The Parking Lot Show

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작성자: HiddenTranny 2년 전

Der Bauernhof

Als die Nachricht kam, war ich alles andere als begeistert: Die Internatsferien sollte ich nicht, wie üblich, in der Großstadt bei meinem Vater, sondern auf dem Gestüt meines Onkels verbringen. Keine heißen Disconächte, sondern sechs Wochen in einem langweiligen Kaff, in dem die Jungs mehr auf Kühe und Trecker als auf Mädchen stehen. Pferde haben mich zudem nie sonderlich interessiert, der einzige Lichtblick war meine Cousine Nicole, mit der ich schon so manches nettes Spiel gespielt habe - die meisten davon unbemerkt auf dem Heuboden des Stalls. Sie war es auch , die mich vom Zug abholte. Ihr… 더 읽기

작성자: biggerbeo 5달 전 20

Mein erstes Mal

Mein erstes Mal! Erst mal möchte ich mich vorstellen: Ich heiße Dieter bin 48 Jahre, hab einen kleinen Bauch, mein bestes Stück ist 19,5 x 3,5 cm. habe Erfahrungen mit Frauen, mit Männern und beide zusammen, aber immer nur „normaler“ Sex. Ich bin in der Nähe von Neumünster geboren und lebe jetzt in Nordjütland in der nähe von Sagen. Wenn jemand Interesse zur Kontaktaufnahme oder Erfahrungsaustausch hat: dieteru… ICH mit Hunden? Niiieeeee!!!! mir kommt kein Hund ins Haus! So hatte ich immer gedacht, aber irgendwann musste ich dann meine Meinung doch ändern. Vor 4 Jahren rief mich mein… 더 읽기

작성자: biggerbeo 3달 전 4

Männer mögen auch geile H.....

Männer mögen auch geile Hunde Also mal meine Geschichte für die geilen Weiber, die sich immer von Hunden ficken lassen. Auch ich, ein junger Mann, habe mich schon so oft geil von unserer geilen Dogge ficken lassen. Es war an einem schönen Sommerabend, als meine Freundin mal wieder ohne mich losziehen wollte mit Ihren Freundinnen. Tja wie immer wollten sie mich und auch Ihre Freunde nicht dabei haben. Zurzeit lief das auch nicht mehr so doll bei uns zu Hause und im Bett. Ich habe mir dann und wann immer mal meinen Schwanz rausgeholt und es mir selber gemacht. Na da dachte ich mal wieder, werde… 더 읽기

작성자: biggerbeo 3달 전 22

Meine Pussy gehört meinem H....

Meine Pussy gehört meinem Hund Ich lebe seit meiner Scheidung vor ein paar Jahren alleine und habe eine Wohnung in einem schönen Vorort. Ich habe einen Teilzeitjob und kümmere mich viel um meinen Labrador Bär. Wenn ich nicht zu Hause bin, ist er mein Wachhund. Ich selbst bin keine Schönheitskönigin und habe vielleicht ein paar Pfunde zu viel, aber ich habe einen schönen runden Hintern und große 85D Brüste, an denen ich gern rumspiele. Ich liebe es auch, täglich zu mastubieren. Ich komme jeden Tag, manchmal sogar mehrmals am Tag. Ich habe eine schöne Sammlung Vibratoren und Dildos, die ich natü… 더 읽기

작성자: biggerbeo 3달 전 24

Chaleur au Tchad

Bien que ma belle-sœur soit en instance de divorce avec mon frère aîné, nous sommes restés en très bons termes. Je l’ai assisté malgré les déchirures et inévitables batailles que peuvent engendrer une séparation lorsqu’elle se déroule de la pire façon ce qui est leur cas et suis devenue contre toute attente un peu son confident privilégié. Pourtant, lors de notre dernière rencontre, j’ai cru bon de lui faire part de mon irritation et de ma désapprobation lorsqu’elle m’a appris qu’elle entretenait une relation avec le père de sa belle-fille. Elle m’expliqua que son fils aîné s’était marié il… 더 읽기

작성자: Bondhard 11년 전 7

Tochter feiert Geburtstag

Als meine Tochter gerade ihren .. Geburtstag gefeiert hatte, fuhr ich sie eines Abends auf den Geburtstag einer Schulfreundin. Wir hatten vereinbart, dass ich sie auch wieder abhole. Pünktlich um 01:00 Uhr stand ich also vor dem Haus. Meine kleine schwankte zum Auto. Die Bluse unordentlich, die Schuhe in der Hand. Bereits hier wurde mir klar, dass auf dieser Party, wohl jede Menge Alkohol geflossen sein musste, sie konnte sich kaum auf den Beinen halten und schlief im Autos sofort fest ein. So rollte sie sich nun auf dem Beifahrersitz zusammen. Dabei viel mir jedoch auf , dass sie weder Strum… 더 읽기

작성자: FickBock008 2년 전 30

First and second time all in the same day.

I have gone to Adult Bookstores before to get my cock sucked but today I wanted to see what it would be like to suck one myself. I had the day off so I went across town to the local bookstore to see if I could see what it was like to take a cock in my mouth. When I got there I went into the back booths looked for ones with glory holes. I sat down in the booth and watched some videos of guys sucking cock waiting for someone to show up. I waited about a half hour and no one showed so I was going to leave. When I went back into the store the clerk said it’s real slow today. Then he asked me if I… 더 읽기

작성자: Brav1963 4년 전 12

Elemental Thirsts

The furnaces stood in two parallel rows at the foot of the excavated hillside above the wharf and the stables. Staggered burnings took place day and night; by night the lower hill-slope seemed festooned with glowing broken teeth. While one furnace was alight another was being emptied and yet another was being filled with charcoal from the wharf-side heaps and ironstone and limestone from the hillside. Below the end of the lower row of furnaces stood a small brew-house, and at the door to the brew-house stood the two girls. Danime opened the door and urged Lena inside. A warm aromatic shroud o… 더 읽기

작성자: Rabbyrob69 1년 전 4

Lena's memories

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작성자: Rabbyrob69 1년 전

Crazy bus ride

It was a nice and not too warm summer night and I had my new small flowery summer dress. My girlfriend and I had seen a nice romantic movie, had a few drinks in a bar and got on the late night bus back to the North of the town. We greeted the old bearded bus driver and boarded. There were a group of men already on the bus which seemed as if they returned from watching a match of some kind,wearing team scarfes. They seemed happy but tired and talked quietly among themselves. My Girlfriend Anna and I sat together half asleep when suddenly she realizes its her stop. She grabs her handbag and hops… 더 읽기

작성자: bilicker74 10달 전 12

My Dr Grooms me part 2.

Dr Shine Part two He nibbled on my neck and even left a couple of very visible hickeys, marking me as is bitch, I guess. He also unzipped his trousers, and his long fat cock flopped out. He took my hand, and we held his cock together, He instructed me on how to give a hand job. To this day, I can still remember how powerful his cock felt. I did not doubt that I was in the presence of a genuinely wonderful alpha male. After that, our subsequent sessions were much more overtly sexual. He would ask me playfully if I was still a virgin (of course I was). There was also a little bit o… 더 읽기

작성자: betacumwhore 7달 전 2

My first anal experience

Let me first say Im a dirty old man. I first discovered the pleasure of sex when I was 12. My friend Pete and I shared mutual jerk off and cocksucking sessions. It is 1957 and this was definitely taboo so we were careful about where and when we had our sessions, still we got busted by his dad when we were 14 . Pete got shipped off to his grandparents for a few weeks and I figured his dad was going to tell my parents about our sexual escapades. Boy was I in for a surprise. He called me to his house and when I got there he opened the door, was standing behind it, all I could see was his face. I… 더 읽기

작성자: wghflorida 1년 전 19

Got caught

I could suck my own dick when I was very young, even more. I could lick my own balls and watch how stuff went in and out of my asshole. With the flexibility I had it was easy to deepthroat myself and cum deep inside. One day I was not careful enough and an older neighbor boy saw me through the window and took a picture of me using his photo camera - his hobby was photography and he printed his own pics (we are talking late 80s). So, I did not know what he did as he befriended me and invited me to visit him in his home photo lab so I could see how the whole process works. When I came by we went… 더 읽기

작성자: ray_gl 1년 전 18


Wer von euch hat Lust die Bilder meiner Frau auszudrucken und auf die schlampe zu wichsen am besten mit eurem Schwanz auf dem Bild meiner Frau das Törnt die Ehestute richtig an und ihre Pferde Fotze wird schön feucht und ich kann sie dann mit ganz weit gespreizten Beinen abfotografieren und es dann euch zeigen lieben Gruß an euch eure Porno Wife… 더 읽기

작성자: Pornowifee1 4달 전 22

I’m sleeping with my nephew…is it wrong?

I don't know why I'm all of a sudden deciding to post this here and ask for advice, but here I am. MY boyfriend is 31 years younger than I am. That might be all right but he’s also my nephew. Now when i say boyfriend we are obviously not exactly Facebook official, but are in a intimate relationship. My nephew was always around my two sons growing up, who have always enjoyed his company and looked up-to him as their older cousin. I’m 49 and he and I have always been close since his mum died when he was 15. She was my older sister. We’re both very touchy-feely people and have been t… 더 읽기

작성자: -H- 6년 전 26

Desde lo 14 conozco mejor a mi padre

Soy el cuarto de cinco hermanos, mis padres se casaron jovenes. Papa fue siempre representante comercial, por ese motivo pasaba varios días a la semana fuera de casa, de vez en cuando, cuando no había colegio se llevaba a alguno de mis hermanos mayores, normalmente a Raúl. Pero aquella vez el elegido fui yo. Me hizo mucha ilusión acompañarlo en uno de sus viajes. Llagamos ya anochecido a la primera parada del viaje y nos alojamos en su hotel habitual, donde nos echamos a descansar. Me despertó un ruido en la calle, observé que mi padre no estaba en la cama, pero que salía luz por la pu… 더 읽기

작성자: samy15 10년 전 4

This One Was A Little Different Pt. 2

"Are you sure I can't help you with anything?" "Oh no. I'm sure. I've never needed a sous chef unless there is a lot of cutting involved. There is no cutting involved here yet. I just tied up my bird and that's about all there was to it." "We're having chicken?" "No sweetie. It's a game bird." "Oh. Okay." The smells coming from her kitchen were wonderful. The birds exquisitely seasoned with peppers and herbs, the oven roasted broccoli with garlic and long grain brown rice. She plated us both and we ate at her dining table and finished off the wine. It was an amazing dinner. She was an incredib… 더 읽기

작성자: Cunumdrum920 2년 전 2

Zastępstwo u ginekologa

To było jakiś czas temu. Miałam stałego lekarza ginekologa do którego miałam zaufanie. Pod wpływem stresującego trybu życia rozregulował mi się okres . Trwał długo i miałam obfite krwawienie. Mój lekarz jakoś nie umiał sobie z tym problemem poradzić. Zwierzyłam się koleżance. Poleciła mi pewnego lekarza , który mógłby mi pomóc. Zadzwoniłam do niego i przedstawiłam mu swój problem. Po głosie zorientowałam się że musi to być młody lekarz. Troszkę mnie to zaniepokoiło , czy taki młody lekarz może nie mieć wystarczającej wiedzy i doświadczenia aby mi pomóc. Ale pomyślałam ; może będzie nowocześnie… 더 읽기

작성자: Gusia5199 1년 전 3

Mit dem Freund im Pornokino

Es hat lange gedauert bis ich, Reiner (Fotos im Profil), meinen Fickkumpel Jörg überreden konnte mit mir zusammen in ein Pornokino (eher ein Gay Kino) zu gehen. Ich rief Dienstags an und teilte ihm mit, dass ich ihn Freitag um 20 Uhr abholen komme und wir dann zusammen ins Kino fahren würden. Er solle bis dahin seinen geilen Schwanz nur noch bis kurz vorm spritzen anwichsen und dann aufhören,seine Geilheit würde sich in der Zeit ins unermessliche steigern und seine Eier schön viel Sperma produzieren. Zudem solle er seinen Arsch und sein Gehänge nicht mehr waschen und beim Pissen seinen Pisse… 더 읽기

작성자: exhib66 1년 전 12

Gloryhole Man Whore

I'd found an empty booth at my local ABS, locked the door and stripped naked. I found a hot video of male-on-male-on-male action and knelt at the glory hole, anxious to be fed some cock. The glory holes here were more like glory hatches, large and with smooth, rounded edges. I didn't have to wait long, as someone entered the next booth and quickly presented his flaccid cock through the hatch. I hungrily gobbled it into my mouth, rewarded by its swelling and lengthening as it hardened. He pumped his erect cock in and out of my mouth, letting me nibble on the bulbous head before pressing back… 더 읽기

작성자: bioralpleaser 9년 전 29


Several weeks ago and one early evening i was feeling so horny i decided to dress in full Black Lingerie, Mini skirt and a long raincoat to cover myself up with. Putting a pair of black HiHeels in a bag i slipped some trainers on and doing up the raincoat, i went out and decided to go to a Park nearby which i often walked through regulary. I felt so hot and sexy knowing i was in Lingerie under my coat and as the park seemed quite empty i made my way to the mens toilets and having locked the cubicle door i took off my trainers and coat and put on my hiheeled shoes that looked so good against my… 더 읽기

작성자: GuyinStockings 2년 전 43

Blow job Queen 2 continued

so I don't remember now at 48 who I fucked last or who's cock I sucked lol but I remember 30 years ago because it was the beginning for me I guess and maybe the reason why I am such a slut now, although I was married for 10 years and never cheated or participated in anything outside of marriage , so I am had just turned 16 that summer, and I am in the car with two guys in their 20's and they have my clothes off and I am sucking Ricks cock and Jack gets out and goes in the back seat, after Rick cums in my mouth Jack says Lori come over the seat and come in back there's more room,so I am pretty… 더 읽기

작성자: Loripetny 4년 전 12

The Workshop

Lori decided that today was gonna be the day. She had done everything else she could think of to get her new neighbor’s attention, so she decided to go the direct route. She had baked a batch of her famous spice cookies and all was set to deliver him some. She checked her look in the mirror again and felt decidedly naughty. She had on her new gold lame’ bikini which popped against her satiny tanned skin, and a pair of strappy heels. Light makeup with her long, wavy, chestnut hair hanging loosely to her waist completed the look. At 42 she was still in her prime: long and lean with curves in all… 더 읽기

작성자: WetWife999 3년 전 43

Born to Suck Ch. 01

I finished eating my breakfast and as the other boys from the group home drifted outside or back up to their rooms, I went and sat on the little wooden bench on the opposite side of the hallway from Mr. Jarvis' office. His door was closed and I felt a little anxious just sitting there waiting. It felt like being called to the Principal's office at school when you'd been bad. Usually when Mr. Jarvis wanted to talk to you in his office, it was because you'd gotten into some kind of trouble. I sat there fidgeting, wondering once again if he'd forgotten about me or if I'd heard him wrong. I looked… 더 읽기

작성자: canadianbbw 2년 전 7

the bisexual experiences

I was excited and afraid at the same time to go to my new job at the hardware store. It was early and I already had a hard cock just thinking about what could happen today and loved everything I thought about. I rode my bike there and got my nerve up to go in and see Chuck and start my job. I walked in and found him and we exchanged greetings then he told me to follow him to the office he had a uniform for mr so my clothes wouldn't get dirty. I walked behind him checking out his body and dreaming as we walked. When we got there he closed the door saying he didn't want anyone to see me chang… 더 읽기

작성자: philly789 8년 전 12

Summer with my grandparents 4

All those years been with those people. At age 18 my grandma passed away, grandpa started drinking and soon died. I met Tanias daughter, she was already with a small boy, no one knew from whom she got pregnant but everyone was saying that from some relatives. Tanias hubby died, she found a really young boy to live with. It was obvious that he was f g her her daughter as well. I became really close to Tom. He was very happy being sucked by me almost every night. He introduced me to his friends that I didn't know before. Most of them were passive, not married. One guy was a cuckold, around 65, c… 더 읽기

작성자: maiky777 4년 전 10

Kid Next Door

A beautiful married southern white woman is taken by 5 young black high school youths. And it is all observed by her teenage son. (m+/F, nc, rp, intr) *** Beth Addams was a gorgeous, exceedingly sexy 36 year old married woman who took great pride in her physical appearance. To look at her one would think that she was still in her teens with her shoulder length true blond hair, big innocent sky blue eyes and a tight firm body that was the envy of every other woman whom she knew. Being raised and living in the deep south she would spend a lot of time lounging around and swimming in h… 더 읽기

작성자: hondo1906 3년 전 17

Recovering from a brutal gangbang...

As many of you know I was recently asked by a guy I met named Mark on the Adult Friendfinder app to host a bachelor party for a group of his friends coming into Las Vegas. I'm a widowed mom, juggling k**s and Uber gigs, but certainly not a party planner. I hesitated but agreed, seeking adventure. It was a leap, but I needed something more, especially the money. Turns out Mark wasn’t who I thought he was. His picture on the site showed a young fit handsome guy but instead he was an older, balding fat guy who was also a manipulative asshole but he promised me a lot of money if I’d go through w… 더 읽기

작성자: UberDrivingSlut 10달 전 6

My friends Rottweiler

A friend's wife catches me sucking their Rottweiler A few years ago, round a friend's house, stayed over, his wife found me sucking their Rottweiler's cock. They'd gone to bed and I was in the lounge doing a couple of lines of coke and watching some porn. They have a fabulous gentle and huge Rottweiler. He wandered into the lounge and leaned against me. I started stroking his stomach and then brushed his cock. I started stroking his cock and pretty quickly his hard cock sprung from his sheath. He obviously was enjoying it and so was I. I got off the sofa, laid next to him and was wanking his… 더 읽기

작성자: PaulaXD51 1년 전 57