Aunty Anti, Latest blurbble on the latest gallery

As you can imagine anti porn is not quite as large a subject as Porn. And to this gal,far less interesting. Because I'm busy,I did not have time to do any real research. I threw together a few of what I imagined "Posters" depicting the Anti Porn message might look like. See what you think.… 続きを読む

投稿者 eroti-f 6年前


Scribbles........... I have one of those jobs in a large supermarket chain. The one where I have to be on the floor every day smiling and helping customers to find the Durkee's famous sauce or the balsamic vinegar. I've been doing this for 8 years now. And no I'm not tired of it. I like most of the people I meet and some I really like! You see I'm one of those gals that plays for the other team. If your not able to handle that stop reading this and do something else with your life. I won't go into my history because you will be bored. I'm just like a lot of other women who cope with life and… 続きを読む

投稿者 eroti-f 8年前 2