If it's Friday it must be Intercourse

I've done some travelling. I'm UK born and bred but somehow unofficially became a US resident for extended periods living in and around Washington DC, also long treks through Europe for work and pleasure has seen me rocking up in an envious list of odd places in equally odd company. The most notable thing, to me at least, is the, at first sight, truly breathtaking place names. This really came to a head after a few visits to Lancaster County, PA. The title of this piece is a direct quote from me on one of those trips before I collapsed in paroxysmal laughter, much to the amusement of my tr… 続きを読む

投稿者 Jacksbackhull 1年前

Fake you or the real you?

It turns out that a surprisingly large number of people experience trembling sexual confidence. They have insecurities or inhibitions which come from several sources: body image issues, afraid to embrace their fantasies, shame of disclosing their kinks. The list can be quite extensive. If that's not you then congratulations, you are comfortable with who you are or who you have become. Anyway whatever the reasons are, there’s a way to overcome sexual confidence issues. How? By creating an alter ego. By effectively becoming someone else, if only temporarily. Alter ego: a person's secondary or… 続きを読む

投稿者 Jacksbackhull 1年前

On new ground. (Part 5 of a long story(

This was new ground. Very new. Not even the same country as she had spent all her time. A different continent in fact. He'd joked about jet lag, or it seemed a joke when he said it but her every thought had turned to mush through total exhaustion brought on by being in a timezone so far ahead of the one she had woken up in just two days before. It had clearly effected him too. Usually their travels were marked by acts of extreme sexual hedonism, but neither of them had excelled themselves since the wheels of the, amusingly branded, Virgin Atlantic Airbus A380 had landed at London Heathrow the… 続きを読む

投稿者 Jacksbackhull 1年前

Oh bugger. Back again.

Jackjoneshull returned. It appears that you can take the pervert away from the porn but he dwells deep within and inevitably returns.… 続きを読む

投稿者 Jacksbackhull 1年前