Hunting for a Sissy: Looking for that cross dresse

So lately a lot more of the CD/Sissy's have begun to appear on the website and they really have been starting to get me hot and heavy. Being the rough tumbler that I am, I would really like to get with one, if possible. Preferably the younger/slimmer the better, but, the idea alone to dominate another man dressed as a girl keeps me hard enough that I think I could stick it to just about any one. ;] That being said. If interested, let me know.… 続きを読む

投稿者 GothamPlayer 10年前 8


So a bunch of people now and then always ask me for a tribute video or pic. So here's the deal: I am open to doing it, but, I need a new/unique picture to do it to. Reason for it is because I hate those like, same 1 or 2 pics that everyone does of you, so as long as I have some fresh new variety, I don't have a problem doing it. That being said, if interested, message me and let me know. Bring some new pics too ;]… 続きを読む

投稿者 GothamPlayer 11年前 1

I have a strong desire to be the bull in a cuckold

Recently a whole lot of cuckolding videos have popped up on my feed, or other friends feeds, etc, and all of them have really given me some dirty ideas. o_o Not sure why, but I really have this desire to not only fuck the wife infront of the husband, but I also have this desire to fuck the husband infront of the wife. Why? I am not sure. Perhaps I want to "humiliate" a couple so this way they want me to come back for more. I mean I really like the idea of being a bull in a relationship like that, but I have found a few kinky videos where, you know, the "normal" hollywood porn portr… 続きを読む

投稿者 GothamPlayer 11年前 9