Robert and I Part 3

Sleeping with My brother Part 3
After dinner with Mom and Dad, my brother and I decided to get ready for next weeks mid term exams. We both went up to my room and each found a spot to study. I was sitting at my desk, and he found a chair by the closet. For the next couple of hours, we both studied for our exams. It was getting late, and we decided to get some rest. I took my pajama’s into the bathroom and washed up and got dressed. When I returned he then went into the bathroom and got ready for bed. “Jen before we get into bed can I ask you something?” “What’s up?” “Are we doing the right thing?” “My heart says yes.” “My heart feels the same way.”
He took my hand into his and leaned in and kissed my lips. My mouth opened to receive his tongue. Our eyes closed. Our lips pressed against one another. Our fingers interlaced together. At that moment we both knew that there was no turning back. It was meant to be. After we kissed we separated and got into the bed. I was laying on my right side and he was also on his right side. I snuggled back as tight as I could get to him. He put his arm around me, and it wasn’t long before we were both sleeping.
As I awoke the next morning, Robert still had his arm around me. I felt so loved and comfortable. I laid there before he awoke thinking what was in store for the both of us. I wanted so much to be his girlfriend and make him happy. At the moment, there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to make him happy. When he awoke I turned to him and smiled. “I am so happy that you want me as your girlfriend. I love you.”
Sunday we spend all day studying. Then we hoped that we would be ready for the tests the next 3 days at school. Monday we had testing all day, Tuesday was the same, and then Wednesday was the last of the testing. I felt confident that I did well and was relieved that it was over. We would get the results on Friday morning at school. We were both exhausted from studying and just needed a day to relax. I felt relaxed knowing that all the testing was over until finals at the end of the year. Now maybe Robert and I have some free time to move forward with our relationship.
As we both got into bed on Wednesday night, our minds turned to again being Bf and Gf. I laid down and then Robert laid behind me on his back. “Are you okay? Is there a problem? Did I do something wrong?” “No everything is fine. I am just thinking about us and our future together. Try and relax and get some sleep. We had it hard the last few days at school.” I closed my eyes but was unable to fall asleep. Then I felt Roberts arm move across my body, but not at my waist. His arm was higher up and his hand laid upon my breast.
It sent a chill though my body. As I laid then with my eyes closed, I felt him open his hand and lay it on my breast. Slowly he massaged it with his fingers. Moving so sensually around my nipple. I can’t begin to explain the feelings that were running through my body. He caressed my breast as he massaged my nipple. Then feeling him press his body up to mine. I pushed back to let him know that I was his. He continued to massage my breast, all the while sending chills throughout my body. Then having pleasant feelings in my virgina.
I started to moan as he massaged my breast. Slightly laying on my back. He hand moving over to the other breast. Then I feel his tongue on my ear. Running up and down the earlobe. Sending more chills through my body. I never felt anything like this before and I wanted more. He ran his hand across both of my breasts and then down on my tummy. OMG the feelings are wonderful, and I don’t want him to stop. My instinct was to grab his cock and bring him pleasure as he was doing to me. I moved my hand down between us and went to take his cock into my hand. “Jen this night is for you and you alone. You have been so very kind to me over the last week that I just want to repay you if I can.” “Brother I want you to feel the same pleasures that you bringing to me.” “Another time Jen. I owe it to my girlfriend to share my love for you. Just lay back, close your eyes, and let me bring you the same pleasures that you have given me.
I moved my hand and closed my eyes. Then I felt his hand move under my pajama top. Working his way up to my b**sts again. Feeling his bare hand brought me more pleasure than before. His fingers playing with my nipples. They have become erect and sensitive. My body shaking as the chills from his hands race through my body. My moans are loud, and I can only enjoy what Robert is doing to me. After massaging my breasts, I felt his hand move down to my tummy. Running it from side to side. My virgina dripping with my juices. If only he would touch me there.
As I lay there I wondered where my young brother learned to do what he was doing to me. Was it natural and instinctive. My brothers hand sliding across my tummy and slowly lowering downs towards my virgina. He must have known that I wanted his hand over my virgina. Then I felt his fingers slip under the waistband of my pajama bottoms. I waited for a little bit before I had to remove my pajama bottoms and then to feel his hand and fingers next to my pussy. OMG Robert make me your woman tonight and not your little sister. I want to be forever yours.
As I slipped down my pajama bottoms, he knew exactly what I wanted from him. His fingers slid over my tummy and getting lower every time they crossed from one side to another. As it neared my pussy he ran his fingers and hand up and down my thighs on the outside. Adding to the anticipation of what is coming next. Slowly caressing my legs and thighs. Then he moved to the inside of my legs, and he worked his hand and fingers upwards. As he neared my pussy he moved again to the outside, but I felt his hand touch my pubic hair. Sending big chills through my young body. Slowly and sensually moving ever so close to my now wet virgina.
Then he slowed and moved his finger across my lips. My body arched upwards as he touched my virgina for the first time. Nobody has ever touched me there and The pleasures that I now feel were amazing. His middle finger sliding up and down my wet clit. After a few moments he took his hand to his mouth and tasted my juices. “Do I taste sweet for my lover?” “Your juices are very sweet my love.” “Take as much as your want. My body is now yours.” With that he moved his hand back to my pussy. Sliding up and down across my clit. Chills racing through me.
“Robert press ever so gently down and rub me up and down. He tried to do what I ask but not sure he knew what he was doing. I took my hand and put it over the top of his. Pushing down on his finger against my clit. My juices made out fingers wet and made then slid easily across my virgina. Then as we added pressure I helped him increase to pace of rubbing. I could feel the pleasures building inside of me. I have never felt anything like this and was not sure what if anything will happen. As we stroked my virgina he leaned in and started kissing my ear again.
With the pressure of our hands together and him kissing my ear my body started to shake. “OMG Robert, I am feeling things that I never felt before. Please don’t stop. Please don’t stop.” I arched my body upwards and as soon as I did, I had to most amazing feeling cascade through me. My thighs clamped them together and holding his fingers on my virgina. Shaking and bouncing up and down with waves and waves of pleasure racing through me. OMG what is this. Is this what an orgasm feels like. Is this what it feels like when he cums out of his cock? My body still shaking as I hold his fingers tight against my clit. His breath in my ear. As my body was calming down and the chills subsiding from me. I took his hand from my virgina and turned over to face him. I took my arm and placed it over him and leaned up and kissed his lips. My tongue pushing into his mouth. Holding him tight against my body.
I pulled back, “Oh Robert, I have never felt anything like that in my life. If that was an orgasm then I want more of them from you. I can only hope that you feel the same when you cum. I can’t thank enough for bringing me pleasure in a way that I have never felt. I love you so much and will be forever your girlfriend no matter what life throws at us” “Jen I feel the same way about us. You are an amazing young woman, and we will grow together as one. Only to learn as we move forward. I am willing to be your boyfriend as long as you will have me.” Laughing, “That will be forever.”
Let’s get some sleep and see what tomorrow brings. “Robert can I ask you something?” “Sure Jen. What do you want to know?” You are about to turn 16, were did you learn about sex?” He chuckled, “Honestly Jen. Talking to the older guys at school and Dad has some very good magazines hidden away that I look at from time to time.” ‘Were can I learn?” “Talk to some of the older girls at school. Most of them will tell you anything that you want to know. Especially how to suck a boys cock. Ha Ha.” “Maybe I should get a few pointers before I suck yours. Ha Ha.” “No Need as we both an learn together.”
To be continued.
게시자: Goodhummer
2년 전
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fannylicker57 23일 전
Seems like the parts are 'coming together' nicely.......
Goodhummer 발행자 2년 전
Working on Part 4