Taking Care of the Black Caregiver :)

Hello everyone!
Its been a loooong time since a public update, so here goes!
I've been having lots and lots of fun as my good friends on here are aware of...but this time I wanted to share an adventure with all yall!

As some of you know, I moved back home last fall to help take care of an ailing parent. Its been quite surreal sleeping in my old c***dhood room again! And yes, living with my family has DEFINITELY cut into my ability to go and do as I please...and I KNOW YALL KNOW WHAT I MEAN BY THAT! :) I had so much freedom and quite a "stable" back where I previously lived on my own, and it was hard giving all that up...but hey: ya do what ya gotta do for your family, am I right? :)

So I've spent the better part of 2022 hanging out in a hospital, including the last 3 weeks or so straight. Not a very cheery place, especially considering we were on the floor where most of the residents never check out. Kind of a buzz-kill and I have to admit I wasn't feeling quite as 24-7 horny as I usually do.

However...I'm still me. And after awhile my mind started drifting towards carnal things and my body started making demands of me, as it also often does. In fact, one of my friends on here (Hey Bobby!) has suggested that I consider hospitals and/or doctors' offices as places for me to keep an eye out for possible encoutners, since there are usually quite a few black guys around, working or waiting on others. Not that he needed to tell me this, because I ALWAYS have my eye out and am constantly "evaluating" black guys as well as the environment I'm in, scenarios, etc.

And this time, my target was an obvious and easy one :)

The night staff of this facility was at least 75% black and since I was there so much we all became pretty chummy. It was mostly black women, but there was one black guy that had caught my eye. Even when I was distracted by my situation at first, that predatory part of my brain was already noting details about him: his work routine, schedule, his lack of wedding band, his demeanor towards me, etc. There were other potential targets as well, but he was the one easily checking off all the right boxes in my head :)

Deron was not a nurse or didn't appear to have formal medical training. He mostly just delivered stuff: equipment in and out of rooms, transported patients, sometimes brought the food, cleaned, etc. In my mind he is an orderly, but I'm sure he had a much fancier modern job title. The best way I can think to describe his physical appearance would be: dark chocolate hippo! LOL, let me explain: he is chubby but more than that, everything about him seems round. His shaved head was round like a big black bowling ball, he had round chubby cheeks, his jaw was rounded, I swear even his big snaggle teeth were round! All this reminded me of a hippo. I know that's not a very flattering description, but I think it gives you a picture, right?

He was very nice and courteous with his role as caretaker, a very easy person to talk to...he didn't seem all that smart, but that's OK. We spoke pretty reguarly on some of those long nights, along with the rest of the staff too. But like I often do, I was assessing him behind my pleasant smile...thinking about those fat purple lips of his, how they might taste...his big bear paw hands and thick sausage fingers, how they feel on my body...they way his slick shaved head glistened, how it would feel to grasp it to pull his face close to mine...watching his body move and wondering what it might look like naked under those shapeless hospital scrubs. And of course watching his crotch area when me walked, looking to see any "swinging" (swingage?) and wondering what his black dick might look like...and how it might taste...

One morning during his shift change he made a comment about how he couldn't wait to go home and get in the shower...and then I couldnt get that image out of my mind, what it would be like to step into the shower with him, his large dark chocolate body and my petite honey white body against the white tiles, toe to toe and chest to chest as we lathered each other up. In fact, I thought about that while I was taking my next shower myself not long after, rubbing myself and wondering if he had done the same thinking of me? No one was in the house but me, so I got a little loud and actually called out his name while I masturbated.

But I knew I would need more than just the shower spray nozzle against my nipples and pussy!
I continued to collect data on him and began waiting for the right moment.

One evening we had some family friends and church folks visit. After they left, a couple of the nurses asked which one of them was "my man". I told them that I was single and their immediate reaction was "Oh Lord! If someone as pretty as YOU is single, there aint hope for any of us!" We were all laughing and I told them that no, I was happily single by choice, that I enjoyed dating around but just wasn't interested in settling down with just one guy.
And they whole-heartedly agreed with that, saying that sometimes they wish they'd stayed single, too.

And that's when Deron piped up, saying that yeah, he liked being single, too!
And one of his co-workers immediately hit back with: "Shut up, Deron...you single because nobody have yo black ass!"

More laughs and fussing back and forth, and conversations about single life, etc.
The subject of being set up on blind dates came up, and I said that was ANNOYING when people always try to fix me up, and one of the nurses said: "aw, that's too bad...I was about to get your number for my nephew!"

Now, this lady was as black as a coal mine, and I have to assume her nephew was too. In fact, she asked me: "Do you go out with brothas?" I felt my face get warmer and I was suddenly aware of not just their attention to whatever my answer was going to be, but also my father's eyes and ears from across the room!

"Well...I never say never!" I finally stammered. Which didn't really answer the question, did it? :)
I mean, it IMPLIES that I didn't...but it didn't say that EXPLICITLY! ;)

And I was also aware of Deron next to me, who now knew that I was a.) single and b.) Never Said Never! ha ha

So finally...the time arrived.
My dad and I had started taking turns going home for a few hours at a time to get cleaned up, get some rest, new clothes, etc. He had been home all night and was coming in the morning to relieve me. Deron was working his usual overnight shift and I knew thru casual conversation he was getting off at dawn...just about the time that Dad was getting back, so...

I lingered as I was leaving until I spotted Deron with his hoodie and backpack over his scrubs. What a coincidence! wink wink. We walked out together and I asked him if he'd mind walking me to my car? Being a gent, of course he said he would. I could tell he thought I was pretty and I got the feeling he was OK spending a few extra minutes with me. :)

But once we got to my car, the next part of my plan kicked in. I thanked him with a proper handshake, our hands not releasing right away, and then said:

"I have a HUGE favor to ask you, and PLEASE don't be afraid to say NO..."

His eyes widened a little.

"I know its probably out of your way, but is there any way you could follow me to my house to make sure I make it OK?"

THERE! I did it and it was now out there! The wheels were in motion...
I found myself surprisingly nervous and was hoping he didn't notice my hands shaking a little.
Or wait...did I care if he noticed? :)

I began to tell him my excuse of being sleepy and worried about falling asleep driving... but to my delight, he wasn't even worried about "why?", and immediately started nodding his head, saying "yup, yup, sure will, no problem, let me go get my car..." I offered to buy him coffee or breakfast or give him gas money, but he waved me off...

LOL, I couldn't tell if it was just the natural caretaker in him or if he was hoping for something more?
My gut was that it was a bit of the first thing and the fact that he wasn't opposed to doing a favor for a pretty white lady. Even tho I know most guys are constantly playing out little porn scenarios in their minds (heck a lot of us girls do it too LOL), I honestly don't think he thought this was going to be anything more. Yet. :)

Soon his older sedan was following me in Daddy's SUV across town. Luckily it was light traffic the direction we were heading OUT of town (not in), and soon we were creeping down my street. I pulled in my drive and immediately started waving him in...he waved back and started to drive off! NOOOO! I shouted his name and prayed that none of our neighbors were out walking their dogs yet. He looked confused as I waved and directed him to pull into our garage into the empty spot.

"Thank you SO MUCH!" I said in my perkiest white girl voice, reaching into his open window to place my hand on his arm. And that's when I again offered him coffee/breakfast/gas money, etc. But he just smiled and said that wasn't necessary. But...he also wasn't putting his car in reverse to leave, either.

"Look, I hate to ask for anything else since you've already done all this for me..." I said, with an uncomfortable tone as I cut my eyes towards the house. "But...I really don't want to go in there by myself right now...can you check it out for me first?"

Did I mean it like I was SCARED to go into an empty house? Or was I sad, given the circumstances?
I didn't really specify, but my tone and expression kinda implied that it might have been a little of both.

"Course I will, Boo!" he said jovially as he shut the engine off and opened the door. "Aint got nowhere to be!"

LOL, is THAT right? :)
Well, the timing was good for ME, too. As I mentioned, this was my time to be home to rest and recharge.
And since Dad and I were sharing a vehicle to go back and forth, I knew he was stuck at the hospital and I had the house to myself for as long as I needed it. :)

"OH MY GOSH YOU ARE THE BEST!" I exclaimed as I whipped a side hug on him and grabbed his hand to lead him to the entrance from the garage. This time I'm pretty sure he DID see my hands shake as I struggled to get the key in the lock.

We stepped into the laundry room and out of habit I stepped out of my shoes (mom + dad got them rules!) and he immediately did the same. The sight of my size 7 preppy white girl flats next to his gigantic smelly Air Niggas was quite a contrast that made me flutter a little and I have to admit we looked so cozy padding thru the kitchen in our sock feet. :)

Suddenly the surrealness of this situation really kicked in: here was big black-ass Deron from the hospital in the middle of my family's kitchen! In our socks! I was trying my best to read him and I think I saw some excitement...no doubt the part of his brain that played out porn scenarios was talking to him...but he still looked a little apprehensive. And given that I was a well-off white lady and we were alone in our nice house in a very nice neighborhood, while he was a huge blue-collar negro wasn't lost on him. I'm sure he has to be extra careful in scenarios like these. And can I tell you that I REALLY APPRECIATED that part of him! It was reinforcing my gut feeling that he would be discreet...

He kinda looked around the house a little, whistled at how nice it was, and asked me half-jokingly if he needed to do a room-by-room sweep? I playfully swatted at him, leaving my hand on his forearm and said: "well, as long as you're here!"
And then immediately added:
"At least check under my bed!"

Oh my! That just slipped out! I didn't even plan to say that or how it would sound when it came out.

"Oh...they monsters under there?" he asked with a smirk.
"Probably just dust bunnies and maybe some old pantyhose," I said with a wink. "But you never know..."

"Well, shit, I reckon I better go scare 'em off then," he said.
"RIght this way!" I said perkily and grabbed his hand to lead him up the stairs.

Once we entered my room and I caught a glimpse of us in the mirror, yet another wave of pure unreality washed over me. Holy crap, I had a strange black man IN MY c***dHOOD ROOM! Sure I'd fooled around with my high school boyfriend up here and my college fiancee (and one of my little brother's buddies once) back in the day, but this was another matter entirely! Deron seemed so big and black and took up so much space, it really did feel like having a hippo in the room! Even tho I'd been back here for a few months now, there was still alot of stuff from my high school and college days, and I was suddenly a little embarrased! And wish I'd cleaned up a little better! Not that he was checking for tidyness at the moment....

He got down on one knee to look under my bed and shouted "Anybody down here?"
And then laughing peeked into my walk-in closet, once again whistling in an impressed fashion...
"Damn, yo closet is bigger than where I stay!" he laughed. "I bet you can hide all kinds of boyfriends in there..."

"Even YOU could hide in there!" I said, and dang it, there I went again! Didn't meant to say it, just came out!

And once that laugh died off, it got a little quiet and slightly awkward. I knew it was getting about that time :)

"Hey, I REALLY appreciate you doing all this for me..." I said stepping towards him and putting my hands on his arms. Squaring up to face each other, toe to toe.

"Aw, aint nothin..." he mumbled, his words trailing off. Not quite as loud and laughing now.

"No, I am TOTALLY going to pay you back..." I said in a huskier tone, stepping even closer and letting my arms travel up over his shoulders and around his neck. "Somehow...."

His eyes glazed over at those words and I finally felt his big heavy hands on my waist. I stood on my tiptoes, and pressed my breasts against his burly chest. I kissed him "innocently" on one cheek, letting my iips linger a bit, taking another deep breath so my nipples mashed against him and moved to his other cheek...

"You've been SO NICE to me and my family..." and then my voice cracked a little! What the heck! I was actually getting a little weepy! I certainly had NOT planned THAT!

He got the typical terrified look on his face that any man would in the presence of a woman about to cry.
CRAP CRAP CRAP! This was totally going to kill the mood!

"I'm sorry! I'm just very emotional right now!" I said, not letting go of him. "And...."

(slight pause)

"I'm really horny..."

Wow, I did it again! Not sure why I was talking so crazy today, I guess I WAS emotional! ha ha
But you should have SEEN how big his eyes got when I said the word "HORNY"...!

"Ooops" I said, putting my hand over my mouth like a school girl, "But I really am..."

"I mean, REALLY horny!"

I added one last one before launching myself up to my tiptoes and planting a big ol wet sloppy kiss on those big fat beautiful negro lips of his. I purred like a mountain lion as we locked lips...his body clenched a bit in surprise, but soon melted into mine as he began enthusiastically returning my kiss. I held onto his big hippo head with my hands standing on the very tippy tips of my toes and I felt one of his big gorilla hands slip back to cup my buttocks to help support me.

This was some HOT deeeeeeeep kissing!
Lips smushing together, tongues beginning to explore, each big wet smacking sound making me even hornier. Bodies beginning to pulse against each other, moans and purrs deep in our throats, etc.

"Hold up..." he finally said, breaking our kiss. He was panting and I realized I was too! "Are you SURE about this...here?"
"I mean, you going thru alot right now and..."

Oh my! He was worried he was taking advantage of me in my delicate state!


He was worried about his job...maybe he had rules about making out with hospital guests and families?


As a black man in a racially charged city, he was being extra-cautious?

Or maybe a little of all of the above. Either way, I was impressed and once again, reinforced that I had made the right call in selecting him.

"Oh yeah, its all good!" I whispered as I humped my body against him, our noses so close they were touching and I could smell the gum he had obviously popped in his mouth in the car on the way over. "I do appreciate your concern but...

"I've been thinking this all week..."

His eyes went from concerned to hazy with lust at the sound of those words. "Uh...yeah?"

I pressed upward until my lips were at his ear.

"Oh yessir. Been thinking about doing THIS all week!"

My lips grazing his ear while I spoke, my tongue slithering out to lick it like a snake.

"I want this SO BAD..." I murmured as I chewed on his lobe, breathing hot breath on his neck.

"No...actually I NEEEEEEED THIS." I panted nuzzling his ear and neck.

He grumbled and once again his big meaty paws were on my butt, almost lifting me completely off the ground as he smashed my body against his.

"I just want you to make me feel GOOD," I grunted in his ear. "Will you make me feel GOOD?"

"Oh, yes ma'ammm..." his last syllables muffled as our lips once again mashed together and our tongues simultaneously darted forward to swirl and dance. If this had been a movie, this was the moment that the music suddenly gets louder and more intense...I know the volume went up to 10 in my head! Everything was suddenly very URGENT, our kissing and groping and panting and groaning...to the point that much of what happened next is a big blur.

Passionate making out while standing leading to stumbling backwards til I felt the bed against the backs of my legs. Easing back down onto it, him careful not to crush me under his ample body. The sound of my bed creaking under his weight, along with the sounds of wet smacking lips and moans, all so loud in the quiet house. Laying back together, now easier to run our hands all over each other and to take turns kissing each other's ears and necks.His giant pumpkin head and face filled my view whenever I opened my eyes. His big meaty hands slippiing up under my sweater to grope my breasts over my bra, hooking my leg around his and my back arching to press my boobs against his hands and to hump my pussy against the lump in his scrubs.

My jeans suddenly felt so constrictive, like they were made of iron...and my sweater was itching me terribly. Clearly, all of my clothes needed to come off! :)

I suddenly pulled back from him and ripped my sweater off over my head and tossed it across the room. He stared at my exposed bra + breasts, but immediately sprang to action when I reached down to start undoing my jeans. He began tugging at his scrubs, and for the next few seconds, we were quickly undressing ourselves on my bed. When a man and woman slowly and seductively take each other's clothes off, it can have its moments...but so can undressing yourselves quickly so you can get down to action while glancing over to check each other out as you do it.

Me arching my back to slide my jeans down and off. Him whipping off his scrub top and underlying over-sized white T-shirt, then quickly pushing his scrub bottoms down and kicking them off. Me sitting up so I can reach down to pull my sweaty socks off, the air feeling delightful hitting my bare feet.

And now that i was sitting up, turning to face him as I reached behind myself to un-do my bra. That feeling of it coming un-done, the release...then a quick shoulder shimmy causing it to fall forward and finally expose my breasts to him. His eyes glazing over as he stared at them while I sling my bra across the room. Him reaching forward to cup a breast and flick a thumb across my nipple. Me shivering. Us facing each other with me in just a pair of panties and him in his dingy white boxers and socks.

Him touching my bare boobs while I return the favor by dragging my nails across the black skin of his bare chest and belly, down until I gripped that big throbbing fullness in the front of his boxers. And just like that, we shifted towards each other, our newly bared bodies touching and our lips once again meeting. Repeating our making out session again, this time with much much fewer clothes, my hot honey white body against his dark chocolate skin, making me tingle all over.

His lips traveled down my neck and soon latched around a nipple, causing me to gasp. Looking down to see my puffy pink nipples disappear between his fat purple lips. Holding onto his big hippo head with one hand while he began suckling greedily on me, every loud smack and slurp from his mouth driving me crazier. My other hand down at his crotch, suddenly not satisfied with feeling his ample hard-on thru his dingy boxers, wanting to feel its heat directly on my palm. Desperately digging at the waistband to get at it.

Now it was HIS turn to gasp as my fingers wrapped around his rock hard shaft and began stroking it. I swear he nearly sucked an entire boob in his mouth! Things were reaching an absolute fever pitch and I was going into a sexual frenzy, like a shark smelling blood in the water.

"Get those things off!" I commanded huskily as I tugged at the waistband of his boxers. He stopped sucking my tits long enough to do exactly as he was ordered. Once again we rolled away from each other just long enough so that we could both rip our underwear off our hips and down our legs and flutter kick them off our feet. And then immediately rolling back towards each other so that now fully bare (except for his dirty gym socks LOL) bodies could mash together.

His fingers went immediately to the soaking wet opening of my pussy and my hand immediately gripping his fat black dick...more kissing and moaning as we spent a quick minute mutually fingering and stroking each other. I ran the soles of my foot up and down his thick leg, making my sole tingle madly, before hooking my heel around his upper thigh and pulling our bodies even closer. The engorged head of his dick was now pressing against my belly, smearing pre-come as I jacked him. Normally I would have been eager to taste that, but at that moment, I wanted IT INSIDE ME. And I told him so!

"Put it inside me," as I whispered urgently right into his ear, doing my best to wiggle underneath him while continuing to hook my leg around him and direct him on top of me. The bed creaked mightily as he shifted his weight from being on his side against me as he positioned himself between my legs.

I spread them W I D E to accomodate his girth. His big fingers joined mine in gripping his thick shaft to position it, and we both shivered at the sensation of his fat plum of a dick head grazing my dripping wet pussy lips. I could feel that empty space right past them that I wanted his manhood to fill.

"I...WANT...IT...INSIDE..ME...." I grunted while biting my bottom lip. "N.......AHHHHHH!"
I was going to say NOW, but my word was cut off when his big black dick suddenly slipped inside me and it devolved into a cry of pure pleasure. He had fallen forward and his weight pushed down, driving his dick nearly balls deep inside me. The suddeness of it surprised me and my entire body joined me in screaming out in pleasure!

"OH MY GAH THAT FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD!" I said in a much louder voice that I would have intended and instantly wished I'd put some music on so the neighbors couldn't hear me! My voice seemed SO LOUD in this empty house!

His dark ugly face was right over mine, his mouth hanging open and his eyes fluttering and nearly crossed in pleasure. LOL, that was quite a sight! I immediately thought of all the times I'd seen his happy smiling face in the hospital pushing a cart, now seeing it in a completely different perspective! He was wiggling his dick back and forth inside me a bit, allowing his weight to continue doing the job of burying it inside me. This is where I remind yall that I have a very tight pussy, due to never having k**s. Everybody thinks fucking alot of black guys would make my pussy loose, but science does not support that! Having babies stretches a pussy much more than 100 black dicks ever could.

"Does my pussy feel good?" I whispered, giving his dick a nice squeeze with it just for punctuation. He nodded his head in agreement, and I continued: "Yeah? This tight white pussy feels good?"

He kept nodding as a smile spread across his face at my words, bringing the racial angle into things. But nodding wasn't enough for me.

"Then say it." I commanded again. "I want to hear you say it..."

"Dat white pussy feel GOOOOOOOD," he grumbled so close I could feel his breath on my face. I had my hands up on his shoulders, digging my nails lightly into the black skin. My right leg was around his waist, my foot resting between his butt cheeks and using it to pull my body up to grind him. We were still in that state where his dick was buried in me and our bodies were beginning to hump, working it in ever-widening circles inside me. Feeling that natural rhythm beginning to throb between us.

"So does your BIG BLACK DICK," I whispered lustily, flicking my tongue up to lick his fat purple lips as I said it. Seeing another lazy grin spread across his face at the sound of more racial nastiness.

"Dat right?" he mumbled, his eyes narrowing to slits as he began working his dick inside me with more purpose.

"Oh yeah," I purred back, our noses touching and lips grazing when we spoke. "I LOVE having that BIG BLACK DICK inside me..."

"Fuck me with it."

And that was all it took to turn him loose! He grunted loudly and pulled his hips back...his black dick had been filling me up so much, that the sudden abscence of it inside me was jarring. But don't worry, he quickly pressed down again and it slid back in, to the hilt! I cried out again and wrapped my arms around his wide shoulders as he began pumping it in and out of me. He buried his head in my hair on the pillow, my lips next to his ear as I whimpered and gasped. I could see my hands gripping the shiny black skin of his wide back and torso jiggling as he used his hips to slam his dick in and out of me. I could see my leg hooked around his backside, my toes curling in pleasure.

This went on for a fair amount of time, Deron's wide dark body completely covering mine as he fucked me. The heel of my foot pressing against his backside as a rudder guiding his rotating and grinding hips. Our lips in each other's ears, grunting and moaning and panting, occasionally kissing and licking and nibbling ears and necks and shoulders. Aware of how loud our sounds were in the empty house: our grunts, me occasionally calling out his name ("OH DERON!" and "MAKE ME FEEL GOOD, DERON!", etc), our bodies slapping together, wet squelching sounds coming from my pussy as he plowed it, the bed creaking loudly, the headboard smacking the wall. A part of me wondered what it sound like from downstairs? Or down the hall, outside my door?

What it would be like if someone pushed my door open at that moment and all those muffled sounds suddenly amplified? What it would look like to see this huge ugly hippo of a negro on top of me and pounding away at me...in my c***dhood bed?

Ah yes, the fact this was my c***dhood room and bed only added to the surrealness of it all. The same bed where I used to talk to friends for hours, do homework, dream of a white-bread Prince Charming boyfriend, etc. Heck, I was just sitting on this bed painting my toenails a day earlier and now I could see those freshly red toes curled and bouncing above Deron's dark body. Also adding to the unreality of the scene was the fact it was bright morning sunlight streaming into my room. I had heard the school bus rumble thru the neighborhood as it did every day at this time. Car doors slamming as people left for work. I knew people would be out walking their dogs, grabbing the morning paper, etc.

Meanwhile I was having sex with a very large sweaty black man and able to see every single detail of it in the crisp morning light. I wanted to make sure Deron was enjoying the view as well...he wasn't seeing much currently with his head buried into my hair and neck. I kissed my way around his jaw so that he turned his lips to meet mine. We began kissing passionately again, and when I turned my head back forward, his mouth and head followed me until he was directly over me. I broke our kiss and stared up into his wide face that was filling my view.

We stared into each others eyes deeply as our bodies thumped together. There were so many dirty thoughts bustling thru my brain that I wanted to say out loud...nasty stuff about his big black dick, about my white pussy, about how good he felt, about how he needed to keep fucking me and to do it harder and deeper. But with so many thoughts swirling thru my head the only thing coming out of my mouth was grunts and ragged pants. Instead I was saying with my eyes as I looked up at his wide straining face and bit my bottom lip.

"OH DERON!" was the only thing I gurlged out as I grabbed hold of his big round black head and mashed my lips against his. Oh my! Deeeeeep kisses with wet smacking sounds nearly as loud as the wet smacking sounds coming from our grinding crotches. Our mouths fucking as intensely as our bodies. My parents keep the heat on pretty high this time of year, and it really collects in my room at the top of the stairs. Deron was sweating up a storm and I could feel it dripping off him onto my body and I could taste it on his lips and neck.

I had my legs spread wide to accomodate the wide girth of his body and while my right leg was still hooked around him, my left one was hanging in the air, my foot bouncing with every downstroke. I slid my hand down from his shoulder to grab my ankle and pull it back even farther. He dipped his shoulder under my leg and suddenly I was more wide open than ever to absorb the blows of his downstrokes. I pulled my leg back so far I could feel the tips of my toes against the headboard. I dug my nails into the tender flesh of my arch and felt my entire body shiver at the sensation.

I suddenly felt his strokes begin to intensify and his black balls slap against my ass at a faster pace, just after my mind barely had time to register it, he suddenly sat upright and yanked his black dick out of me. He had barely gotten it clear of my pussy when it started erupting. The first load landed on my belly with a splat and the next one was more powerful and left a line of semen from my belly button almost up to my chin! I squealed in unexpected delight at the sensation of his molten hot sperm landing all over my torso in long ropes and splatters.

I had been expecting him to come inside me and I would not have been opposed to it. Most black guys do that: nut inside first and ask question later. But Deron seemed to be a more responsible person, probably due to be in the healthcare industry, and had pulled out. Like kissing, having my body ejactulated onto seems a little old-school and under-rated. Everybody wants to come inside, either pussy or mouth...but having Deron's red hot sperm landing on me in audible SPLATS was incredibly sexy at the moment!

By the time he was finished, my entire torso from bikini line to chin was covered in his semen. Long ropes and splatters all over my belly and boobs, and I had even felt a few rogue drops hitting my face and into my hair. In fact, later on when I was taking my sheets off to launder, I noticed some stains on my headboard and wall! So Much Come! I guess he HAD been storing it up for awhile!

He was leaning over me, stroking his dick and squeezing out the last few drops, slapping it against my lower belly. He was panting and wheezing raggedly, his jelly belly and saggy chest jiggling with every breath. My come-coated torso was rising and falling rapidly too, and I reached down to smear his seed all over me and rub it into my skin like it was lotion. I got a big dab on my finger tips and brought it up to my lips to taste it, smiling wickedly up at him as I did. I had relaxed my legs from their wide-spread, up-in-the-air position and allowed my feet to come to rest on his shoulders. That sight of my pretty perfect size 7 feet with my toe-rings and red polish against the dark skin of a big strange black man never failed to please me. My sweaty soles were tingling and I ran them all over his upper arms, chest, shoulders, and even up to his slick glistening bald head!

Finally he collapsed beside me and we lay in silence for a bit, our breathing and pounding heartbeats slowly returning to normal. With our lust quenched for now, the fact that we really barely knew each other crept in and a bit of awkwardness lay between us. Quite a sight to look down and see our sweat (and come) covered naked bodies lying side by side....mine tight and trim honey white, his large and loose and very dark...clearly in the afterglow moment of post-sex. I actually kinda enjoy awkward moments like these.:)

Finally I hopped up and grabbed a small towel from my make-up table to wipe off his remaining come off my body. I pointed out the door my bathroom and let him know he was free to use it to clean up or whatever else he needed to do. And I announced that while he was doing that, I was going to go downstairs and get us some coffee and WASNT TAKING 'NO' from him as an answer! I grabbed his hospital scrub top from the floor and quickly yanked it over my head...it was a XXXL and I am a Petite (LOL), so it nearly fell to my knees. I gave my messy hair a shake and did a "Tah-Dah" for him, allowing him the sight of freshly-fucked me looking adorable as I wore his scrub like a gown. He looked appropriately stunned at the sight :)

"Don't go anywhere, I'll be right back," I said with a perky smile as I hurried out of my room.

There was that quick moment of padding down the stairs when I half-expected to look out and see my dad, little brother + his wife cousins and friends, all sitting in the living room with horrified expressions on their faces. But of course they weren't there, I had planned this at a time when no one would be here except me. I caught my reflection in the glass of the china cabinet and what a sight I was: barefoot in a man's oversized hospital scrub top, my hair looking like something from an 80s heavy metal video and a glazed expression on my face like I had just been thru a tornado. WOW!

While I was waiting on the Keruig to finish brewing the 2 cups of coffee, I heard Deron moving around upstairs in my room, the floor creaking under his weight, the toilet flushing. I imagined what someoone standing in that same spot would've heard just a few minutes prior? All the thumping and bed-creaking, deep male grunts and high female squeals, the occasional "OH DERON!" from me? LOL.

I went upstairs with our 2 cups and used my toes to ease my door open and OH MY the scent that hit me! I had the pleasant aroma of the air fresheners from downstairs as well as coffee filling my nose...but all that was soon chased away by a wave of pure SEX and SWEAT and BALLS and SEMEN slapping me in the face! As noted, Deron is a big boy who'd just worked a 12-hours shift...he was giving off quite a musk that had gotten my head swirling in the heat of the moment..and now afterwards, completely filled the room. I quickly added OPEN A WINDOW and LIGHT CANDLES to my list of clean-up chores to do once he had left!

And there he was, kicked back reclining on my bed in his his boxers and dirty white socks. He looked equal parts self-conscious but also self-satisfied. I handed him his coffee and climbed on the mattress next to him to sip mine. Up against him in a casual way, not quite snuggling but not distant either. Crossing my ankles and allowing the arch of my foot to rest on his shin...once again the juxtoposion of my dainty pretty well-pedicured foot and his big dark leg. I noticed there was a hole in one of his dirty socks allowing one of his Tootsie Roll toes to poke thru. :)

"I just fucked him," I thought to myself as I looked him up and down. "He just fucked me. We just fucked. "
Pleasing thoughts!

Once again, a mildly awwkard moment. We had no shortage of things to talk about in the hospital...but nearly naked in my room, post-sex romp? It was a different story. My mind was still reeling just from having a huge nearly naked negro next to me on my c***dhood room after a round of urgent sex. I'm guessing he was uneasy as well. So we sipped our coffee mostly in silence while forcing a little casual chatter.

After awhile he started chuckling to himself, loud enough for me to notice and of course ask him:

"What? What's so funny?" I said, playing along.

"Just thinkin bout what you said before," he mumbled. "Never say never..."

Ah...he remembered that! Well, of course he did!

"That's right!" I replied with a chuckle of my own. "Aren't you glad I didn't say 'never' this time...?"

"Oh fo' sho'...." he said, and then added: "But I get the feeling this aint the first time you didn't say NEVER!"

OH MY! He totally figured me out! It must have been pretty obvious that I knew my way around a black dick.
My mouth flew open and I gasped in faux-surprise...

"Uh-oh! I guess my secret is out!" I said slyly with a coy smile.

"And I guess this is the part where we have a little talk about keeping my secret a secret..." I continued.

Now that we were talking about sex and the fact that I was a closet black-dick lover had loosened up that awkwardness between us and I noticed that I was snuggling up against him a little closer and that my foot had been running up and down his shin. Hmmmm...

"Aw shit," Deron said. "I aint gonna tell nobody. You aint got to worry about that..."

"I am SO GLAD to hear that...." I said. I had set my coffee cup down and the nails of one hand were traveling lightly across his bare chest. And I had slipped my leg over so that it was across his, my foot hooked under his calf. Hmmm....

"Yeah, aint nothin, Boo..." he said in a slightly distracted tone, clearly noticing my touch. He continued:
"Bad things happen to people who tell yo secrets..?"

"Hmm..." I purred, as I slithered up closer alongside him, continuing to touch him.

"More like: GOOD things happen to people who DON'T..." I said, letting that sink in for a couple beats.

"Aw shit," he mumbled. "Good things...huh?"

"Yup, LOTS of good things..." I said, sitting up right next to him...and then casually lifting his over-sized scrub top off myself and tossing it in the floor. Turning to face him with my 100% bare body again, letting his eyes take me all in before leaning down and pressing myself and my boobs aginst him.

"Some REALLY GOOD THINGS..." I continued as I slipped my hand down to his boxers, digging my fingers into the waistband and quickly pushing them down to his ankles.

"You DO like it when GOOD THINGS happen....right?" I purred as I massaged his big black balls, smiling up at him with my head resting on his big belly.

Yes, our first encounter has been SO URGENT, passionately kissing and pawing at each other and trying to get at each other so we could FUCK...that I hadn't gotten the pleasure of sucking his big fat black dick. And I had honestly been thinking that he would probably leave as soon as he finished his coffee. I HAD NOT been planning on doing what I was very clearly about to do to him. But...I was still mad horny. And REALLY wanted to put him in my mouth....

"Aw shit...." he mumbled as I dabbed my tongue into his belly button and started kissing a line downward while I massaged his balls.

"Yeah...'Aw shit'..." I repeated back to him as I ran my tongue across the top of his black dick and began licking my way down the big vein on the shaft, towards the head.

His dick was almost completely soft, looking like a big black slug laying against his leg. Since I don't see soft black dicks very often (LOL), I really enjoy exploring and playing with them when I get the chance. I *LOVE* the feel of them gradually getting harder the more I stimulate them. I gave Deron one last smile before I turned my head and dipped it down to get started.

What followed was what I refer to as the Mandilou Extra Special Deluxe BJ. Not the kind that is a quick appetizer to screwing, but the kind that is a main course in itself. Taking my time, exploring his manhood with my lips and tongue, wanted to savor and taste every square inch of him down there. One might describe it as "worshipful" from the guy's point of view. Or even "Indulgent", from my own POV. You see, I'm pretty sure I get as much pleasure from giving it as the guy does from recieving it.

And we both moaned simultaneously to prove this. :)

I buried my head down in his musky crotch, taking in the aromas down there. He had apparently washed his dick in my sink, but I could still smell me on his balls and pubic hairs. I scooped his soft fat slug of a dick into my mouth and swirled the head of it around slowly, savoring the flavors that spread in my mouth. Sucked on it for awhile, before moving down to lick on and suck on his big black balls, even dipped my head down to lick underneath his balls towards his taint and ass crack.

And of course taking loooooong sucks of his fat black dick into my mouth...pullling hard on it with my suction like it was an uninflated balloon, then releasing and letting it fall back with a loud smack. Hmmm...it was taking his dick awhile to get hard again and I suddenly realized I had no idea how old Deron was? He was one of those ageless black people that could have been anywhere between 28 and 58 LOL.
Although I'd guess late 30s or early 40s if I had to guess. Anywho, he definitely wasn't 18 with a dick that was hard 24-7. It was taking some work getting him full again and I could feel it gradually inflating one drop of blood at a time LOL

I caught my reflection in the mirror, my tight white body curled up against his big black one, my blonde hair bobbing and moving over his crotch while his head was thrown back in pleasure. Wow, that was hot, like something out of a porn! Maybe he needed a little visual stimulation, too. :)

I whipped my head around so he could look down and see his black dick in my mouth. Making eye contact while I licked it up and down, eye contact when I wrapped my lips around it, eye contact while I sucked HARD on it, feeling my cheeks hollow out around it. Letting him see MY eyes roll back in my head while I suck him, hearing and feeling me moan in pleasure. Letting him know I was enjoying it as much as he was...

"God, I LOVE black dick!" I said while staring at his dick wistfully before shoving it back in my mouth.

OK, NOW it was really starting to inflate in my mouth! Especially when I got up on my knees, my bare body now perpendicular to his so that he could see it as I leaned over his crotch and slowly bobbed my head on his dick. Let him see me touching my nipples, squeezing my boobs, etc. I reached over to grab his hand and pull it over to me...Let him feel how stiff my nipples were before moving his hand between my legs. Moaned raggedly with a mouthful of his black dick at the sensation of his big sausage fingers slipping inside me. Clamping my thighs around his hand and squirming, squeezing my pussy around his fingers.

He pulled his fat fingers from my pussy and put them in his mouth, murmuring deeply in approval at the taste of me. Well, if that's what he liked...I quickly scrambled around on my knees so that I straddled his big round hippo head and sat down right on his ugly grinning face. Deron was a fan of pussy-eating...yay! He began licking eagerly causing me to throw my head back and moan loudly. I began grinding in circles on his wide nose and fat lips for a bit before collapsing forward so that I could put his fat black dick in my mouth.

6ixty-9ine! Yee-haw!
I did NOT expect this to happen today, but there we were: grabbing onto each other's butt cheeks as we devoured each other's sex and fucked each other's faces. Me working my hips in circles on his face, him doing the same so that his dick slid in and out of my mouth to match the rhythm of my head-bobbing. 6ixty-9ine is never bad, but its always BEST when 2 people lock into a rhythm and Deron and I were doing just that, effortlessly. Our bodies in sync, even our grunts and lip smacks in time together with the sounds of the bed creaking and groaning. We were straight-up putting in work on each other.

I was the one who eventually broke our sweet rhythm when my body began twitching and convulsing. Uh-oh, LOL...I knew what was coming...literally :) I had a mini-orgasm while we had fucked earlier, but this one was a volcano and I had to stop sucking his dick as I began to erupt. He had his fingers in my pussy and butthole, holding me like a bowling ball while he'd been sucking on my clit, and I eventually had to pull away from all that completely while my entire body spasmed violently. I cried out loudly as I came all over his ugly face.

Once my body was spent, I rolled off his face and lay beside him with my body twitching as I returned my mouth to his dick. Now it was his turn and began applying myself to finishing him off. Making more eye contact with Deron's dark ugly grinning jack-o-lantern face while he put his hand on top of my head. Pushing on my head and holding it in place while he began bucking his hips to fuck my mouth. He had a bit of a cocky snarl on his face and I got the feeling he was really enjoying watching his dick slide in and out of the lips of a pretty blonde white woman.

But all good things must come to an end and eventually his smile began melting and his humping of my mouth began to get more intense and more irregular. His balls were slapping against my face with every stroke, and before long I felt him grab and handful of hair to hold my head in place. I braced myself for the inevitable blast of semen that shot out of his black dick and hit the back of my throat. I remembered how much nut he'd left all over my torso earlier and while I knew his 2nd load wouldn't be as much, I was fully prepared to not miss a drop of this.

I watched his face the entire time he was ejaculating. As noted, he was NOT a handsome fellow, but he was really making some ugly scrunched up faces as he released the contents of his nuts into my mouth. Heck it looked like his actual soul was leaving his body! If you didn't know it was pure pleasure for him, you would actually think he was in pain judging by some of the awful faces he was making! That smug smirk had certainly left his face as he went from a dominant posture over me to now being weak and whimpering as I sucked every drop of sperm out of his dick and black balls.

After resting side by side for a bit until our breathing finally got back to normal, I sat up and took a deep swig of my now-cold coffee to wash the rest of him down. I also grabbed my silky robe from the foot of my bed and put it on, signaling that we were done now. He took the hint and sat up to began collecting his clothes from around my room. Another surreal site: sipping cold coffee in my robe while sitting at my make-up table with my bare legs crossed, watching Deron get dressed back into his hospital clothes. The same clothes he'd been wearing when he wheeled some medical equipment into my mom's room maybe 10 or so hours earlier. Crazy LOL....

I walked him downstairs and we stopped in the laundry room by the door that led to the garage. I peeked out to make sure there were no neighbors taking garbage out or walking their dogs that I could see. Good-byes can be a little awkward and we paused there for a bit. I asked if he was working later on tonight? He wasn't, it was his night off. "Good for you!" I said, telling him he deserved it...him laughing that he was going to go home and probably sleep for 12 hours, that he was worn out. Laugher between us at the knowledge that yes, he was extra exhausted from having just released 2 nuts full of come here with me.

"Well..." I said as I turned to face him. "Thanks! For everything!"

LOL! Hey, why not? Giving thanks is always an appropriate thing to do, right?
Even, no wait, ESPECIALLY after sex!
Of course, thanking him for it made it feel very transactional, that I had just used his services and this was NOT the beginning of anything romantic...very important that he understood that!

"Uh, sho thang!" He laughed. "Any time, Boo!"

I stood on my tip toes and put my arms around his neck, pressing my body against his one last time.

"Any time, huh?" I said with a smile, nose-to-nose with me. "Hmmmmm...."

"Yeah...yo secret safe with me..." he said, his fat nigga lips grazing mine when he spoke.

"Mmmm..." I purred, flicking my tongue across his lips, the faint flavor of my pussy and orgasm still on his face. "Secrets can be fun...."

And then we kissed good bye. A nice long sexy deeeep kiss, lips mashing and working together in sweet slow motion. Lasting just a bit longer than it had to, full of promise. I held onto his big hippo head while his big strong hands held onto my waist and down to grip my booty. For a moment or so, we just a man and a woman in the afterglow of an intimate moment and our races and social class differences meant nothing. Just a man and a woman, who'd just made the ultimate connection, still connecting...

Finally we pulled away and I made one last peek to make sure the coast was clear. Gave one last peck on the cheek and told him to be careful and he said he'd see me later. Standing there naked under my robe watching him back out of the garage, his sperm still dried on my body and swimming around in my belly. Closing the garage door and hearing his sedan pull away and creep down my street. Padding upstairs to assses the damage and clean up all traces that he'd been there, eventually heading to the shower to wash the remaining bits of him off my body and out of my hair. Knowing that the next time I'd see him would be in a more somber setting.

EPILOGUE: of course I *did* see him later at the hospital. And then again at the funeral a few days later when some of the staff stopped by. I am very careful to read people's faces and body languauge, and I can say with some certainity that he had NOT told any of his co-workers about our hook-up. Not yet, anyway. I'm not in any rush for a follow-up encounter, but its comforting knowing that its not off the table in the future. Although part of me likes the idea of it being a one-time only thing.
We'll see... :)
Diterbitkan oleh mandilou0303
2 tahun lalu
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poochie2k 1 tahun lalu
mandilou0303 Penerbit 2 tahun lalu
Yes! He is a current member of my stable and we have a monthly hook-up! So much nasty fun with him every time. Let me know if you want to know more :smile:
jj4wp 2 tahun lalu
What an amazing story! I truly hope it is true! So many great parts to it! I clearly have some favorites though! Well done Mandi! :smile: --- Jamal
Gene04 2 tahun lalu
ke mandilou0303 : Yes!  some people say they can do it, but then they can't.  Not bad people, I mean they think they can do it, they just can't seperate love from fuckin'.   And then if a "little-one" comes along they totally freak out.  
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mandilou0303 Penerbit 2 tahun lalu
ke Gene04 : You are very wise :smile:
I agree with what you say and while I have always been intrigued with a "cuckold" or open relationship, I just wonder how it would actually work in the real world...knowing how jealousies and feelings work. 
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Gene04 2 tahun lalu
As far as staying single...don't know about that one.   Yes it's convenient now, but as time goes on most people crave to have their friend that they are sexually attracted to aswell.   Here is the thing though, it can be tough to find a partner that truly will also let the other have their sexually fre edom to explore and have fun with others.   I happen to think that playing can enhance the relationship, but jealousy and cheating are dea th to the relationship.    Most people think I'm just crazy (even as a guy).   JMHO
Gene04 2 tahun lalu
OK, I like how you answered in front of your daddy.   My Dad is the same way.   LOL      
royalgiftformen 2 tahun lalu
loved this. go girl!
DTM1956 2 tahun lalu
Wow!!! Incredible writing and experience!