234 – Kelly’s Fitness Club

After a good night’s sleep I was feeling refreshed and looking forward to my trial day at Kelly’s Fitness Club and being told they opened at 10 I arrived soon after, there was a bell to the side of the main entrance which I rang and waited.

“Hi, I’m Mikie” I said to the pretty young lady who answered the door, she looked confused.. “Abby said to come along for a trial today” I added and from the look on her face it all clicked into place.. “Ah yes, Hi Mikie, I’m Kelly.. please come in” said the pretty girl dressed in tight white shorts sitting snuggly on her hips and a small sports bra covering her small 32a’s.. she looked nice..
“Come through Mikie and we’ll get you sorted out” she said with a smile as I followed her through to reception.. I couldn’t help looking at her fit little arse, her shorts certainly complemented her slim and slender shape.

We got to the small reception area where light refreshments were available and I have to say although small the decor was nice creating a nice relaxing atmosphere, there was a middle aged gentleman sitting in just a towel wrapped around himself drinking a coffee who looked up and smiled.. “Morning” he said softly and I nodded in acknowledgment.. “Morning sir” I replied as Kelly went behind the counter to book me in.

“Unfortunately Mikie the gym is unavailable today as we have no suitable supervision but please take advantage of the sauna, jacuzzi and steam room and there are shower facilities too.. clothes are optional and we supply towels.. I have you down for massage and will come an find you when I’m free.. the lockers are just through the door and I’m sure Peter over there will show you around.. any questions please come find me or Abby” she said handing me a small towel which I didn’t think would cover much.. “Thanks Kelly” I replied with a smile as Peter stood up fastening his little towel which I have to say only just wrapped around him..

“I’m Peter.. come this way” he said politely as we headed for an open door towards the changing area.. “Thanks Peter, I’m Mikie” I replied as we went into a small changing area with half a dozen or so lockers.. “Leave your clothes in here mate and hand the key in, it’s quite safe.. Kelly insists on a decent type of clientele” he said as he watched me pull my shirt off, “It’s not too spacious in here to be honest Mikie but being members only it’s quite cosy, I think you’ll enjoy it” he said as I slipped my shoes off putting them in the locker and as I hesitated with my shorts he looked up at me sensing my nervousness.. “Don’t worry Mikie, the guys here are very friendly and all used to nudity.. it’s alright mate” he said reassuringly which made me feel better.

I eased my shorts off and put them in my locker and could see Peter smiling as he looked at my naked body.. “Wow mate, you have a fit body, definitely in the right place here mate, shame the gyms out of commission today” he said as I slowly wrapped the little towel around me.. we quickly dropped my key off at reception and headed through another door towards the relaxation area where I saw the little jacuzzi with an older grey haired gentleman sitting in the bubbles.. “Oh hello Peter” he said very politely, they obviously knew each other, “Hi Charles, good to see you in the bubbles” he said with a chuckle.. Charles looked at me holding my towel tightly..

“Oh this is Mikie, he’s having a look around before joining the gang.. I’m going to mentor the lad” he said smiling which also brought a smile to old man’s face.. “Best we give him a pleasurable experience then Peter.. I’ll join you in the sauna” he said cheerfully as he reached out grabbing the side of the jacuzzi pulling himself to his feet, water running down his slim toned body which was in pretty good shape.. “Wouldn’t believe he’s in his 70’s would you Mikie” Peter said as I looked down at his impressive cock hanging down which was certainly good for his age.. “Wow” I gasped at his toned physique..

“I hope I’m as fit as you when I’m 70 sir” I said in amazement which broke the ice a bit and quelled my nerves.. they both seemed nice guys and you could certainly tell they both had good backgrounds.. Charles grabbed his towel and hung it on a peg by the sauna door, “You can leave your towel here Mikie if you want to mate, we tend not to bother with them” he said as he took his towel off and hung it up.. I was amazed at how fit these guys were and as I glanced down I saw that Peter had nothing to be ashamed of either.. I could tell straight away I was in good company.
I quickly removed my towel and hung it up as we all went into the sauna.. “Good lad Mikie.. it’s a bit of a squeeze in here but we’ll manage.. builds up a good sweat, cleans the pores” he said as I followed him inside.

The sauna was small with a lower bench and an upper bench about 6 feet wide and it was a squeeze as first Charles and then Peter took to the upper bench.. “Come on lad, it’s a tight squeeze but I’m sure we can fit you in” Charles said in his distinguished voice as they made space, I stepped up and turned around and squeezed between the pair of them, our bodies touching, flesh on flesh.. “Now just relax Mikie, feel the warmth and let your body sweat” Peter said and while I had my arms folded both of them had their hands on their knees and as our bodies touched it felt intimate, relaxed and friendly but intimate all the same..

“This is good” I remarked as we all get the heat of the sauna and as I felt myself reacting down below I glanced down and could see they were both getting a bit chubby.. “Oh and I forgot to mention Mikie.. it’s not uncommon for erections to occur” Peter said as I noticed him glancing down.. “It’s quite natural son, nobody seems to mind” Charles added which seemed to make me feel better as I struggled to control my pending arousal.. “Oh that’s good then isn’t it.. happens to me quite a lot” I said cheerfully and was quite glad we’d had that conversation as it saved me any embarrassment.

“Is Brian coming in today Charles?” Pete asked as they both looked down at my stiffening cock, I had no control however I was happy after we discussed erections to just go with the flow.. Charles looked across me.. “I believe so Peter.. gonna be a tight squeeze but I’m sure we’ll manage” he said back as we all started to sweat up.. it was certainly hot as they both started to rub the sweat into their bodies.. Peter looked at me still sitting with my arms crossed.. “Helps the skin Mikie if you rub the sweat in” Pete said as their hands ran down their stomach getting dangerously close to their semi hard cocks.. “Sounds feasible” I said with a smile as I started to do the same.. “That’s it son, rub well” Charles added as I felt their thighs pressing against mine.

Just as my hand was about to rub the sweat into my growing boner the sauna door opened and in stepped a well ripped man in his 30’s, I immediately looked up and again a very well-endowed man stood naked in front of us all quickly closing the door to keep the heat in.. “Hello Brian, oversleep did we” Charles said with a chuckle and Brian looked at me, the new boy and smiled, there was no way all of us could fit in I was sure of that, he stood there a little disconcerted..

“Oh mate, you don’t know the half of it.. the ex-wife went sick so couldn’t pick Angie up to in a panic I chatted up the neighbour to look after her for a few hours” he said rather unhappily.. Charles sighed as did Peter.. “Oh that’s not cricket is it my friend" Charles replied in his upper crust voice.. “Means I’m gonna have to take a rain check on our chess match later.. so sorry to let you down” he said as he looked down at me rubbing the sweat into myself.. “Oooh who this fine young fellow then, a new member?” He asked with a nice smile.. “Strapping lad I must say” he added noticing my semi arousal.. Peter chipped in..

“This is Mikie Brian, he’s here for a look around.. “I think he’s enjoying himself, we’re just showing him the ropes” he added and Brian reached out his hand for the customary handshake.. “Lovely to meet you Mikie, I hope my friends are taking good care of you” he said softly, I nodded my head.. “Yes sir.. I’m feeling pretty good” I said with a warm smile… “That’s great Mikie.. it’s a bit crammed in here, now.. where am I going to sit?” He asked and with three of us crammed on the top bench that option was totally out of the question.. Charles looked across at Peter, he had an idea..

“How about if Mikie puts his legs over ours maybe you could squeeze on the bottom bench Brian, it’ll be tight but at least we can all benefit” he said as Peter surveyed the options.. “Might work Charles, you’ll have to sit inwards though Brian, I don’t think your big hairy legs will fit facing out unless we open the door which will defeat the object” Peter said diplomatically and both Charles and Brian seemed to like the idea, I could see the benches were open slats and there was plenty of room between top and bottom, it could work however I did see one problem.. “But sir.. that’ll mean Brian’s head will be right.. um.. between my legs sir” I said with a chuckle as I looked around for a reaction, both Charles and Peter raised their eyebrows and I noticed that wasn’t the only things on the rise.. Brian smiled..

“Good point Mikie.. Hmm.. (I saw his cock twitch).. I guess sometime you’ve got to take one for the team” he said quite seriously as he looked down at what was about to be in front of his face.. “Well, we’re all grown men, well nearly.. (he laughed realising my age).. I’m sure it won’t be a problem will it Mikie, we’ve all got the same bits.. what do you think?” He said which I thought was very thoughtful of him asking.. “You’re right sir, if you’re ok with it then so am I” I replied as I felt my cock stiffening up, mine wasn’t the only one either.. even Brian’s was on the rise now.. the plan was in place..

“Right.. scoot forward a bit Mikie, let’s get this sweaty legs up” Peter said as I felt both is and Charles out their hands on my knees.. I scooted to the edge of the bench but the guys were having a problem getting a grip on my sweaty legs.. “Maybe you can help Brian, grab the lads ankles and give him a lift up” Charles asked and Brian smiled.. “It’ll be my pleasure, anything to help and get seated” he said as he bent down to grab my ankles nearly pushing the door open with his arse.. and with me sitting right on the edge his head came perilously close to making contact with my now fully erect manhood.. “I don’t know, these young lads have 24/7 erections don’t they guys” Brian said with a giggle as he raised my legs up opening them wide and placing them onto Peter’s and Charles’s laps respectively, both guys grabbed my thighs pulling them toward their now stiffening cocks..

“Success boys” Brian said as I lay back against the back wall.. “Are you comfortable MIkie, don’t want to climb in there and you not be happy” Brian said as he looked down at my slumped body, I reached up putting my arms around my new friends shoulders which seemed to pull them closer to me.. “I am now Brian.. thank you for your concern” I answered and it feel good as my hands slipped down to my friends waste.. I could feel them holding on to my thighs with their hands running up the insides back and forth rubbing in the sweat as Brian tried to get onto the bottom bench.. “Nearly there” he grunted as her finally got seated and as I looked down I could see his head right there between my legs, brave man.

“Shame about the chess match though Brian” Charles said striking up conversation as I get their hands getting very close to my hanging balls and with Brian looking directly at my throbbing cock he’d noticed how close their hands were getting.. “Hey.. maybe Mikie can help out” Peter said as Brian looked up.. “Oh I know nothing about chess sir” I said laughing as I noticed Brian had put his hands up between the other guys legs, I felt them on the backs of my thighs as their legs widened.. “I wasn’t think of that Mikie.. maybe you could look after Angie for a few hours.. she’s a really sweet girl, no trouble at all.. it’s just an idea” he added and I could see Brian’s brain working,

“That’s an idea Brian, my buffet won’t go to waste then” Charles added as they both looked at Brian, I could feel their fingers glancing across my balls as my cock pulsed, Brian looked up at me, it was an idea I think he liked.. he didn’t want to miss the chess game.. “I’ll be home by 8ish which is Angie’s bedtime anyway, she’s got school in the morning.. I’ll give you a ride home too.. it would certainly help me out mate.. I’ll make it worth your while” he said softly as he briefly glanced down at my solid shaft.. I guess I could forgo my massage for today, I had nothing else planned.

“I only had a massage booked sir, I’m free otherwise and be glad to help” I said smiling and seeing the relief on his face, Charles looked over.. “Don’t worry about that Mikie, I’ll get Kelly to reschedule you” he said and it looked like I had a job lined up… “Excellent Mikie, this chess match means a lot, so very good of you.. thank you” he said sweetly as he looked down at my throbbing boner and the guys fingers rubbing the sweat into my balls.. “Scoot forward a bit, don’t worry, the boys have a god hold on you, you won’t fall” Brian said excitedly and I thought I was on the edge of the bench but I did as asked and eased myself forward some more..

“Oh that’s perfect Mikie” he said as my cock was almost touching his face and my arse was hanging over the edge totally exposed and very quickly I saw Charles lean forward and I felt a hand slip further under with a finger pushing into my sweaty arse, “Just relax yourself Mikie.. we’re all boys together here, you’re among friends” he said softly as Peter’s hand moved from my balls to wrap around my shaft gently pulling the foreskin back to expose my shiny swollen helmet.. Brian leant forward and slowly ran his tongue up my exposed shaft as Peter’s fingers opened giving him access, I sighed in appreciation as tingles ran through my body.. “Mmm you got a nice cock Mikie” Brian said softly as Peter held on to the base while Brian ran his tongue softly and slowly around the big purple head..

Charles leant further forward and pushed his finger gently into my arsehole causing another excitable moan.. “Mmm, he’s got a nice tight arsehole too” he said as he eased further in and I just lay back moaning softly as Brian wrapped his lips around my sweaty cock with Peter slowly wanking the base.. wow.. I was shaking with pleasure and could feel the hardness of their rather impressive manhood’s pressing against my thighs together with Brian’s hands still wedged between their legs, I never thought four guys in a very small two person sauna could be so much fun.. “Are you alright Mikie” Peter said softly concerned that they may be going too far.. I gasped.. “Oh yes sir.. this is great” I replied as I lifted my body up not only giving Charles’s hand more room but pushing my cock further into Brian’s mouth which judging by his increased suction was appreciated..

Charles’s finger pushed in further and it forced me into a gentle thrusting motion pushing my cock in and out of Brian’s warm mouth, aided by Peter’s exceptionally good masturbation technique allowing Charles’s finger to push in and out finger fucking my arsehole.. “Oh this is exceptionally good young man, I think we’ve all taken to your young body” he said excitedly and then as I brought my hands up and over the front I saw Brian’s eyes widen as I reached across, moving my legs forward slightly, and took hold of both their wonderfully hard cocks, Peter gasped as I wrapped my fingers around his thick shaft, “Oh good lad.. initiative, I like a boy with initiative” said Charles as I grabbed his long boner.. “Oh this is so good guys.. Wow” I said softly as I started to jerk them off while Brian slipped and slurped around my cock taking it deep into his mouth, I felt the tightness of his throat and not so much as a hint of gagging, this guy knew how to suck cock.

I think this was the first time I’d had two different cocks in my hands together with my own cock in a warm attentive mouth and was really hoping that Brian wouldn’t be in too much of a rush to take me home tonight, I was loving his attention even though sweat was dripping off me and with his saliva running down into my arse adding lubrication to old Charles’s finger I was in absolute heaven.. and I was getting close.

My breathing was increasing as I neared my finale and with that the speed of my masturbating was having the desired effect as both Peter and Charles became breathless and the faster I wanked Charles the harder her finger fucked my arse; it had the same effect on Peter who was still wanking me into Brian’s mouth..

Charles was the first to crack.. “OMG son.. oh yes.. god yes” her cried as his spunk came flying out the end of his long dick which seeing that seemed to spur Brian on as his suction increased and seeing the thick white stream fly into the air landing on the old man’s chest seemed to spur Peter on who was quick to follow.. “Fucking hot Mikie.. oh yes lad.. oh yes.. Mmm” he sighed as he let out a loud grunt as his spunk flew out landing on his chest, Brian’s eyes were going back and forth watching them shower their loads and I wasn’t far behind them as my body tensed up shaking..

“OH MY FUCKING GOS YESSSSS” I cried out as Brian took my full load down his throat, he didn’t bat an eyelid as spurt after spurt shot into his mouth and he didn’t flinch as he swallowed quickly keeping up with the flow, his eyebrows raised as he looked up at my screwed up cum face.

Peter released his grip as he and Charles caught their breath both looking down at their friend who was sucking the last few drops out of me with widened eyes, my softening cock slipped out of his mouth.. “Damn that was a lot of cum Mikie.. good lad” he said as we smiled at each other.. “Just a brief token of my appreciation mate, I’ll pay you for looking after Angie too but boy, that was really nice” he said softly as he pulled away letting my dick flop down.. her glanced at the other guys.. “Wow boys, looks like you enjoyed it too” he said with a chuckle as Charles pulled his finger slowly out of my arsehole..

“Shall we hit the bubbles, bubbles are good” said Peter as Brian got out from his seat and stood up.. his boner wasn’t quite satisfied and boy was it big, he saw me looking directly at it and smiled and as I straightened my legs Charles stood up.. “You guys go ahead.. I’ll go see Kelly and rebook the lads massage and get a taxi organised for Mikie, shall we say an hour Brian, is that cool for you” he said as he strapped down.. “Perfect mate, we’ll go squeeze into the bubbles” he said laughing as Charles opened the door..

To Be Continued….
게시자: britguy
1년 전
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dmf399 1년 전
Where do I sign up?
mugrunch 1년 전
Luv it
Leomoore 1년 전
Another great experience, lucky Mikie.  More to cum with Angie and Brian later then.  Busy boy.