My Initiation Into Fantasyland

This past Labor Day I was invited to a party at the home of Pam and Ron. I had heard many wonderful things about these parties but what I had heard did not even begin to describe what actually happen that weekend. Since covid they have toned down the parties that they have twice a year, mostly in the number of guests. I am so grateful that I was invited this year.

Upon arriving at their home Pam hugs me and we kissed for the first time. We have been friends online for a while but this was the first time I had seen her and Ron. Pam is a beautiful lady and Ron is a strikingly handsome man. They are a beautiful couple and their home is magnificent. We chatted and had a few drinks and then Pam said let me show you our home, but first put your hair in a ponytail. I thought it was an unusual request but I did it none the least, and we started walking around. We walked into a large foyer and Pam says this is the downstairs let’s go upstairs. We walk up the stairs and we get to the top, she turns to the right opens a door and says this is the playroom. Renee and Lisa had told me a little about what was about to happen but had not gone into a lot of detail. I did know that there was an initiation process that you had to pass to be a part of the group and I was prepared to do whatever it took. Thanks to Renee I was also aware that were cameras all over the house and that everything was videoed and there were videos available when you left so you could remember your visit to Fantasyland. Pam goes in the room first then turns to me and tells me, “its time for your introduction for the weekend.” I had noticed when she opened the door some chains hanging from the ceiling. I didn’t get a chance to ask about them before she looks me sternly in the eyes and tells me to close the door, and to undress so she can see me naked.
Pam then puts cuffs on my wrist and blindfolds me, . She is totally quiet and I’m not sure what she’s doing. Pam starts kissing me and raises my arms over my head. I’m thinking she’s going to put them around her but in fact she hooks the cuffs to one of the chains above my head. I can hear Pam moving a cart across the room toward me. This is the first time I have experienced anything like this but I have to admit I’m very excited about not knowing what’s next. I ask what is on the tray and Pam tells me some things she will need to make me feel welcome.
Pam is kissing me deeply when I feel a ice cold hand reach for my pussy and I feel something very cold inserted in me. Oh shit it’s an ice cube. As she inserts the Ice cube in me, she puts her hand around my ponytail and kisses me hard. After a long loving kiss she kisses my neck and nibbles at my ears. That tickles and I love her doing it. My pussy is so hot for her it doesn’t take long for the ice to melt and I feel the now not so cold water running down my legs. Pam has now put an ice cube in her mouth as she kisses my neck and down to my breast taking my nipples in her mouth and rubbing them with the ice. I can feel my nipples getting very hard and longer as she sucks them and bites them tenderly. As she is doing this I can tell she’s reaching for something on the cart. I feel something tap my now soaked pussy and can tell it’s a wand. She playfully taps my pussy lips and my clit. It hurts a little at first when she hits my clit but feels so damn good. As she is building my excitement she ask if I’m going to be ready for Ron’s big cock when she’s finished with me. I tell her yes. I need to be fucked so badly right now, I know my pussy is dripping and it’s not from the melting ice. Pam ask me if I’m ready for a sample of what to expect when Ron fucks me. I say yes and she ask how bad do I want a sample. I tell her I am so hot and horny and that I need a cock. She says tell me what you want Stacey. “ please Pam, please let Ron fuck me, I need his cock. I want to feel it in my pussy “. “ what did you say Stacey? Before I can answer I feel a light smack on my ass from a whip. Answer me she says. “ I need cock in my pussy. I want to be fucked. I am so horny, I need some cock.” Then I feel something rubbing my clit, something big and hard. Not a cock but it feels good rubbing my clit as Pam pops my ass again with her whip. I now feel the hard object forcing its way into my pussy, it’s huge and hurts a little at first but at the same time feels so good. Yes yes please fuck my pussy I need some cock. She pushes it deeper and I cum, as I feel a vibrator on my clit. It feels so good as she moves the object (I think it’s a cucumber) up and down in my pussy. Suddenly she stops and removes the cucumber. I want it back, I’m moving my hips trying to find it when I feel another slap on my ass. Do you need something Pam asks. Yes I say I need it back I need it to fuck me. I can’t hear you, as she smacks my ass with her hand this time. I say again that I need it back I need it in my pussy I want to cum. The vibrator comes back to my clit but not the cucumber. I want it so bad, “ please Pam, please fuck me. I want to cum. Suddenly it’s back as it slams into my pussy with one quick thrust. I jump as it hurts but at the same time feels so good, much like a huge cock does. Pam continues to fuck my now soaked pussy with the cucumber and vibrator until I cum so much that I can hardly stand. I guess that’s why she hooked me to the ceiling. Lol.
She stops, moves the cart, and unhooks me, but leaves the blindfold and cuffs on. She leads me to the bed, pushes me to my knees, sits on the bed, and pulls my head between her legs and tells me to eat her wet pussy. I didn’t need her to tell me twice, I have been wanting to taste her pussy for a long time. She is really horny and wants it bad as she pulls my mouth into her pussy. She taste so sweet as I lick and swallow her juices. She moans and I feel like I’m doing a good job as she holds my head tight . As I lick her clit and pussy she cums shaking and falling back on the bed. She lets go of my head and I remove the blindfold and look at her beautiful pussy. I lick the clit as she jumps and says give me a minute. I laugh and say I know the feeling. I crawl on the bed beside her, hold her tight and kiss her. We lay there for a while

After a short nap we shower, dress, and go downstairs. We go to fix us a drink and see Ron sitting there. He asked me what I thought of the upstairs and I replied that everything I saw was absolutely beautiful. Pam and I both laughed. He said well rest a little while and I’ll show you the garage. Pam held my arm and said you will love the garage. I said I’m sure I will but really I had no idea how much I would really love it.

Ron opens the door to the garage and it is filled with all kinds of equipment Most of it was exercise equipment but there were other types there also. I had seen pictures but never the real thing. There were racks of several types and much more. Ron took me over to one and ask “how do you like this one, Stacey?” I said it’s looks interesting, how do you use it? He said remove your clothes and bend over it and I’ll show you. I thought why not, after all this is what I came for, and so I did. Ron removed his clothes at the same time and when he did I saw the biggest white cock I had ever seen. I found out later it is 10” and it’s very thick. Ron reached for me, pulled me to him, and kissed me, kissed my neck and ear lobe while rubbing my breast as my nipples grew hard. Ron puts his hands my shoulders and pushes me to my knees and guides my mouth to his huge cock. His cock is so big I had a hard time getting my mouth around it. I could taste his precum and thought how sweet it tasted. After a few minutes he pulled me up and told me to bend over the bench and hold on to the handles. He then tied my hands to the handles, walked behind me, rubbed his huge cock, up and down my pussy, teasing me. I tried to push back to get his cock in me and I heard him laugh. What is it Stacey, he asked, do you want something? Yes, please, I want your cock. I want you to fuck me. With that he buried his huge cock in me in one quick thrust and fucked me like I haven’t been fucked in a long time. It was wonderful. The only cock I ever had bigger than Ron’s was a black cock in college some years ago. Ron’s cock was exactly what I needed and he knew it. He fucked me so good I never wanted him to stop. But all good things must cum to an end as he erupted in my hot pussy. I could feel his cum running down my legs as he untied my hands. I dropped to my knees again, took his cock in my mouth and sucked our mixed cum from his beautiful cock, as he moaned and held my head. After a few minutes he pulled me to my feet and kissed me and held me tight. I looked over his shoulder and saw Pam standing in the doorway with a big smile on her face. I smiled back as I hold Ron’s cock in my hand.

When we went back in the house Pam asked what I thought of the garage and I said it was great, I loved it.

And just think, the party doesn’t start until tomorrow. That’s when Jerry gets here. I’m so excited, I can hardly wait. Ive heard a lot about him, he’s a black man with at least 11” of beautiful cock.

Day 2

The following morning after breakfast Pam tells me that we are heading to the cabin where the rest of the weekend will spent and also where the party will be. When we get to the cabin Pam shows me around and we sit on the deck and relax. The plan for today is to take the pontoon boat out on the lake, ride around and maybe do a little fishing, but from what I’ve heard it’s more to flash the other fisherman and tease them with our nude bodies. I understand that Jerry will probably be there when we get back. I can’t wait to meet him, because I understand his cock is huge, 11” or better. I hope I’ve heard right because I haven’t had a black cock that big since I was in college. The “crew” arrives and there is a lot of hugging and kissing, I haven’t seen them for a while and I’ve missed them so much. Renee tells me that Pam has us in the same room for the weekend, I’m so happy I hug Pam and Tina and thank them. It’s nice seeing Lisa and Mary again. Hopefully I can find some time to get reacquainted. Renee takes my hand and leads me away from the others. As soon as we get a little ways away she stops, pulls me close and we kiss, a very loving hot I’ve missed you so much kiss. I kiss her back with the same passion. She says follow me and I follow her into the cabin and she goes straight to one of the bedrooms. She closes the door and we kiss again as we walk slowly to the bed. It has been too long since I’ve held her in my arms, she is so warm and beautiful I just love her so much. We lay there holding each other and suddenly Tina beats on the door and says let’s go we’re heading out on the lake. And so we do. We ride around showing all the local fishermen our boobs and shaking our bare asses at them. They all seem to enjoy the show. When we get back we can smell the food being prepared for the meal and party that will take place soon. Ron and a handsome black man, who I assume is Jerry, are sitting on the huge patio drinking and talking. Ron says come here Stacey there’s someone here I want you to meet. He introduces me to Jerry and he hugs me. I almost melt he so big and strong as he pulls me close. I feel something against my stomach (he’s much taller than me) and I think my god can that be his cock it’s huge and he’s not even hard. We all sit around chatting drinking and eating food right off the grill. Jerry is up walking around talking to the other guests, greeting them and giving the women hugs and kisses. Suddenly he takes one of the women by the hand and they disappear. I later find out that is how he picks the order of the women he wants to fuck. We sit there talking and drinking for about an hour and Jerry reappears. He walks over to Renee and takes her hand, whispers something in her ear, and leads her off. As they walk by me Renee takes my hand and says come on with me. We three go through the cabin to Jerry’s room. I am so excited I am already wet thinking about what will soon take place.

As soon as we get in the room Renee turns to me, kisses me, holding me tight and then whispers in my ear “we are going to have so much fun”. Little did I know how true that would be. We walked over to Jerry and he put his arms around both of us. We all kissed as he rubbed our asses and we rubbed his huge cock. Renee took my arm as we both bent to our knees and started licking his cock. It seemed to grow harder and a little longer as we licked his cock while kissing each other at the same time. We were also rubbing each other’s clit while we took turns sucking his cock. Renee took my head in her hands and pushed me hard on his cock trying to push it deep into my throat. I gagged several times with her doing that but I was enjoying the experience very much. And even better was that I did the same to her when it was her turn to suck his cock. She told me to lay across the bed on my back and hang my head over the side of the bed. I knew what was about to happen and I actually reached around and pulled Jerry hips forward as Renee guided his cock into my mouth and down my throat. They were both very gentle as I was allowed time to get used to what was happening. Then I realized Renee was no longer there as I felt her between my legs. Jerry was pumping his cock slowly in and out of my mouth and throat as Renee ate my soaking wet pussy and made me cum over and over. Jerry was guiding her head as she licked me and would hold her away from me when he felt I was ready to cum. I would raise my hips and try to reach for her to pull her back. Between the two of them they held my arms and kept me from grabbing her, while laughing at my attempts to get my pussy in her sweet mouth. I lifted my hips whaling my ass in the air trying to find her face as I wanted to cum so much. All this time I had my biggest cock ever deep in my mouth and throat. I wanted more while experiencing the best and most ecstasy of my life. They finally allowed me cum several times and then it was Renee’s turn as we did the same to her.

Jerry was shoving his cock in her throat as I licked and sucked her soaked pussy. Jerry told her to get up on the bed long ways as he turned me to be between her legs and continue to lick her pussy. He then got behind me and rubbed his cock up and down my wet pussy sliding the head between the lips of my pussy. It felt so good and I wanted more as I wiggled my hips and pushed back, while moaning loudly trying to get more of his cock. Renee has clamped my head in her hands pulling me in to her as she was moaning almost as loudly as I was as Jerry finally slide his cock into me a few inches. He was pumping in and out with perfect rhythm while only allowing me to have a few inches of his cock. Suddenly Renee holds my head really tight and Jerry slams balls deep into my pussy. I screamed loudly from the shock but at the same time it felt so wonderful. Jerry fucked me hard and deep as I came over and over from his huge cock. It felt so wonderful that I never wanted him to stop. But all things cum to an end as Jerry shot the biggest load of cum deep in my pussy that I had ever had. We all collapse on the bed with Renee and I laying on each side of Jerry as we all kiss, hold, and rub each other, resting and all wanting to continue. Before the night was over Renee would have the same experience I just described and the three of us would suck and fuck in almost every position know to man and woman. It was the most memorable night of my life made possible by the love of my life being there with me.

To be continued.
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1 tahun lalu
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awesome story babe ❤️ 
ke Lanacum69 : Thank you.   
Balas Tunjukkan ulasan asal Sembunyi
very detailed erotica!
Love ur stories
Welcum to the crew love.
I can hardly wait for part 2