Serving Those Who Served O/our Country

i had a very vivid dream last week, likely due to all of the Veteran's Day activities and news i was exposed to. With that said, after waking from the dream with wetness between my legs and many ideas about what i had 'experienced' in my dream, i am expanding on what i remember for this blog including elements of the dream along with creative elements that i imagine would become part of the ongoing arrangement, see below. -n

It had been a perfect day on Haulover Beach and my Husband and i had been enjoying lounging au natural in the warm sunshine and frolicking naked in the ocean for several hours. We were 4 days into our week long warm weather getaway and had finally managed to shut down our minds and simply relax without checking work emails or the frigid temps back home in Wisconsin.

As we stood by our chairs air drying and enjoying a cigarette after a leisurely swim in the ocean an elderly gentleman in his 70s approached us and asked for a light. My Husband politely lit his cigarette and he took a long drag, his eyes taking in my nude form somewhat obviously before he looked me in the eye, then my Husband, smiling as he spoke...

"Why thank you young man, I appreciate the light. Beautiful day isn't it? You two from out of town?"

My Husband smiled and nodded "Yes, we are visiting for the week from Wisconsin, thawing out after a long winter. My name is Craig and this is my wife Nadia" Looking at the two of them, i couldn't help but notice that my Husbands balls were tight to his body after being in the water, while the old man's balls hung low below his small cock. The things you notice on a clothing optional beach!

The old man extended his hand to shake my Husbands hand "Nice to meet you Craig, the name's Ralph and I spend as much time out here as I can! Didn't think I had seen you before, but I do have a question for you. How would you feel about loaning your lovely wife to a group of Navy buddies getting together tonight to play cards ahead of our reunion activities this weekend? I know it's an odd request, but the woman who usually serves drinks cancelled last minute and we are in a bit of a pickle."

Craig tilted his head and laughed, looking at me and then back to Ralph, "Loaning my wife? To serve drinks to a bunch of war buddies? Ralph, we are on vacation, the last thing Nadia wants to do is spend the night serving drinks, right hun? Can't you just hire a temp from a local agency?"

Ralph smiled, still looking only at Craig as he talked about me like i wasn't even there, "Well, this situation is a bit different, and quite difficult to hire for using traditional methods. It takes a special kind of person, like your wife here, to stand comfortably around strangers like me, completely naked. Our first night card game always features a naked woman serving drinks to the guys to kick off the weekend, before their wives join in for the rest of the planned activities over the next few days. Your wife would be perfect for the job, with her lovely curves and full hanging breasts, she would be a hit with all the guys. She would be serving men who served this great country, and she would be compensated handsomely for her efforts."

i stared at Ralph incredulously as he spoke to Craig about my body as if i was his property, "Ralph, you should be talking to me about this, not my Husband, and what makes you think i would be interested in serving drinks naked tonight, or any night for that matter, for a group of horny old men?"

Ralph took a long drag off his cigarette and turned his attention to me, "Little lady, with all due respect, if your husband is not willing to let you take on this task, your interest is irrelevant, it won't happen. I am simply trying to establish if he is willing to be without his lovely bride for the evening so you can make a group of courageous veterans very happy. And since he has not already told me to walk away, I suspect he is considering the idea. Craig, what do you say?"

Craig laughed and shook his head, "Ralph, you've got balls, and I appreciate your service to our country... let's just say for a moment, hypothetically, that we would entertain your offer, what exactly would be involved for Nadia?"

i stared at my Husband in disbelief as Ralph returned his attention to Him, "It's really quite simple. You drop your wife off at our venue around 5p tonight and I will show her to a room where she can powder her nose in private and store her clothes and personal effects away for the evening. She would then set up the bar and prepare garnishes to use throughout the evening. She will do this naked under my supervision so when the guests arrive between 6p and 7p, she is comfortable greeting them in her birthday suit at the door and serving them drinks as they prepare for the poker tournament."

"There will be 20 guests, and each pays $250 for $200 worth of chips. Nadia will handle the banking and she will keep the extra $50 from each guest for herself, netting her a guaranteed $1,200 for her efforts. My buddies are respectful, but they only get this opportunity once a year, so she can expect constant gawking, some lewd comments and a bit of gentle touching and groping throughout the evening. A hand on her shoulder, a squeeze or gentle pat on her bottom, a cupping of her breasts... harmless touches that give them memories to last the whole year. She will always have the opportunity to say no to any request or touch that makes her too uncomfortable. In addition to the $1,200, she will be tipped regularly throughout the evening and at the end as well, based on how she performs her duties."

"It is not unusual for our guys to offer extra incentives throughout the evening which she can accept or decline at her discretion. Most girls walk away from the night with well over $2,000 cash, and the satisfaction of having made 20 veterans incredibly happy. In addition, if the night goes well, she will be the first one asked to serve next year. If she is interested, we will fly you both in for the week, and put you up in a local hotel, so after serving for the first night, the two of you will enjoy a week long vacation on us, with enough spending money from the night to cover all of your expenses. It's a pretty good deal, wouldn't you agree?"

i looked at Craig expecting him to tell Ralph that he is crazy to think W/we would consider such an offer, but then He looked at me and said "I dunno hun, he makes a pretty compelling offer. You love having guys on the beach look at you naked, and they are getting to look for free. How would serving drinks naked be any different? You would get the excitement of being ogled, which always turns you on, and at the end of the night you would have a pile of cash to show for it. Plus, you would be giving something back to folks who gave up so much to serve our country. Kinda sounds like a win-win to me."

i was speechless as i looked back and forth between Craig and Ralph, they had essentially just arranged terms for my naked service and were just waiting for me to go along with their plan. i wanted to protest, firmly, but Craig knows me well and He was right that the idea, no matter how ridiculous, was very exciting to me. i could feel my nipples becoming very hard and the wetness between my legs building as i thought about it and tried to figure out how to say no, but my heart was racing and my ears were ringing as i stood mute, befuddled and shocked.

Craig smiled at me, then Ralph as he extended His hand to shake his, "Seems my wife is excited by the idea, based on her swollen and extended nipples, her flushed face and the way she is fidgeting and struggling to find words. You have yourself a deal. Where should I drop her off at 5p and when should I plan to pick her up?

My emotions were on a roller coaster, i was shocked and excited, outraged and intrigued, objectified and flattered all at once. i heard Ralph give my Husband the details and they shook hands again before Ralph walked away. i noticed that He seemed excited by the idea of sharing me in this way too, and W/we agreed that it would be an experience unlike any W/we had ever had before. Craig was visibly aroused with a growing erection and we quickly returned to the ocean where we waded aimlessly and discussed what had just happened and what would happen at the party, giving His erection time to settle down in the water. We dried off and went back to the hotel where He fucked me, hard, with less tenderness or passion than usual, like He was simply reminding me that i was His as He took me hard from behind and filled me with His seed.

i showered, did my makeup and spent an inordinate amount of time picking out an outfit, given the fact that i had only a few outfits packed and i would be spending the whole night naked. i settled on a black cocktail dress and heels and left all of my jewelry on the dresser, not knowing if that would interfere with the required nakedness.

Craig drove me to the large rental house where the gathering was being held. We rode in relative silence, lost in our thoughts, i thought about asking Him to turn around and i suspect He was thinking the same thing, but in the end W/we arrived at the house and were buzzed in at the gate before either of us could chicken out. W/we parked in front of the main entrance and Craig walked me to the door.

Ralph answered the door with a cheery smile and a zip in his voice "Why hello... you are 10 minutes early, I appreciate that you are punctual, thanks for coming! Craig, would you like to come in to see the house?" Craig looked at me, unsure what to do as He struggled with the reality of the situation. i took His hands in mine, gave Him a big kiss and whispered in His ear "It's ok Hun, i've got this. Have a good night, i will call You when i am done. i love you!"

Ralph shook Craig's hand then extended his bent arm to me in a chivalrous way to lead me inside, closing the door behind us. "Thank you so much for agreeing to be here tonight. It means the world to me and my buddies. As you can see, this will be the main entertainment room for the night. There are 4 tables set up with room for up to 6 players at each. The bar is in the corner there, and the supplies are in the kitchen. Walk down that hallway, third door on the left is a bathroom, that is where you can powder your nose and undress. Use this box to pack up the dress along with any under garments, your purse and cell phone. Leave the heels on for now, and if those are thigh high stockings, not pantyhose, you may leave them on too for now. i walked nervously ahead of him and went into the bathroom alone, undressing, using the toilet and preparing myself to serve.

i took a deep breath while staring at myself in the mirror. At 43 i was still in pretty good physical shape, with a bit of pooch to my tummy and full 34D breasts that hadn't stood firm and proud for 20+ years due to the constant pull of gravity, i was far from perfect, but a room full of old men would enjoy me none-the-less. The black lace topped thigh high stockings had grip tops and gave my thighs a slightly more shapely appearance while the heels gave my ass a lift and accentuating my curves. My hairless pussy was given none of the modesty afforded by hair and i briefly reflected on how nice it would be to have a full bush right now.

i picked up the box containing my dress, bra, purse and cell phone and i stepped out of the bathroom holding the box in front of me. Ralph told me to put the box in the closet just off the main room which i did. i walked slowly into the main room, seeing Ralph sitting in a recliner sipping on a drink and staring at my breasts as they swayed from side to side. i covered them with my hands to stop them from moving so obscenely and to allow myself a shred of modesty.

"Oh no young lady, that simply won't do!" Ralph snapped playfully as i entered the room. "You must never cover yourself tonight. You must always give the best possible views of your body to me and my guests. Hands at your sides, stand tall, feet slightly apart... good girl."

i dropped my hands to my sides and walked to the kitchen, feeling Ralph's eyes upon me as i went to work cutting garnishes and filling a couple ice buckets. My discomfort being naked slowly faded as i finished getting the room ready just as the doorbell rang. i took a deep breath as my heart fluttered and i walked to the door, exhaling slowly as i opened it for the first two guests, "Good evening, my name is Nadia and i will be caring for you this evening. Please come in. May i prepare a cocktail for either of you?

"Well will you lookie here, Ralph got us some new blood, this year thanks Ralph! My friend and I will both partake in a Manhattan up please doll, thanks so much. Mmmmm, look at those round cheeks sway side to side as she walks to the bar, and you can see the sides of her hanging tits from behind, mmmm mmmm!"

My face burned with humiliation hearing their words as i walked to the bar and Ralph approached his friends and hugged them, "Take it easy guys, she is new at this, don't want to scare her away before we even get started! Let's ease her into it and see where things go. And please, put your cell phones in this box, we don't want her concerned that this evening might be recorded, we want her relaxed and free." i mixed their cocktails, drinking what remained in the shaker to help calm my nerves after filling their glasses and garnishing with two cherries each. i returned with their drinks in two cocktail glasses and gave them each one, smiling politely as they thanked me.

For the next hour i answered the door, collected cell phones, made drinks, provided snacks and made small talk with the 24 assembled veterans, all while prancing around in nothing but heels and thigh highs. It was fun catching them looking at my body when they didn't think i would notice, and there was something so grandfatherly about all of them that i didn't feel nearly as creeped out as i thought i would. i found myself in a near constant state of arousal from their kind words and lewd stares at my body.

As the drinks were refilled several times, they got bolder with their words and actions, thanking me for their drinks with long hugs where their hands inevitably found and cupped my ass cheeks, complimenting my body crudely and coming up behind me to play with my breasts while i took or delivered drinks from others. i also discovered that my touch was powerful, when i rested my hand on a shoulder or arm or let my breasts press against them, they virtually froze with pleasure, like they were capturing the image of the feeling to remember later.

i was regularly finishing what remained in the shaker, so i was feeling a bit tipsy as well, making it all seem almost normal. Only once did i have to tell one of them to stop when he pinched my right nipple very hard. i did my best to hide how much the pain from the pinch excited me but i suspect a few had noticed.

7p arrived and i announced that poker chips were available to purchase. All 24 of them happily handed over $250 for their $200 in chips and i realized i had already made twelve hundred dollars in just over two hours and if i wanted to disappear now i would have made a whopping $600 per hour! i took the $6,000 and broke it up with $1,200 in my box in the closet, and the other $4,800 in the banker's box for payouts at the end of the evening. They drew cards for table assignments with each suit representing a different table. Once there were 6 at each of the 4 tables, the rules were read.

They would play dealer's choice poker with an escalating ante of $2 the first time around, $4 the second time around, $6 the third time around and so on. Each table would play until one or two players were out of chips. When there were two tables down to 5, and two down to 4, the 18 would redraw cards (with one suit removed) and be seated at 3 tables to play dealer's choice with escalating antes of $5, $10, $15 etc. until each table was down to 4 players, at which time 2 new tables of 6 would be formed by the 12 redrawing cards (with only 2 suits represented) and they would play dealer's choice with escalating antes of $10, $20, $30, etc. until each table was down to 4 players at which time the final 8 would be seated at a single table for no limit Texas Hold 'Em. When only one player was left standing he would be awarded $2,400, the runner up would get $1,600 and the second runner up would get $800. It all sounded both simple and complicated.

As the four tables were seated i began a rotation of serving each table drinks, then returning with snacks, spending about 5 minutes at each table. i was coached by the men to serve their drinks from the far side of the table, giving them the opportunity to share in my naked display, with the players on the near side enjoying a full view of my rear as i bent forward over the table and the players on the far side enjoying my hanging breasts as i gave them their drinks. The groping of both my ass and breasts became more frequent and rougher, but it was nothing that i couldn't handle, especially given my increasingly intoxicated state. i noticed that the more aggressively they groped me, the more money they stuffed into the tops of my stockings and enjoyed trying to do little things to increase my tips.

As players dropped out of games they paid more attention to me, almost like i was a consolation prize for those that wouldn't have an opportunity to win cash. While serving a drink to one eliminated gentleman, he asked if he could smell my pussy, having forgotten what a young woman's scent was like. He offered me $20 if he could smell my musk on my fingers, or $40 if he could smell it on his fingers. i countered playfully with $50 off his fingers and he quickly produced a $50 bill from his wallet which i took and tucked into the top of my left stocking. i faced him and sat straddling him with my hands on his shoulders as he ran his fingers up the inside of my right thigh before awkwardly curling two rough fingers into my dripping wet pussy and wiggling them inside briefly before withdrawing them and bringing them to his nose, staring into my eyes as he drew in my scent then licked his fingers clean.

i kissed his cheek and stood up only to find two other men had pulled $50 bills from their wallets. i repeated the same actions for each of them, with them getting gradually bolder in their procurement of my scent, sliding their fingers in and out of my dripping cunt several times while teasing my clit with their thumbs and enjoying my moans as the pleasure began to build inside me and i involuntarily found myself rocking and grinding on their fingers. After the third had enjoyed my scent and taste, i went to the closet and put the $150 in my box before continuing to take drink orders at the active tables.

When they had consolidated to two tables, a group of them huddled up and spoke quietly among themselves. i interrupted to ask if they needed drinks and they broke their huddle and smiled at me. One spoke up, "Yes please, another round would be wonderful, and then we would love to watch you pleasure yourself for us... is that something you would be willing to do? Perhaps when they are down to 8 players, you could put on a show for all of us before they start the final elimination Hold 'Em tournament. You seem like you are feeling horny and could use an orgasm, we would all chip in $20 each to watch you cum!"

My first reaction was that this was crossing a line that i didn't want to cross, but my inhibitions were waning, they looked so hopeful and i realized i would be making $480 to do something i had been thinking about slipping off to the bathroom to do for the last hour or so. i took a deep breath and smiled at them "Sure boys, i can give you all a show, let me get going on your cocktails first." They all smiled broadly and followed me to the bar like puppy dogs, watching me mix their drinks with wide eyed lust.

Shortly after i had made drinks for all of them, the final 8 had been determined and they all eagerly gathered in a circle around a leather ottoman they had placed in an open area of the room. i worked my way into the circle feeling several hands roughly groping me as i passed through and i sat on the ottoman, suddenly feeling shy and more exposed than i had all night as they jockeyed for position to ensure they had a good view of me. Ralph collected a $20 from each of them and he put the money on the floor in front of me, reinforcing in my mind that i was about to perform an intimate sex act for $480.

It was too late to turn back now, so i slipped of my shoes, closed my eyes and lay back across the ottoman, bringing my feet up from the floor and planting my heels near the corners with my knees up and far apart. i sucked the ring and index finger of my right hand into my mouth to lubricate them out of habit, which was far from necessary given my state of arousal and dripping wet sex. Moving my right hand between my legs as my left hand pinched my left nipple firmly, i curled my fingers inside my folds, allowing my palm to grind gently against my clit as i started fucking myself with my fingers and rocking my hips slowly. i opened my eyes and looked around me as 24 old men were mesmerized by my display, making me even more excited. i closed my eyes, bit my lower lip playfully and started fucking my fingers faster, squeezing my nipple tighter as the pleasure built up to accelerate my orgasm (I did not want this to be a drawn out affair). The waves of pleasure came quickly and i lost track of time and space briefly, coming back to reality as my orgasm subsided and all 24 men began applauding voraciously in appreciation of my short performance. i felt my face burning with a blush as my arousal trickled down over my asshole and between my ass cheeks and i slipped my fingers from my pussy and sat up on the ottoman before standing weakly and curtsying playfully as their applause continued.

i knelt down to collect my shoes and the $480 dollars and excused myself to use the bathroom. i stopped at the closet on the way and knelt down to add the $480 and other tips from my stockings to my box, briefly forgetting how much money was in there, then realizing it was now well over $2,000! i stood up to continue to the bathroom and a gentleman came up to me and sheepishly asked "How much to watch you pee?" i crinkled my nose and asked him, "What? You want to watch me pee? And you want to give me money to watch?"

He smiled and nodded, "Yes ma'am, I have never seen a woman pee before, I have always been curious, but my wife always closed the door... wanted to keep a little mystery. She is gone now, so I might never get a chance like this again."

i shook my head and laughed, "Well i have to pee, i suppose there is no harm in you watching me, come on in with me, no need to pay me, i can do this for you." He followed me in and stood in front of me as i sat on the toilet with my knees far apart in just my stockings and dropped my shoes on the floor. He swayed a bit side to side, clearly intoxicated as i closed my eyes and imagined myself alone as my stream started and splashed into the bowl below me for what seemed like an eternity.

i finished and opened my eyes to get toilet paper and wipe myself as he looked at me like he was going to cry. He dug into his pocket and pulled out two $100 bills, tucking them into my stockings boldly, "Thank you ma'am, that is about the nicest thing anyone has done for me since my wife passed. You gave this old man a glimpse of something I have wanted to see all my life, and thought I would never see. You are an angel Nadia, an absolute angel."

Surprised by how moved he was, i stood up, flushed, put my shoes back on, washed my hands then hugged him tight before leading him back to the hallway by the hand., "Thank you sir, i appreciate you too!" i stopped at the closet and took the $200 from my stockings, adding it to my box and bringing my total over $2,200. The Hold 'Em tourney had started and i walked to the table, offering them drinks and getting orders for 5 of them.

By the time i returned to the table two players had been eliminated, leaving only 6 remaining. i served the drinks and was getting ready to check on the eliminated players when the man with the most chips slid his chair back and patted his lap playfully, "Why don't you come have a seat missy, you can hold my cards for me while I hold onto you. I'll make it worth your while."

i was beyond the point where anything shocked me, and had gotten so used to saying yes that i just silently moved to his lap, sitting with my back to him as the cards were dealt. i picked up his two cards and showed them to him as his hands fondled my breasts gently at first, then more firmly before jiggling them playfully to distract the others at the table. He stayed in and let his hand trail over my tummy as the three cards were turned over in the middle of the table, fingering my pussy slowly as he slid easily inside. Two others stayed along with him and stared at me clearly wishing they were in his place as i rocked in his lap, my ass grinding against his crotch as he brought me close to orgasm. The next card was turned and the other two dropped. His hands suddenly were removed from my body so he could stack his chips with his arms around me, leaving me grinding against him wantonly. i leaned back and whispered in his ear "Please make me cum Sir."

He chuckled and moved his hands back in front of me, tracing my labia with his fingers teasingly as he whispered in my ear, "I will make you cum sweetheart, but if I do, that will be your tip... or would you prefer cash?"

i was too far along to turn back and i wiggled my ass against him, whispering again "That's fine... please, just make me cum again."

He spoke louder now, sliding two fingers into my dripping sex "I don't think my buddies heard you. What is it you want from me?"

My face burned red as i cleared my throat and spoke loud and clear for all to hear, "Please Sir, make me cum on your lap, i need it so bad... please let me orgasm for you."

He needed no further encouragement and began fucking me with his fingers, the slurping of my pussy filling the room as i moaned and writhed in his lap for several minutes until the release came and i lost myself in pleasure, oblivious to the crowd watching me orgasm on their friend's lap, leaving his pants with a conspicuous wet spot from my natural lubrication. i leaned back and kissed his cheek, thanking him for my orgasm as he lifted me off his lap and pushed me gently aside so he could focus on the game. While he had saved some money by giving me an orgasm, the others enjoyed the show so much that they were all tucking cash in the tops of my stockings as i regained composure and worked the room filling drinks.

By the time i had freshened all of the drinks another player had lost all of his chips, leaving only two at the table. i paid the second runner up $800 from the collected funds and he tipped me $100, telling me he hoped i would return next year. 15 minutes later it was all done and the man who had fingered me to orgasm had won. i paid the runner up $1,600 (again receiving a $100 tip) and gave the winner his $2,400.

He tucked $1,200 into his shirt pocket and spread the other twelve $100 bills out on the table. Looking at me, he smiled "How would you like to win some of this $1,200? All You need to do is get on your knees and suck my cock. For every minute that goes by, another $100 bill goes in my pocket, but as soon as you make me cum, whatever is still on the table is yours. What do you think?"

i smiled and shook my head looking at the fanned out $100 bills, thinking i could make the old guy cum in a couple minutes and pocket a grand for the blowjob. i became painfully conscious of the fact that i had gone from nude waitress to full prostitute in just a few short hours, but the allure of the cash was just too great. i was less of a hooker at this point, and more of a high class escort... an escort that was about to blow a man nearly twice my age in a race for cash. i grinned at him and nodded, "You're on old man... drop your pants and lets do this!"

He dropped his pants to his ankles and i knelt in front of him as the gang gathered again to watch. A timer was set to count down from twelve minutes as i stared at the wrinkled, semi erect cock laying in a next of grey pubes atop his large testicles. i heard someone shout "Go" and i lunged forward, hands on his hips as i slurped the old man's cock into my mouth in front of all his Navy buddies. They hooted and hollered as i bobbed my head up and down, slowly making progress to get him hard any trying not to gag from the body odor built up around his cock as i saw a friend hand him one of the $100s indicating a minute had passed already! i doubled my efforts, humming, twisting my head side to side, extending my tongue to lick his shaft as his cock head pressed near my throat and i saw two more $100s passed to him and stuffed into his pocket.

i had barely worked him to full erection when the 4th $100 was stuffed into his shirt. i worked his cock with my mouth like i was starving and his cum was the meal i needed to survive but two more $100s were stuffed into his pocket and i realized i had underestimated the challenge his age and intoxication would provide. i couldn't believe i had lost out on $600 already but i was not to be denied. i stared up at him and opened my mouth wide, extending my tongue as i lowered my mouth over his cock and lapped at his balls with his cock head lodged in my throat. Tears filled my eyes as i saw another three $100s stuffed in his pocket and i gagged, my spasming throat milking his cock as i gasped for air around his shaft. He tensed and grabbed the back of my head with his left hand as his right hand reached down and squeezed my left breast hard, holding my lips tight against the base of his cock as he exploded in my throat, cumming in jets that seemed to never end, then slowly letting my head back as i panted at his feet and winced from the last pinch and tug on my left nipple as he released his vice-like grip on my breast.

He smiled down at me and leaned forward, collecting the $300 from the table and wiping the last traces of cum from his cock onto each bill before patting my head, handing them to me and tossing me one more from his pocket, "Good girl, you have done well. Get up and make my friends one more drink and make sure they all get one last good feel of your tits, ass and cunt before you call it a night. They deserve one last feel until next year, when we hope to see you again!"

i stood and did a "walk of shame" to the bar with my arousal drooling down my inner thighs, mixing drinks and serving them to each guest as they fondled me and probed me like an a****l at auction, without regard for my feelings or pleasure. A few took a nipple into their mouths and suckled at my hanging breasts, no longer shy about taking pleasures with me after watching me blow the winner and swallow his cum. At times the sensations were overwhelming with three or four sets of hands and mouths working my body at once.

i was released from duty and told to call my Husband for a ride home. i collected my box from the closet and went into the bathroom, texting Craig to pick me up in 10 minutes, gasping as i noticed it was 3 o'clock in the morning. i had lost all track of time but as i got dressed and counted out my cash i realized that i had just made over $3,500 in a night, and just as importantly, i had served well, these fine men that had all served our country.

i stepped out of the bathroom and the men all gave me a round of applause. Ralph stepped forward and told me, "You did well young lady, and we all appreciate you. If you want your husband to be ok with us flying you in to serve again next year, be careful what you tell him, and maybe hide half or more of the money from him. He will likely not believe we didn't fuck you for that kind of cash, he might not understand we are just very appreciative of your soft curves and playful, willing attitude. I do hope you will want to come back next year!"

The doorbell rang and one of the men opened the door to find Craig standing there, looking very tired. i shook Ralph's hand and thanked him for the opportunity, assuring him that we would be back next year if invited and letting him know to coordinate with Craig at 608-555-1212. I walked to the door and gave Craig a hug, "Thanks Hun, let's head back to the hotel. i am going to sleep like a baby tonight!"

As W/we drove back to the hotel, Craig asked me many questions about the night, which i answered in terms as vague as possible. i told Him how much it excited me to be watched by all of them as i served drinks and that i had made over $1,400 which he thought was great. He commented on how hot He thought it was that i was serving drinks naked all night and that He couldn't wait to fuck me when W/we got back to the hotel since he knew how horny serving them all night had probably made me. i didn't have the heart to tell Him i had enjoyed a few orgasms already and was ready for bed, so we made love when we settled in and fell asleep in each O/other's arms.

Diterbitkan oleh nadia877
2 tahun lalu
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ke nora91 : Of course... thanks for taking the time to read and comment.
Balas Tunjukkan ulasan asal Sembunyi
Fun story and play,thank you
ke Paulstephens676 : Mmmm, thank You.
Balas Tunjukkan ulasan asal Sembunyi
You serve our country also!
ke Lovporn1 : Thanks Hun, perhaps one day i will write a follow up based on being flown in to serve a year later.
Balas Tunjukkan ulasan asal Sembunyi
Loved your story very 🔥🔥🔥 loved all the details but not to much or to long,I read a couple comments about your story and I agree with the guy that said a sequel would be 👍 nice I would definitely read it thxs for sharing 
ke subijana : Thanks, i am always happy to hear when folks enjoy what i share. :smile:
Balas Tunjukkan ulasan asal Sembunyi
great writing. very hot 
ke nixonpam33 : Mmmmm.  :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Balas Tunjukkan ulasan asal Sembunyi
ke nadia877 : I would love to watch you at work and then back you up if needed or asked too.
Balas Tunjukkan ulasan asal Sembunyi
ke nixonpam33 : Thank You Miss Pam... i wonder what capacity You would be joining me in if W/we went together.  :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Balas Tunjukkan ulasan asal Sembunyi
Sounds like it would be a lot of fun. Loved it and would love to have you bring me along the next time.
ke Magliman : Thank You Sir... i am happy You enjoyed reading it!!!
Balas Tunjukkan ulasan asal Sembunyi
Now, this is great entertainment. Loved it
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ke captainkinky : Awww, thanks Hun... ho higher compliment can be given... i appreciate You!!!
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As a vet in his 70’s, I really enjoyed your story, felt as if I were there!  I had the best wank over that in a long time. I hope you write a sequel. You are fabulous!
What night, when will be other night so ?
ke tatlocks : Thanks Hun, glad You enjoyed.
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Such a sexy story, would have loved to have been there....
ke nadia877 : could i befriend you by any chance ?
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ke trucktome : Awww, thanks Hun, glad You enjoyed it.
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love the story
We need to take all of the tips you earned whoring yourself and go purchase some training tools to further you and sisters trainings!!!
Now you need to tend to sisters dripping bred cunt just as you tended to these serviceman. A whores work is never done ; )
ke nadia877 : Your tale made your Masters Roman cock explode a fertile load of cum into your sisters waiting pussy
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ke nadia877 : Your very welcome My fertile minded CUNT
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ke MasterDannyJumbo75 : *blushes and smiles*  Thank You Master.
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Now thats what i call service to ones country!!!