The paradox of our time

The paradox of our time The paradox of our time in history is that we taller buildings but shorter tempers wider freeways but narrower viewpoints We spend more but have less we buy more but enjoy less We have bigger houses but smaller families We have more conveniences but less time We have more degrees but less sense more knowledge but less judgment more experts yet more problems more medicine but less wellness We drink too much smoke too much We spend too recklessly Laugh too little Drive too fast We too angry Stay up too late get up too tired R… 더 읽기

작성자: alonedark0 10년 전 9

Stories from the Internet

Nice story ??!!!!???.. wait commentary I want you to take my dick Out of my pants And suck it hard Bend over and present your arse to me Let me slowly push inside you Pull out Turn you around Take it in your mouth again Suck it I want to cum thinking of you Your nipples Beautiful In my hands I stretch Your playing with yourself You’ve cum already You’re wet Push your fingers in Lather yourself Spread your hips out And present yourself To your Master Let him take his time To prepare you Open your lips Feel inside Before He pushes his thick Hot, rod Juicin… 더 읽기

작성자: alonedark0 10년 전

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Here are some lines of help ------------------------------------------------------------ THE CHEF XHAMSTER. TECHNICAL PROBLEMS. He'll be happy to answer to anything. GENERAL FOR YOUR OWN OPINION.더 읽기

작성자: alonedark0 11년 전