, you looked to be having a really good time. I suspected you might be hurtin' for awhile afterwards!"

Again his comment didn't sink-in immediately, but then a startled realization appeared on her face, "Wait, you mean the strip sh...I mean...Masked Masculinity show, you were there? I didn't see you..."

"That's cuz I was wearing a mask."

A very concerning look now formed as her smile faded completely, "I'm mean..." she started as her gaze now returned to Nick's tattoo covered torso, "...Oh jeez, you're a dancer?"

"Yeah, I'm not supposed to tell anyone, but I am Michael B. Jordan when I'm on the stage..." He smiled like the cat who had just swallowed the canary.

"...Oh didn't say anything...why didn't you say anything that night?" Abbie asked confusingly, now contemplating the magnitude of the news she just heard.

"I'm not allowed to. In fact I could get in big trouble for having just told you. Several guys have lost their jobs for giving away their identity, my company is adamant about it, I hope you will keep it between us!" Nick lied, enjoying the turmoil that was now very apparent on his coach's stunned face.

Abbie barely heard his response as her mind tried to reconcile all that had happened the night of the show. Her memories were foggy at best due to the alcohol, but she obviously remembered groping Nick repeatedly, "I can't believe you didn't say anything...I wouldn't know...touched...if I'd known." She stuttered nervously.

"I know, I felt bad," he lied again, "but like I said coach, I could have lost my job if I said anything!" Nick responded, sincere in his outward appearance. On the inside, he was concentrating on not getting a hard-on from the deliciously devious banter.

Abbie's heart beat a million miles an hour now as she tried to process the news, finally she responded without thinking, "...but your eyes...they were..."

"My eyes? What about my eyes?"

"Nevermind...nothing." She muttered.

"Well at least it looked like you guys enjoyed yourselves! That birthday girl certainly appeared to be having a good time!" Nick suggested in an upbeat response as he pictured the hot blonde cumming all over his cock while he fucked the hell out of her doggie style on her marital bed.

The mention of Brie's name brought about an irritation in Abbie's jumbled brain, "Even if you couldn't tell me it was you, but you obviously knew it was me, why did you dance at our table so much?"

"You guys were at table one in the middle of the room, my job as the feature dancer is to work there. After I saw you, following the first act, I asked my boss if I could switch sections but he told me I absolutely could not." Nick lied, doing his best to sound disappointed.

"Well then why did I get taken up on stage when the rest of the women were celebrating birthdays or other special occasions? I wasn't!"

"You might recall that I took your birthday friend up there. She was the VIP at your table which was my assignment. I didn't know Dirk was going to pull you up on stage or I would have told him not to. I hate to say it, but he always looks for the most attractive women in the audience. I only danced in front of you once you were up there to guard you from him. That asshole has an ulterior motive at those shows, he tries to get all the women he dances for to go home with him! I was trying to protect you!" Nick lied again, mindful of the fact Brie had told him she wasn't going to tell her friends that she and Nick had gone home together.

Abbie felt a small sense of remorse for questioning him now. She also felt a strong feeling of guilt as her mind raced to how aggressively she had groped his huge cock and heavy balls, especially after she and Brie were brought up on stage, "...but I touched you," she admitted embarrassingly.

"Oh c'mon coach, you didn't do anything that anyone else didn't do. I'm used to it, it happens every night at work. Truthfully, I really didn't even give it a second thought!" Nick lied through his teeth. Truth was, not a single woman in the audience, even Brie, had been more aggressive in fondling and gripping his meat than Abbie. It was clear his hot coach had a strong fondness for his huge balls too. It had taken everything in his power to not develop a raging hard on as he stared into her beautiful hungry face while she played with his junk.

She also was the only one who stared into his mask and uttered the words, "You are fucking unbelievable..." at the conclusion of her grope session.

"Well...I...I...really don't know what to say," Abbie admitted shamefully, "I was obviously really drunk and I hope we can keep this between us?"

"Of course coach I need for it to remain on the downlow too as I just revealed my identity to you. How about if we call it even after you gave me all that help with my Speedos?" Nick suggested with a comforting laugh as he secretly reveled in the idea that she was actually apologizing to him for his perfectly planned and deviously executed scheme at the club.

Abbie seemed to perk up at Nick's suggestion. She had done a lot for him in dealing with the Speedo situation and it was good that he realized it enough to let it be the evening chip in this scenario, "Deal," she said as she reached out to shake his hand. He took her hand in his and shook it with a firm grip while staring into her eyes until she turned away from his deliberate gaze.

He sat and watched as she hopped out of the pool and hurriedly strode over to her towel. She dried quickly before slipping her heavy swim jacket over body. Innumerable thoughts were going through her mind as she tried to convince herself that she hadn't groped him as aggressively at the show as she had originally recollected. Just as she began to reconcile and convince herself of those thoughts, Nick looked confidently at her one final time before she departed, "Just so you know...I am fucking unbelievable!"

Abbie's stomach rose up into her throat. She just nodded at him uncomfortably and walked away.

The hungry look he'd seen on her gorgeous face and her aggressive groping of his package all but confirmed that his supposedly conservative coach might be a more achievable conquest than he originally thought. Based on her ogling of his bulge on the computer screen months before and now this, he was beginning to believe she was more horn-dog than innocent. But in spite of his final aggressive comment, he resolved himself to the idea that his seduction of her would have to be a slow burn process. Nick knew the consequences were too significant unless it was her who initiated the hookup, but he figured if he just kept leading the horse to water, eventually she would drink thirstily from the hose.

And while he really liked Justin, Nick's desire to fuck Abbie's brains out would certainly supersede any friendship they might have...but only if she initiated or if he agreed to it. Nick had some hope for that outcome - he couldn't get Justin's nonchalant attitude about Abbie attending the male review out of his mind. He remembered the exact quote he'd overheard Justin saying to Coach Ted, "Like I said, I trust Abbie...and besides, if she gets horned-up looking and perhaps feeling-up some of that big cock, hopefully she'll come home and take it out on me!"

Nick realized it certainly wasn't a cuckold admission, but it wasn't the kind of statement most normal men would say about their wives, "What if Coach Justin actually wants a hung dude to fuck the shit out of her...I know just the guy!?"


It was the longest school day Abbie could remember. Constant thoughts of her conversation with Nick and recollections of the events of the show swirled over and over through her mind throughout the day, "How could I have been so stupid? Of course I should have known it was him...the tattoos and that massive bulge in his g-string...I can't believe I acted that way...why did I have to grab and fondle him so much? He must think I'm such a bad person for acting that way when I'm a married woman! How am I ever going to have another normal conversation with him after squeezing his cock and telling him he was fucking unbelievable?"

That night Abbie sat down with Justin and told him they had to talk about something that happened at the show on Saturday night. They hadn't spoken about it much on Sunday as Abbie had one of the worst hangovers of her life and Justin didn't want to make her feel any worse by bringing up anything that might upset her.

Justin was now cautiously aroused as his wife was ready to discuss something that had occurred, but her concerned appearance gave him pause. He was however quite confident she didn't remember anything from their conversation from Saturday night. She told him late the next day she didn't even remember how she got home.

"Justin, I learned something today that I feel really bad about and I'm hoping you won't be mad when I tell you."


"As I'm sure you knew we all get really drunk before and at the show on Saturday..."

"Yeah, it wasn't too hard to figure out based on your hangover on Sunday honey."

"Oh God, that hangover was terrible. Anyway, about the show, we were all dancing and having a good time and before I knew what was happening Brie and I got taken up on stage."

"How did they pick you guys to go up there?" Justin asked, but suspected it was because they were likely two of the hottest women in the building.

"Most of the girls were celebrating special occasions, like Brie and her birthday. I really don't know why I got taken up there." Abbie lied. "Anyway we were in our own chairs and each of us had a dancer doing kind of a lap dance thing in front of us."

Justin's cock swelled in his pants as he tried to envision some muscle-covered black dude bumping and grinding his huge cock in front of Abbie's beautiful face.

"The place was really loud and music was blaring. Everyone was screaming and encouraging us to put tips in their g-strings."

"That's all they were wearing?"

Abbie nodded embarrassingly, "Yeah pretty much...and their masks."


"Yeah that's where the name Masked Masculinity comes from. Each of them wore masks of famous people like George Clooney and Brad Pitt."

"Oh my God Ab, that sounds so cheesy!" Justin laughed.

"Yeah, I thought so to, but it didn't turn out to be that way. The show was actually pretty good."

He didn't press her for details as to why, but he suspected he already knew.

"So two dancers were rotating back and forth between me and Brie and we were both putting tips in their g-strings...and...Justin I hope you aren't mad but we touched them sometimes when we put the bills inside."

Justin's dick was now fully hard in his pants. He was trying to determine how he should respond when Abbie admitted to groping the black dancer's big cock, even though he couldn't wait to hear her admit it, now that she was no longer shitfaced. "Abbie, you know what I said about having a good time at the show and that I wouldn't be upset if you copped a feel or two. I'm not mad at all!"

"Justin, I'm glad you aren't mad. I'm still not sure why it doesn't bother you, but that's a question for another time. Anyway, one of the guys that danced for us was white and the other was black."

"Bingo!" Justin thought to himself, "She's ready to spill the beans about groping Michael B. Jordan!"

"Well this is the really bad part honey, I just found out today that the black dancer was actually...uh...Nick Thomas!"

"Wait whaaattt?" Justin shouted incredulously. This news was as out of left field as any he could imagine. Countless thoughts now raced through his head. "Oh my God Ab, you didn't know? All the tats and the muscles and the fucking gigantic bulge in his g-string and you didn't figure it out?"

"I feel so stupid now, but I was really drunk and you know how much I hate tattoos. They just look like dirty graffiti to me, so when I saw them on the dancer I couldn't compare them to Nick's because I had never looked closely at his. As far as the other things, all the guys had really big muscles, and in the case of his...uh...bulge...I had no way"

"That's really great Ab, now we have a possible team captain who just got his cock and balls groped by his female coach!" Justin complained, but inside he could not have been more aroused.

"I didn't say I groped him, I just said I...uh...touched it. In my mind there is still a big difference."

"But the other night...uh nevermind." Justin caught himself before he said too much. He found it interesting that Abbie was now telling a different story than the one she told when she was fucked up and talking freely.

Justin laughed nervously, "I guess we know now where the big wad of bills came from!"

Abbie smiled a sheepish smile and nodded her head in agreement.

"Just out of curiosity, what mask Nick was wearing?"

"Not sure why it matters, but it was Michael B. Jordan."

"Hmm, for some reason I knew you were going to say that...I bet it was really nice..."

Abbie stared at him with a quizzical gaze.


This wasn't the first time she had heard him voice this fetish, but it was the first time they had discussed it with so much sincerity. "But Justin, I don't get it. Why do you think I would want that? I love everything about our relationship, including our sex life!"

"I know babe, it's kind of hard to explain but I guess I'm like a lot of other guys that believe that most women would prefer sex with well-endowed men. And since I'm not exactly John Holmes, it excites me to imagine watching a guy with a really big one pleasuring you. Imagining a look of complete sexual rapture on your face while a guy like that pleasures you, excites me like you can't imagine!"

"But Justin...when have I ever given any impression that size matters to me? Oops, that didn't come out right..." They both laughed nervously before she continued, "...I mean when have I ever given the impression that I desire sex with an...uh...endowed guy?" Abbie asked, hopeful Justin hadn't picked up on her recent enhanced arousal from some of the big-cocked porn videos they'd watched.

Justin's mind immediately went to the night of the male review show and Abbie's drunken admission when she got home. But he chose not to go there as she still had no recollection of that conversation and he didn't want to steer the conversation towards Nick, not knowing how she might react. So instead, he brought up the porn, "I don't know, it seems like you get more excited when the bigger guys are on the videos we've watched together..."

Butterflies quickly formed in her stomach, "I...I don't know about that Justin. They all seem kind of the same to me...I guess if I've showed any increased excitement it had more to do with the eroticism of the scene and what you and I were doing at the time..." She lied unconvincingly.

Justin saw her reply as an opportunity to engage further conversation about the interracial porn, "So if they are all kind of the same to you, why did you feel differently about this one?"

"I...I...don't know Justin, I guess I'm just not ready for the whole black and white thing." She lied again.

"Jeez hun, this is the 21st century, interracial relationships are more prevalent than they've ever been. Take for instance Nick and Christina. I know that's black and Asian and they aren't seeing each other anymore, but it seems like less of a thing with the younger Millennials."

"Well I guess I'm not a younger Millennial then!" She answered abruptly, showing an apparent desire for the conversation to be over.

Justin, while disappointed in her response, chose to not press her further --- he fully suspected she was masking her true feelings due to their edgy relationship with Nick Thomas. He quickly rationalized that showing interest might compromise her dishonesty, "Okay...but I can't promise I won't want to watch it again some other time."

"We'll see..." she responded with a sly smile as she rolled her eyes.


April 2019

"Yeah, I wish I was going down there with you guys, I can't believe my PT conference landed on the same weekend as State Finals - but we agreed long ago, the day job has to be the priority," Justin Dawson, Head Dive Coach at Sacramento State University reminded his beautiful wife.

"I know, I wish you were too, but I think I can handle it," Abbie Dawson replied with a confident smile.

"Of course you can, not to mention Sac State will have the hottest coach on the pool deck!"

"Oh stop it Justin, besides as I recall you were pretty into Jennifer Clark from San Diego State last year!"

"Oops...forgot about her, yeah well one of the hottest coaches on the deck," he corrected playfully.

"Fuck you Justin!" Abbie spat with an "I hate you" smile before she threw a pile of napkins at him.

"Just k**ding...Jennifer's not even in your league baby, and she certainly doesn't have as nice of tits!"

A suspicious smile formed on her beautiful face, "Oh, you've checked out her boobs that closely too?"

"I take the fifth..." he admitted guiltily before changing the subject, "Okay babe, text me when you guys land in Orange County. Are you just going to catch an Uber from the airport to the hotel?"

Abbie let the previous discussion drop, "Yeah, we'll probably have to grab a couple of cars as there are five of us. I sure wish it was six, it's not going to be the same without you. I expect they'll all do great, but I can't imagine they wouldn't feel better having their head coach's guidance and support."

"You mean co-head coach's guidance and support. Ab, you are as good as any coach in the state of California, plus the team is going to have to start getting used to me not being on the road with you guys. Next year it's going to be up to you and Nick to handle all the away meets. As for this weekend, I suspect I won't be missed, they're an experienced group and you'll be everything they need Abbie Dawson!" He smiled as he leaned forward and kissed her wetly on her succulent lips. "Same schedule as last year?"

"Yeah, except for flying down this morning, remember last year we went down on Thursday night. This time we'll head straight over to the Irvine pool after we land to get in our review and final prep dives. I'm going to try and encourage them all to get to bed early tonight, first dive is at eleven tomorrow. Nick is the only holdover, so hopefully he can help me convince the rest of them as to the importance of a good night's sleep tonight. But I'm sure tomorrow night will be a different story. I know the way Nick is, and I suspect the rest of this group will want to do some serious partying if they perform as well as we expect!"

"Yeah, I think you can count on that - especially if Nick sets the meet record!"

"If that happens, you know it will be crazy! It certainly won't be anything like last year when everyone crashed early following all that drama."

Suddenly a mischievous look appeared on Justin's face as he moved forward and wrapped his arms around his gorgeous wife, gripping her firm ass cheeks in the process, "As I recall, there were a couple of people who didn't crash so early!"

"Oh, leave it to you to remember that!" Abbie giggled remembering the champagne induced celebration sex they had the previous year.

Justin smiled pridefully, "But, I agree I could envision this group doing some serious partying if they win. But with Amber and Tommy long gone and Nick unlikely to have his sights set on the other girls this time around, getting the group to the airport on Sunday will hopefully be your only challenge!"

A weird flutter formed in Abbie's stomach, "Yeah, you're probably right about that honey...say what time do you guys take off?" She asked, happy to get the subject off of Nick Thomas' "sights".

"Jay is coming by to pick me up at ten. Our first meeting is in San Jose at three-thirty."

"Well babe, I hope you have a great conference and I'll look forward to seeing you Sunday night after we Sac State Hornets kick some ass and take some names!"

Justin gripped her ass cheeks more firmly, "I can't wait for this ass to return triumphantly and claim its spoils! I'll be your sex slave for as long as you like upon your return your highness!"

Abbie laughed and kissed him one final time, "Why do I know you would look forward to all that punishment? I'll text you when we land my slave!"


As Abbie made her way on Highway 80 to the Sacramento airport, her thoughts turned to the previous year's State Championships and all the drama that occurred between Nick, Amber and Tommy. So much had changed since then. Amber had moved to New York, Tommy had virtually disappeared from the radar, and Nick Thomas had all but dominated the California collegiate diving scene.

In addition to his diving development, Nick had undergone an amazing personal transformation. Gone was the gang-banger cocky k** from Stockton who Abbie and Justin had first recruited - in his place was a confident team leader who would soon be graduating near the top of his class. He had recently accepted a position in the Exercise Sciences department for the fall semester on the recommendation of Abbie herself.

She had vacillated with the decision to adamantly go to bat for him with the dean, not because she didn't think he would be a great addition to the department, but because somewhere deep in her recesses, she still harbored apprehensions regarding the undeniable magnetism between them and how it might someday result in issues with her job and more concerningly her marriage.

In addition, Justin had recently received a promotion that would not allow him to be as involved in coaching the team in the fall. At his suggestion, Abbie had agonizingly agreed to take Nick on as the assistant coach.

And while this past year had not provided the same number of sexually implicit interactions between them, Abbie still felt an unrelenting tug of attraction towards the muscled black diver. For his part, Nick had been more subtle in his pursuit of his hot coach, all part of his concerted plan to set the hook as deeply down her throat as possible before replacing it with something thicker, blacker, and much more palatable (well not exactly...).

Ironically now as she drove to meet him and his teammates at the airport, her thoughts drifted to Nick Thomas' big black cock. She wasn't sure exactly why she was thinking about BBC, but perhaps it was due to all the sexual drama Nick had been involved in at the previous year's championships with Amber and Tommy and now not having Justin along her side. Without thinking, Abbie found her fingers inside the leg of her shorts, immediately feeling the dampness on her slippery panties.

As she did her best to keep her focus on the road, Abbie rubbed along her swelling labia beneath the silky wetness of her thong as she imagined, "How big must it really be when he's totally hard?" She rubbed little circles around her button as she thought back to her vague recollection of how big it felt when she'd held it in her hands that drunken night at the Masked Masculinity show over a year previously.

Abbie captured her clit between two fingers as her thoughts turned to the words she had overheard Christina Chin, one her former divers, use to describe her unforgettable sex with Nick and the distance she held her hands apart when demonstrating his size to her friends. Abbie could feel a mini-orgasm building as she frigged herself excitedly while then also recalling Justin's recount of Amber's joyful climax on Nick's big cock from the cell phone playback the previous year at State Championships.

Abbie bit her lower lip and her vision blurred as her orgasm surged through her and a gush of wetness seeped onto her fingers just before steering the car onto the airport parkway.

After catching her breath, a smug smile came to her face, not only from the scintillating mini-cum, but from the recollection of her last-minute decision to slip her vibrator into her overnight bag. Being around Nick Thomas all weekend without Justin's presence was likely to have her testing the new toy's battery life.


Later that night after dinner and an early return to her room, Abbie did what Justin had begged her to on so many occasions...she rented and watched an interracial porn flick. Upon its arousing end, she came to a necessary realization - she would need to stop by the hotel store and get more batteries.


Late the following afternoon

Nick Thomas stood on the award stand with four gold medals around his neck. Abbie Dawson and Angie Thomas hugged with tears in their eyes as the crowd cheered. "Coach, I can't thank you enough for all that you and Justin have done for Nick. You guys took a chance on this cocky k** from Stockton and now look at him. My son is a now a man who will graduate in a couple of weeks and also thanks to your recommendation, will begin working in your department while he attends grad school at Davis next fall. I have to pinch myself."

"Don't forget, he'll be working with Justin and me as an assistant coach on the dive team next year too!" Abbie reminded with an ear to ear smile.

"Yes, that too! I never would have believed any of this just two years ago! I am so proud of him!"

"You should be Angie!" Abbie finished saying just as Nick ran up, hugged his mom and lifted her off the ground.

"Can you believe it mom? Four medals?"

"Four gold medals Nicky! I am so proud of you!"

The rest of the team including his coach, surrounded the triumphant diver, they all posed for a handful of celebratory selfies with Nick and his mom. Finally Angie Thomas pulled her son aside, "Nick I have to catch the shuttle back so I'm not late for my flight. I have to work in the morning, so I better get going. You guys have fun tonight, I love you and I'm so proud of you! I'll see you in a few weeks at graduation!"

"Love you too mom, I'll see you in a couple of weeks!"

Angie Thomas waved to the group before departing.

"Okay everyone, you all agreed that if I won that fourth medal that I got to pick where we go tonight!" Nick shouted excitedly.

"Shit Nick, if you hadn't won that fourth medal, you'd be choosing where we go tonight!" Riley Siebert, the other Sac State male diver in the group joked. Everyone laughed.

Nick shrugged his shoulders and grinned guiltily, "Riley my man, you have a point there! Anyway, all of you better be ready to do some serious clubbing tonight, that includes you coach!" The handsome black diver reminded Coach Abbie with a confident smile.

She returned the gaze sheepishly, "I know I agreed, but now I'm kinda scared..." She feigned drawing laughter from the group again.

"Okay everyone meet in my room at seven for cocktails. I got beer, vodka, tequila, whiskey and some mixers! Bring anything else you want and be sure to wear your drinking shoes!"


"Yeah Nick got the sweep! Absolutely dominant is the only way I can describe it! He got his highest score for the year in every dive he performed!" Abbie gushed to Justin on Facetime.

"That's unbelievable honey, remember just a few years ago when we weren't sure whether to give him the scholarship. Now he is a six-time gold medal state champ! Be sure to tell Nick how proud I am of him! How did the rest of them do?"

"Great, Riley got silver in the 3 meter and the girls both got one bronze each. I think next year both Lauren and Juliana could be pushing for gold's in a couple events!"

"That's fantastic! Tell them all how happy I am for them! So I'm guessing it's going to be quite a party tonight? Besides lots of booze, what's on the agenda?"

"We agreed that if Nick got the medal sweep he could pick where we go, I'm not sure that was such a great idea..." She rolled her eyes, feigning nervousness as she smiled into the tablet camera.

"Oh yeah? Big party plans?"

"He said we're going to do some serious clubbing and he warned us all to wear our party shoes!" Abbie giggled. "We are all meeting at his room for cocktails at seven!"

Justin laughed, "I'm scared for you honey!"

"I know, me too," she laughed again, "but hun I should probably get going I gotta shower and stuff!"

"No prob sweetheart, have a great time tonight. You guys all deserve it! And don't forget your highness; I'm expecting your claiming of the spoils to be thorough and unforgiving when you return."

Abbie laughed again, "You can count on it my slave!"


An hour and a half later, Nick answered the door to his hotel room, standing before him was one of the hottest 27-year-olds the black man had ever seen. Abbie Dawson's bronze hair was kinked playfully. Her beautiful blue eyes were circled with heavier than usual black eye-liner and accentuated by longer than usual dark eyelashes. Her facial makeup highlighted the swell of her model-like cheekbones and perfectly smooth skin. The whole look was brought together by a shimmering lipstick that looked like it was designed specifically to make guys dream about getting their dick sucked.

It was having that affect on Nick Thomas as he ogled his hot coach.

Abbie wore a very short gold shimmering strapless dress that exposed her ample cleavage on top and hugged the rest of her body like a silky glove. Her long tanned legs looked like they went on forever, raised by a set of 4" heels that brought her almost eye-to-eye with the 6'-2" black man who stood before her.

A friendly smile appeared on her gorgeous face, "Aren't you going to invite me in?"

"Not till I have another minute to admire that dress...WOW!"

Abbie giggled embarrassingly as she looked down at herself knowing she looked really good, "Okay, times up!"

"Are you sure about that? It felt too short..." They both laughed as he stepped aside and watched as she moved past him. He closed the door and turned to watch her spectacular ass swaying perfectly.

The rest of the group was already assembled, dressed to impress as well - still, not a single member of the group could believe Coach Abbie looked like that.

Nick broke out the shot glasses and before long, none of them were feeling any pain. After a good hour and a half of heavy partying, they hopped in a couple of Uber's and made the trip up to LA. The first place, called Lure Nightclub, was bumping from the outset. A scantily attired hostess led them through the crowded club to a table Nick reserved the week before. Abbie noticed as he flirted with the cute hostess unabashedly before giving her a $20 tip. The hot blonde squeezed Nick's arm and promised him their table would get plenty of attention from the servers. He looked around at several of the provocatively dressed hotties and shouted enthusiastically, "Yeah honey, the more attention the better!"

Over the next few hours, the five of them drank, danced, and celebrated their dominant performances from earlier in the day. The sexy servers kept their drinks full and went out of their way to flirt and flaunt their assets. Nick noticed that the Hollywood provocateurs didn't just exhibit for he and Riley, they openly flirted with the girls too, especially Abbie whose tits were pretty much the center of attention at the table.

For the most part, they danced and partied as a group, but occasionally Nick or Riley would pair off and dance with one of the girl's individually.

The shots and cocktails continued to flow...mostly at Nick's urgings. Everyone was pretty much fucked-up by the time the clock reached one in the morning. They all laughed when as Abbie excused herself to use the ladies room and stumbled slightly in her unaccustomed heels before catching herself. She turned and admonished them all with an embarrassed yet playful smile before everyone busted up.

Nick immediately turned to Riley, "So dude, there is this other place I really want to check out, it's called Boulevard3 over on Sunset. Why don't you, Lauren, and Juliana grab a ride and I'll settle up on this last round and we'll meet you there in a few."

"Sounds good Nick, I heard that place is pretty rippin', we'll see you there in a bit."

Ten minutes later as Abbie made her way back to the table, Nick took in every sexy curve of her rockin' body as she approached semi-drunkenly. He wasn't the only one, half the dudes in the place were eyeing her deviously, several of whom had already hit on her along the way to and/or from the john.

"Where is everyone?" She asked with an inebriated grin.

"They all decided to go to this other place down on Sunset, I told them I would settle up and we'd meet them there in a bit!"

"Oh, okay. But this place is great, why did they would want to leave?"

That was exactly the response Nick was hoping for, "I know huh, I'm not sure either. We should hang here a little longer!" Just then the song changed and a loud roar sounded from the crowd before a new wave headed to the already crowded dance floor. Nick grabbed Abbie by the hand, "Hey, I really like this song, let's dance!"

The two of them had danced plenty together throughout the night, but Nick had kept it cool due to the presence of the others. Now he finally had her alone and had every intention of turning up the heat. His hot married coach was obviously quite drunk and he had picked up on lots of flirty cues throughout the night.

Butterflies formed in Abbie's stomach as Nick led her deep into the crowd.

The hip hop bump was so loud, they could barely hear each other talk, even from the close proximity the crowded dance floor required. Nick had a perfect view of Abbie's tits as they spilled enticingly out of the sexy dress. In minutes, they each developed a sweaty sheen on their exposed skin from the heat of the dance floor. Nick could actually see small beads forming on Abbie's chest and trickling down between her impressive cleavage. He leaned in close, "Hey, that dress really does look great on you!"

Abbie smiled a wide smile and returned the compliment, "You don't look so bad in that outfit either!" Again she could feel flirtatious nervousness permeating her insides.

Nick looked down at his physique, he had unbuttoned one additional button on his tight shirt and his shiny muscled chest now shown impressively, "...Looked pretty good with four gold medals hanging off of it earlier didn't it?" He stated more than asked with an ear to ear grin plastered on his face.

Abbie laughed, "Yeah, it sure did!"

"So you and Justin both won state gold's at the same competition back in the day?" Nick yelled above the loud beat of a new song by Post Malone.

"Yes we did, but don't make it sound like it was that long ago, it was only like six years!" She laughed as she slapped him playfully on the chest.


"Oh shut up Nick, you've known us for almost three!" She countered playfully followed by more laughter.

"I bet you guys had plenty of fun that night?"

"Nick Thomas...that's none of your business!" She admonished him as she rolled her eyes cutely and smiled.

"No, I meant partying and shit...Wow, your mind went in the gutter immediately girl!"

An embarrassed gaze formed on her face before she giggled, "Oh, I misunderstood you, yes we partied pretty hard at a place not too far from here! Justin got so wasted, he almost barfed on the trip back up to UCSB!"

Nick laughed just as a slow song from Drake transitioned into the mix. Nick instinctively reached around her hips with his large hands and pulled her close.

The butterflies in Abbie's stomach turned into eagles as for the first time in this nearly two and half year flirtation, Nick Thomas actually held her in his arms. She could feel the rigidity of the muscles in his arms and chest and she immediately found his masculine scent captivating. They danced tightly together for several minutes without saying a word before the DJ teed up another slow one. Nick's hands drifted down Abbie's back until they circled her tight ass cheeks.

Everything in Abbie's head warned her to tell him to remove them, but her mind was quickly losing control to her leaking pussy as he pulled her tighter. The married dive coach felt the connection with the inescapable lump in his pants as it pressed against her for the first time since the male stripper show over a year previously.

The muscled black diver cupped his coach's tight ass cheeks more firmly as he pulled her to him, the lump now feeling more like a hunk of cured meat pressed against her. As the song played, their bodies pushed together tightly as suddenly this moment felt to both of them like the inevitable sensual collision they suspected would happen ever since that first time they had met at the recruiting interview. Nick whispered in her ear, "You dance nice baby..."

Hearing him call her 'baby' should have been enough to pull Abbie from the dangerous connection, but before her mind could process the words, a response formed on her lips, " do too..."

Nick knew she was fucked-up and not showing any objection to his initial advances so he pressed further, "Hey I got to ask you, when you were wearing that victory gold around your neck a few years ago, did it arouse you as much as it did me?"

The question caught Abbie off guard, but in spite of her intoxication, she fully realized where he was going with this line of questioning. Surprisingly, she found herself not wanting to change the subject, "Um...well it was like six years ago..." they both smiled recalling their previous banter, "but...uh...yeah, I seem to recall getting kind of excited!" This time the flutter in her tummy nearly overwhelmed her as she couldn't believe she had just shared that with him.

Nick smiled broadly, "Remind me, how many medals you won?"

"Two..." she answered quizzically wondering what he was getting at.

"Well just imagine how aroused you'd been if you won four...!" Nick toyed as he pulled subtly away and led her gaze to the now rock-hard bulge in his pants.

Abbie's eyes widened and an audible gasp escaped her lips, "" They were in the center of a huge dance floor, circled by hundreds of people, but at the moment Abbie felt like they were the only two people in the world.

Nick stared deep into her deer-in-headlights gaze with his piercingly mesmerizing eyes, "You can't possibly know how I feel by looking at it, you need to touch it..."

"Oh can't...Justin...I'm married...this is crazy we are even dancing like this..." She stuttered unconvincingly.

"C'mon baby, we both always knew it would come to this at some point...all the times you've seen me in my Speedo...I've seen it in your eyes. Touch it Abbie..."

For some reason, hearing him call her by her name instead of coach or Coach Abbie, felt more strange than what he was actually asking her to do, "...Ugh...Oh God Nick...I...I...can't...I've never cheated on Jus...Justin..." She answered breathlessly, not yet taking her eyes off of his massive bulge.

"It won't be cheating, it's not like we'd be having wild, passionate sex or anything - it's just two people a million miles away relieving some pent up sensual curiosity."

The term 'sensual curiosity' seemed to sooth Abbie's palpable anxiety. She finally broke eye contact with Nick's cock as she turned her gaze to his handsome face and bit down nervously on her lower lip, " won't tell anyone?"

"...Shit no...why would I do that?" He answered confidently as he reached for her hand. He could feel her shaking as he moved it towards his cock.

Suddenly every recollection of Justin's fetish fantasies and his encouragement for her to someday sample an endowed man came flooding to Abbie at once as her small shaking fingers came in contact with Nick Thomas' rock hard shaft.

Nick gripped her ass tightly again and pulled her to him, obscuring the connection her hand was now making with his big cock from the sweat-covered horde of tangled bodies surrounding them - many of whom, were engaged in similar transgressions.

They stared into each other's eyes as Abbie's fingers squeezed and massaged an area in the middle of his shaft. Her small digits hadn't yet made the intoxicating journey from top to bottom, she was still just trying to come to grips (no pun intended) with the unfathomable diameter.

"...That feels nice baby!" Nick groaned as he squeezed her swollen ass cheeks while checking out the sexy swell of her phenomenal tits.

Abbie's tongue slipped from her mouth and subtly circled her glossy lips, "Yeah it does..." Her gaze remained fixed on his mesmerizing eyes, but her thoughts turned to all the times she had stared at his huge bulge, wondering what really lie beneath that Speedo. Now it was in her hand and every previous vision evaporated immediately as its thickness overwhelmed her sense of possibility.

Nick moved his head near her ear, "That's a good spot baby, but there's about twelve others who would like to introduce themselves to those little fingers and a couple of their buds down below that have waited a long time to thank the person who helped them squeeze into that tight-ass altered Speedo."

Abbie got the hint as she moved her fingers downward along its rutted length. She didn't know how her mind could feel totally blank and full of so many thoughts at the same time - but regardless she couldn't recall ever feeling like this. She was intoxicated with arousal and her pussy was filling her panties with moisture. Eventually she circled one Nick's huge balls in the palm of her hand. It felt like a large lime as she playfully squeezed and fondled it with her entire hand, "...oh my...God..." she gasped unthinkingly.

"Yeah...that a girl...get the other one too...uh huh...just like that..."

Abbie suddenly felt an urge to drop both of her hands and grip one in each, but she knew that would be too conspicuous so she carried on with her one-handed ministrations.

As it was, Nick caught a young white couple dancing nearby watching them excitedly. Nick hadn't said anything to the others before, but he had picked this particular club as it had a reputation for allowing and even condoning provocative behavior after hours. With his huge nuts firmly in his hot coach's grasp, Nick looked around to see lots and lots of people dancing and groping erotically under the flash of the sporadic strobe lights in the steamy venue.

Abbie's hand had now made it up to the head of his fat cock and was rubbing and squeezing its fullness.

"Feels nice don't it?" Nick whispered.

Abbie just stared into his eyes and nodded.

"Hey, why don't we take this dance back to hotel..." Nick suggested subtly.

Abbie hesitated for what seemed like a full minute, obviously contemplating the possibilities, before responding in a sultry voice, "...I like it here, let's dance some more." Nick felt her grip tighten around his cock.

Nick squeezed her ass roughly as an erotic gasp escaped her lips.

Eventually the music transitioned back to more upbeat hip hop. Nick swung Abbie around and pulled her tight ass against his crotch. For the next several minutes they danced suggestively as he ground himself against the sweet folds of her bubbled ass. Again he noticed the young white couple and now a few others watching them. He saw the little blonde subtly point her ring finger out to her guy, apparently acknowledging that Abbie was wearing a wedding ring.

This only spurred Nick on to enhance the show.

Abbie didn't notice as her eyes were glazed and she was too busy pressing her ass against Nick's rigid cock.

Nick pulled her close again and buried his face in her thick hair from behind. Her scent permeated his senses, prompting him to run his nose along her long neck and take in more of her perfume mixed with perspiration. With his hands circling her waist and his cock grinding against her he began planting little kisses along her neck.

Abbie stiffened initially before eventually reaching back and gripping the back of his head. She ran her fingers through his short kinky dreads as she turned her head slightly and encouraged his efforts. She could feel her rock hard nipples scr****g against the silky fabric of her short dress.

Suddenly she felt Nick's big hand cup the back of her exposed thigh just below the hem. She nearly lost her breath as his strong fingers traveled tantalizingly underneath and gripped her ass cheek, her soaked thong allowing uninhibited access, "Nice baby..." He muttered provocatively in her ear before biting it softly.

Abbie knew she was quickly approaching the point of no return, if she let Nick touch her pussy then... "Oh my God, I thought they left!" She practically screamed out loud as she pushed Nick's hand away and pulled from his grasp in a sudden panic.

Nick looked up to see Riley, Lauren, and Juliana walking along the edge of the dance floor towards the main bar.

Apparently in their erotic hypnosis, Abbie and Nick had gravitated from the center of the dance floor to the outer edge nearest the bar. Nick tried to convince her to move back towards the middle, but the damage was already done. Abbie 'sobered' quickly and the realization of her infidelity finally crystallized in her mind, "Nick we can't do this! I'm married!"

He tried again to convince her to reconsider, but she wasn't having any of it. They made their way over to the others, Nick doing his best to conceal his hard-on.

"Hey what happened to you guys," Riley asked as he saw them approach.

"Sorry it's my fault," Abbie answered, "I really like this club and I convinced Nick we should stay for a while. What are you guys doing back here?"

"I left my damn credit card at the bar. I didn't realize it till after we waited nearly an hour to get into that other place."

"Oh shit, I'm sorry Riles, I had no idea there would be a line!" Nick expounded with a chuckle.

"No worries, I'm just gonna grab my card and head back to the hotel."

"We'll go with you guys!" Abbie blurted quickly before Nick could respond.

They called two Uber's and Abbie jumped into the first one with Lauren and Juliana. She was already back in her room when Nick's first text dinged on her phone, "Hey, I still got plenty to drink over here, why don't you come down for a bit...the night's still young."

Butterflies circled Abbie's stomach as she glanced at the clock...2:45 a.m. "Young my ass..." she muttered to herself. Yet in spite of the late hour and a subtly clearer perspective, an unyielding force was pulling her towards Nick's room - Nick's room and that big black cock...

After painstakingly wrestling with her thoughts and desires, she texted him back - she had typed and erased several iterations that included apologies and justifications, but she finally settled on, "Nick, I can't..."

He sent several follow-up responses but they all went ignored. Abbie had built up enough resolve to resist her temptations and she had since located her vibrator. It worked overtime for the next hour while she watched another rented porn flick.

Nick grew anxious after several unreturned messages so he bee-lined for her room on the seventh floor hoping to convince her in person. As he approached, he put his ear to the door - what he heard caused him to smile. In addition to a feint humming sound he heard a man's deep voice, "C'mon you hot little married slut, put your white-girl cum all over this big black cock!"

Nick knew the hook was set, it was only a matter of time till she swallowed...


Two weeks later

"Hey I got this big jar for them to all put their keys into tonight. Nobody is going to drink and drive when they leave here," Justin announced, proud of himself for coming up with the idea. "I'll put it out on the porch in the morning and they can pick them up then."

"Good idea honey, what else do we need to do to get ready?" Abbie asked with an energetic smile.

"That should just about do it. The solo cups and shot glasses are all out up here and down in the basement. The big bottle of Patron and the keg are on ice. The pizza arrives at 8. My ping-pong table is set up downstairs. They all love to play that beer pong game, so we'll see how crazy that gets."

"Did I hear you say Nick is in charge of the music?" Abbie asked.

"Yes, they all wouldn't have it any other way, he's like the resident DJ and that hip hop shit will undoubtedly be blaring loudly all night long!" Justin frowned before an accepting smile reappeared.

Abbie's thoughts turned to the eroticism of the night club from two weeks previously. That night the thunderous bump of the hip hop blasting from the speakers was intoxicatingly hot. That, combined with the surreal experience of Nick's firm hands on her while grinding his big hard cock against her ass had nearly led her down a path to marital infidelity. Only the arrival of the rest of the group saved her from that fate.

The past two weeks had gone by in a blur as memories of that night came flooding back to her time and time again each and every day. But in spite of Justin's encouraging fetish fantasies, she couldn't bring herself to tell him of her transgressions, now cautiously hopeful it would be a distant memory before long. Still, feelings of anxiety and excitement coursed through her as this would be the first night she would see Nick since State Championships.

The conclusion of the dive season and both dead week and finals week in the interim had altered their typical schedules since. For the seniors, tonight's end of year team party was their last hurrah before graduation the following weekend.

Team members began arriving at seven o'clock, by eight nearly the entire team was there. Abbie had greeted Nick at the door in an awkward exchange that found her shaking his hand as he entered. Nick had to hold back a laugh as only two weeks earlier that same dainty hand had been stroking his big cock on the dance floor.

It was a warm night in the Sacramento area. Nick wore a tight tee shirt, shorts, and flip flops. Abbie was dressed pretty casual as well in a flowery sun dress and sandals. Her hair was up and she sported the sexy librarian glasses that Nick had seen on her only about a dozen times over the past couple of years. The pretty dress had thin straps and was cut relatively low in the front showing a fair amount of cleavage. It wasn't unusually tight, but it showed off her curves nicely. Her tan was already looking really good for early May.

As expected, Nick became NTDJ (BDNDJ would have been hard to explain) when he connected his phone to Justin's Sonos speaker system. The rap tunes soon blared from his Spotify mix to the delight of everyone on the team except the head coach...Justin gritted his teeth and accepted the fact it was only one night. Abbie's panties dampened like Pavlov's dog hearing the dinner bell as she recollected several songs from the erotic night at the dance club.

At several points throughout the night when one of those songs played, she and Nick would make knowing eye contact. Abbie would subconsciously look away quickly, but he knew what she was thinking.

Over the course of the next four hours, beers and shots flowed continuously. One of the junior divers, Derek Lattimore, brought his famous Hornet beer bong which got plenty of use down in the basement. Justin pounded down a few like he was back at UCSB again. He had no idea each time he did that Nick Thomas added a little sleepy juice to the funnel. Although Nick suspected Justin might have cuckold tendencies, he had every intention of fucking his wife's brains out and wasn't going to take the chance of him being in the way. By the time the crowd dwindled to only a few, the coach was well on his way to Nyquil night-night.

After Abbie walked Riley and Derek to the door laughing and joking about a story Riley recounted from his sophomore year, she turned and saw only Nick still waiting upstairs. Butterflies filled her stomach before she suggested nervously, "Hey, let's go see what's happening downstairs."

She led the way with Nick following closely. He checked out her hot little ass and tanned legs as they made their way down. To Abbie's disbelief, the only person remaining in the basement was her husband. He was passed out on the couch sitting up with a half-full beer still in his hand. The sleep cocktail and all the booze the coach consumed had done the job. Nick's buddy Carl from the MM show had concocted the sleep drink and assured him it was safe, but warned him whoever consumed it would be out like Rip Van Winkle for the next ten to twelve hours.

Nick had to hold back a laugh as Abbie removed the cup from Justin's hand and tried desperately to wake him. Her efforts failed miserably. Finally she gave up and Nick helped direct his head to a pillow before Abbie covered him with a light blanket and flipped off the light.

Abbie's butterflies morphed into pterodactyls once again as they ascended the stairs, "So that was a good night, are you as tired as I am?" She asked leadingly.

Nick didn't respond but instead made a bee-line for the fridge and grabbed a beer. Abbie's angst grew as he hopped his butt up on one of the only vacant counter spaces, "Nah, I'm not too wiped, let's hang out for a bit."

Abbie filled a water glass and took a big drink before turning and looking back at him. She'd had a lot to drink while playing beer pong downstairs and worse, had gulped down a handful of Patron shots mixed with a couple more beers over the past few hours while hanging out with the girls upstairs. Nick could see the drunkenness in her eyes. He could also see the telltale signs of the d**gs he'd slipped into several of her keg pours. He knew the affect they had on her the night of the show, so he had been a bit more conservative with the volume this time around, but still made sure she got enough to enhance her level of arousal.

"So how come you didn't respond to any of my text's when we got back to the hotel the other night?"

"Oh it goes." Abbie said to herself. " was wrong what we...I did at the dance club!"

"You didn't seem to think so at the time - you seemed to really enjoy yourself!"

"That doesn't mean it wasn't wrong..."

"Right or wrong, I think it was just two people acting out on an obvious attraction that's been building for a long time!"

"What...what do you mean a long time?" She stuttered nervously.

"Oh c'mon coach, don't tell me you haven't felt it from way back in the beginning. I've seen the way you look at it all the time."

"Look...look at what?"

Nick laughed, "The bulge in my Speedo, I've seen you stare at it hundreds of times over the past couple of years."

Abbie gulped, "You must be mistaken Nick..."

"Tell me this, does Justin know you stare at it that much?" Nick asked as he spread his legs exposing his bulge even in his baggy shorts.

Abbie could feel wetness in her panties as she u*********sly glanced down between his legs before answering absently, "I...I'm not sure...but...he...he would probably be okay if he did..."

"Bingo!" Nick now knew that inevitable truth would lead to the outcome he had anticipated for a long time, "Did you tell him about the dance club?"

" of course not!"

"Why not, if he would have been okay with it, why didn't you tell him how much you liked stroking my big cock?"

"Ugh...Nick...I didn't...I didn't...uh...tell him..."

"You didn't tell him that you did it or didn't tell him you loved it?"

"...Uh...I didn't tell him I...uh...did it."

"But you did love it didn't you?"

She stared blankly into his eyes, both of them knowing how she'd felt. "Tell me Abbie, if Justin would have been okay with it as you suggested, can I assume you guys are swingers or something?"

"Swingers? Absolutely not, we've never been unfaithful to one another!"

A sly smile formed on Nick's face, "Hmm, but he's okay if you check out another dude's package all the time?"

Abbie stammered again, "I...I...uh...don't stare at it all the time, but..." she swallowed nervously and dropped her eyes back into his crotch, "...I think he would be."

Nick smiled widely and hopped down from the counter, grabbed her by the hand, and led her to the couch in the living room, "Wait here for a minute." He grabbed his nearby backpack and headed for the adjacent bathroom. Abbie felt a tingling in her panties when moments later he returned wearing only his Hornet Speedo and tee-shirt. He quickly moved in front of her and tantalizingly removed his shirt exposing his tattoo covered muscular torso and gunned biceps.

Nick witnessed Abbie's sporadic heavy breathing as she looked up into his mesmerizing eyes. He then watched as her gaze followed a path down his muscled chest and rippled stomach before fixing on the incomprehensible lump directly in front of her stunned face. In spite of thousands of subtle and not so subtle stares, only once before, the night of the show, had she ever been this close to it. She licked her lips unthinkingly.

"Now you can look at it all you want!"

Abbie couldn't believe how every inch of the Speedo fabric was stretched so tightly. Her mouth watered as she wondered if it would burst out at any moment. She licked her lips again before biting her lower one and gazing back up into his eyes.

"Baby, we have both wanted this for a long time, why don't you go into your room, take off your clothes, and wait for me on the bed."

Abbie's heart felt like it was going to explode in her chest, "But...but what about him? What about...uh...Justin?" She asked in a distracted absent tone.

"What about him? Based on how much he drank, something tells me he is going to be out for a while. But if he does wake, he can come in and watch..."


"Watch us fuck baby!"

"...oh God Nick. We ca...can't. I love him."

"Of course you do, but you said yourself he is okay with you ogling my bulge, I'm sure he's told you he would love to watch you have sex with a hung dude."

"Oh my God could you know that?"

He laughed, "C'mon coach, you can't be that naïve. As soon as you acknowledged that he would be okay with you ogling my junk, it's the natural next step. This is the 21st century, lots of husbands and boyfriends get off on watching their wives or girlfriends getting some big strange cock!"

"Jesus...he said the same thing!"

Nick laughed again, "So we both know he wants this as much as the two of us, go on in and get ready for me Abbie," The muscular athlete nodded in the direction of her bedroom.

Abbie stared at him absently before she finally did as he instructed as if some invisible puppet master controlled the strings to her aroused body. A surreal feeling of being in Nick's control overcame her. Here she was in her own home with her husband only a stairway away, but Nick Thomas, the young black man they had recruited and coached for the past two years, was the one now calling the shots.

It felt so wrong and so right at the same time.

Abbie could barely feel her legs as she moved towards the bedroom, but just before entering she turned, "...Nick...can you...uh...keep the Speedo on when you come in..."

A knowing smile formed on his face, he nodded. As she turned to move away he had every sense this was a fantasy she had waited a long time to live out.

When she got into the room, every part of her was trembling. Abbie went to her lingerie drawer before entering her master bath. The young dive coach stared into the mirror before removing her glasses, slipping the sundress from her shoulders and letting it fall to the floor. Her fingers shook nervously as she disconnected the strapless bra clasp before stretching her tight silky panties over her lithe hips. Both sexy garments joined her dress on the floor. Abbie stared at her naked body in the mirror, knowing that a man who wasn't her husband would soon see her like this, but that wasn't all, he would touch her...he would kiss her...he would lick her...he would fuck her.

Abbie swallowed uneasily before applying perfume to her neck, her breasts and her pussy mound. She slipped on one of Justin's favorite pink baby dolls and checked herself out in the full length mirror behind the door. She knew she always looked really good in this piece and right now her tits looked perfect spilling out the top and filling out the sexwear. She released her hair from its hold and let it fall over her shoulders. She kinked it a bit and applied wet lip gloss before exiting the bathroom. She hurriedly lit several candles around the room before dimming the lights and crawling up on the soft surface. Justin was the last thing on her mind.

Moments later Nick Thomas, her black diving protégé, entered the room dressed only in his shorts. Abbie felt a tinge of disappointment that he had covered back up his Speedo, but her attention moved hurriedly to his black-skinned muscle-covered chest and rippled stomach. His tats that had been a source of annoyance in the past were now drawing her gaze curiously.

Nick himself couldn't remember ever being more aroused. Before him on her marital bed knelt his gorgeous white coach waiting innocently for a blacking she couldn't possibly fathom. He had seen her dressed in hundreds of outfits including string bikinis and party dresses over the past couple of years, but never had she looked as good as she did at this moment. Dressed in a shear pink baby doll that did very little to obscure its heavenly contents, Nick took in every inch of her stunning body. Her gorgeous face wore the gaze of a young movie actress waiting for her first sex scene with an experienced heartthrob...nervousness mixed with unbridled excitement.

The knowledge that her husband was only one floor below cemented Nick's arousal as he knew that the next time Justin Dawson saw her, his previously innocent wife would no longer be a virgin to big black cock. This seduction had gone on long enough - tonight Abbie Dawson would learn what it was like to be taken by a black bull. Nick Thomas eyed her hungrily as he made his way towards the bed.

"I thought I said to take off your clothes," an authoritative tone resonated in his voice.

"Mmm, you did, but I thought you might like this." Abbie apologized as she gazed down at her scantily clad tits in the shear lingerie.

He nodded, not showing any outward emotion but aroused as hell at how fucking good she looked. "Tell me what you want?"

Abbie licked her lips while staring at his crotch. He was now only a few feet away. "I want you to take those shorts off..." she breathed lustily without making eye-contact with his face.

"You want me to strip for you?"

"Yes please Nick...take them!" Nick could hear a strained impatience in her voice.

A knowing smile appeared on his face as he watched Abbie move closer to him, "You know good things come to those who wait don't you bitch?"

Abbie was practically hyperventilating, subtly aware he was making her wait for what she had fantasized about for so long - him calling her a bitch would have been inappropriate in any other setting, at this moment it enhanced her arousal.

"Please Nick, take them off...I want to see it."

"I can see by the look in your eyes you want it bad...tell me!"

Abbie nodded impatiently and licked her lips, "Yes...yes...I want it...please do it! Show it to me."

Nick laughed before slowly disengaging the top button and teasingly releasing the others, allowing his shorts to fall to the floor. Abbie gasped out loud and moved closer to him once again. She reached out instinctively but Nick pushed her hand away before pressing forward, "Use your mouth!"

In spite of her surprise at his directive, she didn't hesitate. Her breath was heavy as she leaned in until her lips came in contact with it through the silky material. The young wife immediately felt a shudder surge through her body as its intoxicatingly masculine scent nearly overwhelmed her. Abbie would later admit to her husband that for the first time ever in her life she thought she might die if she didn't have sex.

The horny wife started running her lips all along Nick's semi-limp shaft. She couldn't believe the heat coming off through his suit. She reached for it, but Nick pushed her hands away again, instructing her to keep doing what she was doing.

Abbie felt like she was in a dream as the surreal experience that she'd imagined so many times was finally a reality. She'd seen him in his Speedo so many times over the past two years and had fantasized about this moment more times than she would admit, even to herself. Now as her lips and tongue massaged its rutted contours she began to sense his arousal. She was amazed that he wasn't already hard. Abbie tried to imagine Justin's much smaller cock possibly remaining flaccid as she licked and kissed his cock while dressed like this for him.

She knew that would never have been the case, but the longer she used her mouth, even Nick's previously steel resolve slowly dissolved as his magnificent cock began to harden and grow. Nick wrapped his long fingers in her hair and guided her head as Abbie's efforts caused it to expand and lengthen so quickly she could hear the seams of the Speedo stretching.

When it finally sprang free, she screamed and practically jumped in surprise.

Her eyes got huge as she finally saw the object that had pervaded her thoughts so often over the past few years. She was astonished at its size. Nick heard an audible gasp as his hot married coach tried to come to grips with what now stood powerfully rigid in front of her face. The dark black head and veiny contours gave it a powerfully threatening appearance, yet the only thought that came to her mind was how stunningly beautiful it looked.

She wanted to suck it.

Nick let her move her head forward and kiss it unsheathed for the first time. His fingers remained tangled in her thick hair as she planted little kisses and nibbles along its length. The heat and electricity she felt without the restrictiveness of the suit made her pussy drip and her nipples turn to stone.

"Stick out your tongue," his authoritativeness returning.

Abbie did as he said before he wrapped a large hand around his girth and brought it to her lips.

"Taste what's leaking out!"

Abbie nervously wiggled her tongue around the tip and lapped at his pre-cum, "Mmm..." Nick heard from somewhere deep in her throat. He grunted approvingly before rubbing it more forcefully around her wet tongue and plump lips.

Abbie opened her mouth, showing him the wetness inside. Inviting him to enter. She couldn't wait for it.

"You like giving head?"

His young coach nodded despite the fact it had never been her thing. He could see a nervous excitement on her face.

"Show me," he said as he pushed the fat head between her succulent lips. Abbie's mouth was quickly stretched so wide that she found breathing difficult. His circumference challenged her capabilities, but she quickly learned she could breathe through her nose and still use her tongue to tickle the fleshy underside to his grunting approval. He pressed deeper, but in spite of her best efforts, he came to a hasty realization that she was going to need a lot more practice. The irony was not lost on either of them as she had been the teacher for the past few years in the pool, but he would now be the one providing instruction in the bedroom.

Nick liked it that way and despite her inexperience, he loved the way she looked with his big black cock in her mouth, "I'm surprised you aren't a little more comfortable sucking cock, but I'll teach you...I'll teach you how to please a black man with your mouth! Spit on it baby...mmm...that's better now lick and suck it!" He groaned as he reached down and squeezed one of her heavy tits, "Nice baby, suck it while I play with these big titties!"

Nick pulled her to the edge of the bed. He stood between her legs as she anxiously stroked her saliva with both hands, one on top of the other while slutishly sucking and kissing the head. Then she found his balls. Abbie pulled his cock from her mouth to get a look at her new discovery. Her eyes went wide as she stared at the huge black sack that enveloped her small hand as she kneaded the lemon sized spheres with her fingers and muttered, "Oh my God, no wonder you don't fit in those Speedos..."

"Take that shit in your mouth too..." the black diver brusquely directed as he raised one foot up on the bed exposing his heavy hanging sack. Abbie observed that since they'd entered the bedroom, Nick's recently evolved persona took a back seat to the edgier ghetto character she and Justin had first come to know. Regardless, she latched onto one of his big balls and sucked it enthusiastically, not giving a shit at this moment about their socio-cultural differences.

Nick's hands found her tits and squeezed them roughly. It startled her at first, but she soon found she liked the way he manipulated them as he pressed her mounds upward while thumbing her nipples. She moaned her pleasure.

"Show them to me those big titties," he grunted.

In spite of her arousal and desire to get naked for him, Abbie playfully teased with a naughty grin, "My husband is the only one allowed to see them..."

Her response surprised him at first, but immediately the reluctantly playful interaction aroused him. However, instead of playing along, he took the opportunity to remind her who was in charge, "Oh is that right? Well I've waited too long for this!" He growled in a mockingly authoritarian tone before yanking the front of the sexy lingerie from her chest. The tiny straps snapped like rubber bands and his hot coach's perfect tits bounded out.

The action surprised her and a startled scream escaped Abbie's lips as she looked down to see her tits bouncing with the destroyed baby doll now bunched around her waist. She looked back up at him in amazement before a smile formed on his face. Moments later they were both laughing before he moved in and their lips locked passionately. They kissed like teenagers as Nick squeezed her fully exposed tits and she stroked his huge cock.

"Wrap them around it..." Nick directed when their lips finally separated.

The suggestion surprised her, "Wrap them around...?"

"Your fuckin' tits...wrap them around my cock!" Nick clarified as his dark manhood stood majestically in front of her face, slick with her saliva and glistening from the flickering candles.

He watched as she pulled him forward against her chest. Nick couldn't get over the flawlessness of her big rack. The aroused black man couldn't recall ever seeing a nicer set than the d-cup pair heaving enticingly on his young coach's slender frame. Round and shaped to perfection they looked like they had been sculpted by an artist to serve as the focal point of her stunning body. Sitting heavily above her flat stomach they contained that perfect shape that forced her hard nipples upward towards his ogling stare. He would soon feel the contrast of just how soft they felt as Abbie positioned them around his big aching cock and began an up and down movement.

Nick's head fell backwards when the warm comfort engulfed him, "Fuh...uh huh...those big titties feel real good baby. Now get it all nice and wet...spit on it!"

Abbie looked down to see the huge black head emerge from between them. Her mouth was already wet with arousal - she let a large saliva stream spill from her lips and land across Nick's partially opened slit. He then used her wetness to lubricate the heavenly tunnel engulfing his cock as he fucked her tits in long slow strokes, "Yeah it again." He groaned before watching her release another slippery loog from between her plump lips, "Mmmph...that's what I'm fucking talking about!"

Nick picked up the pace and was soon giving Abbie's sexy tits a good fucking while she excitedly squeezed them around it, played with her nipples, and watched. The contrast of his dark black head entering and exiting her creamy white tits aroused her in the same way she had felt watching Justin's interracial videos.

Now she wanted his big black cock back in her mouth.

Abbie lowered her head and licked the tip each time it thrust forward. She was amazed that his cock was long enough to accommodate such an action. When Nick saw what she was doing he surprised her further. Till now he'd only planted about two-thirds of his meat between her pillowy folds in an effort to maximize the time his sensitive head and fleshy underside spent between them, but his focus was now on another location of desire, "Open your mouth and suck on it while I fuck your big tits!"

His aggressive move startled Abbie momentarily before the head of his cock sunk between her parted lips and his huge balls slapped against the base of her tits. Abbie's arousal only built as he took her this way for several minutes creating a sloppy mess on her chest as she slobbered uncontrollably and his pre-cum oozed .

For the first time in Abbie's life she felt like her body was being used completely as it was designed - to provide pleasure for a confident man who knew exactly what to do with it. Her desire to please him superseded even her own pleasurable feelings. She also realized she really liked sucking his cock, "Uhn...Nick your big cock tastes so good, I love having it in my mouth...and I love the way you're fucking my tits!"

Suddenly she heard Nick groan loudly. Thinking she may have hurt him, she pulled back only to hear him grunt again. This time, his guttural howl was followed by a burst of milky cream exploding from the tip of his cock. The first string landed heavily across her stunned face causing her to gasp in surprise. With her mouth open, the second blast splattered partially inside and down her chin. Abbie reached for his cock in an attempt to guide it away from her face, but not before two more spurts erupted from the engorged head. The first coated one of her eye sockets and the other landed haphazardly in her hair like a heavy slather of shampoo. When she finally pressed his spurting cock downward, her upper chest and breasts received the heaviest dousing as she counted a half-dozen more powerful spurts before his huge balls finally subsided and the remainder dribbled across her fingers.

Still not comprehending what she'd just witnessed and not aware how much was in her mouth, the stunned wife swallowed and tasted his rich ejaculate for the first time. She had rarely if ever tasted Justin's cum, but she was immediately surprised that Nick's possessed a unique, almost buttery quality about it, "God Nick...I didn't know anyone could..."

He cut her off, "...Those sweet wet titties milked it right out of me. Now clean me up!" He suggested matter-of-factly as he brought the cum covered head to her lips. Abbie's eyes got wide as she thought to herself, "...clean you up? I'm the one covered in this mess!" But before she could process another thought, Nick's plumb-sized head pushed her lips apart and entered her mouth.

Her second helping was just as agreeable as the first and she soon found herself licking and sucking it from his spongy head before using it to coral more from around her face and direct it towards her mouth. Nick held the back of her head and watched pridefully, "That a girl, tastes nice don't it?"

Again Abbie picked up on the Stockton hood in his tone and word choice, but surprisingly she found something about it intriguing. She nodded in response with the full head of his cock back in her mouth. She sucked him hungrily until most of the heavy stuff was cleaned from her beautiful face.

In spite of her inexperience, Nick concluded his dive coach had an affinity for sucking black cock and the fact she hadn't shown opposition to swallowing his jis only added to his level of desire for this woman.

But after two long years of seduction, he was ready for more than her mouth.

Nick pulled his rigid cock from between her lips and positioned her on her back near the edge of the bed. Abbie whimpered excitedly as he pulled her tattered lingerie from her hips and tossed it aside. Nick took a moment to absorb the perfection of Abbie's naked body before he gripped her thighs and slowly worked them apart. Staring him in the face was the sexiest of white married pussies dripping with excitement. His young coach had a cute little dark patch cut sexily above glistening pink pussy lips. He liked that her slightly puffy outer labia gave way to excess-fleshed inner lips - there was something about a little dangling pussy skin that really turned him on...especially on white chicks. Nick spread her legs wider before dropping his head between them and tasting her for the first time.

Abbie practically bounced off the bed when she felt his tongue.

Before too long her ass did actually lift off the bed as she tried to enhance the connection between her pussy and his long tongue. He had already brought her to the edge several times until she begged him to make her orgasm, "Please Nick, it feels so good, please make me cum," she whined as her hips rotated desperately while her hands smeared his ample cum around her tits.

Nick had to hold back a laugh as his married coach's pitiful cries exposed her level of need. He contemplated eating her sweet cunt to release, but decided her first of countless orgasms would take place with her tight pussy impaled on his big black cock. Confidently he stood and gripped his rigid dick and positioned it at the entrance to her pink dripping slit, "Time for that little pussy to get fucked by something that'll make it forget all about them tongue cums!"

Nick rubbed the big spongy head up and down her dripping slit, paying special attention to her swelling clit. "God Nick, I want you in me...but you need to use something," she gasped, suddenly wishing she and Justin hadn't decided to go off the pill.

"C'mon baby, you know how much better it'll feel. Little white pussies were made to feel big black cocks skin to skin!"

"...Ugh Nick...please...I can't risk it...Justin has some in his nightstand!"

Nick let out a little chuckle which caught her by surprise, "Nah, I got some shit..."

An audible gasp of disappointment escaped her lips as he released her legs and walked around to the base of the bed. Her hand fell between her legs and rubbed her pussy while she followed his muscle covered physique around the bed. He reached into his shorts before tossing them back down. As he moved back in her direction her attention was clearly focused on the most overwhelming presence in the room. This time when he moved back between her legs, it was her who gripped his rigid pole and guided it up and down her pussy slit, "God's hot and big...please fffffuck me...I need you in me," she begged in a desperate whimper.

As Nick tore open the box of BIGFOOT XXX MAGNUM PLUS rubbers they stared into each other's eyes, both fully aware that the past couple of years of erotic seduction had finally reached the inevitable precipice they had always known they would eventually climb.

Abbie's thoughts turned to Justin one final time as Nick lined up his sheathed trunk at the opening of her waiting pussy. All the subtle and not so subtle fetish moments, encouragements, enticements, and urgings her husband had bestowed upon her over the past several years had led her to this point - naked and truly ready to be taken by an endowed man who wasn't her husband. And not just any man, the black man whose massive cock had been the central point of so much of their erotic infidelic foreplay ever since they'd first viewed the incomprehensible lump in his Speedo from his dive tapes years before.

The young wife took one final deep breath before she felt Nick Thomas' big black cock push inside her.

"Ohhhh myyyy Godddd Nick...please go slow...shit...ohhhh," she groaned as the swollen head sunk past her stretched lips.

Nick held her calves up near his shoulders as he slowly pressed millimeter after millimeter of his stone-hard cock into the young wife's tight pussy. He pridefully watched as her gorgeous face writhed in an unending array of pained yet pleasurable visual responses that aligned with the gasps and grunts escaping her gaped mouth, "...slow Nick...fuck...uhn...Jesus...ohh...ohh."

"Fuck your pussy is tight coach."

"Oh Nick...uhn...uhn...God...I've never felt anything...anything like big...ohh...ohh...yeah..."

"Now you know what you been missin' all this time, feels good don't it," he grunted in his best Stockton hooded dialect.

Abbie simply nodded before cautioning, "You're so big...keep going feels so good but it hurts too!"

"Don't worry baby, once that tight married pussy gets messy all over it, the only thing you'll feel is Nirvana. You ain't ever gonna wanna stop!"

"Oh God..." Abbie whimpered as the handsome stud began slow in and out movements with about a third of his cock now buried inside.

"Play with those big titties baby!" Nick directed as he pulled her legs together and wrapped one muscular arm around them against his torso. He ran his long tongue along her calves as he moved his free hand to her pussy and pressed his thumb against her clit while feeding more veiny cock inside her.

"Oh fuh...Nick...that feels sooo good, keeping doing that!" Abbie whined as she pinched and pulled her hard nipples.

With his big black cock reaching the halfway point and his thumb having unleashed her swollen clit from its glistening little teepee, Nick began to see the telltale signs of an impending orgasm forming on his coach's gorgeous face. Her breathing was strained and her moans intensifying while her hips undulated ever so slightly, seeking to maximize the immense pleasure she was experiencing balanced with the dull ache of being stuffed so thoroughly.

Nick's cockhead had already reached places within her that had never been discovered and his rutted thickness wasn't deflowering them tenderly. The mushroomed phallus sc****d roughly along nerve endings that instinctively bathed it in secretions never having been tested before.

To Nick Thomas, they were working to perfection. Abbie's unbelievably tight fuck tunnel immersed his cock in a heavenly welcoming party of slippery juices mixed with the softest tissues imaginable, "Fuck baby, your tight-ass pussy feels so damn good!"

"Oh yeah Nick, you're making me feel so good...I never knew it could be like this. Please...please don't stop doing anything...ohh...ohh...God...I love it!"

Nick had fucked countless women in his young life, but due perhaps to their extended erotic seduction, or possibly because Abbie was hot as fuck, he couldn't remember ever feeling more aroused at the prospect of a bitch creaming on his big cock like his married coach was about to, "Go on baby let it out, put that married cum all over that big black stick! You know you want to!"

"'re gonna make me do it! Ohh...ohh...shit it feels sooo good Nick...don't stop! I wanna cum for you..." Abbie wailed.

"Give it to me baby...give me all that sweet married pussy juice! Put it on my black dick bitch!" Nick implored as he shoved his cock deeper into her than he had any point while continuing the titillating thumb ministrations around her dripping swollen clit.

"OH MY GOD NICK YES! FFFFFFUCK ME...FFFFFFUCK ME!" The uncontrollable young wife screamed, making Nick wonder if she might wake her passed out husband.

"I'M CUMMING NICK...OH MY GOD...I'M CUMMING!" She wailed as her entire body shook violently and a burst of juice spilled out copiously around the edges of his deeply buried cock.

The ejaculation startled even Nick Thomas. He pulled his massive dick from between her gaped lips and a gush of pussy juice splashed onto the sheets, "Holy fuck! Now that's what I call a good cum bitch!" He cheered.

Abbie barely heard his words as her head was still arched backwards against the sheets with her mouth wide open as she fought to replace the oxygen that had been fucked out of her lungs by Nick's amazing cock.

He shimmied her semi-limp body up towards the center of the bed with his cock still buried inside her. Abbie's gushing climax had assisted in a far deeper penetration by his long cock - most of him now being squeezed by her still hungry pussy. He started right back where he'd left off, fucking her right through her orgasm. Her taught legs were now spread wide as he held himself above her with his muscular arms in an upward pushup position.

Abbie moaned loudly as her hands roamed from his chest to his shoulders to his gunned biceps. Finally she pulled him down and practically swallowed his tongue as hers swirled and sucked on it like a starving women. Nick began fucking her in long slow strokes, burying himself deeper on each thrust. He still couldn't believe that in spite of her squirting climax, she could still feel so tight. The room was filled with the sounds of Abbie's ever present moans and wet smacking sounds as her pussy had become completely sodden following her orgasm and Nick's subsequent pounding.

"Uhn...uhn...uhn...God're so deep inside me. Please keep going slow like feels sooo good...uhn...uhn...yes!"

Nick was now only an inch or so away from full penetration. He was impressed that Abbie's unbelievably tight pussy was capable of taking him so deep so quickly. Some chicks were never able to accept him at the depth his hot coach was at this moment. He was quickly confirming what he had expected for so long, this married bitch had a body built for fucking. And better yet, it was obvious she fucking loved it. He leaned forward and took one of her rock hard nipples between his teeth and bit down playfully as he thrust powerfully into her yet again.

"Oh yeah Nick, I love that - bite my nipples while you fuck me," she whined while tangling her fingers through his short dreads.

His coach's dirty pillow talk spurred him on to pound her harder. Nick had to hold back a laugh at the divergence between her and Justin's strict rules about profanity on the pool deck versus her resemblance to a foul-mouthed banshee while impaled on his big cock. He plunged his rutted shaft into her with more force as they both felt his huge balls bounce off her ass for the first time. Abbie cried out again, "'s so deep deep...Jesus! I can't believe I can take it all..."

"Oh you can take it and you're gonna take deep it all night long!"

"Oh yes Nick...fuck me...fuck me harder...Oh're going to make me cum again!" Abbie could feel another big orgasm developing deep in her pussy.

"Squirt that pussy juice all over my big cock again bitch!" Nick growled as he pummeled away at her married hole.

" big...fuck me deep with your wonderful cock Nick...make me cum...OHHHH GAAAAWWWDDD!" She screamed as her fingernails dug into the flesh of his rigid ass.

Experiencing her in the throes of complete sexual decadence with her big beautiful tits bounding across her chest while plunging deeply into her squirting pussy was too much for Nick to handle, "Shit Abbie, your tight wet pussy is gonna milk it right out of me!" He shouted as every muscle in his body flexed, the head of his cock swelled, and his huge balls bounced off her ass as he deposited a torrent of cum into the oversized rubber.

Again Abbie's copious juices flowed out of her well-fucked hole when Nick pulled his cock out and they collapsed together on her marital bed.

They both fought to capture their breath as Nick took the opportunity to get in a little jab, "Shit baby, at this rate we ain't gonna have any dry spots to sleep in tonight!" They both glanced down towards the mess on the sheets between Abbie's legs and laughed breathlessly.

"Who said we're going to sleep?" Abbie answered with a naughty smile that Nick took as containing undertones that she might not be k**ding.

Moments later another mischievous grin formed on her face before she jumped from the bed and entered her closet. Nick's eyes followed her stunning bubble ass as she disappeared through the doorway. She returned with another naughty look on her face and a silky black box in hand. Her perfect d-cups jiggling all the way.

"What have we here?" Nick questioned, suddenly wondering if his innocent dive coach was really all that innocent.

"Just some fun stuff," she giggled as she plopped the box down between them. The first thing she pulled out was Justin's soft-covered DVD case containing over a dozen porn videos. Abbie flipped quickly to the one titled 'Chocolate Decadence', "I think this is appropriate, don't you?" She bit her lower lip and asked as she held it up for him.

"I'd say so, put that shit on..."

Abbie rushed to the DVD player, flipped it and their big flat screen TV on and returned to the bed with remote in hand. When she arrived Nick was holding up a pair of fuzzy handcuffs. Her eyes got wide before knowing smiles formed on both of their faces.

Moments later the first scene that Abbie vaguely recalled from the one time she and Justin had watched this video came on the screen. A beautiful blonde wife and muscular black man were making out on a hotel bed as the woman's husband watched nearby.

"Hmm, is this the kind of shit you and Justin like to watch?" Nick asked, obviously picking up on the interracial cuckold element.

Another mischievous grin formed on Abbie's face as she simply nodded.

"I guess I should have known..." Nick responded as he watched the blonde on screen reach for the black bull's big cock.

Abbie's words interrupted his gaze, "We also like to do what they do," she teased playfully as she wrapped her dainty little fingers around his semi-rigid dick.

"Uh huh...makes sense to me." Nick answered as he propped a pillow behind his head and did the same with his intertwined fingers, elbows out.

He watched as his hot coach moved between his legs and stroked his pussy juice covered shaft. She moved in close and stared at it as she slowly stroked it, a mesmerized gaze painted on her face. The huge rubber reservoir tip of the BIGFOOT MAGNUM, was filled completely and actually ballooning out with Nick's spunk. He wondered what her intentions were before his gorgeous coach surprised him by extending her tongue and flicking it across the semen filled bubble. Nick watched as she playfully bobbed her tongue against it for nearly a minute before she kissed and licked around the sheathed head of his cock, obviously lapping at her own essence as it coated the enormous condom. Finally, she tilted her head back and looked at him with a hungry gaze, "I want to clean you up."

Again Nick was taken aback - his married coach was full of surprises. She would tell her husband later that Nick had instructed her to clean him, but the fact was, she wanted to taste him again. Abbie worked the incredibly tight sheathing from his hardening cock, taking care to ensure that as much remained inside in spite of her desire for its creamy richness. When she finally got the massive stretched-out prophylactic removed, she was dumbstruck by the volume and weight of its contents. She felt like she was back in sixth grade again holding an oversized water balloon at her friend's birthday party.

Nick watched in prideful satisfaction as he suspected what was going through her mind. But her next move surprised him. His typically conscientious, fastidious coach simply dropped the sodden, bulging condom onto the hardwood floor on her husband's side of the bed before attacking his cock with an impatient fervor that soon had her lips dripping with the remainder of his viscous spooge.

"Yeah baby clean that shit all up," he cheered, one hand now on the back of her head. Abbie's hungry tongue licked and nibbled up and down the length of his re-engaging shaft.

" taste good..." Nick's hot coach groaned as her tongue fluttered slutishly.

"Uh-huh...there's lots more where that came give me another little taste of that married slit." He directed as he manipulated her body around until her gaped pussy was only inches from his face. They dined on one another's genitalia in a luscious sixty-nine until Abbie's juice literally ran down his face and her rapidly improving cock-sucking skills made him stone-hard yet again. Nick announced he was ready for more fucking.

He slid out from under her sweat covered body, keeping her in the same basic position and bringing her hot bubbled ass into play. He moved behind her with a sleek expertise, as fucking from behind was his unquestioned position of choice. To Nick, there was just something primally correct about taking white women doggy-style. Not only did it feel fucking great, but in no other tangling of body parts was the alpha black male, submissive white female element more in play. And in no other position did his huge nuts get to have more fun slapping against dripping clits and stunning white asses.

This wasn't just Nick's opinion either. It was a running joke with all his buddies from the Bull Pen how much white couples got off on it when the alpha black bulls fucked the shit out of the wives or girlfriends doggy-style while the husbands or boyfriends watched. A couple of the older more tenured bulls theorized some of those couples needed BBC doggy mating as much as the air they breathed every day.

Nick would soon learn that his hot coach might fit right in with that group.

Abbie had always been somewhat reticent to Justin's urgings for rear entry sex, considering it kind of inappropriate for husbands and wives. Even the porn that Justin had introduced to their sex lives which featured a lot of doggy-style fucking, while arousing her to watch, hadn't altered her conservative opinion about practice. To her, it was great for porn stars, but not something she and Justin should indulge often.

She hadn't been fucked doggy yet by Nick Thomas and her opinion was already changing.

Abbie squealed excitedly when Nick positioned her on her hands and knees. He pushed her smooth tanned legs apart exposing her dripping lips and puckered hole. Nick considered his coach's ass basically flawless, especially for someone her age. Lots of time in the gym and swimming laps had contributed to its God given ripeness. Abbie's bubbled cheeks framed her deep cleft crack highlighting the wetness along it brought about by his expertly orchestrated tongue-fuck.

The black stud pushed her shoulders downward until her head rested against the bed sheets. Her breathing was ragged as she waited nervously for the thorough fucking she knew she would soon receive. Nick aligned his fat cock with her ass crack before flopping the heavy meat up on top just above her hole. A startled scream escaped her lips as the shear mass of his rigid log caused her to grasp handfuls of bed sheets to brace herself.

Nick slowly retracted his ass, letting the fat head of his cock slip naturally down and nuzzle against the circular ring of her married asshole. Abbie gasped loudly. He let the spongy head rest against her asshole, teasingly pushing and retracting as if he intended to penetrate. Abbie waited nervously now knowing his intentions.

Finally after a tantalizingly long delay Nick gripped his cock and smeared Abbie's juices up and down her crack. Along the way he tortured her as he playfully slapped the glistening head against her pussy lips and puckered hole. Abbie moaned loudly before desperately whimpering for Nick to fuck her.

He held back a laugh as he teased her for another minute until she was practically begging. But then without warning just as he was about to shove it into her, she surprised him with a request out of left field, "Nick, what did you do with those handcuffs?"

Nick's eyes widened, "Did she really just ask that? "Their right here baby..."

"Nick...oh God...can you cuff me to the bed before it?"

Now in addition to the stunned expression on his face, Nick's cock swelled to unmatched proportions, "You really are full of surprises Abbie Dawson! I have to admit I didn't expect you and Justin to be into some of these hot kinks..."

Abbie peered back over her shoulder, her breath ragged, "I've...uh...never let him put those on me...but there's...something about doing it with you...God Nick...I can't believe I'm saying this...but I want you to own me."

Nick knew he had just received, albeit completely unexpectedly, the ultimate green light - now he had every intention of using it to the full extent of its power, "Yeah I'm not surprised bitch, but what you're telling me is you want to be my little fuck slut, is that right?"

Abbie dropped her head back to the sheets in shamed acknowledgement before nodding while facing downward, her muffled voice still audible, "Oh God Nick...I can't believe I'm doing this..."

"Oh yes you can...but tell me you want it!" Nick growled as she spanked her ass for the first time. "Say it!"

Abbie yelped loudly as her head fell to the side, "...Fuh...Jesus...yes I...I...want it! I want to be your slut Nick!"

"Uh huh...that's more like it," he spanked her again. "Grab hold of that headboard slut!"

Abbie gasped again before doing what she was told. Nick, being an expert in usage from his time at the Bull Pen cuffed his hot coach to her marital bed in a matter of seconds. He stuffed a pillow under her hips before returning to his knees behind her stunning ass. Nick's big balls bounced together in excitement as he pondered his unbelievably good fortune, "Damn...Coach Abbie is naked and bound to her bed and begging to be my slut while Justin is just downstairs!"

This type of submissively slutty behavior wasn't uncommon for the cuckold wives at the Bull Pen, but this was his conservative married dive coach for fuck sakes.

Nick slapped his huge cock against her dripping pussy lips, "Beg for it slut!"

"Oh God..." She whined. "You know how bad I want it." Now as she was about to be fucked from behind while handcuffed to her bed as interracial porn that she had initiated, played on their bedroom television, the depravity of her actions resonated in Abbie's mind. She had denied her husband all of these same desires on countless occasions, but now as Nick Thomas slapped his fat cock against her sensitive pussy lips she knew her guilt should feel more profound, but it didn't, the only thing she cared about at the moment was getting that big thick cock back inside her.

"Put it in Nick...please! Make me your slut!"

"That a girl, here's what you been waiting for..." Nick bragged as he fed several inches of his fat cock inside her.

" big...uhn...uhn...God...YES!" Abbie grunted as his knarled cock sunk continually deeper with each steady thrust. It wasn't long before his heavy balls slapped up against her silky thighs. Abbie's pussy felt full and stretched from the thickness of his cock and the unfathomable depth of his penetration, but as he moved steadily and slowly and her pussy gushed with wetness, the tenderness subsided and the earlier feelings of immeasurable pleasure quickly returned, "Yes Nick I love it...GODDDD...your big black cock is so deep! Fuck me with it!"

"Yeah, feels great being my slut, don't it coach?" Nick voiced as a satisfied smile formed on his face. After all this time, his hot married coach was finally on the end of his dick. He had obviously put in more time with her seduction than any he ever had or would likely ever again. But now as he fucked her in long deep powerful strokes as her continuous moans filled the room while handcuffed to her headboard and committing to being his slut, it was all worth it. Now he just wanted to savor it before giving his hot married coach a fucking she would never forget.

He reached forward and gripped her bounding tits with both of his big hands. She gasped her approval and encouraged him to keep doing it. Nick thought again to himself that this horny bitch's tits were as good as any he could remember. Taught and heavy yet wrapped in the softest purest skin imaginable, Abbie's breasts had exceeded even his wildest expectations.

"Yes Nick, that feels so good! Oh nipples are so sensitive keep pinching them like that...God I love it!"

He squeezed her tits and played with her nipples while hammering into her relentlessly before dropping one of his hands to her pussy. Abbie practically came on the spot when he worked his fingers over her swollen clit. The combination of his hammering cock and his fingering delights soon had his hot coach moaning again and begging him not to stop.

"Ohhh...Ohhh...shit feels so good being your slut! Do anything you want to me! Your big cock is so fucking good, I can't believe I waited so long for it...ohhh...ohhh...fuck me harder!"

"Damn this is my formerly conservative coach sluttin' it up!" Abbie's nasty responses spurred him on and before long he has hammering into her mercilessly, bringing out a litany of louder more urgent moans and grunts from her beautiful mouth.

Then he spanked her hard on the ass bringing out a startled and different reaction.

"Yes stud, oh God spank me again..." Abbie begged, never having felt anything delivered with so much authority. Justin had playfully slapped her butt on occasion, but if she hadn't been in a place of such building ecstasy, Nick's firm spankings might actually feel like punishment.

They actually were, but this was the kind of punishment intended to make pussies drip.

Abbie's cunt leaked as he slapped her harder each time leaving a quilted tapestry of large red hand prints on her sexy ass. Each connection bringing an arousal filled guttural squeal from her slacked mouth.

"Sluts get spanked hard on their ass don't they?"


"Why are you getting spanked?"

"Because I'm you slut Nick! Spank me again..."

Abbie's body was undergoing a complete sexual awakening. Nick's incredible prowess and authoritative demeanor bringing new waves of pleasure and submissive responses she didn't know existed within her. His actions waking every nerve ending from deep within her pussy to the ends of her toes, she could feel an orgasm building within her unlike anything she had ever experienced. She writhed in satisfied delight as his huge cock plunged into her over and over again.

Nick knew she wasn't going to last much longer. He couldn't have been more contented with any aspect of how this night had progressed. Not only had he finally gotten in Abbie's pants, but their subsequent mating had exceeded any dream of sexual decadence he could have imagined. Her body truly was a wonderland and she had given it to him fully and without constraint. And to his astonishment, he had exposed and succeeded in bringing out a submissive sluttish demeanor in her that fanned his own satisfaction and made his balls bounce with arousal.

"Fuck me Nick...pleeeeaaase don't stop! I wanna cum on your big black cock again!"

"Whose pussy is going to cum on my big dick slut? Who owns that tight slippery pussy?"

"Oh God own this pussy! I'm your slut and you can fuck me with your big dick anytime you want...uhn...uhn...uhn!"

"You like being cuffed to the bed while I fuck you slut?"

"Oh shit...yes...yes I love it. I told you I wanted you to own little pussy is yours!" Abbie breathed as an unending chorus of satisfied grunts and moans escaped her lips as her head flopped side to side against the bed sheets. Nick's big cock pistoned in and out of her sated pussy at a blurring pace as her juices flowed onto his scrotum before being redistributed against her thighs as his massive balls splashed against them on each powerful thrust.

Now he had one final surprise for her as she grunted and gasped on a collision course with the most intense orgasm of her life. Nick pulled his slick fingers from her dripping clit while simultaneously releasing a long saliva stream that splattered on her asshole. Abbie moaned loudly at the new sensation but practically hyperventilated when he positioned his thumb and messaged it around.

"Nick I don't know what you are doing that feels so good, but please don't stop!"

The aroused black man had no intention of stopping, instead he wiggled another of his long fingers against his coach's hot little asshole before sinking it inside.

"Oh my God Nick did you just put your finger in my can'" she practically screamed before he expertly wiggled it around. Moments later her opinion changed as intense new waves of pleasure racked Abbie's incredible body cascading her towards a mind blowing climax. "Jesus Nick...I've...never...I've never felt anything like that. Please don't stop, keep it in my butt...OH GOD YES...I love the way you fuck me Nick...fuck me harder you fuckin stud! I wanna cum all over your big cock again!" Nick heeded her words and slammed into her with reckless abandon while his thick finger simultaneously applied pleasure to undiscovered nerve endings in her asshole while somehow creating additional pressure to her g-spot.

Abbie Dawson was gone.

A squealing cry unlike anything Nick had heard before escaped the lips of his gorgeous married coach as her already tight pussy gripped his huge cock so snugly it made it nearly impossible to move before she found her voice one final time, "YES NICK I'M CUMMMIIINNGG...OH GOD...KEEP FUCKING ME...DON'T STOP...SO GOOD...OHHH...OHHH! Her bound wrists pulled against their restraints as her body shook uncontrollably followed by a gush of ejaculate that was so strong it squirted around her stretched pussy lips as they clung to Nick's fat rutted cock.

Nick was sure Justin would be at the doorway within seconds. Abbie's pleasure squeal had been so loud he expected to hear dogs barking in the neighborhood.

As it turned out, the sleep juice did its job and Justin never woke to the ever present sounds of his wife's moans or climatic screams as the two lovers fucked long throughout the dissolute night. Nick Thomas was unaccustomed to ever being out-fucked by anyone, but his insatiable coach was so resolute in her desire for more that she convinced him to take some of Justin's Viagra at one point after they'd fucked so much that even Nick's typically strident powers of resumption were ineffective.

Sometime well into the wee hours they passed out.

Nick was awoken to muted light streaming into the mostly covered windows and his coach's gorgeous mouth lopped over his semi-rigid black cock. He was truly amazed at her sexual stamina. She had sucked his cock a lot throughout the previous night and as he lay here now watching her work, he observed a noticeable passion in her eyes that suggested she really enjoyed sucking his big cock, "You don't give up do you?" He questioned with a sleepy smile on his face as he reached down and ran his fingers through her messy hair.

A startled look of embarrassment appeared on her face. Nick was impressed that she still looked hot even with her mussed hair, smeared makeup, and remnants of his jism on her chin, neck and chest. "I didn't know you were awake." Her bloodshot eyes flashed as she smiled while still stroking his cock.

"I wasn't, but someone else was obviously restless. There's a lot worse ways I could be woken I suppose." He joked and they both laughed quietly, trying not to make too much noise.

Nick glanced at the clock radio, the time read 9:15 a.m. He did some quick math in his head and figured Justin would be passed out only another hour or maybe a bit more. "So you couldn't sleep anymore, I guess I wasn't satisfying enough to tire you out!"

Abbie bit her lower lip sexily as she continued stroking her saliva on his glistening shaft before a sheepish smile formed, "You were so satisfying I woke up wanting more..."

Nicks ego swelled, "You do remember your husband is only downstairs?"

A deep look of reflection formed on her beautiful face, "I know he is, but I'm not going to hide it from him. I would prefer he didn't walk in on us, but I'm not really sure that would matter. He has made it clear it arouses him to fantasize about me having sex with an endowed man," she stopped to admire Nick's now nearly fully-erect cock as her small hand stroked it, "obviously this qualifies!" She smirked, bringing about a prideful smile on Nick's face.

She continued, "We've had our fair share of teasing banter about your huge Speedo bulge over the past couple of years as well as other stuff like the Masked Masculinity show and this video," she nodded in the direction of the interracial porn that they had put on looped playback before muting at some point during the night, "I can't help but feel that your endowment is probably the one he most wanted to have pleasuring me."

"Damn coach, that's some deep shit. What took us so long, I wanted to fuck you the first time I saw you at the interview. We could've fucked long before now!" He joked.

"Just because he condoned it didn't mean I was necessarily ready. Having sex outside of my marriage was never something I ever considered before I met you - but the more I was around you and the more he pushed me, the more attracted I became. Eventually some of his fantasies eventually became mine - you don't know how hard it was for me to not go to your room after we got back from the dance club."

Nick nodded his understanding but saw no purpose admitting to any of his devious schemes to get in her pants. That was now all water under the bridge and his only concern was how much he would get to fuck her moving forward. "I'm sure we'll have a lot more to discuss in the future, but right now why don't you put your mouth back to work doing what it was doing before I woke up and so rudely interrupted you..."

An excited smile formed on her face before she took the engorged head back in her mouth. Nick pulled her body around so he could play with her pussy and tits while she pleasured him.

"Ummm...your fingers feel good Nick and uh..." she paused momentarily as a naughty smile formed on her lips, "...your cock tastes really good too!" Abbie chimed before ticklishly licking along the full length of the sensitive underside of his now fully stiff black shaft. They played for several minutes before Abbie cooed, "Nick, I want you to fuck me again!"

"You know I'm happy to do that baby, but I'm out of rubbers!"

"There are some in Justin's nightstand, we can use those!" She volunteered, excited to have a solution.

Nick chuckled, "No offense to Justin, but I'm not sure those are going to work, but grab em' and we can check em' out!"

Abbie climbed across the bed and pulled the box of standard Trojan sized condoms from Justin's night stand drawer. As she turned her head back towards the bed, she noticed Nick's pile of used ones on the floor in what was now a large sticky puddle. She committed to herself to remember to clean that up when they were done before Justin woke up. As she anxiously ripped open the fold on the condom box and removed one, Nick laughed again, "Baby, as I said before, I don't think those are going to work!"

"I know it will be a tight fit Nick, but they're made out of rubber, I'm sure they'll stretch."

He laughed again, "Okay you put it on me."

Abbie pulled off the foil wrapper and tossed it back onto the night stand before she pressed the rubber ring across the top of Nick's dark black head. The rubber sheathing was literally half the circumference of his cock. Abbie gasped frustratingly before still trying to unroll it over him. After failing miserably, Nick watched in amusement while playing with her engorged nipples as Abbie unraveled the entire length of the rolled sheathing and tried again. She looped one side over the fat ring that defined Nick's oversized helmet but as she tried to stretch the rest wide enough to accommodate his fat head, the undersized condom ripped in pieces. Nick laughed. She tried another and got the same result before she desperately looked into his eyes, "Can you pull out before you cum in me?"

"I can try," Nick could barely get the words out of his mouth before Abbie was on her hands and knees waving her hot ass in front of him. Nick took up positioning behind her. After rubbing his cock up and down her crack until it was slick with her dripping juices, he plunged it inside. They both moaned loudly as Abbie once again felt the incredible thickness of his massive cock and Nick felt the heavenly wetted tightness of her married pussy without protection. They fucked through two Abbie orgasm's before Nick began to feel that familiar sensation in his massive balls. He had just deposited a finger in her ass moments before and now his married coach was moaning loudly and begging him not to stop.

Nick grunted and announced he was about to nut when Abbie screamed, "Don't stop feel so good in me...fuck me and make me cum again!" She could feel her orgasm building and was on the verge of one of her biggest climaxes of their fuck marathon.

"I'm gonna nut slut! You sure?"

"Don't you dare pull out," Abbie screamed again as Nick's huge cock pistoned in and out of her relentlessly. And when she finally felt his hot seed painting the walls deep inside her cunt, it was too much for her sex fatigued pussy to take as she let out another eardrum shattering shrill before her entire body shook in what could best be described as an orgasmic seizure before all of her limbs basically collapsed and she crashed face first onto the bed.

The final couple of streams of Nick's prodigious eruption splattered across her back when his cock popped from her pussy during her unexpected collapse.

Had this been his first time witnessing a woman experiencing this type of climactic reaction, he would have called 911, but this wasn't Nick Thomas' first fuck rodeo. He'd seen enough women experience this to know that he had basically just fucked his hot coach out cold. She would wake eventually none the worse for wear.

Nick rolled over onto his back as he contemplated this entire situation. He had just spent the night fucking the brains out of his gorgeous married dive coach while her husband was passed out in the basement. He always considered Justin more than a coach but also a friend. But their relationship wasn't enough to keep him from wanting to fuck the shit out of Abbie. Only her continued refusal of his subtle and not so subtle advances had kept his big black cock out of her pants until now. But after their long passionate night of sex and her acknowledgment that Justin had shown all the signs of a cuck in the making, the wheels now began to turn in his brain about where this relationship might go moving forward.



Three months later...

Abbie and Justin Dawson said their final goodbye's before she readied for her overnight department retreat in Lake Tahoe. Her smiling husband confirmed he would be up late the following afternoon. As they hugged, she pushed her firm d-cups into his chest and purred, "I'm sorry I won't be here when you wake up on your birthday, but I promise I'll make it up to you when you arrive tomorrow night. I love you!" His beautiful wife bit her lower lip, reached out, and squeezed his cock with a flirtatious grin.

"Shit, now I'm not sure I can wait till tomorrow night," Justin complained, causing them both to laugh before kissing her one final time. The soon to be 29-year-old jumped into his Subaru and headed off to his office in downtown Sacramento.

After he departed, Abbie loaded up her SUV and made a quick pit stop at Starbucks before heading out of town. On the two hour drive up to the south shore of Tahoe, Abbie's thoughts turned to the same subject that had permeated her mind on countless occasions since the night of the end-of-season team party three months previously...Nick Thomas' big black cock.

The gorgeous coach reflected back on the conversation she'd had with Nick, their former diving protégé, a couple of days after the party. She had explained that despite the incredible night they shared in her marital bed, their relationship would have to be strictly professional moving forward. Abbie recalled Nick's disappointment when she broke the news that she and Justin had discussed it and agreed they both exercised poor judgment in allowing it to happen. Abbie stressed that due to Nick's upcoming position within the Exercise Sciences department at Sac State and his subsequent hiring as their assistant dive coach, she and Justin could no longer risk the repercussions of a future personal relationship with him.

Abbie remembered feeling bad as Nick appeared truly hurt by their decision to sever the sexual relationship.

Now, several months later as Abbie drove under bright blue skies through the Sierra Nevada pines, she wondered if Nick had in fact, moved on from any desires to be with her again. A lot had changed since that fateful night, and on the few occasions she'd seen him over the summer, he carried himself without a hint of attraction to her. Abbie told herself her desirability for him had subsided too. The upcoming school year was nearly upon them and new responsibilities within the department and the need to develop a new young dive team had begun to pervade her daily thoughts.

What Abbie hadn't known was Nick Thomas was a really good actor.

The young black man reveled in the fact that after two long years of seduction, he'd finally achieved his goal of fucking his hot married coach's brains out in her own bed. He also had enough experience in these situations to know he almost surely would again. He didn't buy her story that she and Justin were resolute in their decision to break off the relationship. First off, he knew Justin's cuckold fantasies were not something he could likely turn on and off, and because the coach hadn't been there to witness their mating, Nick suspected Justin still had a strong desire to experience it firsthand.

Second, and more importantly, Abbie Dawson absolutely loved his big black cock!

Based on over two years of foreplay, Nick had anticipated Abbie wouldn't be able to control herself once she finally experienced it—but even he was surprised at how fully his sexy coach morphed once she got her first taste. He wondered how much Abbie told her husband of the details of their sex...Did she tell him she became a borderline nympho once his huge cock sprang from the Speedo? Did she tell him she begged him to let her suck it and clean up after each time he came? Did she tell him it was her who instigated the interracial porn video on her bedroom TV? Did she tell him she was the one who requested being bound to the headboard with the handcuffs? Did she tell him it was her who urged him to fuck her without protection when he ran out of his Bigfoot XXX rubbers and her husband's little ones ripped while trying to stretch them over his fat cockhead? And finally, did she tell Coach Justin she was the one who begged Nick to shoot his potent load into her unprotected pussy while he hammered into her with her fingernails digging into his black ass at the climax of their final fuck in the morning, just before Justin awoke?

Nick doubted she'd been totally forthright about any of that with him, but the fact was, it didn't really matter. She'd already spilled the beans regarding Justin's cuckold tendencies and her own responses confirmed she loved every intoxicating second of it. Those were not the actions of a couple capable of taking only one bite without consuming more of the taboo apple.

Nick was sure they would take another bite.


When Abbie arrived at Harvey's Hotel in Lake Tahoe, she was pleasantly surprised when the pretty blonde front desk associate gave her keys to a room on the 18th floor. She predicted a spectacular vista and was not disappointed. Upon entering, Abbie's thoughts immediately turned to Justin and how excited he would be to have such a breathtaking view of the lake. They both loved Tahoe, but it truly was one of Justin's favorite places anywhere. This would be an awesome birthday surprise for him.

Aside from the view, the room was the typical king-sized variety with a nice flat screen and a sofabed couch. Abbie was excited to see the bathroom was oversized and contained a Jacuzzi tub. She committed to herself that a relaxing bubble bath was in order at some point during their stay.


The retreat kick-off meeting started at 1:00 p.m.

Abbie exchanged friendly hellos with her staff mates, learning and sharing the details of everyone's never long enough summer break. After finding her seat, Abbie noticed as Nick Thomas slipped into the room at 12:58 p.m. He sat in the last row and never looked in her direction, at least that she was aware.

When the meeting ended at 3:30 p.m., on their way out, Anna and Sydney, two of Abbie's colleagues and party buddies, invited her to join them at Sammy Hagar's Cabo Wabo bar for happy hour cocktails. Abbie readily agreed, excited to catch up with her fun friends. While accepting the invitation, she stealthily observed as Nick headed out quietly and steered towards the elevators.

The bar wasn't crowded, so they bellied up and ordered a pitcher of margaritas. Abbie knew she couldn't keep up with the two of them, so she sipped hers as her friends powered through the first batch and ordered another. "Hey, so tell us about the hot new guy in the department Abbie. What's his name, Nick something? I heard he was on your dive team the past couple of years," Anna asked with excitement in her voice.

"Yes, his name's Nick Thomas, Justin and I coached him the past two years. He's worked very hard to earn this opportunity, I think he's going to be a great addition to the department."

"You bet he is, I look forward to checking out that rock hard ass everyday in the break room!" Sidney gushed. "So Ab, tell us how he looks in his Speedo, you must have checked out that muscular black body the past couple of years? I bet he has a big package, huh?"

Abbie couldn't believe she was immersed in this conversation with her horny co-workers, but she didn't want to sound like a prude, so she played along, "Yes he has nice muscles, and he is a very good diver," she giggled, hoping the second part of her statement would distract the two stirred-up women.

It didn't.

"The only kind of diving I care about is the muff variety, I'd like for that handsome black man to do a little of that on me with those big beautiful lips of his," Anna k**ded.

"Fuck that, I can get oral from my husband...I'd prefer getting into the real stuff in his Speedo...Lord knows my Danny leaves a lot to be desired in that department!" Sydney volunteered with a naughty grin before she and Anna busted up and even Abbie let out a stifled giggle.

"You got a point there Syd, so Ab, you didn't answer the question, how does Mr. tall, black, and handsome look in his Speedo?"

"Girls, he's going to be working side by side with us this year, I don't think it's appropriate that we talk about him like that, but I'll just say this...he fills it out pretty nicely," Abbie teased with flashing eyes and a naughty smile of her own.

"YEAH GIRL! Glad to hear you're like the rest of us horny bitches Abbie Dawson...been checking out some that dark meat have ya? Ever seen that big thing without the Speedo?"

"Oh my god Anna, that's enough...I'm happily married," Abbie answered embarrassingly as guilt-filled butterflies fluttered in her stomach.

"Don't start getting all Miss Goody-Goody on us Ab, I seem to remember a certain married brunette getting very gropey at that strip show last year with another g-string wearing muscular black man. I thought you were going to suck Michael B. Jordan's cock right on the stage!" Anna joked, the comment followed by belly laughter from both of Abbie's co-workers.

"OMG Anna! You know how drunk I was...I don't even remember most of that night!" Abbie pleaded with an embarrassed smile, obviously not copping to the fact that she had since learned the black man underneath the Michael B. Jordan mask was the same one at the center of their current conversation.

"Yeah we all were Mrs. Dawson, but that hung dancer clearly got you all hot and bothered..." her friend continued piling on.

"Jeez Anna, are you ever going to let that go," Abbie begged.

"Why should I, you barely let it go!" Anna and Sydney busted out laughing again before she continued, "I think that guy really wanted to take you home, but when you chickened out, he ended up with Brie instead!"

"Wait what? Brie and B. Jordan," Abbie asked, eyes widening.

"Oops, I wasn't supposed to say anything about that, but since I already did...Yeah they went back to her house and...well you know..."

"She had sex with him? With Ni...uh...Michael B. Jordan?" Abbie caught herself as she questioned loud enough that the bartender looked their way from the other end of the bar.

"Sshhh Abbie...Jeez do you want everyone in the whole effing hotel to know?"

"I...I...just can't believe it! But she's married...what about her husband...uh Dave?"

"Can you keep a secret?"

"Sure, I guess..." Abbie answered absently, not fathoming that Nick had actually fucked Brie the night of the show.

"Can you or can't you, this is serious shit!"

Abbie snapped out of her mini-trance, "Yes...yes definitely, sorry it just comes as such a big surprise."

"Okay I'll trust you, Sydney already knows about this, but I had lunch with Brie a few months back. She told me that experience changed her and Dave's relationship forever. Brie said she decided that night, after getting fucked so amazingly good by that black dancer, she could no longer repress her true feelings of frustration in the bedroom with Dave. So much so that she told him she thought they should separate for a while."

"Oh my god Anna, that's terrible! They couldn't work it out?" Abbie asked, a million thoughts now channeling through her mind.

"That's where it gets crazy! Dave knew she had been sexually frustrated for a long time, but after pleading with her to change her mind, instead of just letting her walk out, he asked if she would consider staying if he let her date other guys?"

"What? Are you serious?"

"Yep, she was actually blown away too. But once she came to grips with what he was proposing, it started making sense to her...if it actually worked, she realized she could have her cake and eat it too. Brie loves everything about Dave except for his shortcomings in the bedroom. She figured she didn't have anything to lose at that point so she decided to maintain her loving relationship with her husband while getting sexual satisfaction from other guys."

"I don't understand, why would he agree to that?"

"First off, he didn't have a choice, it was either agree to it or lose her, but the weirdest part was he actually admitted he was aroused by the idea. His only stipulation was that he got to watch or participate in her sexual encounters with other men."

"Damn, that's fucking crazy! Even though I've already heard this, I still can't believe it!" Sydney practically shouted. Abbie just stared with a blank expression, cognizant of all the obvious parallels between her situation and Brie's. The only exception being that Justin had always been a satisfying lover...well before she experienced Nick Thomas that is.

Anna continued, "Yeah, Brie told me they call it 'cuckolding'. She says there are a lot of husbands and boyfriends out there who have the same fantasies. They get off on watching their wives or girlfriends getting fucked by other guys. She said it was ironic that the dancer was black, as cuckoldry is often embraced by white couples with black bulls!"

"Black bulls?" Abbie asked, not wanting to raise any suspicions by her previous silence, but still trying to come to grips with the fact it was Nick Thomas they were talking about.

"Yeah, that's what the cuckold community calls hung black studs who fuck lots of white wives."

An image of Nick's huge cock entered Abbie's mind, "A black bull is an apropos description, but is he really one of those?" But then after pondering it further, Abbie realized that including herself, she was aware of at least four women in just her own circles that Nick had fucked, "Maybe he is one! Jeez, was I just another notch on his bedpost?"

"So Brie still fucks these bulls now?" Sydney asked, confirming what she thought Anna had told her weeks before.

"Yes. She and Dave joined some kind of club called The Bull Pen at the suggestion of that dancer. Now she fucks him and the rest of the bulls on a regular basis. She told me she is having more incredible sex than she's ever had in her life and she and Dave have never been happier. She didn't give a lot of details, but she said the membership includes an online menu of available bulls they choose from."

"Wait, Dave helps pick out her lovers?" Abbie interrupted with wide eyes, still trying to come to grips with the fact that Nick participated in such a club and that he was still fucking Brie.

"Yep, except they don't use terms like lovers or partners. The club insists they refer to the black men as bulls or stallions. She says there is a whole protocol for what the cuckold couple must do for the bull before the woman can ask him to breed with her. Can you believe they actually use those terms?"

"OMG, no I can't! So this protocol what kinds of things are involved?"

"Submissive shit. Playing with themselves in front of him, begging the bull to choose her, telling the bull all the things he can do to her, and of course lots of cock-sucking."

"And Brie likes doing it?"

"Loves it! She says she's addicted to it! And so is Dave. Sometimes the bull requires the husband or boyfriend to get involved in the protocol lead-up."

"Does Dave...uh...have to suck also?"

"Oh I don't know about that, Brie didn't say. But she did say that based on the couple's specific kink's, the bull will be either very dominant or less so. For those that like the authoritative treatment, the bulls will often require the cuck husband or boyfriend to beg and grovel with them to mate with their wives or girlfriends! She said some of the husbands even get off on being required to wear...what do they call those things...chastity cages? Can you believe that shit?"

"God, I don't know about the whole cuckold thing, but I'm all wet just thinking about Brie and all that big black cock! I might have to jump the new guy's bones at the party tonight," Sydney joked.

"Only if I don't beat you to him first," Anna challenged with a big smile. "I haven't been able to look at black men the same since Brie told me about her experiences."

Abbie being obviously blown away by the conversation, still tried to be the grown-up in the room. She gulped, fully realizing the hypocritical nature of what she was about to say, "Okay, you two need to go take a couple of cold showers. Do I need to remind you, you both have husbands at home? And besides, the university would obviously frown on fraternizing with other department personnel."

"Oh Abbie, you can be such a stick in the mud sometimes. Besides, I'm not thinking about fraternizing, I'm thinking about fucking, like getting the shit fucked out of me like Brie does by those black men," Anna joked followed by loud laughter from Sydney.

Abbie shook her head and rolled her eyes, "You guys are terrible! I can't talk about this anymore. I'm going to go unwind before the reception. That Jacuzzi tub in my room is calling my name," she chimed, dropping a $10 bill on the bar.

"You fucking bitch, I didn't get a Jacuzzi in my room," Sydney whined.

"Neither did I, what the fuck?" Anna complained too.

"Sucks to be you guys! I'll see you at 6:30 p.m." Abbie teased with an eat-your-heart-out grin as she glanced back over her shoulder one final time.

The irony of the conversation was literally too much for her to take any longer. Abbie was lost in thought on the elevator as she tried to digest what Anna had just blabbed about Nick, Brie and her husband Dave. She Googled the term 'cuckold' and read: A submissive man who willingly encourages his girlfriend/wife to sleep with alpha males whereby the woman's sexual pleasures become the husband's vicarious sexual pleasures and experiences.

"Oh my god, that sounds just like Justin. Could he really be one of these...cuckolds? If so, has he really lost those feelings and desires since we broke things off with Nick?"

When Abbie got to her room she tried calling her husband, but after several rings it went to voicemail. She then remembered his buddy Aiden had taken him golfing for his birthday after work, so she texted him and said she couldn't wait to see him the following night and reminded him she was going to make his birthday one to remember. She followed the note with lots of hearts and kisses imoji's. Abbie glanced at the clock and figured she had an hour before she needed to start getting ready for the party.

In spite of her anger with Nick's obvious omission regarding his relationship with Brie and his participation in the Bull Club thing, Abbie found herself guiltily aroused thinking about Brie's new lifestyle.

Abbie turned on the bath water and removed her business attire. She was soon standing in only her bra and panties in front of the full length mirror brushing her hair. She could see a damp spot on the front of her underwear. Her thoughts returned again to what Anna had told them about Brie's new life as a bull wife, "In addition to Nick, is she really also having sex with other black men she doesn't even know? And her husband likes it too?"

Abbie could feel more wetness forming between her legs as she stared at her body in the mirror. She thought back to when Nick told her how much he loved fucking her sexy body. She suddenly wondered how he thought she compared to Brie, Amber, and Christina. She reached up, unclasped her bra and let it fall to the floor. With her supple, pert mounds free, she massaged them, as she often did after removing her bra. She crossed her arms under them and turned slowly back and forth in front of the mirror. Abbie admired her tits as she'd done so many times since they developed so perfectly that magical summer in high school, "...none of them could have nicer breasts than mine."

Ten years after their bloom, Abbie was still proud that her boobs looked and felt every bit as firm as they did back then. She'd heard a few friends complain they had experienced sagging or deformation, but Abbie couldn't acknowledge the same. If anything, they'd gotten a little bigger since her teenage years, but they still maintained that perfectly rounded shape and firmness. And while they were large on her thin frame, she loved the way they looked so flawlessly perched over her flat stomach.

Abbie's thoughts returned to Anna's story about Brie, "I wonder if all those black men love large breasts as much as Nick did mine?" She thought back to how much time he'd spent sucking and fucking them that night. She then recalled how erotic they'd looked with his heavy cream splattered all over them. Abbie suddenly realized she had begun playing with her nipples. The pebbled nubs were now rigidly taut between her pinching fingers.

Abbie lowered her hand into her panties and gently rubbed her fingers through her damp little bush, "I wonder what he's doing right now?"


Ironically, Nick Thomas was in the room next door listening as the heavy sound of Abbie Dawson's tumbling bathwater echoed through the thin walls of the old hotel.


Earlier that summer after his hiring as a Sac State fall semester professor's assistant, Nick Thomas was stoked when the agenda for the 2019-2020 Exercise Sciences department retreat was released confirming that the host hotel would be Harvey's at Lake Tahoe. It was a place he knew well.

While he hadn't experienced many extravagant experiences as a c***d due to his family's lack of money, some of Nick's best memories were from weekend trips to Harvey's. Working two jobs during most of his upbringing, Nick's mother Angie had few opportunities to spoil her young son. She also had very little time for herself. Nick's mom didn't date much, but the pretty blonde did manage to have a long on and off relationship with a wonderful man named Vic Gross. Vic was the grandson of Harvey Gross, the original owner of Harvey's at Tahoe. In 1985, when Harvey Gross sold his hotel to the Caesar's Management Group, one of the stipulations of the sale was that all future generations of Gross's would have access to the hotel at their discretion.

Vic spent a lot of time at Harvey's, both when his grandfather owned it and through the subsequent Caesar-owned years. He was like an institution at the popular resort, referred to affectionately by most of the staffers as Uncle Vic.

Vic Gross loved Nick's mom, but while she had strong feelings for him too, she could never bring herself to fully commit to the fun-loving man. Nonetheless, Nick and his mom spent quite a few fun-filled weekends as Vic's guests at Harvey's over the years. When Nick learned where the retreat was being held, he called Uncle Vic and asked a favor.

"You bet Nicky (the name he had called him since he was little), I'll get in touch with Lisa Paulson up at the lake and see what I can do! So tell me about this little lady you want to have in the adjoining room, is she hot?"

"Yeah Uncle Vic, she's a rocket. Smokin' body...really awesome tits and a fuckin' ass like an eighteen-year-old. The accommodations should come as a big surprise to her!"

"Oooh, sounds fucking hot Nick! I'll do my best to cover my end of things and you make sure you give her plenty of that ebony pleasure stick! You hear?"

"You bet Uncle know I will!"

"That's my boy, I'll text you with the details."


Now two months later as Nick stood in the spectacular 1,500 square foot sprawling Lakeview Suite on the 18th floor listening to the sound of running bath water in the room next door, he contemplated how he would surprise Abbie with the fact they were in adjoining rooms.

At that moment, he heard the sound of Jacuzzi jets whirring to life.

Nick waited ten minutes before sending the first text, "Hey, whatcha doing?"

Abbie's head was thrown back, her breath erratic while inhaling the thick steam coming off the bubble-filled water. Her left hand was pulling softly on one of her big nipples as the fingers from her other were frigging her swollen clit at a blurring pace under water. She was thinking about Nick's big black cock as she'd done countless times since the night of the party and imagining to herself, "Oh god Nick, it's so feels so good, I'm gonna cum all over it again! Fuck me with your huge cock as hard as you did that night!"

Just then a new text pinged on her phone. The sound distracted her and she lost her special path to climax..."Damn!"

Abbie took a moment to catch her breath before reaching for the hand towel, drying her hands, and picking up her phone, "Oh my god, it's from him!" She clicked on the text and read: "Hey, whatcha doing?" Abbie couldn't believe he was reaching out to her at this moment. They'd hardly spoken since the night of the party and he picks now, while she's finger-fucking herself while fantasizing about his amazing cock to do so.

Abbie thought a moment before responding back, "I'm just hanging out in my room, I need to start getting ready pretty soon."

"Yeah, me too, what floor are you on?"

Abbie hesitated again, wondering whether she should share that information with him, but nonetheless she typed, "I got really lucky, for some reason, they put me up on the 18th floor with a really awesome view of the lake."

Nick laughed and said in a low voice, "Yeah bitch, it wasn't by chance..." He then typed, "You too? Did you score a really big suite too? I'm in room 1826, I think it's called the Tahoe Suite or something!"

Abbie couldn't believe what she'd just read. She said to herself, "They gave him a suite? Why would they do that for the newest guy in the department?" And then it hit her..."Wait room 1826? I'm in 1824! Oh shit, is he next door?"

Abbie contemplated what to do for nearly a minute as she tried to remember whether the adjoining room door was on that side or not, "Should I tell him I'm next door?" Finally she decided he would likely find out one way or the other and it would be awkward if she didn't. She typed, "No I'm not in a suite, good for you that you got one. Hey, I think we might be neighbors though, I'm in 1824."

Moments later his return text pinged on her phone, "Damn, what are the chances of that? I wonder if they put our whole department on this floor?"

"No, I talked to my friends Anna and Sydney, they are on lower floors."

"Weird, well I'm not going to complain, this room is pretty fucking spectacular! You'll have to check it out...hey if you are next door, what is that loud sound coming through the walls?"

Abbie almost died when she read his text, she turned off the Jacuzzi jets immediately. She replied, "I was taking a bath in the Jacuzzi, maybe that was it..."

Nick laughed when he heard the jets subside, he stroked his cock as he thought about her hot naked body in the tub before he typed, "You don't need to stop on my behalf."

"Oh I didn't, I have to start getting ready anyway."

"Yeah okay, hey after you get ready, maybe you can help me tie my tie, I can't remember how to do it!"

Abbie stood, dried herself and thought, "Is this really happening right now?" She then typed a response, "Sure, I think I can. It's been a while, but I've done enough of Justin's to remember how, I think."

"Great, I'll open my adjoining door. Feel free to come on over whenever you're ready...oh and I've got a stocked bar if you feel like a pre-party COCKtail."

Abbie read Nick's text with nervous excitement, "Was it an accident that he capitalized the COCK in COCKtail?" She typed back, "Yeah, I'm going to be a while, but I'll come over when I'm ready. As for the drink, thanks for the offer, but I'll pass. Justin is coming up tomorrow for his birthday and I'm sure we're going to have a big party weekend!"

"That's right, I forgot coach's birthday was tomorrow. Suit yourself, we'll see you in a bit."

Moments later Abbie heard hip-hop music start playing loudly in the room next door. She spent the next hour and fifteen showering and getting ready. All the while, thoughts of Nick Thomas played in her mind, "How is it possible that we have adjoining rooms?"

When it was finally time to get dressed, she reached into her suitcase and pulled out the bra and panty combo she'd planned to wear underneath her full length silky red dress. While pretty, the undergarments were rather conservative.

But before slipping them on, something drove her to return them to her bag and instead reach for her skimpy black lacy set. This was Justin's favorite bra and panty combo and she'd packed it specifically for his birthday. In addition to showing off her incredible ass, and squeezing and raising her tits perfectly, her husband especially loved the way her little dark bush showed through the shear material in the front of the g-string. She justified her decision, "There's no reason I can't wear these two nights in a row!"

That decision turned out to be an unfortunate one for Justin Dawson.

Abbie slipped the g-string panties up her legs and stretched them over her curved hips. She then reached for the petite bra. Abbie wrapped the skimpy garment around her back, pulled tightly on the cups and clipped the front clasp, "That seems harder every time I wear this..." Her summer-tanned skin accentuated the sexiness of the black lingerie, "Damn, I do look pretty good in this!" She then reached for her perfume and absently applied it on her cleavage and just above her pussy mound.

Five minutes later after slipping on her heels, Abbie slowly opened her adjoining door and knocked on Nick's half-open matching one, "Hello...are you in here?" She called out loudly above the music with nervous apprehension in her voice.

"Yeah, just push it open, I'm just finishing getting ready," Nick yelled out from the bathroom. "Make yourself at home!"

Abbie's chin nearly dropped to her chest when the adjoining door swung fully open revealing the massive suite. Loud rap music blared from the speakers as a suggestive music video shown on the 84" big screen HD television. Abbie couldn't hear herself think. She searched around until finding the remote control—she turned the volume down several decibels, "Sorry I was going to go deaf if I didn't do that," she yelled.

She heard Nick laugh from the other room, "No white people don't appreciate really good music!"

"Oh is that what you call it? ...Music?" She joked as she looked shockingly around the large tastefully decorated space. "Okay, so tell me how you got this room again. Last time I checked, you are the new guy in the department," Abbie shouted above the still blaring music.

Nick appeared from the bathroom with a big smile on his face. He wore only his suit pants and socks, his upper body uncovered, "You like?" He asked with his arms spread wide.

Abbie was caught completely off guard and wasn't sure whether he was referring to the room or how he looked with his shirt off, she hesitated before she simply nodded her head quickly with a blank look on her face. She immediately flashed back to how amazing his muscles felt as her hands roamed his tattoo covered body while he fucked her so expertly in her marital bed the night of the party.

Nick had completely disarmed her, which was exactly his intent. He walked over and turned the music down another couple of notches, "Just a nod? I thought you'd be more impressed than that..." He said as he turned back in her direction, confident he caught her staring at his shirtless physique.

"I uh..."

Before she could formulate words he blurted, "Never mind that, I thought the dress you wore that night at the club in LA looked good on you, but this one is absolutely stunning!" He gushed as he eyed her from head to toe. Her thick dark hair was up, accentuating her long narrow neck adorned with a gorgeous diamond necklace that Justin gave her for their fifth anniversary. Tasteful dangling earrings and the perfect glossy lipstick highlighted her stunningly beautiful face. The long silky red dress flowed down her curvy body to perfection, exposing a lot of cleavage and gripping every sexy curve of her narrow hips and rock-hard ass.

The sexual tension in the room was palpable.

Abbie thanked him sheepishly as she finally regained her composure, displacing her eyes from his half-naked body and glancing around, "This place is amazing, they just gave it to you when you checked-in? You didn't pay any more for it, did you? The department wouldn't go for that," she lectured hoping he hadn't done anything so stupid on his first day on the job.

"Nah, same price. I don't know what I did to deserve it, but I certainly wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth," he lied with a big smile. "But even more surprising, what are the chances they'd put us in rooms right next to each other, this is a huge hotel, right?" Nick asked as he slipped a wife-beater tank-top over his muscle covered physique.

Abbie breathed a sigh of relief, "Yes, it is big...the hotel I mean," she said, clarifying her response awkwardly. "And it does seem like an amazing coincidence that a couple of us would be placed next door to each other unless they put everyone in the same section, which I know they didn't."

"Well here's to good fortune," he said as he raised his beer and toasted it in her direction, "what can I get you to drink?"

"Oh, just some sparkling water if you have it. I'm going to take it easy tonight and you probably should too. Curt Michaelson, the Dean of the Exercise Sciences School is going to be there. And besides Justin is coming up late tomorrow afternoon..."


Five Hours Later

Abbie Dawson was fucked up out of her head, her long dress was hiked up over hips and she was no longer wearing panties. Nick Thomas' big cock was grinding against her exposed muff through his slacks as he held the remains of her torn g-string in his hand. They were lip-locked, tongues wrestling wildly as they rode the elevator to the 18th floor.

Abbie pulled away and breathed sexily in his ear, "I want you to fuck me so hard tonight Nick..."

"You can count on it bitch!" he grunted as he reached up and squeezed one of her big d-cups through the silky dress. Abbie moaned, she hadn't forgotten how good his strong hands felt massaging her sensitive tits.

Suddenly the elevator door opened on the 18th floor. Abbie tried to pull away, confident still that all of her colleagues were down at the bar where she and Nick had left them, each departing five minutes apart as to not raise suspicions, but well aware in spite of her inebriation, someone else could be waiting to enter here on their floor.

Nick didn't flinch, he continued grinding against her steamy pussy while m*****ing her succulent tits. She squirmed to free herself again, but he held her tight until eventually relenting, "Okay baby, you ready for some of this big stick?"

The hot wife glanced down with a naughty smile on her face. She reached out and groped his thick cock before hastily kicking off her heels, scooping them up and blurting out, "I'll race ya!"

Nick only had time to turn and slap her ass as she bolted half-naked out of the elevator and raced down the hallway, her bunched-up dress above her hips in one hand, her heels in the other. His coach's perfect naked ass and long legs beckoned him as he did his best to chase her with a colossal hard-on in his pants. "You better not let me catch you bitch, or I'm going to spank that little ass till you cry," he threatened between belly laughs.

"Promises...promises...slow poke," Abbie shouted over her shoulder between giggles.

When they neared the end of the hall she let the hiked up portion of her dress fall back down as she beelined to Nick's door and touched it first, "You're too slow...old man, I win," she teased as he came to an abrupt halt behind her.

"You fuckin' cheated bitch! And where do you think you're going? This is my room!"

Abbie turned her head as he pressed her against the door, she could feel his engorged cock against her lower back, "Um...I just assumed we'd go to the room with the mirrors over the bed..."

Nick's cock swelled at her response, but he kept up his dominant guise, "Well you ain't going in there dressed like that, pull that dress back up and show me that sweet little ass. Then I'll think about it!"

Abbie giggled and thought momentarily about teasing him again, but she quickly remembered what happened to her baby doll the night of the party and her g-string only minutes earlier in the elevator. She didn't want her expensive dress to suffer the same fate, so she dutifully reached for the hem and shimmied the slippery material up her legs until it crested her gorgeous ass, "Like that?"

Nick dropped his eyes approvingly, "Not bad. Okay bitch, tell me what to do to that ass before I let you in my room!"

"What do you mean Mr. Thomas," Abbie feigned in a playfully ditzy voice.

Nick pressed her more firmly against the door with gritted teeth, "I'm serious slut, tell me what you want me to do to that hot fuckin' butt!"

Abbie quickly realized their playful banter had come to an end, she gasped, head tilted back, mouth open, eyes glazed, "Oh god Nick...spank it...spank it and make me beg!"

While she had never let Justin talk to her in this tone, Abbie had confessed to Nick the night of the party that she loved when he spoke dirty to her during sex.

He slapped her firm sexy ass. Abbie squealed. He did it again, "You like that shit?"

"Ugh...yes...yes Nick."

Nick loved that his straight-laced, by-the-book coach who never swore on the pool deck, morphed into a dirty girl when aroused by his huge cock. He spanked her again, harder this time, "You know I'm going to do that with my dick tonight don't you?"

"Oh god I hope so...can we please go in? I want it..."she whimpered as her hand reached back and groped anxiously for it. She gasped when she finally got a firm grip, "I can't believe I've been without this for three months..."

Nick smiled to himself, knowing his suspicions regarding her inability to live without his cock were indeed coming to pass, "All right, but as soon as we get in there you need to show me!"

Nick keyed the door and they pushed inside. When it closed, he spun his hot former coach around powerfully and sunk his tongue in her open mouth. The horny wife practically sucked the skin from his slippery barb as their lips mashed wetly, her hands frantically clawing at the front of his pants.

After nearly a minute, Abbie pulled away and immediately began planting kisses along his neck and exposed chest, "God Nick...I've thought about this big cock every day since the party," she gasped breathlessly. Her fingers now full through the thin material of his small hand gripping his thick shaft, the other squeezing the lower of his cum-filled nuts.

"I thought you and Justin decided this wasn't a good idea?"

"It's not a good idea, but it's a really good's a great cock," Abbie corrected as she dropped to her knees excitedly.

She frantically unbuckled his belt and unclasped his slacks. The married coach didn't wait for his pants to fall, instead she reached inside and yanked her prize from his shorts. His dark meat flopped out heavily. She was so eager, the engorged appendage swung out and hit her face with a fleshy slap. All the breath from her lungs escaped as nervous excitement displaced it. She slutishly kissed it, licked it, sucked it...elated to finally have it back in her mouth, "Nick I missed this so much, you don't know how many times I've thought about it! tastes good," she praised between sluttish licks and open-lipped kisses.

Nick could sense a renewed enthusiasm in Abbie's desire to please him with her mouth. She had started off nervous and inexperienced the first time around, but by the end she was choking it down capably. He was excited to see her picking back up where she'd left off.

Abbie was a quick learner, but she still desired to please him instantly. The young wife mouthed his cock hungrily, flashing back to their previous encounter. A familiar saying resonated in her mind as she tried to quell her nervousness. "It's just like riding a bike Ab...a big black tandem bike that is!" She thought to herself as she sucked his cock slutishly and played with his pair of massive balls.

The aroused coach worked him deeper, trying to breath around the invading member through her nose without triggering her gag reflex. Nick happily enjoyed letting the kneeling coach push herself and control the action before he finally took over.

Abbie felt a strong hand grip her hair as Nick coaxed his swollen shaft into her throat. She followed his instructions as he pressed deeper. His contented gasps and confirming body movements heightened Abbie's confidence. She pressed on.

Before long, she watched through teary eyes as a familiar gaze appeared on his handsome face and masculine guttural sounds escaped his lips. Moments later she felt his cock swell as Nick brought both large hands to her bobbing head. His grip tightened as he growled through gritted teeth, "Oh shit bitch...suck that big black cock...mmm yeah...take it!"

The thick shaft bucked between her stretched lips. Abbie blinked up at him as she felt the first of several eruptions blast into her throat with half of his foot-long cock stuffed deep down into it. Her eyes widened as the twitching phallic deposited stream after stream down her throat. Unbelievably, his powerful explosions aroused Abbie on a level she had never experienced, sucking his big dick and taking his cum was literally intoxicating. The married coach actually climaxed without physical stimulation as Nick's thick gruel pumped deep into her stomach.

A sweat-covered sheen sheathed each of their bodies as they gasped for breath. Abbie eventually rose from her knees and submissively kissed his hard nipples, muscular chest and vein exposed neck, "Did you like that?" she purred, "I know I did!"

Nick smiled proudly as he ogled her saliva-splattered cleavage and the slick fluid stains on her expensive dress, "Nice baby, I think with a little more practice we could get the rest of it down in there!"

Nick didn't bother putting clothes back on. He walked nakedly around the room with his semi-limp horse-cock bobbing dangerously. He had Abbie make him a drink while he dialed up interracial porn. The black-on-white sex videos had been such a turn-on for her the night of the party, and he hadn't forgotten. "Remember how much you loved watching that big black cock rooting all those blonde hotties when we fucked in your bed?"

Abbie nodded impishly as Nick watched her eyes drop to his hanging stick.

"Well tonight baby you get to do it again! I think this brotha might even have a bigger log than the last dude," Nick teased.

Abbie approached and handed him his drink. She then reached for his thick cock before looking up to his eyes and licking her lips, "Yeah he does, but neither of them is as big as you Nick!" The horny brunette bit her lower lip sexily, "For some reason, I feel overdressed..."

Nick nodded his agreement as his former coach stepped back and slipped the narrow straps from her shoulders, letting the long silky dress slip from her stunning body. It hung up momentarily on her ample mounds, but she was soon standing in only her undersized bra and high heels, her tattered panties already lying on the floor next to the bed—her pretty little bush beckoning him closer.

Nick absorbed the view, amazed that Abbie's sexy body looked better than he even remembered, " really are fine baby...let's get that pretty little pussy what it needs and get down to some fucking!"

Nick scooped her up in his muscular arms and carried her to the large bed. Abbie couldn't believe how easily he maneuvered her. She found herself on top of him with her mouth above his dangerous cock and his head below her, between her trembling legs. She felt his warm breath across her pussy before his long tongue slipped up the crack of her ass and circled her tender sphincter. Abbie practically came on the spot, "Oh god Nick, uhn yeah that feels sooo good," she whimpered breathlessly.

The young wife reached out instinctively and gripped his thickening cock, its weight still impossible to comprehend. She extended her tongue and tapped the heavy member against her lips. It grew harder in her hand. Abbie moaned and tongued the long slit. A large dollop of precum oozed onto her probe.

They took turns pleasuring one another orally while the other used hands and fingers in a tantalizing game that soon had both gasping in arousal. Nick's tongue danced and swirled around Abbie's clit while her small hands each squeezed and massaged one of his lime-sized balls. In return, Nick sunk two long fingers against his ex-coach's asshole and played until she was almost unable to keep up her oral end of the bargain, "Fuh...Nick I can't believe I never knew...oh good...that feels sooo good!" Her new found love for anal stimulation challenged her ability to concentrate on sucking his blood-filled cock.

It wasn't long before Nick felt Abbie's fingers sliding curiously along his ass cheeks on a mission to his hole, " you like it too?"

"Oh bet bitch...yeah," he groaned as he felt her slick fingers dance around his sphincter. "That feels damn good, but what this black ass really needs is some wet tongue!"

" you did to me?...God...that did feel really good you want me" she asked nervously.

"Yeah baby, crawl around..."

Abbie nervously swung her legs around and positioned herself between his. He spread them and rolled backwards. "You can put your feet on my back if it's easier," she offered submissively.

Nick smiled as he lifted his legs, Abbie's head disappearing below. The large black man rotated back further and let his feet rest on her back. He felt her tongue probe tentatively around the base of his cock and his heavy balls.

"Okay, lift my nuts and lick along the backside...uhn...uh huh...yeah like that. hit the taint...yeah that spot between...there you go...yeah just like that! Okay, now swirl it right there...yeah uhn...yeah," his hot former coach's married tongue was now circling his rim.

Nick had coaxed many to do it, but he never dreamed Abbie Dawson would be one of them. "There you got it...oh yeah." He reached down, grabbed one of her thin wrists and placed her delicate fingers on his shaft. "Stroke my dick while you do it," he instructed, then sighed. "Fuck yeah...damn baby that's called eatin' ass right feels real good!"

Nick couldn't have been more excited with this newest development. She was really getting into it as he felt her nose bump inadvertently against his tightening ball sack. He let her play for a while, but he resisted the temptation to give her too much too fast. "That was real nice baby, now climb back up here and give me more of that fine married pussy!"

Nick thought to himself that his formerly innocent coach was showing the potential to be one grade-A hot rocket fuck. At some point he would have to pull her husband into the equation and let him see what his wife had become, but that could wait for now...he had more training to do.

Abbie climbed back into a sixty-nine on top of his muscular body. Their mouths went back to work, both aroused beyond control. It was now a race to see who would climax first. It didn't take long and ended in a virtual tie as Abbie's squirting pussy sprayed all over Nick's face at the same time rope after rope of his thick jizz splattered into her mouth and across her gorgeous face.

As they lay gasping for breath, both immersed in the other's ejaculation, Nick suddenly remembered he had left his rubbers in Sacramento. He was hopeful she had gone back on the pill since the last time they fucked, "Damn baby, you're gettin' good with that mouth, but this black dick needs a little pink pussy, jump up and ride it for a while!"

Abbie knelt on the bed. She was amazed he was ready to go again, but she certainly didn't mind, she was too, "Mmm I want to, where are the...uh...things?"

Nick spread his legs, letting her move between them. A satisfied look formed on his face, proud at the volume of his seed that coated the area around her mouth and chin. He watched as her tongue instinctively swirled outside her lips, taking more of his potent discharge with it when it sunk back inside. He finally spoke, "Shit, I don't have any, aren't you on the pill?"

Abbie's shoulders slumped, "No, why would you think that?" Her hands found their way to his shaft, she absently squeezed it, as if pumping it up.

"I don't know, I thought I remembered you saying something about it last time," he lied. "Well why don't you climb on and I'll pull out before I nut!"

"Nick, I can't do that, not after last time," she breathed disappointedly while still gripping his cock and stroking it, not able to help herself.

"Well then, I guess we're kind of fucked," he complained, confident she would acquiesce if not given a choice.

"Can't you run downstairs and see if they have some...I promise I'll make it up to you when you get back," she bit her bottom lip enticingly. Abbie wasn't sure why she was the one capitulating, but the fact was her pussy craved his big cock and wanted to motivate him to find something.

Nick sighed heavily for effect, he knew they wouldn't have anything that would fit him downstairs, but he rationalized that his balls could use a short break anyway and he figured he might gain more pussy cred if he made the attempt.

Regardless, he suspected she wouldn't be able to say 'no' and would fuck him when he returned, even if he were empty handed.

He crawled out of bed and found a towel to clean his face before slipping on a tee-shirt, shorts and flip-flops. He brought the pussy soiled towel back to her, his cum still decorating her chin, neck, and chest, "Okay, I'll be back in a few, meantime, you watch this brotha pound these white babes and get ready for some serious fuckin' when I get back!"

Abbie finished wiping up Nick's mess and then cozied up between the pillows as a naughty grin formed on her face. She bit her lower lip and slid her hand sexily down her body to her silky bush. "I will stud...but please don't take fingers might get tired!"

Nick's eyes widened as he tried to wrap his head around the fact this was his formerly conservative coach. He ogled her hot body, clad only in her skimpy bra and high heels with her hand between her legs. He shook his head in aroused disbelief before hurrying out the door.

Nick was gone an inordinately long time before he came back to the room without rubbers, but he did have champagne, desserts and KY fuck cream. Abbie had watched so much interracial porn by that point, she practically tore his clothes off.

As he suspected, Nick Thomas was balls-deep unsheathed in her fertile married pussy in no time.

Unlike the night of the party, this time she didn't experience pain when the black bull sunk his cock in her welcoming pussy. Thanks to their previous mating and an unending flow from her horny cunt, Abbie stretched easily as Nick fucked her in every position imaginable. She lost count of how many times she climaxed on his glorious dick. Its immense size and rough, veiny contours pleasured every sensitive inch of her married pussy as he banged into her relentlessly throughout the decadent night.

Even more so than the first time, their sex was raw and hungry, not rushed, but urgent and unrelenting. Her black bull ripped one dripping orgasm after another from her greedy pussy. Abbie's constant moans and grunts spurred him on while his dirty talk heightened her arousal. As he fucked her, he made her tell him how much she loved it, "Say it baby, tell me how good this big black cock makes you feel?"

"Oh god...I love it Nick! It makes my pussy feel so good! Don't stop...please!" The overwhelming sense of fullness she experienced the first time returned as his huge black dick sank all the way to his balls. She watched in the mirrors above the bed as his flexing black ass rhythmically plowed in and out like some perfectly scripted exercise program.

"Yeah, tell me more slut!" He demanded, aroused at the look of pure ecstasy on her gorgeous face.

"Oh...uhn...god...your big black cock makes me cum...cum so much! I don't want it to stop...I want it all night long Nick...uhn...uhn..." Abbie whimpered, eyes unfocused, remembering now how every deep thrust of his amazing dick made her crave the next one. The hot coach could already feel a big orgasm building deep inside her. "'re gonna make me cum so feels so good...uhn...uhn...yeah."

Abbie's tongue shot deep inside his mouth darting and swirling wildly. Meanwhile Nick's long cock bumped against her cervix at the conclusion of each deep thrust after roughly assaulting her g-spot along its deliberate journey to her welcoming depths.

His euphoric former coach screamed out, "Oh God Nick...don't stop...don't deep...oh god...fuck me yes...oh god...I'm cuuummmiinnnggg!"

Abbie's entire body clenched in ecstasy. Nick felt the strong gush of her squirting pussy as it spouted down his shaft onto his swinging balls as he power-fucked her.

Nick railed into her relentlessly right through her orgasm. She had softened in her recovery and her supple body rippled against his powerful treatment. He watched her tremendous tits as they jiggled in her tiny bra, swollen nipples yearning to be exposed, pressing urgently against the shear fabric of the sexy garment.

Something about big tits on thin white chicks made Nick's balls bounce together in arousal. Abbie's were as good as any he'd ever seen. From the first time he'd seen them at the recruiting visit, the Juco transfer had wanted to get his lips around her luscious globes. That desire only grew as he witnessed them in various states of dress over the next couple of years—the highlight being the tiny string bikini she'd worn the previous year at State Championships.

Nick remembered coming down to the hotel pool the day before the competition with Amber Tisdale's cum still leaking from his dick, herself possessing quite the impressive rack, when he saw Coach Abbie's breasts spilling from the undersized bikini. It was a vision engrained in his mind until the night of the party when he ripped the sexy babydoll from her writhing body and witnessed her d-cups in all their splendid glory, bouncing heavily, finally revealing themselves to him. He'd spent much of that night sucking, licking, and fucking those big beautiful tits until they eventually milked a messy shower from his swollen balls. He remembered how good they'd looked covered in his cream, even before Abbie rubbed it in like lotion.

He would experience that vision again on this night.

"Show them to me," he growled as he pumped her in long fast strokes, low-hung balls scr****g along the mattress before banging off her tight ass.

Abbie stirred, her previously glazed eyes becoming suddenly clearer. " what to yo-"

"Those big tits, take off the bra," he demanded, cutting her off before she could finish.

Abbie's hands were already busy gripping Nick's muscular biceps and shoulders as he held himself above her, their hips colliding in a symphony of slapping body parts and wet slurping sounds. Her sinewy swimmer's legs locked around his hips, high-heeled feet entwined together just above his flexing ass.

"Ffffffuck me Nick," Abbie urged as she dropped her hands and tantalizingly released the front clasp. The tight little bra sprung apart and her huge tits poured out in perfect circular mounds of goodness—each capped by stone nipples centered on perfectly sized one and half inch areolae. Abbie arched her back, elevating them for her black lover to taste.

Nick growled excitedly before aggressively dropping his mouth onto the heavenly set. He continued his assault as he slobbered and sucked on her hot tits. "Mmm hmm, these big titties taste as good as before...damn girl, you got some sweet-ass nipples!"

Abbie wrapped her fingers in Nick's dreads and held his head between her heaving boobs. "Yeah Nick, suck my breasts...your mouth feels so good!" She always loved the way Justin's lips and tongue felt on her nipples, but Nick's technique felt more assertive and raw—almost savage.

His forceful gnawing made her nubs so rigid they actually ached. "Oh god Nick...yeah like that...bite my tits! You feel so good everywhere, I love everything you do to me. I can't believe I waited this long to feel you again." He could tell by her breathing and constant moaning, she was nearing another epic orgasm.

"You gonna cum again baby?"

"Oh god yes soon, I wanna do it all over your amazing cock Nick!" She whined, arms wrapped around his neck with a look of complete ecstasy in her bleary eyes.

"Of course you do, but first, flip over. Get on your hands and knees for me slut."

"Oooh yeah," she cried out excitedly. A loud wet popping sound escaped her sodden pussy as his cock popped from her tight lips. She flipped over quickly in anticipation. To her delight, they'd fucked doggy style much of the night in her bed. It wasn't a position that she and Justin made love in often, but Nick insisted on it and she quickly realized she loved every second of it with her dominant bull.

Nick positioned her on all fours and spanked her tight bubble ass. Abbie squealed as redness formed immediately on her rippling ass cheeks. He lined up behind and toggled her dangling pussy lips with his spongy head before flexing his cock and driving steadily until his black leathery scrotum mashed violently against the back of her slim white thighs.

This time his hot coach screamed in delight, her body trembling. Her head fell to the mattress as her grip tightened on the bed sheets. "Oh god Nick're so deep inside me! You know I love it when you give it to me hard like that!"

Nick could barely make out Abbie's muffled pleas with her face pressed into the mattress. He spanked her again, harder this time. "Oh Jeez... Fuhh..uck..." she grunted.

Nick gripped a handful of her thick hair and increased his pace. In no time, he was aggressively pounding his hot coach like he used to hammer the whores from Stockton. "Yeah Abbie, you look good on the end of my dick!" He actually couldn't remember ever being more turned on.

His outrageously hot married coach who he'd seduced for well over two years was moaning and grunting like she was in heat as he railed into her uncompromisingly. He spit on his hand and brought several fingers to her sex-juiced asshole. He teased the sensitive orifice until she begged him to put it inside, "Oooh yeah Nick, stick it in my butt like last felt so good...please!"

Nick teased her until she begged again. He remembered how intensely she came the last time he fingered her ass, he knew something big was building inside her and this would undoubtedly put her over the edge. Finally he slipped his middle digit into her puckered hole and wiggled it. Abbie shrieked in ecstasy. He spanked her again with his free hand, "You like that shit?"

" feels sooo good! Sooo good!"

Fucking Abbie Dawson was the rarest of treats. Nick watched as her tight married pussy lips gripped his fat cock like a rubber band and basically turned inside out with each thrust of his powerful dick. Her constant mini-orgasms bathing his cock in the slickest of warm wet fluids while overflowing juices from around her asshole welcomed his probing finger.

"Oh god Nick...fuck me!"

"You love this nigger dick?"

"Yes...yes I love it...oh...oh...yeah!"

"What do you love? Tell me?"

"Your big black dick Nick...I love good!"

"No, call it by the proper name...this is one grade-A Stockton bred NIGGER dick! Say it!" This was a line he'd used on many occasions, always with successful results.

"Oh shit feels sooo good...your...your big nig...uh NIGGER dick is going to make me cum again...Fuck Me!"

"Yeah it is slut! And I'm gonna get my nut too! You want me to paste your insides with this black baby batter, don't ya? "

Abbie was afraid this moment of decision would come, but there was no way in hell she could let him pull out now, she would die if she didn't get to cum all over his fantastic cock. She whimpered quietly, "...yes".

"I couldn't hear you, do you want me to pull out and jizz on your back?" Nick shouted as he spanked her ass again.

"Oh yeah...I mean no! Don't stop...plll...pllleeeasse don't stop! I want to feel it shooting into me you black fucking bull! Fuck me like you fuck my friend Brie at that Bull place! Make me cum all over your huge cock just like she does!" Abbie practically screamed.

Nick couldn't believe what he just heard come out of her mouth, "She knows about the Pen and that hot blonde bull bait? This is gonna be interesting..." But at this moment he had something far more urgent on his mind...and on his dick, "Shit bitch, I'm gonna get my nut...these big ol' bull nuts got something hot and potent for ya!" he wailed as he gripped her sexy hips with his big black hands. Her pale flesh bulged around his strong fingers as Nick plugged his dick deep into her depths.

"Fuck Yeah!" he roared in pleasure as a raging torrent of Negroid semen exploded deep into her fertile womb. "Oh yeah...fuck me Nick...yeah...shit...oh deep...oh...oh...oh...Fffffffuck Mmmeeee!" Abbie's hands gripped the sheets tightly again as her head flew from side to side and the most intense squirting orgasm she ever experienced ejaculated from her pussy and washed around the sides of Nick's plunging viper. They collapsed together in a sweaty twisted mess, both gasping and shaking from a truly epic fuck.

That was just the beginning of another long night of unforgettable sex between the coach and protégé...of course those rolls were now reversed.


They woke to bright mountain sunlight pouring in through the long bank of windows in the massive suite. Abbie's head ached and her mouth felt parched. Her eyes stung from lack of sleep and her body felt tight with dried bodily fluids as it had the last time she and Nick had sex. She could feel wetness between her legs and suddenly remembered why...Nick's ample creampie was still oozing from her gaped lips. She glanced at the clock, it read 6:30 a.m. "Oh shit Nick, we have to get up, the meeting starts in an hour and a half!"

He rolled over and smiled. He then reached out with a big paw, cupped her ass cheek, and pulled in his direction, "What's your hurry baby?"

"Nick no! It's going to take me almost that long to get ready and I need you to find a pharmacy!"

"Pharmacy? Why do you need a pharmacy, are you sick?"

"Are you k**ding me? I need a pharmacy for this!" she shouted, scooping a hand below her stretched pussy. She raised her arm and showed him fingers covered in thick, pale cum. "It's frickin' pouring out of me."

A proud smirk populated Nick's face, "...Oh yeah."

Abbie shook her head, crawled out of bed, and ambled back to her room as fast as her aching head would allow—mixed sex juices spilling down her thighs as she went. After draining as much fluid from her insides as possible, she stepped into the steamy dual-headed shower, it felt amazing on her sex-ravaged body.

Suddenly she heard a loud sound that reminded her of a pitcher of water being poured into a full bathtub from several feet in the air. She turned to see Nick smiling at her through the clear glass shower doors while a garden hose-like stream blasted from his long hanging cock into her toilet. "Ahh shit, that feels much better," he gasped as the stream's intensity gave no signs of let-up. Abbie couldn't believe how long he stood there filling the bowl before he finally gave the heavy black tube a floppy shake. As she now observed his flaccid dick in daylight, she couldn't believe that big thing had been inside her for most of the night.

Nick moved towards the shower, "You got room for another in there?"

"Nick, NO you need to go back to your room, I seriously have to get ready and I really need you to run that errand for me," she pleaded.

He eyed her spectacular body under the flow of the competing shower heads, he could feel blood flowing to his cock, "C'mon, I'll just come in and wash your back or maybe your front if you need help with that part," Nick teased, knowing it was likely a futile endeavor, but trying nonetheless.

Abbie just stared at him with a perturbed look on her face.

"Okay, I guess I'll just go back and shower in my massive sixteen-headed walk-in all by myself," Nick complained with a dog-faced grin. This time they both laughed.

A half hour later he came back to her room, showered and dressed for the meeting. She was still wrapped in a bath towel drying her hair. Nick came up from behind while her head was leaning forward drying the underside of her thick mane. He reached around as stealthily as possible and cupped her big tits. Abbie screamed and nearly jumped out of her skin as the hair dryer flew out of her hands and crashed against the floor.

"Oh my god, you're such an asshole Nick Thomas, you scared the shit out of me!"

He couldn't contain his laughter until her towel suddenly came undone and fell from her body exposing her spectacular figure, "Damn girl, are you sure we have to go to this meeting, I'd like to crawl back under the sheets with that sexy body and do some serious fuckin'!"

"Nick, that's enough," she directed sternly, an air of stress mixed in. "Do you know what to buy?"

"Yeah, I know the shit. Say, I hate to do this, but I haven't worked in a while and I don't get my first check from the university until the middle of the month, can I bum your credit card?"

Abbie looked at him incredulously. "If it weren't for HIS sperm inside me we wouldn't need this," but she couldn't put all the blame on him, she was every bit as culpable for begging him to cum inside her.

She then also remembered he was only twenty-two years old, just out of college, and undoubtedly not flushed with money. "Yeah sure it's in my small purse, which is God's knows where, I think in your room!"

Nick ogled her flawless tits one final time as she wrapped the towel back around her. He turned and reluctantly crossed to his room.

Forty-five minutes later Abbie scooted into the meeting at 7:59 a.m., a venti six-shot Starbucks latte in hand...morning-after birth control pill dissolving in her stomach...and millions of horny black sperm churning in her insides, searching for a way into her fertile egg.


Justin Dawson's drive in to the Lake Tahoe basin was spectacular. Bright skies and the contrast between the azure lake and emerald pines surrounding it made for a breathtaking view. The whole basin, bounded by the majestic peaks of the Sierra Nevada Mountains made this one of Justin and Abbie's favorite places. The coach was stoked about his birthday weekend.

Justin got to the hotel around 10:00 a.m., hours before his planned arrival. There were a couple of people waiting in line at the desk where two hotel employees were checking people in. The line moved slowly but he didn't mind this morning—everything was good in his life and he was enjoying checking out the gorgeous blonde associate on the right. He secretly hoped her line would open up when it was his turn at the front.

As luck would have it, it did.

"Oh hi Mr. Dawson, your wife said you'd be arriving today," the perky blonde greeted him with a big friendly smile after he told her who he was. Justin liked that she welcomed him so enthusiastically, if he hadn't known better, he'd thought she was flirting with him.

"I'm Kristi, welcome to Harvey's," she said, big green eyes flashing and long eyelashes fanning him when she blinked. "I thought your wife said you wouldn't be arriving until late this afternoon?"

"Yeah, my meetings in Sacramento got cancelled so I decided to come up early...can't beat a day like this in Tahoe!"

"You got that right Mr. Dawson, I'm going to miss it," Kristi frowned cutely with a pouty look.

"Are you leaving?"

"Yes, today is my last day. I'm finally using my Hospitality Management degree for something bigger. Next week I head off to the Bahamas, I got a job as an assistant social director for Princess Cruise Lines. I'm going to miss Tahoe, but I'm looking forward to my new job." She smiled back at him as she key-stroked the keyboard in front of her.

"Sounds like a pretty cool job, congratulations!" Justin replied, suddenly noticing the flower arrangements s**ttered around her work station, "Looks like everyone else is going to miss you too!"

"Yeah, I've met some awesome people here, I'm going to miss them all a lot. Hey speaking of awesome people, I checked your wife in yesterday when she arrived. She's so cool! You're a lucky man Mr. Dawson, she's really pretty too. She also stopped by before her reception last night, I loved that red dress she wore, she looked like a model!"

"Yeah, it's one of my favorites! Thanks for noticing, she'll be flattered to hear you liked it!"

"Oh don't worry, I told her!" Kristi smiled again as she came around from behind the desk. Justin did his best to keep eye contact with her pretty face, but he stealthily checked-out her rockin' body simultaneously. Shapely narrow hips, tanned legs, and a full chest filled out the business skirt-suit nicely.

"Do you guys have big plans for the weekend," Kristi asked cheerily.

"Well today's my birthday, so I'm sure she has a thing or two up her sleeve!"

"Oh, Happy Birthday Mr. Dawson, your wife didn't say anything about that!"

"Call me Justin, I'm sure she had bigger things on her mind." The irony of his statement was completely lost on the two of them.

"I bet she has some fun things planned...uh...but she might need a little downtime before you guys get to celebrating tonight. That must have been quite a reception last night, your wife came down in a relative panic this morning looking for a strong cup of coffee. She said she overslept and, please don't take this wrong Justin, but she didn't look quite as bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as she did last night." Kristi secreted with a giggle.

Justin laughed. "Oh is that right? I haven't talked to her yet this morning, did she look a little hung?"

Kristi smiled, "She said she was up late, so I assume so!"

"Serves her right," he joked. "But being the good husband I am, I might allow her time for a little power nap..."

They both laughed again as Kristi handed him his key. "Here you go, room 1824. The room is on our suite level, unfortunately it isn't one of the largest rooms, but it has an unbelievable view of the lake! But just be aware, I don't believe housekeeping has made it to the 18th floor yet this morning, the room probably isn't made up yet."

"No problem, I'm just going to drop my stuff upstairs and go hang out by the pool for a couple of hours anyway," he responded with a thankful smile.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Dawson...uh...Justin, let me know if there is anything I can do for you or your wife...Abbie is it? I get off at six."

"Yes it's Abbie, you bet we will Kristi, enjoy your last day on the job!"

"Thanks, I will." She flashed her beautiful white-toothed smile one final time.

Justin stole one final glance at Kristi's ass as she moved back behind the counter. "Damn, someone on that cruise ship is going to have fun tappin' that!"

He arrived at room 1824 a few minutes later with his rolling bag in tow, swiped his key and entered. Justin instantly caught the unmistakable scent of Abbie's perfume, "Damn I love that smell!" As he tossed his bag on the bed, he was immediately distracted by the unbelievable view of the lake through the big windows. He moved in that direction, but suddenly stopped in his tracks.

Two things were amiss: The bedding on the king-sized bed was untouched, and the door to the adjoining room was partially open.

Justin took a moment to ponder the possibilities, "Maybe Kristi was wrong, perhaps housekeeping has already been here." He then walked into the bathroom and realized that wasn't the case—his wife's cosmetics lay messily on the counter, used towels lay outside the shower, and most concerning, the toilet seat was up, "WTF..." Suddenly Justin's heart beat rapidly in his chest.

The coach nervously walked back into the main part of the room and looked over at the open adjoining door—he moved slowly in that direction. As he turned the corner and looked inside, he was surprised to see that it was a much larger suite, in fact it was huge. The California king-sized bed that backed to the wall dividing the two rooms was a mess. The sheets and blankets lay crumpled in a pile in the middle of the bed and the pillows were s**ttered about. Justin called out loudly, "Knock-knock, is anyone here?"

Nobody answered, the large room was silent. It also reeked like sex.

Moments later the blood in Justin's veins turned ice cold. There was a very familiar looking garment lying on the floor in the middle of the room. He walked over and picked up the silky red dress. He held it to his nose, Abbie's unmistakable scent filled his nostrils, "Oh my god, my wife is having an affair!" It was all he could do to keep from falling to his knees, the enormity of the situation was too much for him—he stumbled to the bed and collapsed down on the edge. A million thoughts suddenly filled his mind.

"How did I not suspect this? How long has it been going on? Who the fuck is it?"

After a long minute of chest palpitations, Justin regained the strength to stand and look around. He now saw Abbie's four inch sexy black heels lying haphazardly near the foot of the bed. As he walked to the other side, the final confirmation clues came into view. His wife's tiny black lacy bra and g-string panties lay side by side. The panties were practically ripped apart. If he wasn't sure before, he picked up the bra and the little 34D tag confirmed his worst fears, "How could she do this?"

He glanced up and saw large mirrors covering the ceiling above the bed. He thought to himself that some other man must have got to witness his naked wife's phenomenal body writhing in ecstasy from above. As Justin now looked around the large room, more signs of her infidelity came into view. A tube of KY jelly lay on the night stand. He picked it up and was surprised at its lack of contents.

Justin looked across the room and saw two champagne glasses sitting on the coffee table in front of the big screen television. One of them had lipstick impressions on the rim that looked very much like Abbie's favorite color. There were also two plates of chocolate covered strawberry remnants and a half-filled bowl of whip cream. He walked over to the wet bar and found a nearly empty bottle of champagne. "Damn her!"

"Who is it? Do I know him? Obviously, he has money, they don't give rooms like this to just anyone." He wracked his brain for a long minute before his thoughts turned to Curt Michelson, the dean of the Exercise Sciences School at Sac State—Abbie's boss's boss.

Justin had seen the way the man looked at Abbie every time he got the chance. The dean spent an inordinate amount of time at the Sac State pool for someone whose job didn't require him to. Without a doubt, he'd be the one coordinating and hosting this retreat, it would make obvious sense that he'd get upgraded to the largest suite. Someone in his position could also have a hand in coordinating room assignments—conveniently putting the school's gorgeous dive coach in the adjoining room to his own.

"Why would she fuck him?"

Justin looked around for more clues to the man's identity, but couldn't find any. Suddenly another concerning thought entered his mind, "Oh fuck, I didn't see any condoms or wrappers near the bed." Justin made a quick perusal of all the suite garbage cans and didn't find any evidence, "Goddamit, she fucked this guy without protection? How could she?"

As Justin sat back down in disbelief, an idea occurred to him. He picked up the room phone and dialed "0". After a couple of rings a woman answered, "Harvey's special services department, how can I help you Mr. Thomas?"

Justin stuttered momentarily before hanging up, "Thomas...who the fuck is Mr. Thomas? Wait...Mr. it be?" Justin picked it up and dialed again. The receptionist answered, "I'm sorry Mr. Thomas, we must have gotten disconnected, how can I help you?"

"Uh...I am trying to make sure I have the right name on my account for expense purposes, how is my first name listed on my reservation?"

"It's listed as Nick, is that how you would like it to read Mr. Thomas, we can change it if necessary."

", it's fine, sometimes they list it as Nicolas, I just wanted to make sure, thanks!" Justin hung up the phone and an awkward rush of relief mixed with arousal coursed through his veins. "Why didn't I consider Nick? Of course if she's going to fuck someone, it'd be Nick!"

Justin now wandered around the room feeling a weird sense of jealous arousal. The past few months of supposed inactivity between the two of them and the extravagant suite had clouded his power of deductive reasoning. Moments ago he was devastated by the suspicion his wife was having an affair with an older white married administrator. Now he knew she was instead fucking the same younger black man who had rocked her world a few months previously. "How did Nick get this suite?"

Every nerve impulse in Justin's body now surged into overdrive. His cock was rock hard in moments. He began to wonder if his wife had in fact abstained these past few months from the big black cock that had given her so much pleasure the night of the party. But he wondered nonetheless, why she would fuck Nick behind his back? Before they came to the ultimate decision to sever things with him, they engaged in one of the deepest, most difficult discussions of their marriage. As part of the debate, Justin had all but told her it was okay if she wanted to be with Nick again, as long as he got to be involved in some capacity this time around.

Abbie had experienced a bitterly difficult decision as she wrestled with her desire for Nick's wonderful cock versus her knowledge that an ongoing affair could put irreparable stress on their marriage. They ultimately agreed they had too much at risk to allow the relationship to continue. Eventually they decided, despite both of their desires, to break things off with Nick before the situation reached a point of no return.

Suddenly it dawned on Justin that it had been Abbie who supposedly communicated their decision to Nick. "Maybe she never told him? Instead she fucked him stealthily! Was this the only time? Why did she hide it from me?"

Justin now pulled the bedspread back and inspected the sheets more carefully. The telltale signs of two people, good at the art of fucking were on display. The sexual wetness that had coated him and Abbie's marital bed on the previous occasion, now soaked the sheets of the hotel bed. "God, it looks like they fucked all night just like the last time! That's why she looked so worn out to the girl at the front desk..."

Then another thought occurred to him. "Maybe I can get more clues as to what really happened here..." He picked up the phone and dialed "0"again.

"Yes Mr. Thomas, what can I do for you?"

"Front desk please," Justin said in his best Nick Thomas impersonation.

"Front desk, this is Kristi speaking, how may I help you Mr. Thomas?"

Suddenly the image of the beautiful blonde appeared in Justin's mind and he got momentarily flustered.

"Nick, are you there?"

"Yes, sorry I dropped the phone," he lied.

"Oh hi there Nick, how are you feeling today?" Kristi's less than formal greeting and forward question caught Justin by surprise.

Again in his best Nick Thomas impression he responded, "Oh, are we on a first name basis now Miss...uh...front desk?"

"Well, since you asked for my phone number last night, I would think we should be...and in case you forgot due to the booze, it's Kristi!"

"I wasn't that drunk," Justin back-pedaled, not sure what else to say in an attempt to buy some time.

"Really? I would beg to differ," Kristi giggled. "I have to whisper, my boss just walked by. If you weren't drunk, why did you grab my butt when I tried to help you find those...uh...things you were looking for?"

"I guess I was drunker than I thought, I don't remember what you're talking about!"

"You really don't remember? It was like 12:45 p.m...right before I got off my shift, you came down and said you had a friend in your room waiting impatiently for you to get back upstairs! You asked me if we had know...contraceptives. I showed you what we had, but you said those wouldn' You don't remember that I then told you a 24-hour CVS was only a block away?"

"This whole conversation is kind of fuzzy..."

Kristi giggled. "You then said you didn't want to walk a whole block. Then you spent the next several minutes trying to get my phone number!"

"Yeah, what can I say, I liked your blonde hair girl." Justin smoothed in his best Nick Thomas black dialect, knowing he couldn't possibly come across as cool as the young black man.

Kristi lowered her voice and whispered into the phone, "Oh, is that all you liked? You told me you thought I had nice eyes while you stared at my chest the whole time. Anyway, what can I actually help you with Mr. Thomas? I have other guests waiting in line at the moment."

"I was hoping to get an itemized copy of my folio expenses. I don't check out till tomorrow, but I might have to pay for some of those items with cash and I want to know if I need to stop by the bank."

"Your company won't let you expense bottles of champagne or KY," Kristi teased, knowing it was her last day.

"I'm afraid not, can you have someone bring up a copy right away and slip it under my door. I'm heading back to my meeting."

"Sure thing Mr...uh...Thomas, it's been a pleasure serving you!"

Justin couldn't help but think that the pretty blonde front desk babe was still flirting with the very black stud in room 1826. "Okay thanks Kristi, I hope to see you around sometime!"

"You never know Nick Thomas, maybe we will...see ya!"

Justin sat down on the couch and looked out on Lake Tahoe as he thought to himself, "My wife was waiting up in this guy's bed and he was downstairs trying to get in the pants of the front desk chick...what a cocky son of a bitch!"

Justin then tried to picture the scene from the previous night when Abbie's red dress dropped to the floor and she stood in only her sexy black bra, g-string, and heels as Nick Thomas undoubtedly looked on approvingly.

Justin had seen his wife in the same sexy outfit a handful of times and the perfect image was still engrained in his mind. He pictured Abbie's big tits straining to be contained in the lacy number that appeared a size too small...her pretty little dark patch peeking through the shear window of the panties...her long tanned legs being accentuated by the fuck me four inch heels...and finally her exposed tight little bubble ass cheeks that she admitted her black lover had spanked aggressively months before.

The aroused husband reached down and rubbed his hard cock as he envisioned how badly Nick must have wanted to fuck Abbie's brains out...which of course he later did, but not before going downstairs and attempting to get into the pants of the hot blonde. "I wonder if he would have tried to bring her up and fuck them at the same time if she agreed?" Suddenly an erotic image of Kristi on her elbows and knees taking Nick's huge cock from behind while hungrily eating Abbie's beautiful little pussy flashed in his mind.

Justin's cock couldn't be harder.

He walked into the huge master bath and was immediately taken by the large Jacuzzi tub that sat in the corner of the wall, resting beneath two big picture windows facing the lake. Several wet towels lay on the floor below it—he could see an unmistakable soap ring around the tub at the fill line. Again he reached down and rubbed his dick as he tried to envision the erotic scene as his beautiful wife and her black lover fucked in the hot bubble-filled water.

Justin moved back into the large suite and contemplated again why the newest staff member of the department was given such an extravagant suite. And how was it that Nick and Abbie's rooms happened to be connected? He was just about ready to head back into their room when an envelope slipped under the door. He opened the unsealed package. Immediately he noticed Kristi's signature with two hearts dotting the "i's" of her name, followed by her phone number across the top of the page. "Damn I actually helped that lucky son of a bitch get her number after all!"

Justin perused the itemized bill. The first thing that jumped out, but didn't surprise him, were two "adult movie" charges. He knew that Nick and Abbie had "indulged" in interracial porn on their previous hook-up and apparently it had achieved its purpose, as they treated themselves to it once again—this time at $12.99 a pop. The charges for the bottle of champagne, two Strawberry Delight's, and a toiletry item were all listed on the folio. Justin figured the toiletry at $9.99, probably represented the KY fuck jam.

Justin rubbed his hard cock. The idea of Abbie fucking Nick again was one that he had pondered every single day since the party, but he still couldn't wrap his mind around why she would do it without telling him. He wondered if she would come clean when he saw her, but suspected she wouldn't as she hadn't breathed a word of her desire to do it (or whether she already had) even once over the past several months.

Now as he stood next to the bed where his wife's infidelity had taken place only hours before, he questioned how he should respond. Part of him saw this as the green light he had hoped would finally come, leading to a possible repeat performance with Nick on this night—his birthday. Obviously, this time he would get to be here to experience it firsthand and finally scratch that itch that had started small years before but had grown significantly once Nick Thomas came into their lives. Whether Justin would just watch or actually participate in some way he didn't know.

But on the other hand, in spite of his ever-present cuckold desires, Justin didn't want to reward Abbie with another night impaled on Nick's huge cock if she didn't come clean on her own. He now had a very good idea their relationship with Nick would proceed at some point, but the faithful husband in him, now desired some payback for her infidelity—perhaps making her twist in the wind before progressing with Nick would make her understand the value of open, honest communication with him.

As Justin glanced back up at Kristi's signature and phone number, a devious idea occurred to him. "If this works, it could teach Abbie a lesson for fucking him behind my back...and it'll be damn fun to see how she reacts!" Justin pulled his cell phone from his pocket and entered Kristi's number into the text box, he then typed: "Hey this is Nick, it's about time you passed that number along baby, what time do you get off work?"

Justin waited anxiously for a response...finally it came: "Six o'clock, why?"

He replied back, "Why don't you come up here after you get off..."

Kristi's response, "Isn't your 'friend' still around?"

Justin laughed, he couldn't believe this was actually working. He typed: "Nah, she bailed. Besides she wasn't as much fun as you!"

Her response, "How do you know I'm fun? For all you know, I could be a couch potato."

Justin thought to himself, "I can't believe I'm doing this. This guy fucked my wife last night and now I'm helping him get laid by this hot little blonde." He typed back, "I'm willing to take my chances...I have a feeling you might be into other things on the couch than just watching TV!"

Next message, "You're bad Mr. never know though...maybe I like to watch the kind of shows you like to rent!"

Justin couldn't believe what he just read. "Damn, she seemed so innocent when I talked to her." He typed, "I think we can arrange that!"

Kristi's final response, "I'll be up around 6:30 p.m."

Justin shook his head. "That lucky son of a bitch!" He typed back in typical Nick Thomas arrogant fashion, "I'll be here!"

Justin sat on Nick's couch, amazed at what he'd just pulled off. He thought how delectably good this could turn out if it all worked as he hoped. Now the only question was how to make sure Nick would be in his room when Kristi came knocking. Suddenly another cleaver idea occurred to him, but he would need some assistance to pull off this part.

He went back into his room and changed into his swim suit, tee-shirt, Oakland A's cap, and flip flops. Before he headed out, he entered the bathroom to take a leak. As he stood pissing, he glanced down at the garbage can next to the toilet. Sitting exposed was a familiar looking empty box. Justin immediately recognized the same morning-after pill box that he had purchased the day after the party. "Jesus...that confirms they fucked without protection again...what the fuck is wrong with my wife?"

Justin dug through the can and found the receipt, it was from a local Stateline CVS. The purchase was made earlier that morning and Nick's signature was at the bottom—but to Justin's chagrin, it was Abbie's credit card number. "That jerk made her pay..."

Worse yet, the total charge was well over $100. In addition to the $50 morning-after birth control kit, the receipt included a 24-pack of BIGFOOT XXX MAGNUM PLUS rubbers, a Speed Stick men's deodorant, a Sports Illustrated magazine, a Monster energy drink, a bag of sunflower seeds, and a box of Cheez-its. The latter three of which Abbie would have never put in her body. "Now in addition to letting him fuck my wife, I'm buying this guy's groceries and condoms...WTF?"

But then as he pondered the situation further, he found one silver lining. "Since they didn't have condoms and the kit wasn't purchased till this morning, hopefully that means they didn't plan this hookup in advance! Either that or my wife has lost her mind..."

Justin returned to Nick's room and quickly grabbed the itemized folio and slipped it into his backpack. He rolled his overnight bag behind him and left everything else the way he found it in both rooms. He went back downstairs and was happy to find Kristi working the front desk all by herself.

"Hey you look a lot more comfortable now Mr. Dawson...just like a guy celebrating his birthday in Lake Tahoe should," the hot blonde chimed with a big flirty smile.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go hang out at the pool. I got a good book, some tunes, and I might even tip back a few beers! Hey that reminds me, I've decided to surprise my wife that I arrived early, so if you see her, please don't tell her I'm here yet."

"Oh that's sweet...and romantic! My lips are sealed Mr. Dawson."

For some reason, Justin's dirty mind didn't go to her facial lips. "Remember, call me Justin, and by the way, do you have any stationary cards with the hotel logo on them? I want to write her a couple of notes."

Kristi looked at him adorably, "That's so sweet...uh...Justin, of course we do." She handed him several thick-papered postcard-sized stationary cards. "Anything else?"

"Yeah, can you store my bag, I don't want her to show up at the room and find it!"

"Sure Justin, happy to do it. I love surprises." Kristi's eyes flashed once again.

"Last thing, can you contact housekeeping and have them service our room ASAP. I'm thinking of surprising my wife by waiting for her in...uh...well I think you know what I'm getting at," he requested with an impish grin.

Kristi knew exactly what he meant, she smiled again. "Consider it done Justin! I hope you have a GREAT birthday!"

"Thanks...and this is a big day for you too! Any exciting plans following your last day of work?"

She smiled back excitedly, "Yes, something just came up a few minutes ago, I can't wait!"

Justin thought to himself, "You better be ready you horny little thing, you're world is about to get rocked!"

"Ah, good for you Kristi. If I don't see you again, have a great time tonight and best of luck in your new job!" Justin handed her his rolling bag, said goodbye, and headed off to the pool. It was 11:30 a.m.


At that same moment, his wife's cell phone vibrated on her desk at the seminar.

Abbie had finally consumed enough coffee to keep from succumbing to her exhausted malaise. The morning sessions could not have been more painfully boring, but thankfully in addition to the java, one other thing kept her stimulated throughout: reoccurring memories of the previous nights' unforgettable sex with Nick.

Abbie glanced down at her phone and saw that it was a text message from him...from Nick, a picture was imbedded. Coincidentally, the message read "Are you thinking about this right now?"

Abbie sat up straight in her chair and looked around at the people near her. Most had the same glossed over gaze that had been on her face before the text message arrived. She pulled the phone close so only she could see and scrolled down to the photo. She gasped loud enough that the people on both sides looked her way. The coach pulled the phone to her chest until they both turned their attention back to the speaker.

Abbie cautiously looked at it again. The erotic image showed herself, topless, with her eyes closed and her wet tongue extended out the side of her mouth. The tip pressed hungrily against the fleshy skin of Nick Thomas' dark chocolate cock, just below the swollen black licorice band that defined its oversized head. Both of her hands gripped the glistening shaft, one atop the other, inches above his massive balls. Her saliva combined with his lubrication fluid, seeped between her small fingers as she held it. His ebony scrotum hung down obscenely far and was framed flawlessly in the photo by her contrasting beautiful white tits. She held the powerful cock, pressed against her cheekbone dreamily as if she never wanted to let go.

The picture was perfect.

It was also very wrong...wrong that Nick had taken it in the first place...wrong that her wedding band sparkled brightly in the foreground against the dark backdrop of his obsidian dick...and more wrong that he'd just sent it to her at this this work function of all places. " boss is sitting only one table away. What the fuck is he thinking?" She looked across the room at him with the dirtiest of looks. He peered back with a cocky smirk on his.


Justin sat in a lounge chair partially covered by a poolside umbrella. As usual, the summertime weather in Lake Tahoe was spectacular, the pool relatively crowded for an early Friday afternoon. He watched as a group of college-aged k**s snuck bottles of vodka from their backpacks and stealthily mixed it with their juice drinks. There was a group of eight of them, four girls and four guys, all about the same age. "Oh, to be their age again..." Justin thought to himself. The curious coach tried to imagine who was fucking who in the group.

And while he was only twenty-nine himself, it seemed like a long time ago that he and his friends had enjoyed those carefree, joyful times. Justin thought back to some of the fun road trips he made with his college buddies and then to some of the weekend getaways he had taken with Abbie their senior year. He remembered a few weekend camping trips to the Sierras, where just the two of them had popped a tent and fucked like rabbits all weekend long. Those were some great times...

...and now she was addicted to big black cock.

Addicted might be a strong word, but based on her description of their first encounter and knowing that she and Nick had now fucked for at least a second time, Justin was certain in assuming his wife wanted more. But he knew in his heart of hearts, despite whatever hidden desires she might have had previously for sex with a truly hung man, Abbie would never have acted on those impulses without his encouragement.

"Fuck, this is all my fault..." He realized that he and Abbie were now involved in a dangerous love triangle with a black bull who had a lot less to lose than the two of them.

Still, Justin couldn't help his desire to see where this would lead. Again he imagined the scene in Nick's room from the previous night: the large black man lying on his back on the huge bed with Abbie's flawless naked body writhing on top of him, also gazing up at the mirrored ceiling. A look of pure ecstasy on her face with her legs spread wide, bent at the knees, feet on the sheets while Nick's impossibly big, rippled cock plunged quickly in and out of her as his huge balls bounced against the mattress. Abbie's own small hands gripping her full round tits erotically while his thumb frigged her horny clit...


Justin's power of imagination must have been on psychic mode as at that same moment another image flashed on his wife's phone. Again the photo was imbedded in a text message from Nick. The image portrayed basically the exact scene that Justin had just imagined except for Nick's free hand lying out to the side with his cell phone camera photographing them. The caption in the text message read..."Thinking about doing this again when we get back to the room!"

Abbie practically feinted when she opened the newest image. She glanced nervously at the picture, pissed again that Nick had sent it to her now...but she also felt a gush of wetness in her panties. As she stared at the photo, the thing that jumped out at her immediately, aside from how much her pussy was stretched around Nick's obscenely huge cock, was the contrast in skin color between their tangled bodies against the reflection of the white-sheeted background from the mirrors above. Abbie remembered the same feeling of eroticism that image had elicited in her the previous night when she'd looked up at their reflection above the bed.

Nonetheless, she typed back to him, "Are you crazy, stop sending me these pictures!"

His reply, "Don't tell me you aren't thinking about it...I bet your little pussy is drenched just imagining it!"

She looked over angrily at him again, but this time, in addition to the sly smile on his face, he reached down and patted the inside of his thigh about halfway down to his knee. Abbie immediately understood his casual gesture...he wasn't patting his leg.

She typed, "Stop this Nick, you know Justin is arriving this afternoon, I told you this morning, no more fooling around..."

His response came quickly, "You said he wasn't going to get here until around 5:30 p.m., the agenda says we are done at 3:30 p.m. Besides I wasn't thinking about 'fooling around', I was thinking about FUCKING YOUR BRAINS OUT AGAIN!"

She typed back, "Nick, stop it! It isn't going to happen...besides it's his goddamn birthday!"

"I thought you said he got off when we fucked. Why don't we put on a show for him...for his birthday!"

"No more messages Nick!!! Drop it! Besides you need to pay attention to this next speaker...Curt Michelson is the dean of the Exercise Sciences school, in case you forgot. We both need to put our phones away, this is important!"

The moderator approached the podium and introduced Curt Michelson. After accepting applause, the dean began his presentation about the direction of the program for the upcoming school year. Abbie didn't like the man very much. The 41-year-old married, father of three had hit on her on more than one occasion and as he now began his speech, she couldn't help but notice him looking in her direction more than necessary. Abbie did her best to subtly lower her eyes each time he looked towards her.

But despite the importance of his topic, before long, his words faded into oblivion as had those from all the previous speakers. Abbie's thoughts turned to the same thing that had occupied her mind throughout most of the morning...


Justin finished his second Pliny IPA as he watched the four college guys packing up their stuff. Moments later they said their goodbye's and departed the pool area. Justin now saw this as his best opportunity. He approached the girls with the folio envelope and stationary in hand. As he walked up, he heard one of the girls say to her friends, "What time are we meeting them at the beach?"

Her friend responded, "1:45 p.m., so we have another hour to get drunk before we go." They all laughed.

"Hey pardon me, I hate to interrupt, but I was wondering if I could ask a favor of you ladies," Justin asked with the sincerest smile he could.

The girls looked up at him with friendly gazes. The cutest of the group, a short haired brunette with great dick-sucking lips said, "What's in it for us Mr...uh...butt-in?" The others all giggled.

"I'd be happy to buy the next round," Justin volunteered with a grin.

"Okay, now you're talking our language..." the pretty brunette replied. All of them now flashed friendly smiles at the cute dive coach.

"I hope this doesn't sound too weird, but I need one of you to write a couple of notes for me...and by the way, my name is Justin."

"That does sound kind of weird, but we're on a mission to get drunk this afternoon, so what do you have in mind Justin?"

He reached into the envelope and pulled out the folio paper. He handed it to the brunette and said, "I need a woman's handwriting to match the signature at the top."

"Who is Kristi? She gave you her phone number? Aren't you married...Mister...uh...Justin?" the girl asked flirtatiously as she looked at his left hand.

"Oh, no it's not for me..." He responded embarrassingly, "It's kind of hard to explain, but I just need a one-line sentence written beneath it in the most similar handwriting I can find."

"Well you came to the right place Justin. We are very thirsty and that writing looks just like Bella's." She handed the page to her petite perky-titted Asian friend.

Bella looked at Kristi's signature and said, "Wow, that does look like my writing, what do you need me to write?"

Again he looked at the group sheepishly, "I need it to say, "I'll be up at 6:30 p.m. I hope you aren't too tired from last night..."

The girls all laughed. "This sounds kind of naughty Justin, but I'm happy to do it for a round of cocktails," Bella answered cheerily.

"Done, and I also need you to write something on a couple of stationary notes...the first one needs to say, 'Looking forward to tonight!' The second should read, 'We apologize for the security issue, please accept our sincerest apologies! Best Regards, Harvey's."

"Wow, now you're asking a lot mister, how about if you make that a round of doubles?" Bella demanded with a cute smile.

"You ladies drive a hard bargain, but you got me over a barrel here," Justin joked. "I guess I could pony up for extra shots..." he replied with a big smile of his own.

"How about a round of Sex on the Beaches," the brunette chimed back as Bella jotted the line on the first piece of paper. The pretty Asian girl even dotted the two lower-case 'i's' in the sentence with little hearts.

"A round of double Sex on the Beaches coming up," Justin confirmed as he turned and started towards the bar. He thought to himself, "That's an appropriate choice for this group..."

When he got back, he handed out the cocktails and thanked them all for helping him out and after seeing Bella's work, he thanked her individually. Justin toasted them with his beer and walked over to his lounge chair, sat back down and looked at the folio page and stationary notes again. Bella's handwriting looked nearly identical to Kristi's. "Perfect! Now all I have to do is wait!"

After finishing his last IPA, Justin said goodbye to the coeds and headed to the concierge desk. He retrieved his bag and went back upstairs. As he hoped, the room had already been made up—there was no longer any evidence of the previous night's activities...except that the adjoining door was still open. He set his backpack down and removed the folio envelope. He moved to the adjoining door and peaked inside. The suite had been made up as well. Again Justin called out to make sure the room was empty before he moved through the doorway.

He glanced around and immediately noticed Abbie's red dress, bra, and tattered g-string sitting in a folded pile on the couch. Her high heels rested on the floor beneath them. Something seemed acutely wrong about leaving them in her black lover's bedroom, but nonetheless, he walked over and dropped the folio envelope next to the entry door before returning to his room. Justin looked at the nightstand clock and realized he still had time to make it to the liquor store before Abbie's meeting was due to adjourn at 3:30 p.m.

At BevMo, Justin bought a bottle of champagne, two bottles of Tito's vodka, several mixers, various chocolates and two wicker gift baskets. After returning to the hotel he glanced at his watch as he rose on the elevator back up to the 18th floor, it read 3:00 p.m. His plan was right on schedule.

He hurried down the hall to his room and placed one of the bottles of Tito's in the gift basket and surrounded it with the mixers and some of the chocolates. He took it into Nick's suite and placed it on the bar before slipping the stationary note that read, "Looking forward to tonight!" in the front. He smiled as he noticed again that Bella had dotted the "i's" with little hearts. "Perfect..."

Justin went back to his room, closed and locked the adjoining door, and mixed himself a cocktail. He packaged up the other basket with the champagne and the remaining chocolates. He slipped the stationary note that read, "We apologize for the security issue, please accept our sincerest apologies! Best Regards, Harvey's" into the basket and placed it on the coffee table. Justin waited until 3:30 p.m. before heading down the hall to the bank of elevators. Luckily there were a couple of lazy boy chairs sitting in the elevator landing. He sat down and thumbed through his phone, sipping his drink.

The elevator door opened several times without Abbie on board. Finally at 3:45 p.m. the door opened and Justin heard Nick's unmistakable voice, "C'mon I was just having some fun..."

He then heard his wife reply, "Well you shouldn't have done it, those pictures were not..." Abbie's voice cut off mid-sentence as she exited the elevator and saw Justin sitting there.

Her husband observed a large black hand moving away from his wife's ass as she came around the corner.

"Jus...Justin, what are you doing here? I thought you weren't supposed to be here till 5:30 or 6." She spoke nervously with a deer-in-headlights look on her face.

Just then Nick emerged from the elevator with a Cheshire cat grin. "Hey coach, you made it! Happy Birthday!"

"Hey thanks Nick...yeah honey my meeting got shortened so I came up early!"

"Yes, Happy Birthday honey, what time did you...uh...get here?" Abbie asked uneasily again.

"Oh, just a little while ago. I stopped at BevMo when I got into town and bought some stuff for tonight." He toasted his cocktail in their direction.

"Great...well I'm so glad you're here! Welcome to Tahoe," Abbie offered with a grin as she moved closer and kissed him on the lips.

Justin then reached out and shook the hand that had been on his wife's ass moments before. "How's your first couple of days in the new role treating you Nick? You getting a good lay of the land?" he asked with a big smile as he glanced towards his wife.

She diverted her eyes.

"It's going great coach, lots to learn, I'm like a sponge..." Nick responded as he u*********sly looked in Abbie's direction also.

"Well, if you're smart, you'll soak up everything my wife can offer, she's very familiar with the ins and outs of everything around here!"

"Good advice coach, I'll do that," Nick smiled broadly as his mesmerizing eyes toggled back and forth between the two of them. Justin noticed again as Abbie looked away hastily.

As the three of them approached the "T" in the hallway, Abbie looked at Nick and said suggestively, "Well don't forget Nick, we have just the breakfast closing meeting in the morning, we'll see you then. Your room is down that way, isn't it?"

Justin noticed her making a subtle gesture with her eyes at Nick as if to say, "Play along...act like your room is the other way."

"Oh yeah...yeah, I've gone the wrong way a couple of times already on this trip. It seems like whenever I do, I get into a slippery slope that I seem to struggle to get myself out of," Nick replied with a shit-eating smirk on his face, knowing only Abbie would get the insinuation.

Again Justin noticed as Abbie's eyes got really large. He could tell she was pissed at Nick for making the suggestive comment.

"Well Coach Justin enjoy the rest of your birthday, you two behave yourselves now! That was some reception last night Abbie, you gonna get a chance to get some rest before you guys head out?" Nick asked. Justin could tell he was clearly trying to mess with her.

"No, I felt great today," she replied in a back-pedaling response.

"Oh, you must not have stayed up as late as I did. Well, you two enjoy yourselves," he encouraged as he started down the hallway in the other direction.

"How'd he do?" Justin whispered in Abbie's ear as they walked towards their room.

"Wha...what do you mean?" Abbie responded, alarmed at his question.

"At the meeting? Clearly he went out partying last night, did he carry himself okay today?"

Justin observed a relieved expression form on her face. "Yes, I think so, I was sitting across the room from him..." His wife then asked nervously as they approached their door, "Say, did the maids come before you got here?"

"Yeah, I assume so, the room was clean..." Justin noticed as another relieved look flushed across Abbie's pretty face. "...except there was one very weird thing," he continued as he slipped his key into the lock and opened the door.

"Oh yeah, what was that?" Abbie asked apprehensively as he held it open for her.

"The door to the adjoining room was open on both sides. I thought that was very weird for the cleaning people to leave it like that..."

He turned to see Abbie looking over in the direction of the adjoining door, her face pale. "Did you...uh...close it?" She asked.

"Yes, of course. All of your stuff was in here, I didn't want someone wandering in and stealing anything. Anyway, I called the front desk and gave them a piece of my mind. That gift basket on the table is their attempt at smoothing things over!"

Abbie walked over and checked out the basket's contents, she read the note and responded absently, "Yeah, that is kind of weird the cleaning people would leave it open like that...did you happen to look into the other room?"

"No, of course not! I closed it immediately when I came in. Who knows what kind of creepy people might be in there."

Just then, they both heard the door open and close next door. "See they're in there right now." They both laughed quietly.

Abbie approached and wrapped her arms around him. "Well at least we got a free bottle of champagne to celebrate your birthday tonight," she purred sexily as she pushed her tits into his chest.

"Yes we did, what do you have planned?"

"It's a secret, but I see you already started celebrating. Thanks for grabbing the booze, I was going to head down and get some before you got here, but you kind of messed up my plans," she complained playfully.

Abbie looked really good in her blouse and skirt. Her hair was up and her gorgeous lips beckoned him. He leaned down and kissed her wetly on the mouth. "What'd ya say, we start my party early?" he asked as he lowered his hands and squeezed her tight ass cheeks.

"Honey, you know I'll do whatever you want, but I had planned on us being up late tonight and in spite of what I told Nick in the hallway, I am exhausted from last night, the reception went later than usual. Do you mind if I take a little nap so I can give you all of me tonight?"

Justin could see subtle bags under his wife's blue eyes. "Okay honey, but I'm going to hold you to that promise! I'll mix another cocktail and head downstairs for a while, the Red Sox and A's are on. What time are we going to head out tonight?"

"Around 6:30."

"Okay, just know I might be pretty drunk by then."

Abbie laughed. "It's your birthday, you can do whatever you want!"


Thirty minutes later Justin quietly approached the door to his hotel room. He put his ear to the door, but couldn't make out any sounds, so he went over and did the same at Nick's door, it was quiet too. "She must really be taking a nap."

He went back to his door and slipped the key-card in the lock and pushed on the handle. The door cracked open before it clanged loudly against the secondary lock. He held it cracked as he listened for sounds from within. Sure enough, there was a quick patter of footsteps and hushed voices. He then heard the unmistakable sound of a door closing quietly.

"Abbie, shit I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. Are you in there?" he called out.

"Oh honey, hang on, I just woke up," his wife replied in what sounded like a semi-panicked voice.

Justin held the door cracked as far as the lock would allow as he listened to her move hurriedly around the room.

"Hang-on, I'll be right there baby!"

Finally after nearly a minute, the door closed shut, the secondary lock disengaged and the door re-opened. Abbie stood before him, still in her blouse and skirt. Her hair was a mess. But unlike when he'd left her previously, her big tits bounded freely under her shirt and her hard nipples were stabbing through the fabric. As Justin entered the room, he got confirmation of what he suspected: in addition to not wearing a bra, his wife had no panties on under her skirt, both garments were lying on the floor next to the bed. At that point he also noticed her shirt buttons were not aligned, she had obviously thrown it back on haphazardly when he arrived.

"Wha...what are you doing back here so soon, is the game already over?"

"Shit honey, I'm sorry, I hoped to sneak in here quietly and grab my charger, I didn't think you would lock the door."

Abbie stuttered somewhat breathlessly, "Yeah, I was so tired I wasn't thinking straight. I don't even remember doing it!"

"Yeah you must have been really out of it. What the hell were you dreaming about, the bed spread looks like a wrestling match took place on it." He forced a laugh.

"...Uhhh yeah...I don't really remember, but I think I was pretty out of it before I finally heard you!"

"You must've hit the bed pretty fast after I left, you didn't even take the time to take off your clothes."

"Yeah...I...uh...started looking at my Facebook and the next thing I remember you were yelling out to me. I must have really passed out."

Justin decided not to press her any further about her shirt, bra, or panties. He knew why she looked the way she did, but still thoughts of her infidelity hit him hard..."Fuck, it's my birthday...and she makes up that lie about wanting to take a this really my wife? Does she love that black cock so much she is willing to risk getting caught, even when I'm only downstairs? She clearly has no plans to come clean, I'm going to progress with my plan..."

Before he could process that thought any further, Abbie moved in close and reached for his cock through his shorts. "Remember what I told you before I left yesterday?" she purred. "How about if I start making up for the fact I wasn't there when you woke up this morning?"

Justin already being half hard from discovering Abbie and Nick latest tryst, sprang like a jack-in-the-box as his gorgeous wife groped his cock. She pushed him back onto the bed and straddled his chest once his head found its way up on the pillows. She very sexily began unbuttoning her shirt, apparently not realizing the little white buttons weren't aligned. Once undone, she teasingly spread the silky fabric to expose her flawless d-cups. She brought them to his smiling face.

Justin kissed and sucked her hard nipples like it was the first time he had ever been exposed to them. Strangely, they had a slightly different flavor than he was used to, the same taste then washed through his mouth as Abbie lowered her head and stuck her tongue inside. Justin immediately realized he tasted his wife's black lover.

Moments later another startling revelation occurred to him: he could feel wetness on his chest beneath Abbie's hiked up skirt...her pussy was actually dripping. Never one to struggle with vaginal lubrication, Abbie's slick contribution could always be counted on to enhance their love-making, but the momentous flow oozing at the moment was not usual, even for her.

Due to her positioning, Justin awkwardly maneuvered his hand between her legs, needing to feel her slit. As his fingers brushed across her lower lips, they were immediately soaked in wetness. He playfully toggled her pussy, not ever having felt it so wet. "Damn is this what he does to her? Could his big cock have actually been inside her when I unlocked the door?"

Justin knew he should feel overwhelming betrayal towards her. After all, his formerly faithful wife had fucked her lover the night before and then went traitorously back for more big black cock while he was only downstairs...and it was his fucking birthday no less!

But instead of loathing her, his arousal moved to a precipice he couldn't recall.

The past few months had been some of the most tumultuous of Justin's life. Following the party and Abbie's admission about what took place, he had wrestled with feelings and emotions on a level he never imagined. On one hand, the thought that she actually did it without so much as a warning made him wonder how long she had harbored those desires. Or had it simply been a one-time, booze-fueled indulgence as she later intimated?

On the other, he questioned how he actually would have reacted if she had admitted her black cock desires and sought his approval. He knew his encouragements over the past several years played a major role in her infidelity, but nonetheless, he still wasn't sure if he actually could have pushed her into Nick's arms (and onto his cock) when faced with the ultimate decision. Now it didn't matter, she had made that choice on her own and putting that genie back in the bottle was no longer a possibility.

Instead, they had taken the safe approach and agreed to break things off with Nick.

Perhaps if they'd leaned on their decision method that had proven successful in the past, each putting two pieces of paper in their hands and opening simultaneously with only one remaining, they may have chosen differently. But once Abbie listed all the reasons why further sexual relations with Nick were potentially dangerous to her job and their standing at the university, they agreed it was the proper decision.

Unfortunately, both painstakingly questioned that decision countless times over the past few months.

As Justin pondered that thought yet again, he suddenly snapped out of his trance as Abbie's lips circled his cock and immediately took him to the back of her throat. Never in nearly six years of marriage had he ever felt her deep throat him. "Oh shit Ab, that feels incredible!"

Justin peered down to see Abbie's flushed cheeks hollowed in a newly-trained fashion while her nimble tongue danced along the fleshy underside of his rock hard dick. His beautiful wife had never given him a blow job anywhere near this good. His first thought was to ask her where and when she learned the technique, but he already knew the answer...Nick Thomas was training her.

Before he could process that unimaginable thought, he felt his balls slipping between Abbie's wet lips. His formerly oral-reticent wife was now hungrily sucking on his scrotum while her small fingers hurriedly stroked his spit-covered shaft. Justin's head fell back against the pillow in pleasure.

"You like this for your birthday Justin?" Abbie purred as his large-marble sized balls popped from her lips.

"Damn Ab, that feels so good. said you were going to make up for not being home this morning...this more than qualifies!"

But again before he could fully appreciate his wife's newest ministration, he felt her tongue slip below his testicles and snake along his taint towards his..."OH MY GOD! SHE'S LICKING MY ASSHOLE!"

Justin was suddenly out of his mind in disbelief and ecstasy, thankful he'd showered and spent nearly twenty minutes in the poolside hot tub before coming back up to the room, "Oh god Abbie, you don't know how good that feels, this is the best birthday present ever!"

She thought guiltily to her herself that she knew exactly how good it felt, her black lover had been doing the exact same thing to her when Justin unlocked the door minutes previously. She smiled at him mischievously from between his legs before sinking her lips back over his cock and taking him deeply—her fingers still working on his slippery sphincter.

Justin didn't last long. Abbie's head bobbed steadily as her fingers now massaged his sensitive balls. He put a hand on her shoulder as he felt his nuts tighten in her grip. Abbie's smiling eyes met his as his hips bucked. Justin's head fell back in pleasure as his wife's wonderful mouth milked the largest load he had ever produced. She swallowed it easily.

Once Justin's breathing stabilized he watched as Abbie playfully teased around his genitals before kissing her way back up to his smiling face. "Did you like that honey?" she questioned, eyes flashing.

"Jesus Ab, did I like it? That's a crazy question babe...I FUCKING LOVED IT!"

She giggled. "Happy Birthday babe. I love you!"

Abbie snuggled her way against him and was asleep within a minute. Justin lay on top of the comfortable sheets admiring his wife's naked body as he tried to grasp what had just happened. Never in all their years together had Abbie ever sucked his cock and swallowed. And never in his wildest fantasies had he ever dreamed of her licking his asshole. Now as she lay nakedly in his arms, he couldn't help but think that her experienced 22-year-old black lover was teaching her things...dirty sexual things she never would have learned from him.

Before dozing off, the coach thought to himself, "I know I should put an end to this...but maybe I can let it go on just a little bit longer..."

"...but first things first, in spite of that awesome present, tonight she needs to learn a lesson for fucking him behind my back...even if I would have said 'yes' if she asked!"


They slept for little over an hour before showering together and getting ready to go. Abbie slipped a short black spaghetti-strapped dress over her tanned body to Justin's delight. He hadn't been in the bathroom when Abbie donned her conservative bra and panty set disappointedly -- the sexy stuff hadn't made it out of Nick's room this afternoon...the tattered panties would never be worn again.

Justin thought she looked hot as hell as the silky dress accentuated her long neck, slender shoulders and endless legs...and of course her perfect tits. At his request, she wore her hair up and slipped on her sexy librarian glasses.

Justin couldn't keep his semi-drunken hands off her as they waited at the elevator landing. When the doors finally opened, they were met with a surprise: Kristi, the gorgeous front desk blonde disembarked, dressed scantily in a short red cocktail dress and high heels. Justin's eyes nearly bugged out of his head. He could tell earlier she sported quite the body under her work clothes, but he had no idea it obscured a package like this.

"Oh hi you guys...Abbie and Justin, right? I'm finally seeing you guys together." She smiled ear to ear.

"...Uh yeah, you're the girl from the front desk, Kristi is it?" Abbie asked, shocked that the pretty girl remembered both of their names and was no longer dressed in work attire. She looked really good in the red dress.

"Well I was my last day." She smiled excitedly as she made subtle eye contact with Justin, stealthily confirming their earlier conversation. Justin smiled and nodded as he checked out the gorgeous 24-year-old. Suddenly the vision he'd imagined earlier of Kristi down on her elbows and knees eating Abbie's pussy while Nick fucked her hard from behind reentered his mind. The mental picture took on an enhanced appeal as he now viewed Kristi's rockin' body in the revealing dress.

"I hope you don't mind me saying this Abbie, but you wear some of the prettiest dresses I've seen on anyone around here..." Kristi opined as she admired what Abbie had on.

"Oh...uh...that's very nice of you to say," Abbie responded, somewhat surprised by the complement. "Yours is very beautiful also."

"Oh thanks, I have to admit, I was inspired to wear red tonight by that one you wore last night!"

"Aw, that's really sweet. Thanks."

A mental picture of Abbie's long dress bunched in a haphazard pile on the floor in Nick's room entered Justin's mind. "...This red one is sure to take its place tonight!"

"Well, we should be going Justin, our dinner reservation is at 6:45 p.m," Abbie reminded.

"I won't keep you guys...and...uh Happy Birthday Justin," Kristi gushed.

"Oh thanks, and best of luck in your new job Kristi...have fun tonight," Justin wished as they passed.

Once the elevator door closed, Abbie chimed, "That was kind of interesting, she seemed very comfortable and flirty only being off the job for an hour or so. The two of you must have had quite the conversation, you know all about her new job?" Abbie asked, playfully accusatory.

Justin bit his tongue. His wife had the nerve to jealously question an innocent conversation he'd had with the pretty hotel associate after she had fucked her black bull all night long. "Yeah, and if you must know, our conversation only started after she realized I was your wife. She was quite impressed with you and said you looked like a model in your red dress last night!"

Abbie backpedaled, now feeling guilty about having questioned him. "Oh, well that was nice of her to say..."

Justin let the subject drop, his thoughts turned to his devilish plan. So far, everything was working...after seeing Kristi again, he suddenly wished he could be a fly on the wall in Nick's room.


After a wonderful dinner on the lake, some profitable gambling, and a little dancing, Justin and Abbie headed back to their room and made blissful love. Justin was impressed that his wife was energetic, albeit not as naughty as earlier, in spite of what had to be near exhaustion. He did notice however, that her typical love making sounds were different. They sounded more forced and he sensed there was tenderness in her stretched pussy that must have been a result of getting reamed thoroughly by Nick's huge cock.

Abbie welcomed the intimate love making. Her fatigued body appreciated Justin's patient gentle kissing, massaging, and fondling after the previous night's wild, a****l-like fucking on Nick's big black dick. She thought she'd done a convincing job of faking her two orgasms with Justin after her pussy had cum so many times the previous night. She wasn't even sure she was actually capable of climax again so soon.

"Happy birthday honey, I love you!" Abbie whispered as she snuggled in his arms. Within minutes, they dozed off to what should have been a peaceful sleep.


An hour later slamming doors, loud drunken voices, and hip-hop music blaring through the thin walls of the room next door woke them with a start. In spite of his tiredness, Justin's eyes popped open eagerly, confident Nick Thomas would uphold his end of the implied set-up. Abbie groaned and pulled the pillow back over her head.

Over the next ten minutes Justin listened for sex cues from the room next door, but the music was too loud to make out anymore than a few high-pitched laughs. Finally after one particularly loud fit, Abbie raised her head from under the pillow angrily. "Justin, can you call the front desk and have them turn that music down?"

His wife's plea sounded more livid than frustrated. If she was indeed awake under the pillow as he suspected, Abbie would now know there was a woman in the room next door.

He made the call and not long after, the music quieted significantly. He figured Kristi didn't want to risk a visit from the manager. With the music down, Justin could hear more muted conversation. Nick's deep voice and the higher pitched squeak of Kristi's were easy to discern, even if he couldn't make out exactly what was being said.

However, as the minutes passed, the voices and laughter grew significantly louder. Justin watched as Abbie's eyes remained closed, but he doubted she was actually sleeping. Suddenly Nick's booming voice shouted out, "Finish that bitch, you need to keep up!" That was followed by hysterical laughter by both of them.

This was heading directly down the path Justin had hoped.

Over the next fifteen minutes, more drunken frivolity ensued next door. At some point, Abbie lifted her head again and complained, "You'd think they would have the decency to keep it down at this hour!"

"Shit honey, they're just having fun, we've done the same ourselves. Besides, they'll probably move to sex before long and the partying will stop..."

Justin felt Abbie's body stiffen at his comment.

Not long after, the sounds from next door did recede. It would have been difficult for the blonde front desk associate to make much noise at that moment. A thick black piece of meat was pressed against her vocal cords. Nick Thomas was sitting on his couch with his pants around his ankles while Kristi was down on her hands and knees between his legs. She was naked except for her sexy g-string panties and high heels.

Nick had her hair pulled aside so he could watch the gorgeous blonde suck his cock. "Yeah baby, that's real nice...uh you're gettin' the hang of it..."

She pulled it from her mouth, breathing heavily, desperately trying to replace the oxygen being deprived from her lungs. A long strand of her saliva stretched from the head to her lips. As she spoke, it separated from his dick and splattered against her heaving tits, "Jesus Nick, you're so fucking big...I can't even breathe when I suck it!"

"Take a break for a minute and catch your breath, bring those nice titties up where I can see em."

Kristi moved forward and knelt in front of him. Nick ogled her spit covered c-cups before grabbing his cock and pressing the fat head against one of her swollen nipples. Kristi's hands cupped her heavy tits and held them together for him as he rubbed his cock from one nipple to the other, smearing saliva and precum around her ample mounds. She watched. Finally he began slapping them playfully, amazed that on back to back nights he was immersed in some of the best tits he'd ever seen. Kristi moaned, "Umm...that feels good Nick..."

"Suck it some more..." he directed as he brought it back to her lips. "Breathe more through your nose this time...I'll teach you how to take it deeper."

"Nick, it's too big, I can barely get my mouth around it."

"Trust me, you can do wide." Nick held the back of her head and pushed his rock hard cock against the back of her throat. "Relax your jaw and throat, let me guide it in there."

Kristi had sucked her fair share of cock including a couple of fairly endowed boyfriends, but neither of them or anyone else was anything like this. Her eyes rolled back as Nick's immense head filled her mouth completely. She breathed rapidly through her nose as he held her head and pressed deeper. Within minutes the determined black man sunk several inches down the pretty blonde's throat. "That a girl...relax and take that smooth snake nice and deep...fuck yeah that feels real nice!"

Nick concluded this chick had more previous experience sucking cock than Abbie, but nonetheless, there was something about his ex-coach's lips and active tongue that really got him going. The young wife had learned in only two nights what he liked and took very well to his coaching...sucking and swallowing him more enthusiastically than anyone in a long time. Her deep throating technique had gotten good quickly. Abbie was already capable of taking several more inches down her throat than young Kristi.

Nonetheless, Nick was enjoying watching and feeling his dark phallus sink between the wet lips of the hot blonde.

In the room next door, Justin's earlier excitement began to wane. He hadn't heard much aside from muted voices for nearly twenty minutes. He actually began to question Nick's perceived prowess. "Was he not able to close the deal? Had they fallen asleep?" Abbie's eyes remained closed, but her breathing didn't indicate she'd dozed off. Justin suspected she was listening as intently as he was.

Suddenly there was a loud grunt from next door.

With both Kristi's hands squeezing his huge balls and a couple of inches of his thick cock down her throat, Nick Thomas quickly approached his nut. He yelled out loud enough that the Dawson's could clearly hear, "YEAH BABY, SUCK THAT BIG BLACK DICK...UH HUH...GET READY...I'M GONNA GIVE YOU SOMETHING REAL GOOD!"

At that moment the head of his cock swelled and a thick blast of semen shot down Kristi's throat like a sled shooting down a luge. It was followed by another as she tried to pull her head away. Nick held her in place, splattering her esophagus with another cum blast, then another. "SWALLOW MY DARK SEED BLONDIE!" His deep voice bellowed before he finally allowed her to pull back enough that the next two blasts erupted in her mouth. Kristi instinctively gulped and got some of it down before his big cock slipped from her lips and coated the area around her mouth with yet another robust spurt. It was followed by several more diminishing releases.

Justin's cock sprang to life immediately while he felt Abbie stiffen at Nick's announcement. He could only imagine how difficult this must be for her, but he didn't care, she deserved every insufferable moment for her infidelity. The black man who had fucked her so thoroughly over the past 24 hours was now having sex in the room next door and doing nothing to disguise it.

Justin couldn't believe how clearly they could now hear the sounds from next door.

What he didn't know was that Nick had sent Kristi over to open their side of the adjoining door to maximize the audio. He told her it turned him on to let other people listen to him fuck. She had originally objected but he reminded her she was no longer an employee of the hotel and it was now someone else's problem. She eventually agreed, learning quickly the voyeuristic component was actually kind of fun and erotic.

As it turned out, the arrangement was perfect. The clarity of the sex sounds were much more vivid now. Justin couldn't have felt more redemption...or arousal. He took the opportunity to goad his unfaithful wife. "Honey, are you awake?"

"Um hmm..." her response sounded, unenthusiastically.

"Did you hear that couple next door? I think she was sucking him off and he blew his wad in her mouth." Justin slid his hands along Abbie's naked back down to her ass cheek and squeezed. Again he felt her tense up. "Listening to them made me kinda horny babe..." he admitted.

"Justin, I'm really tired. We already made love for a long time and I'm still not operating on enough sleep from last night..." Abbie groaned without turning back in his direction. "I also have that closing meeting in the morning."

Just then they heard, "Ohhh GAAAWWWDDD Nick, You're so BIG! Please go slow!"

Over the next ten minutes Nick worked his huge cock into Kristi's stretched pussy. Her incessant moans and cries sounded loudly through the walls and single door. "Oh fuck Nick, your big black cock feels so good in my little pussy...You're so deep...uhn...uhn...umph!"

"Shit bitch...that's some good white're shit is tight as anything I've felt in a while!"

Again Justin felt Abbie's body cringe as Nick's comment sent another jolt of anger through her. He had told her the same thing the previous night. Justin still couldn't hear every word being said, but the last exchange was easy to make out. He knew Abbie heard it.

The horny coach let his hand sink down again and rub Abbie's naked ass. "Damn Ab, I'm getting really turned on listening. It sounds like this black dude Rick has a big dick. I think the white chick really loves it!"

Abbie's irritation at this entire situation was palpable, but knowing it was Nick not Rick as Justin suggested, fucking the squealing whore in the room next door, infuriated her even more. "I think we should call down to the front desk again Justin, they don't need to be so loud."

"Oh c'mon Ab, you can't be serious, they're just having some fun sex. They were probably out doing the same stuff as us, we just got back to the room earlier..."

"We weren't this loud," she complained, obviously not acknowledging that she and Nick had been every bit as vocal the previous night. Abbie remembered thinking at some point during her and Nick's wild sex that, she was glad the adjoining room was hers and not someone else's.

Just then Kristi squealed, "Oh My God're gonna make me cum...fffffuck meeee...! I'm so other woman in this hotel is getting fucked so good tonight!" A chorus of moans and grunts erupted from the blonde's sexy mouth.

Justin's cock stiffened like steel. He was hearing the affects of Nick's sexual prowess for the first time and it clearly lived up to his imagery. Knowing it was the hot 24-year-old blonde from the front desk he was nailing made it all that much more arousing. Imagining his beautiful wife making those sounds on Nick's big black dick was intoxicating.

He couldn't fathom Abbie's exasperation at the loud sounds, but still he piled on. "Shit, this Rick guy is fucking the shit out of her!" The king-sized bed from next door slammed up against the common wall over and over.

Justin reached for his cock and jacked himself off. His aroused thoughts suddenly drifted to his previous vision of Abbie splayed out nude on the bed next door with Kristi's head between her legs while Nick pounded the gorgeous blonde from behind. Justin's reverie then morphed as he imagined Nick reconfiguring the girls into a sixty-nine and fucking Abbie doggy style while she hungrily ate pussy for the first time.

Abbie finally turned. "Oh my god Justin, are you masturbating?"

"Yeah hun, you know how much I love it when hung dudes fuck hot babes in those porn flicks—shit, this is even better! And since you're not in the mood, I gotta do something! This black dude Rick sounds huge and the white girl clearly loves it. You know interracial sex is one of my biggest turn-on's! And just listen, he is fucking the shit out of her!"

Abbie glared at him incredulously, she wasn't sure who she should despise more at the moment, her irritating husband or her black lover fucking the whore in the room next door.

Before either of them could say another word, Kristi screamed out she was cumming yet again. The Dawson's listened as their rutting neighbors climaxed together in one of the most scintillating orgasms either had ever heard. Abbie then gasped in shock as Justin grunted and his own load splattered onto his stomach.

"Oh jeez didn't really just do that!"

The birthday boy smiled proudly at his beautiful wife before rolling to his side and passing out with thoughts of retribution in his head. Abbie stared at him with unblinking eyes, not believing what she'd just witnessed.

Moments later her thoughts returned to the room next door. Unbeknownst to her, the vocal climaxes she'd heard from the interracial lovers were quite divergent. Kristi's toe-curling orgasm was definitely legendary, she still lay sprawled face down shaking and gasping for air while clutching the sheets of the big bed.

Nick's ejaculation was hot too, but shooting his load into a stretched condom was nowhere near as good as the handful of bareback eruptions he'd dumped deep into Abbie's unprotected pussy the night before. His vocal performance minutes before contained serious embellishment for effect...her effect.

Abbie lay awake trying to come to grips with what she had just experienced. She had given herself completely to Nick Thomas the night before and the bastard had the nerve to bring some slut back to his room and have sex with her when he knew she and Justin were still in the room next door.

Tears welled in her eyes. "How could he? I was a slut for him...I let him fuck me all night long...I took his huge black cock down my throat and swallowed his cum...twice! Oh my god...I actually licked his butt! And Jesus, I let him cum inside me three times..."

As Abbie lay pondering her thoughts, countless emotions wafted through her psyche...anger, frustration, guilt...yet the one she was experiencing most, was inexplicably...jealousy! "Why does that slut get to have his amazing cock tonight? Did I not satisfy him? Who would he want to fuck more if I knocked on that door right now?"

In spite of her emotional state, the previous night's sex marathon and her lack of sleep finally overwhelmed her. Abbie dozed, unsurely contemplating what the future would bring.

Unfortunately for both she and Justin, their sleep wouldn't be peaceful, they were both awoken countless times to the sound of the bed in the room next door banging against their wall.


Justin woke at 9:45 a.m. thankful that he hadn't had to get up when his wife did for her early morning meeting. He was so out of it, he hadn't even heard her getting ready or leaving. Justin could only imagine how weary Abbie must be. She had now gone two nights in a row without much sleep. One from fucking her black bull all night long, the other from listening to him pound the shit out of the pretty front desk blonde. A diabolical smile came to Justin's face, his plan had worked to perfection.

He got up, took a piss, and flipped on the one-cup coffee maker. He suddenly wondered if Kristi was still passed out in the room next door. He was impressed she was able to keep up with Nick Thomas all night long.

Abbie's meeting was due to end at 10:00 a.m. and he figured she'd want to come back up and sleep for several hours before embarking on their day. He decided he'd head down to the pool for a couple of hours and let her get some serious rest.

As he stood sipping his mediocre hotel room coffee and thinking about all that had transpired over the past forty-eight hours, he happened to notice through the large window, two people walking through the parking lot at a brisk pace eighteen stories below. They looked an awful lot like Nick and Abbie. The black man rolled what appeared to be a suitcase and was followed close behind by a dark haired women in a business skirt-suit that Justin was sure was Abbie's navy outfit.

Justin hastily located his camera bag and pulled out his digital Cannon. He attached his most powerful lens and aimed it down at the two of them. Sure enough it was his wife and her black lover, now engaged in an animated discussion just outside Nick's Ford Mustang. Justin watched as Abbie's arms flailed in what appeared to be an angry one-sided conversation. After about a minute, Justin witnessed Nick Thomas shrug his shoulders with his arms out to his sides away from his body, palms turned upward.

Moments later Abbie slapped him across the face and stormed back across the parking lot towards the hotel. "Oh shit," Justin blurted out loud as an incredulous smirk formed on his face. "Damn, I got Nick laid last night, but it looks like I also just got his face slapped too!"

Justin sat down on the couch and contemplated what he'd just witnessed. He didn't know how he should feel. His wife was clearly pissed at her black lover for fucking the hot blonde after the night they'd shared together, especially having done it in the room next door where she could clearly hear it taking place. "Is she that addicted to his big black cock that she wants it only for herself? Oh my god, this is my wife acting this way..." But then he asked himself why she should have any right to question, or for that matter, have any substantive interest how Nick lived his life. She is a married woman after all. "She's MY wife for fuck's sakes!"

The coach's mind was suddenly filled with countless thoughts as he tried to come to grips with the situation. But before he could ponder them any deeper he heard a key being slipped into the lock and the door opening loudly. His beautiful wife entered the room, trying her best to not show it, but he could tell she was clearly pissed...


Sunday morning

Abbie and Justin drove in separate cars on the two-hour drive back down the mountain from Tahoe to Sacramento. The long ride gave each of them time to reflect on what transpired over the past three days and to contemplate how they let it get to this point.

For Abbie, she had never considered the possibility of hooking up with Nick at the retreat. In spite of her desires, she had convinced herself their unforgettable mating the night of the party had been just a moment of weakness. Until seventy-two hours ago, she believed she was fully capable of moving on and maintaining a strictly professional relationship with him moving forward.

Unfortunately for her well-intentioned plan, once she got around him again and with her inhibitions diminished by alcohol, the sensual feelings returned and she couldn't control her overwhelming desire for him...for his amazing black dick.

Their night together at the party months before had been the most memorable sexual experience of her life, but even that wild night did not measure up to what she experienced with him this past weekend. The initial tentativeness and discomfort she felt when impaled on Nick's huge cock the first time was a non-issue this go around as their a****listic mating in the Harvey's suite exceeded every erotic fantasy she'd ever imagined.

But now just over forty-eight hours removed from that carnal act, her emotions were a tangled mess of desire, guilt and deceit. She still had a very obvious attraction to Nick, but his unforgivable behavior with the little slut the night following their glorious coupling was not something she intended to forgive easily. She rationalized, "It's obvious he is incapable of keeping his amazing...I mean arrogant...penis in his pants and if he chooses to be so callous about it, that asshole is never going to get the pleasure of having sex with me again!"

Also weighing on her heavily was the regret she felt for her lecherous conduct behind Justin's back. Her husband had accepted some of the responsibility from her first bout of infidelity, having all but pushed her into Nick's arms, but he had no culpability this time around. Abbie had walked this plank completely on her own and now her feelings of guilt and remorse for having fucked Nick again were eating at her. Worse still, the fact she had done it completely behind his back and then hid it from him was tearing her apart.

The remorse from the first night when Justin was still down in Sacramento was difficult enough to bare, but the fact that she and Nick had fucked around again after Justin arrived made her feel absolutely was his fucking birthday for God's sakes.

She thought back guiltily to how it transpired. That afternoon after Justin headed downstairs to watch the game, Nick knocked on the adjoining door. Abbie had told herself she wasn't going to open it as she needed sleep, but his persistence wore her down and when she finally did, Nick was standing on the other side completely naked with a raging hard on pointed directly at her chest.

Seconds later she found herself off the ground with legs clinging to his rock-hard ass and arms around his muscled neck. Their tongues locked together in a passionate kiss as her pussy ground against his glorious dick. Nick threw her on the bed and with her help, soon had her blouse and bra cast aside as he peeled her soaked panties down her thighs.

Once free, he pushed her skirt up around her waist, dove between her legs and ate her pussy like a starving man. All the while Abbie grunted and watched while squeezing her big tits. Eventually Nick instructed her to remove the pillows from behind her head and lie flat on her back as he rolled her hips backwards.

Abbie felt his long tongue slither along her dripping lips downward across her taint. She gasped in pleasure at the unfamiliar feeling, but was soon completely breathless when she felt his talented tongue come in contact with her puckered hole. Abbie's hips recoiled initially at the taboo connection, but within a minute she was moaning and begging him not to stop. "Jeez Nick...I didn't good...mmm...yeah right there...oh god yeah...please keep doing that! I FUCKING LOVE IT!"

Nick swirled his long tongue around her asshole, periodically penetrating as deeply as capable to Abbie's unimaginable delight. He watched as her wedding banded hand descended and found its way to her sopping clit. She played with her pussy while he ate her ass until she whimpered and begged him to make her cum...

At just that moment Justin's key slipped into the lock and the door hardware banged loudly. Abbie and Nick practically flew from the bed and covered their tracks as her husband waited unaware outside the door. They gave each other one final passionate gaze before Nick slipped next door. The last thing Abbie remembered seeing was her slick sex juices coated all around Nick's smiling mouth.

For the rest of the weekend, Abbie thanked the lord she set the secondary lock...

Now two days later, her guilt for not coming clean still haunted her. For the life of her, she couldn't understand why she found it so difficult to tell him...her husband had admitted it was okay if she wanted to experience Nick again as long as he got to be a part of it this time. But the circumstances of how it played out still made her infidelity feel like cheating and while she didn't want to admit it, perhaps there was a small sliver of fear Justin would put an end to it forever. She wasn't sure that was something she could live with. The truth was the genie was out of the bottle and she loved what she had found inside...

As Justin trailed Abbie's SUV along the beautiful stretch of highway 50, many of the same thoughts coursed through his mind. He wondered why Abbie found it so difficult to tell him of her disloyalty, knowing that he had been the one to start this ball rolling several years previously. As had been the case following the party, he felt like he was being pulled in opposite directions, both potential outcomes fraught with more questions than answers.

The easiest thing to do would be to confront Abbie about her transgressions and put an end to this thing before it got further out of hand. But then he considered, "What if she doesn't want to stop? Is stopping a scenario EITHER of us wants?"

Justin himself, had finally achieved his erotic fantasy of having his gorgeous wife experience the kind of immeasurable pleasure he dreamed she would find when bred by a true alpha male. What he hadn't expected back when this all started, was that man would be someone so closely immersed in their lives. He also hadn't expected he would be black...

Justin rubbed his hard cock as he nervously glanced at his phone over and over. Finally he picked it up and dialed, it rang several times before he heard the unmistakably deep voice of Nick Thomas. "Hey coach, what's goin' on?"

"Nick, we need to talk, are you available Wednesday night for a beer?"

To be continued...


Wednesday morning -- three days after Justin and Abbie's return from Lake Tahoe.

Justin Dawson sat in his office at work thinking about the conversation he'd overheard between his gorgeous wife Abbie and her hot blonde friend Brie the previous night.

He had returned an hour early from the gym following a short cardio workout—a tweaked hamstring caused him to stop before he really got started. Now almost 30, the dive coach actually listened to his body for a change, unlike the previous time he'd experienced a similar feeling and ignored it only to be laid up for six weeks after practically tearing his other hamstring.

Justin had entered the house quietly hoping to surprise Abbie and perhaps coax her into some pre-dinner fooling around. Running on the treadmill was one thing, but lying on his back while his wife's phenomenal body bounced on his cock was entirely another—he wouldn't have to worry about tearing a hamstring doing that.

Busting a nut was a much more desirable affliction.

As he quietly made his way down the hall from the garage, he heard Abbie in a spirited conversation with another woman. "That's weird," Justin thought to himself, "I didn't know she was going to have someone over?" He hadn't seen a car outside and the other woman's voice clearly wasn't that of their neighbor Sue who popped in for a free glass of wine every so often.

As Justin neared the end of the hall, he carefully peaked around the corner and observed Abbie sitting at the table, a mineral water and her iPhone resting in front of her. Justin surmised she had recently finished one of her grueling Peloton workouts. He could see perspiration marks on her sexy spandex as the stretchy workout gear hugged her sinewy body to perfection.

He realized quickly the other voice was coming from the speaker on her phone.

Moments later Justin Dawson practically swallowed his tongue when he heard the words that came out of his wife's mouth. "Oh my God Brie, you of all should people should know...yes I think about it a lot! It's been since Friday and I think I'm still having withdrawals, I'm not sure how I went three months without it!" Her statement was followed by giggles by both women.

Justin's chin fell to his chest. "Fuck, is she talking to Brie about Nick Thomas' cock? She thinks about it a lot? What did she mean by 'You of all people should know'?" For the first time, Justin's concerns about Abbie's infidelity began to feel more like cheating than cuckolding.

Brie's laughter subsided. "I certainly couldn't go three months without it. That's what's so wonderful about The BullpenAbbie, I can get all the dark stuff I want whenever I want!"

Justin did everything in his power to control his breathing as his heart beat wildly in his chest. "What in the world am I listening to? Abbie and Brie aren't even that close and here they are discussing extramarital sex with black men like it's no big deal?" Justin was amazed that although Brie had obviously experienced the same taboo connections, Abbie chose to share such private personal information with her. He thought to himself, "I don't know how comfortable I am with other people in our extended circles knowing about Abbie and Nick! And what's with this Bullpen thing? Do I want my wife learning more about a swinging lifestyle with black men at some club?"

His concerns were interrupted by Abbie's reply. "So you mentioned that Bullpen place a few minutes ago, I hope you aren't mad, but Anna told me and Sydney about it, is it true that you and Dave go together?"

A mental picture of Brie's husband Dave entered Justin's mind as he tried to come to grips with what his wife had just asked the hot blonde. He had met Dave on a couple of occasions and thought he seemed like a good dude, but he had always wondered how the slightly chubby, balding husband had landed a rocket like Brie in the first place. The analogy of the ski jumper being way too far over his skis flashed in Justin's mind. He listened for the blonde wife's response.

"Oh, Anna has such a big mouth!" Brie laughed. "But she called me yesterday and informed me she told you and Sydney about it, I obviously don't want everyone to know, but I don't mind if you guys do, I'm not embarrassed by it. Dave and I love it!"

Justin gulped, not sure exactly what they were talking about, but suspected based on her earlier comment and this one, it was some kind of swingers club with black men.

"Is it true Nick introduced it to you?" Justin heard Abbie ask.

"Yeah, as I'm sure Anna told you guys, Dave and I had been having troubles in the bedroom for a long time. We had gone to sex counseling and stuff, but nothing was working. As much as I loved him, I just felt totally unfulfilled and it was tearing our marriage apart. I know it sounds selfish, but I just couldn't go on living a lie any longer. But I had always been faithful to him until that night we went to the Masked Masculinity show for my birthday. I ended up going home with Nick and my life has never been the same since."

Justin's eyes were like saucers, his mouth agape, his cock suddenly like steel in disbelief and arousal. "Oh my god, Nick fucked Brie too!"

He listened as the blonde wife continued. "When Dave got back from his camping trip I sat him down and told him what happened between me and Nick. He was obviously very upset at first but when he realized I was serious about leaving if something didn't change, he asked if I would stay if he agreed to let me have sex with other men. I thought he was k**ding at first, but then I realized he was totally serious. He actually admitted to being turned-on by the idea of watching me with other people!"

Justin peaked around the corner again as a flushed redness washed over the side of Abbie's face he could see. He didn't know how much of this she already knew.

He soon learned. "So how long have you it...with other men at this Bullpen?"

"Not just any men Abbie, beautiful black men! the name implies. We've been going pretty much since right after that first time with Nick. At first I only wanted to go to have sex with him again, but he told us he wasn't interested in love triangles unless he could do it under the protection of the club. I wanted to be with him so bad that in spite of our concerns, Dave and I went and checked it out. We've been hooked ever since!"

"So Dave is really okay with it?"

"Oh, he loves it! All the guys do."

"Wow Brie, it's just hard to believe!"

"We thought so at first too, but we learned immediately how wrong we were. So let me ask you Ab, if Nick gives you the same ultimatum he gave me, is joining the Pen something you would consider? Do you think Justin would do it?"

Justin listened closely for Abbie's response, heart pounding in his chest. All this talk about Brie's dissatisfaction with her marital sex life was scaring the shit out of him. "Could Abbie feel the same way too?"

"Jeez Brie, I have to admit it sounds intriguing, but there are so many things to consider. As for Justin, to be honest with you, the only thing on my mind since Friday is why it's been so hard for me to tell him about Nick and me at the retreat. I feel absolutely terrible for not having told him already. The first time with Nick back in May, Justin and I were both pretty much guilty for allowing it to happen. But we had agreed after that first time, it was a misjudgment on both our parts, and we wouldn't do it again. But then last weekend happened and I guess I'm just ashamed that I didn't have the willpower to say no! I didn't plan to hook-up with Nick again, but after I got drunk, I couldn't stop myself!"

Justin wasn't sure what to make of Abbie's admission. He held his breath and listened to hear how the conversation progressed.

"So you and Nick didn't have it planned? What about the adjoining rooms?" Brie asked with a mischievous tone in her voice. The inquiry conveniently uncovered one of Justin's unanswered questions.

"I don't know about him, but I certainly didn't! The adjoining rooms were just a coincidence as far as I know. Nick and I had hardly talked since May and I figured he had moved on like Justin and I had."

"Well you clearly loved it again Abbie, do you think you would have the willpower to say no in the future if continuing on is not what Justin wants?"

"Oh god Brie, the quick answer is YES! I love him more than anything in the world and I would never want to lose him!"

Justin breathed a huge sigh of relief, but still wondered why Abbie qualified her response with "The quick answer is..."

"What about the sex? Are you in a similar boat as I was?" Brie asked.

"No...I mean I don't totally know your situation, but Justin and I have always had a wonderful sex life..."

Justin pumped his fist but reengaged immediately as Abbie continued.

"I mean...he is a considerate lover who always puts my needs and desires ahead of his own. He tries to continually add creativity and spice to our love-making. I've never felt unfulfilled or unsatisfied. I never gave it a second thought in terms of desiring Truth be told, I've always been the more conservative one in the bedroom. But for the past several years, he has become much more vocal in his desire for me to experience would you say it...more endowed man. I of course resisted and frankly didn't take it seriously for the longest time. But then Nick came into our lives..."

"So it definitely sounds like Justin has had cuckold desires for some time?"

Justin cringed at the assumptive suggestion by a woman he didn't know well, but nonetheless listened intently for Abbie's response.

"Yeah...I guess...I didn't even know what cuckolding was until Anna told me about your situation. I never really considered it an actual thing. Justin had said that other men had those fetishes, but I never knew to what extent."

"Oh it's a thing alright Abbie! Dave and I have learned so much about the lifestyle since we started going to the Pen. Cucks come in all different shapes and sizes. Big and small. Young and old. I'm sure in lots of different races too, but most of our experiences have been with white couples. All of us really get off on the alpha black male and submissive white female kink!"

"So all the men at this...uh...Pen place...are black?"

Justin reached down and rubbed his cock, aroused that Abbie was curious to learn more about it.

"Bulls Abbie...they consider it an insult to be referred to simply as men. They are all amazing black studs worthy of the moniker. The club was started by a former Major League Baseball relief pitcher named Carl Jenkins. They now have many chapters around the country. Most of the bulls are former athletes and/or successful men in other industries. Nick is kind of an exception, but as you know, he is very worthy of inclusion."

"Jeez's hard to imagine anyone more qualified. Just this conversation is making me kind of horny..."

Justin peaked around the corner and witnessed Abbie's hand slip between her legs.

Brie laughed on the other end of the line. "God Abbie, you have no idea. Nick has the youthful exuberance and physical stamina, but each of the bulls brings unique attributes to the bedroom. Some of the older, more experienced stallions do things that would absolutely blow your mind!"

"And Dave is okay with it? He doesn't get jealous?"

"I know it sounds strange Abbie, but Dave is a true cuckold and it totally turns him on to see or hear about me experiencing complete sexual nirvana with all that black cock!"

"Hear about it? He isn't always there?"

"Sometimes he is, but he actually prefers fantasizing when I tell him all the details when we're in bed together later. Our own sex life has improved dramatically since I started sharing all my experiences while we make love."

"Oh my god Brie, do you tell him everything?"

Brie giggled loudly. "Well...just between you and me Ab, I could never tell him everything! The poor man might have a heart attack if I did..."

Both women laughed before Abbie probed more deeply, "It doesn't bother him that you are the only one experiencing all that amazing sex?"

Justin's excitement at Abbie's curiosity stiffened his cock more.

"At first it did a little, but once he realized how excited it made him to live vicariously through my pleasurable experiences, he really came to love it -- plus The Pen recruits young beautiful women to participate and fool around sometimes with the husband's while we wives are getting ours. Dave obviously looks forward to that."

"Wait...Dave has sex with other women too? And you are okay with that?"

"I didn't like the idea at first, but before long, I realized I was being hypocritical if I didn't capitulate to some extent. And the reality is, they don't actually have sex with them, it's usually a lot of heavy petting while they listen or watch what the bulls are doing with us."

"Heavy petting?" Abbie asked naively.

"Kissing, fondling and stuff. They let the husbands play with their boobs or butts while they give them hand jobs or an occasional blow job. No actual intercourse."

"Are these girls like hookers or something?"

", not at all Ab! The best way to describe them is kind of like Bullpen groupies. At our chapter, Nick is one of the top recruiters, obviously being their age and all. My understanding is the foals or fillies as everyone refers to them, do the husband stuff in return for getting to be with the bulls later. Sometimes they also join in with the wives."

"You mean like when they are with their husbands?" Abbie asked, surprised.

"No, no Abbie those opportunities are saved for the bulls! Those black men love sex with more than one woman at a time. Oh my god, that reminds me, a few months ago me and a couple of the other wives accompanied some bulls out to New York for a couple of days and we met a filly there who said she knew you. Really pretty young blonde with a great body...what was her name?...oh yeah Amber!"

"AMBER TISDALE?" Abbie shouted. Her chin and Justin's practically falling simultaneously to their chests in disbelief.

"Yeah that's her! She told me Nick recruited her into the club. Anyway, she and my friend Jenny spent the night with the alpha bull Carl Jenkins himself. Jenny told me it was unlike anything she had ever experienced. She told me that Amber girl can't get enough big black cock and I hope you aren't uncomfortable with me saying this Abbie, but Jenny said your friend is amazing with her tongue in regards to female anatomy too!"

"Amber?" Abbie gasped, "Wow I had no idea!"

Justin's cock was hard as steel within seconds as he envisioned Amber Tisdale eating pussy in a three-way with a hot wife and a hung black bull.

"My friend said Amber told her that after being with Nick, she wanted it all the time so when she moved to New York, Nick connected her with the Pen there." Brie giggled. "Poor girl, it sounds like she has the same affliction as me and you Ab!" Abbie got a small lump in her throat as she sat slack jawed staring at her phone.

Finally she spoke, "I'd like to hear more about that Brie, but Justin is going to be home soon and as I said before, I called to see if you could help me with my dilemma. I was wondering if in any of your experiences, you've heard of anyone else having the same challenge as me in communicating to their husband about a situation like mine."

"You know Abbie, now that I think about it, I have a friend at the club named Kaitlin who was having trouble telling her husband she wanted to check out the Pen. She finally came up with the idea of telling him over an intimate night together—you know, candlelight dinner, wine, soft music etc. After dinner she changed into sexy lingerie and surprised him in the bedroom. Long story short, once she had him all worked-up, she shared The Bullpen idea with him. It worked like a charm, he admitted that the idea turned him on so much they visited the club a few days later and have been regulars ever since."

"Wow! That's amazing, but a little risky. What if he had said no?"

"She knew he had cuckold desires, so she was hopeful, but admitted she was very nervous. It obviously worked out great for them and since Justin seems to have some of the same fetishes, maybe you could do something similar to tell him you had sex with Nick again and might desire to take this further."

"Oh my god Brie, I think that might just work! Justin really loved hearing about it the first time around, but I'm not totally sure how he will react this time after I didn't tell him immediately like I should have, especially because it was his birthday! I can't believe how guilty I feel, but this gives me hope that if I can just deal with it until this weekend, I could really make it a special night, knowing we wouldn't have to work the next day. I'm committed to Sydney's jewelry party on Friday, but Saturday night I could really go all out!"

Justin's nervous concerns were allayed significantly by his wife's admission of guilt and her desire to make it up to him. Thoughts of how he might take advantage of the situation were already bouncing around in his mind. He started to turn back in the direction of the garage with the intent of making a loud re-entry when he heard Brie's response.

"Ab, that sounds like a plan! If Justin loves you as much as I'm sure he does and now knowing his cuckold tendencies, I bet he will forgive you and want to hear more about the details! Speaking of which...uh was it the second time around?" Brie asked with what Abbie could tell was a naughty grin on the other end of the phone.

"How do you think?" Abbie laughed. "So amazing! I wasn't as nervous this time and he remembered all the things I loved from the first time. He did all those and more until I was begging him not to stop! I can't even tell you how many times know..."

"That sounds like the Nick Thomas I know! I can only imagine how good the two of you must look tangled up together!"

"Oh my god Brie, his suite had mirrors over the bed, I've never had sex that way before. It was so arousing watching his muscled black body ravishing mine over and over. I bet his butt cheeks hurt that next day—my fingernails were dug in there so deep!" This time both ladies laughed as Justin rubbed his cock again thinking he might actually cum in his pants if Abbie relayed another word.

"Damn Abbie that sounds so hot, I might have to go find my vibe right now!" Brie joked. "So if Justin forgives you for not coming clean immediately as I would expect, do you want some more of that decadent chocolate?"

Justin held his breath waiting for his wife's response.

"Oh god Brie...of course! But that's where this gets even messier. Do you know that asshole Nick brought some slut back to his room the following night and they had sex all night long. I couldn't believe he had the nerve to do that after what we shared the previous night. The worst part was, Justin got super horny listening to them, while it pissed me off to no end!"

Brie spoke in her most understanding voice, "Abbie, please don't take this the wrong way, but you have to realize you are not dealing with a normal guy here. Nick is truly an alpha bull who most women would do just about anything to hop in the sack with...look at the two of us for example. And from my experience he is like the rest of them I've met—they truly believe their big black cocks were made for breeding and they expect to do so with as many women as often as possible. Think about it...regardless of what the two of you did the night before, he is a gorgeous 22-year-old hung black man with a penthouse suite overlooking the lake on a summer's night in Tahoe. Do you really think he wouldn't bring some chick back to his room and bang her? I'm surprised he only had one!"

Abbie didn't respond immediately as she processed what Brie said. "Yeah, I didn't think about it that way I guess. But they still didn't need to be so loud, knowing Justin and I were right next door..."

"Are you telling me you weren't the previous night?"

Abbie laughed before responding embarrassingly. "Funny you should ask, I remember at one point thinking it was good that my empty room was the adjoining room next door. I know I was moaning louder than that other girl and there is no way someone could have slept in there!" Both Abbie and Brie busted up this time.

Justin slowly backed down the hall with his gym shorts tenting outward. He couldn't remember his cock ever being harder. He waited five minutes in the garage before entering back though the door and closing it loudly. When he entered the main room, Abbie was standing near the kitchen sink taking a big swig of her mineral water.

If he hadn't been eavesdropping, the only sign that his wife had just engaged in one of the most tantalizing phone conversations he ever heard, was her rock hard nipples poking against the tight fabric of her workout gear.


Now as he sat in his office the following day, Justin Dawson couldn't get Abbie's conversation with Brie out of his mind. So many thoughts and emotions coursed through him. First off, he had been buoyed by Abbie's remorsefulness regarding her failure to tell him about her Tahoe hook-up with Nick. Above and beyond anything else, his love for his wife superseded all of this craziness and based on what she had confessed to Brie, apparently she felt the same way.

That was obviously music to his ears, yet the fact that she had done it in the first place and not told him about it still left a gnawing doubt in the recesses of his psyche. "Why is she finding it so difficult to tell me? Is she worried I will put an end to it and deny her from carrying on with something she obviously can't get enough of? I don't know why she feels that way—in spite of some of the landmines we might have to navigate, I've made it very clear I am as excited as she is to see where this goes!"

The reality of the situation was now that Justin knew Abbie hadn't intended to fuck Nick again without consulting him and that she was indeed feeling remorseful for not coming clean, he couldn't wait to push this further down the path they both desired.

Justin picked up his phone and sent two text messages. The first was to remind Abbie that he and his buddy Aiden were going out for a few beers (which they weren't) later that night. The second was a message to Nick Thomas confirming their 6:30 p.m. connection at Fieldwork Brewery downtown.


"Are you waiting for someone else to join you?"

Justin looked up into the smiling gorgeous face of the Fieldwork server. "Uh...yeah...I have a friend joining me in a few minutes." He answered, trying his best to keep his eyes focused on her beautiful face and not the great rack protruding from her tight-fitting tank top.

"Do you want to start off with a beer before your friend arrives, all of our selections are on the sheet in front of you and we have some other specials on that board over there." As she turned to point to the green and gold inked specials on the white board, Justin snuck a peek at her ass which was on par with her awesome tits.

"I like that you guys support Sac State with your color schemes!" Justin offered in a friendly conversation starter.

"Go Hornets!" The young short cropped blonde answered, eyes flashing with a big smile on her face. He noticed a ball-shaped tongue stud in her mouth when she asked, "Do you...uh...did you go there?"

Justin laughed, picking up on her uncomfortable line of questioning. "No, I'm a coach. I coach men's and women's dive at State."

" diving? Like into a pool?"

"Yeah, that kind of diving..." Justin answered with a laugh, not sure what other kind of diving there was.

"Oh my god, then you must know my friend. He coaches diving too...his name is Nick T..."

Just then Nick Thomas walked up with a huge grin on his face. "Hey Courtney, I see you met my friend Justin!"

The hot blonde blushed as she connected the dots before she and Nick hugged in a very comfortable embrace. Justin watched intently.

"Yeah your friend said he was waiting for a friend, but I didn't know it was you Nick!" Courtney beamed as she and the black man separated. She looked over at Justin with a big smile, "Any friend of Nick's is a friend of mine!"

Justin had no idea how ironic that statement would be.

"I'll give you guys a few minutes to figure out what you want. Nick knows everything on the food and beer menu, I probably couldn't explain it as good as him! I'll be back in a few." Justin noticed as she and Nick made flirty eye contact again before she turned and walked away. Both men watched as all 115 lbs. of her rockin' 22-year-old body headed sexily off towards the bar.

Justin thought to himself, "Is there any hot women in Sacramento this guy doesn't know?"

He then questioned with a suspecting grin, "Sounds like you are a regular here?"

"Well you know I only live a few blocks away, it's pretty convenient." Nick laughed.

There was an awkward moment of silence before Justin spoke, "So I'm sure you know why I asked you here, do you want to find a table a little more private?"

"Nah, this is pretty chill, we can just keep our voices down coach."

"What about uh...Courtney?"

"She's cool, this ain't her first rodeo."

Justin didn't know exactly what Nick meant by the comment but suspected the hot blonde had done more than just serve drinks to Nick Thomas. After ordering their first round of beers Justin finally broke the ice. "Thanks for coming to meet me, I think it's time we finally talked."

"Yeah, I figured I'd hear from you soon coach."

"You know I know about and Abbie?"

"Yeah coach, I figured it out on Friday night. After me and that hotel chick Kristi got back to my room she showed me the text that I supposedly sent her. I didn't recognize the number at first but when I entered it into my phone, your number popped up. At first it didn't make any sense, but after she said you arrived to the hotel earlier in the morning than you claimed, I put two and two together and it finally did."

"So you have me to thank for your little rendezvous!" Justin grinned.

"Yeah I guess you deserve a little credit, it didn't turn out too bad." Nick replied with a prideful smile and a laugh.

"Not too bad? It sounded pretty amazing to me!"

"Your wife didn't seem to think so..."

"My wife? Oh you're right about that! I suppose that slap I saw in the parking lot had something to do with it?"

"Oh you saw that?" Nick laughed again. "Yeah she was pretty pissed that me and the blondie were so loud. Truth be told, some of that, at least the part from me, was embellishment for you and Abbie's sake. I figured after you went to all that trouble to put it together, the least I could do was put on a good performance!"

"It sounded like Kristi certainly thought so!" Justin surmised. "Was she mad at first that I concocted the whole thing?"

"Concocted? The only concocting she was thinking about was what she was getting from my big black cock coach! I don't know how she could have been mad at you, she had the best damn night of her life!"

Justin's own dick swelled in his pants as he recalled the sounds of pleasure he'd heard coming from the hot blonde when Nick fucked the shit out of her in the room next door. "Well, I guess we can agree that Kristi's last day on the job turned out pretty good, but I didn't ask you to come here tonight to talk about her. I'm far more interested in what happened the previous night with my...uh wife."

Nick got an uneasy look on his face. "What do you want to know coach?"

"First of all, did you tell Abbie I was the one who concocted...uh...set-up the whole thing between you and Kristi?"

"Nah, I haven't spoken to her. I've tried to reach out a couple times this week, but I think she's still really pissed about me banging that blonde!"

Justin stared at Nick trying to digest his response before he spoke, "Okay, well I think the least you can do for me is to not tell her anything about my involvement or early arrival to the hotel. I'll cross that bridge myself."

"Yeah, that's cool Justin."

"Now that we've got that straight, I want some details about your hookup with my wife! Tell me how it all went down Nick."

"Damn Justin, the shit just kind of happened," Nick lied. "I don't think either of us expected it, but once the drinks started flowing at the reception one thing led to another and before we knew it we were back in my room."

"So neither of you planned this? The adjoining rooms...the do you explain that stuff?"

"Hell if I know coach. I was the most surprised person in the hotel when I opened the door to my room. But they charged me the same as the standard room so I wasn't going to turn it down. Finding out Abbie was in the room next door was just as much of a surprise, but I still didn't think much of it until we snuck out of the reception." Nick lied again.

"So you went back to the room and had sex all night long again?" Justin asked, his tone a mix of accusation, acceptance, and arousal.

"C'mon coach it wasn't much different than your house. I know afterwards she felt bad about the way it went down, but it certainly didn't stop her in the moment and I think she also believed it's what you wanted. But I have to admit I was a little surprised that you set up the whole thing with Kristi if Abbie was correct about your cuck fetish. We could've put on a repeat performance on Friday if you wanted. You could've seen it for yourself!"

Before Justin could reply, Courtney returned to the table and flirted unabashedly with Nick again before he ordered another round. After she departed Justin responded, "I only set up the Kristi thing cuz my wife didn't come clean about what happened the night before. I decided to make her twist in the wind for her behavior. Truth be told, I wanted you too also, but the plan needed your participation, so you got a pass."

Nick laughed. "Shit coach, I'm sorry for how it went down, but I think I can speak for Abbie in saying neither of us intended for it to happen stealthily. We were both just drunk and horny and know. Has she since told you?"

"No she hasn't, but I overheard her talking to her friend Brie about it on the phone last night and she expressed pretty significant remorse for not having told me yet. I think she is planning to finally spill the beans on Saturday. But I will say, now that I know she feels guilty about it, I'm in a much better place."

"I'm glad to hear that coach." Nick replied before taking another swig of his beer.

There was an awkward silence for several moments before Justin spoke again. "So Nick, now that you've been with my wife at least twice as well as another rendezvous on my birthday in our hotel bed, it's about time we got this out in the open. I will start off by saying I'm not mad that you guys hooked-up, but again I didn't like the fact that all three connections took place without my advanced knowledge—but I put more blame on my wife than you for that."

"Yeah coach I..."

"I have more I want to say first Nick," Justin interrupted. "Abbie and I will work out the communications piece to this puzzle—I'm assuming by this weekend. I didn't ask you to come tonight to discuss that—no I did so to discuss the sex component and where we all go from here. Obviously Abbie has told you about my sexual fantasies involving her and a more endowed man. I had felt this way for several years but wasn't having much success convincing her I was actually serious about it. And then you came into our lives."

Justin continued, "From the first time we saw you in your Speedo, I fantasized about you pleasuring my wife with whatever it was you were packing in there. Obviously you had an interest in her too as some of your subtle and not so subtle seductions were all steering in that direction. I think my wife may have been naïve for a portion of that time, but somewhere along the way, I suspect about the time she felt up your cock at the strip show, I think she began actually having thoughts of the two of you together."

Nick held his tongue as he had observed a glean in Abbie's eyes at the very first scholarship interview suggesting the coach's hot wife might have had an interest in taking a walk on the dark side long before her husband suspected. He also recalled Abbie's fascination with his Speedo alteration photos on her office computer months ahead of the Masked Masculinity show.

Nick let Justin continue.

"Anyway, as you obviously know, everything more or less crescendoed at our house the night of the party. My initial hostile reaction the next morning was born more out of surprise than anger. I'm sorry I treated you badly, but I obviously wasn't feeling well from the previous night and...uh well...regardless of my fetish fantasies, it's not every day you wake up to learn your wife had sex with another man in your marital bed." Both of them laughed uneasily.

"Once I got over the shock, the arousal component kicked in, especially when Abbie told me some of the details. I felt bad for taking my initial response out on you, but it wasn't the kind of thing I felt obligated to reach out and apologize for. I did get to have sex with my wife in my bed after all."

"No, I get that coach." Nick responded, still with an uneasy smirk on his face.

"So now that that is out of the way, I want to know about what happened between the two of you in Tahoe!"

"Damn coach, as I said before, it was pretty much the same as your house," Nick lied, "you don't really want to rehash those details again do you?"

"Well first of all, I don't believe for a second it was pretty much the same as my house—I can't imagine the two of you having sex together as anything other than a spectacle each time it happens. And secondly, yes I do want to hear the details. This is my wife and my fantasy remember, no detail is too small, lay it on me Nick!"

Nick was proud of his performance to this point, he had played the low-key, remorseful act to a tee. Justin was set-up perfectly for what was to come. Nick's Bullpen experiences had trained him well for this—still he set the hook a little deeper. "Coach, you know I have the upmost respect for you and Abbie. You two have made such a positive impact on me over the past couple of years, not just in the pool, but in life too! I don't want to say or do anything that would change our relationship—there may be things you might not have considered."

"Try me Nick!"

Nick took one final gulp of his beer, he had every intention of testing Justin's cuckold resolve. "Well uh coach...I will start off by saying that your wife is one horny slut when it comes to big black cock!"

Justin's eyes grew in surprise at the frankness of the statement.

Nick continued, "She loves it Justin! It really doesn't matter if she's taking it down her throat or in that tight little pussy, she really can't control herself. She's not unlike a lot of other chick's I've banged from that standpoint, but I have to say, I was at least a little surprised she wanted it so bad based on her initial naïve, conservative nature. But it didn't take long for me to break her out of that shell," he laughed. "Now she has no problem begging for it!"

All of the saliva in Justin's mouth dried up as his cock sprang to full mast. This was what the coach wanted to hear, but he fully expected Nick to sugar-coat the details—instead his black protégé hit him with both barrels. Justin started to speak, but no words came out.

"Coach, I assume that's what you wanted to hear? No watered down version...right?"

Justin nodded with a hollow gaze on his face.

"Okay good! Well we fucked most of the night like at your house. Damn's she's in good shape coach, I guess swimming all those laps and those Peloton workouts give her lots of stamina. Shit, she nearly wore me out! But you probably witnessed the affects of that, you must have seen the sheets when you wandered into my room that morning," Nick chuckled, "that wife of yours puts out a lot know...excitement...when she climaxes—which she obviously did a lot!" Nick's chest puffed out with pride. "And as you probably figured out coach, I don't do too bad in that department myself!"

Justin stared at Nick in complete shock. He tried to picture Abbie experiencing multiple squirting orgasms as the black man inferred. He'd only ever witnessed a handful of her ejaculations over the course of their marriage and he couldn't recall anything more arousing. In spite of those thoughts his response was directed at Nick's last admission. "So you guys really didn't use protection? Kristi told me about your conversation downstairs."

"I told that bitch later how pissed I was at her that she told you about that. Yeah man, we didn't have anything so Ab...uh...your wife and I decided to take our chances."

Justin gulped. "Take your chances? Kristi said there was a CVS only a block away, you couldn't make the short trip for that?"

Nick stared at his former coach blankly before responding, "I had other things on my mind."

The dive coach didn't know how to respond to Nick's retort.

The black diver conveniently pushed the conversation in a different direction, "Getting back to what we were discussing before, if you're interested I think I got a picture right before one of your wife's creamy eruptions, you want to check it out?"

"You have pictures?" Justin swallowed before asking hoarsely.

"Just a couple."

Justin's heart practically beat out of his chest. For three months he had conjured up countless mental images of Abbie and Nick together, now as Nick flipped through his phone, he tried to prepare himself for images he never really believed he would ever actually see.

"Oh here it is...yeah it's a good one!" Nick smiled.

Justin's hands trembled as the black man handed him his phone. The coach took one final deep breath before gazing at the photo.

All the air he'd just inhaled evaporated from his lungs in an instant.

On the screen before him, his beautiful naked wife sat upright on top of a muscled, tattoo-covered black man. The most sated gaze Justin had ever seen was painted on Abbie's gorgeous face as she looked upward at the mirrors above the giant bed. Her back was stiff and her torso was pressed forward while her delicate hands cradled her large breasts. Abbie's toned thighs were spread wide and her legs were bent at the knees with her feet resting on the sheets. The thickness of the massive black root buried inside her was apparent above the largest obsidian nutsack Justin could imagine. Behind his wife's perfectly molded ass, Nick's scrotum which the coach had seen hanging pendulously between his legs the morning following the party, was splayed on the sheets containing what looked to be a pair of weighted tennis balls.

But for all the inconceivable details of the image portrayed before him, it was the contrast in Abbie's beautiful tanned skin against the dark backdrop of Nick's impressive physique that captured his unyielding stare.

"Unbelievable..." he breathed, his mind in a distant place. For all the interracial fantasies Justin had imagined or seen via videos or photos, none had prepared him for what he was experiencing at this moment. His stunning nude wife was riding a black bull and it looked like the most natural thing he had ever seen.

"Do you have anymore?" Justin asked without looking up from the picture.

"Yeah, there's one more, toggle to the right." Nick chortled.

Justin hesitated, taking the picture in one final time. He finally flipped his thumb to the right and practically dropped the phone from his grasp.

If the previous picture was nearly perfect, this one actually was. The erotic image showed his wife topless, with her eyes closed and her wet tongue extended out the side of her mouth. The tip of her slippery probe pressed hungrily against the fleshy skin of Nick's massive black cock just below the swollen band that defined its oversized head. Both of her hands gripped his glistening shaft, one atop the other, inches above his massive balls. Her saliva combined with his lubrication fluid, seeped between her delicate fingers as they struggled to encircle its rutted circumference. His ebony scrotum hung down obscenely far and was framed flawlessly in the photo by Abbie's contrasting beautiful white tits. She gripped the powerful phallic against her cheekbone dreamily as if she never wanted to let it go.


Finally Justin snapped out of his trance as Nick called to him for at least the third time. The younger man was sure his approach had achieved its purpose in disarming his coach. Any thoughts of Justin controlling the actions from this point forward were no longer on the table.

"So coach, you wanted to talk about where we go from here?"

Justin was still trying to clear his mind of the breathtaking images he'd just witnessed. Finally he spoke, "Yeah...uh...are you around this weekend?"

"Sure, what's up?"

Justin cleared his throat before he spent the next several minutes explaining to Nick what he had in mind. The former diver listened intently.

"Okay, yeah sure coach, sounds good but we do need to get a couple of things straight if we're gonna do this. First of all, you need to understand that anything I do in the bedroom with you and your wife happens on my terms. Nothing happens unless I say so or I consent to a request by one of you. You can be involved as much or little as you wish, but nothing happens without my approval. Your wife already knows this, but it's imperative you do too!"

Justin stared at his former protégé trying to fully grasp what he meant by "Your wife already knows this..." Nonetheless Justin now fully realized he was being directed to pass the baton as leader in this relationship to the young black man sitting across from him—the young black man with the huge cock that his wife loved.

Justin nodded in affirmation.

"Good, so just so we're straight, when we're at the pool, I will continue to assist in any way that you or Abbie directs, but when we're in the bedroom it'll be just the opposite. I'm not into humiliation, degradation or any of that shit, so no cock cages, collars, or hoods for you unless you're into that stuff, but if I tell you or your wife to do something, I don't want to hear any objection. Got it?"

Justin nodded again.

They swigged down the last of their beers and shook hands. Justin told Nick he would send him a text with more details regarding what they had discussed. Just then Courtney walked up with the check. Justin tossed a couple of twenties into the tray. "I got it Nick."

"Do you need change?" The hot blonde asked, flirtatiously smiling in the process.

"No, keep it!" Justin smiled back. She thanked him for the nice tip before turning to Nick and asking if he was going to hang for another.

"Sure, what time do you get off?"

"Nine, you want to do something after?" She answered with a suggestive smile.

"Yeah maybe, we'll talk in a bit." Nick answered coolly.

Courtney smiled again and said goodbye to Justin before both men watched as she walked away, her tight ass swaying again in the process.

"Hey thanks for the beers coach, I'll look for your text!"

"You bet Nick, say, do you mind sending me those pictures?"

Nick hesitated momentarily, "Nah coach...I'm actually gonna hang on to these. Drive safe out there, there are lots of drunks on the road!" Nick turned and walked towards the bar.

Justin stood staring in disbelief at his former protégé, suddenly realizing things were going to be different than before.


Saturday took forever to arrive for both Abbie and Justin.

When she wasn't working, Abbie had spent much of the week preparing for this night. Her emotions had been all over the map as she wrestled with whether this was the right way to tell Justin about what had happened in Tahoe. Every day that passed had deepened her unease, especially now that Saturday was upon them and although she had pulled out all the stops, Abbie still had no idea how Justin would react to her admission. Her biggest fear was that her sexual plan might come across as presumptive, so she had already decided that if it didn't work as planned, she would do or say anything to convince him her love and commitment had not wavered.

And yet, as she contemplated those thoughts once again, the same burning itch that she'd felt since the previous weekend kept coming back. Abbie had never considered herself the type of person who required complete sexual gratification for fulfillment, but after experiencing it with Nick for a second time, an unfamiliar yearning now tormented her body.

But despite those desires, she had purposefully avoided initiating sex with Justin all week in hopes of making Saturday night as unforgettable as possible—but she soon found that abstinence combined with her ever-present arousal was agonizing. Abbie had fought the unbearable urge to pull her vibrator from its hideaway on several occasions during the long week.

Oddly, her husband had not instigated sex either. Instead, unlike his disciplined wife, Justin had jacked-off like a peeping Tom at a sorority house for much of the week. The two reoccurring images of Abbie impaled on and then tongue-worshipping Nick's big black cock were instilled in his mind and cause for a fistful of mind-numbing ejaculations. He even beat off at work, something he never did.

Both Abbie and Justin kept themselves as busy as possible throughout the day in an attempt to take their minds off what was sure to be a defining night in their marriage. Abbie had told Justin when he got home on Wednesday night that she wanted to do something nice for him on Saturday night to make up for some of the disjointedness of the previous weekend.

Justin didn't question her based on his knowledge of her conversation with Brie, fully aware of the basics of her plan. He devilishly planned to leverage her forgiving admission into a night of sex unlike anything they had ever shared.

It was a hot day in Sacramento. Abbie left after breakfast and spent most of the day shopping, getting her hair and makeup done, and finally making an important pit-stop at her favorite lingerie store. Justin, on the other hand, kept himself busy doing yard work, getting a haircut, and collecting his stash of kinky sex aids for the exciting night ahead.

They readied themselves late in the afternoon and Justin calmed his nerves by tipping back a few beers.

Abbie took significantly longer primping but when she finally emerged, Justin's eyes nearly bugged out of his head. His gorgeous wife's big tits were squeezed into a form fitting stretch tank top that did nothing to obscure her heavenly cleavage. Her breasts looked particularly inviting perched heavily over her flat stomach which the tight top accentuated to perfection. She wore a very short plaid skirt that looked to Justin like something the women at the Twin Peaks restaurant chain would wear. And although he frequented that establishment often with his buddies, he'd never seen anyone fill out one of those skirts better than his wife's stunning ass did at the moment. Her long athletic legs looked particularly hot in their summer-tanned splendor, set-off by a pair of 3" thin strapped heels.

And as good as her body looked from the chest down, Justin questioned whether he'd ever seen her look better from the shoulders up. Her lithe neck gave way to her gorgeously made-up face. Abbie's friend Chelsey was a make-up magician and she'd outdone herself this time. Abbie looked stunning with her hair up and her librarian glasses magnifying her gorgeous blue eyes and dark eye-liner.

"Wow babe! What did I do to deserve this kind of attention?" Justin grinned. "You look effing hot Mrs. Dawson!"

Abbie giggled before biting her lower lip. "Why can't I just do something nice for my husband?"

"Don't get me wrong...I'm not complaining," Justin responded as he approached and wrapped his hands around his wife's narrow waist. "I'm serious, you look absolutely hot honey. I can only hope this personal treatment leads to something in another part of the house later tonight!"

The naughty grin reappeared on Abbie's face. "You never know Mr. Dawson," she teased playfully.

Justin couldn't wipe the excited smile from his face as he mixed and served pre-dinner cocktails. They listened to a Khalid/Post Malone Spotify mix until dinner was ready.

At the table, Abbie popped a saved bottle of Silver Oak Cabernet and the two of them enjoyed it along with Abbie's delicious short ribs before opening another. By the time dinner was done, they were feeling no pain. Justin figured Abbie was trying to build up courage for her big confession. He was nervous in his own right, but his feelings were based on unbridled excitement, not dread.

Just after they finished eating, Abbie filled their wine glasses again, rose from the table, took his hand and led him over to the living room sofa. Justin couldn't help eying her spectacular ass in the process. Once seated, the smile that had been on her face for most of dinner disappeared as she spoke. "Justin, there is something I need to tell you. I'm not sure the best way to do it and I hope you won't hate me for doing it this way. And I'm especially sorry I didn't tell you before but...Nick and together again."

Justin did his best to not show any emotion. "Oh, is that right, when?"

"Last week at the retreat in Tahoe, the night before you arrived."

"Got together? Did you have sex?"

Abbie bit her lip and nodded sheepishly.

"Was it planned? Where did it happen? Have there been other times since the party?"

Abbie felt allayed that Justin wasn't screaming, yelling or cursing. "No other times since the party," she answered, gaining confidence. "And it wasn't planned, it just kind of happened in his room after we all got drunk at the reception!"

Justin contemplated making her grind for a lot longer, but he had already decided that coming clean now would likely make it easier to execute his plan for the remainder of the night. "Ab...I already know..."

Abbie's eyes grew huge. "Wha...what? How...when?"

He cut her off before she could babble another word, "I arrived much earlier to Tahoe on my birthday than I told you."

Justin watched as the gears began to turn in her mind before he continued, "When I checked into the room on Friday morning, housekeeping had not yet been to ours...or the room next door."

Again Abbie's eyes practically bugged out of her head. "You saw..."

"...everything!" He interrupted again.

"Oh my god Justin, I'm so sorry!" She began to cry.

"Why didn't you tell me Ab? You know my feelings about this, I wanted it more than you before, but the two things I always asked for were honesty and inclusion."

"I know Justin, that's why I couldn't bring myself to admit it. After it happened I felt awful for not telling you immediately, but it was your birthday and I felt so bad for not having the willpower to say no."

"Did he force you into it?"

"No...everyone was drinking so much at the reception. I planned to take it easy that night, but Sydney and Anna kept buying me shots and stuff. Before I knew it, I was wasted."

"Oh, so you are blaming this on being drunk?" Justin asked, secretly enjoying making her justify her actions.

" Justin! I just didn't expect things to be like that. I mean, I really hadn't thought about being with him again, but there he was and after all that alcohol, I guess I just kind of lost my..."

"...WILLPOWER!" Justin interrupted.

Abbie's eyes sank before she answered in a hushed response, "Yes, I guess you could call it that. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you before now honey." Tears streamed down her face.

His next question caught her totally by surprise, "How was it?"

Abbie wiped her eyes, "Jeez Justin, do you really want to talk about that?" She asked cautiously, trying not to show her relief that he apparently was not overly upset with her infidelity.

"Of course I do Abbie, don't forget the only reason any of this ever happened in the first place was my desire for it to. But, obviously we are at a different place now...clearly I'm not the only one who had been having second thoughts about our decision to break things off with him."

"You were having those thoughts? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Don't make this about me Abbie. I'm not the one who gave into my desires. I want to know what was going on in your mind and about everything that happened!"

Justin could see more tears forming in her eyes. His plan was working to perfection and he realized this was his chance to advance it to the next stage. Before she spoke, he pulled her to him and hugged her tightly.

"Justin, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you before..." she acknowledged softly while nuzzling against his neck.

The dive coach pulled away and addressed her with a caring smile, "Abbie, I really do trust you and believe your actions were somewhat natural given our previous behavior. I can't say I'm mad, but I think disappointed would be a better way to describe the way I feel." He embellished for effect.

Abbie was now buoyed by the opportunity to make it up to him. She saw this as the perfect lead-in to execute the plan she discussed with Brie. "Justin, I love you so much, you are so understanding...I'm so lucky to have you!" She then bit her bottom lip and spoke mischievously, "Maybe I could make it up to you in there" nodding towards the bedroom.

Justin having heard her conversation with Brie, had a pretty good idea what she intended to do. He took the opportunity to maneuver the situation to exactly his direction. A knowing smile formed on his face before he spoke, "Okay Abbie Dawson, I will let you make it up to me, but you have to promise that I get to call all the shots. No matter what I say or request, you have to promise to do it without hesitation. Do we have a deal?"

A suspicious smile formed on Abbie's face before she kissed him wetly on the lips. "Can I have ten minutes to make myself a little more presentable before you come in?" She asked, eyes flashing.

"Okay, but just remember if I want anything to be different, no excuses or objections!"

Abbie nodded excitedly before heading towards the bedroom. Justin watched the sway of her sweet ass and thought to himself that if she made herself look anymore "presentable" he might blow his load as soon as he walked into the room.

Ironically at that moment they both had the same thought, "My plan is working to perfection."

Little did Abbie know that Justin was already aware of her plan and that his was a hell of a lot more exciting.


Over the next five minutes Justin pounded two large shots of chilled Patron. Nervous excitement coursed through his veins. He checked the front door lock prior to sending off a text message. He ditched all of his clothes except his boxer briefs before excitedly entering his bedroom.

His hot 28-year-old wife was waiting on the bed dressed in a flirty lace and mesh lavender babydoll that left very little to the imagination. Abbie's hard nipples were visible, even in the dimmed lights—so was her little dark bush through the mesh of the skimpy garment. Justin stood in the doorway absorbing her perfection. He swayed ever so slightly from the effects of all the booze, but felt at ease knowing he wouldn't be one of the critical participants in tonight's performance. Despite his inebriation, his cock began to harden as he ogled his gorgeous wife...he had waited a very long time for this.

Justin made his way to his side of the bed, neither he or Abbie taking their eyes off one another as he approached. He slowly opened his night stand drawer and removed a dark black piece of material that Abbie immediately recognized as a blindfold. A sly smile came to his face as Abbie's eyes opened widely in mild surprise. "Don't forget this is my objections." He reminded.

"I'm not objecting, just curious what you have in mind," she whispered followed by a nervous laugh.

"You'll find out."

Justin then pulled the pair of handcuffs from the drawer that Nick had used to secure her wrists to the headboard the night of the party. Abbie began to object before remembering her promise. The dive coach then pulled a large tube of lubrication cream from his drawer and set it on the nightstand.

"Justin..." Abbie started to speak before he held up a finger to quiet her.

Finally he reached for the remote control and turned on his newly purchased interracial porn video titled, "Bull Market".

Abbie watched—an enhanced sense of excitement coursing through her body. She had abstained from initiating sex with him or pleasuring herself throughout the long week in hopes of giving him a night he wouldn't soon forget. It had been especially difficult for her too as thoughts of her incredible night with Nick in Lake Tahoe kept reoccurring in her mind. She couldn't recall ever being much hornier than she was at the moment.

"Babe, you won't be able to see this, but you can certainly hear it," Justin suggested in reference to the porn as he motioned for her to move towards him.

"Does the title suggest what I think it does?" Abbie asked demurely as she dutifully crawled over. She sexily moved to her knees and shimmied around until her back was to him. Justin slipped the dark cloth over her eyes and tied it tightly against her thick wavy hair. He inhaled a deep whiff of her perfumed body. "You'll have to listen and find out, but I suspect it will sound pretty familiar to you!"


"Sshhh...lay down on your back and put your arms above your head," the aroused coach ordered. His wife did as she was instructed. Justin admired the swell of her fantastic tits through the skimpy cut of the sexy lingerie.

At that moment the loud voice of a large black bull boomed from the porn flick, "This is what we exchange around here slut!" Justin glanced towards the TV as the huge black man partially dressed in a security guard's uniform pulled his massive cock from the mouth of an early 30's blonde dressed in a tight business suit. A long sticky rope of precum mixed with saliva stretched from her lips to his cockhead. "You might have got to ring that gold bell at the stock exchange earlier, but now you gonna suck on an oversized black bell for a while bitch! Uh-huh, just like that, get it all wet and shit!"

Justin leaned forward and connected Abbie's wrists together above her head. "Remember this is my night Ab, anything I say goes! I'm not going to connect your wrists to the headboard at this point because you'll need them."

Abbie gasped with nervous excitement before nodding her head quickly.

At just that moment Justin caught a glimpse of movement out of the corner of his eye. He turned to see Nick Thomas move quietly into his bedroom dressed in a tight black sweat suit.

Justin then watched as his diving protégé studied Abbie's scantily clad and bound body before nodding his approval. He checked out the video and gave Justin a subtle thumbs up, well aware that his former coaches both got off on interracial porn.

Suddenly Abbie spoke in an impatient tone, "Justin where are you, come join me on the bed."

"Babe, don't forget I make the rules tonight, I'll join you when I'm ready, but first I want you to tell me more details about your night with Nick in Tahoe."

Justin and Nick made eye contact again, both flashing knowing smiles.

"Oh god Justin, can we do it later? I want to feel you right now!"

"No Ab, you promised tonight would be my fantasy and I want to hear details!"

Suddenly the porn girl grunted loudly, "Oh fuck your black cock is so big, it feels so much better than my fiancé's little dick!"

The timing of the announcement had a certain irony about it.

"Tell me Ab!" Justin ordered again as he looked in Nick's direction as the black man removed his sweat shirt exposing his tat-covered chest and bulging arms.

"Jeez Justin, I told you about it at our house the night of the party." Abbie whined as she lay restlessly on their pulled back sheets. "This time we knew what each other liked before it."

"Did you suck his big cock?" Justin asked as he pulled her around sideways on the bed and again exchanged eye contact with Nick.

Abbie reached for his own dick with her extended bound wrists but Justin pushed her hands away. "Answer me!"


"Did you swallow?"


"Abbie did you swallow?"

"Yes Justin. It was like last time. I think he really liked it and a lot came out."

Justin looked over at Nick who had a proud smile plastered to his face. He had also now removed his sweat pants and stood in only his Sac State Hornet Speedo. Justin couldn't help from peering at the inexplicable bulge in the stretched garment.

The young husband reached forward and softly squeezed Abbie's sexy tits through the lingerie. "Tell me more Ab."

Abbie's bound hands instinctively reached for her husband's cock again. This time he gripped her wrists and directed them down her body. "Abbie I want you to play with yourself while you tell me about how much you loved sucking his cock and swallowing his load!"

Abbie resisted initially but then succumbed to Justin's downward pressure and allowed her hands to fall between her legs. Justin and Nick watched as her fingers tugged on the seam of the baby doll until it was near her belly button. She then nimbly slipped them inside the band of her shear panties and began fingering herself in small circles. A faint gasp escaped her lips just before the porn slut announced she was cumming again on the bull's huge cock. The security guard growled loudly, "That's it bitch, gimme some more of that cum, there ain't gonna be none left for that lily-white fiancé of yours!"

Justin squeezed Abbie's tits again and thumbed her hard nipples.

"Oh yes Justin, that feels good, I love the way you touch my breasts. I want to have you in my mouth!"

Justin nodded towards Nick who moved alongside him. The dive coach who had always felt confident in his physical appearance and physique suddenly felt slightly unnerved by the size of the muscular black diver. That feeling was only exacerbated when he glanced down and compared the size and shape of the bulge in each of their respective briefs.

Justin moved aside, allowing Nick Thomas to stand hulkishly over his vulnerable wife. For some unknown reason, thoughts of alpha bulls laying claim to the most desirable females in the herd permeated Justin's thought process.

Justin also couldn't tell if Nick wore any kind of enhanced scent, but the dive coach's senses suddenly felt like they'd been washed over in a masculine pheromone bath. He wasn't sure, but something about Abbie's body language suggested she had experienced it too.

Both men watched as Abbie's hips moved in nearly imperceptible circles in concert with her delicate probing fingers.

Justin hated to interrupt her scintillating display, but he couldn't wait any longer. "Abbie, touch me now!"

Abbie's fingers lingered in her panties for several more seconds before she sexily slid them up her lavender nighty. A slick trail of her juices followed in their wake as they slipped over her breasts and along her neck.

Justin interrupted her erotic display one more time, "Abbie wait, before you touch me I want you to taste yourself!"

" ca..."

He raised his voice sternly and cut her off, "Yes you can Abbie, remember it's my fantasy!" He made eye contact with Nick and they both held back laughter.

Not entirely sure what was driving her intense feelings of arousal, Abbie hesitantly complied with Justin's wish and sunk two of her pussy-flavored fingers between her lips. Justin's cock sprang to life immediately. This was the first time in all their years of marriage that he had the confidence to ask Abbie to taste her own pussy.

And she actually did it!

Nick watched undaunted. It wasn't even the first time in the last eight days that he had watched her do it.

"I told you Ab, you taste amazing! Huh." Justin gushed excitedly.

"Umph...umm" She grunted with a subtle nod of her head.

"Okay babe, reach up and touch me, I want you to stroke my cock!"

Abbie's bound wrists worked in unison as her blind hands searched adventurously for her husband's dick. Justin held his breath as her small fingers seemed to shrink as they neared Nick's bulging genitals. The black man made a subtle move to align her grasping hands with his nuts just before they made contact.

A satisfied gasp escaped Abbie's lips when she finally touched the silky material of his Speedo. But within moments and soon with one of Nick's huge balls in the palm of each of her hands, Abbie knew something wasn't right. She gasped "Huh?...Justin what's...going on...something's not..."

"Squeeze my big nuts know what to do!" Nick's deep voice boomed for the first time.

"Jus...Justin...what's...oh no..." Abbie stuttered. She tried to pull her hands away, but Nick quickly gripped the chain connecting the cuffs and held them in place.

"Abbie its okay...this is my fantasy. This is what I want. Do whatever he says, just like before. You know you want it too!" Justin answered assuredly.

"But...I can''s...not...not right honey."

"No, doing it behind my back wasn't right! Doing it right now while I watch is absolutely the correct thing to do!"

"Jesus Justin...are sure?"

"Do you think I would have invited him here tonight if I wasn't? You know I've waited for this moment for a very long time honey."

"God..." was the last thing Abbie muttered before her fingers started softly groping Nick's huge balls. Before long she was actively squeezing and massaging the sheathed pair like workout putty. She could feel her pussy gush with excitement.

"That a girl, get reacquainted with them big nuts! You know what to do." Nick encouraged his hot former coach.

Justin watched in awe as their diving protégé's large hands reached forward and gripped his wife's tits in a way that suggested this wasn't new territory for him. Justin took a big step backwards, giving the muscled black man plenty of room to operate.

"Okay baby, I'm gonna bust out of this fuckin' suit any minute now. Reach up and free my junk!" Nick directed.

"Oh god...Justin...are you...?"

"Don't worry about him, he's fine, this is between you and me!" Nick ordered. "Pull that shit off and get yourself some of that black shit you love!"

Justin watched, mouth agape, as his wife hesitated momentarily before back-handedly slipping her fingers into the band of Nick's Speedo and pulling it slowly downward. Justin swallowed nervously as the thickness of the dark root was slowly exposed by his wife's actions. It seemed to take forever for eight inches of thick black cock to uncover before the head popped from beneath the fabric and bounced heavily against her forehead.

Abbie and her husband gasped simultaneously. For some strange reason, the thought that came to Justin at that moment, "Holly Shit! The Speedo Doesn't Lie!"

Time stood still in his mind as Nick's thick cock arced semi-rigidly over the biggest set of testicles he had ever seen. The dark phallic twitched and pulsed like some sort of wild a****l that had just been released from its cage. The coach couldn't help but notice that the tip was aimed at his wife's incredible body as if to identify the object of the b**st's sinful intentions.

Nick grabbed his dick and began rubbing the rubbery head around Abbie's pretty face. The young wife's neck arched backwards as her tongue instinctively slipped from her lips in an effort to invigorate her taste buds with its alluring essence—imperceptible grunts and gasps escaped her throat.

It took everything in Justin's power not to rub his rock hard cock as the scene he'd imagined so many times in his erotic fantasies played out before him. But he resisted, fearful he would blow his wad immediately with any additional stimulation.

Nick finally allowed Abbie's hungry tongue to find its target. He brought it to her sweet lips and was quickly bathed in familiar kisses and licks from his vastly improving cock-sucking coach.

Justin watched again in amazement at the fervor by which his typically conservative wife slutishly savored Nick's black dick. For most of their marriage Abbie had been a reticent head-giver but at this moment she resembled the blonde slut on the interracial porn flick. Justin also observed as his wife's idle fingers made their way back to her bull's hanging scrotum.

"You missed that shit didn't you?" Nick spoke confidently as he smeared his cock around her mouth.

"Um hmm." Abbie groaned. Justin could now see her wetness glistening on Nick's expanding log. He estimated it had to be at least ten inches and clearly wasn't yet fully rigid.

"Tell your husband how it tastes. He wants to know!"

Justin watched a large dollop of pre-cum form at the tip before Abbie's tongue whisked it away. "'s so good!"

"Take it in your mouth. Show him how much you love sucking that black snake!"

Abbie cringed at the directness by which Nick exposed Justin to their sex play, but she couldn't deny that his commanding style was a huge turn-on for her. She opened her mouth as wide as possible and took him inside.

Nick grunted his approval and for the next several minutes fucked her opening while regaling Justin with a steady stream of progress reports about what his wife's tongue was doing to his cock inside her mouth. Finally their protégé flopped it from between her lips, leaned forward and placed one of his feet up on the bed. His black scrotum now swung heavily above her waiting mouth. "Lick my balls!" He grunted.

Justin watched as after searching blindly for a moment, his wife's beautiful face was soon buried in Nick's dark leathery cum-filled sack.

"That a girl, you know what to do...yeah suck on em' like that! Hey coach," Nick turned in Justin's direction, "I wanna see your wife's big titties. Why don't you show them to me!"

The command caught Justin off guard knowing Nick was in a position to simply reach down and slip the narrow straps off Abbie's shoulders himself, but he quickly realized this was one more way for the black 22-year-old to exert his control. Justin crawled up on the bed as fast as his raging hard-on would allow. Within seconds he straddled Abbie's sexy body and took one of her heaving mounds in each of his sweaty hands. "Oh my god honey, you look so sexy at this moment!"

An undistinguishable response came from her throat as her stretched lips were vacuumed around a lemon-sized black testicle as Nick stroked his nearly foot long cock only inches from Justin's face. The coach stared in disbelief at its proportions as he slowly reached for the silky straps of his wife's baby doll. He slipped them from her shoulders. The excited coach slowly scooted down her body taking the sexy garment with him.

Abbie's d-cups bounced playfully from their ineffective hiding place, causing both men to grunt their approval. Justin slipped the lingerie under her ass and down her tanned legs before tossing it aside. He moved back between her silky thighs and pressed them apart. After pulling her sopping g-string aside, the horny coach dove in face first and ate his wife's pussy like a starving man.

Contented squeals escaped Abbie's lips between licks and slurps of Nick's succulent balls. The black man didn't stand idle while his former coaches each devoured their tasty treats. He gripped his big cock and roughly slapped Abbie's tits creating sexy pools of quivering goodness and splattering her saliva from his dick across her heaving chest—some even landing on her husband's face. Justin watched the arousing spectacle from his worm's eye view while he sucked voraciously on Abbie's swollen bump. Never in his wildest fantasies had he ever truly believed that he and Nick Thomas would someday tag-team his gorgeous wife.

To this point Nick had been purposefully respectful of his former coaches, but the deferential treatment had gone on long enough, it was time to turn up the heat. "You like when I slap your big tits with my cock don't you slut?" Nick growled.

Abbie cringed, wondering how Justin would react to Nick's use of the "slut" word. Their protégé had used the term liberally during their first two matings, but in neither case had her husband been there to hear it. Now as Nick's question hung in the air awaiting her response, Abbie thought about her aroused reactions to its use before, even going so far as to admit over and over how much she loved being a slut for him.

She decided that if she ignored his question, he might not ask again. Abbie doubled her efforts on the huge smooth testicle between her lips. In spite of the discomfited situation, her arousal was building quickly due to Justin's efforts between her legs and surprising pleasure she got from having Nick's engrossing genitalia in her mouth.

Nick reveled in this type of sex play with cuckold couples. He had learned from some of the best in the business in the two plus years since he'd first joined The Bullpen. There was nothing quite as satisfying as watching a cuck couple experience it for the first time—especially in a situation like this where the seduction had gone on so long and the prize at the end of the game was the complete black cock conversion of a young white wife as hot as Abbie Dawson.

"You didn't answer me. I know how much you love sucking on them big ol' nuts, but why don't you tell Justin what you told me about these big titties. Remember you said that after they had my jiz splattered all over them, they were mine now!" Nick challenged as he gripped his cock over her rigid nipples before pounding them hard again.

Justin stopped his ministrations to watch the porn-like interaction taking place between his formerly conservative wife and the muscled black man.

This time Abbie pleaded, "Nick, don't do this, we don't need to go there right now."

"Yes we do slut! He's a grown man, he can handle it! Tell him!"

Justin had never pondered being in this position. He now found himself in the middle of a situation he had fantasized about countless times since Nick had entered their lives and yet here he was suddenly cast into role of depraved referee between his embarrassed wife and her confident black lover.

He did the only natural thing...he sided with Nick Thomas. "Abbie, tell me...tell me what you told him!"

"Umph...oh god that really what..."

Her husband cut her off, "...YES Abbie it's what I want. Tell me!"

Abbie licked Nick's big nut one final time before she gasped breathlessly, "Oh fuck...yes I told him my breasts were his. I told him I loved it when he slapped them with his big black cock and I couldn't wait for his hot cum to splatter all over them, like they did before!"

Justin felt semen ooze from his untouched dick.

"That a girl!" Nick said with a big grin as he made eye contact and spoke in her husband's direction. "We need to be honest with ourselves tonight Abbie. Justin knows you love my big black cock and is okay with it or we wouldn't all be here right now." He looked back down at her and finished, "You need to show him!"

Abbie's muffled voice sounded from between Nick's legs, "Oh god...Justin I love you so much. Please don't be mad!"

"I'm not going to be mad baby, I love you too!" Justin responded excitedly before tonguing her bulging clit.

Nick knew he was in complete control of the situation and wanted to make sure the Dawson's knew it too. "Coach, come around over here."

A disappointed whine emanated from Abbie's throat when Justin stopped eating her pussy and moved to Nick's side.

"Abbie's gonna show you how she loves to take my cock down her throat, aren't you slut?"

Justin immediately found Nick's new commanding presence to be utterly arousing. He watched the black stud reposition Abbie's shoulders and adjust her head so it tilted backwards off the edge of the bed. Her thick dark hair cascaded downward against the side sheets.

"The only position any woman can take a cock like mine down their throat is this one. Even still, most women need a lot of practice to do it, but Coach Abbie was a fast learner, weren't you?"

Abbie nodded, a sheepish expression appearing on the part of her face not obscured by the blindfold.

Justin stared in astonishment as he tried to fathom how Nick's huge swollen cockhead could actually fit in his wife's narrow throat, let alone any more of his massive dick.

"Okay here it comes, open wide just like before."

Abbie did as he instructed before he sunk his fat cock in her open mouth. The black man grunted, "Now remember how I taught you, loosen you jaw and relax your throat. Breathe in through your nose and don't succumb to your gag reflex!"

Justin watched and listened as choking and coughing sounds spewed from her throat. He suddenly feared she was in serious discomfort and hating every second of what Nick was forcing her to do. For the first time, Justin felt a strong sense of remorse and wondered if this whole thing wasn't a terrible mistake. How could he let his beautiful wife be used as a sexual plaything...a fucking cum dump for one of their former athletes—a man who now worked in her department at school and was their fucking assistant coach for fuck sakes?

Just as his feelings of doubt crested, he watched as his wife's bound hands moved forward voluntarily and gripped Nick's big balls.

"That a girl, you love those big nuts almost as much as my dick, don't you?" Nick growled.

Abbie's head nodded enthusiastically with Nick's cock lodged inside. "Um hmm..."

Justin's repentant thoughts were quickly washed away as he realized his wife apparently wanted this as much as the man who was feeding her his big black cock.

"Damn her mouth feels good coach, you're a lucky man. Okay Abbie, here comes more!"

Nick pressed forward until the thick head pressed past her tonsils and lodged itself in Abbie's throat. Justin gasped in disbelief—he could actually see the bulging outline of Nick's cockhead moving slowly down into Abbie's lithe neck. Guttural sounds reverberated from her esophagus as Nick's dick stretched and stuffed the tight opening.

Nick now used a technique he'd been taught by one of the more savvy bulls at the Pen to test a husband and wife's commitment to the cuckold lifestyle. He gave the directive, "Justin, reach down and rub your wife's neck, help her relax her throat and take it deeper!"

Justin stared back at the black man like he had two heads. "You want me to do WHAAATT?"

"She loves it Justin. Do it for your wife. Abbie do you want him to assist in helping you take it deeper so I can fuck all the way down your throat?"

Justin peered down and noticed that Abbie's fingers hadn't stopped kneading Nick's balls. In fact they looked to be more urgently squeezing and fondling the oversized pair. He then directed his gaze at his wife's cock-filled face just as she nodded in agreement with Nick's question.

"I told you man, you aren't going to let her down, are you coach?"

Justin took a deep breath, reached down and softly massaged his wife's neck right where Nick's cockhead protruded most noticeably. Nick groaned, "Damn that shit is tight, help it slide in further coach. Help me get it all the way in there so when I cum it'll shoot right into her stomach. That's how it went down in Tahoe, she didn't even spill a drop, did you coach?"

Unintelligible vibrations came from somewhere near her vocal chords as Abbie again nodded her head.

Nick leaned forward and took her big tits in his hands.

Justin found the contrast in color between Nick's oversized paws and his wife's supple white tits to be as arousing as anything he had witnessed to this point. He found himself u*********sly stroking Nick's cock more urgently through the delicate skin of Abbie's neck.

Nick pushed a couple more inches down her throat.

Justin had never harbored homosexual feelings and felt awkward touching another man's dick even through his wife's skin—yet in spite of his shameful feelings he couldn't deny he found the interaction strangely arousing. He stood, transfixed on the entire scene, a scene of which he now inconceivably played an integral part.

Nick groaned as he squeezed Abbie's tits more roughly.

Justin could clearly see and feel the burrowing lump in Abbie's throat, it reminded him of a snake stretching to swallow its prey. He was also mesmerized by the way Nick's meaty scrotum spilled though his wife's delicate fingers and the increased urgency by which she squeezed and kneaded his balls as they moved steadily towards her forehead. Justin found himself squeezing and stroking more urgently, trying to assist in getting the last couple inches of the long fat cock into his wife's mouth.

"Umph...oh fuck yeah, you two are doing great, keep it up! We're almost there." Nick grunted. "Abbie keep playing with my balls and coach...uh...keep stroking her neck, I'm gonna get my nut soon!"

Justin knew what Nick really meant about his role in this debauched triumvirate, but he heeded the order enthusiastically anyway. The coach didn't know if he could stop right now even if he wanted to.

Underneath the blindfold, Abbie's eyes watered down her cheeks. Her jaw was starting to ache and her breathing was strained, yet she could feel her pussy dripping as Nick's cock pressed deeper and deeper. His constant manipulation of her sensitive tits and surreal feeling of Justin rubbing Nick through the skin of her neck was scintillating. She wondered what was going through her husband's mind at the moment—"Did he like being a part of this?"

Her thoughts were interrupted. "Aaahhh YEAH!" Nick shouted as his balls pressed against Abbie's tilted head. "Mmm...SUCK THAT BIG COCK BITCH!"

Justin watched with wide eyes as Nick's head fell back, his heavy breathing suddenly reminding him of an Olympic sprinter gasping for his final twenty meters. The black man grunted loudly and shoved his cock as far down his wife's throat as his balls allowed. "FUCK YEAH, TAKE IT...TAKE IT DEEP!" He roared.

Both Abbie and Justin felt the head of Nick's cock buck and his dick turn to stone as the first eruption surged through it and exploded down her throat. The initial blast was followed by countless ejaculations, each gaining in strength and volume until Nick could barely stand on wobbly legs and his massive balls were effectively drained.

Justin stared, mouth agape. No interracial porn video, lewd photograph or narrative of his wife's sexual exploits with this man had prepared him for what he'd just witnessed. The raw power and emotion of Nick Thomas' testosterone-fueled performance overwhelmed any visions he'd conjured in his mind.

The coach's thoughts oddly turned to Nick's ascension through the diving college ranks and the dominance he'd exhibited over his competition on the springboard. But after what he'd just witnessed, Justin couldn't help but think that despite all his aquatic success, Nick's truest talents were clearly in the bedroom. "What man wouldn't want that kind of sexual prowess!"

Those thoughts would be validated in spades over the remainder of the dissolute night.

A scary but exciting revelation suddenly formed in Justin's mind. The massive black cock shoved deep down his wife's throat had changed them both. Justin's own cuckold desires had been confirmed in dramatic fashion and Abbie's ripened love for his magnificent cock was undeniable. Justin realized they were now completely under Nick Thomas' thrall.

The black man slowly slipped his hulking phallic from her throat.

Watching inch after inch of it slide from between her stretched lips validated Justin's realization that his previously sexually naïve wife was being converted. The same beautiful woman who had always been reticent to giving head, was now willingly deep-throating a huge black cock and enthusiastically inhaling its voluminous eruptions into her gut.

Justin's eyes popped as the bulbous head finally parted his wife's sexy lips depositing a trail of semen across them and down her cheek as Nick's glistening cock slumped heavily and arced over his proud balls. Abbie's tongue instinctively slurped up the viscous remnants and returned them to her mouth.

Nick reached down and removed her blindfold.

Justin expected an awkward exchange following the intense sexual tension and stunning climax he'd just watched. However, after blinking several times, a cute smile formed on his wife's face before she questioned in fun, "Hey, when did you get here Nick?"

After a momentary pause, all three of them busted out laughing.

When the laughter subsided, Justin and Abbie made eye-contact. "Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, are you?"

Abbie nodded sheepishly. "I love you Justin!"

"I love you too baby. Was it different with me in the room?"

"Of course, but I think the blindfold made it a little easier."

"You didn't seem to have too much trouble." Justin joked with a playful grin.

Abbie smiled at him before making eye contact with Nick. "Well, I've had a little practice."

Again they all laughed.

"It looks like you've had a pretty good coach." Justin joked again before smiling in Nick's direction.

"Yeah, I think you could say that..."

A big smile formed on Nick's face and his chest puffed impressively as he took in her nakedness. "You about ready for some more...uh...coaching coach?"

Justin stared at Nick with wide eyes, thinking about the eruption he'd just witnessed. "Oh my god, ARE YOU?"

"Shit...I'm always ready coach!"

"Hang on." Justin countered, suddenly feeling blood flowing to his own dick again. He leaned down and kissed Abbie wetly, immediately recognizing the same musty flavor he'd tasted on her lips in Tahoe. "Are you ready honey?" He asked before unlocking the handcuffs and tossing them aside.

"I don't I?" She asked, seeking his approval, a pensive gaze on her beautiful face.

Justin opened his mouth to speak but before any words came out, Nick interrupted, apparently having waited long enough, "I think we all know the answer to that fucking question. Go sit over there and see for yourself coach!"

Abbie and Justin connected visually one final time. He looked into her glossy eyes, "You want this right?"

Her lips curled ever so slightly before she bit the lower one and nodded like an excited school girl.

Justin gave her an affirmative wink before he moved to the leather chair on his side of the bed. He could suddenly feel himself sweating. Butterflies filled his stomach in anticipation for the moment he'd waited so long to experience. He watched as his gorgeous wife lie on their marital bed dressed in only a sopping g-string, spectacular tits heaving invitingly as deep breaths filled her lungs.

While standing next to the bed, Nick's big muscular legs bulged as his black ass partially concealed Justin's view. Nick stared down at his sexy female coach. "Come get another taste," he offered as he held his semi-flaccid cock in her direction.

Justin noticed the hungry gaze on Abbie's face as she rolled onto her stomach and inched her way over to him. As she slid up onto her elbows, Nick placed one of his feet up on the bed next to her. His huge black balls swung forward and back, bouncing off his thigh in the process.

Abbie opened her mouth. Nick took his time smearing his cockhead from her wet lips, across her flushed cheeks, and against her painted eyelids before slapping her nose. He then brought his reinvigorated stick back to her saliva-filled mouth and pushed it inside. Abbie slurped it sloppily with no care as to how much spilled down her chin. Over the next few minutes she slutishly sucked, licked, and kissed his cock like one of the porn stars on the TV behind her.

Justin watched, completely astounded at who his wife had become. He thought about all the alcohol they had consumed before Nick's arrival. And while all that imbibing clearly contributed to her current behavior, it wasn't the booze that made her this way—Justin could clearly see she was suffering from another affliction. His beautiful wife was cock drunk!

Abbie's enthusiastic efforts eventually returned Nick's glistening dick to its incomprehensible grandeur. The young diver pulled it from her lips, aimed it toward the ceiling and stroked the top couple of inches that protruded above his belly button. Abbie knew the program. Saliva oozed from her lips before she latched onto one of his exposed testicles hanging in front of her. Justin's eyes were like saucers trying to come to grips with its size. His sexy wife couldn't even get her lips around it. The awed coach thought back to how many times he'd wondered what Nick was sporting under that Speedo and now he wondered how the garment had possibly contained him.

His thoughts were interrupted by Nick's deep voice, "Ooohh yeah, suck on em'. Get them big boyz back building up that nigger nectar you love so much!"

Abbie and Justin made eye contact following Nick's crude comment. While it made them both slightly uncomfortable, it didn't stop her from continuing to suck on the ebony orb or for her husband's dick to remain stiff as steel.

After another minute of oral efforts Nick announced, "Okay it's time we got that married pussy some of what it needs!"

Nick pulled her hips over to the edge of the bed. Justin could see the wetness soaking her panties as she lifted her knees and spread her legs for him. The reinvigorated black man bent at the knees and slapped his heavy dick against Abbie's wet pussy through the fabric of the g-string.

She squealed, "Oh know what I like! Please don't tease me..."

"Uh huh...why don't you tell your husband what you want!" Nick challenged as he slapped his cock against her pussy again.

Abbie wished she had the willpower to resist and make Nick treat her with a little more respect in front of Justin, but the fact was his brusque treatment turned her on and she simply couldn't wait any longer. She had thought about his cock all week, especially after her conversation with Brie, and now she wanted it more than she could stand. "Oh shit...Justin," she whimpered, "God...I want him inside me...I want to feel his big black cock inside me!"

"Take him baby. Take his huge dick and tell me how that big fucking thing makes you feel!" Justin blurted with excitement as he reached down and rubbed his own cock.

"I love you Justin," Abbie whimpered one final time before Nick jammed his fingers inside her g-string and yanked it to the side exposing her little glistening dark muff and thick slippery pussy lips. He held the soaked strip of material in his left hand as he rubbed his gigantic cock up and down her gushing slit.

"Your wife has some juicy pussy lips coach. She loves getting em' spanked by this big cock right here. Don't you slut?"

Abbie nodded as she watched anxiously while propped up on her elbows, her delicate fingers pinching and tweaking her big nipples.

"Tell me what you want!"

"Ugh...oh god...I want your big cock. I want you to fuck me!" She whimpered. "Please don't make me beg!"

Justin stopped rubbing himself, he knew if he didn't stop he was going to cum in his shorts. His beautiful 28-year-old wife looked hotter than at any moment he could remember—her stunning body naked, willing, and ready to be ravaged by her alpha black male.

Nick shoved the fat head of his circumcised cock inside. Abbie's splayed lips stretched around it like a tight rubber band. Her eyes rolled back in her head as it fell back to the mattress. She moaned loudly, "Ohhh...unh...uhn...soo big...oh shit!"

Nick glanced back over his shoulder at Justin with a shit-eating grin before he pushed a couple more inches inside. Abbie gasped, "Jesus...god...umph...yeah!"

Justin stood slack jawed as Nick proceeded to feed the entire length of his giant cock into his wife's stuffed slit. Sounds unlike anything he'd ever heard escaped from her mouth and filled the room. The scene was so surreal, it wasn't until Nick's black sack bounced off Abbie's ass and the mattress below it, that it hit Justin that they weren't using protection.

"You'll pull out, won't you?" He asked, his voice completely weak and distant.

"Huh? Uh...yeah...uh huh..." the black bull answered without inflection or emotion. He then proceeded to pull his cock all the way back until only the head remained inside Abbie's swollen lips. Her glistening wetness clung to every square inch of the rutted surface. For the first time Justin noticed the length and thickness of the veins that pumped blood through the enormous organ. He tried to focus but before his eyes could do so, Nick shoved the entire length back into his wife.

Abbie cried out in pleasure.

"Daammnn that shit is tight!" Nick growled as his head fell backwards.

The young diver did it again and again and again. Each time nearly letting the bulbous head escape the confines of her married clinging lips before thrusting it back inside. His huge balls cascaded off the mattress with each injection.

Abbie was a mess of desire, pleasure and apprehension. The feelings of sexual elation were returning quickly as her slippery pussy welcomed Nick's incredible girth, but the trepidation of Justin's presence still pulled her backwards. She looked in his direction with glossy eyes and shortened breath.

In spite of her obvious signs of pleasure, Justin could tell Abbie was still holding back. "Baby, give yourself to him! This is what we've both wanted for a long time...don't hold back! I love you!"

Finally confident Justin's feelings were allayed, Abbie let herself become the sex craved tigress Nick tamed in Tahoe. "God your big cock feels so good! Fuck me!"

Nick gripped her by the ankles and spread her legs as his muscled ass jabbed forward and back at a renewed pace.

Abbie squealed, "Oh yes...shit...that feels sooo good! I love it!"

Over the next several minutes, Nick fucked her like a real bull until she was begging him not to stop.

Justin could tell by the signs, Abbie was nearing that special place quickly. He finally allowed himself to rub his own dick again.

Abbie's unending moans and guttural grunts filled the room as Nick pounded into her. Justin watched as she desperately gripped Nick's huge arms in an attempt to pull him down for a kiss. He resisted. She whimpered her frustration as his hulking frame now obscured much of Justin's view. The coach could see sweat beads dripping down Nick's back. He contemplated moving to another position, but realized he no longer needed a perfect visual—the sounds told the story.

"Uhn...uhn...oh god...oh feels so good! Please don't're going're going to make me're going to make me cum so fast! I love how you fuck me Nick! Don't stop!"

"Yeah bitch, cum all over that big nigger dick! Just like all them times before!"

Justin dropped his shorts and madly stroked his cock just as his wife climaxed.

"YYYYEEEEESSSSS! OH GAAAWWED! SO GOOOOOD! Abbie screamed as her back arched and pussy juice exploded from deep in her womb. It splattered in a forceful wave all over Nick's big black pistoning cock. Justin's eyes nearly bugged out of his head at the volume that spilled off Nick's bounding scrotum and splashed against their sheets and onto the floor. He didn't need any further stimulation, his own balls tightened and he came on his stomach.

The thunderstruck coach slumped in the chair as he struggled to catch his breath. The scene had been more scintillating than anything he could have dreamed. Three years of fantasy driven imaginations had all just culminated in a mind-blowing crescendo that took his breath away.

Then he realized it wasn't over...

Nick pounded Abbie right through her orgasm. He now leaned forward as her fingers tangled in his kinky dreads. She pulled him down urgently and like two hormone driven teenagers, they mashed like it was their first time.

The kiss went on—all the while Nick railed into Abbie's dripping pussy relentlessly.

She could feel that familiar feeling building deep inside her again. Never in her wildest dreams before hooking up with him, could she imagine having multiple orgasms—especially the kind of squirting cums she had just experienced. But after that first night in her bed and then again in Tahoe, she now had come to expect them. She couldn't wait for the next one. "Oh god Nick...uhn're gonna make me go again!"

"Tell your husband how much you love my big cock!"

Abbie hesitated as more grunts and gasps spewed from her mouth.

"Tell HIM!" Nick demanded.

Justin stood, his shorts around his ankles and cum dribbling down his belly. His eyes glued to Abbie's rapturous gaze.

"...Oh god honey, his big cock feels so good! He's gonna make me cum again!"

"Do it baby! Cum on his big black cock!" Justin shouted, now with a much better view as the black serpent ravaged his euphoric wife. He could see her pussy lips turn inside out with each powerful thrust. Their protégé was now huffing like a real bull.

"Ohhhh god I can feel him deep...and my clit...SO GOOOD! Oh Justin, I'M CUUUUUMMMIIINNNGGG AGAAAIIINNN!"

Her husband stood mesmerized as his wife's gushing pussy erupted for a second time in less than two minutes.

This time however, Nick wasn't far behind. Every muscle in his chiseled body flexed. He roared loudly as he yanked his cock from inside her. Pussy juice dripped from the pulsing phallic as he stroked it just before the first blast exploded and splattered heavily across Abbie's still heaving body. Justin watched as stream after stream plastered his wife's sinewy core from her chin to her belly button—her bounding d-cups taking the heaviest brunt of it.

When it finally concluded all three of them stared at one another in rapt fascination before they broke out in mild laughter. The scene had been so sexually charged the brief respite just felt like the right thing to do.

Finally Justin volunteered to get a towel for Abbie. When he returned, she and Nick were engaged in quiet conversation. Justin couldn't help but stare at volume of semen spread across his wife's naked body as he handed her the towel.

Nick broke the silence, "Hey coach all that shit made me thirsty, what'd ya say you whip us up something to drink. Vodka or whiskey is always good for fucking!"

Ten minutes later Justin returned with a tray of cocktails and shots. As he entered the room he found Nick and Abbie both kneeling on the bed kissing and laughing. Nick's big hands each gripped one of Abbie's tits while one of hers was wrapped around his black flaccid cock.

"Round three already?" Justin asked with a laugh.

"Nah, just getting' in the mood coach!" Nick joked.

"How about some mood juice then, god knows I could use one after that!" Justin offered.

"Okay, everyone does a shot before we drink anything else," Nick ordered more than suggested. Abbie feigned her displeasure, before a cute smile formed on her face. They each reached for one.

Just then a female voice chimed from near the doorway, "Do you have another one of those?"

All three heads turned to see a young perky blonde dressed only in boyshort style panties and a half-cut dark green and gold tank top with a large Sacramento State Hornet on the chest. A large set of round breasts spilled out the bottom of the tiny top.

Abbie screamed as she moved quickly behind Nick's hulking torso to hide her nakedness, "Who the fuck are you? What are doing in our house?"

Justin recognized the short-cropped blonde immediately, but even he was suddenly uncomfortable with his own state of undress.

"Guys chill, I invited a friend to join us!" Nick's deep voice sounded. "This is my friend Courtney. Justin I'm sure you remember her!"

"What???" Abbie screamed again. "Make her leave!"

"Nah, she's cool! I invited her to keep coach company tonight." He turned his head towards Abbie behind him, "We're gonna be busy, I thought he could use a little chill time."

This time both Abbie and Justin shouted, "What???"

"It's not a big deal, they can have a little fun in the other room, while we do our thing."

Suddenly both dive coaches remembered the conversation Abbie had with Brie earlier in the week and the mention of "fillies" from The Bullpen. Blood began to flow to Justin's cock as he snuck a peek and checked out Courtney's rockin' young body.

Abbie was still freaking out, "What did you mean when you said Justin should remember her?"

Nick laughed, "Oh shit nothin'—she waited on us at the brewery earlier this week when we set this up."

Abbie glared angrily at Justin, "You set this up for her to come here tonight?"

"No honey! I didn't know anything about this part! I only set up Nick coming over!"

"That's right baby," Nick spoke in a more calming voice, "he didn't know anything about Court coming over. This was all my idea! He laughed. "And as I kneel here now, I can say it was a good one!"

"Bullshit!" Abbie snapped. "I'm not going to let some young...uh...chick...come waltzing in here and sleep with my husband!"

This time Nick spoke more forcefully, "They ain't gonna sleep together, they're just going to have a little fun while we do our thing!"

Abbie started to object again before Nick turned his head and spoke in hushed tones. Justin couldn't make out what was being said, but based on Abbie's reaction he was making a convincing argument.

Finally after nearly a minute Abbie gave an apprehensive head nod.

"Okay, now that that's settled, give this girl one of those shots!" Nick announced boisterously.

Abbie and Justin stared emotionlessly at one another for several seconds before Nick's voice broke the silence, "C'mon coach, give this girl a COCKtail!" The emphasis on "COCK' wasn't lost on Justin or Abbie.

Justin approached Courtney and held out the tray. "Nice to see you again," he offered as he noticed just how young she looked.

"Nice to see you again too!" She replied with a perky giggle before grabbing one of the whiskey shots and pounding it down quickly.

"Why don't you guys take what else you want and leave the rest of that tray for us while you get better acquainted in the other room!" Nick suggested.

Again there was a long pause before Justin set the tray on his desk. He and Courtney each grabbed a drink and moved slowly towards the door. Before they exited, he heard Abbie's voice behind him, "Justin..." He turned.

"I love you!" She said in a hushed tone.

"I love you too babe..." he replied before slowly heading out the door.

Justin was a bundle of emotions when he and Courtney arrived in the guest bedroom. On one hand, the nervousness of being in a sex fueled environment with someone other than Abbie for the first time in ten years had his heart pounding like a drum. On the other, the excitement over the opportunity to be with a hot young babe like Courtney, with his wife's okay, already had his cock hard as steel.

That development made for an obvious conversation starter.

Courtney bit her lower lip and smiled cutely, "Looks like you have a bit of a problem there..."

Justin looked down at his tented shorts and back at Courtney embarrassingly, "You noticed?"

She giggled again, "It's a little hard to miss."

"Yeah...uh...well...that tank top has me a little...uh...distracted."

She browsed at her double-d's, knowing she looked hot in the half-shirt. "You mean because of the hornet?" Courtney joked, eyelashes blinking sexily.

This time they both laughed.

"No...because of what's popping out of the bottom!" Justin smiled with a panting dog expression on his face.

"Oh if that's the case maybe you'll be less distracted if I do this, Courtney teased before she reached down and lifted the fabric exposing her huge tits. Justin's eyes nearly popped out of his head. He hadn't seen many live breasts besides Abbie's (only at strip clubs) since his marriage, but now he was face to face with a set that gave his wife's a run for their money.

"Whoa, I don't think that's going to do anything to help with my distraction, but I can't say I'm too upset with your sympathy for my situation!"

They both laughed again.

"Why don't we get a little more comfortable," Courtney suggested with a naughty smile as she nodded towards the bed, "I have some things I'd like to get off my chest!"

Justin couldn't believe this was happening. Only minutes before, he'd watched his beautiful wife cum all over her black lover's massive cock before Nick coated her body with a prodigious semen shower. Justin had thought at the time that he couldn't imagine anything more arousing, but now only a short time later, a gorgeous 22-year-old offers her spectacular breasts to him while his wife is still in the other room with her black bull. "Am I in a dream?"

"Hang on," Justin said before he reached for his drink and guzzled it down. In spite of how fucked-up he already was, he figured one last dose of liquid courage couldn't hurt. They fell on the bed together and were soon tangled up under the covers. They kissed and petted before Justin took her tits in his hands. He immediately thought to himself that they felt a little bit larger than Abbie's d-cups, but not quite as firm. Nevertheless, they were certainly capable of providing just about any man a lifetime of enjoyment.

Courtney shoved her tongue into Justin's mouth and flicked her stud against his receptive counterpart. Justin had never kissed anyone with a tongue ring, but he immediately understood the allure. He tried to imagine how good it might feel flicking against his balls.

The young blonde's hand slipped down and gripped Justin's raging hard-on. "I see you are still distracted," she giggled into his ear.

"Oh shit, please don't stop doing that..."

Justin dropped his head and took one of Courtney's hard nipples between his lips. After sucking and biting it to her delight, he moved to the other one. As he did so he noticed a small tattoo on her breast. It had the initials "BP" on it with a small female horse head beneath. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but what does the tat represent? An old boyfriend or something?"

Courtney smiled, "No it's for a place called The Bullpen."

Suddenly Abbie's conversation with Brie resonated in his mind. He remembered Brie talking about Amber and the other "fillies". The horse head made perfect sense, Nick was an active recruiter and Courtney fit the bill as Brie described—young, hot, and fuckable.

"So I know a little about that place from a conversation Abbie had with her friend Brie."

Courtney smiled widely, "You guys know Brie and her husband Dave?"

"Yeah, she and Abbie have mutual friends."

"That's awesome, I was just with them last week at the Pen. They're great!"

Justin suspected what she meant by with them, but instead of probing directly he asked, "So are you a filly there?"

"Yes, Nick invited me last year and I've been loving it ever since. You know about fillies too?"

"Just what Brie told us. I understand one of our former divers Amber Tisdale is one in New York."

"That's what Nick said, I haven't met her, but I heard she's totally hot. I can't wait to, hopefully soon! Anyway, you and your wife obviously love the cuckold scene, have you guys thought about joining the Pen?"

"Oh I don't know, we just learned about it recently. I'm not sure we are ready for anything like that." Justin answered cautiously.

"You should, you guys will love it! The bulls are amazing and based on what Nick has told me about Abbie, she would be quite popular. It would blow your mind too Justin!"

"There's so much to consider, I'm sure we'll talk more about it soon."

Justin had no idea that conversation would begin the following morning.

With plenty of liquid courage coursing through his veins, Justin asked, "So speaking of blowing, what do you say you show me how that tongue ring feels?" He asked with a nervous laugh while lifting the covers.

Courtney giggled, "I can't really do that, but how about if I use my hand some more," she grinned mischievously as she stretched his briefs over his hard cock and pushed them down past his thighs. She gripped his cock and stroked, "So tell me, how was it seeing your wife and Nick for the first time?"


"Yeah? I bet! Nick told me about Tahoe and the time before. It sounded really hot!"

"What did he say?"

"He said your wife loved every second of it, she couldn't get enough! He said it surprised him a little bit because she started off pretty naïve, but before long she turned into a dirty little bird!" Courtney laughed. "Nick has a way of bringing that out in women!"

"Dirty little bird? Like what did he say?"

"Oh I'm sure she told you all this stuff...the handcuffs, IR porn, was all her idea."

"Yeah, I heard about those things, I was surprised she got that wild!" Justin answered, comfortable he knew all the details and suddenly thinking this young girl didn't really know what constituted dirty.

"Oh then she must have told you the other stuff too..." Courtney asked before she sucked on one of his nipples while still stroking his cock.

"I think I have a good sense of what went down...Mmm...that feels good!" Justin grunted now moving his own hand from her luscious tit towards her pussy. Before it reached, Courtney grabbed his wrist, "Let's not go there right now, play with my boobs some more."

The move surprised Justin, but he figured she just needed more time to loosen up.

Courtney then hit him with both barrels. "Yeah, Nick said your wife really gets off on his fingers and tongue in her ass! But what surprised him the most was how much she loved returning the favor!"

Justin stopped squeezing Courtney's tits, "Wait...did you say my wife...uh Abbie...licked Nick's ass?"

"Yeah, it even surprised him a little! He said she really got into it!" Courtney divulged before she laughed.

"What's so funny?" Justin asked, surprise still in his voice.

"Oh I don't know. I think it's kind of a black man thing, all the ones I've met really love that rimming shit. I know it's one of Nick's favorite things!" She giggled again.

"I really can't see my wife doing that..."

"Has she never done it for you?"

Justin hesitated, deep in thought, "Not until this past weekend, I thought it was just a special birthday surprise..."

Courtney cleared her voice, "Well then I think you have Nick Thomas to thank for that Justin. Who do you think taught her?"

The hot blonde could see a look of realization form on Justin's face, "...yeah...uh yeah...I guess I do have him to thank for that."

The young blonde had learned that Pen wives rimming of black men was one of the taboos that many cuck husband's struggled to come to grips with. Nevertheless, all bulls insisted on it, regardless if the husband's ever found out or approved.

As Justin's awkward response hung in the air, they both heard a loud slap followed by a pleasurable squeal. Moments later they heard another one. Courtney kept stroking Justin's cock. "Sounds like they're onto round three!"

"Yeah, it does..." Justin answered absently, trying his best to listen for further confirmation.

It came moments later with another slap and a moan. "I think he's doing her doggy, the young blonde surmised, "Nick said it's her favorite position. She loves it when he spanks her ass while he fucks her from behind!"

"I have to go see!" Justin blurted as he hurriedly pulled the covers back.

"Wait, I'll go with you, but don't go running in there and distract them, it'll be hotter If we watch from the doorway."

The unmistakable sounds of a****l sex grew louder as they headed down the hallway. Justin's heart beat rapidly as his wife's cries of passion intensified. The door to the master bedroom was partially closed but not so much they didn't have an unobstructed view of the bed when they peered in. The scene that awaited them was something right out of the hottest interracial porn flick Justin could imagine—but in this porno, his wife was one of the stars.

"Feels good don't it slut?" Nick growled as he pounded away.

"Uhn...uhn...fuck me Nick...yeah...your big cock feels so good! Spank me again!"

The muscled black man spanked her tight bubble ass with his right hand as he railed into her doggy style in the middle of the bed. His huge cock pistoned out of her at a breakneck pace as his oversized nuts banged off her toned thighs.

Abbie was on her knees and elbows with her spectacular ass raised to the perfect height for Nick's onslaught. Her sexy tits jiggled with each thrust of his onyx pole. A large handful of her thick dark hair filled Nick's left paw, pulling her head backwards as an unending litany of moans and grunts escaped her pursed lips.


Courtney's small hand slipped down and gripped Justin's cock as he watched, mouth agape. She stroked it lightly and whispered in his ear, "Fuck Justin...your wife is so hot! Nick said she was, but I had no idea she looked like that! No wonder he loves fucking her so much!"

Justin stared back at her and nodded. His mind was ablaze with aroused thoughts of validation for all the times he had imagined his beautiful wife and their muscular diving protégé engaging in the kind of fervent sex they were at this moment—his wife representing the perfect fare-skinned feminine specimen and Nick Thomas the unyielding dark alpha male.

"God they look good together..." Courtney breathed erotically into Justin's ear as she stroked him more urgently.

"Oh yes Nick don't stop!" Abbie cried out.

"Tell me, how is it compared to Coach Justin's dick?"

"Oh god, big..."

"What do you mean? Much bigger?" Nick growled.

"Oh yeah, so much bigger! He could never make me feel like this!"

Justin watched and listened in amazement. His wife's guilty admission only a source for further arousal.

"You gonna cum on this big nigger dick again slut?" Nick questioned lewdly before jamming his middle finger in his mouth.

"Oh god, yes Nick you're gonna make me cum again! I love it...uhn...yeah!"

"Tell me...tell me what your tight married pussy is gonna cream all over!" Nick growled as he slid his slick finger over her asshole.

"Yeah, that feels good! I love everything—especially your big black cock! I'm gonna cum all over your huge nigger dick again!"

Justin watched and listened in disbelief. Had his wife really just used the words, "huge nigger dick?"

"See if this helps slut!" Nick shouted as he shoved his slippery digit in her tight puckered hole.

"OHH GAAAWWWDDD, THAT'S IT! I'm gonna cum Nick...You're making me cum fucking good...yeah...FFFUUUCCCKKK MEEEE!" Abbie's entire body went stiff before an explosion of sex fluid erupted between her legs.

At the same time Justin's load dumped from his rigid cock onto the hardwood floor in the hallway.

They watched as Abbie collapsed onto the bed face first. After a momentary pause, Justin and Courtney shared a bout of hushed laughter. They quietly made their way back to the spare bedroom. In spite of the excitement, after all the booze Justin had consumed over the past several hours and now having busted a second nut, he basically passed out the minute his head hit the pillow.


He awoke several hours later with a pounding head and desert-dry mouth. He glanced over at the clock—it read 3:17 a.m. He instinctively reached across, but he found no one in the bed next to him. It took him a moment to recall that the young blonde hottie from the brewery had been lying next to him when he undoubtedly passed out. The groggy dive coach reasoned that she must have headed home, certain that he was done for the night. As he lay there, Justin tried to clear his head of the proverbial cobwebs caused by a long night of partying and sex play.

His thoughts turned to Abbie and the final sexual crescendo he'd witnessed between her and Nick. He wondered if Nick had left following that climax, likely taking Courtney with him when he did. As he started to get out of bed, he caught a whiff of something foreign to he and Abbie's home. "That smells like marijuana..."

It was a warm night in Sacramento, Justin automatically assumed the skunky smell had wafted through the windows from the neighbor's backyard.

But as he exited the guest room and with every step he took, the unmistakable scent grew stronger and stronger. He began to wonder what in the hell was going on. When he came around the corner, he could see a dim glow illuminating from the still partially open door of his room, hazy smoke filled the air...then he heard the sounds.

"Fuck yeah, that shit is still tight, but it's finally opening up!" The deep voice confirmed Nick Thomas had not yet departed.

"I think that weed loosened her up...yeah baby right there...uhn...yeah...lick it!" Justin now realized that Courtney likely hadn't left either. He was pretty certain the female voice he'd just heard was hers. In spite of his aching head, his heart beat fast in his chest. He was excited at the possibilities, but completely unprepared for what he would see when he finally peered into his room.

When he did, his beautiful wife was still on her knees and elbows on the bed. She was also still completely naked and her fantastic tits bounded forward and back as their black protégé pounded her from behind.

However, unlike Justin's previous viewing, two things were dramatically different now. The first—while Nick Thomas was still pummeling roughly into Abbie from behind, this time his glistening black cock was pounding away in his wife's formerly virgin ass. The second—instead of Abbie's face being buried in the bed sheets, it was buried between the legs of the hot 22-year-old brewery server who only a few hours previously had shared a bed with him.

"Pound her ass Nicky, she's finally getting used to it, aren't you baby?" Courtney gushed with gritted teeth, legs spread wide, and fingers imbedded in Abbie's thick hair.

"So big..." Abbie grunted. "It still hurts...but a little bit better. So much's so deep...agh...agh"

"Give her another hit of that Sour Diesel—that shit is finally loosening up her tight hole!" Nick growled.

"Now? Her tongue just found my clit...uhn...yeah...lick it baby!"

"Yes now!" He ordered.

Justin watched as Courtney reached across to his nightstand and pulled a half-smoked joint and a lighter from one of him and Abbie's kitchen bowls. She sparked the blunt until it glowed cherry red. She held her breath for several seconds before puffing a cloud of smoke into their bedroom.

In spite of all the other visual images overwhelming Justin's senses at the moment, watching the weed cloud billow into his bedroom made him cringe.

But he immediately forgot all about what he'd just seen when his beautiful wife lifted her mouth from the hot 22-year-old's pussy and took a hit from a marijuana joint that Courtney held to her lips. The young girl giggled, "That's it baby, when you're ready, blow it on my kitty!"

"Give me another hit of that fine shit too!" Nick grunted, all the while keeping up his unrelenting pounding of Abbie's obscenely stretched rectum. "Damn this shit feels good, I've wanted in this ass for as long as I can remember!"

Courtney handed him the spliff and just as he inhaled deeply, Abbie released her intake against Courtney's pussy and followed it with a playful, "Meow..."

Courtney and Abbie busted up in an obviously baked response. The laughing made Nick lose his concentration and his hit came seeping from his lips before he totally lost it and joined the two of them in a fit of stoned hilarity.

Once they finally stopped, Nick directed, "Coach climb up on top her face with your head between her legs."

Justin watched as Nick expertly guided the girls into a sixty-nine as he positioned himself behind Abbie's hot ass again. The dive coach could see large red marks on his wife's curvy bubble cheeks where he'd seen Nick spank her earlier. Large amounts of lubricant mixed with Nick's pre-cum oozed from her gaped asshole.

Justin contemplated entering the room, but something about the voyeuristic component turned him on. The stealth behavior had never been part of his fantasies, but this was all new territory. How could he possibly know how he would react to seeing his beautiful wife getting fucked in the ass by a huge black cock while she ate pussy for the first time? He reached down and started rubbing his dick again.

"How's that pussy taste coach?" Nick barked as he rubbed the head of his fat cock up and down Abbie's crack from her asshole to her dripping pussy.

"MMMmmm" she answered without lifting her head.

Justin was thankful that Nick had positioned them on the bed such that he could see all the action from the side. He jacked himself off more urgently now as he watched Abbie's tongue flick across Courtney's clit. She didn't look like a first timer.

"Uh huh, eat my pussy baby!" Courtney encouraged. "Damn, this married bitch is a natural Nick...uhn...fuck yeah!"

"Oh is that right Court, well after you taste her ass, why don't you show her what that tongue stud of yours can do!" Nick challenged as he brought his fat head to the beer server's lips and pushed it inside. "Suck her married ass from my cock slut!"

Abbie's own thoughts were a blurred mess. Never in her wildest dreams had she expected Justin to invite Nick to the house after what had happened the previous weekend. She had no idea that he'd learned about her sex with Nick and that he'd used that knowledge to set up tonight's rendezvous with him.

Her recollection then focused on when Justin had watched and even participated when she'd deep throated Nick and then watched nearby when he fucked her to multiple squirting cums. Yet in spite of her wild sex with Nick, she was apprehensive when Justin went to the other room with Courtney. But her concerns were eventually allayed when Nick convinced her that the two of them wouldn't be doing anything more than touching and kissing. Meanwhile he and his delicious cock had reignited her to the point of begging. Nick proceeded to give her the doggy pounding she had pleaded for. She was guiltily thankful that Justin hadn't been there to witness her sluttish actions (at least that she was aware).

Now as she knelt on her hands and knees straddling Courtney's beautiful body, countless thoughts coursed through her. "What's Justin going to think when he learns I had lesbian and anal sex for the first time? How am I going to tell him that after I finally got used to Nick's size, I really started loving the way it felt with his big cock in my butt? And that once the initial apprehension went away with Courtney, I got so excited at how it felt to do oral on her?"

Just as Abbie processed those thoughts, she felt Nick's fat cock push against her asshole and Courtney's tongue ring diddle her clit again. She moaned out loud then excitedly dropped her head between the young blonde's legs.

Justin stroked his cock frantically as the unfathomable scene played out on his marital bed.

Nick picked up where he'd left off and started fucking Abbie hard in the ass. It wasn't long before rapturous sounds of pleasure cascaded from her throat as the two youngsters performed their special talents on her.

"Yeah, how's that shit feel now coach? How you like her ring on your clit?"

"MMMmmm...sooo feels so good! Her tongue is amazing!"

"How bout' your ass? You all done cryin' and shit?" Nick challenged as his glistening cock pistoned in and out of his former coach's ass.

" still hurts, but not like before. I'm...I'm...starting it...uhn...uhn..."

A proud smile came to Nick's face. "Another white convert..." With that, he pulled his fat dick from her stretched hole. It remained fully dilated as he rubbed his thumb over the circular opening. Abbie grunted her approval.

Justin couldn't believe he was actually witnessing Abbie having anal sex. Never in his wildest fantasies had he expected this. Over the course of their marriage she had always shut him down at even the slightest mention of it. And now here she was getting it hard from a black cock that most women would struggle to take in their appropriate anatomy.

Justin then watched with wide eyes as Nick let a long saliva stream spill from his lips and land inside Abbie's dilated hole. And then as if to distribute it properly, he gripped his big cock, slapped her sphincter several times, and shoved it back inside to finish the job.

Abbie squealed in pleasure and pain.

It didn't take long before she began feeling an orgasm building from an unfamiliar place deep in her body. The foreign pleasurable sensations being delivered by her two young sex partners racked her overwhelmed body to the point she could no longer concentrate on her efforts. Her head tilted backwards, Courtney's pussy juice spilling down her chin as constant whimpers seeped from her lips.

"You make me feel sooo good! Plllllleeeeease don't stop! Oh yeah, lick me Courtneeeyyyy! YESSSS LIKE THAT! Oh guys are going to make me go again!"

"You want my seed in your ass slut!"

"God YES Nick, cum in me—I want to feel it shoot inside! You need to do it fast...I'm almost there!"

Justin watched, completely enthralled as Nick pumped into her more aggressively, wet sounds filled the room.

Nick gripped his wife's sexy hips and held her rigid as his entire body flexed. The young black man roared as he exploded inside his former coach's virgin ass.

Abbie could feel the sensation as countless ropes of Nick's hot cum painted her rectal cavity and pushed her over the edge. She shrieked as her ejaculation splattered messily all over Courtney's pretty face. The coed did her best to lap up, but she got nearly asphyxiated from the messy outburst.

And then the poor girl experienced a second wave when Nick pulled his viper from Abbie's ass and a viscous creampie oozed down the married coach's slippery pussy lips and squashed thickly on the young girl's face.

After a long moment of incredulity Courtney joked, "Damn, somebody throw me a frickin' life preserver down here!"

Nick erupted in laughter immediately, moments later after catching her breath, Abbie did too.

Meanwhile, Justin stared down at his newest mess on the hardware floor. His hand was coated too. Again he contemplated heading into his room to join them, but something pulled him in the other direction. He wandered out to the kitchen, cleaned himself up, poured a big glass of ice water and stumbled back to the guest room.


The following morning Justin woke with a pounding head. He looked to his side and wasn't surprised when the bed was empty next to him. He crawled from the bed, took a long piss and made his way out to the main room. The house was quiet.

Justin refilled his water cup and downed several Tylenol before returning to the living room. He stole a glance out the sheared d****ries and observed Nick's Mustang parked in the driveway—he wasn't surprised. Justin wondered what his neighbors would think seeing a foreign car in the driveway, especially if any of them had seen a black man enter the previous night.

No other cars were visible, making Justin question whether Courtney was still around. "Shit, for all I know, she might have Ubered over here." After what he'd witnessed in the middle of the night, he suspected all three of them were probably still tangled up in his bed.

The dive coach crashed down on the couch and turned on the tube. It was opening day of the NFL season, perfect for vegging on the couch all day if necessary. Justin wasn't the least bit sure what else this day might bring.

Justin's thoughts turned to the events of the previous night. He had looked forward to that experience for such a long time—finally seeing Nick and Abbie together had turned out to be everything he hoped...and more. Later seeing his conservative wife in an anal threesome was unthinkable, but his arousal at the experience was nothing short of exhilarating. "Oh my god, she was actually eating pussy while he fucked her in the ass with that...that fucking tree branch!" Justin rubbed his cock through his shorts as he contemplated where in the world this craziness would take them moving forward.

Just then he heard a door handle turn and the sound of squeaky hinges. Oddly enough with all the other much more important things on his mind, Justin reminded himself that he needed to oil the hinges on their master bedroom door.

Moments later Abbie came around the corner barefoot and dressed in one of his tee-shirts. The oversized top covered her shapely hips but not much else. Her tanned thighs looked incredibly sexy peaking from underneath and her big braless tits jiggled enticingly as she moved. Her hair was a tangled mess. But despite her obvious exhaustion, Justin still observed an unmistakable radiance emanating from his gorgeous wife.

Nick Thomas walked not far behind, dressed in only his sweat pants. His muscle shirt was d****d over his arm, exposing his tatted torso. Justin waited to see if Courtney appeared. When she didn't he asked, "Anyone else coming out of there?"

"Nah she bailed early this morning," Nick answered casually.

Justin and Abbie made immediate eye contact. Her bloodshot eyes looked hazy and languid. A small knowing smile formed on her lips. "Honey, before I forget, there's something sticky on the floor outside our room, we need to remember to clean it up today."

Justin returned her gaze, his own guilty smile forming, "Oh, is that right? Maybe I spilled some of the drinks last night..."

"Yeah maybe that was it..." Abbie answered, fighting back a giggle but grinning nonetheless.

She came over and sat next to him on the couch. She gave him a wet kiss on the lips. Nick parked himself in the Lazy-boy facing them as Justin muted the sound on the TV.

"How are you doing today?" Abbie asked cautiously.

"I'm a little rough around the edges, but not too bad considering how much I drank." Justin answered with a sheepish grin before he asked "Long night?"

Abbie looked over at Nick and then back at him, "Yeah, I think you could say that."

"Well, obviously that was something else last night. I think it's safe to say this relationship has moved to another dimension. We all know we could sit here all morning beating around the bush, so I'll just get it out on the table, where do we go from here?"

There was a long pause before Nick answered, "Well coach, as I was just saying to Ab...uh your wife, in the bedroom, this has been an incredible experience...even beyond what I could imagine. Getting that scholarship from you guys and then learning all I did from y'all the past couple of years—I can't thank either of you enough."

They both nodded back proudly.

Nick continued, "And on top of that, what has gone on between us these past three months has been a hell of a lot of fun. But I have to say, we can't do this anymore unless...unless you guys are interested in making a more active commitment."

Abbie and Justin both immediately thought back to Abbie's conversation with Brie when Nick had given her an ultimatum that if she wanted to continue fucking him, she and Dave would have to join The Bullpen.

"Active commitment?" Justin asked, likely already knowing the answer but asking anyway.

"I think you guys know that I belong to a group called The Bullpen. As part of my participation in that organization, I am discouraged from engaging in sexual relationships with committed couples unless those folks agree to join."

"But..." Justin started to ask before Nick cut him off.

"I obviously trust you guys. We've known each other for a long time now, but it's just policy. The Pen gives each of us protection in case anything gets crazy. I obviously can't imagine that happening with you guys, but sometimes people change."

Justin and Abbie looked at one another. Justin was hearing these details for the first time, Nick had already told Abbie all this in bed.

Nick continued, "If you guys choose to decline, I will completely understand and will do my job at the university and as your assistant coach without any lingering feelings. It will all just be an awesome memory that the three of us will share without anyone else, except Courtney, knowing about it."

Neither Justin or Abbie could believe how Nick could discuss this so matter-of-factly without even a hint of emotion as to what had transpired over the past three years or in their bedroom only hours before.

Nick spoke again, "Obviously you don't have to make any decisions without giving it a lot more thought. You know how to get a hold of me if you have questions about The Pen. I encourage you to reach out to your friends Brie and Dave, I think they would tell you it's one of the best things they've ever done. And knowing the two of you the way I do, I think it would be for you too!" He finished while staring at Abbie.

With that he stood up and walked towards the door. The Dawson's followed. Their former protégé shook Justin's hand before giving Abbie a lingering kiss on the lips. He walked out of the house and was soon driving away.

Justin and Abbie made their way back to the couch in stunned silence before he spoke, "Well I guess we have a lot to talk about."

"Yeah, let me get some water first." Abbie answered before making her way to the kitchen.

When she returned, she sat down next to him on the sofa. They stared at each other for several seconds before Justin leaned in and gave her a kiss. "I love you Abbie!" As they connected, Justin's thoughts wandered to Abbie's succulent lips and all they had come in contact with in the past 12 hours: Nick's cock, his semen, Courtney's pussy, cannabis, and who knows what else...

"I love you too Justin," his beautiful wife volunteered, a touch of relief in her voice.

"Let's not talk about Nick's offer yet, I'd like to discuss how we got to this point—what do you think?"

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea."

"First I would like to say, that I am sorry that I didn't tell you sooner that I had arrived in Tahoe early..."

"No Justin, that wouldn't have mattered if I had just told you right away when I saw you..."

"On second thought babe," Justin interrupted, "let's not rehash Tahoe or how we got to last night's situation. We can talk about those things later. What I want, and assume you do too, is to discuss last night and what we want to do moving forward."

Abbie nodded her head cautiously.

"I will start off by saying that I did set things up with Nick, but I want to make it very clear I did not know anything about Courtney. That was all on Nick!"

"Yes, he assured me of that..."

"It's important to me that you knew that, we can talk about her later."

Abbie nodded again.

"Okay, now that that's out of the way, I want you to know that last night represented everything I've fantasized about for a long time. Being in the room with you and Nick, seeing and hearing him pleasure you, watching you climax together was...I can't describe it as anything other than...incredible!"

"Are you sure? I didn't know how you would feel actually witnessing know...together?"

"I had to keep reminding myself, this was the same guy that we had trained in the pool for the past few years, the guy with the huge bulge in his Speedo and now there he was taking control of your gorgeous body. I was so turned on watching him do all those things to you."

"It didn't make you uncomfortable?"

"Slightly at times, but absolutely not for the most part. It was exhilarating honey. I was so aroused witnessing your reactions, but now what I really want, is to hear in your words how it made you feel!"

"Jeez Justin, are you sure? You obviously heard some of it already..."

The dive coach nodded assuredly, "Absolutely babe!"

"God, he just does...does something to me. I never thought about wanting it like that, but after you...I mean we...started talking about it and then watching more of, I guess I started wondering what it would be like."

"You mean about having sex with a guy with a really big dick?"

"...yes, I guess."

"Well he certainly has that. Do you think it turns you on more that he is black?"

"No...I mean...maybe. Well, I guess..."

"It does doesn't it Abbie!"

She stared into his eyes, "Yes, I love how it makes me feel and I guess the taboo aspect adds to my feelings...when he stretches me with that...uh thing...and when it touches me in places I've never just feels sooo good Justin. It's hard to put into words..."

"But it's more than that, isn't it Ab? You seem to get off on how he talks to you and all the things he does. I can tell you love it when he talks like that to you. Like dirty...and when he calls you his...uh...slut...and when he spanks you and stuff."

"Oh god Justin, it's hard to talk to you about just makes me feel so different than when I'm with you. When you and I make love, all the feelings of intimacy and love bring me satisfaction in ways that I could never achieve with anyone else..."

"But with him...?"

"When I'm with him, I desire something different. It feels almost a****listic. I guess you could say I like being submissive and when he takes control, my body just reacts in ways I never imagined."

"It's not just your body Ab, obviously your mind does too! Like I said, you obviously love it when he talks to you like that and directs you to do things you've never done before!"

"God, as we sit here now, I feel guilty about it honey. But when it's happening...when I'm in the moment...I get so excited and I can't say no...I don't even want to!"

Justin peered down at his tenting shorts. Abbie followed his gaze and noticed it too.

"I guess you like hearing about it..." she smiled mischievously before reaching down and gripping his cock.

"Almost as much as I liked watching it...go slow." He urged as he adjusted his sitting position. "So speaking of your actions, you did some things last night I assume you hadn't before?"

Abbie's eyes dropped in acknowledgement, " Like I said, when I'm in the moment, I can't...uh...can't say 'no'."

Justin grinned, "The house has a detectable scent this morning from one of those activities..."

"Jeez honey, that was so crazy. I felt like I was back in college again when that that stuff out. My first reaction was 'no way', but then with a little encouragement I decided it would be kinda fun..."

"Was it?"

"Um...yes. I got sooo stoned Justin." Abbie giggled nervously. "That was different...different from what I remember."

"Like how?"

"In college, it seemed like the few times I smoked pot, I always just wanted to go sit in the corner. That stuff last night...Nick called it something I don't remember, made me horny." Abbie admitted sheepishly as she stroked his cock more urgently.

"Whoa babe," Justin reached down and slowed her pace, "I'm not gonna last long if you do that. Sour Diesel is what he called it."

"Yeah that's it...wait how do you know that?" She asked, confused.

"Remember the sticky floor in the hallway outside our room...I...uh...woke up and watched the three of you from beyond the doorway."

"Oh my god...then you saw..."

"EVERYTHING!" He confirmed.

"...jeez Justin, you're not mad I hope? I was going to tell you, but I wasn't sure how you would react."

"Relax honey...yes I'm okay, I was naturally very surprised, but it was so hot I didn't want to interrupt and change anything. I wanted to see what you would do if you didn't know I was watching."

Abbie's eyes dropped again before she gazed back up at him. "Obviously, I did a lot."

"Yeah...but as I said, I'm okay. I set most of last night up knowing I was giving Nick...and you...lots of latitude. But like I said before, what I really want is to hear your feelings about it!"

"Which...which part first?" Abbie asked nervously.

"You know the biggest elephant in the room is the...uh...anal...the anal sex. I was amazed you actually did that Abbie!"

"God Justin, me too," she answered apologetically. "I guess the whole experience...the girl...the all just made it seem less...less bad. Nick tried both times before, but I said no. But last night after he touched me there with his fingers and his...god...tongue, I guess I was ready."

"Damn Ab, you never let me go there..."

"I know honey, but like I said before he just does something to me..."

"God Abbie, did it hurt to have that big thing go in...there?"

Abbie's eyes widened, "Yes, so much at first! I was like crying and begging him to go slow."

"Did he?"

Abbie paused. "Kind first, but it didn't feel like it. I mean he said it would be better to not...uh...wait. So after a little while, he pushed it in really deep..."

"What did you do?"

"What do you think...I screamed? I wonder if that's what woke you up?"

"I don't think so because by the time I saw, you seemed to be enjoying it. Jeez Ab, I still can't believe what I watched."

"I know...are you sure you aren't mad?"

"No...uh...just surprised more than anything. So what happened after that?"

Abbie took a big drink of her water before continuing. "It still hurt, but then she started doing things to me and they convinced me to smoke more of that Diesel stuff. After a while, I got more used to it and then..." Abbie paused.

"Then what babe?"

"I...I...actually started liking it Justin. It was a different feeling than anything I've ever felt, but he said I would get used to it and then love it. I can't say I loved it, but it wasn't like I thought it would be..."

"How did he possibly think you would love it?"

The guilty look returned to Abbie's face. "I guess because I really liked the other things he did there..."

"You mean like his fingers and tongue?"

Abbie nodded sheepishly.

"God Ab, speaking of that, Courtney told me you...uh...did that to him too!"

Abbie stared blankly at her husband. "I...uh...yes...I...did honey."

"Wow, how did you...I mean, what caused you to...your tongue..."

Knowing he was having trouble getting the words out, Abbie spoke, "...Justin it's hard to explain, but he was doing so many things to make me feel good that when he told...uh to do it, I didn't want to disappoint him."

"So when you did it to me in Tahoe...?"

Abbie's guilty look reappeared. "Yes, he had already taught me what to do and how he liked it..."

Justin gulped as he tried to digest what his wife had just said. Still amazed at her admission, he decided to switch gears. "So what about her? When did Courtney come into the room?"

"It was late. She said you fell asleep after you guys...uh...watched me and Nick from the hallway. She said you didn't do anything more together...but I didn't really believe her."

"She was basically telling the truth." Justin replied dejectedly. "I tried, but besides kissing and letting me play with her boobs, she wouldn't really let me do anything else."

"Oh...huh?" Abbie answered, surprised after what she and the coed did together later.

"I mean she used her hand in the hallway when we watched you guys, but not her mouth." Justin clarified. "So finish what you were saying about when she came in..."

"...well when she came in Nick had her approach the bed and he told her to take off her clothes"

"What were you doing?"

"I was trying know...get him hard again."

"With your hand?"

Abbie nodded embarrassingly. "And my...mouth."

"Wow, you were sucking his cock again?" Justin asked rhetorically. "So did she do it? Did she strip?"

Abbie nodded. "My job got a lot easier after she took off her shirt and slipped her panties down her legs."

"She did? Fuck, she wouldn't do that for me..."

"Hmm...that's weird, I think maybe it was one of those Bullpen things honey...but pretty excited to do it in our room."

Justin's annoyance dissipated. "She looked pretty hot naked didn't she?"

Abbie bit her lower lip and nodded while smiling mischievously.

His wife's sexy look turned Justin on. "Ab, will you suck me while you tell me the rest?"

Her eyes flashed before she nodded quickly. She hurriedly assisted in removing his shorts. Moments later his stiff cock was deep in her mouth. "Aaagghh Abbie, damn that feels good!"

For the next minute Justin reveled in the amazing transformation his previously reticent wife had made when it came to sucking cock. She had had lots of practice in the past week.

"Mmm Ab that feels so good, so what happened after she got naked?"

Abbie let him slip from between her lips and stroked it in long slow strokes. "Umm...Nick climbed between us on the bed and we took turns on him...actually...we didn't really take turns, we did it at the same time." She answered before taking Justin back in her mouth.

"And you kissed?"

"Our tongues were working side by side and eventually they touched. Everything was so wet. Then our lips, and mouths, and fingers, and tongues all just sort of melted together around it."

"Around his cock?"

"Uh huh...and know...big balls."

"Shit Ab, that is so hot! So what was it like kissing another woman, especially with Nick's cock right there?"

"Surreal honey...but...for whatever reason, it felt more natural than I thought it would. Maybe it was the alcohol or what else we were doing, but I wasn't really nervous. She obviously had done it before, so I guess she made me feel kind of comfortable."

"So you had thought about it before last night? Being with a woman I mean..."

"I guess after seeing so many girls do it in those movies I was kind Are you mad?"

"No honey, next to watching you with Nick, seeing you with another woman was my next biggest fantasy! When I saw the three of you together on the bed I almost came without touching myself."

"But you didn't come in?"

"No, like I said before, I wanted to see what you would do, but also, there was something about the voyeuristic part of it that really turned me on. Of course as part of that, I saw you do more with her than just kiss?"

Abbie continued to stroke him in slow wet strokes. "God Justin, after we played together with him, Courtney pulled out that marijuana. I said 'no' a couple of times but they finally talked me into it. And then, like I told you, I got so excited. Before long she pushed my legs open and on me. Justin, it felt sooo good!"

"Her tongue ring?"

"Jeez honey, amazing!"

"Did you cum?"

Abbie dropped her eyes in embarrassment before looking back at him. "Twice..."

"Oh shit Ab, that is so hot. Then what happened?"

"Nick said it was only fair that I return the favor..."


"I did it." Abbie smiled naughtily.

"When I watched you guys later, she said you were a natural...I assume you must have liked it?" Justin asked with a wide grin on his face.

"Oh Justin, I couldn't believe it was happening. I don't...I mean...I'm not sure what was...uh...going through my mind. I just tried to do what feels good for me...and...I guess she liked it."

"Did she cum?"

Abbie nodded with a tight naughty grin.

"Oh shit Abbie! I am so turned on right now! Please take me back in your..."

Before he could get the words out, his hot wife took his cock back in her mouth. Abbie sucked him like the slut she had become for Nick. She played with his balls and stopped only long enough to encourage him to cum in her mouth.

It didn't take long, Justin's load spewed into the back of his wife's mouth moments later. She swallowed without spilling a drop.

After Justin finally caught his breath, he told her he loved her. "Oh my god Ab, that was incredible! I guess the only thing to talk about now is what we want to do about Nick's offer!"

Abbie nodded, not wanting to be the one to talk first.

"So what do you think, do you want to take the plunge?"

"Oh god Justin, the whole thing is even crazy to talk about. Only a few months ago, I could never imagine us discussing something like this. Actually I still can't for that matter. There are just so many reasons why it doesn't make any sense."

Justin sat and nodded, showing no real emotion.

"What do you think?" Abbie finally asked impatiently. "You don't think we should consider it do you?"

"Hell if I know honey. I feel just like you, I suspect. It seems crazy to consider, I mean the idea of joining a club of black men who want to have sex with my wife, is kind of beyond my comprehensions..."

"Yes you're right honey it's a crazy idea. We should just tell him we aren't interested and the whole thing needs to be forgotten about..." Abbie responded abruptly, but after a long uncomfortable pause she spoke again. "Right?"

"I don't know if it's quite that easy Ab. I mean he does work with you and he is our assistant coach now..."

"Yeah, but I can just tell him we made another mistake, we need to prioritize our careers, and we aren't interested in this Pen thing!"

Justin stared into her eyes for another unusually long time. "Are you sure honey? We just got done telling each other we experienced one of the most unforgettable nights of sexual satisfaction that either of us has ever dreamed of..."

Abbie could feel her pussy getting wet and her nipples hardening. "Are you saying you want to do this Justin?"

"I'm not saying we should or shouldn't, but I think we need to be honest with ourselves and perhaps do some more research."

" what..." Abbie asked a subtle nervous excitement in her tone.

"First, I think we should get together with Brie and Dave." Justin answered with a devious look in his eyes. "And if we don't get all of our questions answered, maybe we could tell Nick we are having trouble making a decision and we need him to come over for another informational download!"

Abbie stared back with her own naughty grin. "...I'll call Brie tonight!"


One month later

Nick Thomas sat on the opposite side of Carl Jenkins' massive mahogany desk in the large black man's office in downtown Sacramento. The gold-embossed nameplate parked near the center simply read "BRAHMA". There was an open folder in front of the 43-year-old Bullpen President and CEO. A now familiar topless photo of Abbie Dawson with her tongue pressed dreamily against Nick's rutted black cock lay on top of the rest of the contents in the file.

"Nick my boy, I have to commend your efforts over these past 18 months—your recruiting work has been nothing short of exemplary. There are a lot of black bulls throughout this organization who have you to thank for the significant enhancement of quality pussy in their respective chapters. Whether in the form of mares or fillies, you've recruited a lot of quality white bitches who have gotten to experience what black sexual fulfillment is all about. I can actually speak from recent experience—that young little blonde in New York..." Carl snapped his fingers trying to remember her name...


"Yes Amber...Amber Titsdale!" Carl shouted deeply with a satisfied smile on his face. "MMMmmm...young and tight! Damn son, where did you find that shit?"

Nick grinned, not seeing the need to correct the big boss's mispronunciation of Amber's last name or to answer his rhetorical question.

"Shit, and on top of that, I just got a call from our Miami chapter director telling me about an experience a couple of his bulls had with some horny cuck wife and a little filly you recruited recently...the hot blonde bitch...she works on a cruise line or something..." Carl snapped his fingers again...


"Yeah Kristi! Them bulls couldn't stop talking about all the black ass and white pussy that got eaten at that little beach party!"

They both laughed.

The large black man continued, "But as good as you've done recruiting elsewhere, obviously no chapter has benefitted more than this one right here Nick Thomas. All of these married sluts you've been bangin' like that Brie bitch and this newest filly Courtney have raised the fuckin' bar my brotha. So much so, that I got bulls from around the country asking me to have our next retreat out Sacra-fuckin-mento for fuck sakes! Can you believe that shit?" The CEO bellowed. Laughter ensued.

Carl Jenkins then slid a thick envelope across his desk.

"What's this?"

"Well deserved compensation my son, you keep this shit up and you'll be sittin' in this fuckin' chair in a few years!"

Nick acknowledged the gift with an appreciable nod and a thank you.

"...Which brings me to this right here," Carl spoke as he raised the picture of Abbie—a shit-eating grin immediately forming on his face. "I know you been working on this exquisite specimen for a while son, but your patience really paid off...MMMmmm...that's some fine shit right there!"

"Yeah, I'm pretty tight with her and her husband..."

"I'll say..." Carl grumbled absently as he thumbed through the other photos, stopping on one of Abbie's spectacular ass splayed open with Nick's cock obscenely stretching her previously virgin hole.

Finally the CEO reconnected, "Well again I commend your work son. All the paperwork seems to be in order for the...uh..." He snapped his fingers again...

"Dawson's sir..."

"Uh yeah Dawson's...Yeah we'll get them immersed in our little community here as soon as possible. I'll have Shayla give them a call right away!" With that he stood, shook Nick's hand and walked him to the door.

As soon as he departed, a door on the far side of the room opened and Carl Jenkins' right hand man, Thirteen entered. His real name was Tyrone Rodgers, but ever since his days as an All-pro safety with the Dolphins, he'd been known to his friends as "Thirteen". Most folks who met him assumed the moniker was in reference to the number he wore throughout his football career, but those in his close circles, like Carl Jenkins, were aware that his former teammates had bestowed it upon him in deference to his huge 13" cock.

"So the paperwork is officially in?" Thirteen asked with a wide smile exposing his one large gold tooth in a mouth full of otherwise pearly whites. "Is she as hot as the k** led us to believe?"

Jenkins, now standing back behind his desk picked up the photo of Abbie staring bleary eyed up at the mirrors above the bed while riding Nick's huge cock. "You tell me," the CEO asked as he handed it to his right hand man.

"It looks to me like we may have just gotten a new lead mare here in Sacramento!" Thirteen crowed enthusiastically.

"No my friend...I think The Bullpen may have just found a new Unicorn!"

The end.

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mmmichaelmmm 1 tahun lalu
Excellent story. It took me a while to read it, with all the interruptions 😋 but I loved it. So hot, so realistic, with room fo an epilogue of what happens next. I am sure you could do it justice. Thanks
SicMic64 1 tahun lalu
Great stuff babe 😘😘