The Babysitter

The babysitter

The secret diary of

Hayley K. Poole
Sunday 12th June
I’m really confused, I’m not sure how what happened last night happened, I can’t get my head around it, I just need to think it through to try and make some sense of it.

I’m not really a party girl; in fact there have only been two boys I’ve been with, Martin and Daniel. I know I have a reputation as a bit of a ‘goody two shoes’ in the village, but in fairness I don’t let boys get into my knickers easily, even my mother once said “That girl needs to drop her knickers a bit more often” to my best friend Melissa, as I was getting ready to go out one night.

The first time I ever had sex it was last year with Martin – parked in the corner of a field in the back of a Land Rover. It wasn’t very warm and was bloody uncomfortable, but I suppose I was happy, at least I’d finally done it, at the age of 16, a long time after all of my friends. We did it a few more times, always in the Land Rover, I remember thinking that I’d thought sex would be more comfortable and nicer than this, then there was Daniel.

He was 19, 3 years older than me and taught me a lot about my body and what I liked, even though he never actually fucked me. As soon as I arrived at this flat we’d rip each other clothes off, but the problem was that as soon as I touched his cock, he’d cum, and that was it, he couldn’t get an erection again. But what he was good at was playing with me. I loved it when he gently stroked my neck and across my shoulders and down either side of my tits, or when he stroked my throat and down in the valley between my tits, never touching my nipples.

After about 10 minutes of being played with like this my nipples started at ache, I’d beg him to play with them, and when he gently stroked them, oh God, it felt so good it was like a shock running from my tits to my pussy. As he gently caressed my tits with one hand, he’d then start massaging my bum with the other, he always knew when this was starting to drive me wild as he’d flip me onto my tummy and massage both my buttocks and then start to stroke the inside of my thighs, even though I’d spread my legs wide he never touched my pussy, he kept massaging my buttocks and stroking the inside of my thighs until I couldn’t take it any longer.
I’d roll over onto my back and bending my knees I’d open my legs wide for him offering him my pussy. Lying beside me, he used his talented hands on me, one hand spread wide so his thumb and little finger could brush against my nipples, while the other hand stroked my belly and pubes, and then he’d slip a finger into me.

He’d gently rub my clit which would quickly send me over the edge, as he fingered my clit and kept playing with my nipples, I’d cum – it was amazing, my whole body would shudder, it felt as though I was on fire. Afterwards we’d lie there kissing and caressing each and he’d make fun of me, saying he was keeping me simmering before bringing me to the boil again, which he did, he could keep he in this state for a couple of hours and I’d often cum 4 or 5 times as he played with me.

So, what happened last night Saturday 11th June?

It was a typical Saturday night, I was babysitting again! While most of my friends would be out enjoying themselves, here I was babysitting for Maureen and Ray, looking after their 3 year old daughter Emily. I think she was ‘a happy accident’ as they have twin boys, Simon and Stewart who are quite a bit older.

I knew it would be very late when Maureen and Ray got back home, they were out with friends; Irene and Fred, John and Jean and my parents for a progressive dinner party. I’ve known Maureen and Ray, or Auntie Maureen and Uncle Ray as I call them, and the two boys, Simon and Stewart for years, as well as Irene and Fred and John and Jean, who I also refer to as Auntie and Uncle, why do grown-ups do that? Use family titles, even though they’re not family?

If everything went as usual, the evening would start at Irene and Fred’s house where they would have canapĂ©s and a few aperitifs’ to start the evening off. Then they would come here for their starter course and more drinks, my job was to keep well out of the way so the ‘grown-ups’ could enjoy themselves. When they left here they would walk to Jean and John’s where they would have their main course and yet more drinks, before finally walking down to our house where they would have dessert and more to drink, a lot more to drink. Usually a taxi would drop Maureen and Ray off between 1 and 2 a.m. which I would then jump into and be taken home.

So, last night then, everything went as normal, I arrived to look after Emily, and Uncle Ray as usual, pretending it was a bit of a secret, showed me the 4 bottles of Budweiser he’d got for me in the fridge; there were always 4 bottles of ‘Bud’ for me when I babysat for them.

I’d shouted “cheerio” as they set off to go to Irene and Fred’s whist I was with Emily in her bedroom having a tea party with her dolls – how exciting! A short time later Simon and Stewart shouted good-bye; they were off to a disco with their friends and were staying over, so they wouldn’t be back until Sunday. They were younger than me and probably, no definitely were going to have a better night than me!!

After I’d put Emma down for the night and she’d gone to sleep I wandered downstairs to see what was on TV, bugger all, it was a typical summer Saturday night on TV, so it was a good job I’d bought a couple of videos with me. I settled down with a bottle of Bud to watch ‘The Sting’, occasionally checking in on Emily to make sure she was okay. After a couple of Buds I’d finished watching The Sting, then I put the other video into the machine, this was the one I was most excited about seeing – John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever – which was a million miles away from my Saturday night! I watched Tony Manero strutting his stuff on the dance floor, wishing it was me who was out having a great time dancing the night away. The only thing I had were the 2 Buds left in the fridge.

I don’t really know what happened, but the next thing I remember was being gently shaken “wake up Hayley, wake up”. It was Auntie Maureen gently shaking my shoulder, I was half asleep and a bit confused as to where I was when she said “I’m sorry Hayley, but the taxi has gone, but it’s okay you can stay in the guest room tonight and we’ll get you home tomorrow” Taking my hand she led from the lounge upstairs to the bedrooms. “Here you are you can sleep here tonight” she said as she led me into a bedroom.

Still holding my hand she turned to face me and as she put her other arm around my shoulders, she murmured “Good night” as she leant forward to kiss me. I don’t know if it was because I was half asleep, but I started to kiss her back, then her tongue flashed out across my lips and instinctively I opened my mouth and started to tongue her back. Letting go of my hand she put both arms around me, holding me quite firmly as she kissed me, I don’t know why but suddenly I put my arms around her and started to snog with her, our tongues mingling in each others’ mouths.

We kept kissing and gradually Auntie Maureen moved her hands up my back and started to stroke my shoulders I started murmuring, the sensation was starting to have quite an effect on me. I only had my bra and a cute little camisole top on and as stroked me, she eased the strings of my camisole over my shoulders and my cute little top tumbled down my body landing on the floor around my feet.

She then started to caress both side of my neck as she continued kissing me, running her fingers down my neck and across my shoulders, oh God, it felt so good. I felt her pull my bra straps over my shoulders before she reached behind me and unclipped my bra. Pulling away from me slightly she pulled my bra off and it fell to the floor next to my camisole. I couldn’t believe it I was standing half naked with another woman, when only half an hour ago I was babysitting. “Oh Hayley, look at your breasts, such firm little tits” (thinking back, it was a bit rude - I don’t know why she said little – I am a 34C cup!) as she continued to caress my neck, running her fingers down my shoulders and around my breasts. I remember still feeling a bit confused with what was happening, but at the same time I was starting to enjoy the sensations of being played with.

I was starting to feel quite horny and I can remember tilting my head back offering my throat to her, Auntie Maureen cupped my chin in her hand before she ran her fingers down my throat and down between my breasts, as she did this a few more times I think I let out a little “oh God” sigh as Auntie Maureen played with me. My nipples were aching, I was desperate for Auntie Maureen to play with them, I think I even begged her “Oh God yes please play with my tits, my nipples, oh God please, please squeeze them, play with my nipples please. “Oh Hayley, we’re going to have so much fun” she whispered in my ear as she started to play with my nipples, immediately I felt electric spasms running down my body and I started to murmur quietly.

As Auntie Maureen continued to snog with me and play with my tits, I felt arms encircle my waist, and the button and zip of my shorts being undone, I realised Uncle Ray was in the bedroom too. He pulled my shorts over my hips and they too fell to the floor, all I had on now were my flip-flops and a tiny pair of panties.

Uncle Ray leant forward and started to kiss my neck and whispered into my ear “Oh Hayley, I’ve always thought you had a great little body and you have and with such a cute bottom”. He then grabbed a buttock in each hand and started to massage my bum, before running his hands up and down my thighs.

As he stepped a little closer he put his arms around me and started to stroke the inside of my thighs, running his fingers over the mound of my pussy and across my belly, as he moved his hands down again he slipped a finger between my thighs lightly touching my pussy through my panties, oh God if felt good and I know I jerked involuntarily. As Uncle Ray stroked my thighs again I felt him slip his fingers into the elastic of my panties and start to ease them down over my hip. , down my thighs before they fell onto the floor – I couldn’t believe it I was completely naked now.

As Auntie Maureen started to kiss my breasts and nipples, Uncle Ray carried on stroking and caressing my buttocks, thighs and then gently stroking my pussy, it was all a bit much I think I started to murmur “oh God, oh God, yes” when I heard Auntie Maureen whisper, “I think it’s time darling” So I was surprised when Uncle Ray left the room, and even more so when he came back with Uncle John and Uncle Fred, all three of them were naked.

Auntie Maureen turned me round so I was facing them, my hands instinctively trying to cover my tits and bush in embarrassment, “Don’t be silly Hayley, you’ve got a great little body” Auntie Maureen said as she pulled my arms back behind my back, Uncle Ray, John and Fred stood there staring, almost drinking in my body, “Hmm” said Uncle John, “lovely, I’ve often wondered what she’d look like naked, and I must admit she does look cute” “Yes” replied Uncle Fred, “nice pair of tits and what a sexy little bush she’s got, I’m looking forward to this” “Look, she shaves her pussy” said Uncle Ray, Auntie Maureen let go of my arms and came round in front of me “Oh you do don’t you Hayley, what a little minx, I wouldn’t have expected that”.

It was something Daniel had done one night at his flat, he’d got me to open my legs and had shaved me down there just leaving a triangular patch of furry pubes he called a Martini glass. I hadn’t really thought about it since, but it did make me feel rather sexy, so I’d carried on shaving myself down there.

As I tried to cover myself again, Auntie Maureen took hold of my arms again; only this time she made me stretch them out to the side. Putting her hands on my shoulders she made me spin round slowly four or five times, the men were getting a good look at my body now “Nice pair of tits” “Lovely, perky and firm looking” “Fabulous shapely legs” “Nice peachy little bum” “Sexy little pussy” were just a few of the comments I remember.

Auntie Maureen stopped me so I was facing the men, and as they moved towards me Auntie Maureen gently pushed down on my shoulders, as I started to kneel down she said, “No sweetheart, don’t kneel, squat down”, I almost lost my balance, Auntie Maureen steadied me before guiding my hands to Uncle John and Uncle Fred’s cocks, saying “Now Hayley, be a good girl, get them nice and hard” As I started to play with their cocks, wanking them off Uncle Ray moved towards me his cock in hand. As he got closer, he nudged his leg in between my knees forcing me to spread them wide open. Using his other hand he guided my head towards his cock, I didn’t really know what to do, I’ve never given a boy a blow job before. I needn’t have worried as Auntie Maureen said, “That’s it Hayley, suck on his cock, now suck his balls into your mouth, good girl, now lick all along his cock and around the head, good, that’s it, now take his cock again, see how much of his length you can get in your mouth”

It wasn’t long before I got the hang of it as Uncle Ray said “Oh yes she’s a good little cocksucker” and there I was, stark naked, legs spread wide open as I was sucking Uncle Ray off and wanking Uncle John and Uncle Fred off. After a few minutes Uncle Ray moved and was replaced by Uncle Fred, at the same time I felt Auntie Maureen reach from behind me, taking my nipples between her thumb and finger she began to roll my nipples between them before gently but very quickly flicking them, I was in heaven, it just felt so good.

As Uncle Fred moved and Uncle John moved in front of me I remember sighing “Oh God” again before I took his cock in my mouth. As I sucked on his cock I felt Auntie Maureen start to stroke the underside of my thighs from my knee to my pussy, then her hand stroked up and down my back, between my buttocks before she gently cupped my pussy in one hand, slowly rubbing her hand all over my pussy, it felt so good I almost came. Auntie Maureen looked up at the three men saying “She’s ready, she’s really wet”.

Uncle Ray helped me to stand up, before picking me up and carrying me to the small single bed, he lay me down across the bed, my legs dangling over the edge of one side. Both Uncle John and Fred lay down either side of me and guided my hands back to their cocks and I slowly started to wank them off again. Meanwhile Uncle Ray had moved to the side of the bed where my head was, he lifted my head up slightly so I could see what was happening.

Auntie Maureen was kneeling on the other side of the bed and she lifted my left leg up and started to push it back, Uncle Fred put his hand behind my knee, pulling my leg back as Uncle John did the same with my right leg, they pulled my legs backwards and then spread my legs wide open, my privates were completely exposed.

“You’ve got a sweet sexy bush and look at those plump little lips, you’ve a really sexy pussy Hayley, hold on” there was a flash of light as Auntie Maureen took a Polaroid of me with my legs wide open, exposing my pussy. She knelt between my legs again and started to run her tongue down my thighs and all around my pussy, I’d never had anyone kiss me there, I didn’t know what to expect, but oh God felt so good, my pussy was on fire and as she licked me.

Then she gently used her thumbs to prise my pussy open, I gasped as she ran her tongue down my slit, and as she licked my clit, I couldn’t help it I came “oh God, Oh God, I’m Cumming, Cumming” I moaned as Auntie Maureen licked me. At the same time Uncle Ray let go of my head and grabbing my tits started pulling them and pinching my nipples, Oh Jesus, I’d never felt anything so good before. There was a fire in my lower belly running down to my pussy, and electric shocks coursing through me as was humping my pussy as Auntie Maureen made me cum.

Uncle Ray moved onto the bed next to me as Uncle John got off, I saw Uncle John between my legs and watched as he guided his cock into my pussy, and oh God it felt good as started to fuck me slowly. I closed my eyes in ecstasy as Uncle John fucked me, and then I could feel hot musky smelling breath on my face, as I opened my eyes Auntie Maureen started to snog with me again, only this time I was tasting my own pussy!

After a few minutes I felt Uncle John pull his cock out of me and saw him swap places with Uncle Fred, who then rammed his cock into me and started fucking me furiously, just as Auntie Maureen climbed onto the bed and straddling my head lowered herself onto my face. I was so turned on by this time I didn’t even think about what I was doing I just started licking and tonguing her pussy, tasting another woman for the first time.

I guess she was as turned on as I was, it wasn’t long before I could feel her gyrating her hips as she humped her pussy on my face she came on me. I wasn’t far behind her as Uncle Fred was fucking me he’d been gently rubbing my clit which sent me over the edge and for the second time I started moaning as I shuddered to another orgasm.

Just as my orgasm was subsiding, Uncle Ray moved off the bed and gently started to stroke the inside of my thighs and all around my pussy, but didn’t touch me there, at the same time Uncle John and Fred were caressing my neck, shoulders and all around my tits, but again they didn’t touch my nipples. It was driving me crazy, I was still feeling horny and I knew that if they kept this up, that it wouldn’t be too long before I’d cum again.

I could feel Uncle Ray as his hands moved all over me down there and how wet I was, he slipped his hands under my bum, grabbing hold of my buttocks massaging them and then I felt a finger slip into my bum hole. I really wasn’t expecting it, and jumped as he slipped his finger deeper into me. It made me feel as though I wanted to go to the toilet, but after a couple of second, that had passed. Uncle Ray was massaging my pussy and then massaging by bum and fingering my bum hole – looking back, it’s only now I realise that he was using my pussy juices to lubricate my bum hole.

Uncle Ray, with his hands under my bum pulled me across the bed towards him and holding my legs behind my knees started to push them back and down onto the bed. He pushed my legs all the way back so they were touching the bed either side of me, it was as if he’d folded me in half and it lifted my bum off the bed. As I glanced down I could see Uncle John and Fred stroking my tits, I had a clear view down my body and could see my hairy muff, the inside of the top my thighs, the curve of my buttocks and my pussy which was gaping wide open.

Auntie Maureen stood by the side of Uncle Ray, and as he had me pinned to the bed, she took his cock and guided him into me. I don’t want to be unfair, but he was bigger than Uncle John or Fred, it felt as though he was stretching my pussy as he started to fuck me. I couldn’t help it I watched fascinated as his big cock rammed into my pussy; oh God, it looked as good as it felt. There was a series of flashes as Auntie Maureen took photographs of me being fucked in that position.

Then Uncle Ray pulled out of me as Auntie Maureen took his cock and rubbed his cock-head up and down my gaping pussy, and then I felt his cock nudging against my bum hole, I then realised I was about to get my asshole fucked. He couldn’t get his cock into me so Auntie Maureen disappeared and came back with some KY Jelly. She smeared it all over by bum and slipped her fingers into to me, “She’ll be okay now” she said as she took hold of Uncle Rays cock and started to push it up my bum. As Auntie Maureen struggled to get Uncle Rays cock into me she said “Hold on, she’s really tight” then she pushed Uncle Rays cock hard into me and I felt him slip inside my bum. FUCK! It hurt “It stings, oh it hurts, it hurts, get it out of me” I cried.

Auntie Maureen came and stoked my hair and murmured “Its okay, oh sweetie, just relax, relax and it’ll soon feel fine” before she leaned down to kiss me. As she kissed me, Uncle Ray pushed his cock all the way in my bum, I was squealing and moaning, God it hurt, and I felt him slowly start to pull out, and back in, it still hurt with every thrust, I was moaning and squealing in pain as he slowly fucked my arse. Uncle Ray squirted some more KY Jelly onto his cock before he slowly fucked my arse again, it was hurting less and less as my bum hole relaxed, after a while Uncle Ray sensing this started to fuck me, he really fucked me, he fucked me really hard in the arse.

Auntie Maureen had moved to stand next to him and as Uncle Ray fucked me she gently eased my pussy open and started to rub my clit as Uncle Ray pulled his cock out of my bum and started to fuck my pussy again, before fucking me in the bum again. As he fucked both my pussy and bum I felt another orgasm starting, as I murmured “Oh God I’m gonna cum” everyone brought me to a spectacular climax. Uncle John and Fred were squeezing my tits and pinching my nipples, Auntie Maureen rubbed my clit as Uncle Ray fucked my pussy and arse. As I started to cum I heard a voice in my head “Oh God yes, that’s it fuck it, fuck it hard, oh God yes fuck my cunt, fuck it, oh God I’m cumming, I’m cumming.....oh God, Oh GOD YES, YES, FUCK IT, FUCK MY CUUUUUUNT, FUCK IT, FUCK IT, FUCK ME, FUCK MY HOLES” I’d never had an orgasm like it, my pussy was being jolted with electricity and was on fire, spasms were running all over me, I was shuddering and jerking as I came again.

I was soaked in sweat and breathless my tits heaving as I tried to catch my breath. I heard Auntie Maureen say “She really likes that, and she’s crying out for more” it was then I realised the voice wasn’t in my head I’d been wailing out loud as I came and that I’d just had both of my holes fucked! I don’t know where that language came from – I’ve never used the ‘C’ word like that before!

Before I could fully catch my breath, Uncle Ray picked me up off the bed, as Uncle Fred lay down on it Auntie Maureen said “Okay sweetie climb on top of Uncle Fred, that’s it, that’s a good girl” as I got onto the bed and straddled him. I felt his cock slip into my pussy as he said “Be a good girl Hayley, ride your Uncle Fred, that’s it that’s good girl” as I started to hump on his cock. I can’t remember what I was thinking, I was so caught up in what was happening to me, and enjoying it, but I remember Uncle Fred putting his arms around me, pulling me closer to him.

I could hardly move, and then I felt a cock pushing into my bum, I heard Uncle John exclaim “Oh yes, she still tight” as he started to fuck my arse. Uncle Fred relaxed his hold on me and as they stopped moving I started humping my pussy and arse furiously I was desperate to get their cocks inside mee me, oh God it felt good. Then Uncle Ray knelt on the bed in front of me, his cock rearing up in front of my face, I didn’t need to be told what to do as I took his cock in my mouth. It was too much, suddenly my head was bobbing up and down as Uncle Ray fucked my face as I was humping back and forward on the cocks in my pussy and arse.

I heard Auntie Maureen “Oh she like that, look at her the dirty bitch, she can’t get enough, go on use her, fuck her hard”, as the camera started to flash again and again.

It wasn’t like they needed any encouragement, all three of them were fucking me as hard as they could, then I felt Auntie Maureen grab my tits. She started to knead and squeeze them pulling on my nipples, I couldn’t take any more, without any warning, I came to another shuddering orgasm, I was squeaking and squealing as Uncle Ray held my head with his cock down my throat, I was dribbling and drooling everywhere as I shuddered to another orgasm.

I think me cumming like that spurred the men on, I could feel Uncle Fred, his cock throbbing as he shot his cum into my pussy, just as he came in me, Uncle John moaned Yes, yes” as he came I could feel my arse being flooded with cum. Uncle Ray was now wanking his cock off in front of me as Auntie Maureen put her fingers in my mouth, and pulling them apart opened my mouth wide. I’d never seen a man cum before, I watched fascinated as Uncle Ray’s spunk spurted from his cock. Some of it went straight into my mouth while the rest of it spattered all over my face.

I was exhausted, Uncle Ray helped me turn over and lie down on the bed, as Uncle John and Fred joined Uncle Ray they all knelt by my head, their cocks now soft dangled onto my face. Uncle John and Fred each took one of my legs and spread me wide again. Auntie Maureen was standing at the bottom of the bed, “Oh Hayley, you’re such a little cutie, but look at you, you’ve got cum dribbling out of your pussy and arse, and there’s cum all over your pubes and splattered all over your face, you really did well tonight and do look magnificent like that. Not such a prim and proper missy are we?” as the camera flashed again.

I was told to ‘clean up the men’ which involved sucking cum off their cocks, which I did greedily swallowing as much as I could. Auntie Maureen scooped up some of the cum from between my legs before putting her fingers on my lips, my tongue flashed out licking her fingers before I sucked them into my mouth tasting their cum before swallowing it.

As the men and Auntie Maureen left the room, she turned round and said “I told you we’d have some fun didn’t I Hayley, but it’s time for bed now” as she switched off the light and closed the door.

When I woke up in the morning, I was mortified, horrified at what I’d done the night before. I quickly got dressed in the clothes I had been wearing the day before and went downstairs. Auntie Maureen and Uncle Ray were in the kitchen, as were Stewart, Simon and Emma. Uncle Ray said “Breakfast Hayley? You must have something to eat after last night before you go” “Umm, no thanks” I replied, “I think I’ll get home so I can get changed out of these clothes first” I beat a hasty retreat and walked home as quickly as I could.

As I got home my Mother was coming out of the Kitchen “Good night last night?” she asked, “Oh you know babysitting, what’s more to say” I replied as I made my way upstairs. I grabbed some clean clothes and headed for the shower.

And now as I write in my diary and recount the events of last night, it’s all starting to make sense. My diary was where I hide it, but I’m sure it’s has been moved, Oh God, it was upside down!! My mother, she must have found it and I’m guessing she’s read it too, I just hope no-one else has read it, but I think that she must have showed it to everyone at the dinner party last night: the bitch.

My guts are churning, I feel betrayed, how could she, and thinking about it, if they read what I’d written about Daniel and how he played with me, they basically used it as an instruction manual so they could turn me on and fuck me last night.

I can’t help thinking what would people say if they knew? I mean there was a rumour that one of the girls in the village, Shani, had been with two boys at the same time, ‘slag, tart, whore’ were just some of the words used about her behind her back, and I’d been with a woman and three men!! Oh God the photos! If anyone saw those I think I’d die, I hope Auntie Maureen keeps them well hidden, or better still burns them.

But on the other hand, last night was amazing, fantastic, absolutely wonderful, I enjoyed it, I enjoyed every single second, I’d tasted my first pussy, given a blowjob, swallowed cum, and been fucked in the pussy, arse and mouth, and the best bit, I‘d had three cocks inside me at the same time fucking my holes and I loved it, I bloody loved it, it felt soooooo good, sooooooo fucking good and I’ve never cum like that before, every nerve in my body was on fire, even now just thinking about it my pussy still feels all warm and throbbing. I think it must be the best fucking a girl could get.

Now where should I hide my diary, now I know it’s been found, but I guess I’ll leave it here, knowing that it won’t be long before someone reads it again, well I hope it’s not too long before....and who knows, maybe babysitting might not be so bad in the future, in fact if it’s as much fun as last night I can’t wait........................
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ke 2014john : Try the babysitter auntie Maureen 
Balas Tunjukkan ulasan asal Sembunyi
wow   that was so hot   would love to have been there  is there any chance of part two  ?   
Very hot, could picture the whole thing
Really great, made me very hard and dripping pre cum.
Terrific horny storey.
Great story. Hayley is so hot
fuck wot a horny story