307 – Help In The Community Part 5

I was so tired after yesterday that I didn’t wake up until 10 to 8 and realising that Mrs Cockiner would be arriving any minute I got into a panic quickly jumping out of bed and putting my robe on and after a quick pee put the kettle on to make some coffee hoping that she’d be late arriving, unfortunately she wasn’t..

The doorbell rang right on 8 o’clock and still blurry eyed I went to open it.. “Good Morning Mr Moran” she said cheerfully as she stood at the door looking somewhat different from how she looked yesterday, she had a rather tight fitting tee shirt with ‘Help in the Community’ across the front and as she heaved her chest out the sight of her nipples poking against the thin fabric clearly told me she wasn’t wearing a bra and as my eyes lowered I could see she had a much shorter skirt which buttoned at the front and hung halfway up her thighs, I was impressed..

“Oh good morning Mrs Cockiner, please come in.. I’m just making coffee.. would you like some?” I asked as she glanced down at my loosely tied robe.. “Mmm yes please Mr Moran, that should get the blood flowing.. black and sweet please” she said cheerfully as we walked into the lounge.. “Coming up Mrs C, please take a seat and I’ll sort it out” I said as she walked over to the sofa and sat down again heaving her chest out.. I had no idea why she did this but having a nice firm pair of tits on her I certainly wasn’t complaining..

I made the coffee and sneakily put a few drops of my magic potion into hers and in the absence of my customary morning wood put a few drops into mine and quickly returned to the lounge where she was waiting.. “Oh you are a darling, makes a change from home.. I always have to make my Chris a morning cuppa and take it in to him, never know what I’ll find” she said with a giggle as she took her cup.. “Have you just woken up then Mr Moran” she said looking at my robe as I sat down.. I had to be honest as my hair was a mess and it was obvious.. “Yeah.. was a bit of a rush” I said as we both sipped our coffee immediately feeling the effects of the caffeine.. “It’s fine, I’m in no rush.. take your time” she said heaving that lovely chest out again and I noticed that with the bottom of her shirt being untucked she was showing an inch of bare navel..

“Mmm this is nice coffee” she said taking a sip.. “Got a nice kick to it, Chris likes it strong in the mornings too” she said with a giggle as I looked across at her glowing face, I noticed that her skirt only had three buttons on it and as she sat with her knees an inch apart I had a pleasant view of her thighs albeit not quite enough to see her underwear, it was a nice way to wake up though.. “Oh yeah Mrs Cockiner, I don’t come alive until I’ve had my caffeine, my mother always used to bring me in a coffee and it was nice waking up to her sitting on the bed, it was very comforting” I said making conversation which was a nice ice breaker.. “Aww that’s so sweet.. I must admit it’s nice watching him sleeping and then waking up to the smell of coffee.. sheets all over the place but I’m used to that” she said with a cheeky grin as she glanced down at my legs, I was being careful not to expose too much.. “Really, does he sleep naked too.. I can’t abide restrictions in bed” I said keeping on the subject seeing where it would lead.. “Hmm.. I can see that Mr Moran and it’s the same in our house too, much more comfortable I think” she said in agreement and I noticed that subconsciously her legs widened and I could now see the white of her underwear, Mmm.. nice…

“Sometimes I sit for 10-15 minutes just watching him sleep before he smells the coffee and slowly comes round, he looks so peaceful Mr Moran.. and then he’ll sit up in bed, sheet around his knees and we’ll talk for a bit.. and then because of my work I have to go get dressed.. do you miss not having that with your mother Mr Moran?” she said as her eyes widened and again she heaved out her chest and as I looked across I could see her nipples were a little more prominent.. “Indeed I do Mrs Cockiner, when I was Chris’s age I was full of hormones and testosterone and mother always made sure my day started in the best way and when mother worked late and slept in my sister would always bring my coffee before she went to school, she looked so cute in her uniform too” I said with a cheeky grin and I was convinced we were both on the same page..

“Oooh that must’ve been nice Mr Moran, you were lucky but unfortunately Chris only has his mother the get him off to a good start, he never complains though” she said as she finished her coffee.. “Oooh this was nice coffee.. I don’t suppose I could have another one could I, and then we’ll talk about Carla” she asked politely.. “Of course, I’ll even join you” I said smiling and as I stood up and walked over to get her cup I could feel my cock flopping around under my shorts and robe, Mrs C saw it too and her eyes widened.. “I can see you’re coming to life a bit now Mr Moran” she said smiling as again she heaved out her chest..

As I made the drinks putting a few more drops in it was obvious that Mrs Cockiner was a definite teasing MILF hidden under that middle aged exterior and I was excited to convey my feedback on Carla, I could tease with the best of them and as I returned with the drinks I was conscious of my cock flopping around and stood for a few extra seconds as Mrs C focused her eyes and with the close attention making the front start to rise there was no way she didn’t see it, I sat back down and with the tie being rather loose and my legs spread just enough to tease we both sipped our drinks..

“So, tell me about Carla, is there any hope?” She said softly as she subtly looked across at my exposed thighs, I smiled as I thought about Carla’s visit and as Mrs Cockiner sat back feeling relaxed and sipping her drink she subconsciously widened her legs more putting strain on the bottom button of her skirt, I wondered how long that would hold but I did get a nice view of her white lacy panties..

“Oh yes, there’s definitely hope Mrs C, we sat and talked and I got her to open up as we tried to find common ground, the more we talked the more she opened up and it was nice to see” I said as I felt my robe starting to rise, Mrs Cockiner listened intently but I could see she was keeping a close eye on my body language.. “That’s an excellent start Mr Moran, did you find any common ground?.. shouldn’t we be on first name terms.. I’m Lucy” she said making the meeting less formal… “Good idea Lucy, I’m Mikie and yes, once she opened up we did find that exercising was the mutual interest that we both shared” I said excitedly and could see Lucy focusing her eyes more on me.. “Really Mikie, I can see that you’re fit and I know she needs building up, how did things develop, was it hard?” she asked as again she heaved out her chest showing more of her belly..

“I have to admit it was hard but we had a nice chat about the program and the expectations required of her and when she opened up more I could certainly see the potential and she had some nice attributes, it was nice to see Lucy” I said as my robe continued to rise and I knew without looking that my testicles were now exposed as I teasingly widened my legs a little more which forced Lucy to follow and finally the bottom button popped open displaying more of her white lacy gusset darkened by the pubic bush hidden beneath..

“It’s good when you can see the potential Mikie, sometimes you have to look for it and I can see you have a couple of nice attributes yourself, definitely nice to see.. please continue” she said and then realised her button had popped open which she made no attempt to rectify.. “It’s commendable that you look for the good in people Mikie, keep doing that as it makes us females feel warm and fuzzy knowing that our best features are on display.. did you come across any restrictions with Carla and if so were you able to get close enough to remove them and get inside or was it too hard?” she said digging deep and I liked the way the discussion was going.. I had the perfect answers for her..

“As exercising was a common interest I felt that doing some together would be the best way to get inside her and while there were obstacles I found that once we had removed those restrictions it allowed us both to work on the stiffness unhindered.. she became comfortable and her enthusiasm grew as did mine” I said enthusiastically and I could see that Lucy was thus far pleased with the progress being made..

“That’s excellent Mikie and I can see your enthusiasm growing as we speak, it’s nice to see” she replied as she looked between my legs at my growing bulge..
“Was she aware of the stiffness and did she loosen up with the exercise program that you agreed on Mikie?” she asked and I was pleased with her thoroughness of questioning and again she heaved out her chest in excitement, she had great body language and with her legs spread as were mine it was impossible to keep eye contact..

“Oh yes, once we’d got all the restrictions out of the way and started on some exercises she was well aware of my stiffness and we worked on hers enabling her to loosen up nicely, she opened up more and worked on various muscles that enabled growth, she was very accommodating by the end and I think she learnt a lot” I said as I felt my cock pulsing under my robe which didn’t go amiss to Lucy’s watchful gaze..

She heaved her chest out again and I noticed that her nipples had grown in size with her tee shirt clinging tightly.. she glanced down.. “There are two raised points Mikie which I’d like to discuss in more detail.. (Her eyes drifted back between my legs and she even adjusted her head to get a better view).. one is the stiffness and how that was dealt with and the second was Carla’s attitude, did she raise any points.. please elaborate on that as I know being a mother that Chris often suffers from stiffness” she said inquisitively looking back briefly at her chest..

“You have raised two interesting points Lucy and I admire you for them and wanting to discuss the subject of the stiffness.. Carla also raised two points which from what I see now weren’t as developed as the points you’ve raised but I felt I gave sufficient attention to her points and would love to offer your points the same attention.. as for the stiffness Carla had a very hands on approach to not only relieve the stiffness but extract the build-up of toxins contained within, she was very enthusiastic in her approach” I said smiling as Lucy listened intently processing every word of my impressive feedback.. “Ah yes, the extraction of the toxins is a very important part of the process of relieving stiffness and I’ve learnt with Chris that there are various techniques that can achieve this, it’s good to know that she showed you all the right attributes, did the stiffness return and if so was it dealt with by Carla’s hands on approach or were other methods used.. I’m so glad you were able to open up the holes in her personality” she replied excitedly as we discussed things in more detail.. “And I’m so glad to see you loosening up as we discuss this Mikie” she added as she noticed my robe tie loosening further under the pressure of my throbbing boner..

“Thank you Lucy, I feel I have to be open with you and not hide any important points which might hinder Carla’s future development and I also appreciate your openness which is very nice to see and it was pleasing that when the stiffness returned Carla was adaptable with her hands on approach to allow the holes in her personality to be filled.. we both released a lot of unwanted toxins and our targets were reached to both our satisfaction.. I was very impressed and feel that you should persevere with her in your program.. I think she’s regained her willingness to please and with your openness to coaching will now excel in her role within the community” I said enthusiastically to end what I thought was a glowing review..

Lucy looked very pleased at my assessment and I noticed her sneakily lick her lips as she processed all the information I’d given..
I think Lucy’s opinion of Carla had changed and she was more than happy to persevere with her in the program and I hoped that she wasn’t about to up and leave, her body language told me she wasn’t..

“That’s excellent Mikie and now we can discuss other things unless you’re busy, I’ve certainly got time” she said enthusiastically and with a warm smile.. I looked across at her relieved that she wasn’t leaving.. “Of course Lucy, I’ve got as much time as you need” I said glancing up into her glazed looking eyes, “What’s on your mind” I added as I relaxed in the chair excited by what she had to say.. she took a deep breath heaving her wonderful chest out again and shuffled on her seat which somehow seemed to pull her skirt up more showing more of her see-through lacy underwear which didn’t seem to bother her and appeared quite flattered that a guy not much older than her son was taking a keen interest..

“Well Mikie, you’ve shown me a lot in the short time I’ve known you and I have to say I’ve been very impressed with what I’ve seen” she said softly as she adjusted her head to get a better view up my almost open robe.. “You have shown me attributes that I think could benefit the program and what I’m trying to build in the community” she said which made me smile and as I adjusted myself in my chair I inadvertently loosened my robe to the point that my dick was now showing and making no movement to hide it caused Lucy to smile although she didn’t directly comment..

“How would you like to offer yourself in training some of my underperforming students and also be on hand should a client request a male helper.. (my eyes widened at her suggestion and even my cock pulsed exposing more of my shaft).. if you’re interested I can offer you comprehensive training personally tailored to your level of expertise, what are your thoughts on that Mr Moran” she said as she focused her eyes on my new exposure.. I was somewhat speechless as I hadn’t expected such an interesting offer.. “I can see you’re interested Mikie and I’d like the opportunity for you to put your rather impressive attributes to good use” she added as I thought about my reply.. “Wow Mrs Cockiner, that’s a very nice looking offer.. (she sat up and edged to the edge of her seat giving me an enhance view of her bulging gusset).. it’s very nice Lucy and from what I’ve seen I’d certainly be interested, tell me.. what would the training entail?” I asked as she heaved her chest out again, her nipples like bullets.. she was quick to answer as my robe fell open giving her a full view, I made no apology..

She gave me a warm smile.. “It’s purely to ensure you can handle all areas giving satisfaction to the client and that you’re a good fit taking all openings into consideration and from what I’ve seen from Carla and Karen I’m sure my faith in you will be justified, it’s important that you taste the benefits of the program..” she said encouragingly and as my cock pulsed again in front of her eyes I was raring to go.. “Sounds great Lucy.. how about another coffee and we can seal the deal” I said eagerly and with excitement.. she smiled warmly.. “Sure.. why not” she replied heaving that wonderful chest out again..

As I stood up my robe fell open and as her eyes widened her jaw dropped like she’d never seen an erect penis before, she gasped as I moved closer to get her cup with my cock bouncing like a slow motion movie and as I got closer I noticed her legs subconsciously widen popping the second button open on her skirt, her face was priceless with a look of shock horror.. “Mr Moran, what are you doing?” she gasped as I reached down grabbing my cock and directing it towards her mouth and with her jaw still dropped in disbelief I went straight in there.. “Uugghh” she cried as her lips closed around the shaft as I pushed deeper into her warm and inviting mouth..

After a few seconds she became receptive and I felt her tongue swirling around my helmet and gentle suction and as one hand reached out cupping my swollen balls the other slid into my robe grabbing my arse cheek with her fingers quickly searching out my crack.. she pulled back slowly and started to run her tongue around my helmet and up and down my shaft as she gently squeezed my balls.. “Mmm Chris, you’re such a naughty boy, mummy loves your cock” she mumbled breathlessly and I didn’t mind her thinking I was her son, it added a bit of spice to it and as she took me back in her mouth she started to bob her head as I initiated a gentle thrusting motion.. “Yeah mummy, suck it mummy.. make me cum” I said softly as I too started to get breathless.. she was so good and I needed my first release of the day…

We both got into a bit of a frenzy as I reached down and held her head fucking her mouth gently going deeper and deeper causing her to spew her saliva down my shaft rubbing the wetness into my balls using the fingers wedged in my crack to lubricate my arsehole and as I felt her hands running up twist and her finger push into my hole I knew I was nearly there and as my hips moved back and forth the motion pushed her finger deeper into me, my legs started to tremble as I reached my peak and she knew that my orgasm was imminent and started to suck harder.. “Yes mummy.. oh god yes” I cried as I felt my cock pulsating and shooting my thick creamy spunk right down her throat.. “Mmmmmmmmm” she mumbled and she didn’t flinch as she swallowed all I could give her..

As I pulled back she was a little reluctant to let go and as I closed my robe and loosely tied the tie she closed her legs albeit her skirt was only buttoned at the waist, she looked up at me with a slightly confused look and then back down at the flagpole sticking out the front.. “So, how about that coffee Lucy” I said making no reference to what had just taken place, she smiled as she licked her lips.. “Oooh yes Mikie, sweet and black” she said as I picked up her cup, I so love how the subconscious works, it really reveals people’s hidden desires and I headed off to the kitchen I was left in no doubt about the relationship she had with her son..

I quickly returned with our drinks.. “Here you go Mrs Cockiner.. I do love your name, is that your married name?” I asked and she looked up at me smiling.. “Yes it is Mikie, it does raise a few eyebrows, Cockiner by name and Cockiner by nature” she said with a giggle as she sipped her sweet black coffee.. “It’s better than my maiden name though” she added slightly blushing as I sat down with my drink seeing her legs parting again as she relaxed.. “It’s nice Lucy, what was your maiden name then?” I asked inquisitively and waited for her answer.. she was a bit reluctant to say and there was a moments silence.. “Promise you won’t laugh” she said as I shook my head.. “I promise” I replied waiting eagerly for her response and she took a deep breath… “It was Cumsalot and I was always teased at school, I couldn’t wait to get married” she said and I had to use all my powers to keep a straight face.. “That’s not too bad, Lucy Cumsalot has a nice ring to it” I said causing her to smile as her legs relaxed more,

“I do like your coffee Mikie, makes me feel all warm inside” she said excitedly as I saw her trying to peek up my robe again trying to divert the conversation from her rather suggestive names.. she sat forward and inched herself to the edge of the sofa and as I focused my eyes back between her legs I could see the darkness of her pubic bush and the dark pink colour of her puffy squashed labia hidden beneath her almost transparent white lacy panties, her gusset was tight and I could see the thin fabric squeezing into her arse cheeks, she saw me looking and then again her subconscious kicked in.. "Oh Chris, is there something you like, come here and have a closer look, mummy likes the attention you give her” she said softly as she put her coffee down and pointed to the floor in front of her.. “Come and make mummy happy” she sighed softly as leaving her arse cheeks on the edge she sat back widening her legs further.. I didn’t hesitate and put my cup down and slid off my chair getting on all fours and inching my way across to her..

Like a horny canine I eased my head between her legs and inhaled her musky scent reaching up and popping her last remaining button and pulling her skirt wide open exposing her skimpy white lacy panties revelling in her aroma pushing my face into her crotch.. “Oooh you’re so naughty Chris” she murmured as my tongue started to lick around her spongy gusset, I reached my hands up under her tight fitting tee shirt pushing it up clasping my hands around her fleshy globes feeling her stiff nipples in the palms of my hands and then pushing up further pushing her shirt up over her head and off before returning my hands to her lovely tits while all the time flicking my tongue around her moist gusset exploring the lacy material.. “Oooh yes baby boy, you’re so good at this, mummy loves it.. Oh yes” she sighed as she widened her legs further and pushed forward pressing her crotch harder into my face, her breathing increased …

I could feel her getting wetter as she slowly gyrated on my face and her hands came down on top of my head as I pulled my arms down slipping them under her arse cheeks pulling her closer.. “Oh my boys so good with his tongue, mummy love this” she mumbled as I eased my fingers into her waistband slowly pulling her panties down..

With her panties now off I returned my back down feeling her warm smooth thighs against my ears and my tongue continued to explore her hairy muff separating her labia and tasting the delights hidden within, her little boy cock growing with each intended flick causing her to grip my hair tightly.. “Damn it baby boy, you’ll have mummy cumming soon, oh it’s so good” she cried as my fingers pushed into her arse crack searching out her darkened hole, my cock was rampant and exposed, not that she could see it and as her body started to shake I get her orgasm approaching which was just the lubrication I needed..

She pushed my head down hard as her juices squirted into my mouth and I couldn’t escape even if I wanted to and as the thick juice flowed down my throat all I could think of was getting my cock in her..
When she finally eased the pressure on my head I took the opportunity to rise up pulling my hands out from underneath her, she had a frenzied look on her face and her eyes looked miles away and to keep up the momentum she reached out and took hold of my cock and pulled it towards her dripping cunt.. “Fuck me baby boy, give me your seed” she cried out as I inched forward and she knew just where to put it and as I entered her I immediately felt her cunt muscles sucking me inside, she heaved out her chest invitingly and as I started to thrust in and out of her she forced her lovely breasts into my face, her nipples were big and sensitive as I sucked hard quickly getting into my stride and it wasn’t long before her body was shaking as another orgasm ripped through her and I could feel her warm juices running down my swinging balls..

We were going at it like two rabbits and her experience shone through as she gyrated her hips in a perfect rhythmic fashion and as her orgasms flowed I wasn’t sure if her maiden name or her married name was more apt, she certainly cums a lot and she definitely liked a cock in her and as the squelching sounds rang out around the room I could feel the pressure building inside of me as we both started to get breathless..

“Oh yes, give it to mummy” she cried out as her head went back and she felt the stream of hot creamy spunk shooting into her belly and I could feel her cunt muscles working overtime sucking me dry as the sweat poured off my face.. it was a fantastic end to an interesting morning and as my cock started to soften I pulled gently out as a big beaming smile came across Lucy’s face, she heaved her chest out as I got to my feet and tied my robe..

I took the empty cups out to the kitchen while Lucy got herself dressed and when I returned she looked up at me as reality started to return.. “I think you’ll be a great addition to the team Mr Moran both helping in the community and in training the team, welcome aboard” she said with a cheeky grin heaving her chest out once more.. “Thank you Mrs Cockiner” I said keeping it formal, “I’m excited by the opportunity” I added as she got to her feet, “Let me assess where I he girls are at and I’ll come back to you” she said writing down my phone number.. “And of course I’ll need detailed reports on their progress” she added with a smile, I had no problem with that..
게시자: britguy
1년 전
하거나 하여 댓글 게시
fdj 12달 전
Fucking excellent stories.
nicolaslut 1년 전
Shes happy now she has her loads to start the day well done Mike
dmf399 1년 전