Part 1
I was sitting in the living room, waiting for my mom to come home. This new job of hers meant that she was spending a lot of time hobnobbing with new clients, leaving me to house-sit all evening. It was really boring. You'd think that having the house to myself on a Saturday would be a dream for an eighteen-year-old, but none of my friends lived close enough for them to come over, and I couldn't go anywhere myself either. It almost felt like being grounded, except that my internet privileges hadn't been revoked.
Having my Xbox made the wait easier, but I eventually got bored with that too. This house-sitting thing had happened a few times recently, and playing the same games over and over was only entertaining for so long. What I really wanted to do was go to the gym, go running or drive in to town and hang out. Being stuck at home and having to stay here... that's what was starting to bother me.
Eventually, I switched off my console and tried finding a decent movie to stream instead. There, I found a pleasant surprise. The director's cut of Justice League had been made available, so now I had four hours of new entertainment to look forward to. Feeling perked up, I decided to make an evening out of it. I spent half an hour in the kitchen baking a pepperoni pizza, and once it was in the oven, I went upstairs to take a shower. Twenty minutes later, I was back on the couch in the living room with a steaming hot pizza and a bottle of Coke, dimming the lights and starting up the movie.
About three hours in, I heard noises at the door. Then the doorbell. It was just about an hour from midnight and I guessed - correctly - that mom had come home from her evening out. I hit the pause button and took a break. It wasn't the first. This was a long movie. I went to open the door. I suspected that, like the last time she had gone out, mom wasn't able to unlock it herself... and I already knew why.
This new job of hers meant a lot more money and responsibility, but also involved going out to restaurants and events, wining and dining important clients. Whenever she did that... she'd come home more than a little bit tipsy. Not falling-over-in-the-yard drunk, but definitely enough to make her struggle getting her key in the keyhole.
Out of habit, I looked through the peephole just to check that it wasn't a burglar who had made it all the way out here into the sticks. As I thought, it wasn't. Instead, there was my mom in her black party dress, half bent over, still trying to get the lock open herself but also ringing the doorbell every once in a while. Opening for her, she practically fell into my arms as a result of leaning against the door.
"Hi, mom."
"Hi, sweetie... oof... almost fell over there, heh!"
Looking down the driveway, I could see the company limo that had taken her home. I gave a wave and the driver set off, having seen mom getting home safely. I closed the door and put an arm around mom, leading her to the recliner chair in the living room.
"Ooh, this is nice... being carried to bed by my strong, handsome son." she cooed playfully.
"You're not heavy, mom. And we're just going over here, all right?"
I moved her towards the chair, but just as we passed the couch, mom grabbed the armrest and swung herself down on that instead.
That was a bit of a spanner in my works. I had planned to have the couch to myself and leave my drunk mother in the chair. I could take the chair myself, but it didn't have a great angle to the TV. The best place to sit and view the screen was the couch... which now had my mom slumped down on it, leaning up against the armrest.
I let out a sigh and went to the kitchen, getting some soda to drink for the both of us. I also took some of the leftover pizza and chucked it in the microwave. She could probably use something to eat. If she didn't, I'd have it. That pizza had come out really tasty.
When I returned to the living room, mom was trying to take off her shoes. Not succeeding, though. I placed the pizza and a glass for her on the table and kneeled down in front of her.
"Here, mom, lemme help you with that."
"Aww thanks, babe..."
I started to undo the laces on her high-heeled shoes while she ruffled my hair.
The laces went up past her ankle and some way up her leg. That's why she hadn't been able to untie them - it required a bit of dexterity. I also had to hold her by the ankle because she didn't sit still, and she started giggling when I touched her lower leg. She wasn't really ticklish, but she seemed to enjoy it when I held her foot a bit tighter.
I eventually got her shoes off and she pulled her feet up under herself as she curled up on the couch. I went to put her shoes away. They were really nice. Expensive. A benefit of her new high-paying job. Her dress was really nice too. As I returned to the living room, I took in the sight of my mom in her black attire.
She looked really classy. Her whole appearance was that of a truly beautiful woman - the kind who makes people turn their heads to watch her whenever she walks past. She was still only in her early forties, having given birth to me when she was very young. Her hair had been done up by some expensive stylist and she had a pearl necklace around her slender neck. The dress was short, the hemline stopping midway down her smooth thighs. Further up, it also had a deep but narrow cleavage, showing plenty of skin while keeping most of her firm bosom hidden from the world.
I figured that her beauty was part of the reason why her employer had placed her in charge of buttering up their most important business associates. The other reason must be that she was really good at her job. Having divorced my deadbeat dad just a few years after I was born, she had done amazingly combining her fast-moving career with raising me on her own.
She didn't seem that way now, though. Right now she seemed more like a drunken college student than a capable business woman. This was pretty new to me - she hadn't been one to get drunk too often until recently. Or maybe she had and I just hadn't noticed. Now I did, though, and whenever she drank too much, she'd get a bit weird like this.
I sat down next to her, deciding not to cede control of the best view of the TV. Figuring she'd fall asleep in a few minutes, I leaned back and started up the movie again. Mom took a bite of the pizza and drank some soda. Then she turned her attention to the screen.
"What are we watchin'?" she said, slurring her speech a bit.
"Justice League."
"Cool... isn't that an old movie? I thought..."
"Yeah, it came out a while ago but this is a new version."
I did think it was kinda cool that mom knew about superhero movies. One of the side effects of having a mother who was this young, I guess. Sitting there next to me, she started watching the movie properly - even though she was three hours late to the party. I wasn't a huge fan of talking during movies, though.
"I love Wonderwoman, she's so beautiful... and Aquaman... he's so hot..." she said.
She put her hand on my thigh. I didn't think anything of it at first. Mom and I touched each other all the time, hugging and kissing like family members normally do. She moved her hand up and down for a while, stroking me casually while the movie played. Eventually, she looked over at me.
"Can you get me another drink?" she asked, still slurring.
I leaned across the table to refill her glass when she stopped me.
"No, a real drink - a brandy? Or scotch?"
"Oh... uh... all right..." I replied with a sigh.
She didn't really need any more alcohol, but she wasn't completely hammered, so I thought one more couldn't hurt too much.
I stood up and went to the liquor cabinet, pouring a glass of her favorite whiskey. Not too much, but not a ridiculously small amount either. I brought it over to her, and she tapped her toes excitedly on the floor as I gave it to her.
"Thank yoooou, babe!"
"No problem."
"I love you sooo much."
"Love you too, mom."
She downed the drink in one - I didn't even have time to sit down. Then she held out the glass and looked at me with her beautiful doe eyes.
"More, please?"
"Moooom... I wanna watch the movie." I objected.
"Just one! Last one, I promise..."
"All right..."
I got her another one and made sure she didn't throw it back right away. I sat down beside her and resumed movie night, giving her the glass and letting her enjoy her drink. She drank it a bit slower this time, putting the glass on the table once she was done. Then she leaned over onto me and rested her head against my side.
"God, those men are so hot..." she mumbled, watching the actors on the screen.
She was right, of course, but it was still a bit weird hearing my mother talk like this. It was like hanging out at a party with a drunk party girl. Thinking about it, it was kinda cool that my mom was youthful like this... but it was also kind of strange.
The movie kept playing. I managed to get back into watching as mom stopped talking. Eventually, she put her feet up and lay down on the couch with her head in my lap. The movie was getting really exciting as it built towards the climactic final battle, and mom seemed to fall asleep, letting me watch it in peace.
Without thinking, I put my hand on her and started stroking her back. Because she was on her side facing the TV, it was easier to stroke her further down, so my hand soon found itself resting on her hip. Moments later, it moved again. I didn't even realize that I was touching my mother's round bottom, but that's what I was doing.
One of mom's hands was on the top of my thigh. At first, it just seemed to rest there, but then I noticed that it was moving. Stroking. Touching. Mom had her head in my lap, the back of her head nudged up against my stomach. Then her hand moved.
"Men... I love men - they're so hot... sooo hot..." she mumbled.
Her hand definitely moved, right? I could feel it nudging my lap. The middle part. The between my legs part. I swallowed, not sure what to make of what was happening.
"Mmm... mmhm..."
She kept mumbling while stroking my thigh with her hand, occasionally touching me between my legs. What was going on? Stroking me once may have been accidental, but the hand wasn't going away... Was she actually touching me down there? On purpose? My heart started beating faster. My pants started getting tighter and tighter as my member hardened. She was definitely touching it now. I felt her hand on my lap, kneading at that hard spot and causing it to stiffen more and more until I had a big bulge down there under my mother's hand.
"Uhm... mom...?" I whispered.
She didn't respond. She just lay there, breathing softly as if she was sleeping, but also stroking my manhood actively with her hand. I swallowed heavily. What was I going to do? What could I do? Mom was effectively lying on top of me, resting her head on my thigh, so I couldn't just stand up, could I?
I tried nudging her slightly, stroking across her hip and back to see if she was awake. She moaned sleepily, but didn't stop touching. The feeling started to overtake me. No woman had actually touched me down there before. It was really good. I was torn between wanting to sneak away and wanting her to continue.
As the superheroes on the screen were battling away in all their glory, mom took it further. Nimbly and without warning, she snuck her hand down the inside my pants and started touching me directly. My cock twitched as her fingers stroked across it, jolting again and again when her hand closed around the shaft. I couldn't believe what was happening. Mom was actually stroking my naked cock underneath my clothes.
Then she went even further. With a surprisingly quick motion, she opened my zipper and let my pounding erection out of its cloth cage. Earlier in the evening, she hadn't even been able to unlock a door, but now her fingers nimbly fished out my virgin cock and held it up right in front of her face. Before I had time to reflect on the implications of events, it was inside my mother's mouth.
The sensation was incredible. Warm, soft, wet... all at once. Being uncircumcised, the head of my cock was insanely sensitive. Her hand pulled at my flesh until the swollen head was revealed, and as soon as it registered my mother's wet tongue, millions of nerve signals were sent right to my spinal cord, causing muscles all over my body to jerk uncontrollably. I started breathing faster and faster. My pulse was going crazy.
"Mom... mom... oh... shit..." I moaned, unable to control anything of what was happening or how my body would respond.
"Mm... mmm... mmh..." mom moaned too, her mouth being filled with her son's pulsating penis.
Shouldn't I do something? Could I do something? Anything? Stop her or... say something? A million thoughts were flying through my brain as I tried to come to grips with what was going on. On the screen in front of me, amazing scenes of a modern superhero movie were playing out. Down in my lap, the head of my beautiful mother was moving up and down as she started sucking me more and more actively.
"Fuck... this isn't possible... This isn't happening..." I whispered to myself.
I genuinely couldn't believe it. It was too unreal. Receiving my first blowjob was incredible enough. Getting my cock sucked by my own darling mother was downright impossible. She wasn't actually doing this - my mom surely wouldn't do something so depraved. My brain kept telling me that it wasn't real. It just couldn't be real.
Suddenly, the doubts gave way to the feeling. She was too good. Even in this drunken state, she was too good at what she was doing. Mom's wet mouth was stimulating my extremely sensitive nerve endings in ways I could only have imagined until now. She moved her tongue back and forth relentlessly, causing the feeling to grow so intense that I had to forcibly stop myself from screaming. She licked at me, slurped at me, licked and slurped, licked and slurped...
"MH! MMH! MMMMHHH!!" I shouted, covering my mouth as I came.
There was no holding back. I just erupted. My vision became all spots and flashes as I filled my mother's mouth with my cum.
"Mmh... mmmpphll...mmmouth..." I heard her mumble, still slurping, eagerly drinking my slimy ejaculate in her drunken stupor. I saw her head lift up, holding position above my lap so that her mouth could stay on the tip of my cock until my orgasm had finished completely.
"Oh my God, mom..." I whispered hoarsely as my mother ceased her sucking and the bad guy in the movie got his head kicked through a portal.
Once she was done, her hand nudged my waning erection back under my pants. She didn't say anything. She just breathed calmly and put her head back on my lap. Moments later, the movie was in its epilogue and mom seemed to have fallen asleep.
Now what? Should I move? Could I move? Could I even get off the couch without waking her up? My heart was still pounding. My mind was filling with questions as the credits rolled across the screen. Eventually, I turned off the TV and scooched slowly to the side, holding mom's head so it wouldn't drop too quickly. I figured that it was better to move now while she was still drunk and asleep.
I carefully slid sideways off the couch and left a small pillow under mom's head. Then I quietly made my way upstairs. I felt an overwhelming need to shower. Clean myself. Get rid of any evidence of the forbidden thing that had just transpired. For the next ten minutes, I stood under the running water, washing the remains of mom's saliva off my private parts. It felt like it took forever to get clean.
I almost felt violated. Afraid. Nervous chills ran down my spine and made me shiver despite the hot water trying to warm me up. All the porn I'd watched over the years, all the fantasies I'd had, all the locker room talk at school about sex and women... nothing had prepared me for what this had really been like. None of that felt as real as what had just happened. On the one hand, it had been amazing. Exciting. On the other, actions in the real world... may have consequences. What if mom remembered what had happened when she sobered up?
I didn't get much sleep that night.
As luck would have it, mom didn't remember a thing. Apparently, she had woken up on the couch half-way through the night, stumbled up to her room and collapsed on her bed. Then she had fallen asleep again and stayed that way until noon. She never mentioned anything of that night and behaved as if it had never happened. At first, I felt a bit weird eating Sunday lunch with her, but I tried to move past it and act normal.
When she went out to another one of these business dinners a few days later, I got really nervous. Couldn't think about anything other than what happened the last time. Was it a complete fluke? Was there a chance it could happen again? Did I even want it to happen again? The very opportunity was incredibly exciting, but it was also scary. Really scary. I had been really lucky last time, both in terms of what happened and mom forgetting it all... Having that kind of luck again was really not guaranteed.
I spent hours agonizing over it. Trying to take my mind off it, I did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen, the living room and my own room. Then I made myself sandwiches, did some school work and watched some Netflix. Anything to not sit still and think about the possibilities of what might happen when mom came home. The anticipation was killing me.
Then she came home... and nothing happened. She hadn't been drinking much, she was her normal, caring self, and just came home to spend the evening with me and watch some TV. I was actually relieved. I could relax now. Mom really didn't remember anything, this had been a one-time thing and I didn't have to worry about any consequences.
After a few more weeks, it almost seemed like a distant dream and part of my brain started questioning if it had even happened. There were still elements of it that I couldn't forget, though. Specifically: the sensation. Yes, the circumstances were pretty insane, but even though I had been completely unprepared for what happened and that it had been with my mother, the fact remained that I had received my first blowjob and that it felt amazing.
My horny teenage brain would frequently return to that moment in time and let me relive it. Every time, I would obsess over the details. The feeling of her tongue licking over my swollen glans. The way she sucked the head gently as my cum started spewing forth. The way she stroked my thigh before the whole thing started. The delightful sounds she made...
I understood now why some guys were so obsessed with blowjobs. Once you had been there, receiving one from a skilled giver, experiencing that pleasure again was going to be high on your wishlist for a good long while. As time went by and the shock from the event subsided, my fantasies revolved more and more around this.
Months later, blowjobs had become a regular fantasy of mine. Having a girl place her mouth on me, licking and sucking away... Every time that image entered my masturbatory fantasies, I would cum like nobody's business, stream after stream shooting from my cock as I furiously jerked it. I usually did this in the shower, so that it would be easy to clean up afterwards. Sometimes, I would fantasize about something happening in there, picturing a female form sitting on her knees, sucking me off instead of using my own hands...
"Mom!" I called out. "You're gonna be late! I can see the limo outside!"
"I'm coming, I'm coming, I am..." she responded, stressed out by her own tardiness.
It was her own fault. She'd had over an hour to get ready, so what was the problem? Shower, hair, makeup, clothes... how long could that take?
Okay, so she did look amazing. She tiptoed quickly down the stairs while putting in her earrings, making her firm breasts bounce up and down as she ran. She was wearing a red cotton dress that clung tightly to her toned body, leaving just a little bit to the imagination. The rest of her ensemble matched perfectly: red shoes, lipstick and nails, a black purse, belt and dark hair... a perfect combination of colors. Her dress was really classy, not too short - perfect for the yearly company Christmas party.
"How do I look?" she asked as she checked herself in the hallway mirror.
"You look great, mom. Really great. Beautiful." I answered, truthfully.
"Thanks, hon."
She blew me a kiss and waved as she ran out the door. Once again, then, I was left in charge of the house while mom was out.
This time, I didn't really think too much about 'that thing that happened'. Since I knew she was going out, I had set up an online gaming session with a couple of buddies of mine. This whole Friday night was about playing Fortnite, drinking sodas and eating pizzas. Living an hour away from the city wasn't that bad when we had a powerful broadband connection. Distracted by this wonderful teenage world, my mind was not really thinking about anything else.
Then mom came home early. Before midnight, in fact. That's weird, I thought. Hadn't she said something about spending the night at a hotel near the office? I went out into the hall to meet her as she stumbled in through the door, and discovered that she was in a really bad mood.
"Hey, mom. You're home early?"
"Fuckin' loser..." she mumbled as she dropped her purse on the floor and shut the door behind her.
"Er... what...?" I said, thinking for a second that she was talking about me and feeling a bit hurt.
"George. Fuckin' George..."
Okay, so it was someone else. I thought I remembered her mentioning that name once or twice. Some guy at the office, right? Must be.
Mom took her shoes off and wandered into the living room. She seemed a bit unsteady already, but went over to the liquor cabinet anyway.
"Drinks at the party not good enough?" I asked, slightly sarcastically.
"Mh... 're pretty good... Had s'more in the car too..."
Her speech was already sounding slurred, and her whole demeanor was that of somebody who'd had a few, so I figured she'd been drinking quite a bit. She didn't show any sign of stopping, though, as she poured herself a full glass of brandy, filling it up as if she was pouring lemonade.
"Uh, mom... take it easy, please?." I said concernedly.
"Yah..." she just sighed and slumped down on the couch, glass in hand, spilling some of it in the process.
She put the glass down on the table and started licking the brandy off her hand. Then she noticed the small pools on the floor and did something I really hadn't expected: she slid down on her knees and started licking it up!
"Mom! Come on, let me get a cloth for that..." I interjected, hurrying to the kitchen.
As I came back to the living room, mom had gotten back on the couch and pulled her legs up under her, sitting there and drinking with a dejected look on her face. I wiped the floor with a damp cloth and then went to the wash room to put it away. When I returned, mom had emptied her glass completely...
"Okay, mom, let's... I mean... should you get to bed early, maybe?" I said, sitting down on the couch next to her.
"Nah... I wanna... fffind the remote..." she said, picking it up off the table and leaning back as the TV screen came on.
She started clicking through the channels, not really paying attention, as if she wasn't really looking for anything in particular. Sighing and snorting derisively into the air, she was clearly upset.
"Are you okay, mom?" I asked.
"Fuck, yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" she replied with a clear tone of sarcasm in her voice. "There I am, ready for fun and the guy's got no game. Fuckin' George... Talks big, sayin' I look hot... He's all like: "Hey, baby, if we'd been alone I'd do you right now... I'm man enough for you, are you woman enough for me... I got what you want, I got what you need..." Then, when a girl actually wants to fuck in the copier room, he's all like: "Oh, my wife, I love her so much, I gotta get home..." Fuckin' loser... all talk, no action... I mean, what's a girl gotta do to get some cock in her pussy 'round here?"
I felt a hot flush spread across my face and ears. The hairs on my neck were standing up. It was really shocking to hear my mother talk like this. Normally, she was so grown up, so professional and proper. I started to get it now. She wasn't like this when she was sober. When she got drunk enough, her whole personality changed, turning her into what seemed like a horny college girl. She became much more direct, no longer using any kind of diplomacy in her words. Throwing around words like 'fuck', 'cock' and 'pussy' - she didn't do that normally, certainly not when talking to me.
She leaned forward and picked up her glass from the table, finding it empty and looking disappointed. Just as she seemed like she was going to get up and fill it again, though, I got an idea and jumped to my feet.
"Let me get that for you, mom." I said and snatched the glass out of her hand.
"Aww that's sweet, babe... Ffffinally a man who... knnnows how to treat a woman right..."
She leaned back on the couch again and smiled at me. I took her glass over to the cabinet and stood between her and the bottles so she couldn't see what I was doing. Then I executed the plan that had suddenly occurred to me: I made her a scotch and soda. Maybe I couldn't stop her drinking, but I could definitely slow it down. Downing neat brandies all night was a bad idea.
"Here you go." I said and handed her an almost full glass of mostly soda.
"Thanks, baby..." she said and happily started drinking from it.
That was another thing she didn't normally do. She didn't call me things like that. Normally, mom treated me like her son, calling me things like 'son', 'sweetie' or 'honey'. When she got drunk, it seemed she started calling me by other names... I started to wonder: did that mean that she was also seeing me differently?
"So... how was the party?" I asked hesitantly, sitting down on the far end of the couch some distance from her.
"Oh... pretty good..." she mumbled, sipping from her drink.
"Okay, that's... good."
"Just didn't get laid, s'all..."
"Uh... sure..."
"Cause I thought maybe... we'd go... hotel room... fuckin'... screw each other's brains out... but noooo! "Oh, I miss my wife..." blah blah blah blaaah... If you can't play the game, don't fffuckin' sit at my table, loser..."
Mom emptied her drink and sighed again.
"Man, I need a cock so badly right now..."
A nervous chill ran down my spine. I could feel my face reddening. The thoughts of what might happen this evening filled my brain and all sorts of scenarios started playing out in my imagination. Whatever was going to happen could just be minutes away. I got so nervous that when I looked down at my hands, I could see them shivering. I just couldn't sit still. I had to get out of here.
"Another one? With ice... and a twist?" I asked and stood up to take her glass.
"Yeeees!" she said with a beaming smile.
I approached her and took the glass out of her hand. As I did so, her fingers stroked my arm for a second or two. Her other arm started touching the outside of my thigh. She looked up at me and said in a slurred voice:
"It's so sexy that you're takin' care of your woman like this..."
"Of course I will, mom." I replied quickly and stepped back.
My heart was pounding as I walked over to the kitchen. My woman? I mean, technically, I guess she kind of was. She was a woman and I was the only man in the house... and I did help out with housework, so we were sort of a team, helping and supporting each other, being there for each other when we needed something... but that wasn't what she meant, was it...
I filled her glass with ice cubes and a slice of lemon before heading back, my heart still racing as I thought about my mother's current 'needs'. As I walked over to the bottle of scotch I'd left on the counter by the wall, I could see mom lying on the couch with her eyes closed. It looked like she was asleep. I filled her glass once more, this time making the drink even thinner. Then I took it over to her and sat down next to her head.
"Here it is, mom..." I whispered.
"Are you asleep?"
I had a strongly mixed feeling. On the one hand, my heart sank as I realized nothing was going to happen. Mom was really drunk and falling asleep right here. There would be no repeat of that amazing night from before. The throbbing erection in my pants testified that I had gotten really worked up and extremely ready for that. On the other hand, I felt kind of relieved.
I took a deep breath and figured I'd better tuck her in before going upstairs. I leaned slowly over her to get the blanket that was rolled up at her feet. Pulling at it with my free hand, I managed to get it about half-way across her lower body, but I needed to get up and put the drink down if I were to cover her properly. Just as I was about to move, though, I felt her hands push me back down.
"Where... goin'...?"
"Uh hi, mom... I'm just gonna..."
"C'mere... gimme that..."
For a split second, I thought her hand was moving to take the glass out of my hand. Then I realized that she wasn't going for the glass at all. Instead, she grabbed my cock. I let out a surprised yelp as she started squeezing at it through my clothes.
"Yah... that's... mhm... need... need that cock..." she mumbled, kneading at me and pulling at my clothes.
I quickly leaned forward and put the drink away on the table. Then I pulled my pants all the way down to my feet, giving my mother access to everything she wanted. Putting her hand around the hard shaft, she gave out a satisfied moan.
"Oh, God... mom... you're... you're doing it again... You're really doing it..."
She did. Without hesitating at all, she just moved over to me and put her head in my lap. Her mouth went onto my cock. There was that wonderful wet feeling again. Oh, my God, it felt good...
"Ohh... Oooh, mom! It's so good!" I exclaimed, quickly losing control.
"Mmh... ssfflllpp... mmmfflllpppphhhh... ssslllrrrpphhh..."
Slurping noises started filling the room as mom sucked eagerly at my oversensitive member. My eyes were swimming and I had to shake my head just to be able to see clearly.
At first, it was amazing. The feeling... incredible. Her hand squeezed my cock, making it jerk and pulsate at her touch. Her experienced mouth was licking and sucking at me... I looked down and couldn't believe my own mother was actually doing something so dirty. Actually taking a cock in her mouth and slurping away at it like this... this was the kind of slutty behavior I'd seen in porn. Not the kind of thing I associated with my mom.
There was one difference from last time, though. This time, it took longer. The first time she did this to me, I had blown my wad in... what, a few minutes? Seconds? This time, it felt like it went on for hours. She was less active than last time, her movements slower and less determined. Her mouth sucked at the shaft occasionally, and her tongue licked over the sensitive head again and again, but not in a way that caused a build-up towards an orgasm.
It was beginning to feel like torture. Intense, but not going anywhere. I looked down at her again. She lay on her side with her head resting in my lap, barely moving. I looked at her face. Her eyes were closed - she was really out of it. Drunker than last time, less conscious, unable to make the effort needed to take me to orgasm. Going on like this, I probably wasn't going to cum at all.
Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore. I concluded that I needed to take matters into my own hands. Careful not to disturb her, I moved my hand down and slowly grasped around the shaft standing there in front of my mother's face. I started masturbating, moving slowly at first, gradually building up speed.
I put my other hand on the back of mom's head, supporting and holding her up to my cock, trying to get her mouth to touch it while I was jerking myself off. It felt like it was working. I'd just need another minute or two...
Then mom shifted. Moved up a bit further and took over again. She put her hand around my cock and her mouth went down on it, preventing me from giving myself the stimulation I needed. I felt both turned on and frustrated.
"Mom... I need to cum... I need to cum, mom..." I whispered repeatedly, almost stomping my feet on the floor in frustration.
Eventually, she lifted her head and looked up at me. Her eyes looked completely cloudy. Drool was running down her chin. She started mumbling, but I couldn't catch what she was trying to say. She was so drunk, she was struggling to speak clearly.
"What...?" I said, asking her to repeat herself.
She put herself up on one elbow, trying to sit up a bit nearer to me.
"Wanna fuck me...?"
A cold chill ran down my spine. Without thinking, I nodded. Mom started sitting up and tried to pull her dress up. She needed help with both. As she practically fell backwards onto the couch, I held on to the bottom of her dress so that it was pulled off over her head. She started laughing as she lay on her back, then she pulled at her panties. I helped pulling them all the way off and threw them on the floor.
"Yeah, make me naked... I wanna be nakeeed!" she said, laughing and grinning as she lay down on her back.
I looked down at my beautiful mom. She had a fairly small frame - less than five and a half feet tall, medium build with gorgeous womanly shapes in all the right places. She wasn't wearing a bra, so she was now completely naked. The sight of her round, medium-sized breasts gave me chills. I had never actually seen a naked woman up close like this. Unlike seeing naked girls on the screen of a computer, this was so real. I swallowed nervously as my gaze drifted further down.
She was so... naked! Her hips, her thighs, her whole legs... smooth, naked skin, right in front of me. I looked at her cute, naked belly... then further down... Her mound was trimmed, only a short tuft of hair remained, the rest was shaved clean. As I moved a little closer, mom lifted her left leg and put it out to the side, throwing it casually over the back of the couch. She was wide open. For me. I swallowed again.
My pants were still around my feet, so I stepped out of them in order to move over to her. I positioned myself with my right knee on the couch, just on the outer side of her butt. I kept my left foot on the floor. Mom lifted her other leg, putting it up and around me so it wouldn't be in the way. She still seemed really out of it due to her drunken state, but didn't seem to have a problem moving her legs around.
I looked down. This was it. I couldn't believe it. This was really happening. My cock pointed straight out towards mom's naked pussy. Her legs were spread out, exposing everything for me. Again, it felt so real, so different from anything I had seen in magazines or porn. I leaned forward a bit, feeling my cock nudging up against her opening.
My heart was pounding, I was so nervous. My hands were literally shaking as I put them on the sides of her hips. I struggled to find the right way to push in - this wasn't as simple as the porn actors made it seem. I took so long getting into position that I had time to process what was happening, and the gravity of the situation was beginning to overwhelm me. Was I really about to fuck my mom?
"Mh... c'mon..." I heard her moan under me, giving me the encouragement I needed.
I moved myself forward and started pushing harder against her. Suddenly, I felt my cock slip inside her tight opening.
It felt warm. Wet. As I pushed further in, it felt tight and slippery. I was about half-way in when I felt the need to stop and breathe for a second. My heart was beating so fast, I felt a throbbing in my throat and needed to take a breath. Then I felt mom's hands on my butt. Pulling me in. Nails digging into my skin.
"Mmmhh... yeah... fuuuck..." she slurred.
A second later, I was all the way inside her.
"Ohh... fuck... it's so good, mom..." I whispered back, closing my eyes and enjoying the feeling.
For the longest time, I just stood still, my cock buried deep inside my mom's tight channel. Unlike when she sucked me off and stimulated small areas one at a time, I could now feel my whole cock being squeezed by her insides. I felt it throb and pulse from the feeling, even when I wasn't moving.
Mom lay still under me, moaning happily.
"Mmmmhh... yeahh... fiiinally... a biiig... fat... cock... in my pusssssyyy..."
Recovering from the initial shock of what was happening, I grabbed her hips and pulled her in. My foot slipped back and forth on the floor, and my hips bucked into her as my body instinctively started fucking the naked woman underneath me.
Wet slapping noises started filling the room. I moaned. She moaned. We both moaned and grunted louder and louder as my thrusts grew more and more powerful. Mom kept muttering encouraging words in her drunken stupor.
"Uhhh... fuck... fuck... me..."
"Yes, mom, yes... fuck... oh my God!"
My orgasm was rapidly approaching. This felt so good that I couldn't hold it back. I wanted to make it last longer, but there was nothing I could do.
A nervous fear entered my head. I couldn't cum inside her, right? Memories of awkward conversations with my mom flooded my brain. I wasn't supposed to even have sex with girls without condoms, right? That's what she'd warned me about - I was supposed to be careful. But this was mom, and it was my first time, so there wasn't any danger of STDs, right...? So the only thing I had to be careful of was not to get her pregnant... but mom was a grown-up and definitely on the pill... right...?
These thoughts distracted me for a few seconds, but then the sensation overwhelmed me. Before it was too late, I quickly did what I'd seen guys do in the pornos: pulled my dick out and started jerking it moments before I came. Mom fell back flat on the couch as I shot it all over her. Jerking my slippery shaft furiously, three thick streams of the white stuff shot out of me and landed on her belly. My head was spinning.
The next thing I remember was sitting on the couch, breathing heavily. My hands were sticky and drops of man juice were still dripping from my limp cock. I looked over at mom. She lay still on her back with her eyes closed, gently stroking her belly and smearing the remains of my cum onto her skin. I just sat there, looking at her until she stopped moving. Seemed like she was falling asleep.
Eventually, rational thought returned to me and I started to process what had just happened. Just like last time, the fear of being discovered became the most important thing on my mind. I started pacing the floor almost in shock, repeating the same phrase over and over:
"Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God..."
I needed to clean this up. Had to do whatever I could to avoid mom noticing anything. I hoped she wouldn't remember anything, like last time, but I realized that if she woke up tomorrow and noticed that she was naked and had cum all over her body, she would probably be able to put two and two together.
I walked to the kitchen to fetch some paper towels. Then it occurred to me that those could be discovered too, when mom emptied the trash. It would be better to use cloth towels and wash them before going to bed. I spent the next ten minutes using damp cloths to wipe everything down. Every surface in the area; floor, couch, table, mom... I was extra careful when moving around her, but I did eventually manage to wipe her hands, belly and genital area as clean as possible.
When I had finished cleaning, I put mom's panties and party dress back on her. It wasn't too difficult, as she was both drunk and partially asleep. Once she was dressed, I lay her back on the couch and put a pillow under her head before tucking her in under a blanket. Hopefully, she would wake up later, not remembering a thing and thinking that she had collapsed as soon as she got home.
Before going upstairs, I put the towels in the washing machine along with some other stuff and started it up. Then I headed to the bathroom upstairs to clean myself off as well. I took my time in the shower, letting the warm water wash away any trace of my having had sex moments before. As I went to bed, the physical and mental exhaustion from the evening's events overpowered the nervousness I was feeling, and I quickly sank into a deep, dreamless sleep.
Part 2
For some reason, I didn't think about the events of the night before when I woke up. I just stumbled out of bed, washed my face and put on some clothes. Then I drowsily went downstairs and chucked a frozen pizza pie in the oven for a simple Saturday morning breakfast. I dropped down in a chair in front of the TV while waiting for it to cook.
Still nothing. My brain wasn't properly awake, it seemed. It just thought about how tired I was and that I could have stayed in bed for another hour or two. I started negotiating with myself - maybe I should go back to sleep? No, because I was also hungry and I wanted that pizza pie. But I could sleep here on the couch after breakfast, right? Sure, unless my body had woken up by then. Thus it went back and forth until the timer sounded in the kitchen. For the next ten minutes, I just sat on the couch and ate my breakfast while watching morning shows.
Then mom came down the stairs. Looking haggard. Her hair was messy and she was wearing a long nightshirt. As I looked in her direction, it all returned to me, what we'd done the night before. That she'd come home drunk again, and that I had... shit... that I had actually fucked my own mom.
For a few seconds, the fear returned and I dreaded the confrontation that was about to hit me over the head like a twenty ton weight. Was she...?
"Mhh... morning..." she mumbled as she walked past, heading to the kitchen.
"Morning, mom..."
"Any juice left..?"
"Yeah, there is. In the fridge."
So far, nothing. She just went to the kitchen and got herself something to drink. No comments about last night, good or bad. My heart rate started to slow down as it seemed she didn't recall the previous night's events - if she had, she would surely have taken my head off by now. The least I would have expected was a thorough chewing out. Seeing that none was forthcoming and that mom just started making herself some breakfast, I tried some small talk instead.
"How was the party?" I called out to the kitchen.
"Meh. All right, I guess...." she replied while making herself a sandwich.
"How... long did it last?"
"Don't remember."
"Was it fun?"
"Sure... probably... It's a bit of a blur... that usually happens when I drink too much. I think... there was something about a... George? Or... something. Whatever. I'm hungry."
She turned away and started wolfing down her sandwich. Okay, so her memory was a bit fuzzy. Again. Good news for me. I breathed a sigh of relief, glad to have escaped the possibly dire consequences of my actions once again. As long as mom was nearby, though, I still felt that sword of Damocles hanging over me - that threat of suddenly being punished by her righteous fury. Eventually, I left the living room and went upstairs, just to avoid having to face her.
I didn't need to worry. Mom didn't remember a thing. She seemed completely oblivious to anything that had happened after leaving the party, and she didn't seem too bothered about it either. Most people would probably be annoyed that they have a hole in their memory, but mom was pretty relaxed about it, saying that this was a common occurrence whenever she got sauced. Over the next several days, she behaved like nothing at all had happened between us, because as far as she was concerned, nothing had.
I, on the other hand, kept reliving the moment in my head. The moment when I stood over her, looking at her beautiful naked body. The moment when I slid inside her, feeling her wonderfully tight channel contract around my pulsating shaft. The moment when she pulled me closer, encouraging me to fuck her faster and harder...
Every time I got horny over the next several weeks, mom was all I could think about. The sight of her, the sounds she made when I thrust in her, the incredible feeling... Rather than thinking of the girls at school, supermodels or movie stars, fantasizing about one of them going down on me, I would jerk off in the shower, picturing the sight of my mother's head bobbing up and down in my lap. All I could think about was having sex with my mother, wishing that it would happen again soon...
Then, once I'd had an orgasm and my head cleared, I felt ashamed. Damn, I had actually fucked my own mom. While she was drunk and helpless. Shouldn't I do something about this? Stop it from happening again, somehow? Take some precautions in case it did?
I was walking through a supermarket when that thought occurred to me. I had just passed the shelves with condoms and other 'intimacy paraphernalia', and I swallowed nervously at the prospect of buying such things for the first time. Like any teenager needing to build up the courage to do so, I walked around in the shop a dozen times before chickening out and leaving empty-handed.
I then debated the issue in my head. I mean, even if I never did anything with mom again, I should have some condoms, I thought. Every guy should have some of those. And practice using them, so that when the time comes, you don't spend half an hour trying and failing to put one on. That's how I justified it to myself. It wasn't really that I wanted to keep having sex with my mother - it was just a sensible, reasonable thing to do. Yes, that was it.
I drove for almost an hour to a completely different store way on the other side of town. I never came here, so nobody'd recognize me, I thought. It was also a pretty big store, giving me anonymity in the crowd. Still nervous, I walked in, started filling up the cart with soda, snacks, toothbrushes and lots of other random items... and throwing in a pack of condoms, hoping it would 'disappear' in the pile. My heart was still racing as I went to the checkout.
Of course, nothing happened. Nobody said anything. No strange looks from the cashier or other people hanging around. It felt like everybody was watching me, ready to comment on the fact that there were condoms in my pile of shopping. Somebody was probably going to shout out my name and ask what I was doing with those, right...?
Nope. Nobody cared. Luckily, most people are focused on their own issues and not what other people have in their shopping cart. Making my way out to the car with bags full of stuff I didn't really need, I felt elated that I had escaped with my mission accomplished without negative consequences. Once I was back home and in the safety of my own room, I hid the condoms in a drawer underneath a pile of notebooks from school. Mom definitely wouldn't find them there.
Not that she went looking. She didn't search my room, certainly not to look for condoms, porn magazines or anything like that. As long as she was sober, mom was nothing like that sexual creature who'd behaved in such a shockingly slutty manner - she was just... mom. The woman who could do it all - be a home maker, a career woman, a nurturer. The woman who helped me with my homework, who encouraged me to pursue my interests... It was just when she got drunk that she'd become a totally different person.
So they stayed in the drawer. There weren't many opportunities to use them, because she didn't go and get hammered all the time. And because I wasn't too interested in pursuing other girls. I did open the pack a couple of times, to practice. Got myself hard, pulled the foreskin back and rolled on the rubber sheath like I'd seen in instructional videos... It wasn't too difficult. I even tried jerking off while wearing one - although that felt a bit weird.
I felt confident that I could master their use once the opportunity arose, though. Now it was just a matter of waiting and hoping. Being ready. If she came home like that again and the chance to delve into that forbidden world of sex with a drunken minx presented itself once more, I would make sure I had protection on hand.
But the weeks went by. Then they turned into months... and no such opportunity came. At first, I was hopeful. Then I started growing restless. Impatient. Antsy. Hoping something would happen soon. Then I grew dejected. Losing hope. Feeling like it wasn't going to happen. Then I was disappointed, coming to the realization that after such a long time, it wouldn't.
As a substitute, my fantasies started growing bolder. I would jerk off in the shower, fantasizing about mom being in there with me, naked and horny. My thoughts would get more and more depraved, involving more and more outrageous sex. Oral, anal, threesomes... in my mind, we'd do it all. Then, instead, I squirted out my teenage boy juices all over the shower walls.
I'd fantasize about shooting them out somewhere else. On mom's face, on her tits, on her belly... or maybe in her mouth. I'd picture her mouth slurping away at my throbbing cock, not stopping even if I started cumming. Happily, she'd slurp away and swallow it all. Instead, there I was, jerking off in the shower, watching my cum being washed away into the drain as my orgasm subsided. And I'd return from my fantasy world, being forced to live with the disappointment that it wasn't real.
Still weeks and months later, my grandma was having a birthday party. Since it was her 70th, it was one of those big ones - a party with caterers and the whole extended family present. Not really my kind of party, because it was just a bunch of older people all asking the same questions and having the same conversations over and over, but at least the food was great.
I dressed up in my nicest suit and made sure I was well groomed before going. I had also made sure to bring my own gift, being considered an adult at this point. The biggest change in that respect was that unlike the parties five to ten years ago, I was no longer seated at the k**s' table. Instead, I found myself at the end of the row, with my mom next to me on my right. Since there was nobody to the left of me, I'd be able to quickly leave the table any time I wanted to go for seconds at the buffet.
And like I said, the food was great. There was a long buffet table placed against the far wall. On it, there were trays of meats, fish, potatoes, rice and vegetables in all sorts of amazingly prepared variants. I went straight for the chicken wings. I also grabbed a few small pieces of bread, some potato salad, some lettuce and lots of cherry tomatoes to give the perfect blend of different tastes. When I returned to the table, my plate was adorned with a kaleidoscope of colors.
As I ate, I noticed that while the caterers just maintained the buffet, there were also waiters keeping people's glasses topped up. I had soda, of course, but as one of the servers refilled my glass, I noticed that I'd been given champagne by mistake. As she passed me again, I quietly asked her:
"Excuse me, could I have some soda instead, please?"
"Certainly, Sir." she said with a smile and took my glass, returning soon after with a new one and placing two glass bottles of soda in front of me.
The girl kept moving around, filling up people's glasses, and I returned to my meal. It was delicious. The wings were perfectly spiced, the potato salad had just the right consistency and the bread was simply divine. Some cook had really put their heart and soul into this. Mom was enjoying it too, I noticed.
Then I noticed that she was also enjoying her drinks. A slight nervous tingle went down my spine. She probably wasn't going to get all wild and hammered here at our family party, but my thoughts nonetheless went back to those times when she'd come home drunk... This time, I got to witness the whole process. Mom drank glass after glass of champagne, and while she didn't seem to get all messed up like a prom queen at a frat party, I did start to notice a few things.
First of all, she started getting a bit more... physical. She would hug people more, touch them, kiss their cheeks... Again, nothing crazy, just a little bit more interested in physical contact. To the people around her, I'm sure she seemed like her normal kind-hearted self, but I definitely noticed this little change.
She also laughed more, even if people told bad jokes. The next thing was the way she talked. She became a bit more direct. Just a touch, but noticeable if, like me, you were paying attention. Instead of dressing something up or sugar-coating it, she would go straight to the point. When talking to a relative who was slightly unhappy with her husband's mood of late, mom didn't beat around the bush and say something like: "maybe he could make a bit more of an effort in the relationship"... Instead, she just called him a "jackass who should work harder to please his woman".
Nobody else seemed to notice these little things. Maybe because other people were drinking too... or maybe because her antics did fit with the mood and the conversation, but I still took note of how she gradually changed as she was served more wine. The way she talked, the way she laughed... Then there was the way she moved.
When she swayed her hips, I couldn't take my eyes off her. That lovely body of hers - neither too thin nor too fat... she'd squeezed it into a tight-fitting dress that ended just above the knees. As she walked across the room to mingle with our relatives, it clung to her hips like plastic wrap. When she turned and bent down a bit to talk to one of the k**s, I could see the contours of her wonderfully round medium-sized breasts. The cleavage wasn't too deep - this was a family party, after all - but I could still see a patch of naked skin between her breasts. I had to force myself to stop staring after a while.
Because there were quite a lot of people present, it took time to get seconds at the buffet table. In fact, there was a bit of a line building up, mostly because the older people were pretty slow movers. It was probably about half an hour or more since the first time I helped myself to a plate, but honestly, that was probably a good thing. Otherwise, I'd have stuffed myself so fast I would have gotten a stomach ache.
I saw the line and decided to wait, spending some time talking to people instead. Across the table from us were my cousins, Roy and Ellie. Very nice people who I really should make an effort to see more often. We started talking and had a lovely conversation about life, school and just catching up in general, and we also talked about the food. They told me to try the tiny sausages if I hadn't already, so I eventually made my way over to the buffet again, even though I had to wait in line for a while.
I filled my plate with the same things as last time, except that this time, I tried the tiny sausages recommended by my cousins. They were about the size of baby carrots, and the taste was amazing. I took as many as I could fit on the plate and made my way back to my seat.
Mom sat on her chair and chatted cheerily with the people around her. Having had quite a few drinks by now, she was more than a little tipsy. Not really drunk to the extent that she was becoming unpleasant, but clearly a bit... lively. As I sat down next to her and put my plate on the table, she turned to me and smiled.
"Heyy, you found the mini sausages? Good, aren't they!"
"Yeah." I just said, nodding and preparing to dig in.
"I prefer sausages to be a bit bigger, myself. The bigger, the better, in fact."
She sniggered. I felt myself blush a little bit. She was pretty bold, saying things like that in front of everybody... or maybe they didn't understand what she meant? I was pretty sure I did.
Then, just as I moved my chair forward, she went further. Mom leaned in and whispered to me:
"Like this one, for instance..."
Suddenly, I felt a hand on my lap. Without warning, her hand started kneading my cock. Not hard, just giving it a gentle squeeze. Not for long either, just a couple of times. Then she pulled her hand back and returned to her conversation with the person on her right.
Suddenly, my mind was on anything other than the food on my plate. I was swallowing hard and my face felt warm. I was probably blushing like mad. Did that really happen? Did my mom just grab my cock right here at the dinner table?
I moved further forward until my stomach was up against the edge of the table. The tablecloth now hiding my lap from the world, I could breathe a little easier knowing that my hardening erection wouldn't be seen by any passers-by. Then I couldn't breathe easy anymore, because mom's hand started stroking me again.
She kept talking to one or two other people over on her right side, but her hand was definitely kneading my dick now. That wasn't just an accidental or coincidental touch last time. She was stroking and squeezing it through the fabric of my pants, and I felt it jolt and jerk as her fingers touched it in sensitive places.
I tried to act cool by eating some food off my plate, but it was getting more and more difficult to focus. I was desperately hoping nobody around us noticed what was happening. Suddenly, I heard a voice next to me:
"Another drink, Sir?"
Startled, I stuttered for a few seconds, trying desperately not to blush too much.
"Y-yes... th-thank you. Uh... some bottles of... yeah, thanks..." I said as the server was already replacing the empty bottles on the table with fresh ones.
In my lap, mom's hand was still stroking me. She was talking to someone else, but didn't take her hand off me for a second.
"These... sausages are really good." I told the girl serving me just as she was leaving.
"Thank you, Sir, I'll pass that on to the cook - I'm sure he'll be delighted to hear that."
She went about her business and I started stuffing my mouth with food to avoid having to talk to anyone. Seconds later, I heard another voice, this time from my right:
"I love sausage too... In fact, I sure wouldn't mind a bit of sausage in my mouth right now..."
She wasn't even whispering that time. I swallowed again, trying to get rid of that lump in my throat that made it hard to even get the food down. Without thinking, I put my fork through a sausage on my plate and held it up to her.
"You can have one of mine if you want."
"Mmmm... thanks..." she replied, leaning in and taking it in her mouth.
Just as I looked over at her, she winked and sucked it right off the fork. I swallowed heavily.
"Yummy. I was right. I sure liked having that sausage in my mouth."
"I'm sure the sausage liked being in your mouth too."
Mom winked at me again, flirting with her own son right there in front of everybody. I looked around nervously. It didn't look like anybody had noticed anything; people were all talking back and forth between each other, not really paying any attention to me unless I talked to them.
Mom's hand was still stroking my cock, which was standing hard as a rock by now. Pushing and straining up against the fabric of my trousers, it was begging to be set free, throbbing and jolting as my mom touched it under the table. She kept turning to her right to converse with people over there too, then turning back to me every few minutes or so.
"So..." she said the next time she talked to me. "Is that the only sausage you have for me... or can I have some more?"
I was getting really turned on by now. Mom was clearly flirting. This incredibly attractive woman was actually flirting with me. Even though people could see us. I almost felt like I was getting drunk, being both confused, turned on and nervous. It was like I was feeling insecure and confident all at the same time.
I skewered another sausage with my fork and held it up to her.
"You can have as much sausage as you want, mom."
"Awww, thanks, honey..." she replied, parting her lips slowly and looking me in the eyes while I fed it to her.
"There you go."
"Mmmm... thank you. Mmm... tasty."
"Yes, they are, aren't they?"
"Mhm... although... they could be a bit more... meaty."
"Mhmm... and maybe a bit... harder."
As she said this, she gave me a squeeze under the table. I was losing my mind. I couldn't believe she was teasing me like this... and there was nothing I could do about it either. We'd be stuck here at the party for hours still.
"Well, I'm sure you can have some of your favorite sausage as soon as we find a place where they have it." I said, feeling frustrated.
Mom was smiling and twirling her hair between two fingers.
"You think so?"
"Yes, of course."
She kept smiling. Then she took her hand away from my lap and grabbed her glass of champagne. She quickly drained it and stood up, taking my hand and pulling me to my feet.
"Wha... where are we going?"
"We're gonna have sex."
"Whaaa...? Uh... okay..."
My heart started pounding as I realized that she hadn't whispered that either. She walked in front of me, still holding my hand as we made our way through the crowd of people mingling around in the room. Thankfully, the sheer amount of people meant you'd have to speak up if they were to hear you, so there was a good chance that nobody had caught anything. The lack of any uproar from our relatives nearby probably also meant that her words had not caught anyone's attention.
Mom swayed her hips as she walked in front of me. It was subtle, but I knew she was doing it on purpose. My eyes stared at her round ass, I just couldn't look away. Her heels clacked on the wood floor. She looked around, walking out of the big ballroom, eventually deciding on the foyer.
"In here." she said, darting towards a door near the entrance.
We made our way inside what turned out to be a walk-in closet. Once inside, she turned to me.
I was pushed up against the wall. Then she grabbed me and kissed me. Passionately. Not like a mother kisses a son, not like that at all. She pushed her body up against mine and sucked me in, kissing me like nobody had done before. Her soft lips, her lively tongue... she opened her mouth and invited me to do the same, our tongues licking back and forth as we sucked and slurped at each other's mouths.
I could feel her nimble fingers opening my zipper. She expertly opened my buttons as well, pulling down my pants and causing the 'sausage' she wanted so badly to bounce up and down in front of her. Then she bent over and pulled down her panties. She didn't even take off her dress - she just pulled it up a bit and stepped back towards me.
"Right here. I'm so wet right now, I want it right here..."
She was breathing heavily. So was I. She leaned in and kissed me again, more and more aggressively. Then she spun us around so that her back was against the wall, and put one of her legs around me. My cock stood right up between her thighs, stroking her moist pussy. She was opening up to me, it was just a matter of hitting the right spot.
We were both panting. Bodies rubbing up against each other, me pushing her up against the wall, she putting her arms around me and pulling me in, both of us kissing and sucking each other's tongues like mad... Then I felt the sensitive tip of my cock beginning to make its way in between her excited folds...
It suddenly hit me. The condoms! Shit! I hadn't thought to bring them! Of course I hadn't. This was a family birthday party - I hadn't expected my mom to get drunk here, and even if I had, I wouldn't have expected this. To end up having sex in a closet, with our whole extended family walking around outside? It was so far from anything I could have imagined.
Doubt was beginning to cloud my mind as I felt my mother's breath in my ear. She made a slight moan and pushed towards me when I hesitated. Then I felt her hands move down my back and onto my ass, pulling me in towards her, assisting me in my i****tuous act.
"Yes! Oh... fuck, yes!" she moaned as I penetrated her soft flesh.
"Oh... God..." I whispered.
Suddenly, all those doubts were washed away. The feeling of her warm, wet channel enveloping my shaft was enough to make me forget all the buts and the what ifs. I didn't even think about where we were anymore.
She lifted her other leg and wrapped them both around me. I felt my muscles take her weight as I was made to hold her up, pushing her against the wall. Instinctively, I started pushing my hips forward, penetrating her as deeply as I could until I bottomed out inside her.
"Oh, God, yes, please fuck me, fuck me hard!" she moaned hoarsely.
I stabbed at her. Thrust my pelvis forwards and fucked her right there, standing up. It felt incredible. Not just the fact that I was inside her, but also that I was doing her like this - it made me feel manly.
"Is this what you wanted? Hm?" I growled in her ear.
"Yess! Oh, yes, gimme that cock... shove it in deep, fuck me..."
The feeling was even more incredible than the last time. The fact that she was properly awake, properly engaging in our tryst, encouraging me and actively participating... it was such a turn-on. Her warm, moist insides felt like a sheath of slippery velvet. She was so tight that my foreskin was being pulled back every time I slid inwards, exposing the sensitive head of my cock and stimulating it.
I was so turned on that I quickly realized I wasn't going to last long. And while mom wasn't really heavy, holding her up like this was also tiring me out. After just a minute or two, I was beginning to feel out of breath, getting the taste of blood in my mouth from the exertion. I was grunting louder and louder, thrusting harder and harder in mom's wonderful pussy until I felt my orgasm coming.
Then, just as I was about to unleash, mom read my noises and pushed me backwards. My cock slid out of her warm channel and I immediately longed for the feeling of being inside her again. Before I could think any more about it, though, she squatted down in front of me.
"C'mon... gimme that cum... give kitty her milk..." she said, sliding her hand quickly up and down my shaft.
She did it expertly, not gripping too tightly around it, just squeezing gently as she jerked me off faster and faster. My legs started to shiver. I wouldn't have been able to control myself even if I'd wanted to. I started making guttural noises from deep down in my throat, moaning and growling all at once as I lost control.
"There you go... theeeere you go... oooh, good boooy!"
Mom smiled and laughed as she coaxed it out of me. Streams of the white stuff shot out of my cock and landed on her. The first stream hit her neck and started to run down her cleavage. Then I hit her face - her jerking motions causing the cum to shoot upwards and streak across her forehead, nose and cheek. She quickly leaned forward and sucked me in, taking some directly in her mouth. Then she smacked her lips and stopped sucking again, continuing to jerk me off as if she wanted to keep the flow going. Droplets and small drips kept oozing out, and she moved forward in between my legs so that all the stuff would drip down on her chest.
During this whole thing, I moaned and grunted so loudly that my throat was getting sore. Eventually, I could barely speak.
"Uuuuhhh.... uuuhh... Holy fuck... that was... so good..."
"Mmm... your cum is very good..." she said, looking up at me with a grin.
I stumbled backwards and supported myself against the opposing wall a few feet away. On the floor, I could see my mother sitting on her heels, casually cleaning my cum off her face with her fingers and licking it off. It almost looked like she was used to it - like she'd never done anything other than licking cum off her hands.
Coming to my senses, I put my clothes back in order and started thinking about trying to get out of here without being discovered. Mom seemed so careless, so carefree, but I was nervous as hell. As I was listening at the door, trying to hear if there were anybody out there, mom was still smearing my juices out on her skin.
"So... that was fun." she eventually said as she stood up.
"Yeah... Guess you'll need to go and clean up..." I mumbled.
"No." she said, matter-of-factly. "I'm just gonna wear your cum on my face the rest of the night."
For a second, I thought she was k**ding. Then I realized that she wasn't. She bent down and picked up her panties, put them in her purse and simply opened the door.
Before she left, she grabbed my ass and gave it a squeeze.
"Don't go too far. I might want some more sex later."
Then she walked out, leaving me shell-shocked. At first, I thought about waiting in here for a while to ensure that nobody saw us come out of the closet together, but then I thought it might be worse to get caught in here, so I left just a few seconds after my mother.
Thankfully, no one was around. She walked up to a mirror in the hall and fixed her looks a little bit, but still seemed very blasé about the fact that my cum was smeared all over her face and neck. Just as we left the foyer, I could hear her humming to herself:
"Your cum is so yum... cum is so yum..."
Not wanting anyone to overhear that while I was standing next to her, I bolted and went to the bathroom. Since this was a private home, I could lock myself inside and take a breath.
I spent a few minutes in there, cleaning up and coming to my senses. Phew, I thought. My heart was still racing and I could feel the adrenaline in my system, thinking about what I'd just been a part of. Man, that was crazy. Popping off like that, in the middle of a big party, having sex in a closet... with my mother, no less. With our relatives just a few feet away. Shit, this was getting wild. Mom was getting really daring when she was drinking, not even waiting until we got home...
Still, it had been extremely exciting. The spontaneity of it and the risk of getting caught had been part of the thrill, making that little tryst the most amazing thing I'd ever been a part of. As I washed my face and prepared to rejoin the party, I could still hear the echoes of my mother's little moans in my ear...
I went back to the table and attacked the plate of sausages that was still there, largely untouched. Maybe it was the sex that made me feel this way, but I suddenly had a voracious appetite, as if I hadn't eaten anything all evening. Mom was not in her seat, so I figured she was probably wandering around somewhere, mingling. I finished eating and started talking to Roy and Ellie again. I didn't see mom until about half an hour later.
She suddenly sat down next to me and immediately grabbed the empty glass in front of her, holding it out to a passing waiter with a smile.
"Thank you!" she said as it was filled with champagne. "Mmm, this wine is so lovely."
"It is, isn't it?" Ellie jumped in from across the table. "It's from a vineyard not too far from here, where they..."
For the next ten minutes, the conversation was mostly about wine. A subject I knew little about. I sat quietly and drank my soda.
As I looked at mom, I noticed the stains on her dress. And the sticky remains of something on her skin. Her hands, forearms, neck... If you didn't know it was there, you probably wouldn't notice. I knew, though. I knew what it was and how it got there. My mother was sitting at the dinner table, wearing her son's semen on her skin. I swallowed nervously, hoping I was right that it was hard to notice, but also dreading the moment when somebody asked her: "What's that smear on your face?"
Eventually, I stood up. I needed some fresh air. I walked over to the French windows leading out to the terrace and headed outside. It was a bit chilly, but that was all right. I took a deep breath and tried not to let that nervous tingling in my stomach get to me. Then I went back inside. After all, there was no real cause for concern, right? We'd gotten away with it. Nobody had noticed us. There were so many people around that nobody really paid any attention to anyone specific.
I walked around the house for a while. Stayed out of the kitchen, where the caterers were hard at work. Instead, I took a look at some of the paintings on the walls, the chandeliers in the ceiling, the fancy furniture... Suddenly, somebody took my arm.
"Hm?" I turned and saw my mother as she started leading me away.
"More!" she repeated, looking intently at me.
"Uh... oh! Uuh... now?"
"But... uh... where... what... wh-where..?"
She didn't say anything else, she just led me by the arm towards the stairs. In her left hand, she had another half-empty wine glass, which was empty by the time we reached the stairway. She put it down on the bottom step and kept walking me upstairs. As we reached the top, we walked down a long corridor. Nobody seemed to be up here.
"Where are we..." I started.
"Bedroom." she just replied, walking quicker.
We reached a door and she opened it, pushing me inside and locking the door behind us. There was a big bed over by the far wall, with more than enough space for two people in it. I wondered who lived here - had she been here before or just picked a room at random? Before I could ask, she jumped me.
"Wheee!" she cried, pushing me down on the bed and jumping on top of me.
"C'mon, let's have fun! Get this off..."
She started tearing at my clothes. Her nimble fingers would probably have gotten them all off quickly if it hadn't been for the fact that she was drunk. She did tear a couple of buttons off my shirt, but the lustful look in her eyes made me not care so much about anything like that. I started helping, getting my clothes off and throwing them on the floor. Seconds later, she was naked too and lay down on top.
"Mmmm... kiss..." she moaned and started making out with me.
My mother's naked body on top of mine... I loved it. I couldn't resist putting my hands around her. We started stroking and kissing, licking and sucking on each other, everywhere... And yes, I was already rock hard. My cock was rubbing against her as she lay on top, being squeezed by the weight of her luscious body.
Once again, the nervousness went away, replaced by pure lust. I just wanted her. The feeling of her tongue licking against mine, her breasts pushing against me, her scent... it all just made me want her more and more. I was getting frustrated that I wasn't already inside her, and I was getting desperately horny as minutes went by and we were still just making out...
"Eat me." she suddenly said, turning around and straddling me.
Before I knew it, she had lowered herself onto my face and started wiggling from side to side. I could see her whole slit right above my head and her smell immediately started filling my nostrils. Suddenly, I didn't want to fuck anymore, I just wanted that pussy on my mouth.
"Mmmm..." I moaned, grabbing her butt and pulling her down on me.
"Yes... yes!" she moaned in return.
I started licking and sucking at her slit, feeling her wetness dripping down on me. It felt intimate, yet filthy. The taste was strange, but exciting. The best thing about it all was the noise she made... and then there were those little shivers that went through her whenever my tongue hit a sensitive spot.
"Mmmh... mmmmhhh..." I kept moaning, excitedly.
"Yes... yes... oh, yes..." she kept murmuring to herself up above.
Then I felt her wet mouth on my cock again. It was wonderful. I was both giving pleasure to my mom and receiving it at the same time - how could people not just do this all the time?
Eventually, she stopped using her mouth on me and stood up. I was still lying on the bed, looking up at her as she turned. She looked at me and took a second to let her hair loose, allowing it to flow freely down her neck. Then, with a big smile and a glint in her eye, she said:
"Let's fuck!"
She quickly jumped on top of me, straddling my naked body and rubbing her crotch against my swollen member. There was no hesitation. She just moved up, grabbed my cock and steered it towards her opening... and sat down.
Once again, I felt that incredible feeling of mom's tight muscle clasping around me, taking me in all the way to the bottom as she sat down. We both let out a collective sigh of relief and pleasure. It felt so good. She started to move slowly, gyrating her hips back and forth, rubbing herself against me.
"Mmmmm..... sssso young... so... hard..."
I looked up at my beautiful lover. Her gorgeous, shapely body shifted back and forth as she rode me. I reached up and put my hands on her breasts, cupping them gently before squeezing and stroking with a bit more force.
"Oh... yes... squeeze my boobs..." she moaned as I did it, encouraging me to do it a bit harder.
She still rocked gently back and forth, keeping me deep inside her and stimulating her just the way she wanted. Her moaning increased as she started speeding up, getting her more and more excited.
"Yes, this is gonna make me cum..." she whispered, leaning forward a bit.
She put her hands beside my chest and I could feel her weight push us both down as she started riding me harder. My cock was being squeezed and gripped as mom's cunt contracted harder around it. Her juices started flowing in greater and greater quantities, lubricating her channel and causing wet slurping noises to fill the room.
I let my head fall back and closed my eyes, disappearing into a world of pleasure. Mom started riding me faster and faster.
"Oh, yes, fuck!" she exclaimed loudly.
"Oh my God, this is so good, mom!"
"Yes! I'm coming! On your dick, I'm gonna... yes! Uhh!"
She started grinding against my body, gyrating her hips with purpose. Then she started shivering. I felt her get even wetter. She put her hands on my arms, pinning them down to the bed as her orgasm surged through her system. Her face looked strained. She sat there with her mouth open and her eyes closed, yelling so loudly that anybody walking past the room was likely to hear her:
"Fuck... fuck... oh, fuuuuck!"
For a couple of minutes after, she just lay on top of me, breathing heavily and kissing my chest every so often. I reached up and put my arms around her, stroking her back and pulling at her butt. I was still inside her, feeling her insides squeeze me, her wetness dripping...
"Mmmh..." I moaned every time she moved.
Suddenly, she stood up. Again, that feeling of her pussy sliding off my naked shaft left me with a sense of abandonment. I desperately wanted to be inside her again, all the time, forever. Thankfully, she didn't seem to be going anywhere.
"Come on!" she said impatiently as she stood on all fours on the bed.
I jumped up and stood on the floor, moving up to her and taking my place behind her. A second later, I felt myself penetrate her wonderful flesh again.
"Yes, yes, fuck me!" she said loudly.
I didn't care about being quiet anymore. My mom led by example and I responded in kind, moaning loudly and shoving myself deep inside her. I grabbed her hips and pulled her towards me, thrusting into her so hard it almost hurt.
"Huhh, yes... harder, fuck me harder..."
Any doubts or insecurities were long gone. It felt like her encouragement egged me on. The way she reacted when I did something loud or rough... she just wanted more, eagerly moving to meet my thrusts and allowing me to be as rough as I wanted. Every time I pulled her towards me and pushed as deeply into her as I could, she gave out a little grunt:
"Huhh... huhhh... huuhhh..."
"Fuck... fuck... fuuuck..." I started groaning, the stimulation from her tight channel proving too much.
I just wanted to fuck her harder and harder. The slapping noises filled the room as her butt cheeks kept slamming against me. The more force I used, the more she encouraged me.
"Ohhhh yeeees.... fuck, yes, fuck me! Fuck me!!"
"Yes, mom, yes!"
Saying the words made a cold shiver run down my spine. Calling her 'mom' like that while actually having sex with her made what we were doing incredibly real. It was impossible to escape the reality of the situation - that right at this moment, I was actually fucking my mother. And that in her intoxicated state, she was happily letting me.
Her pussy was incredible - contracting and squeezing me in gentle pulses every time I slid inwards. I struggled to keep my eyes open, the pleasure was so intense. I shook my head, trying to get rid of the fog that had descended on my brain. I was getting so horny, I moaned loudly every time I made the slightest move.
"Aaah! Aaaaaaah! Aaah!"
I felt it coming. Deep inside me, it started building, like a powerful crossbow being pulled back, preparing to fire. I had already had one orgasm tonight, but this was so hot and so exciting that I could feel another one getting closer and closer. If I pulled out and jerked it right now, I'd shower her back with my juices in seconds. I slowed down, wanting to make it last longer. I almost hoped that my system would 'reset', so that I could fuck her wonderful pussy all night long...
But I couldn't. The feeling was so good, I couldn't really hold back. Every move I made took me closer to orgasm. Whether I penetrated deeply or only had the tip inside her, the stimulation kept firing signals through my nerve cells, making my orgasm sneak up closer and closer. I was balancing on a knife edge, trying to breathe and think about something else so that I would last a bit longer, but also not wanting to stop. I still had my hands on her hips, stroking her and looking down at her lovely shape - that pear-shaped curve from her waist to her bottom...
Mom clearly noticed that I had slowed down. She looked back over her shoulder and smiled, then started wiggling her ass back and forth in front of me, teasing me and making her pussy bend my cock from side to side.
"Aaah... hoohh..." I moaned and tried to breathe calmly, not wanting to explode right then and there.
"Heheeee..." I heard mom giggle mischievously.
Suddenly, she slammed herself backwards. My cock slid right in to the bottom as she impaled herself on it.
"AAAAH! MOM!" I cried out.
Still smiling and looking back at me, she moved slowly forward, making my cock slide almost all the way out of her. Then she did it again. Jammed herself onto me. Hard. Right to the bottom. I felt myself passing the point of not return. My eyes went completely cloudy.
My moans were becoming desperate as I felt the pressure rise to expel my juices. I was just about to pull out and release when she pushed back onto me again. And stayed there.
"Inside me."
"Inside. I wanna feel it."
I could feel the hair stand up on the back of my neck. Before I knew it, my hands had grabbed her hips and pulled her even harder towards me. My cock was inside her as deep as it would go when the first load of cum spewed out.
"There you go..."
"Aaaah fuuuck!!"
"Theeere you go... good boy... yeeees, deep inside, I love it..."
I started thrusting wildly, pulling mom towards me and fucking her as fast as I could while I kept shooting out everything I had. It was too late to pull out now, all my cum was being pumped into her. I felt her insides get slipperier as I kept fucking her incredible cunt. I just couldn't stop. I had just deposited my semen inside my mother and I still wanted more... Thinking about this made me feel a weird blend of extreme nervousness and limitless desire.
"Fuck fuck fuck..." I kept moaning as I stopped my thrusting motion and just held on to her, pushing in as hard as I could.
"Attaboy..." mom kept whispering to me, still egging me on. "Theeere you go, shoot it all deep in my box. Cream that cunt... fill it up..."
"Ohhh... mom... fuckkk... I can't... believe... uhhh..."
"Mmmm... keep it coming... oh! Yes!"
I felt her pussy contract around my shaft. Milking me dry. I was panting, feeling the taste of blood in my mouth. My head was spinning. It was like I was on the verge of passing out. It felt like my orgasm lasted for several minutes, going on and on and on...
Eventually, mom let herself fall forward flat on the bed, sliding off me. My cock stood straight out, dripping with a mixture of our combined love juices. She flipped over and lay on her back, looking up at me with a cheeky smile.
"Awwww... did I make you cum? Did my little pussy make that big, hard cock cum...? Did I make that big, strong man cum inside my little body...?"
This was such a turn-on. She was still flirting! We had just fucked like wild a****ls, but she was still flirting, never acting like it was over. She started playing with her pussy, spreading out her legs for me and touching herself while looking at me, still with that alluring smile.
"Ooh, look at all that cum... it's oozing out of me... you big, naughty boy, you filled me up completely..."
I looked on as she slid her fingers inside herself and played with the fluids within. She brought the hand up to her mouth and sucked on her fingers while looking playfully at me, licking it off like the incredible slut she was.
"Fuck... you are so beautiful, mom..." I blurted out, completely enraptured.
"Aww thank you, babe..."
My hand grabbed her ankle. Without thinking about it, I pulled her towards me.
"Oh!?" she exclaimed, surprised.
I lay down on top of her. I didn't want this to end - I just wanted more and more...
"Huhh..." I moaned as I slid inside her warmth again.
"Oh! More? Ohh! More for me? Oh! Yes! Keep going, baby! Fuck that pussy!"
I kissed her and felt her arms wrap around me. She kissed me back and it felt as if we were melding together. It was so intimate. We were warm and sweaty, and I slid back and forth on top of her, our naked bodies drenched in our combined body fluids. Her pussy was so slippery now that there was hardly any friction. Splatting and sploshing noises filled the room. I just kept going, hoping it could last forever, pumping gently into her again and again and again...
I don't even remember how it ended. At some point, the love-making stopped - it must have. I came to my senses alone in the shower, so I must have found my way to the bathroom as we ceased our coupling. Suddenly a little embarrassed at my forwardness, helping myself to the facilities like this, I started to hurry up a bit and washed myself off. Mom wasn't in the room any longer, so she must have gone while I was in the shower. I got dressed and went back downstairs, with my shirt missing a couple of buttons...
Downstairs, the party was still ongoing. People were wandering around, apparently eating cake. I had noticed earlier that there was a multi tier cake on a table, and I assumed that was the one that had now been cut to celebrate grandma's birthday. I actually did want a bit of that cake, so I made my way to the table and got a piece to bring back to my seat.
On the way back, I spotted mom. She was chatting with someone, laughing and seemingly enjoying herself, looking like a normal party guest. A quick glance at her showed nothing to suggest that she'd been having wild i****tuous sex upstairs this evening. I took my seat and enjoyed the cake. Not only was it tasty, it also felt rejuvenating - for some reason, I felt like my blood sugar was low.
A while later, it seemed like the party was winding down. Some people had already started leaving. I was beginning to get a bit antsy too. The drive home would be a couple of hours, so I didn't want it to get too late. I went to find mom to see if she was ready to head home. She was still chatting to someone I didn't recognize - a woman who seemed a bit older than her.
"Hey, mom... are you ready to head home soon?" I asked, interrupting the conversation.
"Yeah, sure!" she said cheerfully and emptied the glass of champagne she had in her hand.
"Would you like some more cake before you go, dear?" the woman beside her asked.
"Oh, no, thank you. I'm stuffed. I've been thoroughly stuffed tonight."
She smiled and winked at me. I felt my cheeks warm up, probably turning bright red.
"One last drink, then?" the woman suggested, taking two fresh glasses from the tray of a passing waiter, clearly not thinking that mom had had enough for tonight.
"Sure! One last fill-up." mom replied and accepted the glass... before turning to me and saying: "Even though I've been filled pretty good too."
I felt my face turn even redder and excused myself to get ready. Sure, those edgy comments were sexy and all, but I was getting really nervous that any of the dozens of party guests were going to catch on. I needed to get out of here. I got my jacket and thought maybe I should wait in the car. Then I thought that mom might actually need some help getting there, considering how tipsy she was. At the very least, she might need reminding that it was time to go. If somebody kept offering her more drinks, she might forget she was actually supposed to be leaving.
I hung around in the foyer until mom finally managed to get herself to the door. At that point, I went up next to her and put my arm around her waist, making sure she didn't fall on her way out. She was wearing high heels, after all. And I could usher her out a bit quicker... Making our way to the car, I hoped she wouldn't make any more risky comments before we were alone. Fat chance.
"Mmmm... this was so much fun..." she started saying.
"I can feel your cum running out of me right now."
I swallowed and looked around. There were a few people a stone's throw away, but none of them seemed to be paying attention. I hoped I was right about that.
"Mom, don't..."
"Don't whaaat?" she said, provocatively. "I mean, I can feel it running down my legs right now. It's so fucking hot. You really filled me up. And I love feeling it drip out of my pussy. I like walking around with it running down my thighs while all the people around me don't have a clue..."
"You are such a slut, mom..."
"Mmmm... I love being a slut... I wanna be a slut all the time..."
Embarrassed and nervous, I walked a bit quicker, nudging her along. Thankfully, we made it to the car without incident. I helped mom in and took my place at the wheel.
As soon as we were off, I breathed a sigh of relief. This was the downside to having a drunk slut mom. She'd do wild things when she was drunk, but she'd say things too. It was like her inhibitions completely vaporized - like she didn't care about anything. When she got drunk, she didn't seem to care much about who was fucking her, but she didn't seem to care whether somebody knew about it either.
Now that we were alone, I relaxed and drove us homewards. Minutes later, though, my pulse started rising again. Leaning back in her seat, mom put her arm lazily over to my lap and started stroking me. Gentle, playful fingers stroked my cock, causing it to harden at her touch. Once it was hard and making a bulge in my pants, she placed her hand over the top and just started squeezing. Gently first, then firmly, then gently again...
This went on. For two hours! At first, I smirked a bit, thinking how funny and flattering it was that my slutty mom couldn't seem to get enough of me. Then I started enjoying it, getting hornier as she touched my cock. Then I started getting frustrated. She was just touching, kneading and stroking, not doing anything that would actually take it further.
Fifteen minutes into this foreplay-like behavior, I was sweating profusely. My mouth was dry and a fog had descended over my brain so I could hardly see the road in front of me. Luckily, we were on the highway, and I had the cruise control activated. That still didn't change the fact that I was going crazy, though. It was torture! Half an hour into our drive, I was ready to pull over and fuck the shit out of my tormentor up against the hood of the car...
I started looking for a decent place to stop, but couldn't see one. I started moaning more and more desperately, almost whimpering as mom kept rubbing my cock. At one point, I wanted to beg her to stop. Then I wanted to snarl at her, order her to make me cum or something... After an hour of this, I felt like I was genuinely losing my mind. Sure, we'd had sex at the party earlier, but that was completely forgotten now. Because she spent so much time building the tension back up in me, I was getting so horny, it felt like I hadn't had an orgasm in weeks. And we had a whole hour left to go!
"Mom..." I eventually muttered.
"You're driving me crazy."
She just smiled and kept doing it. I was getting hornier and hornier, squirming in my seat. Normally, foreplay just makes you horny and then you have sex, getting release. This just kept going. I realized now that I was trapped in the car with her, receiving a forced two hour long foreplay session, unable to do anything about it.
"Damn you..." I growled.
"Hmmm?" she cooed, acting innocent.
"You know what, mom?"
"You're a tease."
"I know."
To make matters worse, she started using her free hand to finger herself. She started moaning and making little squealing noises, making me even hornier as the scent of her sex started filling the car. She moaned loudly as she gave herself an orgasm, squeezing my cock harder when it happened. Then she kept going, giving herself another one.
At last! The house... We made it, I thought, and without crashing. My brain was so foggy at this point that I felt like I was driving under the influence. As I drove into the garage, the only thing on my mind was getting revenge on that torturer of a mother I had...
"Out." I said to her, opening the driver door and stepping out.
I went around to the other side of the car and got there just as she was opening her door. She only managed to put one foot out before I grabbed her. I pulled her by the arm and roughly shoved her across the floor. I was angry and horny, not sure which one more than the other...
"Uh!" mom groaned as I shoved her up against the workbench in the garage.
"Quiet, slut." I growled.
"Mmmh..." she moaned, clearly excited.
I bent her over the bench and pulled up her dress, revealing that fine, naked butt. I gave it a slap and put one hand on her neck, holding her in place as I started undoing my trousers with my free hand. My cock was so tender after all her teasing, practically bursting out when it was finally released.
I stood behind her, shoved my cock in between her legs and bent over her, growling in her ear:
"This is going right up your cunt now, that's what you deserve, you fucking slut."
"Ooh, yes, I've been so bad... punish me with your cock..." she whispered, putting her hands on the bench, getting ready.
I was being really rough with her and calling her dirty names... I just couldn't hold back, I was beside myself at this point.
I fumbled around between her legs for a few seconds, getting increasingly infuriated when she wiggled her butt against me, making it more difficult. As my cock finally found her opening, I thrust into her without being careful.
"Huhh! Yes!" she moaned as she was slammed up against the bench.
I grunted in relief. Finally, I was getting what I had been longing for all the way home. Finally, I could feel mom's soaking wet pussy tighten around my cock as it went all the way to the bottom. Finally, I would get the release I craved after two hours of teasing.
I started thrusting my hips forward, grabbing her hair and pulling her back towards me while slamming myself into her as hard as I could.
"Uh! Ahh!" she cried as her body was pushed roughly up against the work bench.
"Shut up, slut." I growled.
The red mist had descended. I wasn't being careful anymore. Didn't even think about it. All I could think about was using her luscious body to satisfy myself. I was going to have my orgasm, and I would use her body to get it.
"Yes! Yes!"
I could hear my own voice growl out as I kept stabbing at her. It sounded dark. Husky. I could feel my cock bottoming out inside her, hitting her cervix and causing her to make loud moans in a mixture of pleasure and pain every time I hit:
"Huhh.. huhh uhh uhh uhh..."
"You slut. You fucking slut. Fuck!" I growled, still holding her hair.
"Yeah, I'm a slut, I'm your fucking slut..." she spoke quickly while gasping and moaning in ecstasy.
Less than a minute later, my legs were already shaking. That familiar feeling of orgasmic pleasure rising, I was neither willing nor able to hold back any longer.
"Make me cum, slut..." I commanded, feeling her pushing back at me when she realized what was happening.
"Yes! Oh yes, cum! Cum in me! Do it!"
"Shut up, slut!"
I pulled out. Then I pulled her down by the hair, forcing her down to her knees. She seemed confused for a second, but smiled when she found my throbbing cock in front of her face. The idea had popped into my head and I just acted on it without thinking. I pushed forward as she opened her mouth for me. Then I pulled her towards me by the hair and felt my legs tremble as my orgasm started.
"Mmphhlrrgghh..." she gurgled as my cock pushed against the back of her throat.
"Sshllpp... shhllghh!"
I relaxed my grip and let her move her head to a position of her own choosing. She pulled back a bit, but kept my cock in her mouth and closed her lips around it. She then looked up at me, slurping and moaning as I emptied myself.
"Good slut..." I whispered, breathing heavily.
That was the last thing I was able to say. I just stood there, legs shaking with exhaustion. My cock was slowly going limp in her mouth as my mother drank every drop of my semen. Now I was spent. She'd managed to make me horny and ready for more so many times today... but now I really was exhausted. Even if the hottest movie star were to walk in right now and offer to join in, I don't think I could have done any more. I tried to breathe, steadying myself against the workbench to avoid falling over.
Mom sat on her knees in front of me. She looked incredible. With her party dress in disarray, her face sweaty and her hair messy, I still thought she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I could smell her. I wanted her. More and more. Today, tomorrow, every day... I could never get enough. Finally, she looked up at me with cloudy eyes and smiled.
"Mh..." I muttered in reply, unable to speak.
"Did you know... you left... the garage door... open?" she asked, still breathing heavily.
"So if somebody... passed by just now... maybe they've seen you... fucking your slutty mother...?"
I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't care. Yeah, I had fucked my mom. I loved it. And I was going to do it again. Mom grinned. Then, after a brief pause, she said:
"Finally... my son is as slutty as me!"
The End
2년 전
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zorba2 5달 전
So perfect
i came 3 times reading this lush story xxx such a lucky fuck having a slutty mum xxx
chris481310 7달 전
I have read a lot of posts here, but I can't even begin to comment on this one except....  WOW just Wow.
SicMic64 7달 전
awesome story thanks for sharing 
CLAIRSBOY2 발행자 9달 전
상대: PSRhodey : I'm glad you liked it.
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PSRhodey 9달 전
Very Erotic Must read it again '
CLAIRSBOY2 발행자 9달 전
상대: alexwettfan : Nothing wrong with being a filthy slut. 💖💖💦💦💦💦💦💦💦
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alexwettfan 9달 전
I have just read this on my PC while my unknowing wife was sitting just a few feet from me. It's just as well, as if I was alone I would have had my cock out and would have wanked and cum way before finishing it. I could feel myself oozing precum, which I will go and sample in a short while. You've made simple BJs and fucks an art form. Beautifully written and wonderfully erotic. The ince*t makes it extra special. I never really wanted to fuck my own mum but I did see her hairy bush once when I was about eleven. I'd love to fuck either of my sisters though, so I must be a filthy slut too! A favourite, of course!! 
CLAIRSBOY2 발행자 1년 전
상대: luv_creampies : What are you going to do? Get reading glasses?😍💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦
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luv_creampies 1년 전
Fucking hell.  I can't stop making myself cum when I read this!!
jimmcd 1년 전
Wow,,,what a read. I got 3 wanks out of it. Very well written. You a master of the pen...Thanks
Ukchris56 1년 전
If only it were true ,and I had a dirty slut like her for my mum
ZakCostello 1년 전
I’d fuck the old whore……….
funpics70 2년 전
상대: CLAIRSBOY2 : very much
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CLAIRSBOY2 발행자 2년 전
상대: funpics70 : Thank you, I’m pleased you like it 👍💋
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funpics70 2년 전
fantastic story
상대: CLAIRSBOY2 : oh great, cant wait to read more sexy hot wanking and cumming loads to them
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CLAIRSBOY2 발행자 2년 전
상대: charliebrown1931 : Lots more where I got that from.
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상대: CLAIRSBOY2 : it surely is the best
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CLAIRSBOY2 발행자 2년 전
상대: charliebrown1931 : Your welcome.
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 love this story, wanked so hard today reading it, such a turn on, one story i will be reading over and over again...Thanks for sharing 
benmacdui 2년 전
Wowww!! I have just read part 1 and ashamed to say I have just wanked myself off. There is a definite ring of truth to your stort,,,,   brilliantly written. I will return to part 2 when I build up another head of semen,,  thanks
상대: CLAIRSBOY2 : the movies here are commercial -  no one has any photographs to share

BUT we still have our words - if you take a break from writing, please cum over and have a looksee at mine, ThXXX  -- make this the place for writers and readers and bump the intelligence factor up a bit on here - BAVO, Clair
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CLAIRSBOY2 발행자 2년 전
상대: -Snap-Crotch-Beaver- : More to cum.
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