MY LIFE'S STORY ! 10. continued from chapter

following morning I rush into the boy's room well Vinnie comments ne and my cock were wondering were you where ! he faces ne a huge hard bone in his powerful slowly cock milking hand. there was an accident the bus had too detour, befor he could respond my little tongue is laping up the pre-cum pouring from his delicious pee-hole I hum in joyous content. I then take over using my two habds to take over slowly jerking him off ! my little tongue licking all 10 inches of his magnificent prick he sighs in approval , while his super hands and finger pinch & twist my tiny nipples raw ! piggy, dad… 더 읽기

작성자: antonioferndal2 1년 전 1


the next afternoon my dad comes home from work, dad works the grave yard shift abd usually comes home around 1 pm. mom talks to dad about Vinnie wanting to take me for a week. dad says in reply it might be a good thing, I mean dad continues we really can't aford vacation this year may Vinnie though I haven't met him yet might be good for Mathew. he does seem calmer less depressed. if like you say Marge spends time with our son. helping Mathew's ego. then why not ! but mom replie there's an age difference Vinnie is almost 17 Mat's going yo be 7 in two months Quite a difference. true dad continu… 더 읽기

작성자: antonioferndal2 1년 전


after being joyously used by Vinnie in the forest with flavour of his delicious cum load still lingering in my mouth, . we enter the house. mom's showeing getting ready for bed it's now 10 pm. there' two dishes of beef stew and noodles warming top of stove. me an Vinnie begin to eat. she's down greeting us before we finish. sits having a cup of coffee. you guys she says, keep coming home so late. ! I'm sorry Mrs Blanca I enjoy sharing time with Mathew, I know he does too, we play on play ground there're lights. we just don't pay attention to time Vinnie explains. yes mom replies but Mat gets o… 더 읽기

작성자: antonioferndal2 1년 전


again mom sounds angry, though in bed she leaves a note ! "there's dinner for you both in the oven trying to keep warm, shut the oven off when done. there's enough for you both, Vinnie, she includes make your self at home, Mat shower and go to bed, I was very tired ! the note continues, to stay up, good night ! Vinnie does his thing calling for a ride, then sits joining me at the table dinner is stuffed cabbage in tomato sauce with rice and beans. when done Vinnie brings his dish to the sink as he usually does, I follow his lead. by time we're settle again there's the familiar beep from his ri… 더 읽기

작성자: antonioferndal2 1년 전


he then crotches down in front of me, you still love your dad he whispers staring straight into my tearing eyes I throw my small arms around his neck, with out question. I whimper, love you a lot Vinnie. he hugs me tight to his hot sweaty physique, kissing the right side of his face, I love you too, little boy he responds,. now too complete your punishment go pile all these leaves like a bed. when done piles his clothes and mine top of them as before. good boy he says. ah yea he remarks as he lays upon them, great. now get your ass over here ! use your mouth hands in motion do what ever I've a… 더 읽기

작성자: antonioferndal2 1년 전


mom has her worried face when we enter can hear her tapping her nails against the table top. you guys know what time it is ! ten pm ! sorry mom I respond Vinnie and I played basket ball. how she remarks he's tall, Mat. he's in 6th grade you're in first. how she repeats. I'm afraid it's my fault mam Vinnie responds. we just get so involved. mom tries to reason Mat's only a toddler you're a 6th grader tall much taller than my son, he can't possibly reach the basket, no it's true Vinnie answers still we have fun we dribble the ball Mathew's getting the hang of it we pass the ball. at times he hol… 더 읽기

작성자: antonioferndal2 1년 전


during class I keep sniffing my hands and shirt sleeves soaked by Vinnie's urine, his oder so intoxicating ! I couldn't wait to go into the forest with him latter. it's now 4:30 pm still waiting for him to come all the buses gone. play ground quit. me thinking he's forgotten about me. finally I hear his whistle. I run after him as he walks down the path, finally catching up he extends his hand which I'm delighted to hold. he looks down at me as we walk, sorry Mat, he apologizes I had foot ball practice I'm so freakin horny I was hoping you hadn't left I'm getting fond of you, Vinnie confesses.… 더 읽기

작성자: antonioferndal2 1년 전


I am up and ready to get to school quickly with out her having to scream come on Mat. let's go, I'm impressed she smiles. my 1st stop is to the boys rest room for my morning piss. soon after Vinnie comes in pulling up to the urinal on my right. his big uncut cock already exposed (uncut another term I add to my growing vocabulary). he notices my eyes light up. he looks down my eyes connect to his opal blues. babe he whispers I was hoping you'd be here I'm so freakin horny, you like me he adds. a lot I cozy up to his leg. yah know Mat. I'm sort of fond of you too. well he says do you need an ord… 더 읽기

작성자: antonioferndal2 1년 전


it's now a quarter to 4pm. I hear a whistle it's Vinnie getting my attention nodding his head towards the forest, suggesting I follow, he's already among some trees. come on boy he commands I follow his voice finding him. you afraid he scoffs a little bit I reply as he extends a strong hand, I put my tiny hand in his, don't be he says I'll take care of you little buddy, he takes me deeper into this forest we enter sort of a natural dark room created by surrounding huge tall evergreens in a circle with in tree stumps are here and there dark except for the sun rays finding their way to the groun… 더 읽기

작성자: antonioferndal2 1년 전


every morning my ritual is to pee, handing this handsome Vinnie his books and documents I ran into the boys room to pee. not long after Vinnie pulls up into the urinal beside me, I only stood up to his knee as far as height. he, Vinnie was fairly tall my eyes strayed first up to his opal blue eyes, and he stared down into mine, then my eyes strayed down his right arm it was slowly moving, he was masturbating what seemed like a hose, thick long . my eyes were glued to it as he slowly did his thing like it he asks ? of course I nodded yes. help me hold it ! he whispers lifting me up by my neck c… 더 읽기

작성자: antonioferndal2 1년 전 1

intro to my life's story !

coming from a Latino family, born in 1943. at 5 years old my knowledge then, about sex with all its terminology and definitions. were unknown to me, it taken me awhile to know a big oval shape was a baby ! not a fat belly. parents argued yet never used profanity. when I was around 3 years old, sometimes male friends or relatives of my mom and dad would hold me in their arms. my tiny hands would at times rest on some powerful biceps and shoulders. regardless if they were bare chested like at the beach just hot or short or long sleeves, my hands noticed them muscles. yet the term gay I had no cl… 더 읽기

작성자: antonioferndal2 1년 전